How to open a point for the sale of Christmas trees. We open a business on Christmas trees - a step-by-step algorithm. Important subtleties of trading

The seasonal trade in Christmas trees begins in mid-December, but it is necessary to prepare now. The sooner a contract for the supply of trees is concluded, the cheaper they will cost. To organize bazaars, you need to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur and permission to place a trading facility. The seller must have documents confirming the delivery of a batch of Christmas trees.

Favorite family holidays are approaching - New Year and Christmas. So, again, live Christmas trees, pines and firs will be in the price. With the right approach, this seasonal business can make good money.

Where to begin

Christmas tree trade must be legal. The best way is to register an IP. OKVED code 47.89 or 47.99 - retail trade outside stores (in markets, in tents, with home delivery) of other types of goods. The optimal taxation system is the simplified tax system (6%). You can register an individual entrepreneur at the tax office for a permanent or temporary residence permit, and if there is an electronic signature of an individual - via the Internet.

In addition, it is necessary to coordinate the location of the Christmas tree market. Each piece of land has an owner - a private person or the state. And you will have to negotiate with those who own or manage this site.

If a point is planned to be opened in the market, the businessman must go to the administration of the market and conclude a lease agreement for the place. Another thing is a Christmas tree market on municipal land. Permission to organize such an outlet must be obtained from the local administration.

Usually the municipality allocates certain places for such bazaars. But you can offer your own by submitting an application to the administration for the placement of an object of non-stationary trade. It is necessary to attach to it a plan of the city or district, on which the desired site is marked. In what form it will be required - it is better to find out in the administration.

Organization of a trading place

The trading place must meet the requirements of the administration and the fire inspection. After the start of trading, you should be prepared for checks, especially from firefighters.

The requirements are:

  • The place for trading should be fenced. In recent years, city authorities have demanded that Christmas tree bazaars be decorated in the same style, including the installation of a special fence. And these are additional expenses, sometimes very significant;
  • a sign such as "Christmas market" or "Christmas tree trade" should be equipped;
  • a plate with the full name of the entrepreneur and phone number is required;
  • there must be a price list or at least an indication of “Price from *** rubles.”;
  • a cash register is required.

In the trade tent it is necessary to have:

  • axe;
  • saw;
  • roulette;
  • fire extinguisher;
  • packaging material: ropes, nets, etc.

The seller must have all the papers that give him the right to trade in this place this product:

  • an agreement with a landlord - a private owner, the administration of a market or a city (settlement);
  • if the outlet is on private territory - a copy of the document confirming the ownership or ownership of the lessor;
  • an agreement with the forestry or farm where the Christmas trees were purchased;
  • packing list;
  • act of acceptance and transfer, if it was drawn up;
  • price-list;
  • book of complaints.

Where to go in Moscow

Before each New Year in Moscow, about 200 bazaars sell Christmas trees. The places for their placement are determined by the district prefectures. The tenants of the allocated plots are determined at public auctions, which are organized by the City Department for Competition Policy. The winner of the auction receives a plot for rent for 5 years, but can only use it during the Christmas tree market - from December 20 to 31.

Usually all the good places have long been rented out. Moreover, tenants often do not open bazaars themselves, but re-lease plots to real sellers of Christmas trees.

You can also consult the Department of Trade and Services of the city of Moscow - he manages the markets, including weekends. Perhaps there are places for the sale of Christmas trees on their territory.

Buying Christmas trees: where to find low prices

Spruces and pines are grown specifically for cutting before the New Year, and trees are also sent for sale after thinning coniferous plantations or clearing forest roads. You can buy them in bulk in forestries, farms, nurseries, which are in any region. For information, you can contact the territorial division of Rosleskhoz.

Offers can also be found on the Internet - on advertisement portals, in catalogs of wholesalers or on farm websites. Prices depend on the type and height of the tree, as well as the volume of the lot. The most popular goods are spruces and pines 1.5-2.5 meters high. Average prices are presented in the following table.


Note. For a fee, many vendors offer trees to choose from.

In addition to Russian spruces and pines, suppliers offer coniferous trees from the Scandinavian countries, Estonia and even Canada. They are significantly more expensive and are positioned as a higher quality class.


Reference. Fraser Fir is a premium variant of the Christmas tree. It is highly resistant - up to a month in room conditions. The needles are not prickly, do not crumble when dried. There is no tiered distribution of branches. It can also be planted in its own garden plot.

It is profitable to import Christmas trees from abroad, provided that the batch is large - from 1,000 pieces. However, this is associated not only with high costs, but also with additional difficulties. There is a procedure for customs clearance of cargo and sanitary control. Therefore, more often such trees are bought from suppliers in Russia. small wholesale lots (15-20, less often - from 50 pieces).

Photo: plantation of New Year and Christmas trees.
Source: LloydTheVoid/pixabay


Delivery of coniferous trees is most often undertaken by the supplier. But a self-delivery option is also possible, especially if the party is small. Also, the supplier can offer tree storage services until the time comes for the opening of Christmas tree markets.

It is convenient to order large quantities - from 1,000 pieces, because it is on such volumes that the maximum discounts are given. And just as many trees fit in a standard saddle train (a truck, which is usually called a wagon). However, for the implementation of such a batch, several points of sale will have to be equipped.

If you decide to open one point, you need to focus on delivery by a truck like a tented Gazelle. Approximately 200 packed trees are placed there.

For the transportation of fir trees across the country, standard documents are sufficient - a contract, a consignment note (sometimes they make up an acceptance certificate). If you decide to organize the delivery on your own, you will need the same kit. If a third-party transport company is hired, documents for transportation (consignment note) are additionally issued.

Note. The documents must indicate the number of firs. On the eve of the holiday, the Federal Forestry Agency, together with law enforcement agencies, conducts special operations (“New Year Tree”, “Herringbone”). Their goal is to prevent illegal cutting of coniferous plantations. The truck can be stopped to check and even count the number of trees.

If there are no documents (or there will be more than indicated in the documents), troubles threaten. A batch of firs may be detained to clarify the circumstances. For illegal logging, not only administrative fines are imposed. If the damage is more than 5 thousand rubles, the violator faces criminal liability under Article 260 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

How much can you earn

The first question that arises is how many Christmas trees can be sold at one point. It is difficult to answer it unambiguously. It all depends on how well it is located. Through one point, at least 150-350 units can be sold.

An important expense item is the cost of rent, but it all depends on the region and the location of the outlet. To make the spread of prices clear, here are a few examples of ads from different regions (the cost is indicated for the entire period):

  • in Rostov-on-Don, ready-made sites with the necessary equipment are offered for rent at a price of 40,000 rubles (information from the website;
  • in the suburbs of St. Petersburg (Shushary, Slavyanka, Pushkin) plots of 10 sq. meters without equipment can be rented at a price of 5,000 rubles (according to;
  • in Moscow and the Moscow region places of 15 sq. meters with all the necessary equipment for a Christmas tree bazaar can be rented at a price of 250,000 rubles (website

Note. In order to save money, the entrepreneur can work himself. But at least one more person is still needed. Trading goes on for most of the day, and it will be difficult to master it alone, and even in a frosty winter. It is best to work in shifts.

Table 3. Calculation of profit from the trade in Christmas trees (1 batch of 300 pieces)

Amount, in rubles

Venue rental

Design for a Christmas tree bazaar, design in the same style (requirement of the authorities)

Purchase of trees (300 pieces at a price of 125 rubles)

Delivery from the supplier to the storage location

Warehouse rent

Transportation costs (delivery from the warehouse to the point of sale)

Decoration and inventory

Salary, 2 employees

Total expenses

Revenue at the cost of the Christmas tree 1000 rubles

300 000 — 217 500 = 82 500

The New Year holidays are over, now you can breathe easy and think about what kind of business to do in the new year. Of course, it is now impossible to make money on Christmas trees. But time flies quickly, and very soon you will think about what kind of business you can open before the new year. And here, detailed instructions for the sale of Christmas trees with all the nuances will not hurt.

We hasten to disappoint right away: making money selling Christmas trees is not as easy as it seems. Every year, there are a lot of people who want to get quick money, and not everyone manages to snatch a good jackpot. Consider various options for the development of such a business.

Christmas trees in the squares

Shops and hypermarkets are the first to please the eye with New Year's attributes. Then comes the turn of city sites and various organizations. It is there, starting from December 15 or a little earlier, that large Christmas trees appear at least 6 meters high.

Let's say right away that the seller of such Christmas trees will earn more traders in Christmas markets or in online stores.

The fact is that on such trees there is the biggest difference in the purchase and selling prices. For the purchase of New Year trees, state organizations announce a tender. Either those who offered the lowest cost, or those who offered the largest kickback, win. If you have experience in participating in tenders, you can try your hand.

How much can you earn on such trees? With a purchase of 10-20 thousand rubles, the final price can reach 100,000 rubles. Having sold a dozen or two Christmas trees, we can assume that the Christmas tree business was a success. Who is the potential buyer? Organizations, sports complexes, schools, kindergartens, etc. You can work until December 25 inclusive, but you need to start sending your proposals as early as possible. Tenders will start in September.

Christmas Bazaar

The first thing that comes to mind when asked “How to make money on Christmas trees” is, of course, Christmas markets. Starting from December 20, sellers of live Christmas trees appear in specially designated places. Trading continues until December 31, but the hottest sales are around the 25th.

With the seeming simplicity of such a business, it will not be easy to enter this niche. Such places are assigned to the neighbors of the near abroad - Azerbaijanis, Armenians, etc. Trying to knock a good place out of them is not only useless, but also life-threatening. You can still find a platform for yourself, but it’s worth starting to do this six months before the New Year holidays.

The best option is to rent a place from shops, shopping centers. To do this, it is necessary to agree with the owner and obtain permission from the state organization to which this territory is attached.

But even here there are nuances. If the landlord is overly greedy, he may set too high a rate for those miserable 10 days during which you will trade. There are cases when 200,000 rubles had to be paid out in 15 days.

Business registration

If you still decide to open a Christmas tree market, you must officially register the activity. To do this, it is enough to open an individual entrepreneur, as well as obtain permission to sell Christmas trees on the street.

Then you will need to negotiate with the forestry for the supply of Christmas trees. All documents should be kept at the point of sale in case an inspection comes up.

In addition, you will need a bill of lading and a bill of lading as proof that you bought, and did not steal, these trees.

Pitfalls of Christmas markets

Why can't you make a lot of money selling Christmas trees at retail? There are several reasons:

  • On the eve of the New Year holidays, a lot of bazaars open, and a person will choose where it is cheapest.
  • Christmas trees are sold not only at Christmas markets, but also in large chain stores.
  • Many buyers prefer to order online for home delivery.
  • Most people buy an artificial Christmas tree every few years.
  • Some even refuse the New Year tree at all, going on a visit or abroad.

As you can see, you should not immediately believe in fairy tales “I opened a Christmas tree market and earn a lot of money.” It is important to take into account the many “buts”, to weigh everything and, if you enter this market, then be prepared from all sides.

Is it possible to make money on artificial Christmas trees?

Another New Year's business, and by the way, often much more profitable and much easier to perform. The point is simple. Here is a short step by step guide:

  1. Register as an individual entrepreneur
  2. Obtain permission to sell artificial Christmas trees
  3. Create your own website for selling Christmas trees
  4. Find a supplier
  5. Fill it with products with photos and descriptions
  6. Promote on the Internet: search engine promotion, contextual advertising, social groups.
  7. Start selling with home delivery.

To implement a business on artificial Christmas trees, you will need:

  • Warehouse space
  • driver with car
  • Gasoline expenses
  • Operator for receiving orders.

Non-standard options for the sale of Christmas trees

There are also quite unusual ideas that are not so common, but are of interest to many.
For example, Christmas trees made of champagne. The bottom line is to create decorations for champagne bottles and then sell them. You can decorate in various ways, offering various design options. One buyer often purchases several bottles at once in order to immediately close the issue of New Year's souvenirs for friends, colleagues and relatives.

We offer you to watch a video of a master class on creating a champagne Christmas tree:

No less interesting ideas include: a Christmas tree made of toys, sweets, beer cans and much more.

The seasonal trade in Christmas trees begins in mid-December, but it is necessary to prepare now. The sooner a contract for the supply of trees is concluded, the cheaper they will cost. To organize bazaars, you need to obtain the status of an individual entrepreneur and permission to place a trading facility. The seller must have documents confirming the delivery of a batch of Christmas trees.

Favorite family holidays are approaching - New Year and Christmas. So, again, live Christmas trees, pines and firs will be in the price. With the right approach, this seasonal business can make good money.

Where to begin

Christmas tree trade must be legal. The best way is to register an IP. OKVED code 47.89 or 47.99 - retail trade outside stores (in markets, in tents, with home delivery) of other types of goods. The optimal taxation system is the simplified tax system (6%). You can register an individual entrepreneur at the tax office for a permanent or temporary residence permit, and if there is an electronic signature of an individual - via the Internet.

In addition, it is necessary to coordinate the location of the Christmas tree market. Each piece of land has an owner - a private person or the state. And you will have to negotiate with those who own or manage this site.

If a point is planned to be opened in the market, the businessman must go to the administration of the market and conclude a lease agreement for the place. Another thing is a Christmas tree market on municipal land. Permission to organize such an outlet must be obtained from the local administration.

Usually the municipality allocates certain places for such bazaars. But you can offer your own by submitting an application to the administration for the placement of an object of non-stationary trade. It is necessary to attach to it a plan of the city or district, on which the desired site is marked. In what form it will be required - it is better to find out in the administration.

Organization of a trading place

The trading place must meet the requirements of the administration and the fire inspection. After the start of trading, you should be prepared for checks, especially from firefighters.

The requirements are:

  • The place for trading should be fenced. In recent years, city authorities have demanded that Christmas tree bazaars be decorated in the same style, including the installation of a special fence. And these are additional expenses, sometimes very significant;
  • a sign such as "Christmas market" or "Christmas tree trade" should be equipped;
  • a plate with the full name of the entrepreneur and phone number is required;
  • there must be a price list or at least an indication of “Price from *** rubles.”;
  • a cash register is required.

In the trade tent it is necessary to have:

  • axe;
  • saw;
  • roulette;
  • fire extinguisher;
  • packaging material: ropes, nets, etc.

The seller must have all the papers that give him the right to trade in this place this product:

  • an agreement with a landlord - a private owner, the administration of a market or a city (settlement);
  • if the outlet is on private territory - a copy of the document confirming the ownership or ownership of the lessor;
  • an agreement with the forestry or farm where the Christmas trees were purchased;
  • packing list;
  • act of acceptance and transfer, if it was drawn up;
  • price-list;
  • book of complaints.

Where to go in Moscow

Before each New Year in Moscow, about 200 bazaars sell Christmas trees. The places for their placement are determined by the district prefectures. The tenants of the allocated plots are determined at public auctions, which are organized by the City Department for Competition Policy. The winner of the auction receives a plot for rent for 5 years, but can only use it during the Christmas tree market - from December 20 to 31.

Usually all the good places have long been rented out. Moreover, tenants often do not open bazaars themselves, but re-lease plots to real sellers of Christmas trees.

You can also consult the Department of Trade and Services of the city of Moscow - he manages the markets, including weekends. Perhaps there are places for the sale of Christmas trees on their territory.

Buying Christmas trees: where to find low prices

Spruces and pines are grown specifically for cutting before the New Year, and trees are also sent for sale after thinning coniferous plantations or clearing forest roads. You can buy them in bulk in forestries, farms, nurseries, which are in any region. For information, you can contact the territorial division of Rosleskhoz.

Offers can also be found on the Internet - on advertisement portals, in catalogs of wholesalers or on farm websites. Prices depend on the type and height of the tree, as well as the volume of the lot. The most popular goods are spruces and pines 1.5-2.5 meters high. Average prices are presented in the following table.


Note. For a fee, many vendors offer trees to choose from.

In addition to Russian spruces and pines, suppliers offer coniferous trees from the Scandinavian countries, Estonia and even Canada. They are significantly more expensive and are positioned as a higher quality class.


Reference. Fraser Fir is a premium variant of the Christmas tree. It is highly resistant - up to a month in room conditions. The needles are not prickly, do not crumble when dried. There is no tiered distribution of branches. It can also be planted in its own garden plot.

It is profitable to import Christmas trees from abroad, provided that the batch is large - from 1,000 pieces. However, this is associated not only with high costs, but also with additional difficulties. There is a procedure for customs clearance of cargo and sanitary control. Therefore, more often such trees are bought from suppliers in Russia. small wholesale lots (15-20, less often - from 50 pieces).

Photo: plantation of New Year and Christmas trees.
Source: LloydTheVoid/pixabay


Delivery of coniferous trees is most often undertaken by the supplier. But a self-delivery option is also possible, especially if the party is small. Also, the supplier can offer tree storage services until the time comes for the opening of Christmas tree markets.

It is convenient to order large quantities - from 1,000 pieces, because it is on such volumes that the maximum discounts are given. And just as many trees fit in a standard saddle train (a truck, which is usually called a wagon). However, for the implementation of such a batch, several points of sale will have to be equipped.

If you decide to open one point, you need to focus on delivery by a truck like a tented Gazelle. Approximately 200 packed trees are placed there.

For the transportation of fir trees across the country, standard documents are sufficient - a contract, a consignment note (sometimes they make up an acceptance certificate). If you decide to organize the delivery on your own, you will need the same kit. If a third-party transport company is hired, documents for transportation (consignment note) are additionally issued.

Note. The documents must indicate the number of firs. On the eve of the holiday, the Federal Forestry Agency, together with law enforcement agencies, conducts special operations (“New Year Tree”, “Herringbone”). Their goal is to prevent illegal cutting of coniferous plantations. The truck can be stopped to check and even count the number of trees.

If there are no documents (or there will be more than indicated in the documents), troubles threaten. A batch of firs may be detained to clarify the circumstances. For illegal logging, not only administrative fines are imposed. If the damage is more than 5 thousand rubles, the violator faces criminal liability under Article 260 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

How much can you earn

The first question that arises is how many Christmas trees can be sold at one point. It is difficult to answer it unambiguously. It all depends on how well it is located. Through one point, at least 150-350 units can be sold.

An important expense item is the cost of rent, but it all depends on the region and the location of the outlet. To make the spread of prices clear, here are a few examples of ads from different regions (the cost is indicated for the entire period):

  • in Rostov-on-Don, ready-made sites with the necessary equipment are offered for rent at a price of 40,000 rubles (information from the website;
  • in the suburbs of St. Petersburg (Shushary, Slavyanka, Pushkin) plots of 10 sq. meters without equipment can be rented at a price of 5,000 rubles (according to;
  • in Moscow and the Moscow region places of 15 sq. meters with all the necessary equipment for a Christmas tree bazaar can be rented at a price of 250,000 rubles (website

Note. In order to save money, the entrepreneur can work himself. But at least one more person is still needed. Trading goes on for most of the day, and it will be difficult to master it alone, and even in a frosty winter. It is best to work in shifts.

Table 3. Calculation of profit from the trade in Christmas trees (1 batch of 300 pieces)

Amount, in rubles

Venue rental

Design for a Christmas tree bazaar, design in the same style (requirement of the authorities)

Purchase of trees (300 pieces at a price of 125 rubles)

Delivery from the supplier to the storage location

Warehouse rent

Transportation costs (delivery from the warehouse to the point of sale)

Decoration and inventory

Salary, 2 employees

Total expenses

Revenue at the cost of the Christmas tree 1000 rubles

300 000 — 217 500 = 82 500

The New Year holidays are considered to be perhaps the most profitable period for entrepreneurs working in various fields. It is quite logical that many of them at least once thought about selling Christmas trees on the street, because this, albeit seasonal income, promises to be more than solid. In addition, such trade does not require obtaining numerous permits, licenses, as, for example, in the case of alcohol or pyrotechnics. In just a few days, an entrepreneur can receive up to 3 thousand dollars, which, of course, is a very good additional income.

Necessary equipment

To sell such a product, you will not need to purchase special equipment. However, such a business always attracts the attention of regulatory authorities, in particular, the State Forestry and Fire Supervision. To pass the check without problems, be sure to buy and store the following tools at your outlet:

  • Pilu;
  • Roulette;
  • Axe;
  • Fire extinguisher;
  • Packing material (usually rope).

It is not necessary to fence the outlet, but it is still better to clarify this issue with the local administration. Some urge entrepreneurs to drive posts and wrap rope around the perimeter of the retail space, thereby creating visible boundaries.

Where to organize the sale of Christmas trees?

Of course, perhaps the main guarantee of your success will be the correct choice of the location of your point. An unsuccessful choice, on the contrary, is guaranteed to lead to a loss of money, because unsold goods can no longer be sold. Places in the markets and near large shopping centers are traditionally considered the most profitable. There is a high probability that they are already occupied by entrepreneurs who have been involved in this business for more than a year, but you should remember that, first of all, you need a passageway, and it can also be located in large residential areas. They are not too involved in this trade, although they are more than promising.

Where to buy spruce?

If you are planning to sell Christmas trees, pines and fir trees on the street, you will definitely need to find a reliable partner from whom you can buy goods at a reasonable price. The conclusion of contracts should be done immediately after obtaining permits, while the search for potential sellers must begin even before the documentation is drawn up.

Most often, entrepreneurs choose one of three options:

  1. Forestries. It is in the forest areas that Christmas trees are purchased most often. Today they can be found in almost any region, but even if yours turned out to be an exception, you can order a consignment of goods in a neighboring region. Transportation, as a rule, does not cause any special problems. If you do not know where to find such enterprises, when preparing documents, pay attention to the list of nurseries with plants that are purchased specifically from forestry enterprises. Remember, the farther from the city, the better the goods and the lower the prices. However, it should also be taken into account that the size of the minimum lot sold in forestries is 100 trees. By signing the contract, the entrepreneur pays half of the amount, and the other half must be paid directly at the time of shipment. The date of the order also matters - the sooner you make a deal, the better for you, because the competition in this business is quite tough.
  2. Farms. If such farms are found near the city, it is there that you can buy small quantities of goods (you should not count on large deliveries from such enterprises).
  3. Wholesalers. Intermediaries allow the entrepreneur to get rid of all the worries associated with finding suppliers and transporting trees, however, when buying a large batch of goods in bulk, your markup will be very small. This will deprive you of most of the possible profit, that is, if you have such an opportunity, it is worth buying spruce from other partners. In addition, suppliers can offer you imported wood, but its cost will be 10 times higher than the market price, and it is unlikely that you will immediately be able to enter the number of outlets that focus on wealthy buyers without serious investment.

Profitability and profitability of the Christmas tree business

An active businessman can earn up to 3 thousand dollars in 8 days of holiday excitement. However, this will not be so easy to do.

According to the latest statistics, during this period, forestry enterprises earn from 10 to 20 thousand dollars on Christmas trees. The total market volume is estimated at 0.5 to 0.7 million dollars. Therefore, such trading cannot be called big business, but rather a source of additional, relatively large and quick income. As a rule, nurseries sell trees at a price of 50 cents to one and a half dollars per linear meter. The retail price is 30-40% higher than the wholesale price. Thus, your revenue will directly depend on the original price and the size of the consignment. Typically, a Christmas tree market earns up to $500 a day, and the profitability of the business as a whole is from 15 to 25%.

This amount can be significantly increased by opening a whole network of similar points. However, experienced entrepreneurs who have a sufficiently large amount for investment can bring such an idea to life.

Required documents

The sale of Christmas trees on the streets is regulated by government organizations, which means that your point must comply with all existing requirements, and you, in turn, must have all the documents confirming the legality of the activity. In addition, you must be registered as an Individual Entrepreneur (registration of a legal entity is also possible, however, as a rule, it is simply not necessary for a small business).

First of all, you need to decide on the location of your point. If it is located on the municipal market, you need to contact its administration and request a trade permit (many experienced entrepreneurs note that this option not only makes it easier and faster to process documents, but also usually brings more profit to the owner). By renting space, you can start trading.

If you want to sell Christmas trees in a residential area, the entrepreneur will need to contact the district administration (it is better to call, and only then go) and fill out the appropriate application. You also need to know what form the plan of the place where your point will be located should be presented in.

So, permission to trade received. What other documents will an entrepreneur need in order for the activity to be completely legal?

When purchasing a consignment of goods, you will need to obtain an agreement and an acceptance certificate from the forestry (in this case, all documents must contain information on the exact number of purchased trees). All these documents, if necessary, will need to be presented to representatives of the supervisory authorities.

Thus, in case of verification, you must submit the following documents for review:

  1. Permission to trade from the administration or the market;
  2. Bill of lading;
  3. Tax invoice.

In addition, your point should have a sign that informs about its profile (check this issue with the administration). Prices (not necessarily exact) should also be written on. Any sheet with information, for example, an IP number and a telephone number, must be signed by you.

If you hire a distributor, be sure to draw up an acceptance certificate - this will help to avoid theft.

Selling live Christmas trees is a business idea. Christmas tree trade permits. Where to buy Christmas trees for sale.

Selling live Christmas trees is the most popular pre-New Year business, this is an opportunity to make very good money two weeks before the New Year.


In this article, you will learn how to organize a trade in live Christmas trees, what permits are needed and how to purchase Christmas trees at the lowest price.

Christmas tree trade permits.

To organize sales of Christmas trees, you will first need to obtain the appropriate permits from the consumer services department in the city administration.

OKVED code - 52,48,32 - trade in spruces, flowers, seeds and fertilizers.

Get your hands on a permit for the sale of Christmas trees.

Further, in the department of the consumer market, you need to obtain permission for a place for trading, for this you need to apply for a permit to allocate a place for selling Christmas trees (Christmas tree market). Places for trading are usually already predetermined by the administration, you need to choose a free one or offer your own.

Where to buy Christmas trees for sale.

The purchase of Christmas trees should be carried out directly without intermediaries in the forestry. Forestry enterprises start cutting down Christmas trees on December 1, so you need to contact the forestry in advance and consult about the procedure for purchasing Christmas trees from them. You should also contact the forester in advance at the site where the fir trees will be cut down, discuss with him the possibility of your presence during the cutting of the ordered lot.

Here the main point is that you need Christmas trees of presentation, slender, fluffy, if possible not yellowed. Therefore, experienced entrepreneurs first establish ties with the forester, for a small fee to the forester, he will choose for you Christmas trees of a presentation, which you will then scatter like hot cakes. If you do not control this process, then in the leshoz you will be slipped already sorted Christmas trees, the best ones go to more efficient entrepreneurs, and the rest are crooked, yellowed, not lush to everyone else. It is clear that the one who manages to purchase slender, fluffy Christmas trees of a presentation earns.

Together with the goods in the leshoz, you will receive in your hands commodity-transport and tax invoices. These documents must always be with the seller at the outlet.

Sale of live Christmas trees business.

So, they bought Christmas trees for sale, received permission to trade, chose a place in advance and received permission for it. Now you need to equip the Christmas tree market. I want to make a reservation right away that each city in the trade department has its own requirements for arranging a place for selling Christmas trees, in some cities there are practically no requirements, you have received permission and trade calmly, in others there is a whole list of requirements for organizing Christmas tree markets.

For example, the list of requirements for trading in Moscow:

  • Trade area fencing.
  • Lighting.
  • Colorful decor.
  • A sign indicating the organizational and legal form of the organization.
  • Fire extinguisher.
  • Measure ruler.
  • Cash register.
  • Book of complaints.
  • Price list.
  • Signboard with operating hours.
  • Packing material.

If there are no special requirements for organizing a trading place in your city, then you can even trade from a truck, each city has its own rules.

You need to take care of the night security of the outlet in advance, there are several options.

You can guard yourself, usually merchants warm themselves in a car next to the point.

If possible, you can rent a room or a garage nearby, but it’s expensive to carry trees back and forth every day.

Another option, if you have a Gazelle, you can take away the Christmas trees from the point in the evening.

Features of the Christmas tree trade.

Christmas tree trading starts in mid-December, but the busiest trading takes place on the 27th, 28th and 29th, these days there will be maximum sales.

On the last pre-holiday day of trading, you need to try to sell the rest of the goods, for this you need to drop prices, by the evening no one needs the Christmas trees and you just have to throw them away.

Branches are very well in demand, they are also willingly bought by those who do not want to install a whole tree at home, but are limited to decorating from fir branches.

The most popular trees are 2 meters high, they are usually sold out in the first place.

You can also sell Christmas tree stands, they are also willingly bought.

For trading, you can hire a seller and pay him a percentage of sales, but as practice shows, it is better to trade on your own, take a partner into business or ask a relative and trade in turn.

How much can you earn on Christmas trees? No one can answer this question for sure, it all depends on such factors as a good passage, a good product, the ability of the seller to competently offer the buyer to choose the goods. As practice shows, in large cities, Christmas tree dealers at one point earn about $ 2,000 in two weeks.

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