How using access. Create Access forms for data editing. Create a Form Displaying Multiple Records in Access

Any area of ​​business requires keeping records of all sorts of information. These could be press articles or decisions. judiciary, the costs of any purchases or accounting for the use of transport from the company's fleet - the task of any of these types of records is to accumulate information and the ability to quickly find information, and doing it as quickly as possible.

Database (DB) is a collection of information, systematization of which is carried out according to a criterion specially selected for this. A typical example of a simple database is an application program that displays the process of selling products of any point of sale, where the names of the goods offered to buyers are entered in one column, and their cost in the other. Such programs are another type of sales automation application.

The use of application programs allows you to improve the efficiency of customer service, and ultimately increase the store's turnover - the seller spends a minimum of time searching for the product and information about it.

It should be borne in mind that the main criterion when creating any database is the ability to link a number of tables to each other, so that when you enter the appropriate query, you can extract the necessary information from them. When working with the database, a special key is used that allows identification of the information contained in the table by some selected attribute.

The most commonly used two-dimensional base structure consists of columns and rows. A significant number of modern programs that enable users to quickly and easily create databases are based on Microsoft Office Access. It contains a number of customization objects that make it possible to properly format the information that needs to be entered into the database. An example of a simple database.

How to create a database in Microsoft Access

A simple database is created in several stages:

  • the "File" tab is selected on the main panel;
  • in it, you should stop at the position "New database", which must be assigned a specific name;
  • pressing the "Constructor" button will enable the mode of building the structure of the base, giving the user the opportunity to use one of the templates available for this.
  • choosing the appropriate one, it remains only to pick up the names of all fields, and specify the data types with the keyword.

The simplest an example of a finished database can serve as a list of students in a class at a school or other educational institution, which is a table where the first column contains numbers, and the second contains text.


Add an OLE object field to the database table. It is in this field that Microsoft Access can store images. Open the required database and in the "Tables" tab select the element where you want to place the image. Call the constructor for the table. Editing its structure, add one more field with the data type "OLE Object Field". Give it a name and save the base changes ("File" - "Save").

Place an OLE object in the created cell of the field, i.e. the picture itself. To do this, open the table in view mode. You will see the added column. Place the cursor in the required cell and right-click to bring up the context menu. Select the Add Object command.

In the dialog box that opens, activate one of the proposed options for adding. You can insert an existing graphic file or create it first in the appropriate editor and then link to the current database. In the first case, select the application in which you want to create a new image in the Object Type field, for example, Paintbrush Drawing. Click the OK button, the editor program will start at the same time. The introduction of the object into the database will end after you close the graphics application after creating the picture.

To insert an existing picture into the table field, select the second option - activate the "Create from file" switch in the dialog box. Click on the "Browse ..." button and specify the path and name of the graphic file with the image. It is desirable to have a picture on disk in .bmp or.dib format. If necessary, enable the "Link" checkbox in the window - this will allow the DBMS to track changes to the graphic file and reload the image in the table.

From Microsoft provides users with ample opportunities to create and work with databases. Nowadays, databases are very widely used in all kinds of spheres and fields. In general, we can say that now we cannot do without them. In this regard, it is very important to be able to work with Access tables. The main element of user interaction with the database is the query. This article will take a closer look at how to create a query in Access. Let's get started. Go!

First of all, let's figure out what a request is. This is a database element that serves to select the desired information from the table. They are of two types:

  • Sample (allow you to receive data and perform operations on it);
  • To change (allow you to add, delete, and change values).

Now let's go directly to practice. Go to the Create tab and click the Query Builder button. In the window that opens, select one or more tables from which you want to select data. By clicking the "Execute" button, you will receive all the information from the tables you have selected. For a more specific selection, go to the "Design" tab and enter the desired word or number in the "Criteria:" field. For example, suppose you want to get a list of all employees born in 1980. To do this, write 1980 in the "Date of birth" column in the line "Selection condition:" and click the "Execute" button. The program will instantly give you the result. For convenience, you can save the created request in order to use it in the future. Use the key combination Ctrl + S and enter the name in the appropriate field, and then click "OK".

By specifying a condition for the selection of data, we get the desired selection

To count the values ​​in a column, you can use what are called group operations. To do this, on the "Constructor" tab, click on the "Summary" button. In the "Grouping" line that appears, select the "Count" function, which allows you to add up all non-zero values. To avoid displaying the word “Count” in the column name, in the “Field” line, enter the name before what was indicated earlier. Saving is done in the same way using the Ctrl + S combination.

Access counts non-empty cells

Now let's create a parametric query. It allows you to make a selection by the entered parameter. For example, on a given date. Having opened the required database, write (without quotes) in the corresponding column "[Specify the date]". Square brackets are required. In the window that appears, enter the desired date. After that, the program will automatically make a selection according to the date you entered. You can put the signs ">" (more) and "<» (меньше) чтобы отобразить элементы раньше либо позже заданной даты. Например, список сотрудников, которые сдали отчёты до 01.07.

How do I create a cross-reference? It is enough to find the "Cross" button on the toolbar and click on it. After that, in the "Cross Table" item, select "Row Headings" in the first cell, "Column Headings" in the second, and "Value" in the third. Then you can count the values ​​using the "Count" function already mentioned above. Please note that if you specify in the second cell "Row Headings", as in the first, instead of "Column Headings", then nothing will work. Be sure to consider this.

We make a cross query in the database

You can also make a request to create a table. How it's done? It is enough to open the databases with which you are working, then fill in the "Selection condition" cell and click on the "Create table" button. Don't forget to hit "Run". Microsoft Access builds a new table based on the options you specified. For example, a list of all employees with their contact information for the profession of "Accountant".

When saving, you need to specify the name and location of the new table

As you can see, Microsoft's Access program allows you to do a lot of things. Knowing how to make a query in Access will make you feel much more confident when working with databases. Write in the comments if this article was useful for you and ask questions on the topic discussed.

Creating forms in Access is one of the key points when working with databases. Every user working with databases must be familiar with the elements and objects of databases, be able to create reports, queries, and operate with the information contained in tables. This article will take a closer look at how to create a form in Access and define it. Let's figure it out. Go!

A description of the general methods of working in a DBMS is given.

A form in Microsoft Access is a database object that allows you to add, edit, or display data stored in a database. There are two ways to create it:

  • Using the Form Builder;
  • Using the Form Wizard.

Go to the "Create" tab, then find and click the "Form Wizard" button. A wizard window will open in front of you, in which you need to specify the tables containing the required fields from the drop-down list. Also note that you can use queries as well as tables as a basis. However, in this case, it is more recommended to use tables. After that, check all the fields you want to add. Next, select an appearance by checking one of the following options:

  • One Column;
  • "Tape";
  • "Tabular";
  • "Aligned".

Most versatile method

The usual form will appear in front of you. At the bottom of the window, you will find dedicated navigation buttons. For more convenience, it is recommended to set your own buttons to make it easier to switch between records. This is done as follows. Click the right mouse button and select the "constructor" item from the menu. Then go to the Tool Ribbon and under Controls select Button. Place it in the right place of the form and in the window that opens, specify "Transitions by records" in the "Categories" section and "Previous record" in the "Actions" section. In the next window, you can choose what to place on the button: text or picture. Choose what you like best, there is no fundamental difference. Click Finish. Create another one in the same way, only to move to the next record.

We increase the convenience of navigating the database

It is also worth adding a button to exit the form. In the "Categories" section, select "Work with the form", and in the "Actions" section - the line "Close the form". A special button for adding data is also useful. Specify "Processing Records" under "Categories" and "Add Record" under "Actions".

Another useful tweak

After that, it will be very convenient for you to move from one record to another and add new ones while in the form mode. All this will significantly increase the speed of work.

There are situations where you need to add a calculated field. How it's done? Very simple. First, go to design mode. Next, in the tool ribbon, select "Field" in the "Controls" block. Then click on the Property Page and go to the Data tab. In the point of the same name, click on "..." at the end of the line. In the window that appears, you can create expressions based on the table fields. If the format of the number displayed in the calculated field does not match the desired format (for example, the amount of money should be displayed), then the format can be changed. To do this, go to the property page, open the "Layout" tab and in the "Field Format" line select the one you want from the drop-down list of options.

Calculated fields are easy

If you need to create a subform, check the appropriate item in one of the wizard windows. Note that creating this type of form is recommended only for tables that have a one-to-many relationship.

Now let's look at the second way of creating - using the form constructor. After clicking on the appropriate tool, a marked empty area will open in front of you, which does not have any fields or titles. In this case, you will have to fill in the empty area completely yourself. Use the "Add Field" tool, which is located in the "Service" block on the toolbar. In the window that appears, select the tables and fields from them. Just drag to the blank area. In order not to bother with the placement of each individual field, select them all and right-click. In the menu that opens, click "Layout" and select one of the placement options: "Column" or "Table view". Use the Text Box tool to add titles. In the properties you can change the font, its size, color and other parameters. For each field, you can customize its color, choose a fill color, and so on. In general, Microsoft Access allows you to customize all the elements as you see fit.

Wide scope for creativity

By understanding how forms are made, what their role is and what they do, you will feel much more confident working in Microsoft Access. The methods discussed in the article are essentially the same. Each of them is good in its own way, so choose the one that will be more convenient for you to work with. Write in the comments if this article was helpful for you and keep improving your Microsoft Access skills. If you still have any questions after reading the article, do not hesitate to ask them in the comments.

Microsoft Access is a database creation program that makes it easy to manage and edit databases. It is suitable for literally everything from small projects to large businesses, it is very visual. This makes it an excellent helper for data entry and storage, since the user does not need to deal with tables and graphs. Get started reading to learn how to get the most out of Microsoft Access.


Part 1

Creating a new database

Create a query to create a table

    Select the table (s) from which you want to extract data. Double click on the table from which you want to extract information. You can use multiple tables at once if required.

    Select the fields from which you want to extract data. Double click on each field to add. It will be added to the query grid.

    Set the required criteria. If you need specific information from the fields, set the filter by criteria. See the “Create a Criteria Select Request” section above for more information.

    Test your query to make sure it produces the results you want. Before creating the table, run your query to make sure it retrieves the information you need. Adjust the criteria and fields until you get the result you want.

    Save your query. Press Ctrl + S to save the query for later use. It will appear in the navigation column on the left side of the screen. If you click on this query, you can use it again, then go to the Design tab.

    Click on the "Create table" button in the query type selection group. A window will appear asking for the name of the new table. Enter a name for the table and click OK.

    Click the Run button. A new table will be created according to the established queries. The table will appear in the navigation column on the left.

Create an add request

    Open the previously created request. You can use an append query to add information to a table that has already been created in another table. This is useful when you need to add more data to the prepared table created by the table create request.

    Click the Add button in the Design tab. A dialog box will open. Select the table you want to supplement in it.

    Modify your query criteria to match the information you add. For example, if you created a table with the criterion "2010" in the "Year" field, change this value according to the information you add, such as "2011".

    Choose where exactly you want to add the information. Make sure to add data in the appropriate fields for each column you add. For example, if you make the changes above, the information should be added to the Year field on each line.

    Complete your request. Click the Run button on the Design tab. The request will be processed and the information will be added to the table. You can open the spreadsheet to verify that the data entered is correct.

Part 5

Creating and using forms

    Select the table for which you want to create a form. Forms display data for each field and make it easy to switch between records or create new ones. Forms are a necessary tool for long periods of information input; most users find that forms are much easier to use than tables.

    Click the "Form" button in the "Create" tab. A form will be automatically created based on the data from the table. Access automatically creates the fields that are the size you want, but you can always resize or move them if you want.

    • If you do not want to display a certain field in the form, open the context menu with the right mouse button and click "Delete".
    • If the tables are linked, a description appears above each record to show the combined data. This makes editing this data much easier. For example, each sales representative can be assigned a customer base.
  1. Navigate the new form. Arrow pointers allow you to navigate from one record to another. The fields will be filled with your data the moment you switch between them. You can use the buttons along the edges to jump directly to the first or last entry.

    Click the description button to use the table. It is located in the upper left corner and allows you to change the values ​​of the selected table using forms.

    Make changes to existing records. You can change the text in any field of each record to change the information in the table. All changes will automatically appear in the table, and the same will happen in all related tables.

    Make new entries. Click "Add Entry" next to the navigation buttons to add a new entry at the end of the list. You will then be able to use fields to insert data into empty records within the table. It is much easier than adding new data via a tabular view.

    Save the form when you're done with it. Make sure to save the shape by pressing Ctrl + S; you can easily log in again later. It will appear in the navigation column on the left side of the screen.

Part 6

Generating a report

    Select a table or query. Reports allow you to quickly display a summary of the data you want. They are often used for generating revenue reports or shipping reports, but they can be customized for almost any area of ​​use. Reports use data from tables or queries that you created earlier.

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