Clinic "Family" on Skhodnenskaya. Medical Center on Skhodnenskaya Medical Center on Skhodnenskaya

doctors 54

services 870

reviews 80

In the Semeynaya medical center, located near the Skhodnenskaya metro station, patients will be able to receive quality services from the following specialists: physiotherapist, cardiologist, ultrasound diagnostician, surgeon, mammologist, oncologist. Almost all doctors of the medical center have the first or the highest qualification category and practice only innovative and effective methods of treating diseases. For their work, doctors also use only new high quality equipment. Patients of the clinic will be able to receive a wide range of services at affordable prices, as well as various discounts and promotions. Semeynaya is located not far from the Skhodnenskaya metro station, on Heroes Panfilovtsev Street.

Clinic opening hours

  • 09:00-21:00 Monday Friday Mon-Fri
  • 09: 00-21: 00 Saturday Sat
  • 09: 00-21: 00 Sunday Sun

The multifunctional, modern clinic offers patients a wide range of high-quality medical services in the field of gynecology and urology, gastroenterology and mammology, endocrinology and therapy, surgery and psychotherapy, ophthalmology dentistry, physiotherapy and pediatrics, traumatology and orthopedics, family, child psychology. The specialization of the "FAMILY" clinic in the Skhodnenskaya metro station covers almost all medical areas. The important branches of this medical institution are pediatrics and physiotherapy.

The clinic has a modern laboratory, where specialists conduct biochemical analyzes of blood, urine, tests for oncology and allergens. Having visited the "FAMILY" clinic in Skhodnenskaya metro station, you will receive first-class polyclinic service. Here you can always pass all the necessary tests, go ultrasound, gastroscopy, bronchoscopy, colonoscopy, X-ray, etc.

When treating patients, specialists use modern medicines, physiotherapy procedures, advanced diagnostic and therapeutic methods. The specialists who work in the "FAMILY" clinic in the Skhodnenskaya metro station have extensive experience, they have undergone serious professional training. Today, most of them are doctors of the first qualification category, candidates, doctors of medical sciences, professors. They all lead their own scientific activity, make reports at annual specialized congresses, conferences, take courses abroad. The main principles of work of the specialists of this medical institution are professionalism, attention, respect, a sincere desire to help.

The "FAMILY" clinic in Skhodnenskaya metro station is equipped with modern equipment from leading manufacturers of medical equipment. A rich technical base accompanies the prompt implementation of innovative technologies in everyday medical practice.

Clinic "FAMILY" m. Skhodnenskaya - the address of your health.

If you are looking for a medical institution whose qualified specialists can be safely entrusted with the treatment of your health problems, contact us and here they will definitely help you, no matter how difficult your disease turns out to be. In particular, in our medical center, all types of treatment are carried out - from medication to surgical.

In addition, we offer you different types studies that allow the doctor to diagnose pathological conditions and accurately establish a diagnosis, after which the necessary therapeutic course is already prescribed. Due to the fact that in medical center on Skhodnenskaya specialists of a very different profile work, you can make an appointment with exactly the doctor you need: therapist, mammologist, surgeon, oncologist, dentist and so on.

Qualified treatment

Our specialists offer high quality medical services. For example, the surgical department will help you get rid of:

  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Varicose phenomena;
  • Warts and papillomas;
  • Hernia;
  • Tumor formations and so on.

Qualified specialists treat men and women for infertility. In addition, other problems associated with the reproductive and genitourinary system are cured, including ovarian tumors, uterine fibroids, adhesions within the abdominal cavity, and so on. If necessary, in this clinic you can order a procedure for sterilization, abortion and circumcision of the foreskin.

In some cases - as a rule, with advanced forms of the disease - certain internal organs, especially if they are already affected by metastases.

Surgical treatment involves the work of our doctors in the following areas:

  • Laser surgical procedures.
  • Laparoscopy procedures (when the surgical intervention takes place through punctures and without incisions)
  • General surgical procedures.

Among other things, our doctors do everything necessary to ensure that the recovery of the patient's body after the operations is as fast as possible, without consequences and under the constant supervision of a specialist.

Services we offer

With regard to diagnostics, our medical center conducts a wide variety of laboratory tests, as well as ultrasound procedures for a wide variety of organs, including the heart, genitals, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland and so on.

It is here that patients with heart problems will be able to undergo Holter monitoring, ultrasound of the heart organ, and also make an appointment with a cardiologist. We offer a special program for the rehabilitation of patients who have suffered a heart attack or stroke.

For people suffering from constipation or intestinal diseases, we recommend undergoing sigmoidoscopy, which involves examining the abdominal cavity.

Finally, we offer you plastic surgery services, including body shaping, facelift, wrinkle removal and so on.

You will see for yourself how professionally we take care of your beauty and your health. No wonder that medical center on Skhodnenskaya is so popular with patients. People come here to get rid of their health problems and get better and, accordingly, get everything they need. It cannot be otherwise, because real professionals work here.

Unfortunately, nothing else.

Rudeness and rudeness, impunity, indifference, arrogance.

I never thought that I would write such a review about the Semeynaya clinic, the professor from which, Kamil Rafaelevich Bakhtiyarov, once helped me a lot. It all started with the unprecedented rudeness of Dr. Akulova at the second appointment. * (The story is described in the doctor's review.) Since I left the clinic with a worsening concomitant condition (by the way, no one provided help from the medical staff, but patients came up with an offer of help), I left a complaint and refused to pay for such a "appointment" before analysis situations. Repressive measures were immediately followed against me: I was told that I had been transferred to an advance payment, and they refused to hold the next appointment and close the sick leave until the full payment of both this "held" and not taken place. The deputy chief physician ran out to me, as to some kind of intruder, spoke sharply, did not want to listen to anything and did not intend to, she did not allow to insert a word into her monologue. On the indication that my condition worsened against the background of the previous admission, she reacted: "Nothing, you will survive." After * under the threat not to close the sick leave, they shoved a formal note into my hands, demanded to sign it and return it. They refused to provide a copy of the medical card. In the central office, in a sympathetic tone, they promised to sort it out and “send your contacts to experts who will contact you and find out your view of the situation,” after which an hour later they called back and said that I could pick up an unsubscribe at the same clinic on Skhodnenskaya. To my question: "Is that all? You are not going to find out anything from me?" - answered: "Yes, that's all, we are not going to." Indeed, why. The money was received. I strongly do not recommend this clinic and the "Family" chain as a whole. Update as of 06.03.2019. Regarding the commentary of the Semeynaya clinic, several sharply incorrect remarks draw attention to themselves: 1. Lack of funds on the card does not mean their lack in principle. If the employees of the Semeynaya clinic mention the video, then they should watch (or listen to) it more attentively and notice: a) the extremely depressed state of the patient (that is, me) just after the doctor's appointment; b) the phrase: "Now I will transfer to the card from the main account", because, like many, I do not keep my main savings on the card; c) if I was not going to pay, because I "have no money", it was strange for me to pay for a blood test. 2. Gross incorrectness: the patient has every right to refuse to extend the certificate of incapacity for work by writing a statement of refusal to extend it, and the clinic is obliged to close the certificate of incapacity for work on this application. This is not a violation of the regime. 3. The patients offered me water, not the clinic staff. The clinic staff limited themselves to the phrase: "Woman, are you having a seizure?" And where is my refusal to help recorded? 4. As absolutely accurately noted, the certificate of incapacity for work was issued "on hand", and I had the opportunity not to return to this clinic, but to close it in another clinic, in principle without paying for the ugly appointment. The fact that I came back to this particular clinic and paid both bills before the appointment (although I could not have done this) does not mean anything to the clinic? Maybe I, as a patient, still hoped to be heard and get an explanation, and not persecute? 5. The very fact that the clinic categorically refuses to consider the patient's point of view and go through negotiations with him, but chooses the "path of war and persecution" - says a lot about the clinic's position. You won't be heard here.

06.03.19 11:56:15

We inform you that video surveillance is carried out in the public access points of the clinic. Information that the clinic is recording video is posted on the plates in the registration area.

According to video surveillance, it is known that the patient did not have enough money to pay for the services provided. At the same time, there were complaints about the quality of the consultation and complaints about a general deterioration in her condition. The clinic's specialists drew attention to the fact that the patient was holding onto the lower abdomen. They immediately offered to be examined by a gynecologist. The patient refused to examine the doctor and the offered water.

The disability certificate was in the patient's arms. We draw your attention to the fact that according to the law of the Russian Federation, the patient has the right to close the certificate of incapacity for work in any medical organization.

Payment for services rendered is one of the conditions described in the contract for the provision of medical services. According to the current legislation, the right to choose the time of payment for the service (before or after admission) remains on the side of the medical organization.

The patient's claims are contrary to the existing rules.

The rule for issuing certificates of incapacity for work is regulated by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 N 624n On approval of the Procedure for issuing certificates of incapacity for work ", according to which the form of a certificate of incapacity for work is issued to the patient.

The period of temporary disability is determined by the doctor, focusing on the clinical picture and the severity of symptoms. The patient, not having sufficient knowledge, does not have the right to determine the degree of work ability. The patient has the right not to comply with the prescribed regimen. A note about the violation of the regime is put on the form of the certificate of incapacity for work.

Requirements for compliance with the prescribed regimen (including medicines and passing the prescribed examinations prescribed in the medical documentation) are mandatory in accordance with clause 15 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 4, 2012 N 1006 "On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid medical services by medical organizations" and part 3 of Art. 27 ФЗ №323 dated 21.11.2011 "On the basics of protecting the health of citizens Russian Federation».

Passing the prescribed tests does not contradict the presence of a certificate of incapacity for work. The certificate of incapacity for work implies an outpatient regime with the possibility of moving the patient (including to a medical organization for testing).

The concept of “attending physician” (in accordance with Art. 70 of the Federal Law No. 323 of November 21, 2011 “On the Fundamentals of Health Protection of Citizens of the Russian Federation”) corresponds to a doctor treating a patient, but is not assigned to a specific doctor. Recommendations for a visit to a doctor are dictated by the estimated terms of disability and the clinical picture. They cannot be influenced by the doctor's appointment schedule.

The issuance of medical documentation is carried out at the request of the patient or his legal representative within the period (up to 30 days) set aside for this by the Federal Law "On the Procedure for Considering Applications of Citizens of the Russian Federation" dated 02.05.2006 N 59-FZ

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