Vanga's predictions for the year for Taurus

There is probably not a person in our country who has not heard about this clairvoyant from Bulgaria. When she predicted the future, it seemed as if she was simply reading a book that only she could understand. The legacy of the psychic is very great and now researchers are wondering what year this or that prophecy belongs to. Now you have the opportunity to check whether Vanga’s predictions for 2018 will come true.

In this article you can find out what awaits Russia and the United States, whether there will be peace or war in the Donbass and Syria, and what humanity can expect in the coming year.

What do we know about Wang

This fortuneteller became known to the world when her prophecies regarding many countries began to come true. The difficulty of Vanga’s predictions is that they are all presented in an allegorical form and it is immediately difficult to understand what is being said, much less to prevent certain events. You can judge whether they come true or not only after they have happened.

Vanga’s abilities could not be explained from a scientific point of view, but one thing is clear: the clairvoyant, who did not have any education behind her, could not properly decipher the images coming to her and that is why her descriptions are so contradictory and sometimes chaotic. However, there is a rational grain in all this, because it is not for nothing that the powers that be and ordinary people turned to prophets.

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The future soothsayer was born into a Bulgarian peasant family. Her mother also healed people and predicted the future. Perhaps this gift of hers passed on to the girl.

It is no coincidence that, when she was very small, she closed her eyes and tried to find something blindly. Most quickly, she already understood what fate awaited her. As a result of the bad weather, a lot of dust and sand got into the girl's eyes. Urgent medical intervention was required. Since the child’s parents were poor, they were unable to provide her with adequate care and therefore she became blind at the age of twelve.

Vanga's gift of foresight was revealed a little later. As the future soothsayer said, a warrior in ancient clothes appeared to her in a dream and said that war would soon come and there would be millions of casualties, and also that now she would connect the kingdom of the dead with living people and would be able to predict future events.

From then on, a huge queue lined up to see the soothsayer, which did not end until the end of her life. In this mass of people one could see:

  • the sick and destitute;
  • successful and rich;
  • cultural figures and politicians.

Here are just a few milestones in the biography of the great fortuneteller Vanga:

Predictions for Russia

According to the psychic’s forecasts, as early as 2018, trains will begin to move along wires to the Sun itself. This prophecy seems strange and incomprehensible. However, if you carefully analyze the achievements of Russian scientists in recent years, you can really see their new developments in the field of transport - SkyWay, where trains are supposed to move along steel guides suspended on supports. That is, it may seem that the trains really fly, especially since their speed will be 500 km/h. It is planned that they will move using solar panels, so there is an explanation for Vanga’s forecast regarding the Sun. Testing of the new transport is already underway in Belarus. Who knows, maybe this discovery will revolutionize the world of transport and already in 2018 air trains will begin to fly all over the world.

Another prophecy concerns oil. The clairvoyant predicted that in 2018 the earth will rest and people will give up oil. Reading this prediction, it seems that it will certainly not come true. However, if you look a little more closely, you can clearly notice a trend towards a decrease in oil consumption throughout the world. Due to its overproduction, prices fell and many countries, such as Russia, plunged into crisis. It is not for nothing that in order to equalize the situation with oil prices, Russia is calling on OPEC countries to reduce the production of this energy carrier. Without solving the issue of oil prices, there is no hope for rapid economic growth in Russia.

Or maybe by 2018 our government will do everything to ensure that our country’s economy is not so dependent on oil and will actually close the development of new fields, and over time we will completely abandon this energy carrier. Moreover, electric cars are becoming increasingly popular around the world. There are even models that do not require recharging.

It cannot be denied that recently the world has been actively searching for alternative energy sources. Perhaps by 2018 they will be found, and the need for oil production will completely disappear. So Vanga’s predictions may come true in this regard as well.

The clairvoyant also has a prophecy regarding Crimea. She argued that Crimea would become closer to Russia and become one with it.

Vanga about Ukraine, USA, NATO and Russia

A clairvoyant from Bulgaria also predicted that in the near future China will take a leading place in the world and will be able to influence world politics more decisively. At the same time, the United States will lose its leading position. America will no longer be able to impose its principles on the whole world, and primarily on European countries. NATO will stop interfering in the affairs of other countries and solving all issues by force. The unity of European countries will also be shaken.

Question – “Peace or war?” will be decided at the negotiating table. This applies to the situation in Donbass and Syria. Recent events clearly confirm this. Peace in these regions began to be sought at negotiations in Minsk and Astana.

Vanga is confident that in 2018 Russia will begin to gradually emerge from the crisis and will soon regain its position in the world. What exactly the soothsayer means is still unknown, but the fact that our country will not lose its spiritual greatness is certain.

The clairvoyant made an optimistic forecast for Ukraine and Russia. She is confident that the confrontation between nations will soon end. Most quickly in 2018, both countries will understand that we are one people and therefore must live in peace.

What awaits Russia and the USA: peace or war?

As you know, Vanga foresaw the war in Syria. The clairvoyant's latest predictions concern the East. It is from here, according to the soothsayer, that the fire of war will begin, which will engulf millions. Let's hope that Vanga's forecasts for 2018 in this regard will not come true. At least now there is every chance to close the question - “Peace or war?” Let's keep our fingers crossed and believe that the newly elected US President, D. Trump, Russian President, V. Putin, and the new leaders of Europe will be able to come to an agreement with B. Assad and the Syrian opposition to end the human slaughter.

According to the prediction of the great clairvoyant Vanga, China will become the most powerful power in 2018. And the former leading countries will be mercilessly exploited.

Also, Vanga said, in 2018, trains will begin to fly on wires all the way to the Sun. However, many of her words should not be interpreted directly.

According to the clairvoyant (or rather, according to how it is interpreted), Syria will be engulfed in a large-scale military conflict. And when Syria falls, the Third World War will begin, reports

The soothsayer said that in 2018 oil production would stop, and the planet would have the opportunity to rest.

Oil production will stop, the Earth will rest, said Vanga.

Vanga's predictions for 2018 for Ukraine and Russia

Since oil production will be stopped, the Russian economy will suffer. The clairvoyant also foresaw that relations between the Russian Federation and Ukraine could improve in 2018.


  • 2008 - Assassination attempt on four heads of government. Conflict in Hindustan. This will be one of the reasons for the third world war.
  • 2010 - The third world war begins. The war will begin in November 2010 and end in October 2014. It will start as usual, then first nuclear and then chemical weapons will be used.
  • 2011 - As a result of radioactive fallout, there will be no animals or vegetation left in the Northern Hemisphere. The Muslims will then begin chemical warfare against the surviving Europeans.
  • 2014 - Most people will suffer from ulcers, skin cancer and other skin diseases (a consequence of chemical warfare).
  • 2016 - Europe is almost deserted.
  • 2018 - China becomes a new world power. Developing countries are turning from exploited to exploiters.
  • 2023 - The Earth's orbit will change slightly.
  • 2025 - Europe is still sparsely populated.
  • 2028 - Creation of a new energy source (probably a controlled thermonuclear reaction). Hunger is gradually being overcome. A manned spacecraft takes off to Venus.
  • 2033 - Polar ice melts. The level of the World Ocean is rising.
  • 2043 - The world economy is booming. Europe is ruled by Muslims.
  • 2046 - Any organs are grown. Organ replacement is becoming one of the best treatment methods.
  • 2066 - During the attack on Muslim Rome, the United States uses a new type of weapon - climate. Sharp cold snap.
  • 2076 - Classless society (communism).
  • 2088 - A new disease - aging in a few seconds.
  • 2097 - Rapid aging defeated.
  • 2100 - An artificial Sun illuminates the dark side of the Earth.
  • 2111 - People become cyborgs (living robots).
  • 2125 - Hungary will receive signals from space.
  • 2130 - Colonies under water (with the help of alien advice).
  • 2164 - Animals are turned into half-humans.
  • 2167 - New religion.
  • 2183 - A colony on Mars becomes a nuclear power and demands independence from Earth (as the United States once did from England).
  • 2187 - It will be possible to stop the eruption of two large volcanoes.
  • 2196 - Complete mixture of Asians and Europeans.
  • 2201 - Thermonuclear processes slow down on the Sun. It's getting colder.
  • 2221 - In the search for extraterrestrial life, humanity comes into contact with something terrible.
  • 2256 - A spaceship brought a new terrible disease to Earth.
  • 2262 - The orbits of the planets gradually change. Mars is threatened by a comet.
  • 2273 - Mixing of yellow, white and black races. New races.
  • 2279 - Energy from nothing (probably from a vacuum or from black holes).
  • 2288 - Time travel. New contacts with aliens.
  • 2291 - The sun is cooling down. Attempts are being made to reignite it.
  • 2296 - Powerful flares on the Sun. The force of attraction changes. Old space stations and satellites begin to fall.
  • 2299 - In France - partisan movement against Islam.
  • 2302 - New important laws and secrets of the Universe are discovered.
  • 2341 - Something terrible is approaching the Earth from space.
  • 2354 - An accident on one of the artificial Suns leads to drought.
  • 2371 - Great famine.
  • 2378 - New rapidly growing race.
  • 2480 - Two artificial Suns collide. Earth at dusk.
  • 3005 - War on Mars. The trajectories of the planets will be disrupted.
  • 3010 - A comet will ram the Moon. Around the Earth is a belt of stones and dust.
  • 3797 - By this time, all life on Earth will die, but humanity will be able to lay the foundations for a new life in another star system.

Vanga’s predictions for 2018 for Russia cannot be taken literally, because the Bulgarian seer always spoke vaguely. Any prediction initially assumed several important meanings at once, each of which made it possible to understand how the life of mankind could develop in the future.

Vanga is a famous seer from Bulgaria who predicted exactly what later came true in reality. Most of the predictions were associated specifically with Eastern European countries, which include Russia. Many prophecies were given in an allegorical form, but at the same time they were always realized with particular accuracy and made it possible to understand according to what pattern the future of people could develop.

From the age of 12, Vanga helped her friends and even strangers, predicting their future, giving detailed answers to almost any ability and demonstrating unique healing abilities. Many of the Bulgarian clairvoyant’s predictions have already come true, so texts that talk about the future deserve more and more attention. Throughout her life, Vanga helped 2.5 million people who managed to recover from terrible diseases, understand what they should prepare for in their lives. Often the Bulgarian seer helped people get on the right path in order to still achieve the best changes in their lives and get what they wanted.

Vanga is a famous seer from Bulgaria

What will the future of Russia look like in 2018?

Despite the fact that Vanga’s predictions for 2018 for Russia were not described verbatim, many people can try to understand what they still need to focus on and what their very near future may be like. The abstract predictions of a Bulgarian woman with psychic abilities must be perceived correctly. Vanga could see exactly the images, so she tried to describe exactly what she saw, felt and could not always understand herself. However, scientists are doing everything possible to ensure that Vanga’s predictions, which have survived to our times, make it possible to understand what kind of future Russia and other countries of the world should prepare for.

Vanga often said that serious problems await Europe, since it is expected that correct moral principles will be destroyed and the entire society will be restructured. A change in moral principles leads to the fact that Europeans lose themselves and cannot achieve mutual understanding, harmony and unite for the successful development of society. If you carefully study all the predictions, you can understand that Vanga condemns Russians who strive for a soulless life and do not even understand what is really happening.

Europe faces serious problems

If we believe Vanga’s predictions, we can assume that political reformations threaten serious negative consequences that could further worsen the life of the entire society.

Vanga predicts that 2018 should be one of the most important years for Russia. China is expected to play an increasingly important role in the development of the entire world. This is due to the active development of production and industry in China. For this reason, the Russian authorities should think about how they can successfully get along with the Chinese side and prevent any conflict situations.

Vanga notes that Russia will also gradually take a leading position, successfully demonstrating its own potential. Russia, like China and India, will improve its own political rating and many issues in foreign policy will depend on it.

Vanga assures that the Russian President will be able to remain in office for a long time and will try to strengthen the country’s power. However, even the one who replaces the president will be able to successfully cope with his own tasks and actively move the country in the right direction. In the near future, Russia's path should be quite smooth, but it is advisable to take care of the right strategy. Often, it is determination that will help Russians achieve their goals.

Vanga predicted many events

Predictions are also associated with young Russians, on whom the future of the country largely depends. Young people must demonstrate high moral values ​​in order to successfully implement the ideas and principles of the older generation. The Russian nation is interested in unity, on which its future fate largely depends.

Intensification of the development of science in Russia should begin in 2018. Active and global efforts are expected to develop new electronic equipment and special devices of the highest quality. The implementation of such projects will require serious financial investments, but the results will not be assessed for a long time. Only with time will people be able to understand how important a revolution was achieved thanks to electronic systems invented in Russia. Moreover, paper media will gradually become a thing of the past, since the future still remains with electronic systems.

Vanga was confident that the development of technical and electronic progress would begin in Russia. Over time, people will understand how to create devices with unique functionality. However, such actions and inventions will lead to even greater environmental problems. Environmentalists will try hard to fight the existing problem, but it will not be possible to restore the situation. The Bulgarian seer described in her visions how seriously the world would change. You need to understand that the invented technology will be extremely dangerous for grasses and trees, so society will have to make decisions about saving itself and the environment or further comprehending innovative technologies.

Many pilgrims sought to get an appointment with Vanga

Vanga was sure that the natural and the man-made cannot get along with each other, so decisions would have to be made regarding what plays the most important role. People can protect themselves with artificial objects and weaken their connection with nature, and getting out of this situation is not as easy as we would like. Further development of innovative technologies and new inventions may even worsen the situation.

Russians will often get sick and their immune systems will weaken. Constant epidemics will sooner or later lead to a serious decrease in population.

What will be the changes in Russia in 2018?

Vanga’s literal predictions for 2018 for Russia indicate that the life of the entire country can change dramatically. Western and eastern countries, including Russia, will have to actively solve numerous problems. For example, financial problems will emerge that will pose a serious threat to economic stability.

Russia faces migration of people

Another pressing topic will be the active emigration of people within Russia. Moreover, some Russians will try to find a better life in other countries. Vanga was confident that in 2018 the resettlement of people would intensify. Moreover, Russia must be prepared for the arrival of many migrants from Africa and Arab countries who will try to escape natural disasters and constant wars. In 2018, the changes will only begin to appear, so they will not be immediately noticeable. Despite this, the necessary push will occur and subsequently it will not be possible to return everything to the way it was before.

The US will concentrate on solving important internal problems, so relations with Russia will cease to play an important role. Such changes will be determined by the special policies of Trump, who cares about the active development of his country and sometimes even abandons important principles. Russian authorities should not rely on the Americans, although relations will soften and may initially appear reassuring.

You won’t have to expect any special troubles from the Slavic peoples, but at the same time, relations between Russia and Ukraine will not be the best. Unfortunately, the lack of friendly ties will lead to a deterioration in the political and economic situation.

Russians will face an active change in their spiritual environment

Despite the fact that Vanga’s predictions for 2018 for Russia cannot be interpreted verbatim, one can guess that Russians will face an active change in their spiritual environment. The actions of immigrants from Africa, Arab countries and other distant countries will lead to this. In addition, some Russians are emigrating to Western Europe, which also leads to a change in the composition of society. The introduction of new religious views and the passage through serious obstacles will lead to the fact that many people will begin to perceive important social and political events in a special way.

Vanga was confident that the emergence of a new religion could begin in Russia, since existing beliefs would compete with each other, weaken and even destroy. However, the new religion will take root only after a couple of hundred years, although the first prerequisites will already be noticeable in 2018.

So, 2018 is a time when major changes will occur. Russia will face a huge and important breakthrough in science and technology, and will begin to rethink the features of life and social structure. In addition, it will be necessary to prepare for natural disasters and strong magnetic storms, because human activity and the desire to develop technology cannot pass without leaving a trace.

Predictions about Ukraine and Russia, the USA and NATO

The Bulgarian clairvoyant notes that in the very near future China will become a leading country and will have a serious influence on world politics. The United States will lose its previous positions, and therefore will not be able to impose its own principles on European countries and Russia. At the same time, the Russian authorities must take care of the possibility of cooperation with China.

The European Union will be shaken

NATO will cease to play an important role in politics and will no longer be able to continue to resolve issues by force. This will lead to the fact that even the European Union will be shaken. Studying Vanga’s literal predictions for 2018 for Russia, one can understand that the right actions will help strengthen the country in the political world.

Vanga is confident that 2018 will be a turning point for Russia. It is at this time that an active recovery from the economic crisis will begin, and soon Russians will be able to note an improvement in their own situation. At the same time, you need to take care not only of improving your financial situation, but also of reviving your spirituality. It should be noted that a new leader will appear in Russia who will radically change the existing situation in the country.

What will be the relationship between Russia and the USA?

Vanga’s literal predictions for 2018 for Russia determine the opportunity to understand how important further changes will be in relations between Russian and American authorities. Trump, the new American president, will lead the country in a new way, so he will need to get used to major political changes. Russia, in turn, will no longer be able to rely on US assistance as their close partnership begins to become a thing of the past.

What will be the next changes in the world?

Vanga is confident that after 2018, a lot will change in the world. Currently, innovative technologies and the active development of industry lead to the fact that the situation in the world is becoming special and is actively changing under the influence of the demands of the time.

In 2018, it will be possible to understand how to slow down aging and prolong life

  1. Invention of the "Elixir of Youth". Scientists will be able to get closer to discovering the secret of eternal youth, as scientific discoveries contribute to this. In 2018, it will be possible to understand how to slow down aging and prolong life, but the use of a unique technique will not yet be available to society.
  2. New type of fuel. The resources of planet Earth are depleted, so it is necessary to invent types of fuel for their further use. It is assumed that modern technologies will contribute to the possibility of using energy according to new principles.
  3. A new type of transport. The invention of the perfect fuel will contribute to the start of development of a project that will subsequently change the world of transport. It is assumed that the new vehicle will be economical, fast, and safe. In addition, transport will be safer for the ecology of the planet.
  4. Natural disasters. In 2018, many people, including Russians, will face serious natural disasters. Even remote Russian settlements are at risk. You need to understand that society actively uses the Earth's resources, tries to develop industrial and even dangerous technologies, so the environment is forced to change. Natural disasters will shake Russia’s position and even lead to increased internal and external emigration.
  5. Vanga predicted the influence of Western civilizations, which will remain strong only until 2018. It is assumed that it is the eastern countries that will be able to dominate in politics, economics, and intellectual inventions. Russia will also reveal its own potential.

2018 promises to be one of the most important years for Russia and other countries of the world.

Will there be a Third World War?

Many people are looking for Vanga’s literal predictions for 2018 for Russia and other countries of the world, trying to understand what important changes they need to prepare for. Constant conflicts between countries do not actually threaten the outbreak of World War III. The secret to success will be a rethinking of life and social structure, but initially European countries will be forced to suffer from military conflicts, economic crises, and epidemics of various diseases.

Vanga taught her descendants that peace should be valued

West and East will fight. Moreover, hostilities may begin in Syria, where they will even test innovative chemical weapons. In fact, if the rest of the world does not actively interfere in Syria's affairs, the escalation of the conflict will be prevented.

Vanga was confident that revealing the secrets of the intangible world and even contact with extraterrestrial civilizations would contribute to the transformation of planet Earth and the opening of new opportunities for many people.

Vanga taught her descendants that peace should be valued, so holding weapons in the hands and taking into account personal interests is undesirable for countries. By studying Vanga’s literal predictions for 2018 for Russia, which are presented by scientists based on the visions and allegorical texts of the Bulgarian seer, one can understand the importance of preserving peace. The obstacles for many countries will be important as they will affect the ability to open up desired prospects and achieve their goals.

From time immemorial, people have wanted to know what awaits them in the future, and the predictions of the soothsayer Vanga are one of the most popular sources of information for 2018. Those who wanted to see the invisible remained even in those dark times when those with psychic abilities were burned at the stake of the Inquisition. Therefore, it is not surprising that even now, in the age of information technology, logic and rationality, there are still people who want to lift the veil of secrets in order to prepare in advance for possible difficulties.

The name of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, without exaggeration, is known throughout the world. Thousands of people turned to her for help, standing in huge queues, including politicians, musicians and artists. Moreover, even the American intelligence services followed the seer’s predictions, who for a long time tried to lure the seer to their side, which she, naturally, refused.

Vanga's first vision predicted the imminent start of World War II. In 1941, the image of a soldier dressed in ancient uniform appeared to a blind girl, who told her that the world would soon plunge into bloody chaos and this war would claim millions of innocent lives. It was after this event that Vanga realized her strength and began to help people, at first a little, and then, when her fame spread throughout the planet, she gave all her strength to save people from pain and suffering.

There are still different opinions about the uniqueness of her gift: some consider her the most talented clairvoyant of the twentieth century, whose predictions, although they have an ornate and lengthy form of expression, always come true (here it is worth recalling the quatrains of Nostradamus, most of which are still indecipherable ).

Others say that Vanga was a “product” of the KGB and acted exclusively in the interests of the intelligence services, receiving secret information first-hand. It is difficult to say how the events actually happened, but it is also difficult to deny the fact that many of Vanga’s predictions actually came true.

Shortly before his death, the Bulgarian Tsar Boris 3 came to Vanga to find out his future.

She answered him:

  • “Soon you will be able to fit your possessions into a nutshell.” And then she added: “Remember the date – August 28.” A year later, on August 28, the Tsar died, and the Second World War, as we know, brought changes to the world map.
  • Exactly two years and two months in advance, Vanga predicted Adolf Hitler’s defeat in the war and his imminent death, and indeed, the Fuhrer committed suicide on the day indicated by the soothsayer.

  • On July 22, 1963, a clairvoyant said that there would be an assassination attempt on the 35th President of the United States. J.F. Kennedy was assassinated exactly 4 months after this prediction.
  • “In August 1999 or 2000, Kursk will go under water and the whole world will mourn it.” Perhaps this is Vanga’s most famous prophecy in Russia, which initially no one believed and only after the tragic death of the Kursk submarine, everything fell into place.
  • Another well-known prophecy, which, as it later became clear, concerned the American tragedy of September 11, at first also did not inspire confidence among people. The reliability of the metaphorical prophecy: “Fear! American brothers will fall from the beaks of iron birds, wolves will howl from the bushes, and then drown in the blood of the innocent,” now, sixteen years after the tragedy, there is no doubt.

Vanga's predictions for Russia for 2018

It can be said that Vanga always spoke with particular warmth about Russia and pinned great hopes on it for the prosperity of the Bulgarian people. This, one might say, is an indisputable fact and known from numerous audio and video recordings of interviews with the soothsayer.

All existing predictions of Vanga, directly related to our state, are of an imperialist nature. Most of them predict a great and bright future for Russia, filled with scientific achievements and a qualitative cultural breakthrough, and also predict the prospect of world domination, in which the Earth will become truly happy and free.

Russia is the foremother of all Slavic peoples. Those who turn away from her will return, although they will become different, but Russia itself will go through a long and thorny journey, which will lead to the revival of its strength

Many people want to see in this prediction a hint that the far from fraternal relations of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine will again acquire the family connection that they were previously distinguished by.

Even before the collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Vanga said:

Now Russia is called the Union, but old Russia will return, which will be called the same as under St. Sergius of Radonezh. And everyone recognizes her superiority. This will happen sixty years after Russia gets closer to China and India, and if Bulgaria does not join them, then there will be no Bulgaria

As we see, in this prediction Vanga was not very far from the truth. In the last ten years, Russia has really become closer to China, India and other BRICS countries, not only in the political arena, but also culturally. It will be possible to find out how true the other part of the prediction is only after fifty years.

However, it is worth saying that the name of the great clairvoyant is often speculated on in order to promote one or another political view. Even these predictions of Vanga about Russia are based on Krasimira Stoyanova’s book “Vanga: Confession of a Blind Clairvoyant” and how honest the author is with the reader is known only to her. Therefore, when reading materials of this kind, you should always remember that faith is certainly good, but before you accept something as truth, you need to question the information.

Predictions of the Bulgarian soothsayer for 2018

Shortly before her death, the clairvoyant said that in the foreseeable future Russia would regain the status of an empire.

Many researchers of Vanga’s heritage believe that this prediction applies specifically to 2018, since events taking place in the world indicate a change in the usual way of life. Right now, great hopes are placed on Russia, as a peacemaker, and as you know, someone’s hopes always carry great responsibility, which means that its future depends entirely on how Russia gets out of the current political situation.

Another interesting prediction from the clairvoyant regarding 2018 suggests that the world’s oil reserves will begin to deplete and finally the planet will receive a well-deserved peace, and its depths will be able to replenish their wealth.

If this really happens, and such a scenario is quite possible since in the last few years the amount of oil produced has significantly exceeded demand (which is why a new crisis of the world economic system flared up), then it is not entirely clear how Russia, completely dependent on oil revenues, will , will regain its status as a power.

There is an opinion that it is in Russia that a new source of energy will be invented that can replace oil - Vanga also spoke about this in one of the prophecies: “Cars will slide along wires all the way to the Sun.” It is difficult to say what the likelihood is that everything will turn out exactly like this, but information that Russian scientists are developing completely environmentally friendly fuel has appeared a long time ago.

Well, the last significant prediction foreshadows China's status as the largest and richest world power.

It is difficult to talk about the bias of this prophecy, since Vanga saw China at a time when the state was in deep decline, both economic and cultural. And only now, closer to 2010, it came out ahead, and in 2015 it became the leader in GDP, far surpassing the indicators of the United States of America.

As it turned out, the clairvoyant was definitely right here. This means that one should not question her other predictions, the authorship of which has been confirmed.

Video section about Vanga

Incredible facts

The whole world knows the fortuneteller Vanga, and her forecast for 2018 is being studied by thousands of people. This unique Bulgarian was endowed with an incredible gift of foresight, as she read the future like an open book. Vanga left a huge number of predictions, and today we have the opportunity to check how right she was.

Before we move directly to the predictions, let's say a few words about Vanga herself. The gift came to her in 1941. It was at that moment that a vision came to her: she saw a warrior who was wearing ancient clothes and who told her that a war would soon begin and it would claim millions of lives.

He also told her that the woman was destined to become a guide between the living and the dead, and she would predict the fate of everyone who wished it. Since then, Vanga began to make predictions.

People from all over the world came to the soothsayer: from the simplest to figures in politics and art. It is worth adding that Vanga predicted the future with the help of ordinary refined sugar: before coming to her appointment, a person needed to hold several lumps of sugar under his pillow. Over many years of practice, more than two million people came to Vanga, bringing with them about 2 tons of sugar!

So, what did Vanga predict for 2018?

1) The emergence of a new type of transport

The soothsayer said that in 2018 trains will begin to travel by wire, and not along asphalt roads, but through the air directly to the Sun. Most likely, this can be interpreted as follows: a new type of transport will appear that runs exclusively on solar energy.

Something similar is already being tested in some countries. A new type of transport is string technology, and the cars themselves move on rails hanging above the ground. Moreover, the movement occurs due to the energy of solar panels. Such vehicles do not come into contact with the ground and can move at a speed of 500 km/h.

2) The emergence of a new type of fuel

For the coming year of the dog, Vanga predicted a final stop in the extraction of energy resources. At first glance, this seems somewhat paradoxical. However, if you look at the issue from the other side, you can see that a downward trend in oil prices has already emerged.

This, in turn, can lead to the fact that oil will simply be unprofitable to extract. The earth will begin to rest. Most likely, scientists will create a new source of energy, thanks to which oil production will become an unprofitable enterprise.

3) New world leader – China

The soothsayer predicted a change in the world leader: the leading role will be given to China. There will be a redistribution of spheres of influence between the main world players. At the same time, the former leading countries on the world stage will be exploited one hundred percent by those whom they previously exploited.

4) Natural disasters

Starting from 2018, over the next 5 years, planet Earth will be preparing to change its orbit, which will manifest itself in a large number of natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, etc.).

Vanga predicts the restoration of the planet to its original form. The fortune teller says that this process will end closer to the year 3000.

5) Creation of the elixir of youth

To believe today that something like this will appear seems pointless, but if you remember at what crazy pace science is developing, and that today’s everyday things seemed like something out of science fiction just 10 years ago, then anything is possible.

Therefore, if in the coming year scientists discover the secret of eternal youth or come up with something that will greatly slow down the aging process, then only those who do not believe in the power of science will be surprised.

Vanga's forecast for Russia

Regarding Russia, Vanga’s forecast is very optimistic. In her opinion, Russia will be able to overcome the crisis and become a world power. Most likely, Vanga meant the spiritual and moral revival of the country.

The soothsayer was also sure that peace would soon come again between Russia and Ukraine, since they are one people. Moreover, peace will be achieved not by political forces, but by ordinary people through public diplomacy and political compromise.

Among other things, among Vanga’s forecasts there is one that says that the Tatars will dominate Crimea for a certain time, but she did not say when this will happen.

The future from Vanga

2018 – China becomes a new world power. Developing countries go from being exploited to becoming exploiters.

2023 – change in the Earth’s orbit.

2025 – small population of Europe.

2028 – the emergence of a controlled thermonuclear reaction, a new source of energy; partial overcoming of hunger; the spaceship is sent to Venus.

2033 – sea levels rise due to active melting of polar ice.

2043 – Muslims rule in Europe; prosperity of the world economy.

2046 – man has learned to grow any organ; its replacement becomes the most effective method of treatment.

2066 - The United States attacks Muslim Rome using a new type of weapon - climate; significant cooling.

2076 – communism, society is deprived of classes.

2088 – a new disease appears: a person can grow old in a few seconds.

2097 – victory over rapid aging.

2100 – an artificial sun is created, which is designed to illuminate the dark part of the Earth.

2111 – people are living cyborg robots.

2125 – a signal from space will be received in Hungary.

2130 – with the help of advice received from aliens, colonies are created under water.

2164 – man learned to transform animals into half-humans.

2167 – emergence of a new world religion.

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