What is better to order sushi or pizza? Sushi or pizza – what to choose? Calorie content of different types of pizza

Today, many people hardly know how to cook food. The kitchens in their apartments are practically rudiments, an empty space in which someone for some reason installed a stove and a refrigerator. The only thing such people use for food is a telephone and a microwave oven. If everything is clear with the second tool, it is used to heat food, then why do you need a phone? This may seem unusual to people who are accustomed to home cooking, but those who do not like to cook simply order food for themselves every day at home.

Usually there are several common types: pizza, sushi, kebab. You can order other dishes, but not all restaurants provide them. Pizza and sushi have been and remain the most popular for many years. Between lovers of these dishes of Italian and Japanese cuisine, real debates often flare up about which is better. In this article we will try to figure out which food is healthier and tastier.

As for the benefits, it’s hard to say. On the one hand, sushi is practically a dietary dish. At least in comparison with pizza, the bulk of which is wheat dough. It seems that fish is the best choice if you care about your figure and health. But this is only at first glance. Firstly, fish may be poorly digestible by some people, and even more so if it has not undergone complete heat treatment. You need to be careful and choose the right, quality restaurant. In addition, hot and sour seasonings are often consumed with sushi - and this is an additional blow to your stomach.

On the other hand, pizza is also hardly such a healthy product. It consists mainly of dough, which can be deposited on your thighs and stomach. And the filling is not always healthy, although there are different preparation options. But, on the other hand, it is absorbed by almost any stomach, if there is no individual allergy to any of the products - but see for yourself, you know your allergies better.

As for taste, you need to decide for yourself. As the old saying goes, “there is no accounting for taste.” Some people like one thing, others another. We can only advise you to be calm about the fact that someone else may not share your love for sushi or pizza. In the meantime, order your food at home, all you need to do is find a restaurant that suits you. To do this, you can use the Internet. Simple queries: "

Pizza is a dish of Italian cuisine. Thanks to its taste and variety of cooking methods, it has become known in other countries. What is the calorie content of pizza and its components, what are the benefits and harms, how to make this dish more dietary, we will consider below.

Calorie content of dough for the base

Different types of dough are used for different types of dishes. In addition, the base can be thick or thin. This affects how many grams of dough will be in one piece.

A richer dough containing a large amount of fat and sugar has a higher calorie content. The table shows average values ​​for different types of dough used to prepare the dish.

Calorie content and nutritional value of different types of dough per 100 g

Type of test Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calorie content, kcal
Yeast 6,5 5,3 49,0 270,0
Yeast fresh 7,5 2,0 42,0 216,0
Yeast industrial production (pizza base) 8,7 6,8 55,8 320,0
Yeast puff 7,7 20,9 41,0 383,0
On kefir 8,0 1,1 42,1 210, 0
Fresh 8,7 2,6 41,2 223,0
Unleavened puff pastry 5,5 21,9 39,5 377,0
Curd 10,2 18,9 26,1 315,0
Thin dough 6,6 3,3 36,7 203,0

The number of calories is reduced due to the absence of oil, sugar, yeast, the use of wholemeal flour, and the preparation of pizza on a thin basis instead of a thick one. Low-calorie dough - unleavened, as well as unleavened with kefir. Yeast puff pastry has the highest calorie content.

For cooking, instead of wheat flour, you can use rye or oatmeal, ground buckwheat, or oatmeal. It is better to bake in an oven, frying pan, or microwave without oil. This significantly reduces the number of calories contained in the finished product.

Low calorie pizza toppings

To prepare a dish with low energy value, you should reduce the weight of the dough and increase the amount of filling made from low-calorie products. It is better to replace store-bought mayonnaise with homemade sauce or tomato paste. For the meat component, use lean meats. Increase the amount of vegetables.

At the same time, they must be fresh or freshly frozen - canned ones contain a lot of salt, which retains fluid in the body and, accordingly, increases weight.

The following products are suitable for low-calorie filling:

  • broccoli;
  • salad;
  • carrot;
  • zucchini;
  • spinach;
  • corn;
  • green pea;
  • olives;
  • tomatoes;
  • mushrooms;
  • chicken breast;
  • lean beef, veal;
  • turkey;
  • lean fish;
  • seafood.

The composition of the filling directly affects the energy value of the dish. Thus, vegetarian types of pizza, for example, Margherita, which contain only cheese and tomatoes, have a calorie content of 160-210 kcal per 100 g of product.

High calorie pizza toppings

To ensure that the cheese melts well, fatty varieties with a high calorie content are used. In restaurants, vegetables for filling can be pre-fried in batter. Fatty meats and fish also increase calorie content.

High-calorie foods used for cooking:

  • high fat cheese;
  • sausages;
  • fatty fish;
  • fatty meats;
  • vegetables in batter;
  • mayonnaise;
  • mustard;
  • ketchup.

Calorie content of different types of pizza

The calorie content of food is calculated per 100 g of product. But for pizza, this figure is also expressed for 1 serving (or 1 piece). On average, 1 piece weighs 80-150 g.

Calorie content and nutritional value of pizza per 100 grams

Pizza Proteins, g Fats, g Carbohydrates, g Calorie content, kcal
4 seasons 11.6 9,4 22,9 219,0
4 cheeses 12,2 28,2 17,4 320,0
Vegetarian 8,5 5,6 20,0 164,0
Hawaiian 10,5 3,4 35,9 216,0
Mushroom 8,5 8,2 22,4 192,0
Country with chicken 14,5 22,4 45,8 443,0
Diablo 9,2 12,6 25,1 240,0
Carbonara 11,0 8,0 37,0 264,0
Margarita 7,5 10,4 20,3 210,0
Marine 8,4 5,5 25,7 181,0
Neapolitano 11,0 5,0 24,0 228,0
Pepperoni 13,0 14,0 40,0 340,0
With mozzarella 9,7 13,8 24,4 260,6
With salami 9,0 9,0 33,0 249,0

Calorie content of homemade pizza

To reduce energy value, pizza can be prepared at home. For the base and filling, high-calorie ingredients are replaced with low-calorie ones. Baking without oil will also reduce calories.

For the dough, whole grain, oat or buckwheat flour, ground oatmeal or ready-made thin pita bread are suitable. You can replace the flour base with cottage cheese with eggs and grated potatoes. If the recipe contains oil, it is advisable to use cold-pressed olive oil.

The absence of mayonnaise, ketchup, and mustard will make pizza more dietary. It is better to use tomato paste, fresh tomatoes. It is not necessary to bake a dish with a cheese crust - you can use low-calorie cheese, for example, low-fat mozzarella.

Filling with fresh vegetables, mushrooms, seafood, lean fish, and meat will enrich the dish with protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Fresh herbs are also useful - they will add nutrients and improve taste.

A home-cooked dietary dish contains 90-180 kcal per 100 g. But pizza with sausage, cheese and mayonnaise contains much more calories - 334 g per 100 g of product.

The benefits and harms of pizza

The beneficial and harmful properties of pizza depend entirely on its composition. At the same time, you can increase the positive qualities and reduce the negative ones by replacing some products in the recipe with others.

Benefits of pizza:

  1. Hard cheese contains a large amount of calcium, which is necessary for bones, teeth, nails, and hair.
  2. The use of wholemeal flour in the dough enriches the dish with antioxidants from the endosperm. It also helps the body cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of toxins and harmful substances.
  3. Fresh tomatoes contain lipoline, which is used as a prophylactic against diseases of the cardiovascular system and oncology.
  4. Seafood, meat and fish products enrich the dish with protein and nutrients.
  5. Vegetables contain fiber, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal function.

Pizza harm:

  1. Yeast pizza dough causes flatulence and bloating.
  2. High-calorie filling increases the energy value of the dish.
  3. Excessive consumption of this dish leads to weight gain and deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to eat pizza without gaining weight

  • Thin base instead of thick.
  • Low-calorie pizza (vegetarian, with mushrooms or seafood).
  • Cooking pizza at home, since the composition and quantity of ingredients can be selected independently.
  • A large number of vegetables in the filling.
  • Lack of baking and yeast in the base.
  • Replacing mayonnaise with tomato sauce, sausages with white poultry meat.
  • Consume the dish in the first half of the day and no more than once a week.

I must admit, when I started eating sushi, I acted rather recklessly. In this article I will tell you whether you can eat rolls on a diet. We’ll also talk about the calorie content of rolls and how to eat them correctly so as not to gain weight.

I ate as much as I could and didn't care at all what kind of rolls I ordered; if the description sounded appetizing, then they ended up on my plate.

And this continued until I learned that the benefits and harms of sushi go hand in hand and it is not nearly as healthy a dinner as I thought. Well, at least in the form in which I ordered them.

After paying attention to how many calories are in sushi and the number of calories I received, and listening to the stories of my clients, I came to the conclusion that we tend to overdo it when it comes to sushi.

Not only do we overeat, many of us don't even realize how many calories are hidden in our favorite rolls. Can you believe that some types of rolls have over 500 calories?

It turns out that a harmless evening of sushi, despite the small portions, can cost you your entire daily ration.

However, sushi and proper nutrition are compatible, rolls can be An excellent addition to a healthy diet. That is why I would like to discuss with you a few principles that you should keep in mind when ordering sushi and rolls. These small changes will allow you to enjoy the taste of your favorite rolls and successfully fit this dinner into your planned calorie intake.

Start with miso soup or seaweed salad

Is it possible to eat rolls on a diet? Yes, you can, but the main thing is not to eat too much, so as not to exceed your daily calorie limit and start to gain weight. Start with soup or salad to prevent overeating. Both dish options are good for helping you fill your stomach before the main meal without harming your figure. The less space you have in your stomach, the less inclined you will be to eat more.

In addition, both miso soup and seaweed salad are rich in nutrients.

Miso soup

Weight: 180 gr.
The calories in Miso Shiru Soup are: 66 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Miso soup is a soup made from soybeans, water, koza (a fungus used to ferment foods) and salt. It is worth mentioning that such fermented dishes have a number of health benefits.

Miso soup is full of beneficial probiotics, strengthens the immune system and saturates the body with essential vitamins and minerals.

Positive changes as a result of consuming miso soup also include:

  • Improved digestion as a result of regulating bacteria levels
  • Stabilization of blood pressure levels
  • Preventing the formation of cancer cells

Additionally, one study found that miso soup "was associated with 5-10% weight loss in animal testing due to its algae content, which affects belly fat cells."

Of course, more research is needed to understand the effect of soup on humans, but it is already clear that the benefits of this dish are quite great.

Seaweed salad

If it's too hot outside or you're not in the mood for soup, seaweed salad is a great alternative. This is also a good option for those who are not a fan of liquid calories or prefer to avoid the extra salt found in miso soup.

As for seaweed, it produces a bright green salad that seems to glow, so rich in chlorophyll, as well as vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. And, of course, one cannot fail to mention the rich taste.

What are the health benefits of seaweed salad? It contains substances necessary for the body such as:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Iron
  • Vitamin K
  • Calcium

By adding seaweed to your diet, you get:

  • Thyroid Health
  • Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Improving memory, vision, skin, hair and teeth
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • "Cholesterol level stability"
  • Improved digestion
  • Healthy Blood Pressure Levels

And an equally important advantage is that the calorie content of seaweed salad is only 106 calories per serving. That is why seaweed is a product that is definitely worth adding to your menu.

I hasten to warn you that the texture of seaweed salad is not similar to the salads we are used to, but once you try it once, you are unlikely to want to give it up.

Choose your rolls wisely

Now that we know where to start the meal, let’s figure out how to choose the right sushi and rolls, let’s move on to the 6 “dos” and “don’ts” when ordering rolls:

1. Avoid fried rolls

The whole point of sushi is to enjoy the taste of fresh, unprocessed fish. Tempura (or hot rolls) is good for those who don't like or understand the taste of raw fish. But at the same time, this is far from the healthiest version of this dish.

Typically, fried rolls are dipped in very rich oil and then baked in a deep fryer.

Thus, a healthy dish turns into something akin to greasy fast food. Don't turn your rolls into donuts or French fries, and avoid the fried options.

For the sake of argument, let me mention that the popular fried shrimp roll contains about 508 calories and 21 grams of fat!

2. Don't get carried away with cream cheese.

If you have the option of not adding cream cheese to your rolls, don't.

A Philadelphia roll (salmon and cream cheese), for example, contains about 320 calories, but these calories do not provide much benefit to the body.

If you like a creamy texture, choose the salmon and soft avocado option. The calorie count will remain almost the same (304 calories), but your body will receive the beneficial omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon and avocado.

3. Skip the toppings.

Beautiful mayonnaise caps or elegant lines of sauce on top of a serving of rolls are another way to add extra calories and useless fat to your dish.

The Avocado roll was my favorite until I found out that the sauce it contains is nothing more than a mixture of sugar and soy sauce. Now I avoid this roll (which, by the way, contains about 372 calories) and advise you to.

Just as you avoid hidden sugars in salad dressings, try to avoid sauces in sushi and rolls.

This principle also applies to the hot spicy sauce that comes with many types of rolls. This sauce not only adds spice to the dish, but also brings you a completely unnecessary 110 calories per tablespoon.

Thus, a regular tuna roll contains 184 calories, and the same roll with a spicy mark (there will be small caps of spicy sauce on top of the roll) will cost you 290 calories.

I advise you to refuse sauce or mayonnaise as part of the rolls, and also choose proven and figure-safe soy sauce as an additional sauce.

4. Replace white rice with brown rice

The next step towards creating the perfect roll is replacing the usual white rice with brown rice.

Brown rice, compared to white rice, has a more holistic structure, is rich in fiber, and is easier to digest by the body.

As a result of processing, white rice loses many useful substances, such as calcium and magnesium.

Simply replacing white rice with brown rice can "reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes," according to several studies.

It should also be noted that brown rice has a low glycemic index. This means that there will be no spike in insulin in the body, after which you will want to eat again or your mood will sharply worsen.

Most people don't notice a difference in taste if brown rice is used in the rolls.

5. Sashimi (raw fish without rice) is the best option

Another great idea is to replace a few servings of rolls in your order with servings of sashimi. Sashimi is thin slices of fresh fish (without rice).

Raw fish is low in calories and rich in protein. Thus, the feeling of fullness from such a meal will remain for a long time.

6. Tuna and salmon should become your favorite friends.

Of all the variety of seafood, tuna and salmon are the best choices.

Both of these fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can boost your mood, reduce inflammation, and reduce your risk of heart disease.

Add vegetables to the roll

Vegetable roll is another healthy option for sushi night.

I like to pair a vegetable roll with a couple of pieces of sashimi for the perfect healthy meal.

Avoid fried vegetables (tempura). And, if possible, between fresh and pickled - choose pickled.

There is also nothing wrong with raw vegetables, except that the taste is not strong enough. I solve this problem simply - add ginger and wasabi.

Thin slices of avocado will add essential fats to your dish. The main thing is not to get carried away so that along with the taste and creamy texture, you don’t add too many extra calories to the dish.

Don't skip the ginger and wasabi

For most of us, ginger is a common garnish, and wasabi is a test for the brave. Try giving these products a second chance.

Pickled ginger, served with sushi, promotes better digestion. It helps reduce nausea and intestinal upset. Additionally, it should be noted that ginger is a natural pain reliever.

And how much will these benefits cost you? Only 15 calories per tablespoon.

As for wasabi, it also has a number of beneficial properties:

  • Reduces the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease
  • Prevents inflammatory processes
  • Is an antibacterial agent
  • Reduces symptoms of seasonal allergies
  • Strengthens the immune system thanks to the antioxidants it contains
  • Removes toxins from the body.

Conclusions: is it possible to eat rolls on a diet?

It is often difficult to resist ordering several servings of sushi and rolls at once. But in reality, you only need 6-8 pieces. Always keep an eye on the portion sizes and then you can avoid gaining weight from sushi on a diet.

The same goes for soy sauce. There is nothing wrong with using it, but everything should be in moderation. Remember that soy sauce can quickly lead to swelling and water retention due to its high sodium content.

Keep these simple principles in mind and you can enjoy sushi and rolls without harming your waistline.

Plus, you'll realize that sushi can taste amazing without adding all those extra calories. I know.

Today, for many city residents, it is no longer new to order food at home rather than cook it yourself. Most customers of coffee and pizzerias can easily receive their delicious order without leaving home, simply by calling their favorite establishment.

Features of pizza and sushi

When ordering, each of us asked ourselves a question: pizza or sushi? What to choose? To make an informed choice, you should know the features of each dish:

  1. Sushi. This dish contains not only many vitamins and microelements, but also fiber, proteins and omega-3. Due to the absence of heat treatment, sushi retains all the properties of the components included in its composition. In addition, eating sushi and rolls promotes weight loss, since a serving of such delicacies contains less than 400 kilocalories.
  2. Pizza. The benefits of this dish directly depend on its components. However, the essential components of pizza - dough and tomato sauce - themselves contain many vitamins, microelements and antioxidants that can boost immunity, invigorate, cleanse the body, improve digestion, or help prevent heart disease and cancer. No pizza would be complete without cheese and eggs. It is a source of proteins and calcium.

However, with all the described benefits of these popular delicacies, they often contain components that can cause harm to the human body. For example, to prepare some types of sushi, varieties of fish are used, the consumption of which in raw form can lead to serious illnesses for a person unadapted to such food. Semi-finished pizza can cause no less danger to the body. Such preparations do not require long-term heat treatment, since they contain a large list of dyes and preservatives that improve taste and shelf life, but are harmful to humans.

You should only order from professional chefs who use fresh and proven products. Thus, you will protect yourself and your loved ones from eating harmful products. Whether it will be pizza or sushi is up to you to choose.

Today there is a mixture of traditions and tastes, so we often change our traditions and go to restaurants with “imported” cuisine. Japanese and Italian restaurants and cafes are especially popular, offering a huge variety of dishes, the taste and benefits of which are difficult to compare, but you want to do it. We decided, for example, to figure out what is healthier: pizza or rolls, no matter how strange it may sound. It's hard to compare products that are basically incomparable, so it should be interesting.

What is the popularity of pizzerias based on?

Have you ever wondered why establishments offering Italian cuisine are in great demand? It’s often difficult to call the masterpieces of Italian cooking dietary; they eat a lot and satisfyingly, and the answer to the question of which is healthier, it would seem, lies on the surface, because a lot has been said about the benefits of Japanese cuisine. Meanwhile, a stuffed flatbread originally from Italy is not the most harmful and even somewhat healthy product, and you will now understand why.

Firstly, several types of cheese are used to prepare it, the beneficial properties of which can be discussed for a long time. Secondly, the tasty filling, which includes healthy tomatoes, olives and other ingredients, is placed in dough prepared according to a traditional yeast-free recipe, and this is less dangerous than the yeast bread familiar from childhood. It’s completely difficult to say that pizza or rolls are tastier, especially considering the fact that there are a lot of recipes for its preparation, just like competitors, in principle.

"Miracle" of Japanese cooking

When talking about whether rolls or pizza are healthier and tastier, many will be surprised, because it is known that Japanese food is lower in calories and at the same time tasty. It’s hard to argue with this, although even measuring the calorie content of foods will tell you that not every pizza is harmful, and not every roll is healthy. The calorie content of Italian pastries is 140-350 kcal per 100 grams, while Japanese rolls “weigh” about 170 kcal, which means that it all depends on your choice.

As for the “masterpiece” of Japanese cooking, this is a topic for a separate discussion, and everyone, almost without hesitation, will say that it is rice and raw fish that are hazardous to health. In fact, this dish can contain various ingredients, and it will come as a surprise to many, but in this respect they have great similarities with Italian cuisine. The thing is that both cuisines welcome the use of rice, fresh vegetables and irreplaceable seafood.

Taste and benefits

When talking about what is better, rolls or pizza, everyone puts their own meaning into it - some value the benefits of this or that product more, others value what tastes better. As for the calorie content, we have already said that it all depends on the chosen variety, but it is difficult to say which is better, taking into account only the taste, and no one can give an unambiguous answer to this. Lovers of dishes from an amazing country in southern Europe will prove that there is nothing tastier than Italian cuisine, connoisseurs of the East have their own opinion, and a lot depends on the skill of the cook. Meanwhile, learning to cook masterpieces from the Land of the Rising Sun is more difficult, although many have mastered this difficult art.

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