Tom Clancy's The Division: Dark Zone Survival Tips. Guide to the Dark Zone of the Dark Zone Tom Clancy's the Division The division keys of the dark zone

When almost three years ago at the exhibition E3 2013 we were shown for the first time Tom clancy's the division, she looked just amazing. However, after several transfers, lower graphics, many began to believe less in the success of this project. But in the end - a few weeks after launching globally - The Division managed to achieve success and recognition from the majority of players.

If you were as pleased with the final project as I was, then you would not stop playing this game all day long. After all, why not? This is a large-scale project, which is so intense both gameplay and visually that you are unlikely to get bored of the game.

With this in mind, it's time to review the various features and secrets that you may not have discovered, but nevertheless, it would be helpful to know about them before you sit down. The division... The game has so many aspects that are not immediately easy to discover, but when you do, it becomes much more fun to play. I'm here to just talk about the most interesting moments of the gameplay to help make your agent the most effective.

Here are ten practical tips that the game is silent about:

10. You can take a leap of faith

Compared to another series Ubisoft- Assassin's Creed- jumping in The Division is not so graceful. But they can be extremely useful to get quickly to the point of evacuation if you are pinned down by enemy fire.

While in the game you can easily climb onto an obstacle and jump over it, there are essentially no free jumps here. You have to go down the stairs, moving from one platform to another, and this can go on for a long time. This is fine in normal play, but if you are under pressure from enemies you can make yourself an easy target by getting stuck on one of the ladders or platforms.

But in places where a certain icon appears at the ledges, you can go down in one click. This is especially useful in Dark Zone where you, seated at one of the high points, cannot find a way to quickly descend. You, of course, will receive some part of the damage, but this is much better than a few dozen headshots.

9. Animals can be useful bait

You may feel a little guilty after these actions, but before you judge, answer one question: can a dog, pigeons, or an invasion of rats be able to bring New York back from the clutches of rioters and ex-convicts? Of course not, so stop worrying about them.

Since the types of enemies in the game are varied, you can use this tactic on the stronger ones in order to lure them to a place where you can quickly deal with them. This is especially useful against enemies who will quickly try to eliminate you on the first contact, so it may give you a chance to get there sooner.

Just make sure you light an animal candle afterwards when your safety hasn't been compromised ...

8. You don't have to see things to find them.

The technologies available to agents in The Division are extremely advanced, and their limits go far beyond what can be used in combat. Computerized voice companion ISAC great for pointing out checkpoints and Intel missions, but it can do a lot more than you think.

In fact, ISAC can essentially be your eyes as you search for loot anywhere on the map. There are boxes and crates full of gears and parts scattered all over New York, but some of them are so small and well hidden that they can be easily missed by the human eye. You’re lucky that you don’t have to rely only on your eyes.

If you move close enough to any cache, ISAC will mark the cache location on the minimap to alert you to its location. This can be especially useful when you find yourself indoors where rooms and hallways can be very dark, even at the game's recommended brightness settings. Never miss content and stuff with ISAC by your side!

7. You can use quick skills if you are in trouble

In most combat situations, the only correct decision for your agent to go through hordes of enemies is to use unique combat skills. Since both you and your opponents are arrows and running at them head-on and shooting in front of you is not always the best idea.

All of these skills are very useful, and even necessary, some of them allow you to lure enemies out of cover and cover them with leaden rain. Throwing a sticky bomb on a target can neutralize enemies in a huge radius, but on the other hand you can become vulnerable and get caught by sniper fire.

Of course, you may not immediately understand this, but skills do not have to be precise to be effective during firefights. By simply pressing the skill button, you will quickly throw a sticky bomb, attaching it to the target with minimal guidance, and the game itself will do all the work for you. The mine detector can also be activated without leaving the shelter, and you can then control it over enemy territory until a mine is found, or you yourself do not disable it.

6. You can find free products at your base of operations.

Improving the main base of operations in The Division can be a little bit of a side effect for many players; even in its early stages, it contains suppliers Restock that can give you weapons and supplies, even if you didn't bother to improve the base in the allotted stage of the story. It is extremely important to know that out of the heap of upgrades that the game offers us, there are some very useful ones.

In addition to additional upgrades and skill modifications that you can purchase here, there are also free items. Some of them are pretty straightforward, such as purchasing team upgrades that offer a piece of clothing appearance every two hours - although I have to admit that I spent a lot more time making my agent look really cool, and not like some kind of backyard bully.

The Field Engineering Upgrade will allow you to collect free crafting tools in the tech wing every few hours, which means you won't have to search the world for them. Whereas the best gear and weapon options were handcrafted rather than purchased, they are a great bonus; if I had taken the time to read the fine print of the updates I would certainly have played the game a little differently.

5. Your movement skills can be devastating

We've already talked about how important it is to be able to move in order to maintain your dominance over the aggressive villains in New York, but mixing these movements in the right direction can help make them even more destructive. Since there will always be more enemies, so the more often you use your abilities, the more chances you have to level up your powers.

During my time in the game, I found myself using a sticky bomb mine detector a lot and realized that they can be combined with tremendous effect. The doubled power of the explosions will inflict massive damage, making them most effective against elite enemies.

Shooting a sticky bomb within the reach of a group of enemies is the first step, as they often don't see or hear the bomb until it hits one of them. We then roll the mine detector out of cover and let it detonate the thrown mine to double the explosion. You can increase the damage even more if you take the perk that increases the damage from the explosion immediately after the previous one, since there will be a small delay between them, then you will definitely see this.

4. The game has a target marking system

As with most games under the name Tom clancy, The Division has a target designation system that many players don't really know. I have to admit that I stumbled upon it by accident while trying to activate the consumables, but what I have found can help in identifying powerful enemies in large combat scenarios.

ISAC will always help you a little by highlighting enemies if you focus on them for a few seconds, but if you press up on your gamepad (or PC equivalent), the interface will indicate the target and a marker icon will appear - an orange diamond above your head, so you don't lost sight of the enemy. Plus, if you're holding direction, activate a five-second countdown timer that's perfect for coordinating attacks with teammates or quickly pinpointing an enemy and redirecting your squad's attention.

For myself, I decided that this is most useful against snipers or fast enemies. Snipers tend to run from one vantage point to another and this is easy to miss as they are not always in sight. Keeping a close eye on fast enemies has obvious advantages, as they can quickly surround you if you are busy with other targets.

3. Damage per second is not the most important thing in the characteristics of a weapon

As a die-hard assault rifle user in games, it has always been important for me to increase DPS for all weapons. I was just convinced that this was the only stat that mattered, and that in doing so, I was always at the most effective in combat.

When switching to a slower, more economical rifle class, I found myself becoming much more dangerous at longer ranges. While I could grab an assault rifle and riddle my enemies, accurate shots from a sniper rifle were much more effective despite its damage per second.

It's just one instance where one stat isn't effective enough on a particular weapon, and so it's definitely worth trying out multiple options before stubbornly locking yourself into one class.

2. EMP grenades interrupt the use of enemy abilities

Since the Dark Zone is ultimately where players spend most of their time, it's very important to make sure you don't just go there as cannon fodder for better equipped players. Your skills can get you out of trouble against other players, but you must master them well.

It is worth knowing that there is an element that will limit the use of their skills by the enemy for a short time. Throwing EMP grenade, you're destroying their technology, which means they won't be able to use healing tactics or deploy bombs for a few seconds.

This element is actually playable, but there is another advantage. While EMP grenades will prevent an enemy from using the skill for a few seconds, grenades will also destroy any items deployed by the skills within their radius. This means you can easily disarm annoying turrets with ease, or even stop the mine detector before it gets too close.

1. The effectiveness of the characteristics is much more important

The Division gives you a variety of ways to deal damage with its variety of skills and weapons. And there are even longer lasting effects that come from some attacks. Frag grenades and shots have a chance to cause enemies to bleed out and continue to lose health, while burning will also have the same effect.

Some grenades can also disorientate, making it possible to finish off targets while temporarily stunned. These primary effects are useful in gaming arenas, but there are secondary effects that become even more effective in the Dark Zone, where even tiny advantages can come between life and death.

Bleeding and the effects of fires will slow down enemies' sprinting, thereby minimizing the chances of a quick escape, while disoriented enemies will not be able to hide behind cover until the effect wears off. These additional bonuses can be crucial in the Dark Zone, even against seasoned players, so never underestimate the benefits of less aggressive grenades or their long lasting effects.

And here they are in front of you; 10 tips to maximize your agent's effectiveness in what Tom Clancy's The Division was previously silent about. May they help you bring order back to the devastated streets of New York, although I certainly hope they won't help you sabotage me if we ever cross in the Dark Zone ...

The Dark Zone is PvP the area where the coolest in-game items are located. All the players you will meet in this area are potentially your opponents, unless you become friends.

There are simply no guarantees that you will not be attacked by another player.

Some missions require you to visit the Dark Zone, and some generally offer an encounter that resembles the classic PvP mode. The main motivation for visiting these dangerous lands is loot.

Before heading to the Dark Zone, you need to be well prepared. Spend some time in the mode PvE , get the tenth level of the hero and acquire good equipment. The artificial intelligence that you will find here is much tougher than in other parts of the city.

Most easy way to get into the Dark Zone - through the checkpoint (the area itself is colored red, and the checkpoints are purple). In addition, you can climb the walls, but you cannot go back (in the sense, climb the walls). To exit, you need to find the exit door to the checkpoint. The entire Dark Zone is divided into sections, from the lowest to the highest level.

Each checkpoint has a safe room with a replenishment box for ammunition, grenades and medical supplies. There is also a Dark Zone Merchant who sells equipment depending on your level. Purchases are made with Dark Zone Credits, which are a currency available only in that area. These merchants can be found in various safe rooms.

Loner or team

Conducting battles in the Dark Zone is level-based, therefore, to play with your friends, you must be of the same level. However, if you do not have partners, you should not be afraid to go to this area, since there are a large number of Agents, such as you. If you have a microphone, you can communicate with other players using local voice chat. Or use a regular text chat. However, be careful with new friends, as they can betray you at any moment.

Dark Zone Items

This area contains a huge number of high-level items. Rare items can be found in the Dark Zone.

To get the most out of your visit to the Dark Zone you need to:

  1. kill NPCs and pick up loot from their dead bodies (opponents with a yellow life bar contain the best items);
  2. open boxes and collect items from them (however, this requires keys);
  3. kill other heroes and pick up loot from their dead bodies (however, after that everyone will start hunting for you).

Know that you will not be able to immediately use the items that were obtained in the Dark Zone. They are infected and need treatment. Things are sent by helicopters, which are called at special evacuation points. Having called the helicopter, you need to wait for it for one and a half minutes - this time will flow unrealistically slowly for you. This is due to the fact that at any time NPCs or other players can come who will either help or hunt for you. The whole trick is that whoever calls the helicopter, everyone in the Dark Zone will immediately find out about it, so you need to prepare for any situation.


Tracking other players and stealing equipment has a special place in The Division. By the player, you can always determine whether he has items from the Dark Zone - the presence of a yellow belt bag. However, before you start shooting, think twice - the risks of becoming a renegade are very high.

If you constantly attack other players, you will immediately become a renegade. If you accidentally kill a friend during a firefight, you will receive the usual warning. Renegades are marked on the map with a red skull, and other Agents receive high experience points for neutralizing them. If you suddenly notice a large group of Renegade Agents, then run as soon as possible. These players have the goal of raising their rogue rank to their highest point, five. They destroy all players in their path, receive Dark Zone credits for this, and spend them on cool equipment from suppliers.

If you decide to help neutralize the renegade, then you also need to be on the lookout. Other players can use you and eventually betray and take your loot.

Death as a renegade imposes harsher penalties than death without this status.

The Dark Zone is where The division really gets interesting. Let's take a closer look at what it is and where it is. And why do we so want to get there?

The Division: Everything You Need To Know About The Dark Zone.

The Division is a cooperative PvE (player versus environment) RPG - shooter, but as long as you do not enter the Dark Zone. This area is unique to The Division, dangerous and rewarding, and most likely the place where the most intense action and most compelling stories will be played out.

What is the Dark Zone?

The Dark Zone is a PvP (player versus player) area where agents can find the best trophy. Only here you will meet other players. Any player you encounter in the Dark Zone is potentially dangerous, unless you become friends. There, against the player's attack, there are no guarantees.

Some missions require a visit to the Dark Zone, and some even offer encounters similar to the classic PvP mode. Although, your main motivation remains the trophy.

Before entering the Dark Zone, you must prepare yourself. Spend some time in PvE with enough gear. The artificial intelligence that you will encounter here is much more brutal than in other parts of the map.

The easiest way to enter the Dark Zone is through the marked door (they are purple on the map, and the Dark Zone itself is colored red), but you can also climb the adjacent walls and go down there. Keep in mind that you will not be able to climb back this way if you change your mind about visiting the most dangerous area, in order to exit - you will have to find an exit door on the first floor. The Dark Zone itself is divided into various sections, some of which are currently not available in beta.

Each marked entrance to the Dark Zone has a safe room with a resupply crate for grenades, ammo, and medical supplies. There is also a supplier who will sell you good, depending on the level, equipment in exchange for Dark Zone credits - this is a currency available only in the Dark Zone. There are such providers in other safe rooms as well.

Dark Zone: play with friends and alone

You can, and certainly should, play a game in the Dark Zone. You can register at's Division LFG to match people to play. The host can invite three friends, and there is also another observer to assist with the companion game application.

Dark Zone matchmaking is level based, so you and your friends need to be on the same level to play together. In beta, level 4-7 players can play together, while level 8 players can only play with level 8. Beta is capped at level eight, so we don't yet know how the previous levels will play. If you see the error message "mismatch", someone in the group is at the wrong level.

If you don't have buddies, fear not. You will see many Agents in the Dark Zone, just like you. You can talk to people using local voice chat as long as you wear a headset, so you don't have to be in a party to talk to someone. A common way to show that your intentions are benevolent is to use the “jumping in place” emotion: press “down” on the gamepad, select it, and do it like in a gym class. Then just follow each other everywhere for a while and shoot some AI, pick up the gear and retrieve it. See how to do it below.

Dark Zone trophy and how to retrieve it

The dark zone is all filled with high-level items. The Division uses a fairly common color-coding system for elements (in beta, blue equipment seems to be the best, but some vendors sell yellow equipment that is not yet applicable), as well as equipment, according to the player's level, and the Zone provides a great opportunity to find rare items.

There are three ways to benefit from a visit to the Dark Zone:

  • Destroy the AI ​​and take items (enemies with purple and yellow health bars lead to the best trophy),
  • Trophy from boxes (see below),
  • Trophy from eliminated players, convicts or others

The Dark Zone trophy is contaminated and cannot be used until you successfully retrieve it. As soon as you pick up the item in the Dark Zone, you will see that your Agent will carry a roll under the backpack marked with an infection symbol. Open your inventory and in the lower right section you will see what is in the picked up item. If you die before extraction, then discard your equipment. If you manage to return to the point of death quickly enough after respawning, then you can pick it up again, but, at the same time, any other player can capture it.

To protect your trophy, you need to retrieve it near the helicopter. Retrieving the trophy is a matter of punching a path to the extraction area (these are marked in gold on the map) and if extraction is not already taking place, launch a flare into the air to attract the helicopter. Now you need to keep the territory from AI attacks until a helicopter arrives. While the AI ​​is not particularly brutal, other players pose a much greater threat. Be extremely careful if you see other Agents standing in the extraction area in a non-extraction group. In all likelihood, they will wait for you to call the helicopter, help defend the area from AI attacks, and then, as soon as the helicopter lands and drops the rope to pick up the trophy, they will shoot you in the back and steal your equipment. It is much safer to retrieve the trophy if you worked in the Zone as part of a team.

Dark Zone Boxes and Keys

You can get a trophy by opening crates. Trophy boxes will appear when players destroy large groups of enemies in zonal encounters.

There are three kinds of boxes available. The first type has no requirements, these boxes can be opened as soon as you find them; they rarely contain anything particularly interesting.

The second kind is blocked by the level and can be opened by anyone from the correct level of the Dark Zone.

The third type of boxes requires keys. Such keys can only be collected in the Dark Zone. You will find them as a random trophy from high-level enemies or, as a reward, for eliminating other players who are carrying the keys.

You can check how many keys you have on the inventory screen. They are displayed above the medications.

As soon as the box has already been opened by someone, it is already useless for you.

Renegade agents ( rogue Agents) and the rating of the Renegades in the Dark Zone

The Dark Zone is a PvP area. A special place in the game is occupied by tracking down other players and stealing their equipment.

You can always tell by the player whether he is carrying a trophy from the Dark Zone: there will be a yellow waist bag but think twice before opening fire: the risks and consequences of becoming a renegade are high.

If you constantly attack other players, you will be immediately marked as a renegade (if, inadvertently, you shoot your comrades in a shootout, you will simply receive a warning). Renegades are marked in red on the map, and other Agents will receive good experience points for disabling them. On the other hand, if you see large group Renegade agents, run. These guys aim to increase their Renegade Rank 5 (highest) by eliminating other players and keeping their head counts in order to get Dark Zone Credits and use them to buy gear from vendors in the Dark Zone. They want to destroy you. Unless you are in a large group, you are a corpse. Better go the other way.

If you are answering a call and helping to take out a renegade, be careful: other players may take this opportunity to become a renegade themselves, hoping to double (or better) the trophy gear.

Death in rogue status results in more severe penalties than death without status (see below).

Rank and Death in the Dark Zone

Completing certain actions in the Dark Zone, such as destroying enemies, finding a trophy and successfully extracting, add points to your level in the Dark Zone.

It is important not to die in the Dark Zone - especially if you become a renegade - because this has consequences: the loss of any tainted trophy you might endure. Also, you will lose credits, some rank and some of the keys from your inventory.

If you die as a renegade, you will lose more money, rank and keys than without this status.

RUS: The Division: Dark Zone Map

After yesterday's patch, a lot of players will finally rush into the Dark Zone to farm Phoenix Credits and loot high-quality gear. But where to run? Here the map will help us.

On the right there will be a filter on which you can choose only what you need

Thank you for your attention, I hope I helped you, good luck with your game.

ENG: The Division: card of the dark Zone

After a yesterday "s patch the great number of players at last will rush in the Dark Zone to farmit the credits of Phoenix and to get high-quality equipment. But where to run? Here we will be helped by the card.

There is everything - equipment of Special group, a shelter, bosses, boxes (thanks!); in the future the creator plans to add for the subway map and full-fledged profiles of bosses. Besides, by means of the card you can create own route, and then share it with friends.

On the right there will be a filter on which you can choose only that it is necessary for you.

Thanks for attention, I hope to you I have helped, successful to you games.

Dark Zone Phoenix Credit Farming Routes [Key in Description]

Blue Triangle: above ground named boss
White Triangle: Below ground named boss
Red Ring: Dark Zone Key Crate

Green: DZ01 + 02, 5 named bosses, 3 chests, 2 extractions, 1 resuply
Blue: DZ01 + 02, 7 named bosses, 4 or 5 chests, 3 extractions, 1 or 2 resupplies (route variation)
Purple: DZ03 + 02, 7 named bosses, 4 chests, 2 extractions, 1 resuply
Gold: DZ04, 3 named bosses, 3 chests, 1 extraction, 1 resuply

Area Outside of DZ: fast travel locations

In Tom Clancy's The Division, the Dark Zone is the only PvP location with its own characteristics. There are several unique, key locations, without which the entire game in this territory would not make sense.

1. Checkpoints
2. Extraction area
3. Safe rooms
4. Landmarks

Control points

Checkpoints are locations through which you can enter and exit the Dark Zone. These are the passages between the zone and the "normal" world. On the territory of the zone, you can find a merchant who will provide you with excellent things (you, of course, have to buy them). There are also special places for the recovery of ammunition and first aid kits. Remember that you cannot go through checkpoints with weapons found or purchased in the zone. They will remain in your inventory, but you will not be able to use them. In order to gain access to them, they must first be evacuated.

Evacuation areas

The evacuation area is used to send all found equipment to the headquarters by helicopter. The entire sending process is divided into two stages. First, you must wait 90 seconds for the moment until a helicopter arrives at the indicated point. Secondly, in 30 seconds, you have to pick up all the things that you want to send.

It is worth mentioning that during the process you will be confronted by both NPCs and other players who want to intercept your loot. All players receive information about your location and evacuation.

Remember that there are computer-controlled opponents on the map. While artificial intelligence is by no means comparable to human intelligence, don't underestimate them. Before the signal shot, check the location of the enemies with the help of the “pulse” - this way you will gain some more time.

The hideout is just a small room in which the player is safe. Nobody can attack or rob you as long as you are inside the room. There are a total of five shelters in the Dark Zone, in which you can replenish all the ammunition. After death, you will also appear in one of the shelters.


Landmarks in the Dark Zone are considered the most guarded sites. Here you can meet the most powerful team, consisting of some kind of mini-bosses. These opponents are much stronger than the rest of the NPCs, so it is not so easy to kill them. You shouldn't go to such places alone - it's better to assemble an organized team that you can trust.

To make it easier to navigate the locations of The Division's Dark Zone and throughout New York, the link below has a detailed interactive map:

    Tom Clancy's The Division Dark Zone Key Locations

    http: //site/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/DZ_03-150x150.jpg

    In Tom Clancy's The Division, the Dark Zone is the only PvP location with its own characteristics. There are several unique, key locations, without which the whole game in this area would not make sense. These include: 1. Checkpoints 2. Extraction area 3. Safe Room 4. Landmark Control points

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