Frozen Corn Beans How To Cook Recipes. How much and how to cook corn, including frozen corn, and what can you cook from it? Summer corn soup

Before starting the story about how to cook corn, I would like to touch on the topic of choosing this product for cooking. After all, corn is a delicacy. The satisfaction of this meal depends on which vegetable you buy and then cook.
Corn is food and fodder. The second type is for animals. In fact, a person can use it too. True, it tastes worse than edible corn. Choose a young, unrefined product for yourself. More often it is sold in this form. Young corn has bright green leaves and damp tendrils. The grains release juice under the pressure of a finger. If everything is ok, buy it.

How to cook corn on the cob?

Cooking corn on the cob is a classic and easy way to cook this product.

  • Remove leaves and tendrils from corn.
  • Take a wide saucepan. Put leaves on the bottom and corn on top. Cover the ears with the remaining foliage and tendrils.
  • Pour water so that the cobs are hidden under it. Water must be added during cooking if it evaporates.
  • Close the saucepan with a lid and put on fire. Important: do not salt!

How much corn to cook?

The cooking time of corn depends on its degree of maturity.... If the corn is young, then 40 minutes will be enough. But an old product can take several hours to cook. While the corn is cooking, test it for doneness by pinching off a grain and tasting it. If it is soft, then you can turn off the stove.

How to cook corn in a slow cooker?

Does the house have a multicooker? Then it will be useful for you to learn how to cook corn in it. There are two ways to prepare this dish.
First... Peel the cobs, put in a container, put the washed leaves and antennae on top of the corn. Pour water to the maximum mark on the bowl, set the time to 15 minutes and that's it. Too short a cooking time? Yes. But, believe me, this is enough to cook the corn.

Second... Steam cooking. We take the container intended for this. We put corn on it, which must first be cut into columns and rolled in a seasoning of salt and spices. Use any spices you like. Close the lid of the multicooker. Set the time to 30 minutes. Don't forget to pour some water into the bowl.
On a note: Corn is served hot. Before using it, it must be rubbed with salt and, if desired, seasonings. The boiled product is stored in the refrigerator for two days. Before boiling corn, some housewives do not peel it, but raw corn is easier to remove from foliage than boiled corn.

How to cook frozen corn properly?

To boil frozen corn:

  • boil water in an enamel saucepan, without adding salt;
  • large corn can be broken into several pieces, and if the corn is small, then put whole;
  • the water should completely cover the corn, if you want it to be tastier, you can add a little milk or butter;
  • if the frozen corn has leaves, then after separating them, you can put them on the bottom of the pan, this will enhance the taste;
  • when everything is supposed to, simmer for up to 30 minutes
  • after the specified time has elapsed, check with a fork, if the grains are soft and pierced with a fork, then it is ready
  • take out immediately finished product from water, sprinkle with salt, spread with butter and cover with a towel, let it brew for a few minutes.

Now you can enjoy delicious corn! Bon Appetit!

About the recipe for cutlets with corn

Easy to prepare cutlets. They look very pretty, sunny


Cooking corn cutlets

  • Step 1

    1 boil frozen corn for 15 minutes in salted water. Drain the water and let cool.
  • Step 2

    2 Add eggs to the minced meat
  • Step 3

    3 onion, garlic, salt, spices
  • Step 4

Corn is the oldest of the cultures. She has been loved for centuries. Modern food industry allows today to preserve the best taste and nutritional qualities of corn and bring its summer taste to the consumer at any time of the year - corn is simply frozen immediately after harvest.

  • deep saucepan;
  • milk.
Bring water to a boil in a saucepan (it is better if it is an enamel saucepan, as it will destroy less nutrients and minerals). Do not rush to salt the water - corn becomes harder in salt water. Break the corn apart if it is large, or if it is medium in size and easily interferes with the pot, leave it intact. If your corn cobs have been frozen with leaves, they can be removed and placed in the bottom of the pot to enhance the flavor. Dip corn in boiling water. It is important that it is completely covered with water. If you like, you can pour a cup of milk into the water to add a creamy flavor to the corn. Reduce heat to low and simmer corn with lid closed for 10 to 30 minutes. Periodically check the readiness - pierce the grain with a sharp knife or fork, if it is soft, then the dish is ready. The cooking time depends on the degree of ripeness of the corn: the more mature the corn, the longer the cooking time. When the corn is ready, remove it from the water. Do not leave cooked vegetables in water - they become tasteless and watery. The vegetable broth is rich in nutrients and can be used as a base for first courses or sauces. Sprinkle warm corn with salt, spread with butter, cover and let it brew: now you can feast on it. Corn is delicious and useful product for adults and children. It must be consumed at any time of the year, and doctors recommend it to people who have various diseases ( diabetes, obesity, etc.). But not everyone knows how to cook corn so that it becomes soft and does not lose its beneficial properties.
Prepare the corn for boiling. Remove leaves and fibers from the cob and place in a saucepan. However, some people prefer to cook the corn together with the leaves, as they retain the flavor and aroma of the product. If you are one of them, then clean the cobs from unnecessary "impurities", and put the leaves and "antennae" to cook separately (in the same saucepan). Choose a cookware with thick walls and wide and deep so that the fruit does not break. Put the leaves under the pots, and on top of them carefully peeled cobs. Also, place the leaves on the sides of the container (so that the corn does not touch the walls), and put "antennae" on top to give the cobs a sweeter taste and aroma.

If you have a pressure cooker, the cooking process will be much quicker and will make the waiting time less tedious.

Pour over the corn cold water completely so that it covers it all. Place the lid on the pot tightly. Put it on fire, and after boiling, reduce it to medium or small. Usually, corn is cooked for about 40 minutes, but there are varieties that have to be cooked for up to 3-4 hours.

When boiling, check the cobs for softness (doneness) and make sure the water is completely covered at all times. And even at low heat, the water should boil.

You don't need to salt the corn, especially if you're making a dessert variety. Due to the presence of salt, the cobs end up not very tasty and juicy.

Keep an eye on the cooking process at all times. Test the hardness of the grains using a fork, and if they become soft, then you can stop cooking. Next, remove the cobs from the container in which they were boiled, drain the remaining water from the corn and clean it from the leaves (if boiled unpeeled). Rub with salt, if desired, spread with oil and eat the still hot queen of the fields.

If you want to eat corn, but it's not the season for it, then buy frozen cobs from the store. Dip the corn in boiling water and cook until tender. After boiling the water again, boil the cobs for another 25 minutes, and then remove, grease with oil and salt (or other spices) and serve. You can store cooked corn in the refrigerator for up to two days.

  • Cooking boiled corn
Golden corn, boiled on the cob, is a delicious and nutritious dish. This product contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. It is enough to eat 40-50 g of corn per day to provide your body with all the necessary nutrients.
Prepare corn cobs for boiling. Remove the leaves and tendrils, but do not discard them, but put them in a saucepan and cook with the corn. They will add a special flavor to the dish. Choose a wide and deep pot for cooking corn, for example, you can take a cast iron or a cauldron. Place corn leaves on the bottom of a saucepan and place peeled ears on top of them. Place the leaves on the sides of the crockery as well so that the corn does not come into contact with the sides. Cover the ears with leaves on top, put the corn "tendrils". Fill the corn with water so that it covers all the ears completely. Put the pot on fire. Bring water to a boil and boil the corn over low heat. The duration of boiling corn depends on its type and can range from 20 minutes to 3 - 5 hours. Add water to the corn as it cooks, it is important that it is completely covered with water. Do not add salt to the water, otherwise the corn will turn out to be less tasty and juicy. Follow the cooking process - the water should boil. Check the dish from time to time for readiness: pick up the ear with a fork, separate a few grains and taste them. If they are juicy, soft, easy to chew, the dish is ready. Remove the finished ears from the water, let the water drain, put them on skewers and rub with salt. You can also grease the corn with butter and sprinkle with spices. Serve a hot dish. To cook frozen corn on the cob, dip them in boiling water and cook until tender. After boiling water again, they are boiled for 20-25 minutes. Put the prepared corn on skewers, brush with vegetable or butter, rub with salt and serve. Chill the boiled corn directly in the saucepan. If you take it out of the water, it will shrink and lose its appetizing appearance. Corn can be left in water (without loss of nutrients) for three to four hours at a temperature of 60-70 ° C. Store boiled corn in the refrigerator for no more than two days. Remember that freshly cooked corn tastes best; it makes no sense to cook it for future use, since it loses its taste during storage. Boiled corn is not only tasty, but also healthy, it is rich in vitamins and minerals. Corn is easily assimilated by the body, as a result of its regular consumption, metabolic processes improve, and vitality increases. Eating corn has been found to reduce appetite, which helps fight overweight... How to cook frozen corn

How to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan, multicooker or double boiler and how long

Fragrant, juicy golden grains came to Europe from Mexico in the 16th century. The delicate delicacy has become the favorite food of the king and the poor. Adults and children give their preference to tasty, vitamin cobs. So that they do not lose their value for the body, you need to know how to cook them correctly.

How much to cook corn

Corn grains are fortified with carbohydrates, fats, iron, protein, vitamins and minerals. They differ in food, biological activity, improve metabolic processes, are easily absorbed, and contribute to rapid satiety. For vegetarians and people on a diet, they are irreplaceable. To retain the maximum benefits, you need to know how to boil corn. The secret of cooking this product lies in the correct choice of the variety, the ripeness of the heads. After reviewing them, any housewife will know how long it takes to cook corn.

Distinguish between feed and food varieties, they can be young or fully matured, differ among themselves in taste, shape and color of the cobs. For human consumption, it is preferable to use food, sugar varieties that have the amount of calories necessary for the normal functioning of the body. It is easy to distinguish young ears from ripe ones: as soon as you bite through the grain, sweetish milky juice will sprinkle from there. It is very important not to let them get digested so that they don't get rough. How to cook and cooking time directly depends on these qualities:

  • young heads of cabbage - 10-15 minutes;
  • matured - from 2 to 4 hours.

When buying, you need to choose "dressed" corn. Purified loses its freshness and juiciness, becoming shriveled, dry from air and sunlight. The greens should be bright, saturated - this means that they have not been stored for a long time. How to cook, so as not to lose during cooking beneficial features? You need to know how much to cook corn on the cob, what points to consider:

  1. Break large cobs in half.
  2. Place tightly in a prepared container.
  3. The water should cover the corn.
  4. Boil on a large flame, cook over low heat.
  5. Cook dairy varieties for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Mature - 2-3 hours.

How much to cook corn grains

In order to be able to cook a delicious product in winter, dairy corn grains are prepared for future use. To do this, you need to know how to cook corn in order to freeze and preserve. You can store fresh grains, but then they must be boiled. How much you cook corn kernels depends on how you want to use them.


  • corn grains - 3 cups;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • salt - a teaspoon without top;
  • sugar - 1.5 tablespoons.


  1. Pour boiling water over the cobs for half an hour.
  2. Use the blunt side of a knife to separate the grains.
  3. Add sugar, corn. Salt is added at the end of cooking.
  4. Cook the grains over low heat - 15 minutes, frozen - 20, canned boil for 2 minutes.

Young corn cobs cannot be stored for long. Even covered with a protective suit made of leaves, they dry out and lose moisture. The old ones during storage can ripen, become unusable. On the contrary, if the heads of cabbage are young, then the grains will begin to blacken and rot. To keep them a little longer, wrap the ears in parchment or foil, and put them in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. Cooking corn includes following rules:

  1. Remove leaves, remove corn silk.
  2. Pick up heads of cabbage that are the same size.
  3. Discard blackened, rotten grains.
  4. Inspect for insects, caterpillars. Having found pests, put the cobs in cold salted water, soak for 30-40 minutes.
  5. When cooking, use the lower leaves, discard the upper ones.

How to boil corn on the cob in a saucepan

It is convenient to cook heads of cabbage in a deep, thick-walled dish. The lid should fit snugly against the pot. Place the prepared ears in boiling water. To preserve their value, cook over low heat. How much corn on the cob to cook in a saucepan depends on the variety, preparation, and the chosen container. The recipe is simple:

  1. Line the bottom of the pot with clean corn leaves.
  2. Place the peeled heads of cabbage tightly.
  3. The water level should be 5-6cm higher than the corn.
  4. For reliable preservation of taste and color, the cobs can also be covered with leaves on top.
  5. After the desired time has elapsed, check the readiness by piercing the grain with a fork.
  6. Pull the finished product out of the boiling water with tongs, let the water drain.
  7. Place on a platter and serve with butter and salt.

Corn in a slow cooker

There is a multicooker in almost every home, but not everyone knows how to cook cobs in it. The following recipe will tell you how to cook corn in a slow cooker: corn leaves are not used, no need to salt water, the rest of the recipe is no different from boiling the cobs in a saucepan. Fold the washed, stubbled and greens heads tightly into a cup. Pour water above their level, select the "Cooking" program, set the time. After the sound signal, open the lid, pull out the tasty, aromatic cobs with the help of culinary tongs, as in the presented photo.

Maize boiling machine

Sweet cobs do not lose their popularity. Outlets the sale of treats is becoming more common, and boiled cobs are becoming a lucrative business. For their preparation, a special apparatus for steaming corn has been created, it is also called a professional corn cooker. The next photo shows what she is.

The control panel is equipped with regulators for setting the desired mode. A thermostat can be used to control the temperature. If two chambers are included in the kit, it becomes possible to cook whole ears and kernels at the same time. Simple equipment does not require complex maintenance and care. For the manufacture of a quality product, one cannot deviate from the operating rules, if the sound signal indicates a decrease in the water level, it must be topped up. So the rules are:

  • compliance with the temperature regime;
  • ensuring its stability;
  • water level control;
  • the apparatus must be clean;

Corn steamer

In a corn steamer, the grains are tender and crumbly. The technology is simple and accessible to everyone: peeled heads of cabbage are stacked vertically in a perforated basket, as in the photo. After filling with water, close the lid, set the timer to the desired time, taking into account the variety and maturity. The steamer is economical, shortens the cooking time, cooking lasts from 30 minutes to one hour, large and old ears take longer to cook. When the dish is ready, each boiled ear is sprinkled with salt and oiled.

How to cook corn properly

Eat young or old ears, milky ripeness or overripe - everyone decides for himself. Whatever you prefer, unique grains will not lose their taste and useful qualities during heat treatment. Knowing how to cook corn properly is essential. You need to act like this:

  1. Heads of cabbage can be placed in cold water or boiling water.
  2. Put salt at the end of cooking, or serve with a ready-made dish.
  3. If you add a small piece of butter, sugar - the grains will be tender, oily, and will acquire a creamy taste.
  4. After boiling, reduce heat to moderate.
  5. Check the doneness by piercing the grain with a fork.
  6. Serve the finished product immediately, do not cook for future use.

How to cook soft and juicy corn

The recipe for the delicacy is already known, but there are little secrets in how to cook soft and juicy corn. If you choose early-ripening varieties, for example, Bonduelle, success will be obvious: the cobs are almost the same length, the grains are compacted, and have excellent taste. If you follow sensible recommendations, even forage varieties are able to maintain juiciness:

  1. Cut large heads of cabbage into 2-3 pieces.
  2. The color should not be saturated, light.
  3. Put mature grains in boiling water.
  4. Salt ready-made.
  5. Add milk, cream, or butter to the water.

How much to cook young corn

Peel the heads of cabbage, place them tightly in a cooking container. It is possible to preserve the taste and tantalizing aroma by shifting them with green corn leaves. In order not to float, cover with a plate, bring to a boil over high heat. Remember how long it takes to cook young corn - it is fully ready in 15 minutes.

How to cook frozen corn

The recipe for cooking in this version is not much different from cooking fresh ones. Cooking them is not expensive and easy, the taste, the benefits of frozen heads of cabbage remain the same. If you have frozen corn heads and grains, you need to know how long it takes to cook frozen corn. Here are some simple rules:

  1. The workpieces are not thawed.
  2. Placed in cold water.
  3. When it boils, add ½ teaspoon of salt and sugar.
  4. The grains are boiled for 10-15 minutes.
  5. Whole heads of cabbage are boiled for half an hour.

How to cook mini corn

Cream-colored heads of cabbage, even raw, have an excellent taste. Cooking recipes allow them to be boiled, fried, baked in the oven, on the grill. It can be eaten with a head of cabbage, after heat treatment it becomes soft. These small ears are unusual for us, many believe that they are not ripe. Having bought exotic, we sometimes do not know how much to cook mini-corn. The recipe consists of the standard rules for the preparation of this product, the only difference is the reduced cooking time, about 5-7 minutes. It is impossible to digest, it will lose its tenderness and aroma.

Video: boiled corn

How much to cook young corn? How and how long to cook fresh and frozen corn on the cob, in a saucepan, microwave, slow cooker?

Young, boiled corn is one of the most long-awaited summer treats on the table of every family. She is loved not only for vivid memories from childhood, but also for her proven taste and benefits.

When cooking corn, it is very important to know how and how much to cook corn in order to preserve all its nutrients and at the same time give it a delicate taste.

How to cook corn on the cob correctly and how long?

An important point when purchasing corn is its quality condition.

Cooking young corn on the cob
  • Make sure the corn is light yellow in color with intact, intact black kernels before purchasing.
  • All leaves on the cob must be fresh and not dry.
  • The grains themselves should look ripe and juicy when pressed. If the grains have depressions, then the corn has already dried up and plucked long ago

The easiest way to cook corn for the laziest is to cook it unpeeled. This recipe has been invented for those who do not want to waste time on long cleaning of the cobs.

To prepare it, we need:

  • 3 kg. edible, young corn
  • 3 tablespoons salt
  • 5 l. water


  • Pre-wash all cobs under running water and cut off the ends so that they do not take up space in the pan
  • Then place everything neatly layer by layer in a large saucepan.
  • Pour water to the top and cook for 1.5 hours
  • As soon as the water boils add salt

With this method of cooking, corn turns out to be very aromatic due to green leaves and very tender and juicy due to the "fur coat" effect.

How much to cook young corn?

boiling time of young corn
  • To boil young corn while preserving all useful vitamins, it is very important to pre-clean and rinse it under running water, soak it for 15 minutes in cold water
  • Next, you need to prepare cobs of a similar size. If they are large, then cut the corn in half.
  • The boiling time for young corn is 40-50 minutes. In doing so, it is important to add salt, how to intensify the taste and cover on top with peeled leaves for aroma.

Fresh corn differs from regular corn in that it has juicy greens and a light brown hairy tail. On the other hand, old corn will have a dry and dark tail.

How long does it take to boil fresh corn in a saucepan? How to cook salted corn?

Cooking method:

  • Peel the corn and rinse it under water
  • Place the youngest leaves of a light green color at the bottom of the pan
  • Then lay the broken corn in half, layer by layer.
  • Fill with water 3 cm above the corn level
  • Add a tablespoon of salt
  • Lay hair tails on top, which are very useful in themselves and therefore will give corn not only an amazing aroma, but also saturate with important trace elements
  • And cover everything with the same young leaves, covering with a lid
  • Boil young corn for 40-50 minutes
  • Then let it stand for half an hour so that it is saturated with brine and becomes even softer and juicier.
  • Place on a plate and sprinkle with salt to taste

How to cook corn to keep it soft?
  • In order for the corn to be soft during cooking, it must be peeled and pre-soaked in cool water for 30 minutes.
  • Next, cook for at least 40 minutes over very low heat, not letting it boil too much
  • In this case, after cooking, it is important to wrap it in a towel on top and let it stand for another 30 minutes for saturation and juiciness.

How to cook fishing corn?
  • It doesn't take a lot of work to cook fishing corn. For fish, the aroma of corn is also important, on which, in fact, it bites
  • Young corn here can be of any color and the cooking time will depend on it.
  • If it has time to ripen and become dark yellow, then it is better to cook for at least an hour, checking with a knife for softness

If it is quite young, then the cooking time can be reduced to 40 minutes.

IMPORTANT: In order for the corn to retain its aroma and softness for a longer time during transportation, it is better to cook it without peeling it directly in the leaves.

The process of cooking in a microwave oven differs from all previous methods in that a pot and water are not required there, and the process itself is quite interesting for its simplicity and speed.

How to cook corn in the microwave? How to cook corn in 5 minutes?

Cooking method:

  • The corn must be peeled and rinsed with water
  • Next, wrap each ear with a paper towel and put it in a bowl of cold water.
  • Pull out quickly until the paper has time to come apart and squeeze out a little
  • Place all ears in one layer on a plate
  • Set maximum power and cook for 5-7 minutes

There is another tried and tested method for the lazy:

  • You don't need to peel the corn - you just need to cut two ends
  • Rinse from above under running water
  • Place on a plate and cook on power for about 5 minutes

Important: With this method of cooking, due to the "steam effect" of the leaves, the corn turns out to be more tender and juicy.

In a slow cooker, a special corn is obtained and this recipe is used by many housewives to please and surprise not only households, but also guests.

How to cook corn in a slow cooker? How to cook peeled corn?
  • The corn also needs to be peeled and placed in a container.
  • Fill with water 3 cm above the level
  • Next, you need to add 1 tablespoon salt 2 tablespoons sugar and cover with young leaves
  • Set the "steam" mode or the "cooking" mode and wait for the end of the process

Important: If you leave such corn to cook overnight, I do not take it out of the multicooker, then by the morning a fragrant and healthy breakfast will be ready. The corn will be not only warm, but also very juicy, saturated with its own juice.

Many lovers of such a delicacy freeze corn for future use and use this fragrant dish at any time of the year.

How much to cook frozen corn in grains and cobs?

Cooking method:

Cooked corn from frozen cobs does not need to be thawed.

  • Place the peeled ears in cold water and simmer to boil.

Important: If you throw frozen corn directly into boiling water, then it can burst and lose its aesthetic appearance and usefulness.

  • Add 1 tablespoon salt to the water and cook for about 70 minutes until cooked through, which can be checked with a fork

Cooking frozen corn kernels in a saucepan:

  • Rinse the measured amount of frozen grains under running water and place in a saucepan with cold water
  • The water should cover the corn by 5cm
  • Add salt to taste and 1 tbsp. l sugar
  • Then let it boil for about 40 minutes and put it on a sieve to drain excess liquid

Boiled corn in grains is suitable for preparing not only salads, but also soups.

Cooking frozen corn in a multicooker:

  • 300 gr. put corn into a multicooker container
  • And add 30 gr. butter or sunflower oil
  • Add water to cover 2 cm
  • Select the stewing or cooking mode and set the time to 20 minutes
  • Put the finished grains on a plate and sprinkle with grated cheese or herbs with spices

The well-known Bonduelle corn is only a well-known brand of the manufacturer of the beloved sweet canned corn. In fact, it is corn of the Spirit or Bonus varieties, which got this name for its sweet grains.

How much to cook Bonduelle corn?

Such corn is also cooked for about 40 minutes and, in principle, does not require time for infusion, because it itself is very juicy.

How much to cook mini corn?

Mini corn is nothing more than one of the varieties of conventional corn bred by breeding.

How much to cook mini corn?
  • It differs from the usual not only in size, but also in a very light shade and a very delicate taste.
  • Mini corn is considered very useful due to its dietary characteristics and rich vitamin composition.
  • You need to cook such corn gently in boiling salted water for about 20 minutes.
  • They are used not only as an independent side dish, but as a component of many vegetable salads.

Corn that is sold in the store in vacuum packing does not require long preparation and is almost ready for use.

How to cook vacuum packed corn?
  • Place the corn directly wrapped in boiling water and simmer for about 7 minutes
  • Cool and taste

How to cook dried corn?

How to cook dried corn?

Cooking method:

  • 200 gr. add water to dried corn
  • Add 1 tablespoon salt and 2 tablespoons sugar
  • Cook for 2-3 hours until the corn is soft and firm

There are many ways to prepare this dish and each housewife chooses exactly what brings not only culinary joy, but also significant benefits to her loved ones.

Video: How to cook corn so that it is soft?

How and how much to cook corn?

Before starting the story about how to cook corn, I would like to touch on the topic of choosing this product for cooking. After all, corn is a delicacy. The satisfaction of this meal depends on which vegetable you buy and then cook. Corn is food and fodder. The second type is for animals. In fact, a person can use it too. True, it tastes worse than edible corn. Choose a young, unrefined product for yourself. More often it is sold in this form. Young corn has bright green leaves and damp tendrils. The grains release juice under the pressure of a finger. If everything is ok, buy it.

How to cook corn on the cob?

Cooking corn on the cob is a classic and easy way to cook this product.

  • Remove leaves and tendrils from corn.
  • Take a wide saucepan. Put leaves on the bottom and corn on top. Cover the ears with the remaining foliage and tendrils.
  • Pour water so that the cobs are hidden under it. Water must be added during cooking if it evaporates.
  • Close the saucepan with a lid and put on fire. Important: do not salt!

How much corn to cook?

The cooking time for corn depends on its degree of maturity. If the corn is young, then 40 minutes will be enough. But an old product can take several hours to cook. While the corn is cooking, test it for doneness by pinching off a grain and tasting it. If it is soft, then you can turn off the stove.

How to cook corn in a slow cooker?

Does the house have a multicooker? Then it will be useful for you to learn how to cook corn in it. There are two ways to prepare this dish. First. Peel the cobs, put in a container, put the washed leaves and antennae on top of the corn. Pour water to the maximum mark on the bowl, set the time to 15 minutes and that's it. Too short a cooking time? Yes. But, believe me, this is enough to cook the corn.

Second. Steam cooking. We take the container intended for this. We put corn on it, which must first be cut into columns and rolled in a seasoning of salt and spices. Use any spices you like. Close the lid of the multicooker. Set the time to 30 minutes. Don't forget to pour some water into the bowl. Note: corn is served hot. Before using it, it must be rubbed with salt and, if desired, seasonings. The boiled product is stored in the refrigerator for two days. Before boiling corn, some housewives do not peel it, but raw corn is easier to remove from foliage than boiled corn.

How to cook frozen corn properly?

To boil frozen corn:

  • boil water in an enamel saucepan, without adding salt;
  • large corn can be broken into several pieces, and if the corn is small, then put whole;
  • the water should completely cover the corn, if you want it to be tastier, you can add a little milk or butter;
  • if the frozen corn has leaves, then after separating them, you can put them on the bottom of the pan, this will enhance the taste;
  • when everything is supposed to, simmer for up to 30 minutes
  • after the specified time has elapsed, check with a fork, if the grains are soft and pierced with a fork, then it is ready
  • immediately remove the finished product from the water, sprinkle with salt, spread with butter and cover with a towel, let it brew for a few minutes.

Now you can enjoy delicious corn! Bon Appetit!

Corn is a favorite grain of Mexican Indians, an essential component of ready-made frozen mixes for South American soups, pizza, salad with crab sticks... How to freeze corn to enhance its flavor and maintain the firmness of each grain? It will take no more than 40 minutes.

How to freeze corn for the winter?


Canned corn 1 can

  • Servings: 1
  • Time for preparing: 15 minutes

How to freeze corn on the cob for the winter?

Maize or corn is a useful dytheic product:

  1. This is a source of energy, boiled 123 kcal. Grain lowers blood sugar. Despite the calorie content, due to the fiber content, it fights overweight.
  2. It helps with diseases of the gallbladder, but with ailments of the stomach, they try to exclude it from the diet or reduce the amount.
  3. Canned or cooked maize is recognized as the healthiest. To preserve the flavor and benefits of the product, it is easiest to subject it to low processing temperatures.

Can corn be frozen? Yes. But you will have to immediately answer the question: which is better, now to spend time processing the cereal or to bother later? It's more convenient to put in the effort now, and then just get the maize out of the freezer and add it to a salad or serve it for dinner.

The opinions of culinary experts are divided: some argue that cobs of milk corn will be needed, others that only ripe, fully ripe specimens will do. Let's dwell on young cobs:

  • The first option is to select whole, no damage or rot on the cob. Clean them from leaves, stigmas. Then the "queen of the fields" is washed under the tap, dried with a towel and 3-4 pieces are packed in bags so that it is enough for 1 time. How to cook frozen corn this way? Dip in boiling water, salt to taste, boil for half an hour, until soft.
  • The second way is to boil the ear for 5-10 minutes, immediately put it in a container of cold water and add ice. Blanching or blast chilling will keep the flavor and softness of the corn even after thawing. Before serving, it is enough to dip it in boiling water or use a microwave oven.
  • Pre-cooking the product sometimes becomes an ideal option. The maize is boiled for half an hour, then cooled and put into the freezer. After reaching room temperature, such a product simply melts.

Important! Sometimes the cobs are cut lengthwise for convenience. Corn is packed in plastic bags with fasteners or separately in cling film.

How to freeze corn for the winter in grains?

The process is no different from harvesting whole ears. More often they do this: with a knife, vertically, they cut off grains from washed and dried corn, pack them in plastic containers, bags. Spread with a rolling pin 1 cm thick and send to the cold. After - take out and immediately scald in boiling water for 10-15 minutes.

You can cut grains from cooked maize and freeze them before eating. The product is stored in the freezer for up to six months, it is advised to defrost it once before serving or using it in the cooking process. Further destiny corn - in the hands of housewives!

An enamel saucepan is best for cooking. Pour water into it and put it on fire. When the liquid boils, put the cobs in it. The main thing is that they are completely immersed in the water and do not stick out of it. It happens that the cobs are frozen together with the leaves. In this case, you can detach the herbs and put them on the bottom of the pan. This will give the seeds a special flavor. Some people add a glass of milk to give the corn a softer, milky flavor. Cover the pan with a lid and leave it on a small flame. After half an hour you can already check if the cobs are cooked. We taste a couple of seeds or check their softness with a knife. If necessary, cook the corn for a while.

When the corn is ready, we take it out of the water, peel it if necessary. Next, we spread each ear with oil, salt it and leave it in this form for 5-10 minutes. The boiled corn is now ready! And all the same, what time of year is outside the window ...

When frozen, corn practically does not change its properties.

Chemically, corn is composed of the following elements:

  • water 75%;
  • carbohydrates 23%;
  • proteins 4%;
  • fat - 1%;
  • 2% of the mass goes to dietary fiber.

In frozen form, in corn per 100 grams of product, approximately 9% of vitamins of group B, 7% - C, 9% - PP, 1% - A, 5% - choline are released. The product contains a variety of micro- and macroelements, including the following -Zn, Cu, P, Mn, K, Fe.

Frozen corn contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, so it improves the work of the following systems: cardiovascular, digestive, nervous, endocrine.

In a mixed diet, it improves appearance, normalizes metabolism, helps to improve the condition of the skin and hair.

There are two ways to store frozen corn:

  1. on the cob;
  2. beans.

Preparation for cooking

In the oven

To cook previously frozen corn in the oven, you need the following ingredients:

  1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator until it is soft and reaches room temperature. Place the butter in bowls and toss in the pressed garlic.
  2. Add salt and pepper mixture, coriander, saffron, ground nutmeg... Stir the mixture well to distribute the seasonings evenly.
  3. Take a cob, remove the green foliage and spread it with the prepared mixture. Wrap the ears in baking parchment and then in foil.

    Foil keeps warm, producing moisture, corn is cooked in it, parchment prevents foil from sticking to the cobs.

  4. Bake the corn in an oven heated to 200 degrees for 30 minutes. Bake old ears for 45 minutes.
  5. Do not be afraid to experiment with spices and herbs, pick your own taste.

You can find more recipes for cooking corn in the oven at.

How to store boiled?

There are several methods for:

  1. Boil the corn, separate the kernels from the stem and transfer to a glass container. Fill in hot water with salt (a dessert spoon of salt per liter of water). Put in the refrigerator, so the grains can be stored for up to 90 days. Add salt water periodically as the corn takes up some of the salt.
  2. Lower the ears one by one, first in hot, then in cold water, and then let them dry. Separate the beans and place them in a plastic bag. Thus, grains retain their useful properties and good taste.

Corn is a very healthy food that should be eaten more often as it is rich in vitamins and minerals. And frozen corn is no exception.

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