Lunar calendar for every day August

Lunar rhythms are closely related to the biorhythms of all living beings and many processes occurring on Earth. The closest planet to ours, the Moon, affects the tides as well as the ebb.

It's no secret that our lives are closely connected with the processes and phenomena occurring in nature. One of these most important moments is the Full Moon and New Moon. These days, a person can be both angry and cheerful, experience an incredible surge of mental and physical strength, and be in emotional decline. Quite often, on days when the Moon is in the Full Moon phase, many of us experience deterioration in health, irritability, and even nervous breakdowns.
It is necessary to understand what and when to expect and, therefore, it would not be amiss to look at the lunar phase calendar from time to time. This way you will always be on the alert and will even be able to turn some of the influence of the celestial body to your advantage. For example, gardeners can easily determine when to harvest crops or plant seeds just by checking the Moon's schedule. The lunar calendar for August 2017 will certainly help you in many issues related to health, career, appearance, etc.
The benefits of the lunar calendar have long been proven by more than one generation. Thanks to the lunar phase calendar, each person can easily plan all their activities for the whole month. Moreover, you can be absolutely confident in the success of these cases.

Moon phases in August 2017

⦁ Full Moon – August 7, 2017
⦁ Third quarter – August 15, 2017
⦁ New Moon – August 21, 2017
⦁ First quarter – August 29, 2017
⦁ Waxing Moon - from August 1 to August 6, 2017 and from August 22 to August 31, 2017
⦁ Waning Moon – from August 8 to August 20, 2017

Lunar calendar of favorable days

Favorable lunar days in August 2017 for beginnings

The lunar calendar for August has 31 days. The first lunar day falls on the new moon. This is a good day for new beginnings, analyzing the past, learning lessons, and forgiving old grievances. If you want to quit smoking, it is better to do it on or shortly after the new moon. On such days, we quarrel less, understand others better, and endure illnesses more easily. Energy and strength appear, everything planned can be accomplished. 14, 20 lunar days guarantee lightning success - on these days you can open companies, sign contracts, make deposits.
⦁ August 21, 2017 - 1st lunar day /new moon/
⦁ August 22, 2017 - 2nd lunar day
⦁ August 23, 2017 - 3rd lunar day
⦁ August 25, 2017 - 5th lunar day
⦁ August 26, 2017 - 6th lunar day
⦁ August 27, 2017 - 7th lunar day
⦁ August 30.31, 2017 - 10th lunar day
⦁ August 3.4, 2017 - 12th lunar day
⦁ August 5.6, 2017 - 14th lunar day
⦁ August 11, 12, 2017 - 20 lunar day
⦁ August 12,13, 2017 - 21 lunar days
⦁ August 16, 2017 - 24 lunar day
⦁ August 20, 2017 - 28th lunar day
In August 2017, the New Moon is in Leo - it is recommended to spend it in public, namely, go to the theater, cinema, museum or somewhere else where there are more people. On this day you are most likely to start a romantic relationship. If you already have a significant other, then arrange a romantic evening at home. Family scandals do not work out well on this day, so lovers will only have to purr next to each other.

Unfavorable lunar days in August 2017 for beginnings

These days the Moon moves from one phase to another. At this time, people behave inappropriately and do not understand what is happening. The number of accidents is increasing, everything is falling out of hand. On 9, 15, 29 lunar days it is necessary to refrain from movement. This doesn't mean you shouldn't leave the house, you just need to be as careful as possible.
On Satanic days you should not start new businesses or sign contracts, because everything will not work out as planned. It is better to postpone all serious matters for more successful days. The full moon is also considered an unfavorable day when quarrels and conflicts arise out of nowhere.
⦁ August 24, 2017 - 4th lunar day
⦁ August 1,2,30,31, 2017 - 9 lunar day
⦁ August 6.7, 2017 - 15th lunar day
⦁ August 7.8, 2017 - 16th lunar day /full moon/
⦁ August 9, 10, 2017 - 18th lunar day
⦁ August 14,15, 2017 - 23 lunar day
⦁ August 18, 2017 - 26th lunar day
⦁ August 21, 2017 - 29th lunar day
August 2017 Full Moon in Aquarius. Many people note that at this time something happens with time. No matter how you calculate every minute, you will still be disappointed in your calculations. It is better not to schedule dates and important business meetings, especially if the other party is notoriously punctual.

Moon without course in August 2017

⦁ 04 August 0:38 - 04 August 3:37
⦁ 06 August 12:22 - 06 August 15:15
⦁ 08 August 22:07 - 09 August 0:56
⦁ August 10 16:38 - August 11 8:22
⦁ August 13 11:01 - August 13 13:40
⦁ August 15 4:15 - August 15 17:06
⦁ August 17 16:38 - August 17 19:13
⦁ August 19 18:17 - August 19 20:55
⦁ August 21 21:30 - August 21 23:25
⦁ August 23 23:02 - August 24 4:04
⦁ August 26 8:39 - August 26 11:53
⦁ August 28 12:38 - August 28 22:47
⦁ August 31 7:42 - August 31 11:18

The lunar calendar helps to effectively plan things for the future. August this year will be very favorable as the Moon will have a positive effect on us.

Even if the day starts off badly, nothing can stop you from ending it positively. Strive to conquer new heights and don’t look back. Find out what items can bring happiness into your home to achieve prosperity and happiness faster and easier.

August 23

On these two days, the energy background of the Moon and stars will coincide almost perfectly, because the growth phase and mood of Sagittarius are identical in their demands on people. Sagittarius sharpens intuition, and the waxing Moon forces people to go forward, so don't just use common sense, because it will only account for about a third of success. During these two days, you need to make decisions quickly and not be afraid to rush into battle. At the same time, it is better to get rid of jealousy in love and bias in business. Astrologers call August 2 and 3 a great start to the whole month. Accept yourself as you are, without trying to change your core principles, while maintaining flexibility. The same will be needed in relation to loved ones - diplomacy will not be superfluous.

8 August

On the first day after the Full Moon, Aquarius will help you recover from troubles and get into the right frame of mind as soon as possible. The waning of the Moon and the energy of the mentioned constellation are not combined in the best way in most cases, but on August 8, Tuesday, luck will smile on you in all areas of life. Try to change your surroundings and look at the world in a new way. Start long-term planning, and if there is no work, then give preference to outdoor activities or sports. Physical activity will come in very handy.

August 9

Pisces and the waning Moon will only be positive on the first day of their interaction. This will be a huge leap, a surge of creative energy. It is better to devote this day entirely to work, if it does not require physical effort from you. Start thinking outside the box first thing in the morning. This will bear fruit in work, in hobbies and, of course, in love. Astrologers say your main task is to solve the most difficult issues and problems. Try to conquer your fears so that they no longer control you.

August 14

Taurus and the waning Moon are always on the same wavelength. This day will be excellent for any financial transactions, working on yourself and protecting your personal territory. Show your enemies that you will never give up just like that.

This will be a wonderful day to discover a second wind in yourself and in your love relationships. Don't let jealousy take over, but don't force yourself to look at the world through rose-colored glasses. Evaluate everything around you realistically, without embellishment. Taurus will help you with this if you really want to snatch victory from the clutches of your opponents.

August 16, 17

When Gemini comes into play at the same time as the waning Moon, in most cases it means there is a lot of positive energy. The 24th and 25th lunar days will be successful for everyone who will be full of energy and desire to impress other people. These will be the two best days for dating, romantic meetings and relaxation, despite the fact that these are Wednesday and Thursday.

August 22

The Moon after the New Moon will be in the Sign of Virgo. This means that on the first day of the growth of the lunar disk, you better protect yourself from the negative influence of other people. This Tuesday is worth spending with your significant other or in solitude. You will have something to think about and dream about. Watch an interesting motivational film, read a book. In a word, step back from the real world and transfer yourself to the world between facts and illusions. Self-analysis and spiritual practices on this day will also be very useful.

August 26, 27 and 28

Scorpio, together with the waxing Moon, is an excellent motivator. During these three days, you should take on any difficult tasks at work and at home. Start something important: renovation, rearrangement, go shopping. It will be possible to change your image or go to visit distant relatives or friends. If you are overwhelmed by sadness and sadness, then stay close to those who can cheer you up.

In love it is better to be optimistic. If any problems overtake your soulmate, then all the responsibility for restraining emotions will fall on you. And, conversely, if you suddenly become depressed, then do not reject the help of those who love you, because these people will act with the best intentions.

Avoid drinking alcohol and fatty foods. This is a good time to start a diet or exercise cycle.

Lunar calendar of affairs for August 2018, indicating the days of the new moon, full moon, quarters of the moon, the location of the moon in the signs of the Zodiac, as well as favorable and unfavorable lunar days for performing certain affairs. The lunar calendar of affairs will allow you to almost always be aware of what the Moon is like at the moment. The lunar calendar of affairs for August 2018 will be able to assist you in planning your affairs and will be able to help you determine favorable and unfavorable days of the month for affairs. In the Lunar calendar of affairs for August 2018, various events have a certain effect on a person’s affairs. By choosing the most favorable day for business, you will retain your positive forces and get rid of everything negative, and find harmony with yourself and the outside world.

The lunar calendar of affairs for August 2018 contains clear recommendations for each day of the month. The attention of astrologers is directed not only to the phases of the satellite, but also to the signs of the zodiac that it passes through. In fact, it is very easy to program success, taking into account cosmic vibrations and the processes of cosmogenesis. A business started on a known successful day will not take much time and effort, but will certainly end in victory, profit, and recognition.

How to conduct business according to the lunar calendar in August 2018

The lunar calendar of affairs for August 2018 will help you effectively plan every day of the month. For example, it is recommended to start everything new and important from the new lunar month. On the new moon, you should clear your thoughts of negativity, forget past grievances, spend time in nature, dream, and plan the future. The moon begins to grow, giving strength to dreams and projects. On the waxing Moon, it is worth taking the initiative, starting to implement long-planned tasks, focusing on negotiations, drawing up contracts, making appointments, starting construction, investing, moving to a new place, taking up a position, opening your own business. The full moon is the peak of activity. It is not surprising that a person cannot sleep on such days - the brain continues to work furiously. The level of conflict and aggressiveness increases. At the same time, conferences and briefings will be very productive. In addition, creative projects will be carried out with maximum benefit - all ideas will be filled with meaning and will find fans and followers.

On the waning Moon, on the contrary, it is not recommended to actively promote business. A person’s energy begins to weaken, and a period of “withdrawal,” retreat, and even destruction begins. These days you need to start working on yourself - eradicate bad habits, pay off debts, do general cleaning, minor repairs in the house, in the garden, get rid of trash. It is also better to “break up” unfinished relationships precisely on the waning Moon. Then saying goodbye will be less painful for both parties. In this case, you will be able to erase the person from your life forever. The fight against diseases and warts is also successful during the days of the waning moon.

How to plan things according to the lunar phase

During its development, the Moon goes through several main phases. In each phase, the celestial body has a different effect on human energy and health. Depending on this, astrologers advise planning your affairs in this way:

New Moon - a person is vulnerable and weak. It is better not to start anything and not to actively act.
Waxing Moon - the energy rise begins, so you can begin active and decisive actions. Good luck will accompany you in everything.
First quarter - plan your actions for the next period of time.
Waning Moon - do work and household chores, but do not make much effort.
Third quarter - complete all the tasks started in the current lunar cycle, otherwise they will not end in your favor.

Favorable and unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar of affairs for August 2018

Favorable days – 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 August
Unfavorable days – 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 August

How to plan things by day of the week

Astrologers have found that the Moon influences each day of the week in a certain way, as a result of which some opportunities either open up or close for us:

On Monday – do simple everyday activities;
On Tuesday - feel free to tackle any issues and implement new projects;
On Wednesday - improve relationships with those with whom you have tense relationships, and make peace with those with whom you are in a quarrel;
On Thursday - engage in self-education or simply take time to analyze your actions and actions recently;
On Friday - rest and under no circumstances do important things;
Saturday is the best time to clean up the house;
On Sunday - change your habits if necessary, but be careful.
Based on all of the above, we have compiled a list of favorable and unfavorable days in each month of 2018, when you can do important things, and when it is better to do nothing at all, so as not to harm yourself.

The influence of the moon phase on business in August 2018

The periods of the waxing and waning Moon are of paramount importance for planning affairs according to the lunar calendar. The moment of the waxing Moon occurs at the New Moon and ends with the Full Moon. Then comes the period of the waning moon, which begins at the Full Moon and ends with the New Moon. The energy of these lunar cycles is transformed into human energy. The most minimal influence of the Moon's energy is on the New Moon. Over time, with the growth of the Moon, it increases, reaching a maximum at the full moon. Then, with the waning of the Moon, the energy decreases to its minimum amount and becomes completely insignificant at the new moon. The Lunar calendar of affairs for August 2018 will help you figure this out.

How to plan things according to the lunar day

As you know, the lunar calendar consists of 30 lunar days, on each of which you need to plan certain things in order for them to be successful:

First lunar day - deal with any issues, but do not start new tasks.
Second lunar day - plan your affairs for the next month.
The third lunar day is the day when you can make drastic decisions and completely change your life.
Fourth lunar day - be careful and do not let anyone in on your plans, lead a separate lifestyle.
Fifth lunar day - everything that you decide to undertake on this day will end in your favor. Take risks and take action.
Sixth lunar day - you can start implementing a small project that has been put off for a long time.
Seventh lunar day - don’t fuss and deal only with issues that can be resolved quickly.
Eighth lunar day - if you are sent on a business trip, it will be productive for you.
Ninth lunar day - do not take on new things and remain calm.
The tenth lunar day is a great time to start home renovations or start a new business.
Eleventh lunar day - take only conscious actions and bring them to the end.
The twelfth lunar day is a favorable day for charity and investment.
Thirteenth lunar day - fulfill your cherished desire.
Fourteenth lunar day - work hard, as luck will accompany you in everything.
The fifteenth lunar day is a critical time for any undertakings; you need to be careful in all matters.
Sixteenth lunar day - any business can be done only in a calm and balanced state. Have fun, relax, gain strength, engage in introspection or self-education.
Astrologers call the seventeenth lunar day the most successful day for organizing wedding celebrations.
Eighteenth lunar day - you can do any work, spend time with loved ones, provide support and assistance to those who need it.
The nineteenth lunar day is good for self-education and improving your skills.
Twentieth lunar day - take care of your health, relax and spend time alone with your thoughts.
Twenty-first lunar day - go on a trip or business trip for work.
Twenty-second lunar day - do not start new things, but rather take a closer look at unfinished issues.
Twenty-third lunar day - abstract from the outside world and engage in self-knowledge. Any effort will be in vain at all times.
The twenty-fourth lunar day is a good day to begin implementing major projects and plans.
Spend the twenty-fifth lunar day at home, alone, without wasting energy on work.
Twenty-sixth lunar day - go about your normal everyday activities. Avoid meetings with friends and relatives, because they may not end well.
Twenty-seventh lunar day - go to the dacha, take care of the garden, repay debts if you have them.
Twenty-eighth lunar day - work calmly, but do not make hasty decisions, let everything take its course.
Twenty-ninth lunar day - do nothing and do not make new plans.
Thirtieth lunar day - make new plans, conduct introspection, spend time with your loved one.

The lunar calendar helps to effectively plan things for the future. August this year will be very favorable as the Moon will have a positive effect on us.

Even if the day starts off badly, nothing can stop you from ending it positively. Strive to conquer new heights and don’t look back. Find out what items can bring happiness into your home to achieve prosperity and happiness faster and easier.

August 23

On these two days, the energy background of the Moon and stars will coincide almost perfectly, because the growth phase and mood of Sagittarius are identical in their demands on people. Sagittarius sharpens intuition, and the waxing Moon forces people to go forward, so don't just use common sense, because it will only account for about a third of success. During these two days, you need to make decisions quickly and not be afraid to rush into battle. At the same time, it is better to get rid of jealousy in love and bias in business. Astrologers call August 2 and 3 a great start to the whole month. Accept yourself as you are, without trying to change your core principles, while maintaining flexibility. The same will be needed in relation to loved ones - diplomacy will not be superfluous.

8 August

On the first day after the Full Moon, Aquarius will help you recover from troubles and get into the right frame of mind as soon as possible. The waning of the Moon and the energy of the mentioned constellation are not combined in the best way in most cases, but on August 8, Tuesday, luck will smile on you in all areas of life. Try to change your surroundings and look at the world in a new way. Start long-term planning, and if there is no work, then give preference to outdoor activities or sports. Physical activity will come in very handy.

August 9

Pisces and the waning Moon will only be positive on the first day of their interaction. This will be a huge leap, a surge of creative energy. It is better to devote this day entirely to work, if it does not require physical effort from you. Start thinking outside the box first thing in the morning. This will bear fruit in work, in hobbies and, of course, in love. Astrologers say your main task is to solve the most difficult issues and problems. Try to conquer your fears so that they no longer control you.

August 14

Taurus and the waning Moon are always on the same wavelength. This day will be excellent for any financial transactions, working on yourself and protecting your personal territory. Show your enemies that you will never give up just like that.

This will be a wonderful day to discover a second wind in yourself and in your love relationships. Don't let jealousy take over, but don't force yourself to look at the world through rose-colored glasses. Evaluate everything around you realistically, without embellishment. Taurus will help you with this if you really want to snatch victory from the clutches of your opponents.

August 16, 17

When Gemini comes into play at the same time as the waning Moon, in most cases it means there is a lot of positive energy. The 24th and 25th lunar days will be successful for everyone who will be full of energy and desire to impress other people. These will be the two best days for dating, romantic meetings and relaxation, despite the fact that these are Wednesday and Thursday.

August 22

The Moon after the New Moon will be in the Sign of Virgo. This means that on the first day of the growth of the lunar disk, you better protect yourself from the negative influence of other people. This Tuesday is worth spending with your significant other or in solitude. You will have something to think about and dream about. Watch an interesting motivational film, read a book. In a word, step back from the real world and transfer yourself to the world between facts and illusions. Self-analysis and spiritual practices on this day will also be very useful.

August 26, 27 and 28

Scorpio combined with the waxing Moon is an excellent motivator. During these three days, you should take on any difficult tasks at work and at home. Start something important: renovation, rearrangement, go shopping. It will be possible to change your image or go to visit distant relatives or friends. If you are overwhelmed by sadness and sadness, then stay close to those who can cheer you up.

In love it is better to be optimistic. If any problems overtake your soulmate, then all the responsibility for restraining emotions will fall on you. And, conversely, if you suddenly become depressed, then do not reject the help of those who love you, because these people will act with the best intentions.

Avoid drinking alcohol and fatty foods. This is a good time to start a diet or exercise cycle.

August 29

Sagittarius and the waxing Moon will be able to find a common language at the end of August. The 29th will be the last favorable day of summer. In the lunar calendar it is marked as a day of introspection. Look back and look at everything you have done previously. Don’t forget about the future, because your look beyond the horizon must also be timely and adequate. This will be a good day for walks, physical activity and business trips.

If you want every day to start well, use daily affirmations that will teach you to think correctly. Make sure that negative emotions do not overwhelm you, so that life is in full swing. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

29.07.2017 04:06

With the lunar haircut calendar for 2019, it’s easier to plan a trip to the stylist. Knowing what days...

If you want to benefit from astrology without going into the technical field, start by researching the phases of the moon. One complete rotation around the Earth takes the Moon approximately 28 days. The lunar cycle is divided into 8 phases, each of which lasts no more than 3.5 days:

  • new moon, when the satellite is completely darkened;
  • the young Moon, when only its thin crescent is visible;
  • the first quarter, when exactly half is illuminated;
  • the waxing Moon, when it is more than half illuminated;
  • full moon, when it is completely visible;
  • waning, when it gradually becomes less and less illuminated;
  • the last quarter, when again only half of it is visible;
  • the old Moon, when it approaches the very first phase of the cycle - the new moon.

Think of the lunar cycle as a big clock. If you carefully study the lunar calendar for August 2017, you can use knowledge about the current phase to optimally plan your affairs for the month. For example, astrologers say that during a full moon, people are more susceptible to stress and pay more attention to their own needs and interests than to those of others. The new moon, on the contrary, brings calm. Emotions return to normal, determination returns along with the feeling that everything will work out. More energy appears and other people's ideas are better perceived. The phases of the moon have also been used by farmers for centuries to plan their farm work.

New Moon and Waxing Moon

During the new moon, the satellite does not appear in the sky and is on the same line with the Sun and Earth. This is the best period for new ideas and planting. The period of the waxing Moon is divided into such phases as the young, waxing Moon and the first quarter. This is the right time for new beginnings.

  1. Young Moon. Plan a new endeavor, be it a wedding, a trip to the beauty salon, a diet, a trip or anything else. Play around with ideas, techniques and strategies and see what happens. Do your best. This is one of the phases of the Moon in August 2017 when there is a high probability that you will encounter obstacles and challenges, resistance.
  2. First quarter. During this phase, the satellite is half illuminated by the Sun, at an angle of 90 degrees. This is a period of significant personal growth. Build a strong foundation for your planned business. Spend most of your energy on this to achieve your goal.
  3. Waxing Moon. If we compare this phase with the flower growth cycle, then this is the time when the bud is formed. Dedicate all your energy to achieving your goal. Pay attention to details, analyze.

Full Moon and Aging Moon

When the full moon occurs, the Sun and Moon are directly opposite each other and the satellite is fully visible in the sky. In the planting cycle, this corresponds to the time when the flower blooms. Try to approach all issues as objectively as possible during this period. The aging Moon is divided into the following phases: waning, last quarter and old Moon.

  1. Waning moon. If we continue the parallel with the growth cycle of a flower, this is the time when the first fruits appear. Now you can share the joy of starting with other people. This is the best time for weddings and other important events.
  2. Last quarter. This is the phase that symbolizes wilting in the flower's growth cycle. Now the fruits are harvested and the remaining parts begin to die back into the ground. At this time, you cannot plan or start anything; it is better to wait for a more opportune moment.
  3. Old Moon. This is the time when mature seeds remain from a plant that has already withered, which will later produce further shoots. All the energy of the flower is concentrated in this seed, ready for a new cycle. This is how you receive knowledge crystallized from the experience of the past in order to later turn it into something new. Prepare a place for the following “shoots”: clean the house, visit a beauty salon, cleanse your body of toxins.

How to plan your affairs for August 2017 using the lunar calendar

For example, you are planning a party and want it to be a great success. Select a suitable phase, such as the new moon or waning moon, and then select a favorable day according to the lunar calendar for August 2017. The day when the satellite is in the sign of Gemini, Leo, Libra or Sagittarius is suitable for the holiday. If you want to impress your boss with your initiative, do it on the day when the Moon is in Aries.

  1. Study the lunar calendar below. Print it out and hang it in a visible place.
  2. Pay special attention to what zodiac the satellite is in.
  3. When you are about to do something, look at the calendar, noting the day when the Moon will be in the desired zodiac constellation.
date Moon phases Lunar days Moon in Zodiac sign Favorable days
August 1, 2017 (Tuesday) Waxing Crescent 10 lunar day Moon in Sagittarius, from 13 42(Moscow time)
August 2, 2017(Wednesday) Waxing Crescent 11th lunar day Moon in Sagittarius Auspicious day
August 3, 2017(Thursday) Waxing Crescent 12 lunar day Moon in Sagittarius Auspicious day
August 4, 2017(Friday) Waxing Crescent 13th lunar day Moon in the sign of Capricorn, from 04 36 (Moscow time)
August 5, 2017(Saturday) Waxing Crescent 14th lunar day Moon in Capricorn
August 6, 2017(Sunday) Waxing Crescent 15th lunar day Moon in the sign of Aquarius, from 14 46(Moscow time)
August 7, 2017(Monday) Full moon 16th lunar day Moon in Aquarius
August 8, 2017(Tuesday) Waning moon 17th lunar day Moon in Aquarius Auspicious day
August 9, 2017(Wednesday) Waning moon 18th lunar day Moon in the sign of Pisces, from 01 31 (Moscow time) Auspicious day
August 10, 2017(Thursday) Waning moon 19th lunar day Moon in Pisces
August 11, 2017(Friday) Waning moon 20 lunar day Moon in the sign of Aries, from 09 48(Moscow time)
August 12, 2017(Saturday) Waning moon 21 lunar days Moon in Aries
August 13, 2017(Sunday) Waning moon 22 lunar day Moon in Taurus, from 14:40(Moscow time)
August 14, 2017(Monday) Waning moon 23 lunar day Moon in Taurus Auspicious day
August 15, 2017(Tuesday) Last quarter 24 lunar day Moon in the sign of Gemini, from 17 41(Moscow time)
August 16, 2017(Wednesday) Waning moon 24 lunar day Moon in Gemini Auspicious day
August 17, 2017(Thursday) Waning moon 25 lunar day Moon in the sign of Cancer, from 09 30(Moscow time) Auspicious day
August 18, 2017(Friday) Waning moon 26 lunar day Moon in Cancer
August 19, 2017(Saturday) Waning moon 27 lunar day Moon in Leo, from 20 59(Moscow time)
August 20, 2017(Sunday) Waning moon 28 lunar day Moon in Leo
August 21, 2017(Monday) New moon 29, 1 lunar day Moon in Virgo, from 11/23(Moscow time)
August 22, 2017(Tuesday) Waxing Crescent 2 lunar day Moon in Virgo Auspicious day
August 23, 2017(Wednesday) Waxing Crescent 3 lunar day Moon in Virgo
August 24, 2017(Thursday) Waxing Crescent 4 lunar day Moon in the sign of Libra, from 03 17(Moscow time)
August 25, 2017(Friday) Waxing Crescent 5 lunar day Moon in Libra
August 26, 2017(Saturday) Waxing Crescent 6 lunar day Moon in Scorpio, from 10 26(Moscow time) Auspicious day
August 27, 2017(Sunday) Waxing Crescent 7th lunar day Moon in Scorpio Auspicious day
August 28, 2017(Monday) Waxing Crescent 8 lunar day Moon in Sagittarius, from 23 to 29(Moscow time) Auspicious day
August 29, 2017(Tuesday) First quarter 9 lunar day Moon in Sagittarius Auspicious day
August 30, 2017(Wednesday) Waxing Crescent 10 lunar day Moon in Sagittarius
August 31, 2017(Thursday) Waxing Crescent 11th lunar day Moon in the sign of Capricorn, from 10 37(Moscow time)

If the Moon is in:

  1. Aries, start new projects, non-collective activities, sports.
  2. Corpuscle, do things related to money, gardening, go for a massage or to a restaurant, on a romantic date.
  3. Gemini, Organize meetings, do your studies and other intellectual work, carry out important telephone conversations.
  4. Cancer, spend time with your family.
  5. Lev, throw a party.
  6. Virgo, take care of your health, start a diet.
  7. Libra, try to resolve controversial issues, visit museums and exhibitions.
  8. Scorpio, Focus on healing both physical injuries and illnesses and emotional ones.
  9. Sagittarius, travel, read, study.
  10. Capricorn, be practical, work hard, make a strategy or business plan, set specific goals.
  11. Aquarius, try new and unusual things, communicate with friends.
  12. Pisces, dream, get inspired, be creative, swim, dance, listen to music, meditate, pray, walk, relax and recuperate.

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