Personal hygiene items for women. Daily personal hygiene rules for women. Vulva needs to be washed, but chances are that you are doing it wrong.

Human hygiene is a whole set of rules, when followed, health is strengthened and improved. appearance... If you don't know where to start, don't worry. After reading this article, you will learn how to practice good hygiene. Above all, you need to keep your body clean, stick to good habits every day, and make a plan for caring for your appearance.


Keep your body clean

    Take a bath or shower every day. The bacteria feed on sweat and dead skin cells that appear on the skin during the day. This is often the reason bad smell from the body. Therefore, take a bath or shower every day. Use a gentle soap to wash away dirt from your body. Wash and dry your feet, face, hands, underarms and lower body.

    Take care of your hair. Wash your hair 2-3 times a week. You should not wash your hair more often, as more frequent washing will remove the natural oils from the scalp and hair. As a result, the hair becomes dry. Find the right shampoo and conditioner for your hair type. There is a wide variety of hair care products. Depending on your hair type (dry, oily, curly, straight or curly), get the shampoo and conditioner that's right for you.

    Wash your face twice a day. In the morning and evening before bed, wash your face with a gentle cleanser. Using your fingertips, apply the cleanser to your face. Do not use a washcloth or sponge as this can irritate the skin. Don't rub your face too hard. Rinse your skin warm water and blot (do not wipe) it with a clean, dry towel.

    • Do not use products that contain alcohol or have an exfoliating effect. Also, don't use regular soap. Soap can dry and irritate the skin.
    • If you have dry or flaky skin, use a moisturizer. If your skin becomes oily or irritated easily, use a sensitive skin care product.
    • Also, remember to wash your face after exercise or after exercise that causes excessive sweating.
  1. Keep your clothes clean. You don't have to wash your clothes after every wear. However, make sure that the clothes you are wearing smell good, have no stains or wrinkles. If you see your clothes become sweaty or dirty, be sure to wash them before putting them back on. Underwear must be changed daily.

    • Change your bedding every week, or even more often if necessary if you sweat a lot during the night. If you have oily skin, change your pillowcases weekly or every 2-3 days.
  2. Wash your hands as often as possible. You should wash your hands as often as possible throughout the day, especially after using the toilet, sneezing or coughing, before eating, and after touching things that many people have come into contact with (for example, after using public transport or after how you had contact with money. (Think about how much different people touching money!)

    Carry the necessary grooming products with you. Gather the supplies you need and carry them with you in your bag or backpack. Your bag should contain mints, chewing gum, or a bottle for mouthwash after meals. Also, don't forget a small mirror, hand sanitizer, deodorant, paper towels, and a small comb.

    Follow good hygiene practices when you are sick. If you are sick, it is important to practice good hygiene to protect those around you. Cover your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Wash your hands as often as possible, especially after coughing or sneezing. If you vomit or heat, stay at home and do not infect others.

Take good care of yourself

    Use deodorant daily. Each person has their own specific body odor, especially under the armpits. In adolescents during puberty, excessive sweating of the armpits is often observed, as a result of which bacteria accumulate in this area. Use deodorant daily to feel confident throughout the day. Exists different types and deodorant forms: in the form of sprays, stickers, creams, roll-on deodorants, antiperspirant deodorants. Some are scented while others are odorless. The choice depends on your personal preference.

    • There are deodorants for both women and men. In fact, the only thing that makes them different is the smell.
  1. Shave if necessary. Shaving or not shaving your legs, underarms and bikini area is everyone's personal business. Hair in the armpit and groin traps moisture and odors. However, regular showering and good hygiene practices can help alleviate this problem. If you shave, take care of the safety of this procedure:

    Maintain your bikini area. Shaving intimate hair can lead to itching, irritation, ingrown hairs, and folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicle). Remember that it is up to you to decide how you will care for your bikini area. You can shave your bikini area, leaving only your pubic hair. Using scissors, trim your pubic hair or leave it as it is. Don't forget to shower afterwards. If you decide to remove your pubic hair, follow the guidelines below:

    • Use clean scissors to remove long hair... This will help you shave more easily (do this over the toilet so you don't waste time cleaning later).
    • Soak in a hot bath or shower for a few minutes to soften hair and skin.
    • Use a safety razor. Straight blades and disposable razors are not recommended. If possible, use a razor with a moisturizing strip.
    • Pull the skin tightly where you are shaving your hair. Start with a slow, even motion and shave in the direction of hair growth. Do this very gently without applying too much pressure to the skin.
    • Rinse your skin with warm water. Then pat the skin dry. Apply baby oil, aloe vera gel, or unscented moisturizer to your skin.
  2. Monitor your oral hygiene. Remember to brush your teeth twice a day and use dental floss and mouthwash. Do this after breakfast and before bed. Follow this tip to help prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath. Use toothpaste or a fluoride mouthwash. If you wear braces, brush your teeth after every meal.

    Take proper care of the retainer. Retainers require maintenance. Orthodontic retainers are a great breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, do not forget to wash the retainer and the container in which it is stored. Clean the retainer container every time you brush your teeth, and disinfect it once a week.

    Keep your contact lenses clean. If you wear contact lenses, it is important to keep them clean. Thanks to this, you can prevent the occurrence of infectious eye diseases. Don't just rinse them out with tap water. Lens care with plain water is not permitted. It is not sterile and can allow bacteria and other harmful pathogens to enter the eyes. For the care of contact lenses, it is permissible to use only special means approved by ophthalmologists. Before putting on the lenses, rinse them with solution. Never reuse the solution, always fill with fresh one. Be sure to keep your lens container clean, as your eye health depends on it. The lens container should be changed at least once every 3 months.

    Keep your feet healthy. Bad smell of feet, socks and shoes is a problem for many people. However, there are some things you can do to lessen the occurrence of this problem. Only wear socks and shoes on dry feet. Ventilate your shoes without wearing one pair for two days in a row. Also, buy socks made from natural fabrics - wool or cotton. They absorb moisture well. Do not wear synthetic socks.

    Do not give your personal belongings to anyone. Of course, we have always been taught to share with others. However, when it comes to things like a toothbrush, razor blade or comb, this is out of the question. Do not share your personal hygiene items with anyone, and do not use the things of others. This tip also applies to towels and washcloths.

Follow good menstrual hygiene

    Change your hygiene products regularly. On average, you should use 3-6 pads or tampons per day. If you have heavy periods (first few days), use long, winged pads (side protectors) to prevent leaks. Also, such pads can be used at night. Change your pad or tampon every 4 to 8 hours, depending on the amount of discharge.

  1. Shower regularly. It is important to shower during your period. You will feel clean and fresh. Warm water will help relieve pain. Wash the area around your vagina with warm water. After showering, pat your skin dry with a dark towel. You can also dry the vaginal area with a paper towel. Then use a new pad, tampon, or menstrual cup.

    • You can remove the tampon or bowl before showering, but you don't have to. Of course, take off your underwear and put away the pad.
    • If you have a heavy discharge, do not take a bath. Take a shower, as it will be easier for you to wash off the blood.
    • Clean the shower or tub after you.
  2. Monitor your cycle. Knowing when your period will start will not take you by surprise. This will help keep your laundry dry and keep your tampon or pad close at hand. There are many websites and apps that allow you to keep track of your monthly cycle. You can also use a diary or calendar for this purpose. Circle the first day of your cycle, which is the day you started your period. Do this every month.

    • Normal monthly cycle lasts 28 days. However, it can vary depending on the condition of the girl and the situation in which she is. The menstrual cycle is the period from one period to the next and is considered from the first day of the previous period to the first day of the next. If you mark the start date of your period within three months, you can calculate how long your period is. For example, if in the first month the period from one menstruation to another lasted 29 days, in the second - 30 days and in the third - 28 days, then by adding the number of days in three months and dividing them by 3 (months), you will find out the duration of your cycle. ... In this case, it is 29 days.
    • If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, talk to your parents or consult a doctor who can prescribe the necessary treatment.

The beautiful half of humanity should carry out water procedures for the genitals every day. In this case, you should wash them with warm water, directing it from front to back. This rule should be applied to the use of toilet paper as well. Why is this so important? The fact is that a woman can bring various infections into the vagina, including E. coli, which causes inflammation of the genitals.

Due to poor ecology, you have to follow a few more elementary rules when carrying out water procedures:

To saturate skin cells with oxygen and moisture, you need to use a washcloth;
- in order not to disrupt the natural flora of the genital mucosa, do not allow gel or soap to get into the vagina;
- in order to tone the skin and activate the protective properties of the body, it is necessary to use folk remedies, such as sea ​​salt, herbal infusions, etc .;
- After showering, the body should be wiped off with a hard towel.

On days when menstruation occurs, you should wash yourself three to four times a day without soap and preferably with boiled water, since at such a moment any infection can enter the genitals.

Remember to change your underwear every day.

A few more points of feminine hygiene

A modern girl strives to look attractive and not take care of her health. However, this can lead to sad consequences, especially in the cold season. Hypothermia is not your genitals' best friend, so try to dress as warmly as possible.

Deodorants are also an integral part of hygiene. female body... And if you have increased sweating, then you just need this remedy, since the skin needs protection from harmful microorganisms that multiply in a humid environment.

To be healthy, you just need to follow a few simple rules. One of important points is the use of quality tampons and panty liners. Wearing synthetics can also lead to dire consequences. It is very important to monitor the cleanliness of your skin and genitals, so that later you do not receive a "reward" chronic diseases... Improper adherence to personal hygiene rules adversely affects

Hygiene is a science that consists of many sections, among which personal hygiene takes the most important place. Personal hygiene -a set of mandatory rules of human behavior at work and at home. In a narrow sense, hygiene is keeping the body, clothing and household items clean. Violations of the rules of personal hygiene and human health can permanently disable him and his family members. This situation can arise if one family member is sick, but shared utensils. As a result, the health of the rest is under threat, that is, personal hygiene and health are inextricably linked.

Personal hygiene includes several rules that each person is obliged to observe: maintaining a clean body, correct work and rest regime, physical exercise, balanced diet.


It covers the entire body and serves as a barrier to the entry of various diseases. In addition to the protective function, the skin performs several others: respiratory, receptor, thermoregulatory ... It has a huge number of pores through which 5-7 liters of sweat and 200 g of fat are released weekly. In order for this vital organ to function properly, the skin must be cleansed. Daily body care should be a must.

  • Every day you need to take a shower with water at a comfortable temperature. But for people with very dry skin, frequent washing is not recommended, so as not to disrupt the protective function of the skin. And the face, armpits and groin must be washed every day. For these purposes, you can use the appropriate care products - soaps, gels. Each person should choose them individually. Skin hygiene involves the use of scrubs to exfoliate particles of dead epithelium.
  • At least once a week, the procedure should be more thorough - in the bath, sauna or just in the bath.
  • You need to cleanse your face daily, then apply a moisturizer.
  • Personal hygiene items - washcloth, towel - must be individual.
  • Bed linen must be changed once a week.

Arms and legs

Hand hygiene plays an important role in maintaining health: unwashed hands can enter harmful microorganisms into the mouth and cause unwanted reactions. To care for your hands and feet, you should regularly use manicure and pedicure accessories - brushes, files, pumice. Thoroughly clean nails and file carefully. Feet should be washed daily with cool water to reduce perspiration. And hands need to be washed after coming home, before and after cooking, before and after going to the toilet, and simply because they can get dirty. In case there are no conditions for washing hands, you must have a damp cloth with you.

Hair hygiene

To make your hair look well-groomed, you must try to follow simple rules.

  1. It is necessary to wash your hair as needed - if the hair type is normal, then once a week is enough.
  2. Choosing a hair product requires a thoughtful approach - along with shampoo or rinse, unwanted substances can enter the body.
  3. To give hair shine, it is very useful to rinse it with nettle or chamomile infusion after washing.
  4. It is not recommended to rub your hair with a towel - only blot it.
  5. Drying them with a hairdryer is also extremely undesirable - if time permits, then give them the opportunity to air dry.

Oral hygiene

The basic rules of personal hygiene necessarily include oral care.

  • The teeth should be brushed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening after meals and for at least 3 minutes. It is desirable to use a brush of medium softness.
  • You can use dental floss or a toothpick to clean the interdental space.
  • There are many options for cleaning the gums, cheeks and tongue, and a mouthwash is advisable to kill any germs in the mouth.
  • But even regular cleaning will not guarantee that cavities or other problems will not occur. In order to start treatment at an early stage, it is necessary to undergo a dental examination twice a year.

Feminine hygiene rules

The concept of personal hygiene should be familiar to every person from childhood. They are especially important for women. Knowing them and getting used to performing them from childhood, any girl will not worry in any situation.

Intimate care is individual for each woman and should include several mandatory rules.

  1. You need to wash yourself at least twice a day. The water must be running. Movements should be from front to back so that discharge from the anus does not enter the vagina.
  2. You only need to wash with your palm, without using a washcloth.
  3. An intimate towel should be personal or paper.
  4. A sanitary napkin may also work for this purpose if water cannot be used.
  5. Underwear must be free of airflow. Cotton is the most comfortable to wear.
  6. The intimate hygiene of a girl must necessarily be thought out: you cannot use shower gel, soap, or those products that are not individually suitable for this purpose. They can cause irritation or even illness. Therefore, the best way out is to contact a gynecologist and purchase hygiene products on his advice. In extreme cases, you can purchase a product with pH2.5 to 3.5, containing lactic acid, so as not to disturb the microflora.
  7. During menstruation, you need to wash up to five times a day to wash away the decomposing blood.

Clothes and footwear

In the rules of personal hygiene and human health, clothing plays a tangible role, that is, its cleanliness.

  • Underwear, including tights, stockings and socks, must be changed daily and freshly washed.
  • Clothes and footwear must be individual and appropriate for the season.
  • Clean insoles of boots, boots and shoes immediately as they become dirty.

Benefit for health

In accordance with other points of the rules, nutrition should be complete and rational, ensure mental and physical activity of a person, contain a sufficient amount of calories, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Correct mode nutrition is also necessary for a full-fledged rhythm of life: a person takes food 5-6 times a day and does not starve. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene in the kitchen will guarantee that intestinal upset does not occur. This means that health will not suffer.

Sports, and just physical exercise, physical labor, walks in the fresh air, various outdoor activities - a necessary and most reasonable pastime after a working day and on weekends. This will increase metabolism, vascular and heart tone, restore strength and temper the body.

The importance of personal hygiene can hardly be overestimated.

But the hygienic literacy must be familiar to a person from childhood and strictly followed by him, and then any illness will be bypassed.

All girls want to look attractive, be the most beautiful and irresistible. Therefore, a lot of attention is paid to personal hygiene. However, when washing in the morning, for some reason, many girls forget about one more aspect of grooming. Or consider it not as necessary as a clean face. Nevertheless, intimate hygiene is one of the most important components of not only cleanliness, but also the health of every woman and girl.
Much attention has been paid to this aspect at all times. For example, Cleopatra used herbal or essential oil baths. In Russia, the bathhouse has been popular at all times, and the number of decoctions with chamomile, aloe and other herbs and oils used for these procedures is simply enormous. Many of the recipes have been known and used for centuries. In general, the intimate hygiene of women was first described in the ancient monuments of Mesopotamia (approximately II century BC), although the term itself appeared only in the middle of the last century.

Rules of conduct

Despite the apparent study of the issue, many women do not know exactly how intimate hygiene is carried out. Some pay too little attention to it, others, on the contrary, too much. And in fact, and in another case, various problems arise with women's health... So, what do you need to know in order to properly carry out all the activities for cleansing intimate areas?

There are simple rules that will help you navigate this difficult question:

Care products

Any woman, the healthiest woman, has a huge amount of bacteria, both beneficial and pathogenic, in the vagina. The microflora is in an unstable balance, which is easily swayed by using the wrong, unsuitable feminine hygiene products. The fact is that the pH of the vagina is about 3.5. This indicator is necessary for the life and reproduction of beneficial lactic acid bacteria, harmful ones die in such conditions.

Many infections also fail to overcome the natural defenses. Ordinary soap has a pH of about 7, which means it creates an alkaline environment that injures the normal microflora of the vagina. And while the body lacks beneficial bacteria, pathogenic bacteria can multiply.

All intimate care products (gels, milk) should have a neutral or slightly acidic pH. It is considered ideal if these numbers range from 3.5 to 4.5. A pH of 5 is still acceptable. If this figure is higher, then there is a great chance of disrupting the natural microflora of the vagina.

Currently, there are a large number of products and recipes for intimate care. However, not all of them are equally useful and not suitable for all women. Basic feminine hygiene items:

  • Special soaps, gels, foams, milk. You need to carefully read the composition to make sure that natural ingredients are used in the basis of the drug, for example, decoctions of chamomile, aloe or calendula, essential oils, and not chemical perfume fragrances. Lactic acid-based products are also useful, since they restore the natural microflora and prevent the appearance of irritations;
  • It is undesirable to constantly use wipes for intimate hygiene instead of washing. They are good at fighting odor and dirt, but this is an emergency option for when you can't take a shower at the end of the day or after using the toilet. It is good if they are saturated with essential oils or extracts of aloe, chamomile, etc .;
  • For those who want to avoid the appearance of a smell, they produce special deodorants for the intimate sphere, but they use perfumery fragrances, which is not suitable for all women;
  • Creams for intimate hygiene are not a luxury, but the norm. They have antiseptic properties, protect against the penetration of harmful microorganisms, cover the vagina with a thin protective film, and help restore natural microflora. They should be used when swimming in open water and for those over 40;
  • Panty liners are wonderful feminine hygiene items that keep them fresh, clean, and avoid unpleasant odors. Often they are impregnated with oils to impart a pleasant aroma. But you need to use them correctly. They change the "daily" not in the morning and in the evening, but every 4 hours, since a large amount of secretions accumulate on them. When worn for a long time, the pads create ideal conditions for the development of pathogenic flora;
  • Menstrual pads and tampons should also be changed regularly and frequently to avoid irritation and inflammation.

Folk recipes

For washing, many recipes have been created using herbs: chamomile, aloe, calendula, etc. These funds do not cause allergies and irritation, many decoctions are medicinal. A woman's personal hygiene is unthinkable without the use of folk recipes... Products with potassium permanganate, aloe, calendula and other herbs are very popular. Be careful when using baking soda recipes as it creates an alkaline environment.

So, in case of inflammatory diseases, an infusion of chamomile flowers is very popular. The recipe is extremely simple: 1 tbsp. l. pour 200 ml of boiling water over chamomile flowers and leave for an hour. It is advisable to use a thermos for steaming.

You can prepare a collection of dried herb coltsfoot and chamomile. They must be mixed in equal amounts and stored in a tightly closed jar. For the procedure 4 tbsp. l. collection is poured into 500 ml of boiling water and insisted for 2 hours.

Douching with chamomile is also often done. For this, 2 tbsp. l. flowers are poured with 1 liter of boiling water and insisted for 40 minutes.

Popular for douching and potassium permanganate. A weak pale pink solution is prepared for the procedure. You can not use potassium permanganate with erosion of the cervix, since the disease can be aggravated.

Butter tea tree has an antimicrobial effect, therefore it is also used in recipes for intimate hygiene and douching. 1 tsp oils are mixed with 1 tsp. alcohol. Then 5 drops of the mixture are diluted in a glass of boiled water.

Intimate hygiene is not so difficult. Its rules are simple and straightforward. It is necessary to monitor the timely implementation of the procedures and select the most suitable products with the correct pH level.

Women often share experiences and, face, hair, but very rarely the topic of conversation is the rules of intimate hygiene. Maintaining hygiene in intimate areas very important for women, not only to feel clean and well-groomed, but most importantly to avoid health problems. Below you will see 10 basic rules for intimate hygiene, try to always adhere to them so that you do not have health complications.

Regular soap or regular shower gel is not suitable for washing female genitals. The fact is that regular soap or gel is designed to maintain the natural pH of the skin (5.5), while the pH of the vagina is between 3.8 and 4.5. Using regular soap can lead to a violation of the natural microflora of the vagina, thereby creating an opportunity for the development and spread of harmful bacteria. This can cause irritation, itching, odor, pain, abnormal discharge, or infection. Therefore, be careful when choosing intimate hygiene products. Most gynecologists advise using the usual hot water, but if it seems to you that this is not enough, then use only those products that are intended for intimate areas.

Wash only the outside of the vagina in a front-to-back movement, that is, from the pubis to the anus. The inner part It is not necessary to wash the vagina, and it is even harmful, as it can lead to serious diseases. It is recommended, of course, to wash yourself after each visit to the toilet, but if you cannot wash yourself regularly, then wash your genitals at least 2 times a day.

When taking an intimate shower, do not use sponges or washcloths. The fact is that you can damage the delicate skin of the genitals, and this will lead to various infections and diseases, it is enough just to wash with a clean hand.

Do not direct the stream of water directly into the vagina, as this can wash off the protective lubricant and cause infection. When performing intimate hygiene, direct the water so that it flows down from above along the genitals.

Buy a separate towel for your intimate hygiene. It should be soft and completely clean. Only you should use this towel, and also do not forget to change your intimate towel for a new one every 2-3 days.

It is better to wear underwear made of cotton or linen rather than synthetics. Cotton clothing allows your skin to breathe. And underwear made of synthetic materials, unlike cotton or linen, blocks air circulation and increases humidity in intimate areas, thereby creating an ideal environment for bacterial growth. Nice synthetic underwear can be worn, but it is recommended that you only wear it when you really need it.

Wash your private parts before and after. Moreover, it is important not only for your intimate hygiene, but also for the health of your partner.

Sex during menstruation carries an increased risk of various infections. It is best to refrain from intercourse until your period is over.

During, it is necessary to change the pads every 2-4 hours, depending on the discharge. Remember to change your gaskets to prevent odor and to block the spread of bacteria. Before using tampons, remember to wash your hands first and then insert it into your vagina. It is necessary to change the tampon every 2-3 hours to avoid stagnant discharge. Also, do not use tampons while sleeping at night.

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