Is it possible to retake the exam. Is it possible to retake the exam if the threshold has not been passed or the result is not satisfied. How will the retake take place

Do not start this post with banal words that failing an exam is not the end of the world (and further in the text). We will try to support you and clearly sort out this serious problem on the shelves, especially since, as you know, there are no desperate situations.

Yes, very low scores, when you have not overcome the threshold for obtaining a certificate or have not reached the minimum threshold for admission to a university (and this is not the same thing) - this is the strongest disappointment that can deprive a person of the opportunity for some time constructively think. Failure on the exam can also hit your self-esteem very hard and instill in your soul a lack of confidence in your abilities and strengths. We advise you not to succumb to these emotions, because everything can really be fixed, by the way, with certain conditions this can be done even in the current year and safely enter the university without postponing everything for the next year. So, let's sort it out in order with all possible situations of failure on the exam.

You have not passed the minimum points threshold for university admission

Let's start with this option. There is a lot of information on the Internet for those who did not receive a certificate at the Graduation Party, but there are sensible articles for those who received a certificate, but did not overcome minimum threshold, designated for admission to universities, unfortunately, not very much. We will try to correct the situation and tell you more in detail. To begin with, let us recall what the minimum threshold of USE scores for admission to a university was announced in 2018.

Minimum points for admission to universities in 2018

Unfortunately, the situation is almost dead end, but the main word in this sentence is “almost”! Yes, any university does not have the right to enroll an applicant who has not passed the minimum score threshold. Even paid. And to the correspondence department, by the way, too. But after all, you have a certificate for grade 11, with which you can easily enter any college without any entrance exams. By the way, there are colleges at universities, this is a good option for a two-stage education - from college you immediately go to university. After grade 11, the college curriculum will be shorter than grade 9 graduates. Young men will be given a respite from the army at a technical school or college as easily as at any university.

You may not know, but a deferral from January 1, 2017 in colleges and technical schools is now given for the entire period of study (previously there were age restrictions- up to 20 years). This is great news, agree.

If you do not want to go to college, then you can try your luck and pass the exam in a year. In Europe, this is called a gap year, such a free year for reflection is taken abroad not only by notorious "failing students", but also by quite successful graduates in order to decide what they want to do during this period, after all, it is no secret that at the age of 17 very few people can know exactly what his true calling is. The boys, however, will spend this year in the army, the girls are more fortunate. Think about how much you can do this year for your self-development: first of all, of course, you will need to improve your knowledge and prepare a second time for the Unified State Exam, and you can also go to work, learn foreign language, travel.

You have not passed the minimum score threshold in compulsory subjects (Russian, basic or specialized mathematics)

In 2018, the minimum score threshold for obtaining a certificate is limited to only two subjects - Russian and mathematics. In the Russian language it was necessary to score at least 24 points, in basic mathematics - not less than "three", in profile mathematics - not less than 27 points. The results for all other profile USE do not affect the receipt of the certificate (as well as the grades in it). That is why it will be possible to retake all these exams only in a year, and mathematics and Russian make it possible to rewrite in July and September (by the way, sometimes you can even rewrite twice). Let's consider all possible situations when problems arise with obtaining a certificate for grade 11, in turn, so that there is no confusion.

You scored less than 24 points in Russian

If you did not overcome the threshold of 24 points in Russian, and you passed mathematics successfully, then you have 2 attempts to improve the result. First, you can rewrite the Unified State Exam in the Russian language in reserve.

Reserve period of the exam-2018

Date of the examThingTerms of examination of the exam
June 22 (Friday) Geography, informatics No later than June 30 (Saturday)
June 25 (Monday) Mathematics (basic and profile levels) No later than July 3rd (Tuesday)
June 26 (Tuesday) Russian language No later than 4th July (Wednesday)
June 27 (Wednesday) Chemistry, biology, history, foreign language (in writing) No later than July 5 (Thursday)
June 28 (Thursday) Literature, physics, social science No later than July 6 (Friday)
June 29 (Friday) Foreign language (oral) No later than July 7 (Saturday)
July 2 (Monday) In all subjects No later than July 10 (Tuesday)

If at the first attempt to rewrite the USE in the Russian language there was a misfire, then you can use the second (and last this year) opportunity to improve the result in September, that is, in the additional period of the state exam.

Additional period of the exam 2018

September 15th(Saturday) - reserve days of the additional period, when the Russian language and mathematics can be written by those who could not attend (for a good reason) on September 4 and 7 at the retake.

Conclusion: The exam in the Russian language can be rewritten in 2018 on June 26 (or July 2) and September 4. When will the results of the USE retake be known? Verification times are everywhere - about 10 days.

You did not pass the exam in mathematics

The main confusion is usually with this point, since the division of the compulsory exam in mathematics happened only three years ago, and not everyone knows under what conditions graduates are allowed to retake the exam in mathematics.

You have passed only the base or only the profile

If you passed only one of the proposed exams and did not score the minimum points (you received "2" for the basic exam or less than 27 points for the profile), then you will have the opportunity to rewrite twice. All dates are indicated above, where we told how you can rewrite the exam in Russian. The calendar is exactly the same.

Conclusion: The exam in mathematics (base and profile) can be rewritten in 2018 on June 25 (or July 2) and September 7.

By the way, you have the right to choose the exam level when retaking the exam in mathematics, that is, it does not matter what type of exam in mathematics you passed in the main period, on the eve of retaking you can choose any exam level (basic or profile).

You took two exams: the USE in basic mathematics and the profile USE

If you passed both levels of the USE in mathematics and received an unsatisfactory result in one of the selected levels, then you are not allowed to retake the USE in mathematics in the current year, that is, you are credited positive result... It is unlikely that you will be able not to pass the base, but to overcome the threshold of points in profile mathematics. This rule applies, of course, to those who passed the base, but "flunked" the profile. In this case, you will be able to rewrite the profile USE in mathematics only in a year. In technical universities in this situation in the current academic year the way is closed for you, because the results of the basic exam in mathematics, they most likely will not be counted - the wrong level of knowledge.

If you passed both levels of the USE in mathematics and received unsatisfactory results on two exams, then you have the right to retake the USE in mathematics once, independently choosing the mathematics of the basic level or mathematics of the profile level.

We are ready to help you in preparing for the retake of the exam. We have the largest branch network throughout the country. Our educators will diagnose your knowledge gaps and draw up an intensive training plan at the right time before retaking.

What is the timeframe for issuing certificates after a successful retake of the exam

If you successfully pass the exam again, then you have every right to receive a certificate for grade 11. By law, an educational institution after successful passage you state final certification should expel you as a graduate. 10 days after the date of issuance of the executive order on expulsion, you must be issued a certificate of secondary general education. Check with your school for details. By the way, in September, many colleges and universities announce an additional enrollment for budget places of full-time education. The conscription of graduates into the army will begin after October 1. So you can still manage to become the owner of the coveted student card.

All students in the final 11th grade are concerned about whether it will be possible to retake the USE in 2019, as well as how, when and where it will be possible to get a second attempt in case of an unsatisfactory result at the main session of the Unified State Exam.

We hasten to reassure everyone who is not confident in their own abilities - there will be a second attempt, moreover, in the 2018-2019 academic year, the graduates under examination will have the opportunity to retake not only the compulsory Russian language and mathematics, but any subjects of the variable component of the Unified State Exam.

Who will be able to exercise the right to retake?

The promised retake of the USE will help correct the unenviable situation for graduates who will face the following problems in 2019:

  1. Failure to show up for the main exam for a good reason.
  2. Examination work started, but unfinished for a good reason.
  3. Cancellation of the result due to the fault of a third party
  4. Unsatisfactory result in compulsory subjects or one of the subjects to choose from.

Important! The term “good reason” means documentary evidence of the reason for the absence. These may include illness, hospital stay, death of a close relative, etc.

A number of features in 2019 have a retake of the USE in mathematics. Often, graduates choose both the specialized and basic level of mathematics for delivery. In this case, having "failed" the exam of the profile level, the 11th grader will not be able to apply for a retake and. accordingly, the entry into the specialties of the physical and mathematical direction, since in fact, his result of the basic level will be counted.

If both attempts (both the base and the profile) turned out to be "unsuccessful", then only one of the options can be retaken. As a rule, students in such a situation follow the path of least resistance and try to cope with the tasks of the basic level.

If the profile level was initially chosen, then on the second attempt it is allowed to choose a simpler basic one, which will increase the chances of obtaining a certificate.

Who will not be able to retake the exam in 2019?

There will be no second attempt for graduates who:

  • miss the exam for no good reason;
  • will be suspended by the examination committee for cheating, using a mobile phone, inappropriate behavior in the office and other actions;
  • 2 or more items will not be handed over;
  • show low results on the exam, but exceed the minimum acceptable threshold;
  • will not cope with the tasks for the second year in a row.

Everyone who will not be able to retake the exam in 2019 will have the opportunity to better prepare and try again to do well with the exam, but already within the framework of the early or main session of 2020.

When will the retake take place in 2019?

Officially, there are 2 periods for retaking the exam in 2019:

  • an additional period of the main session;
  • September re-examinations.

Important! It will be possible to retake subjects of the variable component within the framework of the summer session at the end of June or the beginning of July. In September, it will be possible to pass the USE again only in compulsory subjects.

According to the draft calendar of the GIA, last chance 11th grade graduates will receive retaking compulsory subjects in 2019 on the following days in September:

How to retake the exam?

Having read in detail the rules and regulations of 2019, you understand that you have the right to a second attempt - the question arises of how to achieve a retake and what is necessary for this.

We offer an algorithm of actions that will be useful to those who, for some reason, will be among those who did not pass the exam the first time:

  1. Prepare documentary evidence of good cause, if available.
  2. Contact the examination committee of the institution that registered for the exam.
  3. Fill out the application form that will be given to you at the secretariat, stating the reason for the situation on paper. Documentary evidence must be attached to the application (see clause 1).
  4. Wait for the official notification to be sent to you, which will contain information about where and when you can retake the exam in 2019.

What if the retake was refused?

Of course, the USE is an important step in the life of every graduate, but those who did not pass the exam the first time can quite successfully get a job in this life. It is important to keep this in mind, no matter what others tell you.

Firstly, there is always a chance to retake a difficult subject in 2020, having prepared intensively for the delivery. The certificates received in 2019 will be valid until 2023, which means that you will only need to prepare for the discipline that you failed to pass.

Secondly, upon admission to a university, certificates of different years have the same weight, which puts graduates on an equal footing.

Thirdly, not all and not always come to success precisely through training in higher educational institutions. Consider if you have prioritized correctly. Perhaps some other (perhaps working) specialty will be given to you more easily and will bring more joy than the prospect of a long study of subjects that were so difficult to be given back in school.

If you are sure that the failure that befell you is just an accident, do not give up. Learn, and perhaps next year your surname will be on the list of those who entered one of the good universities in Russia.

The Unified State Exam is a responsible test for high school students. It depends on him how their future will develop. But it happens that the graduate did not manage to score the required number of points. What can be done in this case? Is it possible to retake the exam?

Fortunately, there is an opportunity to retake the exam, and more than once. However, this can be done if only one of the two compulsory subjects has been passed unsatisfactorily. If you are unlucky in two disciplines, you can try your luck only next year.

So, if the child did not pass one required exam, a second attempt to successfully pass the final test can be made on additional days. Information on specific days for retaking mathematics and the Russian language is published long before the start of the exam, along with the dates of the main examinations. Therefore, you need to collect your thoughts, mobilize all forces for the successful completion of testing work a second time. There is very little time for preparation, elimination of gaps in knowledge that emerged during the exam. In this case, most likely, you will have to look for an experienced Unified State Exam tutor and prepare for retake under his guidance. Where to find such a teacher? Contact reliable organizations additional education, who have proven themselves by many years of successful practice in preparing students for the USE and OGE.

In mathematics, you can take a basic or specialized level - depending on what level is necessary for the further continuation of studies at a university or technical school. You can retake anyone. If the profile is overwhelmed, the teachers will recommend the child to stay at the basic level. But the final choice is left to the graduate himself.

But what if the second attempt was unsuccessful? The situation is very unpleasant, difficult, stressful. Moreover, not only the graduate is in such a depressed state, but also his relatives, acquaintances, friends. After all, everyone understands the fateful significance of this test.

Now another chance to successfully write the Unified State Exam is given in the fall. The dates of the retake of mathematics or the Russian language, again, are published in advance, along with the main and additional periods. Therefore, both children and parents, looking at the schedule, can immediately make sure that there are several opportunities to hand over a particular subject. So in 2016, the third time the USE can be taken in September: 10 - mathematics, 17 - Russian.

A successful retake in the fall does not deprive the graduate of the opportunity to enter the coveted university or technical school, since the results are valid for four years. It will only be possible to try your luck to enter, continue your studies and get the coveted specialty only next year. In this case, it is important not to let the child completely relax and abandon school. Otherwise, it will be difficult to study, especially in the first year, because much of what was learned at school during this time will be thoroughly forgotten. There are many options: to study independently, to attend courses at a chosen educational institution or in an institution of additional education.

It is allowed to retake disciplines even if the number of points is not satisfied. The child has time to calmly, thoroughly, purposefully prepare and try to pass the exam with the best result next year.

And what about the subjects chosen by the graduates themselves for the exams? They can also be retaken only next year.

Graduates who did not show up for the exam on the days of the main delivery for health reasons and who provided official documents confirming this fact can retake the compulsory and independently chosen disciplines in the year of graduation.

"The exam is just one of the life tests that you have to go through." For a second, it seemed to me that now is June, I am a graduate, and there are 4 more exams ahead. But no, now is the end of March, I am already officially an "IDP", that is, a graduate of past years, and only a summer session is ahead.

As you probably already guessed, today we will talk about my experience of retaking the exam.

Attempt number two

By tradition, I will divide the article into several points, each of which will be the answer to a question.

1. Why?

I decided to retake some exams (namely mathematics and social studies), as I want to improve my results and try to re-enroll in another university this summer - the Higher School of Economics (at this moment I'm studying at the Financial University).
Last year I lacked 2 (!!!) points to enter the HSE budget. But, as you know, the USE results are valid for 4 years, and no one forbids us to re-enroll in other universities. That is why this year I am going to try my luck again.

2. How to register?

A logical question considering that I am no longer a student and cannot simply rely on the school administration.

To register for the Unified State Exam, graduates of previous years must come to the next Department of Education or RCIO and write the same statement that they wrote in grade 11. Just remember that this must be done before February 1!

And yes, we have a choice! It is not necessary to hand over in an early period (March-April), you can also choose a reserve one, which takes place at the end of June.

3. Is the delivery process different?

Absolutely not! You must also arrive at the TPE by 9:00 am, turn in all your belongings, and take only a black gel pen and an uncovered passport.

From the innovations of this year (at least I didn’t have this last year) - now all assignments are submitted to the PPE on electronic media, and CMMs are printed out in the classroom right in front of you.

4. Is it true that tasks are easier in the early period?

A question that interests many.

Last year, when I was still a schoolgirl and, like everyone else, was preparing for exams, solving dozens of options, I could not help but notice that the early version of the USE in mathematics was completely simple and absolutely solvable. Then my math teacher told me and my classmates that we shouldn't even hope for such a low level of difficulty in the main period of the USE.

Alas, she was right.
June 2, 2017 (yes, I still remember the date) became a day of disappointment for me, because on the exam I managed to solve very little - only the first part and the 13th task from the second part. The biggest sadness was that I did not solve my favorite economic problem (task 17).

What happened this time?
This time everything was much easier than during the main period. And this applies to both the first and the second part. I managed to solve the entire first part, as well as 13, 15, 17 (yes! I still solved it!) And 19 task point "a".

So, with almost complete confidence, I can say that assignments in the early period are really easier (or was I just so lucky?).

5. Why is this article written?

This article was written, among other things, so that those who do not succeed in passing the USE with a satisfactory score the first time are not afraid to retake it. In addition, those who decide on a gap-year will be able to go to the Unified State Exam in an early period (you can read about it in this article).

As you can see, graduates of previous years who take the early period are not necessarily losers who failed to pass the exam the first time. Perhaps these are people who just want to improve their results and next year with higher scores compete with you for admission)

Passing the unified state exam is an important step in the life of every graduate. For some, this is a formality that allows you to get a document on education, and for someone - the opportunity to successfully enter the desired university in the country. But, sometimes fate brings unexpected adjustments to a person's life. So, in 2017, 3.4% of all USE participants were unable to overcome the barrier required to obtain a certificate. Even more were unable to achieve the points required for admission to highly regarded universities. What to do if you "flunked" the exam and is a second attempt possible?

Until 2017, the right to re-take the USE was granted only to persons who did not overcome the minimum threshold in compulsory subjects, on the delivery of which the receipt of a certificate depends.

One of the important innovations of 2017 was the ability to retake any subject submitted to the exam. Thus, in 2018 it will be possible to get a second attempt in the Russian language, mathematics, physics, computer science, literature, chemistry, biology, geography, social studies, history or foreign languages.

It is important to take into account the following facts:

  1. You can retake only 1 exam.
  2. You can now try to retake an item twice.
  3. You can retake one subject if there is a good reason (documentary evidence is required) or at will (in order to increase the score, it will be possible to retake the exam next year).
  4. Previous graduates who took part in the preliminary or main session of the USE-2018 and received an unsatisfactory score do not receive the right to retake.
  5. If a graduate is not allowed to retake in 2018, he can re-take the USE in a year.

Dates of retaking the exam in 2018

In 2018, it will be possible to retake one of the USE subjects that did not submit the first time:

  • 1 retake - in the summer on reserve days indicated in the USE calendar;
  • 2nd retake - in September 2018.

Thus, by increasing the score to the desired one on 1 attempt, you can have time to submit documents to the university on the main wave. After 2 retakes, it is unlikely to enter the budget. But, this is another chance for those for whom the question of obtaining a certificate of education remains open. Although, many universities, in which there is a shortage of applicants for budgetary places, sometimes conduct an additional enrollment in the autumn months.

The certificate of the Unified State Examination 2018 is valid for 4 years. This means that having passed the exam on the third attempt, the graduate gets a chance to enter the desired university next year according to the exam results already available.

The dates for the early, main and autumn final examinations in 2018 are set by ORDER of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1099 of 10.11.2017 year, the full text of which can be viewed.

Retake schedule for 2018:

Main summer session (retake)

06/22/18 (Friday)

geography, informatics and ICT

06/25/18 (Monday)

mathematics (base and profile)

06/26/18 (Tuesday)

Russian language

06/27/18 (Wednesday)

history, chemistry, biology, in. languages

06/28/18 (Thursday)

literature, physics, social studies

06/29/18 (Friday)

foreign languages ​​(orally)

07/02/18 (Monday)

all things

Autumn retake

09/04/18 (Tuesday)

Russian language

09/07/18 (Monday)

mathematics (basic level)

09/15/18 (Saturday)

Russian and mathematics (basic level)

For the full schedule of the GIA 2018, see the official website

Who will be eligible for retaking the exam in 2018

According to the new rules in 2018, retaking of any subject of the exam is possible in the following cases:

  1. unsatisfactory result;
  2. failure to appear for the exam for a good reason (documentary evidence is required);
  3. incomplete test (for a good reason: poor health of the examinee, emergency at the site of the exam, etc.);
  4. cancellation of the test result (through no fault of the examinee).

A significant reason for failure to appear means: illness or planned surgery (confirmation - a certificate from a doctor), a car accident, the death of a close relative, and other similar situations.

Who will not be able to retake exams in 2018

Such a chance as retaking the exam is a great gift for all applicants in 2018. But, in some cases, graduates may be deprived of this right. The second attempt will fail if:

  1. The examinee will be removed from the audience for gross violation of the rules (cheating, using a telephone, a programmable calculator, communicating with neighbors, etc.).
  2. The exam result will be canceled due to the fault of the examinee (for example, when violations of the rules are revealed after watching an archived video).
  3. An unsatisfactory result was obtained in two subjects at once.
  4. In the case of a graduate of past years, the score is below the minimum established level for the subject.
  5. In case of missing the exam without a valid reason (overslept, forgot, was in a traffic jam ...)

Naturally, all the situations listed in this paragraph should be avoided. Rely on your own knowledge, not cribs or modern technical means. Prepare well for the exam and don't let the excitement get in the way of your dream!

What to do when transfer is not possible in 2018

If it so happens that you are among that small percentage of graduates who could not successfully pass the exam in three attempts or missed one of the USE exams without good reason, do not be discouraged, and even more so panic. Consider the situation from the other side. Whatever happens, you have the right to try your luck next year. Moreover, in 2019, you will have to take only the exam for which the result was unsatisfactory or does not suit you.

In many European countries and the USA has such a thing as "gap year", or "break year". Many graduates take a break before entering college.

How to use this time profitably?

  1. consider the choice of a profession;
  2. prepare for exams;
  3. relax and gain strength;
  4. earn a little extra money;
  5. learn to enjoy life!

Failure to pass the exam does not put an end to your dreams, it just gives you a break. Perhaps this is a sign and you just chose the wrong direction? And if the desired profession is your destiny, then this annoying misunderstanding will not be able to block your path to success.

Remember, it is by overcoming obstacles that a person hardens character and acquires life wisdom!

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