“Messiah's Pocket Guide” () - download the book for free without registration. Bach Richard. Messiah's Pocket Guide Diary of the Messiah

Richard Bach, "The Messiah's Pocket Guide" book online + fortune telling

"Life doesn't tell you anything, it shows you everything"
Richard Bach, The Messiah's Pocket Guide

The book lost in Illusions.

So, there is a book in front of you. And this book is not ordinary... This is Richard Bach's Pocket Guide to the Messiah, or rather, its online version.

Mentally ask a question that concerns you. Now close your eyes, open the book at random, open your eyes and read the answer... This can work flawlessly: fear will drown in a smile, doubts will scatter away from an unexpected bright insight. But... ...Everything in this book could be wrong. Of course it can. But it may not turn out to be. Error or not error - it is not the book that decides. Only you can say what is not a mistake for you. The responsibility is yours.

On-line fortune telling process:Mentally ask a question that concerns you and click on the book

The last time I saw the Messiah Pocket Guide was the day I threw it away. I used it the way Donald taught me in Illusions: ask a question in your head, close your eyes, open the book at random, choose the right or left page, open your eyes, read the answer. . .

For a long time this worked flawlessly: fear was drowned in a smile, doubts scattered away from an unexpected bright insight. I was always touched and entertained by everything these pages conveyed. And on that dark day, I once again trustingly opened the Directory.

Richard Bach

Messiah Pocket Guide

The Book Lost in Illusions

(Reminder for the advanced soul)


The last time I saw the Messiah Pocket Guide was the day I threw it away.

I used it the way Donald taught me in Illusions: ask a question in your head, close your eyes, open the book at random, choose the right or left page, open your eyes, read the answer.

For a long time this worked flawlessly: fear was drowned in a smile, doubts scattered away from an unexpected bright insight. I was always touched and entertained by everything these pages conveyed.

And on that dark day, I once again trustingly opened the Directory. “Why did my friend Donald Shimoda, who really had something to say and whose lessons we needed so much, why, why did he have to die such a senseless death?”

I open my eyes and read the answer:

Everything in this book could be wrong.

I remember it as a flash of darkness - a sudden rage that overtook me. I turn to the Directory for help - and this is the answer?!

I launched the little book over the nameless field with such force that its pages began to rustle in fear, shuddering and turning over. She glided softly into the tall grass - I didn’t even look in that direction.

Soon I flew away and never again visited that field, lost somewhere in Iowa. The Heartless Directory, the source of unnecessary pain, is gone.

Twenty years have passed, and now a parcel comes to me by mail - through the publisher - with a book and an enclosed letter:

Dear Richard Bach, I found it while plowing my father's soybean field. On the fourth part of the field, we usually only have grass growing for hay, and my father told me how you once planted there with a guy who the locals later killed, deciding that he was a sorcerer. Subsequently, this place was plowed up, and the book was covered with earth. Although the field had been plowed and harrowed many times, no one had somehow noticed her. Despite everything, she was almost unharmed. And I thought that this is your property and, if you are still alive, it should belong to you.

There is no return address. The pages bore the imprints of my fingers, stained with the engine oil of the old Fleet, and when I fanned the book open, a handful of dust and a few dried blades of grass spilled out.

No anger. I sat over the book for a long time, surrendering to my memories.

Everything in this book could be wrong. Of course it can. But it may not turn out to be. Error or not error – it is not the book that decides. Only I can say that for me it is not a mistake. The responsibility is mine.

With a strange feeling I slowly turned over the pages. Is it possible that the same book that I once threw into the grass a long time ago has returned to me? Did it lie motionless all this time, covered with earth, OR did it change and finally become something that the future reader needs to see?

And so, closing my eyes, I once again took the book in my hands and asked:

- Dear strange mysterious volume, why did you come back to me?

I flipped through the pages for a while and then opened my eyes and read:

All people, all events in your life arise because you called them there.

What you do with them is up to you.

I smiled and decided. This time, instead of throwing the book in the trash, I decided to keep it. And I also decided not to put it in a bag and hide it away, but to give the reader the opportunity to open and leaf through it all at any convenient time. And listen to the whisper of her wisdom.

Some of the ideas found in this reference book I have expressed in other books. You will find here the words you read in Illusions, The only one, Seagull Jonathan Livingston, Beyond the Mind and in Ferret Chronicles. The life of a writer, like a reader, is made up of fiction and facts, of what almost happened, was half remembered, once dreamed... The smallest grain of our existence is a story that can be verified by someone else.

Yet fiction and reality are true friends; the only means of conveying some truths is the language of a fairy tale.

For example, Donald Shimoda, my stubborn Messiah, is a very real person. Although, as far as I know, he never had a mortal body or a voice that anyone but me could hear. And Stormy the Ferret is also real and flies her miniature vehicle in the worst storm because she believes in her mission. And Harley the Ferret, in the darkness of the night, rushes into the depths of the sea because he is saving his friend. All these heroes are real - and they give life to me.

Enough explanation. But before you take this guide home, check it out now to make sure it works.

Ask a question in your mind, please. Now close your eyes, open the book at random and choose the left or right page...

Richard Bach

The clouds are not afraid

fall into the sea

(a) cannot fall and (b) cannot drown.

However, no one

doesn't bother them

believe that with them

this can happen.

And they may be afraid

as much as they want, if they want.

The happiest,

the luckiest people

thought about suicide.

And they rejected him.

any past

how do you choose

to heal and transform

own present.

Yours the most

harsh reality -

it's just a dream

and yours are the most

fantastic dreams -


Every thing

is exactly what

that she exists

for some reason.

Baby on your table -

this is not a mystical reminder

about morning cookies;

she lies there because

what is your choice -

don't clean it up.

There are no exceptions.

Don't think that the one

who fell on you

from another dimension,

at least in something

wiser than you.

Or will he do something better?

than you could yourself.

Is man incorporeal or mortal,

One thing is important in people:

what they know.

Everyone comes here

with tool box

and a set

project documentation

to build

Your own future.

That's just

not everyone remembers

where did he put it all?

Life doesn't tell you anything, it shows you everything.

You learned something like this

that someone somewhere

needs to be remembered.

How will you communicate your knowledge to them?

Accept your fears

let them do their thing

the worst -

and cut them off when they

will try to take advantage of this.

If you don't do this -

they will start cloning themselves,

like mushrooms

will surround you on all sides

and will close the road to that life,

which one you want to choose.

Every turn you fear -

only emptiness

which is pretending

invincible underworld.

Again and again you

you will meet

new theology,

and check it every time:

- If I want to,

for this belief to come into my life?

If God

looked at you

straight into your eyes

and said:

- I command that you

I was happy in this world

as long as he lives.

What would you do?

This is called “taking it on faith”;

when you agree to the rules

before you think about them,

or when you take action

because they are expected of you.

If you're careless

this will happen thousands and thousands of times

throughout your entire life.

What if everything

these inner levels of yours -

are actually your friends

those who know immeasurably more,

what do you know?

What if your teachers

are here right now?

And why talk incessantly,

wouldn't you rather

– for variety –


Life doesn't require you to be

consistent, cruel, patient,

attentive, angry, rational,

thoughtless, loving, impetuous,

receptive, nervous, caring,

callous, tolerant, wasteful,

rich, depressed, polite,

jaded, tactful, cheerful, stupid,

healthy, greedy, beautiful, lazy,

sympathetic, stupid, generous,

driven, sensual, voluptuous,

diligent, manipulative,

controlled, insightful, capricious,

wise, selfish, kind

or sacrificial.

However, Life requires that you realize

the consequences of each of your choices.

Anger is always fear

and fear is always fear

Remember that this world is

not reality.

This is a playground

for the game of appearances.

End of free trial.

Copyright holders! The presented fragment of the book is posted in agreement with the distributor of legal content, LitRes LLC (no more than 20% of the original text). If you believe that the posting of material violates your or someone else's rights, please let us know.

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Richard Bach

Messiah Pocket Guide

The Book Lost in Illusions

(Reminder for the advanced soul)


The last time I saw the Messiah Pocket Guide was the day I threw it away.

I used it the way Donald taught me in Illusions: ask a question in your head, close your eyes, open the book at random, choose the right or left page, open your eyes, read the answer.

For a long time this worked flawlessly: fear was drowned in a smile, doubts scattered away from an unexpected bright insight. I was always touched and entertained by everything these pages conveyed.

And on that dark day, I once again trustingly opened the Directory. “Why did my friend Donald Shimoda, who really had something to say and whose lessons we needed so much, why, why did he have to die such a senseless death?”

I open my eyes and read the answer:

Everything in this book could be wrong.

I remember it as a flash of darkness - a sudden rage that overtook me. I turn to the Directory for help - and this is the answer?!

I launched the little book over the nameless field with such force that its pages began to rustle in fear, shuddering and turning over. She glided softly into the tall grass - I didn’t even look in that direction.

Soon I flew away and never again visited that field, lost somewhere in Iowa. The Heartless Directory, the source of unnecessary pain, is gone.

Twenty years have passed, and now a parcel comes to me by mail - through the publisher - with a book and an enclosed letter:

Dear Richard Bach, I found it while plowing my father's soybean field. On the fourth part of the field, we usually only have grass growing for hay, and my father told me how you once planted there with a guy who the locals later killed, deciding that he was a sorcerer. Subsequently, this place was plowed up, and the book was covered with earth. Although the field had been plowed and harrowed many times, no one had somehow noticed her. Despite everything, she was almost unharmed. And I thought that this is your property and, if you are still alive, it should belong to you.

There is no return address. The pages bore the imprints of my fingers, stained with the engine oil of the old Fleet, and when I fanned the book open, a handful of dust and a few dried blades of grass spilled out.

No anger. I sat over the book for a long time, surrendering to my memories.

Everything in this book could be wrong. Of course it can. But it may not turn out to be. Error or not error – it is not the book that decides. Only I can say that for me it is not a mistake. The responsibility is mine.

With a strange feeling I slowly turned over the pages. Is it possible that the same book that I once threw into the grass a long time ago has returned to me? Did it lie motionless all this time, covered with earth, OR did it change and finally become something that the future reader needs to see?

And so, closing my eyes, I once again took the book in my hands and asked:

- Dear strange mysterious volume, why did you come back to me?

I flipped through the pages for a while and then opened my eyes and read:

All people, all events in your life arise because you called them there.

What you do with them is up to you.

I smiled and decided. This time, instead of throwing the book in the trash, I decided to keep it. And I also decided not to put it in a bag and hide it away, but to give the reader the opportunity to open and leaf through it all at any convenient time. And listen to the whisper of her wisdom.

Some of the ideas found in this reference book I have expressed in other books. You will find here the words you read in Illusions, The only one, Seagull Jonathan Livingston, Beyond the Mind and in Ferret Chronicles. The life of a writer, like a reader, is made up of fiction and facts, of what almost happened, was half remembered, once dreamed... The smallest grain of our existence is a story that can be verified by someone else.

Yet fiction and reality are true friends; the only means of conveying some truths is the language of a fairy tale.

For example, Donald Shimoda, my stubborn Messiah, is a very real person. Although, as far as I know, he never had a mortal body or a voice that anyone but me could hear. And Stormy the Ferret is also real and flies her miniature vehicle in the worst storm because she believes in her mission. And Harley the Ferret, in the darkness of the night, rushes into the depths of the sea because he is saving his friend. All these heroes are real - and they give life to me.

Enough explanation. But before you take this guide home, check it out now to make sure it works.

Ask a question in your mind, please. Now close your eyes, open the book at random and choose the left or right page...

Richard Bach

The clouds are not afraid

fall into the sea

(a) cannot fall and (b) cannot drown.

However, no one

doesn't bother them

believe that with them

this can happen.

And they may be afraid

as much as they want, if they want.

The happiest,

the luckiest people

thought about suicide.

And they rejected him.

any past

how do you choose

to heal and transform

own present.

Yours the most

harsh reality -

it's just a dream

and yours are the most

fantastic dreams -


Every thing

is exactly what

that she exists

for some reason.

Baby on your table -

this is not a mystical reminder

about morning cookies;

she lies there because

what is your choice -

don't clean it up.

There are no exceptions.

Don't think that the one

who fell on you

from another dimension,

at least in something

wiser than you.

Or will he do something better?

than you could yourself.

Is man incorporeal or mortal,

One thing is important in people:

what they know.

Everyone comes here

with tool box

and a set

project documentation

to build

Your own future.

That's just

not everyone remembers

where did he put it all?

Life doesn't tell you anything, it shows you everything.

You learned something like this

that someone somewhere

needs to be remembered.

How will you communicate your knowledge to them?

Accept your fears

let them do their thing

the worst -

and cut them off when they

will try to take advantage of this.

If you don't do this -

they will start cloning themselves,

like mushrooms

will surround you on all sides

and will close the road to that life,

which one you want to choose.

Every turn you fear -

only emptiness

which is pretending

invincible underworld.

Again and again you

you will meet

new theology,

and check it every time:

- If I want to,

for this belief to come into my life?

If God

looked at you

straight into your eyes

and said:

- I command that you

I was happy in this world

as long as he lives.

What would you do?

This is called “taking it on faith”;

when you agree to the rules

before you think about them,

or when you take action

because they are expected of you.

If you're careless

this will happen thousands and thousands of times

throughout your entire life.


The last time I saw the Messiah Pocket Guide was the day I threw it away.
I used it the way Donald taught me in Illusions: ask a question in your head, close your eyes, open the book at random, choose the right or left page, open your eyes, read the answer.

For a long time this worked flawlessly: fear was drowned in a smile, doubts scattered away from an unexpected bright insight. I was always touched and entertained by everything these pages conveyed.
And on that dark day, I once again trustingly opened the Directory. “Why did my friend Donald Shimoda, who really had something to say and whose lessons we needed so much, why, why did he have to die such a senseless death?”
I open my eyes and read the answer:
Everything in this book could be wrong.
I remember it as a flash of darkness - a sudden rage that overtook me. I turn to the Directory for help - and this is the answer?!

I launched the little book over the nameless field with such force that its pages began to rustle in fear, shuddering and turning over. She glided softly into the tall grass - I didn’t even look in that direction.
Soon I flew away and never again visited that field, lost somewhere in Iowa. The Heartless Directory, the source of unnecessary pain, is gone.
Twenty years have passed, and now a parcel comes to me by mail - through the publisher - with a book and an enclosed letter:
Dear Richard Bach, I found it while plowing my father's soybean field. On the fourth part of the field, we usually only have grass growing for hay, and my father told me how you once planted there with a guy who the locals later killed, deciding that he was a sorcerer. Subsequently, this place was plowed up, and the book was covered with earth. Although the field had been plowed and harrowed many times, no one had somehow noticed her. Despite everything, she was almost unharmed. And I thought that this is your property and, if you are still alive, it should belong to you.

There is no return address. The pages bore the imprints of my fingers, stained with the engine oil of the old Fleet, and when I fanned the book open, a handful of dust and a few dried blades of grass spilled out.

No anger. I sat over the book for a long time, surrendering to my memories.
Everything in this book could be wrong. Of course it can. But it may not turn out to be. Error or not error – it is not the book that decides. Only I can say that for me it is not a mistake. The responsibility is mine.

With a strange feeling I slowly turned over the pages. Is it possible that the same book that I once threw into the grass a long time ago has returned to me? Did it lie motionless all this time, covered with earth, OR did it change and finally become something that the future reader needs to see?
And so, closing my eyes, I once again took the book in my hands and asked:
- Dear strange mysterious volume, why did you come back to me?
I flipped through the pages for a while and then opened my eyes and read:

All people, all events in your life arise because you called them there.
What you do with them is up to you.

I smiled and decided. This time, instead of throwing the book in the trash, I decided to keep it. And I also decided not to put it in a bag and hide it away, but to give the reader the opportunity to open and leaf through it all at any convenient time. And listen to the whisper of her wisdom.
Some of the ideas found in this reference book I have expressed in other books. You will find here the words you read in Illusions, The only one, Seagull Jonathan Livingston, Beyond the Mind and in Ferret Chronicles. The life of a writer, like a reader, is made up of fiction and facts, of what almost happened, was half remembered, once dreamed... The smallest grain of our existence is a story that can be verified by someone else.
Yet fiction and reality are true friends; the only means of conveying some truths is the language of a fairy tale.
For example, Donald Shimoda, my stubborn Messiah, is a very real person. Although, as far as I know, he never had a mortal body or a voice that anyone but me could hear. And Stormy the Ferret is also real and flies her miniature vehicle in the worst storm because she believes in her mission. And Harley the Ferret, in the darkness of the night, rushes into the depths of the sea because he is saving his friend. All these heroes are real - and they give life to me.
Enough explanation. But before you take this guide home, check it out now to make sure it works.
Ask a question in your mind, please. Now close your eyes, open the book at random and choose the left or right page...

Richard Bach

The clouds are not afraid
fall into the sea
because they
(a) cannot fall and (b) cannot drown.

However, no one
doesn't bother them
believe that with them
this can happen.
And they may be afraid
as much as they want, if they want.

The happiest,
the luckiest people
one day
thought about suicide.
And they rejected him.

Yours the most
harsh reality -
it's just a dream
and yours are the most
fantastic dreams -

Every thing
is exactly what
that she exists
for some reason.
Baby on your table -
this is not a mystical reminder
about morning cookies;
she lies there because
what is your choice -
don't clean it up.
There are no exceptions.

Don't think that the one
who fell on you
from another dimension,
at least in something
wiser than you.
Or will he do something better?
than you could yourself.

Is man incorporeal or mortal,
One thing is important in people:
what they know.

Everyone comes here
with tool box
and a set
project documentation
to build
Your own future.

That's just
not everyone remembers
where did he put it all?

Life doesn't tell you anything, it shows you everything.

You learned something like this
that someone somewhere
needs to be remembered.

How will you communicate your knowledge to them?

Accept your fears
let them do their thing
the worst -
and cut them off when they
will try to take advantage of this.
If you don't do this -
they will start cloning themselves,
like mushrooms
will surround you on all sides
and will close the road to that life,
which one you want to choose.

Every turn you fear -
only emptiness
which is pretending
invincible underworld.

Again and again you
you will meet
new theology,
and check it every time:

- If I want to,
for this belief to come into my life?

If God
looked at you
straight into your eyes
and said:
- I command that you
I was happy in this world
as long as he lives.

What would you do?

This is called “taking it on faith”;
when you agree to the rules
before you think about them,
or when you take action
because they are expected of you.

If you're careless
this will happen thousands and thousands of times
throughout your entire life.

What if everything
these inner levels of yours -
are actually your friends
those who know immeasurably more,
what do you know?

What if your teachers
are here right now?
And why talk incessantly,
wouldn't you rather
– for variety –

Life doesn't require you to be
consistent, cruel, patient,
attentive, angry, rational,
thoughtless, loving, impetuous,
receptive, nervous, caring,
callous, tolerant, wasteful,

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