How 76 closes. Active-passive account. Dividend calculations

Active-passive accounts- accounts that reflect both the organization’s property (as in active accounts) and the sources of its formation (as in passive accounts).

Active-passive account scheme

The active-passive account scheme looks like this:

Opening balance - the presence of accounts receivable at the beginning of the reporting period

Opening balance - the presence of accounts payable at the beginning of the reporting period

Debit turnover: increase in accounts receivable; reduction of accounts payable

Loan turnover: increase in accounts payable; reduction of accounts receivable

Final balance - the presence of receivables of the enterprise at the end of the reporting period (when it, the enterprise, is owed)

Final balance - the presence of accounts payable to the company at the end of the reporting period (when it, the company, should)

Types of active-passive accounts

There are two types of active-passive accounts:

    Active-passive account: details for an accountant

    • Basics of classification of accounting accounts

      There are main active, passive and active-passive accounts. Main active accounts are used for... and accounts payable. The main active-passive accounts are intended to account for settlements with...

Accounting account 76 is a special account that is used by organizations to carry out settlements with other counterparties, as well as to reflect transactions that are not subject to accounting on accounts 60-75. What types of transactions are taken into account on account 76 and what transactions they are reflected in - our article will tell you about this.

Usually, the number of subaccounts for 76 is quite large, their list is presented below:

Using account 76

Accounting on account 76 is carried out in the event of situations not described in the explanation to accounts 60-76. Such operations usually include settlements of issued and received claims and insurance amounts. This account is also used to record deductions in accordance with judicial, executive and other administrative documents.

Let's look at typical wiring:

Accounting for insurance transactions

In March 2015, Maximum JSC entered into an agreement with the Status insurance company:

  • subject of the contract - insurance of the premises of production workshop No. 5 in case of fire;
  • the amount of insurance compensation is 741,300 rubles.

In August 2015, there was a fire in workshop No. 3. In connection with the elimination of the consequences of the fire and the need for subsequent repairs of the premises, Maximum JSC incurred the following expenses:

  • for materials - 402,500 rubles, VAT 61,398 rubles;
  • to pay production workers who were busy eliminating the consequences of the fire and carrying out repairs (including insurance premiums) - 241,400 rubles.

IC "Status" made payment for the insured event in full.

In the accounting of JSC Maximum, these transactions were reflected in the following entries:

Dt CT Description Sum Document
76.01 Crediting funds from IC "Status" received to pay off debt on insurance compensation RUB 741,300 Bank statement
10 The amount of materials spent on eliminating the consequences of the fire and carrying out repairs in workshop No. 5 is taken into account (402,500 rubles - 61,398 rubles) RUR 341,102 Packing list
19 The amount of VAT on purchased materials is reflected RUR 61,398 Invoice
Funds were transferred to the supplier as payment for materials received 402,500 rub. Payment order
20 10 The transfer of materials to eliminate the consequences of the fire and carry out repairs in workshop No. 5 is reflected RUR 341,102 Material write-off act
20 (69) The amount of expenses for remuneration of production workers who were involved in eliminating the consequences of the fire and carrying out repairs is reflected (including insurance premiums) RUR 241,400 Payroll sheet
76.01 20 The costs of eliminating the consequences of the fire and carrying out repairs in workshop No. 5 were written off due to the compensation received from IC "Status" (RUB 341,102 + RUB 241,400) RUR 582,502 Insurance contract
76.01 19 VAT expenses on the cost of materials are written off due to insurance compensation received from IC "Status" RUR 61,398 Insurance contract
76.01 The amount of income received is reflected in the form of the difference between the compensation received from IC "Status" and the costs incurred to eliminate the consequences of the fire and carry out repairs in workshop No. 5 (741,300 rubles - 582,502 rubles) RUR 158,798 Insurance contract, balance sheet

Account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” is intended to summarize information on settlements for transactions with debtors and creditors not mentioned in the explanations to accounts 60 - 75: for property and personal insurance; on claims; for amounts withheld from wages of employees of the organization in favor of other organizations and individuals on the basis of executive documents or court decisions, etc.

The following subaccounts can be opened to account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”:

76-1 "Calculations for property and personal insurance";

76-2 "Calculations for claims";

76-3 “Calculations for due dividends and other income”;

76-4 “Settlements on deposited amounts”, etc.

Account 76-1 “Settlements for property and personal insurance” reflects settlements for insurance of property and personnel (except for settlements for social insurance and compulsory medical insurance) of an organization in which the organization acts as an insured.

The calculated amounts of insurance payments are reflected in the credit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” in correspondence with the accounts of production costs (selling expenses) or other sources of insurance payments.

The transfer of amounts of insurance payments to insurance organizations is reflected in the debit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” in correspondence with cash accounts.

In the debit of account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" losses due to insured events (destruction and damage to inventories, finished products and other material assets, etc.) are written off from the credit accounts of inventory, fixed assets, etc. By debit Account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” also reflects the amount of insurance compensation due under the insurance contract for an employee of the organization in correspondence with score 73"Settlements with personnel for other operations." The amounts of insurance compensation received by the organization from insurance organizations in accordance with insurance contracts are reflected in debit accounts 51"Currency accounts" or "Currency accounts" and credit account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors." Losses from insured events not compensated by insurance compensations are written off from the credit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” on score 91"Other income and expenses."

Analytical accounting for subaccount 76-1 “Calculations for property and personal insurance” is carried out for insurers and individual insurance contracts.

Subaccount 76-2 “Settlements for claims” reflects settlements for claims presented to suppliers, contractors, transport and other organizations, as well as for fines, penalties and penalties presented and recognized (or awarded).

The debit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” reflects, in particular, settlements on claims:

to suppliers, contractors and transport organizations regarding discrepancies in prices and tariffs stipulated by contracts identified during the verification of their invoices (after acceptance of the latter), as well as when arithmetic errors are identified - in correspondence with the account “Settlements with suppliers and contractors” or with inventories accounts , goods and related costs, when overpricing or arithmetic errors in invoices submitted by suppliers and contractors were discovered after entries in the inventory or cost accounts were made (based on prices and calculations invoiced by suppliers and contractors);

to suppliers of materials, goods, as well as to organizations processing materials of the organization, for detected quality non-compliances with standards, technical specifications, orders - in correspondence with abacus 60

to suppliers, transport and other organizations for shortages of cargo in transit in excess of the amounts stipulated in the contract - in correspondence with score 60"Settlements with suppliers and contractors";

for defects and downtime caused by suppliers or contractors, in amounts recognized by payers or awarded by the court - in correspondence with production cost accounts;

to credit organizations for amounts erroneously written off (transferred) to the organization’s accounts - in correspondence with the accounts of cash and loans;

as well as for fines, penalties, penalties collected from suppliers, contractors, buyers, customers, consumers of transport and other services for failure to comply with contractual obligations, in amounts recognized by payers or awarded by the court (amounts of claims made that are not recognized by payers are not taken into account ), - in correspondence with score 91"Other income and expenses."

Account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” is credited for the amounts of payments received in correspondence with cash accounts. Amounts that, as it turned out later, are not subject to collection are attributed, as a rule, to those accounts from which they were recorded as the debit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors.”

Analytical accounting for subaccount 76-2 “Calculations for claims” is maintained for each debtor and individual claims.

Subaccount 76-3 “Calculations for dividends due and other income” takes into account calculations for dividends and other income due to the organization, including profits, losses and other results under a simple partnership agreement.

Income to be received (distributed) is reflected in the debit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” and the credit accounts 91"Other income and expenses." Assets received by the organization on account of income are accounted for in the debit of the asset accounting accounts “Current accounts”, etc.) and the credit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”.

Subaccount 76-4 “Settlements for deposited amounts” takes into account settlements with employees of the organization for amounts accrued but not paid on time (due to the non-appearance of recipients).

Deposited amounts are reflected in the credit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” and the debit bills 70"Settlements with personnel for wages." When these amounts are paid to the recipient, an entry is made to the debit of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” and to the credit of cash accounting accounts.

Accounting for settlements with various debtors and creditors within a group of interrelated organizations, the activities of which are compiled by consolidated financial statements, is kept on account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” separately.

Account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors"
corresponds with accounts

by debit on loan

01 Fixed assets
04 Intangible assets
07 Equipment for installation
10 Materials

20 Main production
21 Semi-finished products of own production

26 General expenses
28 Defects in production
41 Products
43 Finished products
44 Selling expenses
45 Items shipped
50 Cashier
51 Current accounts
52 Currency accounts
55 Special bank accounts
58 Financial investments

86 Targeted financing
90 Sales
91 Other income and expenses
97 Deferred expenses
98 Deferred income
99 Profit and loss

01 Fixed assets
03 Profitable investments in material assets
04 Intangible assets
07 Equipment for installation
08 Investments in non-current assets
10 Materials
11 Animals for growing and fattening
15 Procurement and acquisition of material assets
19 Value added tax on acquired assets
20 Main production
23 Auxiliary productions
25 General production expenses
26 General expenses
28 Defects in production
29 Service industries and farms
41 Products
44 Selling expenses
45 Items shipped
50 Cashier
51 Current accounts
52 Currency accounts
55 Special bank accounts
57 Transfers on the way
58 Financial investments
60 Settlements with suppliers and contractors
62 Settlements with buyers and customers
63 Provisions for doubtful debts
66 Calculations for short-term loans and borrowings
67 Calculations for long-term loans and borrowings
70 Settlements with personnel for wages
71 Settlements with accountable persons
73 Settlements with personnel for other operations
76 Settlements with various debtors and creditors
79 On-farm settlements
91 Other income and expenses
94 Shortages and losses from damage to valuables
96 Reserves for future expenses
97 Deferred expenses
99 Profit and loss

Application of the chart of accounts: account 76

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    ... ;Revenue", in correspondence with the debit of account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" (clause 5 ... is reflected by an entry in the debit of account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" and the credit of account 91 "Other ... on the debit of account 91, subaccount 91-2, and the credit of account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors". The cost... and is reflected by an entry in the debit of account 91, subaccount 91-2, and the credit of account 76 "Settlements with". different debtors and creditors...

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    ... – Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts). Settlements with employees not related to wages, in terms of... the accrual and payment of financial assistance, are recorded on account 73 “Settlements with personnel for... the organization or relatives of employees, settlements with them are reflected on account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors." Because with taxation... membership fees. To account for settlements with the trade union, account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” is used. If there are written statements...

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    Letter of claim to the supplier. Settlements on claims are recorded on account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors", subaccount... 02 "Settlements on claims... the following transactions will be reflected: Debit 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors", subaccount 02 "... ;Calculations for claims" Credit 90, ...

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    Losses of the customer under the contract (creditor), associated with violation by the contractor (debtor) of the accepted... withholding of the amount of the penalty in the final settlement with the contractor using the simplified taxation system, the last... final settlement with the contractor using the simplified taxation system, the customer withheld this amount and paid ... to reflect them according to the Chart of Accounts, account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”, subaccount 2 “Settlements for claims” is used. Records..."), and for the creditor - other income (clauses 7 and 10.2 of PBU...

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    And at the same time, the management company’s obligation was terminated; Debit 51 Credit 76 subaccount "Settlements with... debtors" - the claim has been paid by the debtor (consumer); Debit 76, subaccount "Settlements with... asset, can be accounted for on account 76 "Settlements with various debtors and creditors" (see also the resolution... and at the same time the obligation of the management company is terminated; Debit 51 Credit 76 subaccount "Settlements with.. .

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    Sub-accounts opened to account 60 “Settlements with suppliers and contractors”: 60-1 “Settlements with suppliers”; 60 ... on off-balance sheet account 007 “Debt of insolvent debtors written off at a loss.” Grounds – paragraph... . 2 clause 77 of the Regulations on accounting and... accounting for “advance” VAT uses account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”, subaccount 76-5 “VAT on advances issued... to him of funds and other valuables located in accounts, deposits or...

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    ... ”, 76-lp “Settlements for leasing payments”, 76-vts “Settlements for the redemption price” - to account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors”; – 01 ... -ai “Leased property” and 01 ... -os “Own fixed assets” – to the account...

In the previous article, we corrected an error in VAT accounting associated with incorrect calculation of VAT on advances received from the buyer. We ended the example by noting that the credit turnover on account “76.AB” is still incorrect and the balance on account “76.AB” is still incorrect (see Fig. 4 of the previous article). In this article, I will look at this reason for incorrect VAT accounting, how to deal with it, and again I will try to do this, as if creating an algorithm for finding errors during the course of the article.

As always, I will illustrate what has been said with a practical example. We will consider a fragment of VAT accounting in the program "1C: Enterprise Accounting 8" release The names of the organization and contractors have been changed for obvious reasons. Let's start by understanding which of the documents is responsible for the entries on the credit of account "76.AB". In our case, this is not difficult to do, since the wiring is already there (see Fig. 1). So, postings to the credit of account “76.AB” are generated by the document “Creating purchase ledger entries”. By the way, what balance should we have in the account “76.AB”? The debit balance on account “76.AV” (there should be no credit balance at all under any circumstances, it is no coincidence that this account is active) must correspond to the credit balance on account “62.02”: CD76AV = SK6202 * 18 / 118 = 16,614 rubles, and us 15393.66 rub. We have already dealt with the debit turnover on the account “76.AB” in the previous article, which means there is an error in the loan turnover.

Fig. 1 Postings to the credit of account "76.AB".

What, so to speak, is the “physical meaning” of the postings to the account “76.AB”. Debit entries to account "76.AB" are emergence obligations to the budget to pay VAT on advances received from buyers correspond to account “68.02”, and these are obligations to the budget. Credit entries on account "76.AB" are termination obligations to the budget to pay VAT on advances received from buyers. This should not be confused with payment of VAT; payment has absolutely nothing to do with it. Payment of VAT will affect the balance of account "68.02". In this case, the termination of the obligation to the budget to pay VAT occurs as a result of the occurrence of a certain event - the offset of the buyer's advance. If by that time we managed to charge VAT on the advance payment (options are possible here, but this is not the topic of the article), then this charge needs to be reversed, as it were, or compensated for by reverse posting, so to speak.

So, the loan entries for account “76.AB” are incorrect. You can try to use a technique already familiar to us from previous articles - refill and re-post the document that creates the transactions. We tried it, and it turned out like in Fig. 2.

Fig.2 Postings on the credit of account “76.AB” after refilling and re-posting the document “Creating purchase ledger entries”.

It's not that it didn't help at all, but the result is still incorrect. Only now in the opposite direction: there are missing entries on the credit of account “76.AB”. This means the problem is more serious than it seemed at first glance. So we'll figure it out.

First, let's look at why filling out the tabular part "Deducting VAT from advances" of the document "Creating purchase ledger entries" depends: on the contents of the "VAT on advances" register and on the contents of the "VAT settlements with customers" register. Using a universal report (Reports-Other-Universal Report), we will consider both. In what state is the “VAT on advances” register, see Fig. 3.

Fig.3 Report on the register "VAT on advances" before corrections.

Let's turn to the article "Description of VAT accounting registers" on the ITS disk of the 1C company. Regarding the “VAT on advances” register, it says the following: “The “VAT on advances” register is intended to store information on the amounts of VAT accrued on advances, which will subsequently be accepted for deduction.” “Which will be accepted for deduction in the future” would be good, but something is not accepted.

We will search, as the famous movie character said. In what state is the “VAT settlements with customers” register, see Fig. 4. But this is more interesting. Again to the article “Description of VAT accounting registers” on the ITS disk of the 1C company. Regarding the “VAT settlements with customers” register, it says the following: “The “VAT settlements with customers” register is intended to store information on settlements with customers for VAT purposes.” At first glance, it is not very informative, but the essence is simple: “Storing information about settlements with customers.” This means that the balance on the register must correspond to the balance on the counterparty, and the sign indicates the nature of the debt, whether it is credit or debit. In our case (see Fig. 4 of the previous article), the balance at the beginning of the period is debit, and at the end it is credit, just like in the register, but the amounts do not coincide at all. This means we need to deal with the previous period.

Fig.4 Report on the register “VAT settlements with customers” before corrections.

What can I say. Firstly, the balance at the beginning of the period in the accumulation register “VAT settlements with customers” and in the accounting registers coincide. Of course, I do not take into account the balance on account “76.AB”, since it seems to distort the balance for the counterparty, adjusting it by the amount of VAT on advances, we do not need this. Secondly, the income turnover is also equal, again without taking into account the turnover in the account “76.AB”. But the expense (loan) turnover does not match, and accordingly the balance at the end of the period does not match. This means that you need to get transcripts for both registers from the registrars, i.e. based on the documents that create movements in the registers, and already in these detailed reports determine the document that gives the discrepancy. In our case, such a document turned out to be “Payment order for debiting funds” (see Fig. 6).

Fig.6 Document “Payment order for debiting funds” and its movements.

As you can see, the document created postings to account “62.02”, but did not make any more movements; in particular, the change in settlements with the counterparty in the “VAT settlements with customers” register was not reflected. What is the accountant's mistake, and this is of course a mistake. The problem is that the type of transaction in the document “Payment order for debiting funds” was selected incorrectly. Selected - “Other write-off of non-cash funds”, but you need “Return of funds to the buyer”. After correcting and re-posting the document (see Fig. 7), we will obtain a new state of the “VAT settlements with customers” register.

Fig.7 Document “Payment order for debiting funds” and its movements after correction.

But this is still not enough.

Accounting account 76: balance, credit, debit, postings

Not boring right? You also need to refill and re-post the document “Registration of payment from buyers for VAT” for the same period. Now we have achieved the correct balance in the “VAT settlements with customers” register and the correct turnover. I note that the correct turnover(namely turnover) according to the register “VAT settlements with customers” does not necessarily coincide with turnover according to accounting registers. For example, in our case, it differs by 8,000 rubles. all because of the same document “Payment order for debiting funds”. But the balance must match. And in most cases, the turnover of the register “VAT settlements with customers” and the accounting registers in which settlements with customers are reflected will coincide.

And now, having corrected the previous period, you can return to the current period. Refill and re-post the document “Registration of payment from buyers for VAT” already in the current period, make sure that the contents of the register “VAT settlements with customers” (see Fig. 8) corresponds to the analysis of the subconto for the counterparty, then refill and re-post the document “Creation of records shopping books." And we will finally get the correct amounts for deducting VAT from advances received from buyers and offset (see Fig. 9).

Fig.8 Report on the register "VAT settlements with customers" after corrections.

Fig.9 Analysis of subconto by counterparty after all corrections.

Fig. 10 Report on the register "VAT on advances" after corrections.

List of all articles from the series "1C: Accounting 8. Errors in VAT accounting":

Good luck to you, colleagues.

© Boris Balyasnikov, March 2010

Entering account balances in the "Settlements" section

Subaccount 76.55 "Other settlements with various debtors and creditors (in foreign currency)".

The subaccount is intended to summarize information about other settlements and foreign currencies that are not allocated to separate subaccounts of account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors.”

  • for each debtor and creditor - subaccount1, to which the directory corresponds "Counterparties";
  • for individual calculation bases - subconto2, to which the directory corresponds "Treaties".

"Counterparties" information about all debtors and creditors, and in the directory "Treaties"- information about all the bases for these calculations.

After this, the document "Enter transaction manually" enter non-zero balances for all analytical accounting objects:

For debit balances:

D76.55/Element of the directory "Counterparties/ /Element of the directory "Agreements" / K00"Sum".

For credit balances:

D00 K76.55/Element of the directory "Counterparties/ /Element of the directory "Agreements"/ "Amount".

…Where "Sum"- the amount of other settlements in foreign currencies.

Please note that subaccount 76.55 provides for currency accounting. To automatically convert currency into rubles when generating transactions for these accounts, you need to set up a directory "Currencies" on the date of commencement of accounting in the program.

Subaccount 76.AV "VAT on advances and prepayments".

Subaccount 76.AV is intended to summarize information on calculations of value added tax amounts from advances and prepayments.

The subaccount provides two-level analytical accounting:

  • for buyers and customers from whom advances were received for the upcoming shipment of goods, products, work and services - subconto1, which corresponds to the directory "Counterparties";
  • invoices issued for advance payment - subconto2, to which the documents correspond "Invoice issued".

To enter initial data for this subaccount, you must enter it in the directory "Counterparties" information on buyers and customers from whom advances have been received for the upcoming shipment of goods, products, performance of work and provision of services.

After this, create documents for each advance remaining at the start of work in the program "Invoice issued".

To do this you need to do the following.

To enter an invoice for an advance payment received from the buyer, select "Invoice issued" from submenu "Invoices" menu "Documentation" main menu of the program.

The “invoice issued” menu to the buyer will open on the screen.

There are three tabs at the top of the screen: "A cap", "Tabular part", "Corresponding account and customs declaration number".

When entered by default, the bookmark menu opens "A cap".

14. VAT check cheat sheet

Enter the invoice number and date in the spaces provided.

In the box to the left of the line "Invoice for advance payment" put "tick". In this case, the bookmark "Corresponding account and customs declaration number" will disappear from the screen.

Props "Buyer" fill in through the directory "Counterparties": To open it, click the selection button to the right of the column.

Other details in the bookmark menu "A cap" do not fill in.

Go to bookmark "Tabular part"(double-click on it or press "Enter").

In the column "Sum" indicate the advance amount.

Click the button "OK" and swipe the document - to the question "Shall I post the document?" answer "Yes".

After posting invoices for all advances, the following transactions will be generated in the Transaction Journal:

D76.AV/Element of the directory "Counterparties"/ /Document "Invoice issued" / K68.2 / Transfer element "Types of payments to the budget - "Tax: Accrued/paid"/"Amount".

…Where "Sum"- advance amounts.

Since, when entering the initial balances for account 68.2, we have already entered the balance as of the start date of work in the program, it is necessary to make reversing entries in the “Operations Journal” for all entered advances:

D68.2/ Transfer element “Types of payments to the budget - “Tax: Accrued/paid” / K00"Sum".

…Where "Sum"- advance amounts.

Compliance with accounts 76.AB and 62.02

Accounting checks and corrections.
Works in BP 2.0 and BP 3.0. It can be used not only by VAT payers, but also by the simplified tax system - to correct accounting errors on accounts 60 and 62.
To check VAT on advances received, the organization's accounting policy is used - if invoices are issued for ALL advances received - control by turnover and balance, for the rest - compliance with balances 62.02 and 76.AB at the end of the selected period is monitored.
It is recommended to use BEFORE closing the period and BEFORE generating VAT on advances received.

What does account 76av debit balance mean?

It is “difficult” to automate the VAT check on advances made, because Not all advances issued can be deducted for VAT (it is necessary to have an appropriate agreement with the supplier, receive an invoice, etc.).
The processing is intended to check and correct (by reposting problematic documents) turnovers and balances on accounts 60 and 62, the correctness of the calculation and deduction of VAT on advances received, as well as the correspondence of the purchases/sales book turnovers to account 68.02.
You can check the presence of unposted documents not marked for deletion (Unposted Sales Tab). Documents are simply displayed in a report; automatic processing is not provided.
Seven types of checks are implemented in processing:

1. “Butterflies” allow you to check the presence of simultaneous balances at the end of the selected period for accounts 60.1 and 60.02 or 62.01 and 62.02, respectively.
2. “Checking calculations” - the presence of a negative balance in subaccounts 60.01 or 62.01.
3. “Checking advances” - the presence of a negative balance in subaccounts 60.02 or 62.02.
4. “VAT on advances” - checking the accrual of VAT on advances received. The credit turnover of account 62.02 and debit 76.AB are analyzed.
5. “VAT offset from advances” - Checking the deduction of VAT from advances for offset advances. The credit turnover of 76.AB and debit turnover of 62.02 are analyzed.
6. “Compliance with 68 purchase book” - Checking the turnover of the “Purchase Book” register and account 68.02.
7. “Compliance with 68 Sales Book” - Checking the turnover of the “Sales Book” register and account 68.02.
Processing can be performed for any period that is a multiple of a month:

Buttons 1 – 3 open a submenu for selecting a check (for account 60 or 62), the result of the check is displayed in the report, and if simultaneous balances are found, the “Post Documents” button becomes visible:

In all cases where this button is available, clicking on it will re-post only the documents that led to this result. In 80% of cases this is enough for the error to “go away”. Group processing of documents will lead to exactly the same result, but in terms of time it is much faster to process only “problem” documents.
The last selected check is highlighted in the submenu with a checkbox:

When the check is completed, the option is displayed in the header (the rest of the buttons with submenus work similarly).
An example of “butterflies” on the 62nd count:

Checking the “cons” according to 60.01:

If no accounting errors are found for the selected check, the corresponding message is displayed in the report:

Checking the credit of VAT on advances:

It is recommended to check the accounting sequentially (from left to right) according to points one through seven, but you can check it in any order. The check buttons are “arranged” in this sequence because it allows you to reduce check time. For example, after rechecking the detected “butterflies”, negative balances can be corrected.
If after posting there are still rows in the table, the correction should be done “manually”. Such accounting errors are not associated with a violation of the sequence of documents, but with movements, first of all, made by “manual operations” or “manual adjustment” of documents, and secondly, by incorrectly filled out “Debt Adjustment” documents.
To analyze the situation, use the “Analyze subconto” button, which displays a report of the same name, with the setting set to search for errors.
During checks from the first to the third, the report is generated according to 3 sub-contos:
— Counterparties;
— Agreements;
— Documents of settlements with counterparties.
If there are a large number of rows in the list, the subconto analysis may be too complex to handle. In this case, you can limit the list to a specific counterparty (or group of counterparties) by entering it in the “Counterparty” selection field.
For VAT checks, the “Only different” flag is set - when this is set, only rows with a difference are displayed in the report.
Analysis of subcontos during VAT checks is generated only by counterparties, because Analytics “Agreements” and “Documents of settlements with counterparties” cannot be used - there are no such subaccounts on 76.AB.
Checks 1-3 are relevant both for organizations using the simplified tax system and for OSNO, starting with the fourth - for organizations that pay VAT (it was originally created for them).

Accounting account 76 isan account designed to collect data on financial relationships with debtors and creditors of an enterprise that are irregular in nature and not related to the main areas of work. Our article will help you understand what types of transactions are reflected in the account, and will also clarify the rules for their accounting and tax accounting.

When to use count 76

In accordance with the chart of accounts (order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n), account 76 “Settlements with various debtors and creditors” is used to collect information related to:

  • with insurance;
  • claims under contracts;
  • salary deposit;
  • settlements based on executive documents of employees, etc.

Thus, it takes into account all settlement transactions that cannot be taken into account in other accounts.

This account is active-passive, the balance on it can be either debit or credit. In this case, the debit reflects the debt to the enterprise, and the credit reflects the debts of the enterprise itself.

Read more about accounting for receivables and payables in the article .

When forming the balance, the expanded balance of account 76 is taken into account:

  • Dt balances are shown on line 1230 “Accounts receivable”;
  • credit balance - according to line 1520 “Accounts payable”.

Depending on the accounting policies applied by the enterprise, it is also possible to assign some groups of receivables (for example, undistributed insurance premiums) to other current assets (line 1260).

Property insurance

To summarize data on operations on life and health insurance of employees, as well as company assets, subaccount 76/1 “Calculations for property and personal insurance” is opened.

NOTE! Account 76/1 does not take into account contributions to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund - they are accounted for using account 69.

Accounting for insurance transactions includes 3 stages:

  • accrual of payments;
  • enumeration;
  • operations upon the occurrence of an insured event.

The accrual of payments is shown according to Kt 76/1 in interaction with cost items. So, if production equipment is insured, account 76/1 corresponds with production accounts:

Dt 20 (23, 25) Kt 76/1 - the amount of the insurance payment was allocated to production expenses.

If assets not used directly in production are insured, payments are shown as other expenses:

Dt 91/2 Kt 76/1.

The transfer of amounts presented for payment is reflected by the posting:

Dt 76/1 Kt 51 (50, 52).

In relation to tax accounting, insurance is divided into compulsory and voluntary. Expenses for compulsory insurance are taken into account in full, for voluntary insurance - in the legally established amounts (Article 255 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

You can get acquainted with the features of accounting for insurance premiums in the article .

Accounting for insurance compensation

If something happens to the insured property that is provided for by agreement of the parties as an insured event, the company has the right to demand compensation from the insurer.

On the date the insurance company makes a decision on payment, an entry is made (clauses 2, 7, 9, 10.2, 16 PBU 9/99):

Dt 76/1 Kt 91/1 - insurance compensation accrued.

The receipt of money into the account (cash) of companies is registered by the operation:

Dt 51 (50, 52) Kt 76/1 - the amount of compensation was credited to the current account.

Losses from insured events will be reflected in the debit of account 91.2 “Other expenses” (clauses 2, 11, 13 of PBU 10/99).

For more information about what an insurance premium is and how to calculate it, read the article .


Gamma LLC insured the production premises against fire. According to the agreement, the company transferred 20,000 rubles to the insurance company. annually. The maximum amount of possible compensation was 400,000 rubles.

The following entries were made:

  • Dt 20 Kt 76/1 - 20,000 rub. (the amount of the insurance payment has been calculated);
  • Dt 76/1 Kt 51 - 20,000 rub. (insurance amount paid).

During the period of validity of the contract, a fire occurred in the insured premises. The insurer acknowledged the insured event and agreed to pay the full insurance premium.

The wiring is as follows:

Dt 76/1 Kt 91/1 - insurance compensation accrued;

Dt 51 Kt 76/1 - 400,000 rubles received. to the account as a refund.

The premises were renovated, which was carried out by a contractor and cost Gamma LLC 236,000 rubles. (including VAT RUB 36,000)


  • Dt 91/2 Kt 60 - 200,000 rub. (repair work was carried out by the contractor);
  • Dt 19 Kt 60 - 36,000 rub. (VAT included);
  • Dt 60 Kt 51 - 236,000 rub. (paid for work).

In addition, construction materials worth RUB 118,000 were purchased for the work. (including VAT RUB 18,000):

  • Dt 10 Kt 60 - 100,000 rub. (building materials were purchased);
  • Dt 19 Kt 60 - 18,000 rub. (VAT highlighted);
  • Dt 60 Kt 51 - 118,000 rub. (money was transferred for building materials);
  • Dt 91/2 Kt 10 - 100,000 rub. (purchased building materials were released into production).

As for VAT, if property is repaired, this tax can be reimbursed from the budget in the usual manner (letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated June 17, 2015 No. GD-4-3/10451@). This operation will correspond to the wiring Dt 68 Kt 19.

Employee insurance

Accounting for information related to life and health insurance of employees is similar to accounting for property insurance transactions. The difference is that when paying an employee the amount transferred to the company by the insurer as an insurance premium (if there was an insured event), account 76/1 interacts with account 73 “Settlements under the insurance contract”:

  • Dt 76/1 Kt 73 - reflects the accrued amount of insurance compensation to be paid to the injured employee;
  • Dt 51 Kt 76/1 - insurance compensation received, payable to the insured employee;
  • Dt 73 Kt 50 (51) - the employee was paid the insurance amount.

Accounting for claims

To reflect information about claims against counterparties against account 76, a subaccount 76/2 “Claims” is opened. It is used in cases where the counterparty has violated any obligations, there are comments on the quality and quantity of the goods supplied, deadlines have not been met, errors have been found in documents, etc.

How to properly file a claim, read the material .

For a sample of writing a complaint, look in the materials:

For example, if a shortfall is detected (before the values ​​are accepted for accounting), the accountant makes the following entries:

Dt 76/2 Kt 60 - the amount of the claim is reflected.

If a shortfall is detected after acceptance, the claims account is debited with the accounts of inventories, goods and other valuables that are the subject of the transaction:

Dt 76/2 Kt 10 (41).

The agreement with the counterparty may provide for penalties (fines, penalties, penalties). Then the score is applied with a score of 91/1:

Dt 76/2 Kt 91/1 - the amount of the penalty is attributed to other income.

see also .

The receipt of claims amounts is reflected by the following entries:

Dt 51 (50, 52) Kt 76/2 - money has been credited to the account.

If the demand is made by the organization itself, such calculations are also reflected in account 76/2. Accounting is carried out in a similar way, only in this case the company is no longer a debtor, but a creditor, and the amounts of claims recognized by it in relation to other parties to the transaction are credited to the accounts of the subject of the claim: Dt 10 (41) Kt 76/2.

For possible objections to the claim, see the article .

What to do if it is impossible to collect a claim

In certain cases, it is impossible to obtain amounts of penalties and fines. Such situations include:

  • lapse of time;
  • the court's decision;
  • liquidation of the debtor;
  • reaching agreement through negotiations.

The amounts of claims are written off from account 76 to the account of the reserve for doubtful debts or to financial results (clause 77 of the Accounting Regulations, approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 29, 1998 No. 34n).

Example 2

Gamma LLC entered into a purchase and sale agreement for materials with Delta LLC for a total amount of 100,000 rubles. Delta LLC is not a VAT payer.

In accordance with the terms of the agreement, Gamma LLC transferred a 50% advance to:

Dt 60 Kt 51 - 50,000 rub. (advance paid).

After the materials were delivered to the buyer, it turned out that the goods were worth 10,000 rubles. defective. The seller received a claim for this amount:

Dt 76/2 Kt 60 - 10,000 rub. (a claim has been made).

The management of Delta LLC got acquainted with the buyer’s requirements and decided to satisfy them, but not in full, but only for the amount of 8,000 rubles, since the goods were worth 2,000 rubles. was not defective, the buyer’s comments to it were unfounded:

  • Dt 51 Kt 76/2 — 8,000 rub. (received based on the submitted claim);
  • Dt 60 Kt 76/2 — 2,000 rub. (a claim not satisfied by the seller has been written off).

Accounting for dividends

If an organization owns shares or interests in other companies, it is entitled to receive dividends. To reflect such transactions, a subaccount 76/3 “Dividends” is opened.

Accrued amounts are shown on the invoice CT, received - on Dt:

  • Dt 76/3 Kt 91/1 - dividends due are charged to other income;
  • Dt 51 (50, 52) Kt 76/3 - the organization received dividend amounts.

For more information about accounting for dividends from recipients and payers, read the article .

You can find out more about the nuances of paying dividends in the article .

The article will tell you about the taxation of dividends .

Salary deposit

Deposited amounts are funds that are the employee’s reserved wages, which for some reason he was unable to receive on time. Such money is accounted for in subaccount 76/4 “Deposited amounts”.

According to Kt they show the accrual of amounts in correspondence with account 70: Dt 70 Kt 76/4 - the salary amount is deposited.

Payments of deposited amounts are shown by the entries: Dt 76/4 Kt 50 (51) - deposited salary paid.

If for some reason a company employee never came for the money, and the statute of limitations for such payments has expired, the money is received as other income of the organization: Dt 76/4 Kt 91/1 - the amount of unclaimed deposited salary is included in other income.

Commission agreements

Calculations under commission agreements are also carried out in accounting using account 76. In this case, analytical accounting is carried out for each agreement separately. The principal, the seller of goods, makes the following entries:

  • Dt 45 Kt 41 - goods transferred to the commission agent;
  • Dt 76 Kt 68 - allocated VAT on the advance received by the commission agent from the buyer;
  • Dt 76 Kt 90 - revenue received by the commission agent;
  • Dt 90 Kt 45 - sold goods are written off;
  • Dt 90 Kt 68 - VAT is charged on the amount of revenue;
  • Dt 68 Kt 76 - VAT on advance to be deducted;
  • Dt 44 Kt 76 - the intermediary's commission is included in sales expenses;
  • Dt 19 Kt 76 - VAT is allocated from the commission amount;
  • Dt 68 Kt 19 - VAT on commission to be deducted;
  • Dt 51 Kt 76 - money received from the commission agent.

NOTE! Revenue under such contracts is recognized in full, that is, it is not reduced by commission and additional fees. intermediary income.

For information on how to correctly account for VAT and prepare documents during intermediary transactions, read the article .

When concluding agency agreements, accounting is also carried out using account 76. You can read more in the article .

Leasing agreements

The procedure for accounting for transactions under leasing agreements depends on where the subject of the financial lease is listed: on the balance sheet of the recipient company or the lessor.

If the object is on the balance sheet of the lessor, the lessee organization shows such property as leased on off-balance sheet accounts. Records are generated:

  • Dt 76 Kt 51 - advance payment paid;
  • Dt 001 - the object is accepted for accounting;
  • Dt 20 (26, 44) Kt 76 - lease payment due;
  • Dt 19 Kt 76 - VAT on payment;
  • Dt 68 Kt 19 - VAT deductible;
  • Kt 001 - the subject of a financial lease is written off at the end of the contract.

Read more about the accounting entries of the lessor and lessee in the material .

If, in accordance with the agreement, the property is placed on the balance sheet of the lessee, the organization accounts for the subject of the financial lease as fixed assets. In this case, the initial cost will be the sum of all transfers reflected in the contract, including advance payments, regular current payments, as well as the redemption fee, if provided.


Thus, account 76 is necessary to account for transactions that are not of a regular nature in the organization. It is suitable for accounting claims, insurance and dividend settlements, intermediary agreements, deposited salaries, financial lease agreements.

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