Diseases of male organs treatment of balanoposthitis. Balanoposthitis: what it is and how it is diagnosed. Candidal balanoposthitis and ointments suitable for its treatment

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The site provides background information for information only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required!

Symptoms and signs of balanoposthitis

The penis, as a separate organ, is located relatively far from the central arteries and veins and does not take part in the regulation of vital functions. In this regard, most of the symptoms and manifestations balanoposthitis are local in nature and do not affect the work of other organs and systems. All symptoms can be roughly divided into objective and subjective. Subjective complaints are called complaints of the patient, which appeared on the basis of his own feelings. This is the intensity of pain, itching, difficulty urinating. At the same time, such objective manifestations of the disease as a rash or redness can be assessed by a doctor during examination.

The manifestations of balanoposthitis can be very diverse. It usually depends on the form of the disease and its causes. Sometimes, during the examination, it is not possible to detect any external disturbances, while the patient, for example, complains of severe pain... Sometimes, on the contrary, pronounced external changes do not cause any discomfort ( or even vigilance) in the patient.

In medical practice, the following symptoms and signs of balanoposthitis are most often encountered:

  • Pain. Pain is a very common, but still not a necessary symptom in balanoposthitis. Usually the most painful areas are defined in the area of ​​skin defects and lesions ( rash, ulcers, erosion). Most often, the pain is exacerbated by touching or active movements ( especially strong during intercourse). Also, many infectious processes spread to the urethra, which is why pain appears during urination. The nature of the pain can be different. Patients complain of burning, cutting, and stabbing pain. In severe cases, painful sensations make intercourse simply impossible. Sometimes soreness in the head area and foreskin appears without visible skin lesions. Then we can talk about hypersensitivity of the skin, which is associated with lesions of small vessels or nerves.
  • Redness of the skin. Redness of the skin usually occurs due to local vasodilation. This is a reaction to small defects on the surface. Microorganisms get into defects, and increased blood flow is necessary to neutralize them. With balanoposthitis, it is the reddening of the foreskin and head ( completely or in parts) is the most common symptom. He usually appears one of the first in many forms of balanoposthitis.
  • Edema. Swelling occurs due to a deterioration in the outflow of blood and lymph from the affected area. Usually he speaks of a rather severe form of the course of the disease. For example, in the gangrenous form, the inflamed tissue simply squeezes the superficial veins and lymphatic vessels. As a result, the fluid in the tissues stagnates, and their necrosis begins. There are also diseases in addition to balanoposthitis, which may be accompanied by edema in the penile area ( elephantiasis with filariasis, atypical localization of Quincke's edema, etc.). For a clear diagnosis, you need to see a specialist.
  • Rash and skin lesions. Most forms of balanoposthitis are accompanied by the appearance of various skin defects. It could be a color change ( more often redness), various rashes, erosion or ulcers. In rare cases, visible roughness and thickening of the skin is observed. As a rule, each form of the disease is characterized by certain types of skin lesions. If any of them appear, you should see your doctor for a diagnosis.
  • Difficulty urinating. This symptom is not required for balanoposthitis. It can be caused if the inflammatory process from the glans penis has passed to the urethra. Then there is edema of the mucous membrane of the urethra and narrowing of its lumen. Other possible reason is the presence of an infectious focus at the level of the prostate, bladder or the kidneys themselves. Most often this happens with infectious processes that can spread both down and up the urethra and ureters. Severe edema of the penis ( with gangrenous or purulent form) can lead to compression of the urinary duct from the outside. Then his mucous membrane will not be affected, but urination still becomes difficult and painful. In milder forms of balanoposthitis, this symptom usually does not occur. If it is present from the first days of the disease, it is more likely that the infection from the kidneys or bladder has spread to the foreskin.
  • Itching. Itching is caused by irritation of special receptors located in the thickness of the skin and some mucous membranes. With balanoposthitis, this is a very common symptom, which quite often precedes the appearance of a burning sensation or pain itself. At first, itching can occur due to poor hygiene care or allergic irritation. After the onset of the disease itself, many forms of balanoposthitis are also accompanied by itching ( herpetic, catarrhal, erosive, etc.). At the same time, this symptom can sometimes be completely absent.
  • Discharge from the urethra. Discharge from the urethra almost always speaks of the involvement of the mucous membrane of the urethra in the pathological process. This most often occurs with a bacterial infection. Spontaneous uncontrolled discharge occurs when the lower sections are affected. If the primary purulent focus is located in the kidneys or bladder, impurities of pus or blood in the urine are more characteristic. Discharge from the urethra is not a very common symptom with balanoposthitis. Many forms of this disease proceed without affecting the urethra. In some cases, the discharge is collected on the head and foreskin in the form of plaque. Then they should be carefully washed off without letting dry. The fact is that the discharge is a favorable environment for the development of microbes, the addition of which will aggravate the course of the disease.
  • Swollen lymph nodes. The outflow of lymph from the penile region occurs in the inguinal lymph nodes. Lymph is a fluid that permeates the tissues of the body. It flows through the lymphatic vessels, carrying away part of the metabolic products. With purulent or gangrenous balanoposthitis, the outflow of lymph can be worsened, and with it some of the toxic substances flow out ( including bacteria, pus, etc.). They accumulate in the lymph nodes, which are a kind of filters. Here, a moderate inflammatory process begins, which is necessary to neutralize substances that are toxic and dangerous to the body. As a result, on the 2nd - 3rd day of a pronounced inflammatory process, the inguinal lymph nodes on one or both sides increase, sometimes become painful when palpated. For a catarrhal form without pus and edema, this symptom is not characteristic.
  • Erectile dysfunction. A very common symptom in balanoposthitis is sudden arousal and an erection at rest. This is because any irritation to the head or foreskin provokes an erection at the reflex level. That is, itching or moderate pain in some forms of balanoposthitis can also act as a provoking factor. The presence of skin defects ( ulcers, erosion) usually makes the erection painful. If the infection spreads up to the prostate and bladder, or if the skin around the penis becomes rough ( chronic balanoposthitis) an erection, on the contrary, may be absent.
  • False urge to urinate. This symptom is rare in balanoposthitis. It is usually caused by irritation of the mucous membrane of the urethra, concomitant cystitis, or kidney disease.
  • Changing the shape of the penis. The shape of the penis may change slightly after suffering severe balanoposthitis. As a rule, this occurs with extensive purulent lesions, gangrenous or ulcerative hypertrophic form. In all these cases, there is extensive tissue destruction. Defects are replaced by connective tissue in the form of scars and adhesions. Because of this, during an erection ( or at rest) the shape can be changed. Cosmetic surgery is the only way out and always helps to one degree or another.
Thus, balanoposthitis can have a lot of different symptoms and manifestations. The first to appear are usually more "harmless" - redness or itching. Severe pain, discharge and functional disorders appear if treatment is started late. That is why it is not recommended to postpone a visit to the doctor at the first suspicion of balanoposthitis.

Balanoposthitis in a child

In young children, balanoposthitis is a fairly common problem. More often it appears with poor hygienic care of the genitals by the parents. In principle, balanoposthitis can appear at almost any age. Children do have some anatomical and physiological features that partly explain the prevalence of this problem.

The following reasons and factors can contribute to the development of balanoposthitis in children and adolescents:

  • poor parenting;
  • phimosis as a congenital anomaly or an age-related problem ( incomplete exposure of the glans penis);
  • early sexual intercourse in adolescents;
  • vulnerable immune system;
  • small children cannot complain about the first subjective symptoms of the disease;
  • the skin and mucous membranes of young children are more sensitive ( more common are allergies, rubbing with uncomfortable linen, etc.).
Of all the above reasons, phimosis plays the most significant role in children. Since the glans of the penis is not completely exposed, it is difficult to carry out hygiene procedures. Under the outer layer of the foreskin, pathogenic bacteria multiply, which ultimately cause inflammation. Phimosis can be considered a variant of the norm for young children, but in the period from 5 to 11 years old, this problem usually resolves itself. Accordingly, by adolescence, the frequency of balanoposthitis decreases slightly.

In young children, the first symptom is usually general anxiety, redness of the foreskin, enuresis, and discharge from the urethra. All of these symptoms should be noticed in the early stages of the disease. Diagnosis and treatment of balanoposthitis in children usually does not differ from that in adults. Self-medication can lead to delayed sexual development, the appearance of psychological complexes.

Complications of balanoposthitis

In general, balanoposthitis is a disease that responds well to treatment. In practice, any serious complications are rare. The main condition for this is the timely diagnosis and the beginning of qualified treatment. If the patient ignores the first symptoms and manifestations of the disease, it can progress for a long time, affecting new organs and causing more and more disorders.

Most often in medical practice, complications of balanoposthitis occur for the following reasons:

  • incorrect treatment prescription;
  • incorrect diagnosis ( rare);
  • late diagnosis;
  • non-compliance with the recommendations of the attending physician ( often regarding abstinence from sexual intercourse);
  • self-medication;
  • fulminant course of the disease ( seldom).
Complications of balanoposthitis can have different localization. They can relate to both the penis and its functions, and other organs ( urethra). Most often, a variety of complications are found in infectious forms of the disease. If the inflammation is caused by allergies or irritation, complications are almost non-existent.

The following complications are most typical for balanoposthitis:

  • Phimosis / paraphimosis. Paraphimosis is an infringement of the glans penis by the foreskin. This condition is accompanied by pain, cyanosis ( blue tissue), swelling of the glans penis. It is dangerous in that it can lead to necrosis ( mortification) tissues of the penis, gangrene. The diagnosis of paraphimosis does not cause difficulties, therefore, a timely appeal for a qualified medical help usually provides a speedy recovery.
  • Tumor transformation. Long-term inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin can lead to the appearance of neoplasms. As a result of the prolonged action of such a factor as inflammation, normal cells are transformed into atypical ones, which then multiply uncontrollably. The result can be both benign and malignant tumors. Despite the high survival rate for malignant tumors of the penis, there is a serious danger to life. Also, patients usually lose fertility ( impotence and sterility).
  • Urethritis. Urethritis is an inflammatory disease of the urethra. Urethritis is accompanied by frequent urge to urinate, pain during urination, the presence of discharge ( blood, pus) and impurities in the urine. Sometimes urethritis may be asymptomatic, or the symptoms of the disease may be mild. Despite this, it is very important to diagnose this condition in time. Urethritis is a very common complication of balanoposthitis caused by a bacterial infection. To confirm the diagnosis, the results of a general urine test, a general blood test, a smear from the urethra, and a bacteriological examination of urine are sometimes needed. Urethritis is treated with antibacterial drugs.
  • Inguinal lymphadenitis. Inguinal lymphadenitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area. The symptoms of inguinal lymphadenitis are enlargement, redness, swelling, and tenderness of the lymph nodes. Also, lymphadenitis can be accompanied by general malaise, fatigue, fever, discomfort in the groin area during physical exertion. It occurs due to the accumulation of infection in the lymph node and its multiplication in it. Some pathogenic bacteria can even lead to the accumulation of pus in the lymph nodes themselves. This condition is very dangerous, since there is a threat of spreading the infection to other organs. With a strong increase and soreness of the inguinal lymph nodes against the background of balanoposthitis, surgical treatment options are often considered.
  • Sexual dysfunction. Quite often, with balanitis, there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the glans penis, up to atrophy of the receptor apparatus. This, in turn, can lead to erectile dysfunction and male infertility.

All of the above complications indicate that the cause of the disease has not been eliminated, and it is necessary to change the treatment tactics. Further ignoring the symptoms will be simply dangerous. For example, the spread of infection with gangrenous balanoposthitis can cause serious disruption of vital functions. When tissues decay, toxic substances enter the bloodstream, disrupting the work of the heart, lungs, and kidneys. Irreversible violations on the part of various organs are not excluded.

Diagnostics of the balanoposthitis

Most often, the initial diagnosis of balanoposthitis does not present any particular difficulties. Almost any inflammatory process that is localized in the region of the glans penis and foreskin will be called balanoposthitis. It is usually much more difficult to determine the cause of the development of the inflammatory process. This may take more time and different analyzes.

In general, for the examination of patients with balanoposthitis, consultations with the following doctors may be required:

  • family doctor / therapist- can establish the fact of the disease, independently prescribe a number of general tests, or refer the patient to other specialists;
  • urologist- deals with diseases of the male genital area in general, prescribes specialized tests and examinations;
  • dermatovenerologist- is involved in the presence of abundant skin lesions for their identification or if there is a suspicion of a venereal disease;
  • allergist- can conduct tests that explain allergic skin lesions;
  • surgeon- is involved in determining the degree of tissue damage in severe cases.
A rheumatologist and a microbiologist may also be involved indirectly. The latter, after conducting analyzes, identifies the causative agent of the disease ( if a it comes about the infectious form).

Examinations and analyzes for balanoposthitis

Various analyzes, tests and examinations are aimed, first of all, at detecting infection, which is most often the cause of the disease. Along the way, standard tests and general examinations are prescribed to identify concomitant diseases. During general examination ( physical) the doctor must not only carefully examine the affected area, but also check the condition of the inguinal lymph nodes. Their inflammation and increase often helps to identify severe forms of the disease in the early stages.

A patient with balanoposthitis can be assigned the following diagnostic examinations:

  • Blood test. A blood test is done in order to obtain information about the state of the body as a whole. An increased number of leukocytes can occur with a very intense inflammatory process due to balanoposthitis, but more often with concomitant cystitis or pyelonephritis ( as primary foci of infection). In a biochemical blood test, it is imperative to pay attention to the glucose level in order to identify a patient with diabetes mellitus. If necessary, an additional analysis determines the level of the hormone insulin ( not performed in all laboratories).
  • Analysis of urine. In the analysis of urine, attention is paid, first of all, to the admixture of erythrocytes, leukocytes or epithelial cells. Red blood cells are more common with concomitant lesions of the bladder or kidneys. A large number of leukocytes suggests that somewhere in the urethra there is a purulent focus. The analysis may not be indicative when it comes to purulent balanoposthitis with damage to the urethra. If there is a disturbance in the outflow of urine, a sample can be taken through a catheter. In the biochemical analysis of urine, attention is paid to the glucose level. It is compared with blood glucose levels, which helps to identify diabetes mellitus. A high level of sugar in the urine itself indicates a predisposition to balanoposthitis.
  • Microbiological research methods. Microbiological methods are basic in the diagnosis of balanoposthitis. They make it possible to identify the pathogen ( or a mixture of pathogens) with infectious forms, which are the most common. As a test material, smears are taken from skin lesions ( erosion, ulcers, etc.), separated from the urethra, urine, pieces of dead tissue. The material is inoculated on special nutrient media, where colonies of the pathogen usually grow within several days. It is identified under a microscope. Sometimes the material received from the patient ( including blood) are checked using serological methods. This allows you to identify chlamydia and suspect Reiter's syndrome. In the overwhelming majority of cases, microbiological research methods within a few days make it possible to give a detailed conclusion about the possible causative agents of the disease.
  • Antibioticogram. An antibiogram is also done in a microbiological laboratory. During the analysis, the growth of the pathogen colonies is checked in the presence of various antibiotics. The antibiotic that inhibits the growth of the colony is active against this pathogen. Accordingly, the attending physician, based on the results of the antibioticogram, prescribes those antibacterial drugs that will be most effective for this particular patient. Neglect of the antibioticogram ( due to additional costs or loss of time) can have serious consequences. On the this moment many bacteria have developed resistance to certain types of antibiotics ( antibiotic resistance). Therefore, empirically selected drugs ( intuitively) will not always be effective. This delay in treatment can lead to complications.
  • Analysis for syphilis. Syphilis is a possible and very serious cause of balanoposthitis. There are a number of analyzes ( immunofluorescence analysis, Wasserman reaction, polymerase chain reaction), which can directly or indirectly determine whether a patient has syphilis.
  • Allergic tests. Since allergic balanoposthitis is very rare, there is usually no need for tests. The tests should be performed by an allergist in a hospital setting. If the patient still has a sensitivity to certain substances ( a number of fabrics, hygiene products, etc.), then appropriate adjustments are made in the treatment in order to eliminate the allergic component in the inflammatory process.
  • Ultrasound procedure ( Ultrasound). It is rarely prescribed, mainly for severe protracted forms of the disease. For example, the presence of abscesses or seals in the tissues of the penis requires clarification of their localization. This method is often used before surgery or to detect concomitant prostatitis.

Treatment for balanoposthitis in men

In general, balanoposthitis is a disease with a good prognosis and is successfully treated. The only serious problem that patients may face is genital disorders and reproductive function that occur as a residual phenomenon. However, they are often temporary in nature.

The treatment itself usually combines the use of systemic drugs ( which are carried with the blood throughout the body) and local funds ( apply only within the affected area). Mild forms of balanoposthitis are often treated only with ointments and creams. The choice of treatment tactics and specific drugs depends on the cause that caused the disease and the form of inflammation.

In general terms, the treatment tactics for various balanoposthitis is as follows:

  • Fungal balanoposthitis. A combination of topical and systemic antifungal drugs is usually given.
  • Bacterial balanoposthitis. In most cases, local or systemic antibiotic therapy is prescribed. At the beginning, the drug is chosen empirically ( at the choice of the attending physician), and then sometimes changed according to the results of the antibiogram. With concomitant urethritis, cystitis or pyelonephritis, systemic antibiotic therapy must be prescribed in order to capture all foci of the disease. Also, a course of antibiotics must be prescribed for concomitant sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Viral balanoposthitis. They are treated with antiviral drugs. In some cases, full recovery is very difficult to achieve. More often there is a temporary remission of the inflammatory process.
  • Allergic balanoposthitis. Most often they are treated locally with antiallergic ointments and creams. The patient is observed in order to notice the hyperallergic reaction in time ( Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock), but they are very rare.
  • Purulent and gangrenous balanoposthitis. Small surgical procedures are often needed to remove pus and dead tissue. In severe cases, complete or partial removal of the penis is performed. Treatment takes a long time in a hospital setting.
  • Balanoposthitis in diabetes mellitus. They are usually treated with antibiotics, as the bacterial form. At the same time, they try to normalize the amount of sugar in the blood and urine. This will help avoid relapses ( repeated exacerbations) disease.
Other types of balanoposthitis are rare, and the treatment regimen is selected individually by the attending physician. It is very important to pay attention to concomitant diseases that can play the role of a provoking factor. For example, with Reiter's syndrome, it is necessary to pay attention, first of all, to the neutralization of circulating autoantibodies, then local skin manifestations will quickly pass.

Most often, the attending physician for balanoposthitis is a urologist. In milder forms, a competent therapist can also deal with treatment. Other specialists are rarely involved. In severe cases, you may need to consult a surgeon.

If we are talking about simple balanoposthitis, then the process of treatment itself takes place at home or on an outpatient basis ( the patient periodically visits the doctor). Hospitalization is necessary only for serious complications ( cystitis, pyelonephritis) or concomitant diseases. Also, patients with a purulent or gangrenous form are hospitalized, since in these cases very intensive treatment is required.

When treating balanoposthitis, the following general recommendations should be adhered to:

  • use of barrier contraceptives ( condoms);
  • examination of the partner for the presence of sexually transmitted infections;
  • simultaneous treatment of a partner when a sexually transmitted infection is detected;
  • thorough hygiene of the genital area, washing with soapy water, treating the affected area with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide;
  • using trays with potassium permanganate solution ( potassium permanganate), furacilin;
  • restriction of promiscuous sexual intercourse ( at least for the duration of treatment);
  • regular change of underwear, exclusion of underwear from synthetic materials.

Creams and ointments for balanoposthitis

Local remedies play an important role in the treatment of balanoposthitis. These include various creams, gels, ointments, powders. To prescribe a particular drug, you first need to determine the form of the disease, its stage, causes, and the presence of complications. Since an infection is most often detected, agents containing antibacterial drugs are prescribed. In the presence of a fungal infection, antimycotics are prescribed ( antifungal drugs). If the doctor is not sure of the reasons, or it is not possible to conduct an analysis, it is recommended to prescribe drugs with a combined mechanism of action.

Almost all modern remedies contain anti-inflammatory, soothing and epithelial components. The first group reduces the general manifestations of the disease, partially relieves pain and itching. Epithelial ointments ( solcoseryl, etc.) are prescribed in the presence of erosion, ulcers and other serious damage to the skin. As a rule, they are used already at the stage of recovery, when the cause of the disease has been eliminated ( for example, after a course of antibiotics).

Preparations for the local treatment of balanoposthitis

The name of the drug and active substances

Mechanism of action

Mode of application


(chloramphenicol, methyluracil)

Chloramphenicol has a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. Methyluracil has an anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates regeneration processes.

It is applied in a thin layer to the cleansed affected area 2 - 3 times a day, or sterile wipes are impregnated with the preparation, which are then applied to the inflamed area.


(clotrimazole, gentamicin, betamethasone)

Clotrimazole has antifungal effects. Gentamicin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. For betamethasone, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic action is characteristic.

The drug is applied to the affected areas twice a day in a thin layer, covering the entire affected area and part of the surrounding healthy tissue. Apply 2 times a day - in the morning and at night.


(flumethasone, clioquinol)

Flumethasone has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, anti-allergic effects. Clioquinol - antibacterial and antifungal effect.

The drug is applied to the skin with a thin, even layer after hygiene of the external genital organs 1 - 2 times a day. It is not recommended to use the drug for more than 1 - 2 weeks without interruption.

Prednisolone ointment


Prednisolone has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-exudative effects.

Once a day at night, the ointment is applied in an even layer to the affected area for 5 to 7 days.

Xeroform ointment


Disinfecting, drying effect.

The ointment is applied in an even layer to the affected areas of the skin, after which it is covered with a clean bandage. It is applied 2 times a day.

None of these products are recommended to be used on their own without consulting a doctor. It is difficult for a patient, for example, to distinguish catarrhal balanoposthitis due to infection from an allergic form. And the use of antibiotic ointments for allergies can only aggravate the course of the disease. In addition to the above funds, there are other drugs that a doctor can prescribe in various cases.

Are antibiotics needed for balanoposthitis?

Antibacterial drugs are a necessary component of treatment for any disease caused by a bacterial infection. A very large number of various bacteria normally live on the skin of the penis and in the vaginal cavity. It is they who, in the overwhelming majority of cases, are the main cause of the inflammatory process in balanoposthitis ( vaginal microflora is relevant for men who are sexually active). In addition, many sexually transmitted diseases are bacterial in nature - syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc. Thus, the use of antibiotics in all these cases is mandatory.

Antibacterial drugs are ineffective for balanoposthitis caused by the following reasons:

  • viral infections;
  • fungal infections;
  • allergic reactions;
  • balanoposthitis with tumors of the penis;
  • balanoposthitis with autoimmune diseases.
However, even in these cases, many specialists prescribe antibiotics. In this case, this appointment is of a preventive nature. The inflammatory process itself can be caused by various reasons, but it, one way or another, leads to damage to the skin. These damages can get the very same opportunistic microbes that normally inhabit the skin. Then there is a risk of developing secondary infectious inflammation. Of course, the course of the disease will worsen, and recovery will be delayed. That is why antibiotics are prescribed in the presence of erosions, cracks or ulcers. In each individual case, it is the attending physician who, after examining the patient, decides whether the use of antibacterial drugs is justified.

It should also be noted that each antibiotic has its own spectrum of action. In other words, there are a limited number of bacterial species against which it is effective. The best way out is to draw up an antibioticogram in a bacteriological laboratory. On its basis, you can choose the most effective in this specific case treatment.

In addition, the doctor must reckon with the possibility of other infectious foci. A bacterial infection on the glans penis and foreskin could get from the urethra, bladder, kidneys. If an infection is suspected in these organs, not only ointments containing an antibiotic will be prescribed, but also systemic antibacterial drugs ( tablets, capsules, injections).

How long does balanoposthitis take?

The duration of treatment for balanoposthitis largely depends on the reasons that caused it, and on the intensity of treatment. Of course, a quick correct diagnosis and effective medicines will practically eliminate the possibility of complications and make recovery as fast as possible. However, in some cases, the course of the disease itself does not allow hoping for a speedy recovery.

In general, the following time frames can be set for various forms of balanoposthitis:

  • With allergic balanoposthitis, the symptoms can completely disappear on their own within a few days. The main condition is the absence of an allergen - a substance that provoked an allergic reaction. At the same time, it is very difficult to predict the duration and severity of this form. Sometimes allergies cause minor skin blemishes that will disappear within weeks.
  • The bacterial form of the disease caused by opportunistic microbes usually resolves within 1 to 2 weeks with proper antibiotic treatment. If there are deep tissue lesions, the treatment is delayed.
  • Balanoposthitis against the background of sexually transmitted diseases ( gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, etc.) can last for several weeks. However, with proper treatment, the main symptoms disappear within a week. If the venereal disease itself has not been completely cured, there is a risk of repeated exacerbations.
  • Viral balanoposthitis is rare, but it is quite difficult to cure it. Treatment for herpes infection and other viral infections can take months. However, the inflammatory process itself in the area of ​​the glans penis takes 1 to 2 weeks. Relapses are possible ( exacerbations).
  • Ulcerative, purulent and gangrenous forms suggest deep damage to the tissues of the penis. In these cases, hospitalization, surgery, suturing, etc. may be required.In general, treatment is sometimes delayed for several weeks, and residual effects ( erectile and urination disorders, healing of skin defects) pass for months.
Thus, it is very difficult to predict the duration of the disease. In any case, the patient should contact a specialist for a preliminary assessment of his condition. Only a doctor, after examination and analysis, will be able to more specifically establish the approximate time for cure in each individual case. On average, the most common forms of balanoposthitis can be healed within 7 to 10 days.

Treatment of balanoposthitis with folk remedies

Traditional methods of treating balanoposthitis are highly effective, although they cannot cure any form of the disease. In the initial stages, folk remedies help fight the disease and prevent complications. However, with severe bacterial infections, purulent or gangrenous form, folk remedies alone cannot be dispensed with. In this case, you can also resort to them, but already as an adjunct to the main treatment. Traditional methods are good because they can be used both for treatment and for the prevention of balanoposthitis. Moreover, they are very affordable from a material point of view.

Most often, the following folk remedies are used to treat balanoposthitis:

  • Aloe dressings. For dressings with aloe, it is necessary to clean the aloe leaves from thorns, rinse them thoroughly, remove the top layer ( thin skin) and apply to the affected area 2 times a day.
  • Baths with oak bark. Chopped oak bark is poured into a glass of water ( one tablespoon one glass of water) and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes. After insisting and cooling, you need to add a glass of warm boiled water and you can start the procedures.
  • Plantain dressings. A plantain leaf is taken, washed well, wrinkled a little by hand, applied to the inflamed area and fixed with a gauze bandage. This bandage should be applied 3-4 times a day.
  • Sage tea. Pour boiling water over two tablespoons of sage, let it brew for several hours. Infusion can be impregnated with a clean napkin or tampon, which is applied to the affected area for 15 - 20 minutes. The procedure can be repeated several times a day.
  • Calendula. Pour calendula flowers with olive oil and let it brew for 2 to 3 weeks. The resulting solution must be filtered and then lubricated with it 2 times a day on the affected area. The product is very effective for the healing of erosion and skin imperfections. It is not used at the stage of active discharge of pus.
In addition to the use of infusions and dressings that are used externally, you can also prepare and take various infusions and decoctions for internal use. Such products can be prepared from parsley, black currant, ordinary water color, burdock root, aspen bark. They have an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effect, promote faster tissue regeneration, and strengthen the body's defenses.

It should be noted that if a positive effect from the use of alternative methods of treatment is not observed, you must immediately contact a specialist to prescribe the appropriate treatment and avoid serious complications and consequences. Efficiency can be judged by several criteria. First, pain, itching and redness should be reduced. Secondly, there should be no new elements of rash, erosion or sores. If the condition does not improve in the first 2 to 3 days, an urgent need to consult a doctor for treatment with pharmacological drugs. Otherwise, there is a risk of complications. In the presence of purulent discharge, severe pain or edema, self-medication should not be started. Folk remedies simply cannot cope with a severe form of the disease. They can be used as an adjunct to the main treatment after consultation with a specialist.

Prevention of balanoposthitis

Balanoposthitis refers to diseases that are easy enough to prevent by following elementary preventive measures. Healthy skin is an insurmountable obstacle to the vast majority of disease-causing bacteria. Therefore, it is enough for men to monitor their health and take seriously the first possible signs and manifestations of the disease.

For the prevention of balanoposthitis, you must be guided by the following rules:

  • Genital hygiene. Most microorganisms thrive best with nutrients in the form of salts from sweat, dead cells, urine sediment, and semen. The main preventive measure is the regular removal of these waste products. Washing the foreskin with warm water should be carried out 1 - 2 times a day. After that, you need to wipe the skin with a clean cloth ( excess moisture also contributes to the development of microbes). It is also recommended to perform hygiene procedures before and after intercourse. Most hygiene products ( soap, shower gel, etc.) creates an alkaline environment that kills most microorganisms or inhibits their growth.
  • Reliable sex. Having one sexual partner greatly reduces the risk of contact with pathogenic bacteria that cause sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, in the genital area of ​​regular partners, there is a "similar" microflora to which their organisms get used. In case of accidental sexual intercourse, it is better to use a condom, since the penis does not come into contact with the vaginal microflora. Anogenital or orogenital contact increases the risk of developing the disease due to inevitable microtrauma.
  • High quality hygiene products. Many hygiene products can contain irritants or allergens. Therefore, you should use a soap, cream or gel that does not cause irritation. The risk increases when using expired products or products with a damaged bottle ( packaging, etc.).
  • Preventive doctor visits. It is advisable, even in the absence of any problems, to visit a urologist every 1 - 2 years. If you have had unprotected intercourse with a casual partner or have any unusual symptoms ( rash, itching, redness, etc.), be sure to visit a doctor. The specialist can suspect the disease in the early stages and prescribe appropriate tests. This will reduce the risk of severe illness or complications.
  • Treatment of concomitant diseases. Often, balanoposthitis does not occur on its own, but as a result of other diseases. Most often, these are purulent or infectious processes in the upper parts of the genitourinary system. It also includes some autoimmune diseases, diabetes mellitus, neoplasms. Timely qualified treatment of these pathologies will prevent complications in the form of balanoposthitis. More information on how to avoid balanoposthitis with various chronic diseases, can be obtained from your doctor.
Also, preventive measures include the surgical correction of some anatomical defects in children. For example, with phimosis, the risk of balanoposthitis is much higher, since there is no way to perform high-quality hygiene procedures. In these cases, you should simply contact a specialist who will tell you the best way to prevent it.

Is balanoposthitis transmitted during sex?

Balanoposthitis itself, as a disease, cannot be transmitted to a partner of the opposite sex, since this disease occurs only in men. If we talk in general about the risk of transmission of infection to a partner, then this is quite possible if we are talking specifically about the infectious process. In other words, there is a risk of infecting a partner, but not with any type of balanoposthitis.

Transmission of infection with balanoposthitis is possible in the following cases:

  • Bacterial, viral or fungal balanoposthitis. In all these cases, various types of microorganisms are the cause of the inflammatory process. Even if they get on a healthy mucous membrane in excess, they can provoke a disease. At the same time, the sexual intercourse itself is often accompanied by the appearance of microcracks, which contributes to the transmission and development of infection.
  • Balanoposthitis with sexually transmitted diseases. If balanoposthitis has developed against the background of syphilis, herpes or gonorrhea, then the transmission of infection is possible even without a pronounced inflammatory process. In these cases, the disease is caused by pathogenic microorganisms that easily affect even healthy skin or mucous membranes. For example, for the transmission of syphilis, a single spirochete is enough ( causative agent).
  • Acute balanoposthitis. Transmission of infection ( whatever it is) occurs more easily in the acute phase of the disease. In a chronic course, this is also possible, but the probability is much lower.
Forms such as traumatic balanoposthitis or balanoposthitis with autoimmune diseases are not transmitted to partners. They are caused by internal pathological processes without the participation of infectious agents that can be infected.

As for allergic balanoposthitis, the situation is twofold. This type of disease clearly cannot be transmitted to a sexual partner, but the simultaneous occurrence of the disease is not excluded. This is possible, for example, when using low-quality condoms or lubricants. They come into contact with the genitals of both partners at the same time and can cause irritation, moderate inflammation and simple ( catarrhal) balanoposthitis. Due to the approximately simultaneous onset of symptoms in both partners ( usually a few hours or days after intercourse

Condoms are not recommended for prevention of infection. Restricting the supply of oxygen to the inflamed skin, squeezing it and contact with synthetic materials can aggravate the course of the disease. However, a condom in this case will reliably protect the partner from the transmission of any infectious agents.

Before use, you must consult with a specialist.

Balanoposthitis is one of the most common inflammatory diseases in the male half of humanity. The name consists of two parts - "balanite" and "post", which always appear in tandem.

The first term refers to inflammation of the head of the genital organ, the second - to the foreskin. In general, balanoposthitis is an inflammatory process in the foreskin and glans penis.

Often, balanoposthitis occurs in boys younger age when the foreskin completely covers the head of the penis. Moreover, babies with phimosis and too narrow foreskin are at the highest risk group.

What it is?

Balanoposthitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the glans penis and the inner surface of the foreskin. An infection in the form of a bacteria or fungus that multiplies under the foreskin becomes a frequent provocateur of the disease.

Reasons for development

The main factors provoking the disease include:

  1. Difficulty outflow of smegma as a result of phimosis (narrow foreskin).
  2. Disregard for personal hygiene. The accumulation of smegma under the foreskin causes inflammation.
  3. Unprotected sex. As a result of frequent contact of male genitals with pathogenic microorganisms, the immunity of the mucous membrane decreases and an inflammatory process develops.
  4. Disease of gonorrheal or Trichomonas urethritis. Purulent discharge causes inflammation.
  5. The presence of a man with diabetes mellitus. The sugar in urine promotes the development of microorganisms and inflammation of the glans penis.

The most common cause of the development of the disease is infectious. The causative agents of the disease can be E. coli, staphylococci, enterococci and many other opportunistic microflora. But usually balanoposthitis in men is a consequence of infection with Candida fungi and the herpes virus. In addition, the disease can begin to develop when infected with genital infections such as ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, gardnerellosis.


Doctors distinguish several types of balanoposthitis, dividing them into groups depending on the source of infection. The most common are:

  • Plain
  • Chronic
  • Erosive
  • Purulent
  • Obliterating
  • Xerotic
  • Candidal
  • Circinar
  • Fungal
  • Acute
  • Gardnerella
  • Chlamydial
  • Yeast
  • Trichomonas
  • Adhesive
  • Annular
  • Ulcerative
  • Allergic
  • Traumatic
  • Bacterial
  • Nonspecific
  • Relapsing
  • Gangrenous
  • Herpetic
  • Catarrhal
  • Irritant
  • Follicular
  • Adhesive

According to the method of the course of the disease, balanoposthitis can be chronic or acute

It's contagious?

As a rule, balanoposthitis is not a consequence of sexual transmission. However, it can develop with regular sex without a condom with a partner who has vaginal dysbiosis. In this case, the infection enters the head of the penis and gradually leads to a decrease in the immunity of the mucous membrane, as a result of which inflammation develops.

What is vaginal dysbiosis? This is a violation of the usual vaginal microflora, which is based on lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which secrete lactic acid. In total, up to 40 types of bacteria live in the vagina of a healthy woman, strictly controlling the number of each other and not allowing "outsiders".

Nevertheless, under the influence of various factors, and this can be stress, pregnancy, hypothermia, etc., this delicate balance is disturbed. And then a colony of some microorganisms (for example, fungi of the genus Candida or gardnerella) multiplies in large quantities and suppresses all the others. Dysbiosis of the vagina develops.

Symptoms of balanoposthitis, photo

Depending on the type of balanoposthitis, one or another symptom of inflammation of the head and foreskin is distinguished (see photo). However, the common ones are:

  1. The external genitals of a man turn red and swell;
  2. Observed discomfort in the genitals in the form of burning and itching;
  3. Cheesy or purulent contents are secreted from the penis. bad smell;
  4. Surface erosion, cracks, ulcers appear;
  5. Increased excitability, sensitivity.

The listed signs can be observed both singly and together.

Chronic form

The chronic course of balanoposthitis in men is more typical for venereal, viral and fungal diseases. The main signs of this form of the disease are as follows:

  • swelling and redness of the glans penis;
  • burning, stinging, itching, pain in the head area;
  • dry skin, ulceration;
  • difficulty in exposing the head;
  • soreness during intercourse;
  • purulent discharge from the urethra.


The diagnosis is made by a urologist during a physical examination. Additional tests for obvious clinical symptoms of balanoposthitis are usually not required.

In the differential diagnosis of balanoposthitis from Reiter's disease, skin deprivation, leukoplakia or oncology of the penis, the study of bacterial inoculation of urethral secretions, foreskin and glans penis is used. Sometimes a biopsy of genital tissue is also necessary.

How to treat balanoposthitis?

At an early stage, the treatment of balanoposthitis in men does not present any difficulties, therefore, timely treatment at home is much easier and preferable than a long struggle with severe complications.

  • Depending on the main causative agent of the disease, the doctor selects antibacterial or antifungal drugs, in cases of allergic balanoposthitis - hormonal (corticosteroid) anti-inflammatory ointments, or combined drugs are used.
  • In all cases, it is necessary to pay sufficient attention to the toilet, to keep the external genitals clean. It is not recommended to use aggressive detergents - “mild” soap is preferable. After hygiene procedures, it is necessary to dry the glans penis and foreskin. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before using the toilet.
  • Prescribe washing of the foreskin and baths with antiseptic solutions: potassium permanganate (1: 5000), 0.1% furacilin solution, 0.05% chlorhexidine solution, etc. 2-3 times a day.
  • Physiotherapy has a good anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. Apply electrophoresis with antibacterial drugs, laser therapy.
  • In severe advanced forms, as well as in cases where balanoposthitis is caused by phimosis, surgical treatment is performed - dissection of the foreskin and further circular circumcision.
  • It is important to remember that self-medication often leads to complications, exacerbations of the infectious process, and also complicates timely diagnosis.

If there is a desire to treat balanoposthitis with folk remedies, then you must first discuss all the details with your doctor. If he approves of this measure, it is important to remember: they should complement the basic methods, and not replace them completely. Only in this case it will be possible to achieve a good result.


The main prevention of the inflammatory process is to observe the rules of personal hygiene. You should regularly wash the glans penis, change your underwear at least once a day. To prevent balanoposthitis in a newborn, you should change diapers as often as possible, use powders.

In order not to pick up any infection that can provoke an inflammatory process through sexual contact, do not forget about contraception. The most effective remedy in this regard is a condom. It is also worth remembering that the likelihood of such diseases increases if immunity, the general resistance of the body are reduced. In order for the body's defenses to always be active, you should devote enough time to physical activity, follow a healthy diet, treat colds and infectious diseases in a timely manner.

If the symptoms of balanoposthitis nevertheless arise, you should immediately consult a doctor, do not delay it. You do not need to try to cope with the disease on your own, medications are really effective against the symptoms and causes of balanoposthitis.

Is it possible to go to the sauna with balanoposthitis?

Naturally, with balanoposthitis, water hygiene procedures are useful, however, a sauna is not a suitable option.

  • First, at elevated temperatures, pathogenic microflora can begin to develop faster.
  • Secondly, in such places, you can become infected with other harmful microorganisms, which will definitely aggravate the situation.

Do not forget that overheating of the body threatens to weaken the immune defense, which, again, will accelerate the growth of fungi or bacteria. For the period of treatment, it is advisable to refuse to visit baths, saunas, swimming pools and other similar institutions.

Exist infectious and non-infectious types of disease. Infectious balanitis is divided into simple, erosive and gangrenous (all forms are subject to treatment)... With a simple head of the penis reddens evenly, erosions appear with purulent discharge.

With an erosive form of the disease there are swollen white necrosis, which then transform into red ulcers. Gangrenous balanitis is characterized by excessive swelling and redness of the head of the penis with painful ulceration, fever, and general malaise.

Erosive circular balanoposthitis "owes" its development to spirilla with spirochete Vincent. This is a fairly rare type of disease., which can occur in both too mild and very severe forms.

Gangrenous erosive circular balanitis characterized by the appearance of many ulcers and purulent white bloom. The patient feels chills and fever... Treatment of erosive and gangrenous balanoposthitis (balanitis) is carried out in a complex way, prescribing antibiotics (tablets) with sulfa drugs, as well as antiseptic lotions.

The origin of Castel's balanitis has not been established. still. For its therapy, compresses moistened with phenol at a concentration of 1:10 or cauterization with rivanol diluted a thousand times are traditionally used.

How is balanoposthitis treated at home with folk remedies and ointments?

Traditional medicine is replete with recipes for treatment and weakening.

Calendula recipe... 1 tbsp. l. ground calendula flowers must be poured into a third glass of olive oil. Cover the dishes and leave in the sun for 3 weeks. Strain and lubricate the affected areas.

The most affordable recipe... Cut off the aloe leaf, rinse with water and remove the thorns. Before applying to the skin surface, cut off the epidermis of the leaf peel. Make compresses 2 times a day.

Sage tincture... 2 tbsp. l. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water into the crushed leaves of the plant. Infuse for half an hour, then strain. After cooling, apply to the affected areas for 15-20 minutes.

Plantain compresses... This plant is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. A clean sheet must be applied to the penis, tying it with a bandage. Change the leaves after 30 minutes. It is necessary to make lotions every 4 hours.

The most effective: pour 1 tbsp. chopped bark of young oak with one glass of boiling water, cook the mixture for 20 minutes over low heat, close the lid and leave for half an hour, then strain. Make baths for the copulatory organ 2-3 times a day for at least a week.

Anyone with an antibacterial and antiseptic effect, for example, the aforementioned levomekol and miromistin, are suitable.

Prevention of balanoposthitis. To prevent the onset or reappearance of the disease, the following rules must be observed:

  • Be examined for all types of infections;
  • Use condoms;
  • Monitor hormone or blood sugar levels;
  • Reduce weight;
  • Maintain personal hygiene;
  • Monitor the baby's hygiene to prevent.

What complications can there be without treatment?

The inflammatory process raises the threshold of receptor excitability, which can lead to a decrease in the quality of sensations during intercourse and a decrease in potency. The inflammation can spread to the urethra.

Ignoring treatment leads to the formation of scars and erosion, damage to deep-lying tissues, and difficulty urinating. A severely advanced form of the disease threatens with gangrene of the penis and inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin area.

So, in treatment, an integrated approach is needed, which consists in eliminating all the factors leading to the disease. For prevention, it is necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle... In no case you can not self-medicate, but you should immediately consult a doctor when the first signs of illness appear.

If a diagnosis has been made by a doctor, then you should not despair and panic. This disease can be easily treated at home with the help of various ointments, tablets, herbal tinctures, etc. The peculiarity of this disease is that any man, woman or even a boy-child can get it, therefore it is necessary to approach the treatment delicately and correctly ...

Attention! If you experience itching, redness of the glans penis or swelling appears, immediately contact a medical institution!

We treat balanoposthitis with medicines

You should not give up the use at home of various drugs for the treatment of balanoposthitis in men. The most popular is "Clotrimazole", which can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of an ointment, aerosol or solution.

The drug contains an imidazole derivative, which is famous for its antifungal, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Apply a thin layer of Clotrimazole to the glans of the penis and do not wipe. Repeat the procedure 2 to 4 times a day for 10-14 days.

To enhance the effect and quick recovery, it is recommended to take Diflukam tablets inside three times a day, 1 pc. IN preventive purposes used "Levorin" and "Nystatin", which effectively fight against fungal infections.

We treat balanoposthitis in men with ointments

The most common antibiotic ointment is synthomycin ointment. Synthomycin liniment actively fights against many bacteria, including balanoposthitis microbes. Apply the ointment to the glans of the penis so that it gets between all the folds of the foreskin. You can put a bandage over it. Treat before bed every day until complete recovery.

Ointment "Triderm" is a combined preparation with antifungal and antibacterial properties. Effectively reduces inflammation on the head and pain. For the effectiveness of treatment, it is enough to smear the penis twice a day and this will lead to the healing of the skin.

Ointment "Levomikol" is quite often popular in the treatment of balanoposthitis in men. It is based on methyluracil, which stimulates the restoration of the skin, and an antibiotic. Apply the ointment to the penis before going to bed and apply a bandage, leave it until morning. After three days of intensive treatment, there will be significant improvement.

Attention! Do not self-medicate without consulting your doctor!

Balanoposthitis - symptoms, video

Balanoposthitis is a fungal disease that can develop not only in men, but also in women. The main symptoms in women are: itching, burning sensation in the genitals; not natural curd discharge; redness of the mucous membrane; urination is accompanied by pain.

Symptoms of balanoposthitis in men: redness of the glans penis, itching, burning, unpleasant odor, purulent discharge, puffiness may appear.

We have considered the symptoms, the video that we recommend will tell you in more detail.

We treat balanoposthitis with folk remedies

When treating balanoposthitis at home, it is first of all recommended to begin to properly follow the rules of hygiene for caring for the penis. Thorough washing of the head with various decoctions and medications will significantly reduce, relieve itching and unpleasant burning sensation. After treating balanoposthitis in men at home, it is recommended to use herbal tinctures and in preventive measures.

Important! You can find out about the treatment on the pages of our website.

Oak bark

Take a tablespoon of oak bark, which you can buy at the pharmacy, and rub it into a fine powder. Pour boiling water over the grass and boil for 15 minutes over the fire. The cooled broth (during this time it will be infused) can be added to the bath, where you will carry out the procedure for rinsing the penis. Repeat the process for 10 minutes every day, three times.


A solution of sodium bicarbonate (soda among the people) can be used for procedures with a bath. Its advantage is that overdose is practically excluded and there are no allergic reactions. For the treatment of balanoposthitis in men, dilute 1 tablespoon of baking soda in warm water.

Attention! The procedure with the use of soda is contraindicated if the attending physician has prescribed antibiotics for treatment!

Potassium permanganate

Potassium permanganate dries well and kills most viral infections, acts as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial solution. It is recommended to take a bath after each urination.

  1. Pour a small amount of dry manganese into warm boiled water, shaking off, and mix well.
  2. After the crystals are completely dissolved, water with a pale purple tint should be obtained.

Rinse the penis in a bath, thoroughly washing the glans, 3-5 minutes. Each time before use, a new solution must be made.

Dioxidine solution

A solution of dioxidine 1% works well as a disinfectant, therefore it is recommended to use it for rinsing the glans of the penis. Dissolve one ampoule (10 mg) in warm water and stir well. The time for the rinsing procedure can vary from 3 to 10 minutes, depending on the complexity of the disease.

Furacilin solution

Furacilin has antibacterial properties and quite effectively helps in the treatment of balanoposthitis in men. In a pharmacy, you can buy a 0.02% furacilin solution, dilute it according to the recipe and pour it into a bath. Rinse the penis, thoroughly washing the glans, with a solution every morning and evening throughout the course of treatment.

Attention! It is strictly forbidden to rinse the penis with balanoposthitis with preparations containing alcohol!


The broth can be used as an antiseptic. Take 1 tbsp. lies. herbs, brew with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Pour the strained broth into a bath of warm water and you can rinse.


A light broth well destroys viral pathogens due to its antibacterial properties. For the procedure, you will need one tablespoon of herbs, which is brewed with boiling water and insisted for 30 minutes.


The procedure for washing the glans penis with balanoposthitis can be carried out using a tincture from the roots. Finely chop 100 g of grass, boil in 0.5 l of water for 5-10 minutes, and leave for 40-50 minutes. Pour the strained broth into the tray and rinse the penis thoroughly.


Leaves relieve inflammation well and relieve itching. Two tablespoons of small grass are steamed in 500 ml of water, after half an hour the tincture is ready for rinsing.


It is a universal remedy for many fungal and viral diseases. Tincture based on it can be used for daily hygiene genitals and treatment of balanoposthitis. And use the leaves for compresses.

Aloe Tincture

Take the bottom sheet, grind it into gruel, and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 20 minutes and pour the contents into the tub. Carry out the procedure every day until complete recovery.

Aloe compress

  1. Peel the thick sheet and peel off the thorns.
  2. Grind to a state of homogeneous slurry and apply to the glans penis, having previously freed it from the foreskin.
  3. Wrap with a bandage and hold for 15-20 minutes. After that, remove the bandage and rinse the penis with any decoction.


It is necessary:

  • take a fresh leaf;
  • rinse it thoroughly and knead it until the juice begins to emerge.

Apply the resulting leaf mass on the glans penis for half an hour, you can fix it with a bandage or stay in a supine position. Repeat the procedure 5-6 times a day, using a fresh plantain leaf each time. The course of treatment is until recovery occurs.

Disease balanoposthitis in men is extremely dangerous, if measures are not taken in time for treatment, this can lead to surgical intervention.

Balanoposthitis in men is a disease characterized by inflammation of the glans penis, as well as the foreskin. This pathology cannot be called dangerous, since with a timely measures taken balanoposthitis is easily eliminated with medication.

Why can balanoposthitis appear?

How does balanoposthitis manifest (symptoms)?

Symptoms of balanoposthitis appear quite brightly, and therefore it is rather difficult to confuse them with other signs or diseases. As a rule, the patient begins to feel itching and burning in the head or foreskin of the penis. In addition, painful sensations appear with almost any touch of the genitals. These symptoms are especially manifested during sexual intercourse, as well as during hygiene procedures.

In addition to these signs, a man may find redness on the skin in the area of ​​the head of the penis, sometimes on the foreskin. This can also cause slight erosion and bubbles. Over time, pus is released from the bubbles, which is accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

There are three degrees of balanoposthitis:

  • catarrhal;
  • erosive;
  • gangrenous.

If the development of the disease is strongly triggered, balanoposthitis can take the form of gangrene, which is very dangerous for the male body and the functions of the genitals.

Treatment of balanoposthitis with pharmacies

How to treat balanoposthitis is primarily influenced by the degree of neglect of the disease. When balanoposthitis appears, the first thing to do is to prescribe drugs for local exposure. In this case, ointments containing antibiotics, for example Levomekol or synthomycin ointment, are well suited. You can also use antiseptic solutions. The tablets are mainly used only in the more advanced stages of the disease. Therefore, it is much better to start treatment immediately after the first symptoms appear.

Before applying the ointment to the surface of the penis, rinse the groin area thoroughly. During the treatment period for balanoposthitis, you need to increase the number of hygiene procedures per day. It is advisable to wash the genitals after each urination. It is very important during therapy to prevent further spread of the infection.

It is useful for balanoposthitis to make baths with medicinal solutions. These procedures will help get rid of unpleasant and painful symptoms. Do not use solutions and preparations containing alcohol for baths. It is necessary to carry out the procedure after each washing of the genitals. After that, a layer of ointment is applied to the area of ​​inflammation. The following preparations can be used as a solution for baths:

  • Furacilin. It is not recommended to leave the solution for a long time; it is better to prepare it immediately before the procedure.
  • Miramistin. A drug with antiseptic properties, you can use it in the form of a solution.
  • Sanguirithrin. Antimicrobial agent, it is advisable to make a solution right before the procedure so that it does not lose its properties.
  • Potassium permanganate. A pale pink bath solution should be made, the main thing is not to overdo it with concentration. In general, potassium permanganate well reduces the discomfort from the disease and disinfects;
  • Rotokan is a drug with an antiseptic effect. In addition, this remedy relieves inflammation well and improves the process of cell regeneration.

After the procedure for washing the penis and baths, an ointment is applied to the skin at the site of inflammation (not too thick so that it can be absorbed normally). The most common drugs that come in the form of ointments are as follows:

  • Levomekol. The ointment relieves inflammation well, and also has antiseptic properties. In addition, Levomekol is a fairly effective antibiotic that destroys bacteria from the surface of the skin, as well as in internal tissues. The only drawback of the product is that the ointment is quite thick, therefore it does not penetrate well under the skin.
  • Triderm. This ointment is one of the most effective drugs. It fights well not only against bacteria, but also against fungi. Thanks to the hormones included in the composition, the ointment quickly reduces the signs of inflammation.
  • Flumethasone Pivalat. This ointment is a hormonal drug that effectively fights inflammation. But, unfortunately, the remedy does not affect the pathogens in any way. Therefore, you can use such an ointment only to get rid of itching, burning and pain.

If balanoposthitis is at a more advanced stage, the doctor prescribes medications that will actively fight against pathogenic microflora. These can be antibiotics, if the disease has appeared due to the multiplication of bacteria, or antiviral drugs. Sometimes therapy is carried out with the help of antifungal agents if a man has candidal balanoposthitis.

Treatment of candidal balanoposthitis in men

The causative agent of candidiasis is present in the body of any person in a passive state. However, with a decrease in the immune defense, the fungus activates and begins to multiply, and a person begins to notice some signs of inflammation that has appeared. As a rule, symptoms of candidiasis are redness in the head of the genital organ and foreskin, as well as itching and burning, in other words, balanoposthitis. In parallel with these signs, a man notices a discharge from the urethra, similar to cottage cheese with a characteristic unpleasant sour smell.

Treatment of candidal balanoposthitis is carried out systemically. First, local agents are used, namely: ointments or creams Lamisil and Clotrimazole. First, you need to wash the genitals, and this should be done several times a day. After that, it is recommended to use baths with healing solutions. Only after that, an ointment is applied to the area of ​​inflammation.

To destroy fungi in the body, the drug Fluconazole is used. This remedy actively destroys fungal microorganisms and makes the healing process faster. Rarely, in a neglected state or in the presence of other harmful microorganisms, antibiotics are used.

Since the fungus begins to multiply actively during the period of reduced immune protection, it is possible to additionally connect drugs that increase immunity to therapy. In addition, it will not be superfluous to drink a complex of vitamins.

In no case should you forget about your sexual partner.... The causative agents of candidiasis are easily transmitted through sexual intercourse, therefore, to avoid relapse, the partner must also receive treatment. It is better to give up sex during therapy.

Erosive balanoposthitis

The erosive form of balanoposthitis differs in that painful areas appear on the head of the penis and foreskin, which very strongly affect the genitals. As a rule, small bulges appear first, after which the skin on these formations dies off and falls off, leaving red wounds on the head of the penis.

Treatment of erosive balanoposthitis should be started immediately after the first erosions appear. This form the disease is dangerous with complications that may arise after it. For example, due to the large number of lesions on the skin, a man may lose the sensitivity of the penis, which, of course, will negatively affect the quality of his sex life.

Often, due to erosive balanoposthitis, phimosis begins in men. Treatment of such a disease in most cases is reduced to surgery. The advanced stages of balanoposthitis can provoke a narrowing of the urethra. Of course, such changes negatively affect the natural processes of the body and cause many inconveniences for the patient.

Sometimes the inflammation from the penis goes to the kidneys, which, of course. Negatively affects the patient's condition as a whole. The lack of treatment for balanoposthitis often causes, since the inflammatory process spreads through the organs of the reproductive system, depriving a man of the opportunity to have sex normally.

Erosive balanoposthitis is treated in the same way as ordinary balanoposthitis, but in no case can you postpone its treatment.

Treatment of balanoposthitis at home

Various folk remedies can have a positive effect on the healing process. As a rule, they are used only as an adjunct to the main therapy, however, sometimes men manage to completely get rid of the disease. This mainly occurs in the early stages, when the inflammation has just begun.

The most popular remedy that can be easily used at home is medicinal baths using herbal decoctions. Well suited for these purposes:

  • chamomile,
  • St. John's wort,
  • sage
  • and oak bark.

In addition to the fact that these plants relieve inflammation, they also have an antiseptic effect. Many patients, after carrying out such procedures, notice a significant reduction in pain, itching and burning. In general, these funds contribute to a speedy recovery, especially if you use folk recipes along with medicines.

The same decoctions and herbal infusions can be used as compresses if the baths are not quite suitable. Aloe is also good for lotions, you can take juice from its leaves, or make a tincture. The compress should be applied to the area of ​​inflammation twice a day for about half an hour. Such a remedy very effectively fights against balanoposthitis of the head. Additionally, you can make bandages on the genitals with plantain leaves.

Sea buckthorn oil can be used as a good restorative. It needs to be applied regularly for quick results. It is necessary to smear the surface of the genital organ only after carrying out hygiene procedures.

In a similar way, you can use a tincture of calendula flowers, made on the basis of vegetable oil. These funds are so effective due to the fact that the oils penetrate well under the skin and eliminate the inflammatory process. In addition, the oil has a positive effect on the skin, eliminating unpleasant signs of inflammation.

The only way how you can cure balanoposthitis quickly is the use of complex therapy. You can not limit yourself only to folk remedies, important point is the use of topical preparations. In addition, you should not forget about the rules of personal hygiene. If the measures taken do not work, you need to contact a specialist and undergo a full examination.

Is it possible to go to the sauna with balanoposthitis?

Of course, with balanoposthitis, water hygiene procedures are useful, however, a sauna is not a suitable option.

  • Firstly, in such places you can become infected with other harmful microorganisms, which will definitely aggravate the situation.
  • Secondly, at elevated temperatures, pathogenic microflora can begin to develop faster.

Do not forget that overheating of the body threatens to weaken the immune defense, which, again, will accelerate the growth of fungi or bacteria. For the period of treatment of balanoposthitis, it is advisable to refuse to visit baths, saunas, swimming pools and other similar places.

Balanitis and balanoposthitis - what's the difference?

Balanitis and balanoposthitis are often confused with each other. However, such pathologies have a clear difference.

Balanitis is an inflammation of only the glans penis, and balanoposthitis is an inflammatory process that also covers the foreskin of the penis. The symptoms of the diseases are the same and so is the treatment. Balanoposthitis is often accompanied by phimosis, especially in children. This is due to the fact that the inflammatory process from the surface of the foreskin penetrates inside.

As a result, pus or other unpleasant substances can be secreted from under the foreskin of a man or boy. Treatment of balanoposthitis cannot be delayed, since when phimosis appears, it will have to be done.

Treatment of balanitis, as well as balanoposthitis, is carried out with the help of ointments. Baths with medicinal solutions can also help well in this situation.

It is much easier and faster to cure balanitis, therefore, when the first symptoms appear, namely, you should immediately consult a doctor and start therapy.

The consequences of balanoposthitis

Acute balanoposthitis in the absence of proper treatment can develop into chronic. In this case, the man first has erosions on the head of the penis, that is, small wounds that gradually spread throughout the penis. At the same time, the patient experiences severe pain and discomfort during movements and natural procedures.

Over time, the inflammation spreads to, causing red streaks to appear on the surface of the penis. Further, harmful microorganisms spread through the channels of urination and the organs of the genitourinary system. Often men develop prostatitis, as well as urethral disease.

In the absence of treatment or with the wrong appointment of therapy, the inflammatory process can turn into gangrene of the genital organ. In this situation, drug treatment will be absolutely useless, the only way out in the formation of gangrene is amputation of the diseased organ.

Balanoposthitis is a disease that at first glance seems completely harmless. However, the lack of treatment leads to serious consequences. It is necessary to take action immediately after the first symptoms are detected. According to patient reviews, the most effective treatment balanoposthitis - with the use of complex therapy. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor so that he correctly diagnoses and prescribes the correct treatment.

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