1c enterprise 8 accounting of an agricultural enterprise

General characteristics of the program "1C Accounting for Agricultural Enterprises". Management accounting in agriculture. Features and capabilities of the "Agricultural Enterprise Accounting" program, an overview of its shortcomings. Filling out the balance sheet.

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Accounting for an agricultural enterprise on the 1C 8 platform (BSHP 1C)


1C: Enterprise is a system of programs for automating various areas of economic activity. A specific software product included in the 1C: Enterprise software system includes those functions and capabilities that meet the purpose of this product.

All components of the 1C: Enterprise program system can be divided into Technology Platform and Configurations. The technological platform is a set of various mechanisms used to automate economic activities and do not depend on specific legislation and accounting methodology. Configurations are actually application solutions. Each configuration is focused on automating a certain area of ​​economic activity and, of course, complies with the adopted legislation.

The program "1C Accounting for Agricultural Enterprise" (BSHP 8) is written on the basis of the standard program of the company "1C" "Accounting for Enterprise 8" by adding some subsystems and modifying the existing configuration. One of the principles of writing the product was maximum ease of operation for the user, provided that the necessary functionality worked.

Section 1. General characteristics of the program "1C Accounting for Agricultural Enterprises"

Program "1C: Accounting"

The software product can be effectively used in various types of enterprises: both direct producers of agricultural products, crop production and livestock, and in enterprises engaged not only in the production, but also in the processing of agricultural products.

The configuration is designed to automate accounting and tax accounting, including the preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting in the organization. Accounting and tax records are maintained in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

"1C:Enterprise 8. Accounting for an agricultural enterprise" supports the solution of all tasks of the accounting service of an enterprise, if the accounting service is fully responsible for accounting at the enterprise, including, for example, issuing primary documents, accounting for sales, etc.

The configuration includes a chart of accounts in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation "On approval of the chart of accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations and instructions for its application" dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n (as amended by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2003 No. 38n) and in accordance with methodological recommendations approved by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2003 No. 792.

The composition of the accounts, the organization of analytical, currency, and quantitative accounting on the accounts comply with the legal requirements for maintaining accounting records and reflecting data in reporting. If necessary, users can independently create additional subaccounts and analytical accounting sections.

This multifunctional configuration is aimed primarily at accountants and financial employees responsible for the preparation of regulated and specialized accounting and tax reporting, and in industry terms - at agronomists and livestock specialists.

Accounting and tax accounting for any taxation system is carried out in the program in full: banking and cash transactions, fixed asset accounting, simplified personnel records and payroll, trade and production operations and, of course, reporting.

The following tasks are solved:

· accounting of animals and birds (by heads and weight)

· reflection of offspring and changes in animal weight

· accounting of waybills and costs of servicing agricultural machinery

· reporting in terms of weight, number of heads and cost of raw materials and products

· accounting and reporting on income and expenses of the unified agricultural tax

This software product is intended both for direct producers of agricultural products and for enterprises involved in processing raw materials.

Section 2. Accounting in agriculture. Management accounting in agriculture

Management accounting is a system for collecting and providing important information for making decisions on the activities of an organization. The management accounting system answers the question of what state the enterprise is in and how it is necessary to distribute available resources in order to increase operational efficiency.

The main goal of management accounting is to provide executives and managers of an agricultural enterprise with the necessary information for decision-making and effective management of the company. The main tasks of management accounting, solved within the framework of the set goal:

· planning activities through budgeting;

· determination of costs and control through operational accounting;

· analysis and decision-making through working with management reports.

Management accounting in agriculture is a system of maximally linking the level of costs with the quantity and quality of products produced. The economic efficiency of agricultural production is predetermined, on the one hand, by the relationship between the results achieved and the costs incurred, which reflects the degree of perfection of production resources and the efficiency of their use, on the other hand, by the controllability of the processes occurring in enterprises.

In agriculture, the management system must be structured so that its main motivating factor is cost. Such a cost management system should provide accurate and timely cost information at any level of detail required for management, identify and expand highly profitable activities and, on this basis, increase the efficiency of agricultural production

Section 3. Features and capabilities of the Agricultural Enterprise Accounting program

1. Cost accounting in agriculture. It is possible to track costs down to the field and crop and see this in the balance sheet.

2. It is envisaged to carry out technological operations that allow you to enter the parameters of the work being performed: production standards and prices, fuel consumption standards, production parameters of fixed assets (travelling, TCM, machine days, etc., etc.).

3. It is possible to maintain waybills for tractors and cars in agriculture. Accordingly, it is possible to analyze what types of work were performed, on what field, by what equipment and by what employees. How much fuel was spent and how much is needed to pay out the transaction. It is also possible to analyze the deviation of actual fuel consumption from the standard one.

4. There are special documents for applying seeds and fertilizer. This feature allows, together with waybills, to determine direct costs for a specific field and crop.

5. It is possible to keep track of the occurrence of costs as a service by ton-kilometers (TCM) and conventional standard hectares (CHA).

6. It is possible to keep records in livestock farming both individually and in groups. For example, the mechanism for gender and age groups is well developed.

7. For livestock farming, the agricultural program implements a whole range of documents that allow you to perform the following operations: operations of external receipt, capitalization, offspring, weight gain, movement between farms, movement by sex and age groups, transfer to fixed assets, transfer to fattening, slaughter accounting , mortality, sales taking into account weight, sales of milk taking into account the percentage of fat and protein.

8. It is possible to keep track of costs for each fixed asset (FP) separately. Accordingly, you can see, for example, what repair costs (materials, wages, etc.) were incurred in the current year.

9. Rent accounting is provided. A mechanism has been implemented for charging fees, analyzing debt and paying, both in total terms and in kind.

10. Various reporting forms for agriculture have been created, such as form OP-51 (Report on the movements of livestock and poultry on the farm), a report on feed (movement of feed, both in current quantities and in conventional feed units), regulated reports are also supported according to agrarian and industrial complex.

Section 4. Disadvantages of the 1C Accounting for Agricultural Enterprise program

1. There is no planning subsystem. It is impossible to plan the work of crop production for the year, the work of livestock farming, the work of the vehicle fleet, auxiliary and other industries, the costs of taxes and wages. Accordingly, there is no possibility of comparing plan - actual analysis of work.

2. There is no possibility of monthly closing of cost accounts on an accrual basis, with adjustment of costs of the previous period, which is relevant at the time of simultaneous accounting of crop and livestock production and monthly closing of cost accounts in livestock farming.

3. There is no way to monitor the condition of cattle (cattle) - disease, insemination, launching, calving, and some other zootechnical activities.

4. There is no possibility of running your own production (for example, a sausage shop). There is only a very simplified accounting of production (without taking into account embedded semi-finished products).

5. There is no possibility of complex configuration of cost distribution.

6. There is no possibility of working with the “Payment calendar” (for example, there is no such object as “Request for spending funds”)


The program “1C: Accounting for an Agricultural Enterprise” is designed to automate accounting tasks at agricultural enterprises, including the preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting, and is aimed primarily at employees of accounting and financial services.

The software product can be effectively used in various types of enterprises: both direct producers of agricultural products, crop and livestock production, and enterprises engaged not only in the production, but also in the processing of agricultural products


1. Astakhov, V.P. Accounting from A to Z: Textbook / Astakhov V.P. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2013.-479 p.

2. Gridasov A.Yu. Accounting in the 1C program: Accounting 8.0: Laboratory workshop / Gridasov A.Yu., Churin A.G., Churina L.I. - M.: KNORUS, 2013. - 216 p.

3. Lysenko D.V. Management Accounting: Textbook /. - M.: NIC INFRA-M, 2014. - 477 p.


Fragments of the program from the demonstration database of an agricultural enterprise

Figure 1. Truck waybill

Figure 2. Report on the movement of livestock and poultry, form SP-51

Figure 3. Fragment of the balance sheet for the 20th account in crop production by field

accounting program

Figure 4. Fragment of the balance sheet for the 23rd account (MTP) for fixed assets

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1C: Accounting for an agricultural enterprise


The solution is designed to automate accounting tasks at agricultural enterprises, including the preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting, and is aimed primarily at accounting and financial services employees. The software product can be effectively used in various types of enterprises: both direct producers of agricultural products, crop production and livestock, and in enterprises engaged not only in the production, but also in the processing of agricultural products.

The product "1C:Enterprise 8. Accounting for an agricultural enterprise" was developed on the basis of "1C:Accounting 8" edition 2.0 on the technological platform "1C:Enterprise 8.2" and contains functions determined by the peculiarities of conducting production activities at agricultural enterprises in Russia while maintaining the functionality of the standard solution.

The configuration is designed to automate accounting and tax accounting, including the preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting in the organization. Accounting and tax records are maintained in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

"1C:Enterprise 8. Accounting for an agricultural enterprise" supports the solution of all tasks of the accounting service of an enterprise, if the accounting service is fully responsible for accounting at the enterprise, including, for example, issuing primary documents, accounting for sales, etc.

The configuration includes a chart of accounts in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation "On approval of the chart of accounts for accounting of financial and economic activities of organizations and instructions for its application" dated October 31, 2000 No. 94n (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 05/07/2003
No. 38n) and in accordance with methodological recommendations approved by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2003 No. 792.

The composition of the accounts, the organization of analytical, currency, and quantitative accounting on the accounts comply with the legal requirements for maintaining accounting records and reflecting data in reporting. If necessary, users can independently create additional subaccounts and analytical accounting sections.

The configuration allows:

  • Maintaining records of materials and goods in accordance with the characteristics of agricultural organizations.
  • Keeping records of animals and poultry in double quantitative measurement (heads and weight) during growing and fattening.
  • Generating reports on the movement of animals in terms of weight, amount, number of heads, reports on the sale of animals in standard accounting reports.
  • Keeping records of costs for the maintenance and operation of agricultural machinery and equipment in any of four options in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2003 No. 792.
  • Maintaining records of waybills for cars, tractors, trucks with automatic calculation of wages and fuel consumption according to the norm and fuel movement for each unit of equipment.
  • Automatic registration of production of fixed assets.
  • Cost accounting in crop production with detail down to the field.
  • Keeping records of completed technological operations in the fields.
  • Keeping records of repair and maintenance costs for each fixed asset.
  • Reflection in accounting of sales of products on account of salaries to employees.
  • Conducting calculations for the lease of land shares.
  • Keeping records of expenses and income according to the Unified Agricultural Tax.
  • Generating reports on income and expenses for the purposes of the Unified Agricultural Tax.

Work with the following primary documents is provided:

  • "Act of consumption of seeds and planting material"
  • "Fertilizer Use Act"
  • "Release of products from the field"
  • "Sorting and drying of crop products"
  • "Slaughter, death of animals"
  • "Costration of animals"
  • "Animal Offspring"
  • "Animal Gain"
  • "Animal Translation"
  • "Moving Animals"
  • "Transfer of young animals to the main herd"
  • "Transfer from the main herd to fattening"
  • "Receipt of animals and livestock"
  • "Record sheet for tractor driver"
  • "Tractor waybill"
  • "Waybill"
  • "Moving fuel to tanks"
  • "Account sheet for labor and completed work"
  • "Piecework outfit"
  • "Animal sales"
  • "Sales of agricultural products"
  • "Sale of goods on account of wages"
  • "Sale of goods on account of wages to a list of employees"
  • "Calculation of rent"
  • "Payment of rent"

Specialized reporting

The solution "1C:Enterprise 8. Accounting for an agricultural enterprise" includes forms of quarterly reporting of the agro-industrial complex:

  • Balance sheet (form No. 1),
  • Profit and loss statement (form No. 2),
  • Capital flow statement (form No. 3),
  • Cash flow statement (form No. 4),
  • Appendix to the balance sheet (form No. 5),
  • Form No. 6-APK. Report on industry performance indicators of organizations in the agro-industrial complex.

The solution supports annual reporting forms:

  • Form No. 8-APK. Report on costs of main production,
  • Form No. 9-APK. Production and cost of crop production,
  • Form No. 10-APK-village. Targeted financing funds,
  • Form No. 10-APK-region. Targeted financing funds,
  • Form No. 10-APK-farmer. Targeted financing funds,
  • Form No. 10-APK-industry. Targeted financing funds,
  • Form No. 10-APK-servicing. Targeted financing funds,
  • Form No. 13-APK. Production and cost of livestock products,
  • Form No. 15-APK. Presence of animals,
  • Form No. 16-APK. Product balance,
  • Form No. 17-APK. Movement of main agricultural machinery and equipment,
  • Information on the provision of services (form No. 1-APK_spr),
  • Information on performance results (form No. 1-APK_sprK).

Accounting "from document" and standard operations

The main way to reflect business transactions in accounting is to enter program documents that correspond to the primary accounting documents. In addition, direct entry of individual transactions is allowed. For group entry of transactions, you can use standard operations - a simple automation tool that can be easily and quickly configured by the user.

Tools for quick learning

The Organization Information Entry Assistant is designed to fill in initial information about the organization.

The Startup Assistant is designed to enter the basic information necessary to get started with the program.

Based on the correspondence of accounts or the content of a business transaction, the “Correspondence Directory” will tell the accountant how to reflect this or that operation in the program.

The electronic manual "Quick Mastery of 1C: Accounting 8", intended for novice users of the program, will help you quickly master the basic techniques of working with the program.

The feature bar helps novice users learn the program faster and helps advanced users complete daily tasks more efficiently. The main sections of accounting (Bank, Cash, Production, Salary) are presented in the form of work diagrams and display the sequence of operations.

The Crisis Management Center was created specifically for the manager to receive operational information about the financial condition and financial performance of the organization.

The accountant's monitor allows you to quickly and in a convenient form receive data on balances on current accounts and in the cash register, on the amounts of receivables and payables, on the deadlines for submitting reports, as well as on the deadlines for paying taxes.

The accountant's calendar notifies you in advance of the onset of tax payment and reporting deadlines required by law.

The supplied kit includes a demonstration base. It has already introduced documents describing the economic activities of various organizations. For more convenient navigation through the documents of the demo database, a Guide to the demo database is provided.

Keeping records of the activities of several organizations

Allows you to maintain accounting and tax records of the economic activities of several organizations. Accounting for each organization can be maintained in a separate information base. At the same time, the configuration provides the opportunity to use a common information base for maintaining records of several institutions - legal entities. This is convenient if their economic activities are closely related to each other: you can use common lists of goods, contractors (business partners), employees, warehouses (storage places), etc., and generate mandatory reporting separately.

Support for different tax systems

The program for commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs supports the following taxation systems:

  • general taxation system (income tax for organizations in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation),
  • simplified taxation system (Chapter 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation),
  • taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities (Chapter 26.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Accounting for inventories

Accounting for goods, materials and finished products is carried out in accordance with PBU 5/01 “Accounting for inventories” and guidelines for its application. The following methods for valuing inventories upon disposal are supported:

  • at average cost,
  • at the cost of the first acquisition of inventories (FIFO method).

To support FIFO valuation methods, batch accounting is maintained in inventory accounts. Different assessment methods can be applied independently for each organization. In the accounting and tax accounting of an organization, the methods for assessing inventories are the same.

Inventory control

Quantitative or quantitative-total accounting can be maintained for warehouses. In the first case, the valuation of goods and materials for accounting and tax purposes does not depend on the warehouse from which they were received. Warehouse accounting can be disabled if it is not needed.

In the information base, you can reflect inventory results that are automatically verified with accounting data. Based on the inventory, the identification of surpluses and write-off of shortages is reflected.

Accounting for trade transactions

Accounting for transactions of receipt and sale of goods and services has been automated. When selling goods, invoices are issued, invoices and invoices are issued. All wholesale trade transactions are accounted for in terms of contracts with buyers and suppliers. For imported goods, data on the country of origin and the cargo customs declaration number are taken into account.

For retail trade, both operational reflection of retail sales and reflection of sales based on inventory results are supported. Retail goods can be accounted for at purchase or sales prices. For retail sales, payments with bank loans and the use of payment cards are supported.

Automated reflection of returns of goods from the buyer and supplier

The use of several types of prices is supported, for example: wholesale, small wholesale, retail, purchase, etc. This simplifies the reflection of receipt and sales transactions.

Accounting for commission trade

Accounting for commission trade has been automated, both in relation to goods taken on commission (from the consignor) and transferred for further sale (to the commission agent). Reflection of transactions on transfer of goods to subcommission is supported. When generating a report to the principal or registering a commission agent’s report, you can immediately make a calculation and reflect the deduction of the commission.

Accounting for agency agreements

Automated accounting of agency services on the part of the agent (provision of services on his own behalf, but at the expense of the principal) and on the part of the principal (provision of services through the agent).

Accounting for container transactions

Operations for accounting for returnable reusable packaging have been automated. The specifics of taxation of such transactions and settlements with suppliers and customers are taken into account.

Accounting for banking and cash transactions

Accounting for the movement of cash and non-cash funds and foreign exchange transactions has been implemented. It supports entering and printing payment orders, incoming and outgoing cash orders. Implemented accounting of monetary documents.

Based on cash documents, a cash book of the established form is formed.

Transactions for settlements with suppliers, buyers and accountable persons are automated (including transferring funds to employee bank cards or corporate bank cards), depositing cash into a current account and receiving cash by cash check, purchasing and selling foreign currency. When recording transactions, payment amounts are automatically divided into advance and payment.

Payment orders for the payment of taxes (contributions) can be generated automatically.

A mechanism for exchanging information with programs such as "Bank Client" has been implemented.

Accounting for settlements with counterparties

Settlements with counterparties in the configuration are always carried out accurate to the settlement document. When preparing receipt and sales documents, you can use both general prices for all counterparties and individual prices for a specific contract.

The method of repaying the debt under the contract can be indicated directly in the payment documents. The method of crediting advances is indicated in the receipt and sale documents.

Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets

Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets is carried out in accordance with PBU 6/01 “Accounting for fixed assets” and PBU 14/2007 “Accounting for intangible assets”. Basic accounting operations have been automated: receipt, acceptance for accounting, depreciation (depreciation), modernization, transfer, write-off, inventory. It is possible to distribute the amounts of accrued depreciation for a month in tax accounting between several accounts or objects of analytical accounting.

Accounting for main and auxiliary production

Automated calculation of the cost of products and services produced by the main and auxiliary production, accounting for the processing of customer-supplied raw materials, accounting for workwear, special equipment, inventory and household supplies. During the month, accounting of released finished products is carried out at planned cost. At the end of the month, the actual cost of manufactured products and services provided is calculated.

Accounting for semi-finished products

For complex technological processes involving intermediate stages with the release of semi-finished products, warehouse accounting of semi-finished products and automatic calculation of their cost are supported.

Accounting for indirect costs

Accounting is maintained for various expenses not directly related to the production of products, provision of work, services - indirect expenses. At the end of the month, indirect expenses are automatically written off.

To account for general business expenses, the use of the “direct costing” method is supported. This method provides that general business expenses are written off in the month they are incurred and are fully charged to the expenses of the current period. If the organization does not use the direct costing method, then general business expenses are distributed between the cost of manufactured products and work in progress.

When writing off indirect costs, it is possible to use various methods of distribution among product groups (services). For indirect costs, the following distribution bases are possible:

  • output volume,
  • planned cost,
  • salary,
  • material costs,
  • revenue,
  • direct costs,
  • individual items of direct costs.

VAT accounting

VAT accounting is implemented in accordance with the norms of Chapter. 21 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Automated filling of the purchase book and sales book. For VAT accounting purposes, separate accounting is carried out for transactions subject to VAT and those not subject to taxation in accordance with Art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Complex economic situations are monitored in accounting for VAT during sales using a 0% VAT rate, during construction using an economic method, as well as when an organization performs the duties of a tax agent. Amounts of VAT on indirect expenses in accordance with 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation can be distributed among sales transactions subject to VAT and exempt from VAT.

The VAT accounting assistant controls the procedure for performing routine operations.

Payroll accounting, personnel and personalized accounting

Records of personnel movements are kept, including records of workers at their main place of work and part-time workers. At the same time, internal part-time work is supported optionally, that is, support can be disabled if this is not accepted at the enterprise. The formation of unified forms for labor legislation is ensured.

The following operations are automated:

  • calculating wages to employees of the enterprise based on salary with the ability to indicate the method of reflection in accounting separately for each type of accrual;
  • maintaining mutual settlements with employees up to the payment of wages and transferring wages to employees’ card accounts;
  • deposit;
  • calculation of taxes and contributions regulated by law, the taxable base of which is the wages of employees of organizations;
  • generation of relevant reports (on personal income tax, taxes (contributions) from the payroll), including preparation of reports for the PFR personalized accounting system.

When performing calculations, the presence of disabled people and tax non-residents at the enterprise is taken into account.

To simplify the work with HR and payroll records, the Payroll Assistant has been implemented.

To analyze accrued wages and taxes (contributions) from the payroll, the reports “Analysis of labor costs” and “Analysis of accrued taxes and contributions” are intended.

Tax accounting for income tax

Tax accounting for income tax is carried out on the same accounts as accounting. This simplifies the comparison of accounting and tax accounting data and compliance with the requirements of PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax calculations.” Based on tax accounting data, tax registers and income tax returns are automatically generated.

To identify tax accounting errors and take into account differences in the valuation of assets and liabilities, the report “Analysis of the state of tax accounting for income tax” is intended.

Simplified taxation system

The accounting of economic activities of organizations using a simplified taxation system has been automated. Tax accounting under the simplified tax system is carried out in accordance with Chapter. 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, according to the Unified Agricultural Tax, is in accordance with clause 8 of Article 346.5 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The following tax objects are supported:

  • income, income
  • income reduced by expenses.

The book of income and expenses is generated automatically.

The report “Analysis of the state of tax accounting according to the simplified tax system” is intended to analyze the structure of income and expenses of tax accounting according to the simplified tax system.

Accounting for activities subject to a single tax on imputed income

Regardless of whether an organization uses the simplified tax system or the general taxation system, some types of its activities may be subject to a single tax on imputed income (UTI). The configuration provides for the separation of accounting for income and expenses associated with activities subject to and not subject to UTII. Expenses that cannot be attributed to a specific type of activity at the time they are incurred can be allocated automatically at the end of the period.

Accounting for income and expenses of individual entrepreneurs - personal income tax payers

Accounting for income and expenses of individual entrepreneurs applying the general taxation system is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for accounting for income and expenses and business transactions for individual entrepreneurs, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2002 No. 86n/BG-3-04/430, Chapters 23 and 25 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

A book of accounting of income and expenses and business transactions is automatically generated in the form approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2002 No. 86n/BG-3-04/430, and a personal income tax return.

Final operations of the month

Routine operations performed at the end of the month are automated, including currency revaluation, write-off of deferred expenses, determination of financial results, and others. The Month Closing Assistant allows you to determine the necessary routine operations for closing the month and perform them in the correct sequence and without errors.

The configuration includes a set of “References-Calculations” reports, reflecting calculations related to carrying out routine operations to close the month: “Distribution of indirect expenses”, “Calculation of income tax and others”.

Standard Accounting Reports

The configuration provides the user with a set of standard reports that allow you to analyze data on balances, account turnover and transactions in a variety of sections. When generating reports, the grouping, selection and sorting of information displayed in the report is configured, based on the specifics of the organization’s activities and the functions performed by the user.

Regulated reporting

The program includes mandatory (regulated) reports intended for submission to the owners of the organization and regulatory government bodies, including accounting forms, tax returns, reports for statistical bodies and government funds.

Regulated reports, for which such a possibility is provided by regulatory documents, can be downloaded electronically. The program supports the technology of applying a two-dimensional barcode to tax declaration sheets.

Regulated reporting on the income of individuals is generated automatically and can be recorded on a magnetic medium (floppy disk) for submission to the tax authorities. To provide the Pension Fund with information about the calculated insurance period and paid insurance premiums, personalized records of employees are kept. The corresponding reports can also be recorded on magnetic media.

Service capabilities

Control and elimination of error situations

The configuration provides developed means of monitoring the user's work at various stages of working with the program:

  • control of the correctness and completeness of the entered data,
  • control of balances when writing off (moving) material assets,
  • control of modification and deletion of documents entered before the “edit ban date”,
  • control of the integrity and consistency of information when deleting data.

The program provides for downloading reference books and classifiers:

  • BIK classifier (directory of bank identification codes of settlement participants on the territory of the Russian Federation),
  • address classifiers of the Federal Tax Service,
  • exchange rates from the RBC website.

Data Search

The configuration implements full-text search according to information base data. You can search using multiple words, using search operators, or using an exact phrase.

Control access to credentials

The ability to introduce restrictions on access to the credentials of individual organizations (legal entities) has been implemented. A user with limited access rights does not have the opportunity not only to change in any way, but even to read data that is closed to him.

Use of commercial equipment

Supports work with cash registers (fiscal recorders).

Working with distributed information bases

To work with distributed infobases, the configuration includes exchange plans to automate the exchange of data between infobases.

Online user support

Users of the program can directly, while working with the program, prepare and send to 1C company opinions on the use of the program, contact the technical support department, as well as receive and view responses from the technical support department. Users can also take part in a survey of program users conducted by 1C in order to study problems that arise during operation.

Automatic configuration update

The configuration includes a configuration update assistant that allows you to obtain information about the latest updates posted on the customer support site on the Internet and automatically install detected updates. If an update file has already been received, the assistant allows you to update using an update delivery file (.cfu) or a configuration delivery file (.cf) from any local or network directory.

Data protection

The 1C company received a certificate of conformity No. 2137 dated July 20, 2010, issued by the FSTEC of Russia, which confirms that the secure software package (ZPK) "1C: Enterprise, version 8.2z" is recognized as a general-purpose software with built-in means of protecting information from unauthorized access (NAA) to information that does not contain information constituting a state secret. Based on the certification results, compliance with the requirements of the governing documents for protection against non-impact activities of class 5 was confirmed, according to the level of monitoring the absence of undeclared capabilities (NDC) at level 4 of control, the possibility of using for creating automated systems (AS) up to security class 1G (i.e. AC) was confirmed , ensuring the protection of confidential information on a LAN) inclusive, as well as to protect information in personal data information systems (PDIS) up to class K1 inclusive.

Certified copies of the platform are marked with marks of conformity from No. G 420000 to No. G 429999.

All configurations developed on the "1C:Enterprise 8.2" platform (for example, "1C: Salaries and Personnel Management 8", "1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management", "Accounting for an Agricultural Enterprise", etc.) can be used to create an information system personal data of any class and additional certification of application solutions is not required.

Integration with other systems

Integration with external programs of domestic and foreign developers (for example, technological preparation of production, the client-bank system) and equipment (for example, instrumentation or warehouse data collection terminals) is ensured based on generally recognized open standards and data transfer protocols supported by the platform "1C:Enterprise 8.2".

To expand the functionality of the "Accounting for an Agricultural Enterprise" configuration, it is possible to use it together with the industry product "1C:Enterprise 8. Satellite Monitoring"

The product "1C: Accounting for an Agricultural Enterprise" allows you to maintain accounting and tax records, including the preparation of mandatory (regulated) reporting, in agricultural organizations with any taxation system.

  • maintaining accounting records in accordance with methodological recommendations approved by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2003 No. 792;
  • maintaining records of materials and goods in accordance with the characteristics of agricultural organizations;
  • keeping records of animals and poultry in double quantitative measurement (heads and weight) during growing and fattening;
  • generation of reports on the movement of animals in terms of weight, amount, number of heads, reports on the sale of animals in standard accounting reports;
  • the possibility of organizing cost accounting for the maintenance and operation of agricultural machinery and equipment in any of four options in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2003 No. 792;
  • keeping records of waybills for cars, tractors, trucks with automatic calculation of fuel consumption according to the norm; accounting for fuel movement for each unit of equipment;
  • automatic registration of production of fixed assets;
  • reflection in accounting of sales transactions on account of wages;
  • keeping records of expenses and income under the Unified Agricultural Tax;
  • generation of reports on income and expenses for the purposes of the Unified Agricultural Tax.

The configuration is not independent; for it to work, you must have the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform version 8.2.16 and higher installed.

The configuration is secure and contains code fragments that cannot be changed by the user, and has hardware protection against unauthorized use. At the same time, the principle of maximum possible openness of the code is implemented to ensure the ability to adapt the product to the needs of end users.

2015: "1C: Accounting for an agricultural enterprise", ed. 3.0

Product "1C: Accounting for an agricultural enterprise", ed. 3.0 allows you to maintain accounting and tax records, including the preparation of industry reports, in agricultural organizations with any taxation system.

Main industry-specific functionality of the program:

  • Maintaining accounting records in accordance with methodological recommendations approved by Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2003 N 792;
  • Keeping records of animals and poultry in double quantitative measurement (heads and weight) during growing and fattening;
  • Generating reports on the movement of animals in terms of weight, amount, number of heads, reports on the sale of animals in standard accounting reports;
  • Keeping records of waybills for cars, tractors, trucks with automatic calculation of fuel consumption according to the norm. Accounting for fuel movement for each unit of equipment;
  • Automatic registration of production of fixed assets;
  • Reflection in accounting of sales transactions on account of wages;
  • Keeping records of expenses and income under the Unified Agricultural Tax;
  • Generating reports on income and expenses for the purposes of the Unified Agricultural Tax.

To work with the "Accounting for an agricultural enterprise" configuration, you must have the installed platform "

Program " 1C Accounting for agricultural enterprises"(BSHP 8) was written on the basis of the standard 1C company program "Enterprise Accounting 8" by adding some subsystems and modifying the existing configuration. One of the principles of writing the product was maximum ease of operation for the user, provided that the necessary functionality works.
Also, when writing, the principle of “introducing” objects into the standard accounting configuration was observed. For example: the document “Tractor Waybill” simultaneously makes entries both for writing off fuel and lubricants and assigning production costs (similar to the document “Requirement - Invoice”), and for calculating piecework wages (analogous to the document “Payroll”). Thus, on the basis of the management document “Tractor Waybill” there is NO need to make any separate document (accounting certificate) for accounting, the document is “built-in” into the accounting system.
The program “Accounting for agricultural enterprises 8” implements the principle of “double counting of quantities”, which is introduced into the chart of accounts. The user can enter 2 kinds of quantities, such as "heads" and "mass". Then there is a complete movement of these quantities on the necessary accounts of the plan - accounts and, accordingly, the possibility of analysis using standard reports (turnover balance sheet, account balance sheet, account analysis, etc..).

DIRECTIONS of agriculture that can be maintained in “Agricultural Enterprise Accounting 1C. Accounting in agriculture. - Accounting for crop production;

Livestock accounting; (registration of cattle and pig farming)
- Accounting for crop farming;
- Accounting for rabbit breeding;
- Accounting for beekeeping;

Accounting in agriculture. Management accounting in agriculture.

Features and capabilities of the Agricultural Enterprise Accounting program:

1. Cost accounting in agriculture. It is possible to track costs down to the field and crop and see this in the balance sheet.

2. It is envisaged to carry out technological operations that allow you to enter the parameters of the work being performed: production standards and prices, fuel consumption standards, production parameters of fixed assets (travelling, TCM, machine days, etc., etc.).
3. It is possible to maintain waybills for tractors and cars in agriculture. Accordingly, it is possible to analyze what types of work were performed, on what field, by what equipment and by what employees. How much fuel was spent and how much is needed to pay out the transaction. It is also possible to analyze the deviation of actual fuel consumption from the standard one.
4. There are special documents for applying seeds and fertilizer. This feature allows, together with waybills, to determine direct costs for a specific field and crop.
5. It is possible to keep track of the occurrence of costs as a service by ton-kilometers (TCM) and conventional standard hectares (CHA).
6. It is possible to keep records in livestock farming both individually and in groups. For example, the mechanism for gender and age groups is well developed.
7. For livestock farming, the agricultural program has implemented a whole range of documents that allow you to perform the following operations:
operations of external receipt, capitalization, offspring, weight gain, movement between farms, movement by sex and age groups, transfer to fixed assets, transfer to fattening, accounting for slaughter, mortality, sales taking into account weight, sales of milk taking into account the percentage of fat content and protein.
8. It is possible to keep track of costs for each fixed asset (FP) separately. Accordingly, you can see, for example, what repair costs (materials, wages, etc.) were incurred in the current year.
9. Rent accounting is provided. A mechanism has been implemented for charging fees, analyzing debt and paying, both in total terms and in kind.
10. Various reporting forms for agriculture have been created, such as form OP-51 (Report on the movements of livestock and poultry on the farm), a report on feed (movement of feed, both in current quantities and in conventional feed units), regulated reports are also supported according to agrarian and industrial complex.

What CANNOT be done in the “Accounting for Agricultural Enterprises” program, but can be implemented in the “Comprehensive Accounting for Agricultural Enterprises 1C 8” program.

1. There is no planning subsystem. It is impossible to plan the work of crop production for the year, the work of livestock farming, the work of the vehicle fleet, auxiliary and other industries, the costs of taxes and wages. Accordingly, there is no possibility of comparing plan - actual analysis of work.
2. There is no possibility of monthly closing of cost accounts on an accrual basis, with adjustment of costs of the previous period, which is relevant at the time of simultaneous accounting of crop and livestock production and monthly closing of cost accounts in livestock farming.
3. Simplified individual accounting.
4. There is no way to monitor the condition of cattle (cattle) - disease, insemination, breeding, calving, and some other zootechnical activities.
5. There is no possibility of running your own production (for example, a sausage shop). There is only a very simplified accounting of production (without taking into account embedded semi-finished products).
6. There is no possibility of complex configuration of cost distribution.
7. There is no possibility of working with the “Payment calendar” (for example, there is no such object as “Request for spending funds”)


Figure 1. Truck waybill.

Figure 2. Report on the movement of livestock and poultry, form SP-51

Figure 3. Fragment of the balance sheet for the 20th account in crop production by field

Figure 4. Fragment of the balance sheet for the 23rd account (MTP) for fixed assets

"1C:Enterprise 8.Accountingagricultural enterprise» implemented on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform and is a multifunctional industry solution for maintaining accounting and tax records in agricultural organizations with any taxation system, including the preparation of regulated and specialized reporting.

"1C: Accounting for an agricultural enterprise" provides solutions to all problems facing the accounting service of an agricultural enterprise, namely:

  • Accounting of animals and poultry for growing and fattening in double quantitative measurement (heads and weight);
  • Accounting for the movement of animals from group to group, movement from farm to farm, reflection of the receipt of offspring and weight gain of animals;
  • Reporting on the movement of animals in terms of weight, cost, number of heads;
  • Accounting for the costs of maintaining and operating agricultural machinery and equipment in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation;
  • Accounting of waybills for cars, tractors, trucks with automatic calculation of fuels and lubricants according to the norm;
  • Registration of production of fixed assets with depreciation calculation according to several parameters;
  • Reflection in accounting of sales transactions on account of wages;
  • Accounting for income and expenses under the Unified Agricultural Tax, reporting on income and expenses for the purposes of the Unified Agricultural Tax;

Using the solution allows you to:

For agronomists:

  • keep track of costs and production of products up to the sown area (field);
  • keep records of technological operations performed (plowing, sowing, fertilizing, etc.) to the field;
  • keep records of sales of agricultural products in physical and test weight;
  • distribute sown areas by crops and divisions;
  • see the structure of sown areas and distribute it among crops as a whole;
  • to form a geographical structure of sown areas;
  • generate specialized reports.

For livestock specialists:

  • maintain extensive accounting of the costs of keeping animals and poultry by sex and age groups of animals;
  • keep records of the mass of productive and working livestock on off-balance sheet accounts;
  • generate reports “Movement of livestock and poultry on farm SP-51”, “Report on feed”;
  • keep a record of sold animals in your heads.

HR and payroll accountant:

  • calculate piecework wages;
  • automatically distribute the wage fund among performers according to the KTU in the case of manual work performed by a group of workers;
  • reflect sales transactions against wages in accounting.

Accountant for land and property lease accounting:

  • conduct mutual settlements in the context of contracts, accrual periods and products for which rent is charged.

Accountant for transport and agricultural machinery accounting:

  • take into account petroleum products in kilograms using a conversion factor into liters;
  • record the production of fixed assets according to the following parameters: machine days, machine shifts, hours worked, tons transported, total mileage, mileage with cargo, ton-kilometers, etc.;
  • take into account the costs of repairs and fuel movement for each unit of equipment;
  • keep track of waybills with automatic calculation of fuel consumption according to the norm.


"1C:Enterprise 8. Accounting for an agricultural enterprise"- a multifunctional, multi-industry solution for maintaining accounting and tax records in agricultural organizations. When developing the software product, the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, industry specifics and many years of experience in automation of agricultural enterprises were taken into account. Maintaining specialized and regulated accounting in an organization that is subject to both the general and special tax system (USAT) is carried out in accordance with the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, approved by Order No. 792 of June 6, 2003.

“1C: Accounting for an Agricultural Enterprise” is an addition to the standard configuration “1C: Accounting for an Agricultural Enterprise 8” ed. 3.0 of the 1C: Enterprise 8 program system, preserving all the standard mechanisms and capabilities of this configuration.

“1C: Accounting for an Agricultural Enterprise” provides a solution to all the tasks facing the accounting service of an agricultural enterprise, including the preparation of regulated and specialized reporting.

The software product can be effectively used in various types of enterprises: both direct producers of agricultural products, crop production and livestock, and in enterprises engaged not only in the production, but also in the processing of agricultural products.

Configuration functionality:

Cost accounting in livestock farming:

  • maintaining advanced accounting of costs for keeping animals and poultry by sex and age groups of animals;
  • accounting for the mass of productive and working livestock on off-balance sheet accounts;

Cost accounting in crop production:

  • keeping records of costs and production up to the sown area (field);
  • accounting of technological operations performed (plowing, sowing, fertilizing, etc.) to the field;
  • keep records of sales of agricultural products in physical and accounting
  • specialized printing forms.

Payroll calculation (calculation of piecework wages):

  • implemented the calculation of piecework wages;
  • for manual work performed by a group of workers, the possibility of automatically distributing the wage fund among performers according to the KTU (labor participation rate) has been implemented.

Specialized reports:

  • “Report on the movement of livestock and poultry on farm SP-51”,
  • "Feed Report" in Livestock
  • “Structure of sown areas” in crop production.

Accounting for the lease of land shares to individuals:

  • Mutual settlements are carried out in the context of contracts, accrual periods and products for which rent is charged.

Accounting for trade transactions:

  • Accounting for sales of agricultural products in physical and test weight;
  • Accounting for sold animals in the head.

Cost accounting in the automobile and tractor fleet:

  • Accounting for petroleum products in kilograms using a conversion factor into liters;
  • Accounting for production, repair costs, fuel movement for each unit of equipment;
  • Keeping records of waybills for cars and tractors with automatic calculation of fuel consumption according to the norm.

Automatic closing of expense accounts:

  • the ability to calculate the cost of products in accounting, both monthly and once a year;
  • calculation of cost in an interactive way with numerous counter issues.

Possibility of remote work and control:

  • remote work with configuration in thin and web client modes;
  • organization of workplaces directly in remote production units

Document accounting

The main way to reflect business transactions in accounting is to enter program documents that correspond to the primary accounting documents. In addition, direct entry of individual transactions is allowed. Work with such primary industry documents as:

  • "Release of products from the field"
  • "Act of consumption of seeds and planting material"
  • "Fertilizer Use Act"
  • "Sorting and drying of crop products"
  • "Sales of agricultural products"
  • "Animal Offspring"
  • "Animal Gain"
  • "Animal Translation"
  • "Moving Animals"
  • "Transfer of young animals to the main herd"
  • "Transfer from the main herd to fattening"
  • "Receipt of animals and livestock"
  • "Costration of animals"
  • "Slaughter, death of animals"
  • "Animal sales"
  • "Waybill"
  • "Record sheet for tractor driver"
  • "Tractor waybill"
  • "Moving fuel to tanks"
  • "Account sheet for labor and completed work"
  • "Piecework outfit"
  • "Sale of goods on account of wages"
  • "Sale of goods on account of wages to a list of employees"
  • "Calculation of rent"
  • "Payment of rent"

Keeping records of the activities of several organizations

Allows you to maintain accounting and tax records of the economic activities of several organizations. Accounting for each organization can be maintained in a separate information base. At the same time, the configuration provides the opportunity to use a single information base to maintain records of several legal entities. This is convenient if their economic activities are closely related to each other: you can use common lists of goods, counterparties (business partners), employees, warehouses (storage places), etc., and generate mandatory reporting separately.

Electronic document management

The program "1C: Accounting for an Agricultural Enterprise" supports legally significant electronic document flow in accordance with current legislation (Federal Law No. 1-FZ "On Electronic Digital Signature") and electronic document exchange formats approved by the Federal Tax Service.

Specialized reporting

The solution "1C:Enterprise 8. Accounting for an agricultural enterprise" includes forms of quarterly reporting of the agro-industrial complex:

  • Balance sheet (form No. 1),
  • Profit and loss statement (form No. 2),
  • Capital flow statement (form No. 3),
  • Cash flow statement (form No. 4),
  • Appendix to the balance sheet (form No. 5),
  • Form No. 6-APK. Report on industry performance indicators of organizations in the agro-industrial complex.

The configuration supports the following forms of APK reporting:

  • Form No. 8-APK. Report on costs of main production,
  • Form No. 9-APK. Production and cost of crop production,
  • Form No. 10-APK-village. Targeted financing funds,
  • Form No. 10-APK-region. Targeted financing funds,
  • Form No. 10-APK-farmer. Targeted financing funds,
  • Form No. 10-APK-industry. Targeted financing funds,
  • Form No. 10-APK-servicing. Targeted financing funds,
  • Form No. 13-APK. Production and cost of livestock products,
  • Form No. 15-APK. Presence of animals,
  • Form No. 16-APK. Product balance,
  • Form No. 17-APK. Movement of main agricultural machinery and equipment,
  • Information on the provision of services (form No. 1-APK_spr),
  • Information on performance results (form No. 1-APK_sprK).

The relevance of the agrarian and industrial complex reporting forms corresponds to the annual orders of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation on the approval of reporting forms for the next reporting period.

Sending reports via the Internet

This application has built-in functionality for working with the 1C-Reporting service, which allows you to send regulated reporting to regulatory authorities: Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Insurance Fund, Rosstat and Rosalkogolregulirovanie via the Internet directly from 1C:Enterprise programs without switching to other applications and filling out forms again .

In addition to submitting electronic reporting, the 1C-Reporting service supports:

    Unformalized correspondence with the Federal Tax Service, Pension Fund and Rosstat;

    Reconciliations with the tax office (requests ION);

    Reconciliations with the Pension Fund of Russia (IOS requests);

    Sending registers of sick leave to the Social Insurance Fund;

    Receive requests and notices;

    Sending electronic documents in response to Federal Tax Service requirements;

    Receiving extracts from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities/Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;

    Possibility of generating packages with reporting format for banks and other recipients;

    Retroconversion (the process of converting a paper archive by the Pension Fund into electronic form;

    Sending notifications about controlled transactions;

    Online verification of regulated reports

To use 1C-Reporting, users of all versions except the basic ones must have a valid 1C:ITS agreement.

Users who have entered into a 1C:ITS PROF level agreement can connect the service for one legal entity or individual entrepreneur without additional payment.

To connect to the 1C-Reporting service, contact your service organization (partner of the 1C company).

Support for various tax systems

The program for commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs supports the following taxation systems:

  • general taxation system (income tax for organizations in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation),
  • simplified taxation system (Chapter 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation),
  • taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities (Chapter 26.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Accounting for inventories

Accounting for goods, materials and finished products is carried out in accordance with PBU 5/01 “Accounting for inventories” and guidelines for its application. The following methods for valuing inventories upon disposal are supported:

  • at average cost,
  • at the cost of the first acquisition of inventories (FIFO method).

To support FIFO valuation methods, batch accounting is maintained in inventory accounts. Different assessment methods can be applied independently for each organization. In the accounting and tax accounting of an organization, the methods for assessing inventories are the same.

Inventory control

Quantitative or quantitative-total accounting can be maintained for warehouses. In the first case, the valuation of goods and materials for accounting and tax purposes does not depend on the warehouse from which they were received. Warehouse accounting can be disabled if it is not needed.

In the information base, you can reflect inventory results that are automatically verified with accounting data. Based on the inventory, the identification of surpluses and write-off of shortages is reflected.

Accounting for trade transactions

Accounting for transactions of receipt and sale of goods and services has been automated. When selling goods, invoices are issued, invoices and invoices are issued. All wholesale trade transactions are accounted for in terms of contracts with buyers and suppliers. For imported goods, data on the country of origin and the customs declaration number are taken into account.

For retail trade, both operational reflection of retail sales and reflection of sales based on inventory results are supported. Retail goods can be accounted for at purchase or sale prices. For retail sales, payments with bank loans and the use of payment cards are supported.

The reflection of returns of goods from the buyer to the supplier is automated.

The configuration supports the use of several types of prices, for example: wholesale, small wholesale, retail, purchase, etc. This simplifies the reflection of receipt and sales transactions. It is possible to keep track of product items.

Accounting for commission trade and agency agreements

Accounting for commission trade has been automated, both in relation to goods taken on commission (from the consignor) and transferred for further sale (to the commission agent). Reflection of transactions on transfer of goods to subcommission is supported. When generating a report to the principal or registering a commission agent’s report, you can immediately make a calculation and reflect the deduction of the commission.

Automated accounting of agency services on the part of the agent (provision of services on his own behalf, but at the expense of the principal) and on the part of the principal (provision of services through the agent).

Accounting for transactions on commission (agency) purchase of goods and services has been automated, both on the side of the commission agent (agent) and on the side of the principal (principal). The specifics of document preparation for VAT accounting for such operations are taken into account. When generating a report to the principal or registering a commission agent’s report, you can immediately make a calculation and reflect the deduction of the commission.

Accounting for container transactions

Operations for accounting for returnable reusable packaging have been automated. The specifics of taxation of such transactions and settlements with suppliers and customers are taken into account.

Accounting for banking and cash transactions

Accounting for the movement of cash and non-cash funds and foreign exchange transactions has been implemented. It supports entering and printing payment orders, incoming and outgoing cash orders. Implemented accounting of monetary documents.

Based on cash documents, a cash book of the established form is formed.

Transactions for settlements with suppliers, buyers and accountable persons are automated (including transferring funds to employee bank cards or corporate bank cards), depositing cash into a current account and receiving cash by cash check, purchasing and selling foreign currency. When recording transactions, payment amounts are automatically divided into advance and payment.

Payment orders for the payment of taxes (contributions) can be generated automatically.

A mechanism for exchanging information with programs such as "Bank Client" has been implemented.

Accounting for settlements with counterparties

Accounting for settlements with suppliers and customers can be carried out in rubles, conventional units and foreign currency. Exchange differences for each transaction are calculated automatically.

Settlements with counterparties in the configuration are always carried out accurate to the settlement document. When preparing receipt and sales documents, you can use both general prices for all counterparties and individual prices for a specific contract.

The method of repaying the debt under the contract can be indicated directly in the payment documents. The method of crediting advances is indicated in the receipt and sale documents.

Accounting for reserves for doubtful debts is maintained in accordance with clause 70 of the Regulations on Accounting and Financial Reporting in the Russian Federation and Art. 266 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets

Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets is carried out in accordance with PBU 6/01 “Accounting for fixed assets” and PBU 14/2007 “Accounting for intangible assets”. Basic accounting operations have been automated: receipt, acceptance for accounting, depreciation (depreciation), modernization, transfer, write-off, inventory. It is possible to distribute the amounts of accrued depreciation for a month in tax accounting between several accounts or objects of analytical accounting.

Accounting for main and auxiliary production

Automated calculation of the cost of products and services produced by the main and auxiliary production, accounting for the processing of customer-supplied raw materials, accounting for workwear, special equipment, inventory and household supplies. During the month, accounting of released finished products is carried out at planned cost. At the end of the month, the actual cost of manufactured products and services provided is calculated.

Accounting for semi-finished products

For complex technological processes involving intermediate stages with the release of semi-finished products, warehouse accounting of semi-finished products and automatic calculation of their cost are supported.

Accounting for indirect costs

The program provides the ability to account for various expenses that are not directly related to the production of products, the provision of work, services - indirect expenses. At the end of the month, indirect expenses are automatically written off.

To account for general business expenses, the use of the “direct costing” method is supported. This method provides that general business expenses are written off in the month they are incurred and are fully charged to the expenses of the current period. If the organization does not use the direct costing method, then general business expenses are distributed between the cost of manufactured products and work in progress.

When writing off indirect costs, it is possible to use various methods of distribution among product groups (services). For indirect costs, the following distribution bases are possible:

  • output volume,
  • planned cost,
  • salary,
  • material costs,
  • revenue,
  • direct costs,
  • individual items of direct costs.

VAT accounting

VAT accounting is implemented in accordance with the norms of Chapter. 21 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Automated filling of the purchase book and sales book. For VAT accounting purposes, separate accounting is carried out for transactions subject to VAT and those not subject to taxation in accordance with Art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Complex economic situations are monitored in accounting for VAT during sales using a 0% VAT rate, during construction using an economic method, as well as when an organization performs the duties of a tax agent. Amounts of VAT on indirect expenses in accordance with 170 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation can be distributed among sales transactions subject to VAT and exempt from VAT.

The VAT accounting assistant controls the procedure for performing routine operations.

Payroll accounting and personalized accounting

The configuration keeps records of payroll settlements with personnel. The formation of unified forms for labor legislation is ensured.

The following operations are automated:

  • reflected in the accounting of piecework wages
  • calculating wages to employees of the enterprise based on salary with the ability to indicate the method of reflection in accounting separately for each type of accrual;
  • accounting for deductions;
  • maintaining mutual settlements with employees up to the payment of wages and transferring wages to employees’ card accounts;
  • deposit;
  • calculation of taxes and contributions regulated by law, the taxable base of which is the wages of employees of organizations;
  • generation of relevant reports (on personal income tax, taxes (contributions) from the payroll), including preparation of reports for the PFR personalized accounting system.
    When performing calculations, the presence of disabled people, tax non-residents and other categories of employees at the enterprise is taken into account. To simplify the work with HR and payroll accounting documents, the Salary Accounting Assistant has been implemented. To analyze accrued wages and taxes (contributions) from the payroll, the reports “Analysis of labor costs” and “Analysis of accrued taxes and contributions” are intended.

Tax accounting for income tax

Tax accounting for income tax is carried out on the same accounts as accounting. This simplifies the comparison of accounting and tax accounting data and compliance with the requirements of PBU 18/02 “Accounting for income tax calculations.” Based on tax accounting data, tax registers and income tax returns are automatically generated.

To identify tax accounting errors and take into account differences in the valuation of assets and liabilities, the report “Analysis of the state of tax accounting for income tax” is intended.

Simplified taxation system

The accounting of economic activities of organizations using a simplified taxation system has been automated. Tax accounting under the simplified tax system is carried out in accordance with Chapter. 26.2 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The following tax objects are supported:

  • income, income
  • income reduced by expenses.

The book of income and expenses is generated automatically.

The report “Analysis of the state of tax accounting according to the simplified tax system” is intended to analyze the structure of income and expenses of tax accounting according to the simplified tax system.

Unified agricultural tax

The accounting of economic activities of organizations paying the Unified Agricultural Tax has been automated. Tax accounting under the Unified Agricultural Tax is maintained in accordance with Chapter. 26.1 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The Unified Agricultural Tax declaration and income and expense reports are generated automatically.

Accounting for activities subject to a single tax on imputed income

Regardless of whether an organization uses the simplified tax system or the general taxation system, some types of its activities may be subject to a single tax on imputed income (UTI). The configuration provides for the separation of accounting for income and expenses associated with activities subject to and not subject to UTII. Expenses that cannot be attributed to a specific type of activity at the time they are incurred can be allocated automatically at the end of the period.

Accounting for income and expenses of individual entrepreneurs - personal income tax payers

Accounting for income and expenses of individual entrepreneurs applying the general taxation system is carried out in accordance with the Procedure for accounting for income and expenses and business transactions for individual entrepreneurs, approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2002 No. 86n/BG-3-04/430, Chapters 23 and 25 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

A book of accounting of income and expenses and business transactions is automatically generated in the form approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated August 13, 2002 No. 86n/BG-3-04/430, and a personal income tax return.

Accounting for small businesses

Accounting was implemented using a ledger for recording facts of economic activity (K-1) and registers for recording the property of a small enterprise.

Accounting registers

Maintaining accounting registers is supported in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law 402-FZ of December 6, 2011 “On Accounting.” Accounting registers (standard reports, certificates, calculations, accounting registers of small businesses) can be signed with an electronic signature and stored in the archive.

Final operations of the month

Routine operations performed at the end of the month are automated, including currency revaluation, write-off of deferred expenses, determination of financial results, and others. Accounts 20, 23, 29, 25, 26 can be closed either monthly or once at the end of the year. The Month Closing Assistant allows you to determine the necessary routine operations for closing the month and perform them in the correct sequence and without errors.

The configuration includes a set of “References-Calculations” reports, reflecting calculations related to carrying out routine operations to close the month: “Distribution of indirect expenses”, “Calculation of income tax and others”.

Standard reports

The configuration provides the user with a set of standard reports that allow you to analyze data on balances, account turnover and transactions in a variety of sections. When generating reports, it is possible to configure the grouping, selection and sorting of information displayed in the report, based on the specifics of the organization’s activities and the functions performed by the user.

Regulated reporting

The program includes mandatory (regulated) reports intended for submission to the owners of the organization and regulatory government bodies, including accounting forms, tax returns, reports for statistical bodies and government funds.

The following types of formation and submission of regulated reporting provided for by law are supported:

  • in printed form, including with a two-dimensional barcode;
  • in electronic form with uploading to a storage medium;
  • via telecommunication channels.

Service capabilities

The program provides service capabilities:

  • full-text data search – search for arbitrary text across all configuration objects (documents, directories, etc.);
  • loading of classifiers (address, fixed assets, etc.);
  • preparing a letter to the technical support department.

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