weight loss business. Profitable health improvement business, proven over the years. Questions to ask the client

"I lost a lot of weight. At 55 kilograms. Once I posted my "before" and "after" photos on the Web. For some reason, it was my photos that attracted a lot of attention. I started to sit on the Web, became a blogger. got into the video of the YougiftedRussia channel on YouTube.

The roller went very well. There were many responses and questions about how I lost weight. Channel producers Misha and Boris said that too much energy is coming out of me and I should shoot my own video. My videos are for that 13-year-old bbw Tanya, who wasted a couple of years of her life trying to lose weight on diets that only give temporary results. The basis of everything is proper nutrition for life. And my channel is mostly about food. If I had found my channel then, I would have become a fan of myself and realized that I can do it too. I found what I wanted. I don't just share my experience, I get paid for it."

"I'm experimenting with the fusion of yoga, fitness and dance. I tell and show people how to always be in shape without going to the gym. I started filming my classes when I worked as a choreographer and coach in women's gymnastics. There were many requests to shoot more exercise videos and I thought about my channel."

“On the channel, coaches show how to make the perfect figure,” Boris says. “We also shoot motivational videos. For example, a motorcyclist was left without a leg. They sewed it on him. Now he squats with a barbell that is larger than mine. a platform that brings together people of the same interests.

YouTube Partner Program Manager Anna Gradil told Metro about how she helps video bloggers promote their channels and how creators make money

What is an affiliate program?

Which one?

We help bloggers develop. We meet with them and tell them what they are doing right and what is not. For example, we discuss the signature. You can write "We download the press", or you can write "The press is like that of Katya Usmanova." Katya Usmanova is a well-known personality in her circles.

How much do bloggers earn?

- I can’t name specific salaries, but I can say that there are more than a million monetized channels around the world. Of these, the number of those who earn six-figure numbers (in dollars, not in rubles) is more than a hundred. They refuse to work and build a business.

And again, let's start with statistics that tell us: in Russia, every second man and 2 out of 3 women suffer from overweight problems. Of these, 60% dream of gaining harmony. Not only that, almost all of them are willing to pay for weight loss methods that will help them do it. In this connection, we have developed a business idea for all those who want to get rich on their own and others' weight loss.

Yes, it's not a typo. We really offer you to earn on your own weight loss. And for this you need not so much - to have excess weight, and get rid of it. Sports for weight loss (the same aerobics for weight loss at home), diets, cleansing procedures and juices for weight loss will help you with this. But it is important for you not only to effectively lose weight, but also to record the changes that are happening to you on a photo and video camera. After all, it is the materials you receive that will be able to help you further monetize the most important of the formulas that make such a business profitable - “Do you want to lose weight?!! Ask me "how?"

It is difficult to say how long it will take you to bring yourself into excellent physical shape. Therefore, for the time being, we will answer the question regarding at what age it is best to engage in a weight loss business. And the proposed business has no age and gender restrictions, since men and women of all ages dream of losing weight, which will allow you to find customers regardless of how old you are - 16 or 66.

To run a successful business, you must prepare the following training and reference materials, which can be in the form of books, brochures, CDs for DVD players and PCs, or as files that you post on your website. Only after that you can start earning. And here is a short list of how you can do it:

1. Sale of methodical literature.

In the article “A book about your baby,” we already talked about how to prepare and publish a book yourself. Using our advice, you can publish any number of books that you sell. One such book can cost from 250 to 1500 rubles, with a total cost of layout and printing of 50-100 rubles. And you can sell it both via the Internet and through bookstores, for which you will need to draw up documents for private entrepreneurship.

2. Personal consultations.

But much more money will bring you personal consultations. Their essence lies in the fact that you become a personal weight loss trainer, conducting physical exercises for weight loss with a client, motivating him (for this you will need to study the basics of psychology), making diets for him, and selecting weight loss methods that are suitable only for him.

The effectiveness of your work will be evaluated by only one thing - how many kilograms a person who trusts you will lose in a month or a year. In addition, it is weight loss that will be the best advertisement for your professional fitness. You can be sure that dozens of his friends and acquaintances will watch the weight loss of a client or client with the most lively interest, each of whom will turn to you if your methods of losing weight turn out to be effective.

3. Manufacture of products for weight loss.

Since we are talking about a business without much investment, we will immediately abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcreating a cafe or restaurant that will serve dishes for weight loss. Instead, let's start cooking them in our kitchen, so that later we can deliver them to offices and apartments of those who dream of losing weight, but do not have time to cook low-calorie food for themselves. We will pack food in containers that can be heated in a microwave oven, and in addition to food, we will produce vegetable and fruit juices for weight loss, which also need to be poured only into disposable containers.

By the way, the experience of diet food manufacturers in our country and around the world shows that it is juices for weight loss that bring them 60-70% of their net profit, especially if their uninterrupted supply to offices is established - directly to workplaces.

4. Earnings on the site for those who want to lose weight.

When creating your site, you can earn in the following ways:

Selling recipes for diet meals and juices for weight loss;

On the preparation of individual diets for site visitors;

Online consultations;

And on downloading video files: training on simulators, jogging, aerobics for weight loss at home - this is an incomplete list of those video lessons that may be available to site visitors.

Also on the site you can sell books and CDs, not only your own, but also those of others, for which it will be enough for you to become a partner of one of the referral book programs, the best examples of which are the same Yakaboo or Ozone.

5. Maintaining a health team.

But if you like active sports and direct communication with people, then maintaining a health group is much more suitable for you. By renting a gym or an open area, you will conduct weight loss classes with those who will pay you from 100 to 350 rubles per session.

True, in this case, we strongly advise you to take a professional physician into your “team”, who will monitor the physical condition of your wards. It becomes clear how important such a step is when you find out that most of those who become members of such a health group have not been involved in any sports at all for the last 10-15 years, and therefore half of them most likely have heart disease, blood vessels and musculoskeletal system.

Or you can do it a little differently. Since many are embarrassed to go to such groups due to their hypertrophied fullness, fitness or aerobics for weight loss can be organized for them online at home, for which your customers will pay for the broadcast both via WebMoney and using SMS messages.

And again some numbers:

The organization of such a business, given the period required for your own weight loss - 3-9 months.

Estimated income - from 1.200 dollars per month.

How to make money by losing weight:
14 original business ideas of the world

Ever since a person stopped wrapping himself in meters of matter and began to wear laconic things that fit the figure (and this happened exactly after the start of the First World War), the question of the harmony of the figure has risen sharply and still stands, to the delight of the entrepreneurs who put the release miracle weight loss products on stream.

The very beginning of the 20th century is a revival of interest in sports, as the ancient Greeks understood it. But with one caveat: now not only young athletes, but all people in general, including representatives of the “beautiful half of humanity”, were obliged to have a slender, muscular, beautiful body. The emancipation (that is, equality) of the sexes has done its job.

Around this time, the so-called "baths" in the few seaside resorts disappeared. Let me remind you what it is. The bath, as people who lived in the 19th century had it, who took the very first “sea baths” on the prescription of spa doctors, was a horse-drawn carriage that could “go into the water” several meters deep - up to the croup of a horse. The crew itself was a mini-pool, that is, simply a booth with a large hole in the floor for immersion in water for a short time. Ladies, sheltered from prying eyes, dressed in "bathing suits", which are a cross between a combination and a ball gown with ruffles and invisible to this very prying eye, dipped a couple of times in the healing sea waters rich in iodine.

The First World War changed everything. People got as naked as possible. And it turned out that their nude figures, covered only with leotards, leave much to be desired. This is how the weight loss industry was born, which we have the good fortune to observe and analyze to this day.

Very slowly, people came to the idea that "weight gain" is not good, but evil. Because weight is not an indicator of health, but rather an indicator of its absence.

Europeans (as well as enthusiastic Americans, who are inclined to pick up any fresh idea and bring it to the point of absurdity) became, of course, the pioneers of the industry of goods and services aimed at weight control and weight loss.

Today we present to your attention a small overview of the most interesting (in our opinion) business ideas related to the topic of weight loss.

Let's start with the ladies' weakness - sweet alcoholic cocktails. Do you remember the episode from the wonderful film The Witches of Eastwick, where three heroines, having gathered for a traditional weekly bachelorette party, clinking martini glasses, in chorus, mockingly sing: “Ten seconds of happiness in the mouth - and ten pounds on the hips for a lifetime!”

Unfortunately, sweet vermouth is one of the few women's "joys" and, at the same time, one of the most insidious "Danaan gifts". The number of calories that a sweet alcoholic cocktail gives is scary even to name ...

And then there were entrepreneurs who launched for sale - mixtures for alcoholic cocktails that reduce calories this cocktail!

Entrepreneur Jordan Engelhardt invented and patented additives (her own) called Skinny Mixes, which make your cocktail a harmless 5-calorie (!) drink ... What?

They are already sold in bars and restaurants in America, where, as you know, the topic of losing weight is especially acute ...

Further on the topic follow lovers of beer and chips - the first candidates for losing weight. As you know, all crispy snacks are very unhealthy, because, among other things, they contain a lot of salt, which makes it difficult to remove fluid from the body, which, as you know, increases both weight and volume.

But what if you are a potato chip lover who can't bring himself to give them up entirely?

An evil person would tell you: “Well, to hell with you, why should I take care of you? If you don't want to change your lifestyle, it's up to you."

But the cunning entrepreneur will not say that. After all, entrepreneurs always make money on the weaknesses of potential consumers! The most successful entrepreneur is the one who can create a product that satisfies the fantastic desire of any average person: “How can I eat a fish and not get better in the waist?”

So, American entrepreneurs Keith Belling and Pat Tepin invented a low-calorie healthy fast food product - popchips for weight loss.

To do this, they completely changed the technology of their preparation. These chips are not fried in oil at all. They are made using high pressure and high temperature.

And here is another topic for those who want everything the same - eat, but at the same time - do not get better.

The essence of this mobile quiz game is that the player, answering questions, makes the right choice every time, giving preference to healthy products over unhealthy ones. If a player makes a mistake, the score is reduced. The winner is the one who managed not to reset his account!

Andrea Parker, by playing this intellectual weight loss quiz, was able to lose weight herself, as she began to "measure seven times" before shopping for this or that food in the supermarket.

If you cook at home from natural products, then another danger awaits you - you never know exactly how many grams of certain ingredients you put in a dish. However, all dietary supplements are calculated in grams. How to be? Buy pharmaceutical scales?

Why, when now a special diet has been invented for losing weight spoon-electronic scales- Нandy dandy Spoon Scale!

This mini-gadget costs only $35, but it allows you to “hang in grams”! This will be useful not only for those who want to lose weight (and for this - to know exactly how much of what he puts in a dish), but also for cooks who do not like to work "by eye".

Yes ... Libra is an indispensable companion for losing weight.

Everyone knows what stress the very procedure of getting on the scales causes at the next control weighing of your body ... To make this procedure even more unpleasant and stressful, the inventors of products that accompany weight loss (or rather, developing a strong motivation for weight loss) invented - screaming scales !

It’s not enough for you that you already see how much they began to weigh after the holidays, so the “built-in cuckoo” also yells in a bad voice, appealing to your conscience.

So, the Riant Weighing Scale communicates your weight in a loud, well-placed voice. And this voice sounds the louder, the greater the weight ...

This is a new WeightNags service developed on the basis of the Texas-based ConnectWorks Media. You give out your email address and home phone number and after that... regularly receive notification messages (much like spam mailings) with a reminder that “You seem to be going to lose weight? So, how are things going? Have you lost a lot of weight? For all this, business organizers take money, although your malicious girlfriend would do it for free - out of sheer pleasure.

In addition to the online service, an offline resource can also motivate you to lose weight. We present to your attention the following business idea: weight loss motivation diary

The diary is called: Food & Fitness Diary, and it was published by a young publishing group - New Text Studio.

In addition to the fact that the diary contains a 26-week weight loss course with useful recommendations, the diary is equipped with drawings that clearly show the stages of reducing the volume and proportions of your figure: from the initial “horror” to the desired athletic ideal.

Okay, what do the scientists say? Have they really not come up with anything new that could be thrown onto the market of innovative technologies to combat excess weight? Why?.. Thought up!

They work like this: implants are implanted in the area between the esophagus and stomach. The wires from them are connected to a small subcutaneous current generator. A current is passed through the electrodes and they begin to block a certain vagus nerve that connects the brain and the digestive system, helping to lose weight.

When the neural connection between the "sick" brain, demanding "I want to eat!" and the stomach is blocked, patients lose up to 30% of excess weight! After that, the implants are removed.

Scientists won't be scientists unless they invent a robot. By the way. Miracle- weight loss robot already they invented even became the best technical invention in the field of fitness in 2011 at CES!

The American company Intuitive Automata made a very cute, big-eyed, like Cheburashka, robot baby - he will explain to you in a confidential manner (and show the text of his reasoning on the screen) how useful it is - to move a lot, not skip workouts and eat little without running all day to the refrigerator. The robot friend's name is Autom, and it's made to look like the Disney character from the movie Wally. The robot is able to keep up the conversation, though not on extraneous topics, but only on those topics that are related to a healthy lifestyle.

But if you still prefer communication with real people, then we bring to your attention another novelty: Get Fit Coaches or short-term fitness courses for weight loss.

They were invented and organized by two friends - working mothers - Sue Pilarsky and Cassandra Smith.

Girls work on the principle: “Still sitting in front of the TV and going to do fitness from Monday? Then we go to you!".

The teacher and the nurse have developed unique types of fitness programs for those who are losing weight, which allow you to observe visible impressive results in a very short time - 10 days.

They really do fitness with you - at home and even in the office. The essence of the idea is that many people never get to the fitness club, but when the fitness club itself comes to your house ... and even fulfills the stated promise: results in ten days ...

Then many people, inspired by their own successes, then take up a healthy lifestyle without any additional prodding!

And finally, at the end of our review, I would like to talk about funny ideas that are also related to the weight loss business.

According to their inventors, walking in such shoes with inclination and weighting contributes to the rapid burning of calories and weight loss.

The shoes have two slopes: at an angle of 15 (such shoes are called "Comfort" and are designed for jogging) and at an angle of 20 degrees - for a harder workout.

What is the curiosity of this idea? As you know, the usual exercise (that is, a long walk) cope with the task of losing weight without the help of any "smart" shoes.

The main thing is that the shoes are orthopedically correct - they do not cause flat feet, do not bend the joints, do not spoil the gait, "breathe" and so on ...

For such miraculous walking, any adequate sports shoes will do. Here, rather, the psychological mood that occurs in some people when they hear the words “shoes for weight loss” is “sold” ...

This inflatable doll with a snout instead of a face is attached to the refrigerator. She has a button on her stomach and the inscription: "Once you move, press the button and watch me get fat."

The button is pressed, the doll is inflated like an air mattress ...

As you can guess, the invention also belongs to the Americans...

And finally, the last hit in this review - weight loss glasses .

These are blue glasses. Food seen in such a light begins to evoke disgust, and the situation as a whole immediately begins to resemble a mortuary ...

The inventors of such miracle glasses refer to the data of science, according to which blue is the color that most discourages appetite.

We willingly believe that blue glasses are capable of causing a persistent aversion to anything ... but what does weight loss have to do with it and how is it connected with the violent formation of a persistent aversion to food?

Ready-made ideas for your business

The problem of excess weight for many women is one of the most painful and problematic places. The fair sex is ready to make any "sacrifice" to lose at least a few unnecessary pounds. So why not help the lovely ladies?

What’s more, you can do good business with it. Of course, we are not talking about the sale of illegal or harmful drugs. Everything is legal and legal.

The main problem of many women who set themselves the task of losing weight is the lack of willpower and the lack of a sufficient level of motivation. But losing weight is much easier if such a task is solved with a group of people. Throughout Europe, special services for losing weight women are gaining popularity. What is the essence of their activities? How to organize such a business?

This type of business is quite simple and does not require any significant investments. The meaning of the activity is to organize a special service that assists in losing weight through the involvement of qualified nutritionists and fitness trainers.

In addition, the course of the program includes psychological support. When ordering this service, a woman is provided with her own trainer, who controls the entire process of losing weight. In addition, the specialist gives recommendations regarding physical activity, nutrition systems, and so on. Most often, such efforts give an incredible effect.

Working with a personal trainer takes place in an atmosphere of complete trust. A woman pays money to see real results, so she will do whatever the coach says. The main thing is to get results.

Investments and income

The cost of starting a business is minimal. In most cases, you can get by with an amount of 6-7 thousand US dollars. As for the likely income, they are about 7-8 thousand US dollars per month. Many people do not start such a business, considering it unclaimed. You don't need to be afraid of it. In the countries of the post-Soviet space, women really need help, and the effectiveness of such a business has been proven by European entrepreneurs.

Room selection

Of course, the opening of such a service is impossible without its own premises. It is advisable to find a place that would be located in the city center or in nearby areas. Such an office is simply necessary for consultations and recording clients. It is important to make sure that there are no catering establishments nearby (restaurants, cafes, and so on), which will once again tempt women to “sin”.

There should be no sources of noise near the office. The ideal room is warm and cozy, with at least two rooms. In one of them, you need to schedule consultations, and in the other, professional trainings.

Where can I get money to start my own business? This is the problem faced by 95% of new entrepreneurs! In the article, we have revealed the most relevant ways of obtaining start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

Purchase of equipment

When arranging a room, everything possible must be done to guarantee maximum comfort to customers. The environment itself should be as close to home as possible. The main costs will be spent on the purchase of desks, upholstered furniture, organization of lighting and heating systems.

The friendlier the environment, the better. Proper nutrition programs, various literary publications on the topic can be placed in prominent places. You can hang photos with clients who have achieved results (with their consent, of course).

Features of recruitment

One of the most important points in organizing this type of business is the selection of personnel. This is an extremely important point, because employees must conduct individual consultations daily and several times a day. Service personnel must be stress-resistant, responsive and necessarily friendly.

At the initial stage, you do not need to assemble too large a team - two fitness trainers, one psychologist and three nutritionists are enough. If you can find fitness trainers with knowledge in the field of dietary nutrition, then this is only a plus. Graduates of physical education and medical higher educational institutions may be suitable as employees. When selecting specialists, special attention should be paid to their physical form.

No special documents are required to conduct such activities. The main requirement is that the employees of the organization have the appropriate certificates and diplomas. If you have the above papers, you can apply for a license.

Price policy

Particular attention should be paid to the pricing policy of the organization. The cost of services should be determined immediately after the application is submitted by the client, who expresses his wishes regarding the services provided. This is followed by a series of conversations aimed at identifying the main problems of the woman. In some cases, you may need to talk to a psychologist.

From the next day, full-fledged joint work begins - physical training is carried out, the psychological state and diet are controlled.

It is very important that the client's actions regarding nutrition and exercise are constantly monitored. At the same time, a weekly course of classes, for example, in the USA costs 400-500 dollars. Believe me, this price may seem high only at first glance. In fact, an overweight person spends much more on fighting the “illness” and, of course, buying food.


Thus, the weight loss business is quite in demand, because women will always struggle with being overweight. All you have to do is get it right and start making money.

Photo: Frantisek Chmura/Rusmediabank.ru

Helping you lose weight as a business- ways and opportunities to provide assistance in order to get rid of excess weight, turning this activity into a source of income.


Two billion people worldwide suffer from overweight problems. One billion two hundred and fifty million people torture themselves with diets and grueling workouts. In Russia, every third woman dreams of getting rid of the hated kilograms and, moreover, almost every woman is ready to pay for some kind of weight loss method that will help her become the owner of the desired figure. If you have such a method, you are confident in its effectiveness and are ready to help people, then you can safely start making money on it. There are more people who are obese every year, and accordingly, the number of people who want to lose weight is increasing, so this niche for business is always relevant and in demand.

Weight loss methods

You can earn money by helping you lose weight in the following ways:

  • Centers for weight loss and obesity treatment.
  • Creation of sports and dance programs for weight loss.
  • Sale of drugs and means that help to lose weight.
  • Thermal underwear and clothes for weight loss.
  • Slimming procedures: massage, wrapping, pressotherapy, acupuncture and others.
  • Preparation of personal diets, individual consultations.
  • Diet products.
  • Hypnosis and coding for excess weight.
  • Operations and liposuction.
  • Creation of courses and trainings for weight loss.

Let's take a closer look at how to make money on creating courses and trainings for weight loss.

Where to begin

At the initial stage, you need to decide on a detailed plan for your course. You must consider its effectiveness as well as health safety. You need to clearly understand what excess weight is. For overweight people, this is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a psychological one. There are a lot of reasons for obesity, therefore, in order to develop an effective method of losing weight, you need to find a cumulative solution to all problems. It is advisable to study the forums of losing weight, chat with people who have already achieved results, and put the whole puzzle together to get the big picture.

There are a lot of means and methods for losing weight, and, consequently, the competition will be huge. It is very important to convey the correct information about your method to the client, give clear examples and arguments, and most importantly, show your ability to solve his problem. In order for your potential clients to trust you, you must not only be completely confident in the effectiveness of this technique, but also be able to give examples of those whom you have already helped to lose weight. And, of course, if you yourself are overweight, then you yourself must achieve the perfect figure using your method. Then you can test your method on friends who want to lose weight or just do a free marathon for losing weight. Thus, you will not only receive the first results of your work, but also a small advertisement. Try to analyze all the moments in order to remove shortcomings or add something - this is very important, because with each new client you get even more knowledge and experience. Working with people is not easy, but very interesting and allows you to find more and more answers on how to win the war with being overweight.

How to promote your product

First you need to create your own website where you can place all the detailed information about your weight loss course, reviews and payment and delivery methods. Use advertising in social networks, create your own groups, make promotions and gifts to your potential customers. You can arm yourself with the support of friends and acquaintances, ask to place ads on their profiles in social networks. Of course, a very important and effective way of advertising is word of mouth. Each thinner client will bring you at least three more. You can also cooperate with companies that deal with weight loss products, participate in various affiliate programs.

Create free materials and webinars to attract new customers, and if they are interested in this information, they will definitely buy your paid course. Create your own master class or interesting training, enter into agreements with training centers and centers for weight loss, and you can conduct your first trainings on your own by renting a room or agreeing on favorable terms with an anticafe. In the future, you may be able to advertise your courses and trainings in magazines or on the radio, but be sure to analyze the number of potential customers before investing in any type of advertising. Try to find an individual approach to each client and analyze the result and effectiveness of your method, constantly expand your course, add something new. You can make several types of product - from free to the most expensive option. Study the work of competitors, write down all the advantages and disadvantages in their work in order to create and add new chips to attract customers.

In the future, you will be able to expand and deepen your business by opening your own weight loss school, which will also offer cosmetology services, manicures, massages and others. By doing this, you will help people not only lose weight, but also feel happy and beautiful in the process of losing weight. This business is hard work, but it gives you the opportunity to get a good financial income and help people become happier, because being overweight affects not only the appearance, but also the inner feeling of self-confidence and attractiveness, and more importantly, health.


  • Diets.ru, a social network for losing weight
  • How to do self-promotion, social network myJane.ru

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