Where Zadornov lives. Mikhail Zadornov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. How the artist's family reacted to his death

Mikhail Zadornov passed away on November 10 last year. The cause of death of the artist was a malignant brain tumor. But in the past he was predicted a terrible disease - a friend named Lyubochka assured Zadornov that he would have to fight a tumor, however, benign, but then the satirist only laughed.

Many years later, he remembered Lyubochka and, perhaps, regretted not taking her words seriously. Mikhail Nikolaevich, due to his youth, believed that everything was just beginning with him. Around this time, he played a role in the comedy I Want Your Husband, based on his script. There were only three characters in it: an unfaithful husband, wife and mistress. Something similar happened then in his personal life, however, it did not at all resemble a comedy.

The artist, being married to Velta Kalnberzina, stepped towards a new romantic feeling. He became interested in Elena Bombina, who was 16 years younger than him. “My friend and I were sunbathing on the beach, and she accidentally saw a fragment of an announcement that a combined concert of Soviet comedians was taking place at the Sports Palace. I offered to go to this concert, ”Elena Bombina recalled.

After the concert, the girls went backstage. The friend turned out to be Zadornov's acquaintance and introduced Elena as his fan.

“I confessed to him that I collected his lyrical stories. He was flattered but didn't believe me. And the next day I had to show him a green briefcase, which contained these same stories. Then I saw: a desire to educate me appeared in his eyes, ”Elena recalled her first acquaintance with her future husband.

// Photo: Still from the documentary

Zadornov himself did not notice how he found himself between two fires: he could not part with Elena, who accompanied him everywhere as an administrator, but he could not leave his family either. Velta was not only his wife, but also part of that close circle of people who were devoted to him throughout his life. Mikhail Nikolaevich managed to hide his passion for Elena from his loved ones for a long time, and in 1990 they had a daughter.

The satirist named the baby Elena in honor of her mother, gave her his last name. Parting with Velta was inevitable: the couple lived together for 36 years, but feelings for another woman took up.

// Photo: still from documentary

“We have traveled all over the world. New Year's holidays were always a big surprise for his daughter, because two days before the new year, he could come up with some unexpected trip. From the cradle he read Gumilyov and Pushkin to her, instilled in her a love of classical music, "Elena shared.

Some episodes from the biography of Mikhail Zadornov are able to shed light on how the personality and work of the outstanding satirist were formed

In early 2016, Mikhail Zadornov, who was actively performing with concerts, was diagnosed with brain cancer. The writer waged a stubborn struggle with the disease, believed in success. But, alas, it was not possible to defeat oncology; on November 9, Zadornov died.

The main belt asteroid 5043 Zadornov, discovered in 1974, was named in his honor, so that Mikhail Nikolaevich will remain not only in the memory of his contemporaries, but also in space, which he loved and studied.

Spoiled profile

Zadornov was born in Jurmala on July 21, 1948. His father was Nikolay Pavlovich Zadornov, who became the author of famous historical novels. Mother, Elena Melkhiorovna, met her second husband while working in the Ufa newspaper. From her first marriage, she had a son Lolly.

Both of Mikhail Zadornov's grandfathers went through the GULAG. His paternal grandfather was a simple veterinarian in Chita. He was credited with wrecking cattle and planted. Pavel Zadornov died in prison and only after death Stalin was rehabilitated, which the family did not know for a long time.

The mother of the future satirist generally had such ancestors that it was better to hide in the USSR. Her maiden name is Pokorno-Matusevich... It is believed that this old gentry family has its ancestor Stefan Bathory, Polish king and commander of the 16th century.

The great-grandfather of Mikhail Zadornov was a priest, and his maternal grandfather, Melchior Justinovich- a tsarist officer. He was sentenced to three years, later became an accountant.

Son of a laureate

Those critics who considered themselves the most "Marxist Marxists" often reproached their father, Nikolai Zadornov, for not adhering to a "party" view of history in his novels. But in 1952, Zadornov Sr. was awarded the Stalin Prize, which he was very proud of later, when the prize was renamed the State Prize and began to be distributed "right and left." At the same time, there was no Stalin cult in the family, and when they arrested Beria, the parents, according to the recollections of Mikhail Nikolaevich, drank wine on this occasion.

Creative genes

It is interesting that Mikhail Zadornov's father started out as an actor and director, however, in provincial theaters in Siberia and the Far East. Mother, daughter of a tsarist officer, seriously studied singing and playing the piano. She had a very good voice.

Photo by Sergey Minaev

First steps on stage

The first public appearances of Mikhail Zadornov took place in the Riga school, where the future satirist studied. He studied in a theater group and made his debut in the role of Turnip, which was "dragged" from the ground. Misha portrayed the efforts of the root crop so funny that the audience in the hall demanded to repeat the process.

Success in sports

As a child, Zadornov was very fond of handball, played for the youth team of Latvia. And I even wanted to enter the Riga Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers, because there was a great team there. But one day during training, Mikhail fell and was seriously injured. I had to give up sports, and Zadornov went to the capital of the USSR, to the Moscow Aviation Institute.

In those years, the Moscow Aviation Institute was fond of playing KVN. Mikhail did not stand aside. For many years he worked in the propaganda theater of the Moscow Aviation Institute "Russia", with which he traveled all over the country.

Literary debut

At the age of 18, he brought his first story "Intersection Point" to one of the magazines. By the way, he wrote it after, at the insistence of his father, he worked on an expedition to the Kuril Islands. But the story did not impress the publishers. Zadornov began to publish only in 1974.


Flew past space

Zadornov received the specialty "mechanical engineer" at the Moscow Aviation Institute and then worked for four years at the Department of Aerospace Heat Engineering. But he was much more attracted by the creative and even bohemian life. A friend and senior mentor of Zadornov was the future famous actor, director, poet Leonid Filatov... Alas, friends were very fond of drinking, even cologne was used.

Subsequently, the writer was able to cope with an excessive craving for alcohol, led a healthy lifestyle, but without fanaticism. He followed many of the commandments of oriental medicine.

"The ninth carriage"

For the first time, viewers saw Mikhail Zadornov on the screen in 1982 with a miniature "Letter of a first-year student to his parents." The real hit was the breathtakingly funny story "The Ninth Car", which the country heard in 1984. The phrase from there "My car is empty!" became a kind of meme. Zadornov took the story of how two cars with the same number were attached to the train from the real life of the Soviet railways.

Friendship with Yeltsin

As the head of the security service of Boris Yeltsin testified in his memoirs Alexander Korzhakov, Mikhail Zadornov and the first president of Russia made friends in Jurmala. Yeltsin was very fond of Zadornov, played tennis with him, and the writer made fun of him and gave in during the game.

Mikhail Nikolaevich became the only person who, instead of the president, turned to the country on the eve of the New Year. This happened on December 31, 1991, immediately after the collapse of the USSR.

In 1993, Zadornov even got an apartment in the same house as Yeltsin on Osennaya Street in the Krylatskoye district.

Personal life

Mikhail Zadornov met his only official wife at a school in Riga. Velta Kalnberzina was the daughter of one of the secretaries of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Latvia. Young people left together to enter Moscow. They got married in 1971. There were no children in the marriage.

Zadornov's civil wife was his administrator Elena Bombina... She gave birth to his daughter, also Elena.

Curiously, in 1992 Sergey Nikonenko staged the feature film "I Want Your Husband" based on the script by Mikhail Zadornov, where the writer himself played the main role. His hero rushes between his legal wife and a young mistress.

On the morning of Friday, November 10, it became known about the death of one of the most famous Russian comedians and satirical writers, Mikhail Zadornov. The artist died at the age of 70 after a long struggle with cancer.

Curriculum Vitae

Family and childhood

Mikhail Nikolaevich Zadornov was born in the resort town of Jurmala (Latvian SSR) on July 21, 1948. His father, Nikolai Pavlovich Zadornov, is a Soviet writer known for his historical works ("Cupid Father", a trilogy about the expedition of Admiral Yevfimiy Putyatin to the shores of Japan: "Tsunami", "Heda", "Shimoda"). Mother - Elena Melkhiorovna Pokorno-Matusevich from a noble noble family, rooted in the Polish kings. She worked as a proofreader for the Ufa newspaper, where she met her husband.

The creative potential of the future artist was noticeable from early childhood. After the role of a turnip, which the boy performed on the stage of Riga School No. 10, he was accepted into a theater studio.

Student years

After leaving school, Mikhail Zadornov's father insisted that his son receive a technical education. So Zadornov Jr. became a student at the Riga Polytechnic Institute (now the Riga Technical University). Two years later, he transferred to the Faculty of Aircraft Engines of the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), from which he graduated in 1974.

Immediately after graduation, Zadornov was offered a job as the head, playwright and director of the student theater MAI "Russia", which he himself created. The collective toured the republics of the Soviet Union.


Mikhail Zadornov began publishing at the age of 26. He headed the section of satire and humor in the magazine "Youth", published in "Young Guard" and "Far East". In 1982, the first performance of a satirist on the Central Television of the USSR took place with the monologue "Letter of a first-year student to his parents." The humorist became widely known for the feuilleton "Two Ninth Carriages", which was aired on the program "Around Laughter" (1984).

In the early 90s, he became a member of a number of humorous programs. Not a single issue of "Full House", "Smehopanorama" and "Satirical Forecast" could do without it.

The most significant performance in his biography was the New Year's speech on December 31, 1991 to the residents of the newly disintegrated country (on December 26, 1991, the Soviet Union collapsed). Instead of President Boris Yeltsin, who has not yet taken office, Mikhail Zadornov appeared on the screens with jokes about the breakaway Ukraine, democrats and economic reforms. The humorist's performance dragged on, so the chiming clock was delayed for a minute for the first time in history.

The satirist has written over 40 books. There are unscientific historical works, for example, "Glory to the Rod!", "Prince Rurik. Where did the Russian land come from ”,“ Runes of the Prophetic Oleg ”, where Zadornov tells about his vision of the history of Slavism and the origin of the Slavic language. He also wrote a number of plays - "The last attempt, or I want your husband" (1987), "Blouse" (1996) and "Once in Africa, or Love with a Brain Explosion" (2014).

Since the 2000s, the comedian has written about two or three new concert programs a year. His work schedule was crazy - sometimes the artist had to give 8 concerts a day.

Zadornov is known to a wide audience for his jokes about Americans. The satirist's phrase "Well, stupid" has become his calling card.

Everything for the life of the body - airports, swimming pools, hotels - they have just wonderful. But this does not give them the right to consider themselves "chief executives" in the world. Even more resentful when we try to imitate them. It is necessary to think of it - to introduce the American education system in our country! How to solve the problem? Laugh at her. As a result, I have six thousand letters of support in my computer mail.

Mikhail Zadornov

In the early 2010s, Zadornov began to share his work with fans on social networks. Blog in LiveJournal, channel on Youtube "Zador TV" and personal page "VKontakte", where the artist posted his so-called "observatories" (notes from life).

The 69-year-old satirist Mikhail Zadornov passed away in November 2017 after a long battle with brain cancer. An artist exhausted by an illness, but he could not overcome death. After his departure, the only daughter of the satirist, Elena, who has long lived in Cyprus, from her part of the inheritance. Therefore, Zadorny divided all his property between his wives - former and current.

With his ex-wife Velta Zadornova, the satirist remained on good terms until his death, although the artist divorced her several years ago. Velta Yanovna found out that Zadornov has a daughter on the side. In their union, children were never born. The marriage broke up, but Zadornov called her “my eldest wife,” although at that time he was already living with his second wife, the mother of his daughter, Elena Bombina. Both women also supported Zadornov's illness. Only, according to the friend of the actor, who wished to remain anonymous, Velta worried about her ex-husband more.

According to Zadornov's friend, Elena Bombina was often absent from her dying husband:

When Zadornov was in Germany, Bombina often went away “on business,” a family friend told KP. - Mikhail Nikolaevich noted this, told his sister about it. There were some kind of bells. For example, when the question arose about paying for expensive treatment, the family gathered for a council - something should be sold. Bombina suggested: let's sell a house in Jurmala! And everyone understood why. The dacha was bought in marriage with Velta, framed in half with her. Bombina understood that she was unlikely to be able to claim a dacha. And she was not sorry to get rid of her.

At the funeral, women also behaved differently.

Velta was heartbroken. And Elena from time to time straightened her hair, it was important to her how she looked even at such a tragic moment, - said a close acquaintance of Zadornova.

A family friend said that before his death, Mikhail Nikolayevich asked forgiveness from his ex-wife for having offended her greatly.

Zadornova's sister Lyudmila told me that just before he left, Mikhail Nikolayevich reconsidered and realized a lot. I realized how much he offended a person who was truly close to him, the first wife Velta. She always behaved impeccably. Before his death, with tears in his eyes, he first asked her for forgiveness. Zadornov had never done this before ... And she forgave, - the woman shares.

She is sure that it was Velta who was "the woman of his whole life":

He said to his sister: they say, I am very guilty before Velta, you do not leave her alone. Perhaps it was only at the end of his life that he realized that like his first wife, no one else loved him ... I watched their relationship for many years. Mikhail paid attention to beautiful girls, helped them in life and in work ... But Velta was the woman of his whole life, - the interlocutor of "KP" is sure.

According to a friend of the artist, the satirist's widow was unhappy with the way her late husband distributed the inheritance. The comedian divided the property between three women - daughter Elena is nevertheless inscribed in the will - and bequeathed the library in Riga to his friend. As a result, the first wife was left with an apartment on Osennaya Street (125 square meters) in the Yeltsin house, a house in Jurmala, a Lexus car. The approximate cost of the property is 40 million rubles. The second wife, Elena Bombina, received an apartment on Nikulinskaya Street in Moscow, a dacha and a land plot in the Moscow region, an apartment in Riga. Her part of the inheritance is estimated at 60 million rubles. Daughter Elena by will became the owner of an office in Moscow and a car.

Velta Yanovna is a very reasonable and wise woman, - Zadornov's friend told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - She is from Riga, but now lives in Moscow. Zadornov understood that his first wife would wisely dispose of his creative heritage. I know that businessmen have already appeared who would like to do something according to Zadornov's scenarios. But everyone will have to ask permission - not only from his widow Elena Bombina, but also from his first wife Velta. So after the death of Mikhail Nikolaevich, they will have to contact. Both spouses became heirs by will. And it is the first wife who is in the best position, she received more. Rare case! Copyright is a permanent income.

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