Job description for the sale of beer. Job description of the seller of alcoholic beverages. Job description of the seller of alcoholic beverages, llc "alis-plus. Receiving instructions

The job description of the seller of food products is drawn up to disclose the clauses of the employment contract. It is applied as a local legal act or as an annex to an employment contract and is used to formalize the relationship between an employee and an employer. An instruction is a legally significant document; it requires the employer to carefully consider its form, content and design.

Sample job description for a grocery seller

1. General section

  1. The grocery seller is hired and released by the store director.
  2. The grocery seller is subordinate to the store director in the performance of his work.
  3. An individual applying for this position must meet the following requirements:
    • secondary or commercial vocational education;
    • experience in the field of sales of goods from 0.5 years;
    • medical book with notes on the passage of the prescribed tests.
  4. For the period of absence of the grocery seller, he is replaced by another seller, appointed by the director of the store.
  5. The seller of food products must be competent in:
    • principles of legislation and regulations governing trading activities;
    • customer service standards;
    • methods of interaction with clients on the resolution of potential conflict situations;
    • principles of laying out food products and their design;
    • the main items of the product range;
    • rules for storing food products and their careful handling;
    • rules of acceptance of goods;
    • the rules of work with the relevant documentation for goods and sales;
    • principles of quality control and shelf life of food products;
    • operating rules for cash registers;
    • rules for working with trade equipment;
    • the basics of interaction with sales representatives;
    • fire safety standards.
  6. The food seller in his work relies on:
    • laws and industry regulations;
    • store documentation;
    • the contents of this document.
  7. 2. Functions

    The food seller has the following responsibilities:

    1. Realization of grocery products presented in the store.
    2. Weighing, cutting and packaging of food products sold.
    3. Providing assistance to customers in the purchase process, including their advice on the issues of taste, calorie content and other parameters of the goods sold.
    4. Informing customers about marketing activities carried out in the store.
    5. Resolving disputes with customers of the store.
    6. Maintaining relevant trade documentation.
    7. Monitoring the location and registration of food products.
    8. Informing the store director on problematic issues in his area of ​​responsibility.
    9. Monitoring the stock situation of the relevant goods.
    10. Tracking the demand for products sold by buyers.
    11. Interaction with sales representatives regarding the relevant store assortment.
    12. Pre-sale preparation of food products and their layout.
    13. Interaction with collectors on the delivery of cash.
    14. Control over the state of cash in the cash register.
    15. Monitoring the status of the goods being sold.

    3. Responsibility

    The grocery seller may be liable for the following:

    1. For violations of applicable laws and regulations - in accordance with the articles of the law.
    2. For non-performance of their official functions or their improper performance - in accordance with the articles of labor legislation.
    3. For material damage that was caused to the store - in accordance with the rules of the company, but within the limits determined by the relevant legislation.

    4. Rights

    The seller of food products has the rights:

    1. Receive information from store employees that is needed to perform their work functions.
    2. Inform the store director both on possible measures to improve the situation in his area of ​​responsibility, and on potential problems.
    3. Represent the store in interaction with sales representatives.
    4. Receive bonuses and co-payments as you fulfill agreed plans for the sale of products.
    5. Participate in specialized trainings organized by the employer.

    5. Working conditions

    1. The grocery seller has the right to receive work clothing at the expense of the store.
    2. The schedule and other working conditions are determined according to the rules given in the relevant store documentation.
    3. The employer provides a seller-consultant with partial payment for specialized training, in accordance with the norms of internal documentation.


The need for job descriptions

The document is used by the employer to formalize the key points of interaction with the employee.

The employer, guided by the content of the instructions, can effectively plan the work processes in the store. The seller can safely carry out his direct work duties, relying on the granted rights. A well-written job description not only helps their business interaction, but also serves as a tool for preventing work conflicts.

Important! If there are several sellers and they can duplicate each other, then the employer can create a standard job description. If a particular seller performs a specific job and is difficult to replace, then the document is drawn up on an individualized basis.

Document writing basics

The main parameters of the job description are not spelled out in labor legislation. This enables companies to draw up instructions in accordance with their needs, provided that there are no contradictions with the employment contract and relevant legislation. In practice, they take the instructions of the standard samples and adapt them to their needs. These typical job descriptions have a standard form:

  • A common part.
  • Functions.
  • A responsibility.
  • Rights.

Additional sections may be added to these standard sections, which stipulate working conditions, official relations or qualification requirements. The need for their inclusion is determined by the employer and depends on the area of ​​his activity, scale and other points.

Important! An appropriate professional standard can be used to write instructions. Their use when registering an employee is regulated in article 195.3 of the Labor Code.

General section

The initial section of the document, which provides a list of the basic aspects of an employee's work: to whom he reports, who replaces him, and other main points. What is important is the list of skills expected of the employee, which should correspond to the functions outlined in the next section.


The job responsibilities of the employee are outlined here. They are standard for the seller, but they can vary depending on the size of the store, its industry focus and whether it is independent or part of a large retail chain. The peculiarities of the direction of food products are also important: the seller is required to cut the products, weigh them, inform customers about the freshness, etc.

A responsibility

This part describes the grounds for holding the employee accountable. The standard section consists of 3-4 points, with the obligatory general character of listing the measures of responsibility. Specific penalties are not mentioned because they are determined after labor disputes, administrative and legal proceedings.


This part lists the rights that are vested in the seller of food products. They are usually typical and do not differ from the rights of other sellers.

Working conditions

A popular supplemental section included in the instructions for a more detailed listing of additional benefits. First of all, it is in demand by large companies that provide employees with a certain package of privileges. For this instruction, here you can add the provision of the seller with working branded overalls and his professional retraining at the expense of the employer.

Since the job description is a legally significant document, its text must be agreed with a lawyer. Further, the text is approved by the heads of the legal entity. Only after that the seller is introduced to the instructions. After that, the instruction is printed in compliance with all official attributes and submitted for signing. Usually the document is signed by the store director and the seller himself.

At this time, the seller monitors the use of cells for storing personal belongings of visitors. At the same time, he monitors the activities of sellers at the checkout, selectively carrying out a reconciliation of the check paid by the buyer with the volume and value of the purchase made. In the event of an attempt to bring in unpaid goods, the seller detains the violator and escorts him to the office premises of the store, where he holds him until the arrival of the police officers or a decision is made by the store administration. In all cases, the seller, when entering into relations with citizens, is obliged to behave correctly and politely. If there are sufficient grounds incriminating the person of committing theft and refusal to proceed for proceedings, physical resistance, deliberate destruction of the company's property, the seller in accordance with Part 1.

Draft beer seller job description

A good leader should know how many children a subordinate has, when they have birthdays, what is the name of his wife, if his mother is sick and even how he treats dogs. Try to congratulate your employee on the birthday of his son or daughter, and you will immediately see how the efficiency will change.


You are more and more about sellers, although they are line personnel. Which link is still more important in the chain? - I've always said that salespeople are the main people in the team.

These guys are at the forefront every day, and they are the ones who do the miracle - they "get" money from the pockets of buyers and replenish the pocket of the business owner.

Instructing the seller for the sale of beer, cigarettes


When accepting a shift, prepare the workplace: check the availability and serviceability of equipment, inventory and tools. In particular, check the location of the safe (which must be located on the territory leased by Alice-Plus LLC) and take the key to the safe for personal storage.

Control the location of the cash register machine (hereinafter referred to as KKM) of Alis-Plus LLC (KKM must be located in the retail space leased by Alice-Plus LLC); check the safety and presence on the cash register of the hologram "service" of the current year. If a cash register malfunction is established, immediately stop selling products and immediately notify the organization providing services for those.

servicing the cash register machine, and the head of its service about a cash register malfunction, by calling the Seller's phone numbers. 3.1.2.

Job description of the store seller

LIABILITY 4.1. The seller is responsible: 4.1.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their duties provided for by this job description - in accordance with the current labor legislation.

4.1.2. For offenses committed during the period of carrying out their activities - in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation. 4.1.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with applicable law. 4.1.4. For violation of the internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety rules established in the organization. 5. WORKING CONDITIONS 5.1. The seller's working hours are determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the organization.

This job description was developed in accordance with.

Draft beer seller

They are the ones who say to those who enter the store: “Maybe you can take one and a half so as not to run a second time in the evening? And try this beer, although it is more expensive, but worth it. " This is not done by the store director, although he has his own responsible role, namely the seller.

In addition, it is the seller who is the first to understand what went wrong in the system, what works from your ideas and what does not. Ideas are money, stocks are money, so they have to work.

Sellers are scouts, and if contact with them is established, then you will learn about failures at lightning speed, without any significant losses. I have not worked as a store director for a long time, but nevertheless, every week I travel around stores with my colleagues to communicate with the guys, to understand them and our problems, to solve pressing issues - this is very important.

Job description of a grocery seller

In cases of damage to products on the trading floor (uncorking of various containers, breaking packaging material, etc.), the seller immediately stops the actions of violators with mandatory payment for the damaged goods. If the guilty person refuses to immediately pay for the damaged goods, the seller informs the store director to call the police and initiate a criminal case under Art. 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Intentional destruction or damage to property". If the store does not surrender to the control panel, the sellers, according to the schedule established by the director, guard the store at night. However, they are fully responsible for all property in the store.

How to manage the staff of a beer shop?

OFFICIAL INSTRUCTIONS of the seller of the trade enterprise 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the seller "" (hereinafter - "organization"). 1.2. The seller is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the organization. 1.3. The seller reports directly. 1.4. A person who has a higher or secondary vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience or primary vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years is appointed to the position of a seller.
1.5. The seller must be able to use a cash register in his work. 1.6. The seller must own a computer at the level of a confident user, including the ability to use computer programs for accounting for goods.

Job description of the seller of the trade enterprise

A commodity specialist or director makes an intermediate recount of money at the checkout. The seller forms packs of 100 notes of one nomination and hands them over for storage in a safe.
This operation is not at the expense of customer service. After the store is closed for customers, the seller receives from the merchandiser or director the "Register of documents for the day" in the "Warehouse" program and verifies the cash at the checkout.

In the event of an error, the seller identifies and eliminates it. The shortfall is repaid from the seller's own funds. The seller fills out the book of the cashier-operator. Banknotes are folded at the request of collection, accompanying statements are laid.

The unfolded banknotes are placed in a collection bag, which is sealed and handed over to the collector. A Z-report is produced on the cash register. At the end of the working day, the POS printer and the computer are turned off.

Controls the availability of goods in the trade section, checks the quality, expiration dates of goods, checks the availability and compliance of markings, price tags on goods. 2.1.8. Carries out control over the safety of goods, trade equipment and other material values. 2.1.9. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations. 2.1.10. Informs the management about the existing shortcomings in customer service, the measures taken to eliminate them. 2.1.11.

Maintains a welcoming atmosphere in the workplace and sets a personal example in customer service. The seller must be patient, attentive, courteous in the selection and examination of goods by buyers.

When handing over the purchase, the buyer should thank him. 2.1.12. Provides cleanliness and order in the workplace, in the product section, as well as in the sales area as a whole. 2.1.13.

Job description of a seller of a draft beer store

Limited Liability Company "Beta" LLC "Beta" APPROVED General Director of LLC "Beta" A.I. Petrov 03/25/2013 Job description of the seller of draft beer 03/25/2013 No. 316-DI g. Moscow 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. This Job Description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of the Seller of draft beer Beta LLC. 1.2. The draft beer seller is appointed and dismissed in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the General Director of Beta LLC on the proposal of the senior seller of Beta LLC.
1.3. The draft beer seller reports directly to the senior seller Beta LLC. 1.4.
Responsibility The seller is responsible: - for the consequences of decisions made by him that go beyond his powers established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the charter of the enterprise, other regulatory legal acts; - for non-fulfillment (improper performance) of his official duties provided for by this instruction, within the limits determined the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation; - for committing an offense in the course of carrying out its activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation; - for causing material damage and damage to the business reputation of the enterprise - within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation RF. 5.

Job description of a beer shop seller

The employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with this job description, who carries out his labor activity in the field of retail sale of alcoholic beverages, about which a corresponding note is made in the employment contract.


2.1. The following functions are assigned to the seller of the goods: 2.1.1.

Customer service. 2.1.2. Preparation of goods for sale. 2.1.3. Consulting buyers about the properties and manufacturers of products, including the provision of documents confirming the quality of the goods, at the request of the latter.

2.1.4. Study of customer demand. 2.1.5. Perform official duties impeccably.


According to the provisions of Russian labor legislation, each employee, upon hiring, must be familiarized with his job description against signature. The following is a sample salesperson's job description. Appendix No. The seller reports directly to the Director, chief accountant. The cashier should know: Places and lays out goods by groups, types, taking into account the commodity neighborhood, frequency of demand, convenience of work.

RELATED VIDEO: How to choose a draft beer seller?

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The job description of the seller is a sample form. Responsibilities of the seller

Do you need a cash register to trade beer? This period I sold beer to a minor. For example, in addition to selling draft beer, I have sellers, I also recommend drawing up a job description, where, in addition to. This job description defines the Seller as a cashier-controller who is hired and dismissed from work. This job description is developed and approved for the position of the seller of food products, a person is appointed.

Friends, the three most active commentators receive rubles from me every month. You can see these worthy people just below, in the "Top commentators". Read how to put a photo on your avatar in this article. You can only get your winnings if you subscribe to new articles. The money is credited to your phone or Yandex. As you can imagine, reading my blog "The Life of a Bachelor" is not only useful, but also beneficial. Hello, individual entrepreneur and legal entity! A good salesperson in a campaign sometimes gets more than a director, so it is very important that our salesperson in a draft beer shop is friendly, adequate and does not steal money.

Where to find such a miracle and is it even possible? Just such people work for me and now I will tell you what actions you should take to get similar sellers. According to the specifics of draft beer shops, more men come to us, therefore, the seller must be a woman. I already wrote that in this regard I trust more aunts over 35 years old. They are more responsible, take their tasks seriously and do not abuse alcohol.

Of course, there are worthy candidates for the position of a salesperson among girls, but usually young people think more about love and entertainment than about conscientious work in the store. In addition, for some reason it so happened that usually employers are interested in personnel with a maximum age of years. I totally disagree with this! As if after 40 years already in a landfill. I have a 55-year-old woman working for me, so I consider her the best draft beer seller I have.

Tatyana, I'm talking about you. The draft beer store usually works late, so we need sellers who live nearby. After the opening of the outlet, while you yourself are standing at the tap, hang a sample of the job description of the seller of draft beer on the door of your store, a notice in large letters: You can also indicate the age of the candidate in order to immediately weed out the very young. Someone will say that it is better to look for a seller on the site, indicating the area of ​​residence.

Scammers are very fond of sitting on the Internet, who are looking for suitable shops in order to get a job for a while, and when the owner already starts to trust them and leaves significant sums to pay for the goods, then such scammers disappear without a trace with money.

If you search for a seller by ad, the probability of running into a scammer is much lower. I also advise you to talk to all your friends or even post an appeal to VKontakte. In this case, the Internet is already to help us, since our ad will be seen only by friends. In any case, even if a person came to us on a recommendation, it will not hurt to check the seller. Talk to the candidate, where you worked, why you left, whether you have children, why you decided to work for.

As a rule, you don't have to be a kick-ass psychologist to understand whether a person is adequate or not. If you and he are satisfied with everything, then the training of sellers follows. I advise you to post the person yourself first, even if someone already works for you. You need to clearly convey to the seller his actions and rules of work.

You can even compose detailed instructions so as not to forget anything. For example, in addition to selling draft beer, my sellers also have to clean the premises after work, carry out orders from regular sales representatives who come to the outlet, and prepare a list of necessary products that I order personally.

Try to free yourself from unnecessary routine immediately. Your job is to organize the process in such a way that you are not pulled over the slightest trifles and the store runs like clockwork. Sellers should be aware of their actions in various situations, which is why I recommend drawing up a job description, which, among other things, will include a list of required phones.

But no matter how well you set up the business, personal control of the business is necessary. Visit your points day or every other day and monitor the situation, talk with clients. Even if you want to save money and hire a seller informally, I advise you to sign any standard contract with him. Before registration, such a piece of paper has no legal force, but it still sets a person up in a serious mood.

The contract requires a clause about the material responsibility of the seller. To prevent theft of sellers, I recommend installing a sample job description of a draft beer seller in a draft beer store. I know it's not affordable for everyone, but dummy cameras work well as well. You screw them on the wall and tell the sellers that now you will control everything by video.

Believe me, even in this case, the discipline of your employees will improve, and the order in your store will increase. In addition to draconian measures, there must also be a carrot. Do not forget to congratulate your sellers on birthdays, general holidays such as New Years and March 8th.

Appointment to the position of a seller of food products and release from it is carried out on the basis of the order of the head of the enterprise. Preparation of goods for sale and customer service.

Leading the work of sellers with lower qualifications. The grocery seller performs the following job duties: Prepares workplaces, checks the availability and malfunction of equipment, tool inventory, installation of scales. Prepares goods for sale: Solves controversial issues with buyers in the absence of representatives of the administration. Places goods by groups, types and grades, taking into account the frequency of demand and ease of use, as well as fills in and attaches price tags.

Consults buyers about the properties and taste of certain types of goods. Participates in the receipt of goods, including from the warehouse, determines their quality by organoleptic characteristics. Informs the administration about the receipt of goods that do not correspond to the marking of the consignment note. Studies the demand of buyers and offers new, interchangeable goods and related assortment goods.

Contact the heads of structural divisions and specialists with requests for the provision of information documents necessary for the performance of official duties. To get acquainted with the projects of decisions of the management of the enterprise concerning its activities. In the event of material damage, within the limits that are determined by the criminal, civil, labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

RSS feed. Beer Salesman Job Description As you can imagine, reading my blog "The Life of a Bachelor" is not only beneficial, but also beneficial. The seller of the beer store resisted the robber. If you and he are satisfied with everything, then the training of the sellers follows. Draft beer seller Studies customer demand and offers new, interchangeable and related products.

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What is the responsibility of a grocery store seller

The document contains a list of functional responsibilities, items related to the rights, working conditions, employee responsibility. The standard form provided below can be used when drawing up a job description for a seller in a grocery store, non-food products, a senior seller. A person who has at least a vocational secondary education, a duly drawn up medical book, who has completed an internship is appointed to the position of a seller, without presenting requirements for work experience. During the absence of the seller, his rights, responsibility, functional duties are transferred to another official, as reported in the corresponding order. Conduct customer service: consulting, demonstration, packaging of goods, calculation of its value, registration, issue of purchase.

The leaders of many companies sincerely do not understand why they need to bother compiling a job description for a grocery seller. They confine themselves to verbally informing employees about the main responsibilities, forgetting to voice their rights. Creating an instruction is useful for both the employee and the boss.

The job description of the seller is the main document governing the employee's labor activity. If the instruction is not detailed enough, the seller's work may not meet the employer's expectations, therefore, it is necessary to approach its preparation extremely carefully. The requirements for the employee's education, the availability of a medical record and work experience are also indicated there. The list of the seller's job functions may vary depending on his place of work, so below we have posted several ready-made job descriptions suitable for various situations.

Grocery seller - option 1

What are these duties, are there any peculiarities in the work of a supermarket seller, what are the rights and responsibilities of this employee? The grocery market can have different sizes and its own specifics, there are specialized specialized stores that sell only fish, or alcoholic beverages, or sausages, etc. Dear readers! In our articles, we consider typical ways of solving legal issues, but each case is individual in nature. If you want to know how to solve your particular problem, please contact through the online consultant form on the right or call us by phones :. Often, the grocery store sells various goods for food, which is more convenient for consumers who can buy everything they need in one place, but more difficult for employees who are forced to replace each other and remember information about the mass of goods. At the same time, an employee of a grocery store, like any other service company, must be cleanly dressed, polite, honest with visitors and with the administration. A sales employee of any enterprise, be it a kiosk, a regular store or a supermarket, is also obliged to thoroughly know, understand and comply with the requirements of SanPiNs when working with food. It is not so easy to perform the functions of a grocery store employee in direct contact with customers.


Beer on tap is a very profitable product, but from the point of view of the legislation of the Russian Federation, trade in this type of alcoholic product should be regulated by requirements that are more and more stringent every year. What are the specifics of the work of outlets selling draft beer, is a license needed, are there any restrictions on sales by time of day, what are the duties of a beer seller? As part of the anti-alcohol campaign, the legislation of the Russian Federation introduced a number of restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol, even in the form of beer, should not be available to everyone and always, therefore there are differences and prohibitions on the sale of alcoholic beverages. There is also a difference in the organizational and legal form of the merchant: Art.

In some stores, the duties of a salesman-cashier include only work at the checkout; in others, he combines the functions of a cashier with the functions of a sales assistant. The specifics of a particular company and should reflect the job description of the seller-cashier.

The name of the institution. Appointment to the position of a seller of food products and release from it is carried out on the basis of the order of the head of the enterprise. Preparation of goods for sale and customer service. Leading the work of sellers with lower qualifications.

Job description of a pet store seller

Do you need a cash register to trade beer? This period I sold beer to a minor. For example, in addition to selling draft beer, I have sellers, I also recommend drawing up a job description, where, in addition to. This job description defines the Seller as a cashier-controller who is hired and dismissed from work.


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Free Download 2018 Grocery Seller Job Description | Form, form

The scope of the company is ... Full description, Moscow, Lermontovsky prospect - hh: 3 days ago Sales representative from 25,000 rubles. up to 100,000 rubles, Full, from 1 to 3 years Sales representative (beer, soda, drinks, juices) A ​​dynamically and successfully developing Company will be glad to see an executive ... Full description Nevsky Bereg, Moscow, Altufevo - hh: 17 hours ago Trade representative (beer) from 30 000 rub. up to 100,000 rubles. Job responsibilities: On-trade distribution and sales (HoReCa), Merchandising, Customer base expansion, Accounts receivable control, Product promotion ... Full description Nevsky Bereg, Moscow - 16 hours ago Sales representative with a personal car (beer, drinks, water, juices) from 45,000 rubles. up to 100,000 rubles.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Working as a Sales Representative Since in the vast majority of cases, sales representatives receive a percentage of the sales, the advantages of the profession include good opportunities for increasing income levels. In addition to the basic salary, it is quite possible to earn another 30–80% of its amount.

Another advantage is the fairly realistic career prospects.

Profession sales representative

It is also worth noting that a kind of trade representative's profession is the position of a manager in the HoReCa sector, he is engaged in the promotion of goods to hotels, restaurants and casinos, etc. points of a retail network, however, in the hierarchy of sales professionals, a sales representative occupies one of the lowest levels, so the level of education of applicants does not play an important role.

A successful candidate can be both with a secondary specialized and incomplete higher education. An exception is made by applicants for the position of a sales representative in the HoReCa field, where the presence of a university graduation diploma is usually a prerequisite for hiring.

Beer sales representatives in Moscow

  • accepts orders for the company's products;
  • searches for new clients;
  • is engaged in increasing the range of sales;
  • carries out financial control in the field of work with clients.

The job description is not a required document, but it is extremely useful and therefore is being used more and more often. Job description structure The responsibilities of any employee are recorded in his job description.

  1. General Provisions. Here the general description of the position, the requirements for the candidate, as well as the place of the employee in the structure of the company are recorded.
  2. Responsibilities assigned to the employee.
  3. The rights with which he is endowed.
  4. Employee responsibility.

404 page

  • advising clients on products or services;
  • work with an existing customer base;
  • search for new customers (presentation of goods or services, conclusion of contracts);
  • reporting on the work performed.

Occasionally, the role of a sales representative may include:

Sales Representative Resume Sample Resume Sample.

Sales Representative Job Description

Home / Reference information / Job descriptions / 1. General provisions. 1. The sales representative is classified as a professional company, is hired and dismissed by the Employer.
2. The main task of a sales representative is to organize sales in the assigned territory. 3. The sales representative reports directly to the head of the sales department.
4. The sales representative collects orders from customers and maintains direct contact with them. 5. Persons with higher education and work experience in a trade organization for at least one year are accepted for the position of a sales representative.

6. The sales representative must have the following skills: - the basics of sales; - the basics of communication; - the organization of the work process. 2. Functions. 1. Organization of sales on a fixed site.
2. Control over the implementation of the trade and credit policies of the Employer. 3.

If he did not recognize the one-day company in time, which disappeared along with the shipped products, then the company will exact the shortage from him. Therefore, before concluding a supply contract, he must learn as much as possible about a potential client: how long has he been on the market, how solvent he is, and so on.

In addition, such a specialist is obliged to monitor how the company's products are sold on his site (any store records these indicators). Based on the data received, he draws conclusions how much goods, where and when to deliver. He is also responsible for preparing weekly and monthly reports to management on the work done.

What is the responsibility of a draft beer sales representative

The purpose of such negotiations is to obtain new purchase orders, as well as to control how the leftovers of already delivered goods are used.

  • Demonstration of the maximum range of products offered by the company.
  • Control of sending orders to retail outlets.
  • Tracking customer debt.
  • If necessary - collection of cash for payments for already delivered goods or for prepayment.
  • Tracking claims and claims for goods delivered to customers.
  • Monitoring compliance with contracts with clients.
  • Looking for new clients.
  • Consulting buyers on quality, assortment and consumer properties of goods.
  • Tracking information about the state of the market in its area of ​​responsibility.
  • Control over the conduct of promotions, tastings and other events aimed at promoting the goods.

The sales representative is classified as a professional company, is hired and dismissed by the Employer. 2. Attention The main task of a sales representative is to organize sales in the assigned territory. 3.

The sales representative reports directly to the head of the sales department. 4. Important A sales representative collects orders from customers and maintains direct contact with them.

5. Persons with higher education and work experience in a trade organization for at least one year are accepted for the position of a sales representative. 6. The sales representative must have the following skills: - the basics of sales; - the basics of communication; - the organization of the work process.
2. Functions. 1. Organization of sales on a fixed site. 2. Control over the implementation of the trade and credit policies of the Employer. 3.

Most employers believe that a sales representative is a profession for young and energetic people, therefore they put forward age restrictions - from 20 to 30–35 years old. Salary of a sales representative The salary of a sales representative consists of salary and percent of sales and depends on several factors: - the number of retail outlets served; - the number of customer's commodity items; - qualifications of a sales representative; - provided resource opportunities for work (car, communication, advertising support, a special fund for holding promotions and presentations).

The "fork" of a sales representative's salary ranges: in the regions from $ 300-400 to $ 1000-1200, and in Moscow from $ 500 to $ 2500.
Sales Representative - An employee who represents, promotes and sells a specific group of company products. What does a sales representative do? He travels to retail outlets, offers goods, negotiates, concludes sales deals, and also visits stores where his company already has products and monitors whether the goods are selling well. Sometimes it performs some functions of a merchandiser. After several years of successful work as a sales representative or sales manager, you can move up the career ladder and become a business development manager or commercial director. Places of Work The position of a sales representative is in demand in almost all companies that sell products or services.

Responsibilities of a sales representative The main task of a sales representative is to do everything necessary for stores (kiosks, supermarkets) to agree to sell the products of the company he represents. By "everything you need" usually means the following actions: - to establish relationships with the heads of outlets; - skillfully present information about the company and its products; - to convince customers that this particular product is needed by the consumer; - to conclude a deal, sign a contract for the supply of products. A sales representative is obliged to monitor the timely delivery of goods to the store, must explain to sellers how to arrange them correctly for better sale, "punch" the most advantageous place for the goods and control that it is immediately put into the sales area and it does not stale in the warehouse, but also recommend the selling price.

The job description of the seller is the main document governing the employee's labor activity. If the instruction is not detailed enough, the seller's work may not meet the employer's expectations, therefore, it is necessary to approach its preparation extremely carefully.

How to compose: general provisions

In the first (introductory) section of the job (work) instructions of the seller, it is prescribed:

  • what category of workers does he belong to (to the category of workers);
  • by whom the employee is appointed and dismissed (by order of the director);
  • to whom the seller is directly subordinate (manager / director);
  • to which official the seller's duties and responsibilities are transferred during his absence from work (workplace).

The seller must be guided in his activities:

  • legislative acts of the country;
  • The Charter of the company and the normative documents established in it;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • orders and orders of the manager / director;
  • job description.

To ensure quality and efficiency, the seller needs knowledge of:

  • rules of communication with visitors to the trading floor;
  • requirements for stocktaking;
  • characteristics of goods;
  • orders for inventory accounting;
  • provisions of labor protection standards and safety regulations.

Job responsibilities: what the seller is entitled to and his responsibility

The labor functions of the seller are prescribed in a separate paragraph. As a rule, these are:

  • customer service, including consulting, demonstration, pricing, registration, packaging and delivery of the purchase;
  • timely replenishment of stocks;
  • preparation of goods for sale, including checking the conformity of the names, assortment, quantity, correct labeling, and the integrity of the packaging;
  • preparation of the workplace, including checking the health of equipment, tools and inventory;
  • receipt of packaging material and its preparation for further use;
  • placement of goods by groups, grades and types, taking into account the relevant requirements;
  • filling and placing price tags;
  • cash counting, registration of their turnover and delivery in the prescribed manner;
  • informing buyers about the characteristics, quality and features of the use of goods;
  • study of objections, arguments and comments of visitors to the trading floor;
  • window dressing in accordance with established standards;
  • participation in the receipt of goods, inventory, preparation of product reports and resolution of disputes with visitors during the absence of representatives of the administration;
  • informing the direct management about a product that does not correspond to the accompanying documentation and labeling;
  • placement of applications for the replacement and repair of commercial inventory and equipment.

In addition to obligations, the seller also has rights, including to:

  • obtaining information about draft decisions of the management concerning its work activities;
  • putting forward for consideration by the management proposals for improving work and rationalizing labor operations, as well as requirements for creating normal conditions for the performance of their own official duties and rights;
  • making independent decisions within their own competence;
  • placing requests and obtaining information necessary for the performance of their direct duties;
  • drawing the attention of management to the need to eliminate shortcomings in the company's activities;
  • obtaining all the necessary documentation, inventory and uniforms to complete the assigned tasks;
  • refusal to perform functional duties without ensuring proper safety measures and working conditions.

Also, the seller's responsibility for:

  • improper performance of official duties;
  • causing material harm to the company, its employees, contractors or customers;
  • non-compliance with the deadlines for performing work operations;
  • providing employees of the company or its customers with inaccurate information about goods;
  • failure to comply with the provisions of the approved instructions, orders, orders;
  • disclosure of personal and confidential information;
  • violation of discipline requirements, fire protection rules, labor regulations or safety precautions.

The section on working conditions should indicate their definition:

  • labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • orders and orders of the company's management;
  • safety rules and labor regulations of the organization;
  • the requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards.

Samples of the seller's job description

The list of the seller's job functions may vary depending on his place of work, so below we have posted several ready-made job descriptions suitable for various situations.

seller of a trade enterprise


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of the seller "___________" (hereinafter - "organization").

1.2. The seller is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the organization.

1.3. The seller reports directly to __________________.

1.4. A person who has a higher or secondary vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience or primary vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years is appointed to the position of a seller.

1.5. The seller must be able to use a cash register in his work.

1.6. The seller must own a computer at the level of a confident user, including the ability to use computer programs for accounting for goods.

1.7. The seller should know:

- decrees, orders, orders, other guiding and normative documents concerning the work of the trading enterprise;

- commodity research, standards and specifications for goods, their main properties, quality characteristics;

- conditions of storage of goods;

- management structure, rights and obligations of employees and their mode of work;

- rules and methods for organizing customer service;

- the order of decoration of premises and showcases;

- the basics of aesthetics and social psychology;

- labor legislation;

- internal labor regulations;

- rules and norms of labor protection;

- safety regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene, fire safety, civil defense.

1.8. The seller must be sociable, energetic and positive.


2.1.1. Ensures the uninterrupted operation of the commodity section, is at his workplace during the entire working time and can leave his workplace only if it is replaced by another seller with the consent of the Section Head (Deputy Section Head).

2.1.2. Provides preventive and courteous service to customers, creates the necessary conditions for them to select and familiarize themselves with the goods they are interested in, monitors the absence of violations of trade rules, takes measures to ensure that there are no queues.

2.1.3. Performs full pre-sale preparation of goods (checking the name, quantity, completeness, grade, price, labeling compliance, unpacking, visual inspection, etc.).

2.1.4. He informs his immediate supervisor, and, if necessary, the management of the organization, about cases of detection of goods that do not meet the requirements of pre-sale preparation.

2.1.5. Places and lays out goods by groups, types, taking into account the commodity neighborhood, frequency of demand, convenience of work.

2.1.6. Carries out the offer and display of goods to buyers; assists buyers in choosing goods, advises buyers on the destination, properties, quality of goods, on the rules for caring for goods, on prices, on the offer of interchangeable goods, new and related goods; calculates the purchase price, issues a check, issues a passport (other document) for a product that has a warranty period; makes the packaging of the purchase, the issuance or transfer of the purchase for control; exchanges goods.

2.1.7. Controls the availability of goods in the trade section, checks the quality, expiration dates of goods, checks the availability and compliance of markings, price tags on goods.

2.1.8. Carries out control over the safety of goods, trade equipment and other material values.

2.1.9. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

2.1.10. Informs the management about the existing shortcomings in customer service, the measures taken to eliminate them.

2.1.11. Maintains a welcoming atmosphere in the workplace and sets a personal example in customer service. The seller must be patient, attentive, courteous in the selection and examination of goods by buyers. When handing over the purchase, the buyer should thank him.

2.1.12. Provides cleanliness and order in the workplace, in the product section, as well as in the sales area as a whole.

2.1.13. Complies with labor and production discipline, labor protection rules and regulations, industrial sanitation and hygiene requirements, fire safety and civil defense requirements.

2.1.14. Executes the orders and orders of the immediate leader and management of the organization.

2.1.15. Is in the workplace in uniform work clothes, must have a neat appearance.

3.1. The seller has the right:

3.1.1. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of their duties.

3.1.2. Improve your qualifications.

3.1.3. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the organization concerning its activities.

3.1.4. Submit proposals on their activities for consideration by their immediate supervisor.

3.1.5. Receive from employees of the organization the information necessary to carry out their activities.

4.1. The seller is responsible:

4.1.1. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their duties provided for by this job description - in accordance with the current labor legislation.

4.1.2. For offenses committed during the period of carrying out their activities - in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation.

4.1.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with applicable law.

4.1.4. For violation of the internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety rules established in the organization.


5.1. The seller's working hours are determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the organization.

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