Secrets of reincarnation: who were we in a past life? Who was I in a past life? Free online test Description of my past life


Past lives leave an imprint on your present life. By analyzing some features, we can guess what your role was in a past life and who you were. One way to find out is through numerology.

Using ordinary numerological calculations, you can not only find out who you were in a past life, but also find out whether there is a karmic debt in your destiny, and in what earthly incarnations your soul even lived.

Moreover, numerology will help you understand why you are living this particular life in this incarnation, and the burden of what mistakes you are carrying.

Past life by date of birth

First you need to calculate your birth number. It's very simple: add up all the numbers in your date of birth. For example, a person’s date of birth is 05/13/1980. 1+3+0+5+1+9+8+0=27. The next step is to bring the resulting number to a single digit: 2+7=9. Now, by your number, you can find out what you did in a past life.

Number 1

If you have a creative bent, then most likely you have worked in the arts, or owned a large library or an extensive art collection. You could also be employed in mechanics or construction.

Number 2

It is very likely that if you have such characteristics as you, you were in public service or served for the benefit of some charitable organization. Another option is the so-called stage person, that is, one who is involved in theater or dancing.

Number 3

It is likely that in a past life you were a teacher, speaker or military man. Be sure that your premonitions and forecasts, which in most cases are justified, come to you for a reason. They may indicate your involvement in esoteric practices or religion.

Past life by date

Number 4

One of the options for your employment in a past life was studying mechanics, during which you created and assembled new devices, conducting various experiments with them. The second possible area of ​​your employment is cash flow. People with this personal number even today easily find themselves in the area of ​​leisurely work with material issues.

Number 5

Your past life may have been in the legislative field, you may have been a lawyer or a judge. Another option for your past incarnation is a salesman or an actor in a traveling circus.

Number 6

It is very likely that in a past life you were a medical luminary or served in the church. At the same time, your activities brought benefits not only to the people around you, you yourself lived by your profession. This means that you were a wealthy enough person who could help people and did so.

Number 7

You are very inquisitive, most likely an echo of your past life, where you could secretly study your favorite alchemy or work as a teacher. Another option for employment in a past life is a jeweler or a cook.

Number 8

Judging by your date of birth, in a past life you could have been a judge or sold land and real estate. You could also be an excellent politician. Most often, such people have a successful career and rapid professional growth.

Number 9

In a past life, you almost certainly collected jewelry or important artifacts. The profession in which you were engaged in a previous incarnation is most likely related to the world of fashion and art.

Who was I in a past life

It's quite interesting to find out who you were in a past life. This knowledge can also serve as an answer to the question of what past sins you are paying for in this life. For example, if in a previous reincarnation you committed suicide, then in this life you will always be under the yoke of difficult problems and circumstances, depriving yourself of the desire to live with your own hands.

It is important to find out exactly what karmic lessons you need to go through in order to rid your soul of suffering and heal it. In its current life, the soul must necessarily realize its purpose, which numerology will also help determine.

The mystery of reincarnation and the memory of past lives has become the object of serious scientific research these days. At one time, Ian Stevenson, a psychiatrist at the University of Virginia, USA, became interested in this topic. His first work on this topic - the essay “Proof of the continuation of life on the basis of memories of past incarnations” - won universal recognition. He conducted a strictly scientific analysis of almost a thousand cases of alleged reincarnation, many of which Stevenson eventually described in reputable American medical journals. Dr. Stevenson personally interacted with "reincarnated" people on seven occasions in India, three in Ceylon, two in Brazil, seven in Alaska and one in Lebanon.

Maria Januaria de Oliveiro from Brazil, dying, unexpectedly said to her best friend, teacher Ida Lawrence, who was next to her until the last: “I promise you that I will return and appear in the world as your daughter. When I start talking, I will tell you a lot about my present life, and you will know that I am telling the truth.”

A month after her friend's death, Mrs. Lawrence found out she was pregnant. She kept thinking about the prediction of the deceased Mary. When she gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Martha, she began to carefully monitor her development. At two years old, Martha amazed her parents by mentioning the exact details of Maria Januaria's life as her own life. Dr. Stevenson interviewed Martha twice - in 1962, and again in 1972 - and found that, as she grew up, the girl made 120 messages about her past life, all of which were confirmed. Martha accurately described her father in a past life, remembered that she gave her godson two cows when he was still alive, and also that she and her friend (and in the current incarnation - mother) Ida Lawrence bought matching saddles for riding. Martha even recognized one of Maria Januaria's former admirers.

Victor Vincent, a Tlingit Indian, visited his niece Mrs. Corliss Chotkin, who lived in Alaska, about a year before his death. He warned her (while even frightening her with the suddenness of his statement): “I will return in your next son. He'll have these scars." He showed her the scar on her back from the operation and a small irregular scar to the right of her nose. 1947, December 15 - a year and a half after the death of her brother, Mrs. Chotkin gave birth to a boy who, at birth, looked like his uncle Victor. Incredibly, he had moles on his back and near his nose, similar to the scars of his deceased uncle.

When Corliss Jr. began to speak, he stated that his name was Kakodi, which was the tribal name of Victor Vincent. When the child was two years old, he recognized Victor’s stepdaughter, Susi, in a woman passing by, and hugged her, repeating: “Susi, my Susi!” That same year, he recognized Victor’s son, William, and exclaimed: “Here is William, my son!” A year later, he identified his uncle’s widow, Rose, in the same way. As the boy grew older, he spoke in detail about many events from the life of Victor Vincent and even correctly showed which room of their house Victor and his wife stayed in when they came to visit relatives (before his birth in a new incarnation).

Past life therapy

It may seem strange, but many diseases, phobias and incomprehensible psychological states of some people also have their previous lives as their source. Psychotherapists have long noticed the fact that memories of past lives can often not only shed light on certain health problems that a patient has, but also in some cases contribute to a person’s complete recovery. Information about previous incarnations is most often extracted from the subconscious of patients using so-called regressive hypnosis (sometimes psychoanalysis sessions are used for the same purpose).

It is known that with a strong-willed order the doctor is able to “return” the patient’s consciousness to childhood. Moreover, the hypnotized person begins to behave in exactly the same way as an ordinary child of the corresponding age. But it turns out that it is possible to achieve a “deeper” return to the past, when the therapist tells the hypnotized patient to “go back” 100, 200 or 300 years. Sometimes in such cases, a person’s consciousness gets the opportunity to “remember” not the childhood years of the current incarnation, but even his previous lives.

The use of memories of previous incarnations for medical purposes (primarily for solving various problems of a psychological nature) in modern medicine is called “past life therapy.” Over the past 25 years, this original direction in foreign medicine has become widespread in Europe and America. A. Ladsberg and C. Faye in the book “Encounters with what we call death” describe some interesting cases of successful use of past life therapy in medical practice.

Thus, Nancy Shiffrin, a 33-year-old writer from California, had great difficulty in finishing her books and articles due to a strange loss of productivity at a time when work on a book or article was already coming to an end. Nancy herself believed that the cause of this problem was her childhood fear of doing something wrong and thereby upsetting her parents. But a past life therapy session with her by psychotherapist Morris Netherton allowed her to draw different conclusions about the causes of her underlying problem. The writer saw herself in her past life in America in 1677 at a trial where she was accused of heresy. At that time, her main desire was to hide a diary with entries testifying against her from the Inquisition. This desire to hide what she wrote forced her to “hide the book” 300 years later, which is why she experienced problems in her professional activities. Having learned the origins of her problem, Nancy got rid of it.

Psychotherapist Evelyn Schiff from the Institute of Hypnotic Motivation returned her patients under hypnosis to past incarnations and it was there, in their previous lives, that she tried to look for the causes of their psychological problems.

When she brought back a woman who had learning difficulties back into her past life, it turned out that in her previous incarnation, this woman's father often beat her and called her stupid. When the patient learned about this, learning no longer gave her any difficulties.

Evelyn Schiff decided to go further and tried to use past life therapy not only to eliminate psychological problems, but also to treat somatic diseases, the causes of which were not entirely clear to ordinary therapists. Schiff's patient was a lame girl who could not move without assistance. Under hypnosis, the girl partially named the reason for her illness: her ankle went numb while walking. When Schiff returned the patient to her previous incarnation, the girl saw herself thrown into prison, where a heavy cannonball was chained to her leg, which practically made it impossible for her to walk. The session helped her completely get rid of lameness.

On the advice of friends, a man who suffered from a severe form of alcoholism turned to past life therapy. Despite his desire to find out whether the origins of his addiction were caused by some circumstances of a past life, he was quite skeptical and did not really believe in previous incarnations. When the hypnologist returned him to his previous incarnation, it turned out that during the war in Spain he was a partisan and was captured. At some point during the hypnosis session, he suddenly convulsively spread his arms and wheezed: “They are cutting out my tongue!” They found out that while in captivity his enemies subjected him to severe torture, and then left him to die of thirst and injuries. Psychological shock, combined with a painful feeling of intense thirst, experienced by this person in a past life, in a new incarnation was transformed into his addiction to alcohol. A session of past life therapy significantly made it easier for the patient to fight this disease, despite his previously skeptical attitude towards the theory of reincarnation.

In the domestic practice of therapy for past incarnations, there are cases where the healer was able to help a patient experiencing a painful burning sensation in the abdomen, although no medical research could establish the causes of these sensations. Under hypnosis, the woman was confronted with a terrible picture of her death in her previous incarnation: she was executed by slitting her stomach and pouring pepper into the wound. This happened in one of the countries of the East. After the session, the strange burning sensation in my stomach stopped.

Another man experienced a painful feeling of fear when someone looked at his back. During a session of regressive hypnosis, they found out that in a previous incarnation this person was killed with a shot in the back. After the patient understood the cause of his problem, this heavy feeling left him.

Thanks to centuries-old observations described in the esoteric teachings of the East, the origins of many psychological problems can be clear even without a hypnosis session. So, a person who was born afraid of swimming most likely drowned in a past life. Someone who, for no apparent reason, has a strong fear of heights (we are not talking about natural fears and dizziness that are common to everyone, but a feeling reminiscent of a phobia), could have died in a previous life by falling from a great height, etc.

But one should not see past life therapy as a panacea for all diseases and psychological problems. Even if, thanks to the “return” to a past incarnation, the origin of the disease became clear to the patient, this does not mean that he will be able to get rid of his problems. After all, most of the problems and troubles that haunt us in this life are of karmic origin. And past life therapy mainly helps only those who were not to blame for the misfortune that happened to them in a previous incarnation. If a person's problems were created by the negative karma of his own unseemly actions, the most that past life therapy can do is to alleviate the patient's condition to some extent, but not completely eliminate the causes of their problems in life.

Thus, a middle-aged woman from Virginia learned in a past life therapy session that in a previous incarnation she abandoned her newborn child in order to continue living without worries. Her punishment for this act was childlessness in the present incarnation: for medical reasons, she cannot have children.

A man who suffered from impotence, having agreed to the persuasion of a friend, went to see a psychic so that he could “read his previous life.” The healer, who did not know the nature of the patient’s problems, told him that in a past life he was a rapist. The man left, resigned to his fate.

Another patient from New Jersey learned through hypnotic immersion into the past that he had been a murderer in a past life. He believes that his constant struggle with bad luck (his leg was broken twice, he was in car accidents three times, he almost drowned, he was fired from his job several times, etc.) is caused by this very circumstance.

How is information from a past life transferred to a person’s future birth? Probably, the transmission link here is the subtle material substrates of our body, especially the astral body, which people of average level of spiritual development do not even discard during reincarnation (since the mental body into which the soul can pass, leaving the astral shell, is not fully formed for them). As is clear from the examples given above, damage to a person’s astral body in a past incarnation can also be reflected in a new astral body created in his future incarnation (in the examples given above, this was precisely the reason for the “transfer” from previous lives to future ones of characteristic moles that appeared in place “past” scars, a burning sensation in a terrible wound that was the result of death in a past incarnation, strange sensations in the leg that caused lameness, etc.)

It is possible that even when the astral shell of a past incarnation is dissolved, a person’s new astral body can retain information about the state of its “predecessor”. Astral matter is plastic by its nature; it well captures and retains the information-structural features of everything that surrounds it.

And yet, the main thing on which the formation of a person’s astral body in a new incarnation depends is not the “memory” of the structural features of previous subtle bodies, but the law of cause-and-effect relationships, called the law of karma in the East. Thanks to specific examples, it is not difficult to verify that the main circumstances of reincarnations are dictated precisely by karmic reasons.

Memory of a past life

The phenomenon of “remembering” or “re-experiencing” situations that occurred in other coordinates of space and time occurs much more often than it might seem at first glance. Researchers of occult phenomena believe that our consciousness has the ability to experience such moments, and therefore we can speak and.

The term “parallel lives” would be more accurate, if we take into account that the concept of measuring time was invented by man. Time is something as illusory as everything else that we call “reality”; In addition, it is relative and conditioned by the concept of space.

The fact that people "remember" something that happened to them in another life is not such a rare phenomenon. It should not be forgotten that the religious texts of the most developed societies on our planet have always paid attention to past lives, reincarnation, and have given descriptions of their influence on our lives in the present.

The incredible case of Natasha Beketova (Tatti Valo)

Natasha is a Russian girl, lives in the city of Anapa, she claims that she can speak 120 languages. According to her, she knows many of them from her past lives.

The most curious thing is that experts who communicated with the girl, who now prefers to call herself Tatti Valo, found that she speaks English of the 16th century, as well as Chinese, Persian, Egyptian, Mongolian, Vietnamese, Korean and Swahili...

“I remember these languages ​​from my past lives. All of them appeared in my mind 10 years ago during a math lesson at school. Suddenly, I felt that I had forgotten how to speak Russian; I could not form a single sentence in my native language. My teacher was amazed when I began to speak other languages ​​that I didn’t even know,” said Natasha.

Child remembering past life

The case discussed above is certainly surprising, but there are others that are of no less interest. Like, for example, the case of Engin Sungur, a boy from the village of Tavla (Türkiye).
One day he was walking with his parents along the hillside near Khankagaz, four kilometers from their village. Suddenly he turned and said with complete confidence: “I see the village where I lived.” Engin spent his entire life in Tavla with his parents. And now the boy said that he lived in Khankagiz in a past life.

He answered his parents' questions with absolute confidence. He said his name was Naif Sisek, talked about his profession, his former family, and even said that he was in Ankara shortly before his death. Then Engin asked his parents to take him to Khankagiz: he wanted to meet his family from his past life.

The meeting was incredible. First, he met the daughter of the deceased (himself in a past life). When he saw the widow of Naif Sisek, he called her “my wife.” He also named the other seven family members. Engin described in detail how he was hit by a truck that was reversing, and said that he decided to go to Ankara to see a doctor. Naif died in December 1979 at the age of 54. Engin was born three years later - on October 8, 1982.

There is no rational explanation

The topic of past lives is difficult to discuss due to the preconceived notions that exist about it. Perhaps modern consciousness research can provide us with some data that could help resolve this question?
Any serious researcher who is familiar with non-ordinary states of consciousness can easily confirm the existence of this kind of experience. But, as is always the case with all scientific research, this experience can be interpreted in different ways.

There is clear evidence of the ability to see past lives. For example, we know that in non-ordinary states of consciousness experiences related to past lives occur spontaneously and beyond any planning or previous knowledge of the matter. In most cases, these experiences provide us with accurate and detailed information about the past that can be objectively verified.

On the other hand, clinical practice argues that many emotional problems arise not in the present life, but because of events that occurred in past lives, and that the symptoms accompanying these disturbances are reduced or completely disappear after we experience previous experiences past lives.

The story of Engin Sungur is just one of many stories that are told in all corners of the planet. From déjà vu (from the French for “already seen”) to information about a past life, a wealth of evidence has been revealed that confirms its existence.
The most staunch skeptics point out that the information we get from these experiences is often vague and unverifiable.

But the case with Engin is completely different, because when it comes to young children, the likelihood that memories will be more clear increases. It is also less likely that a child would be able to make something up like this because, due to their age, they may not know the historical details.

Most often, a child experiences this between two and four years of age; subsequently, with age, memories of past lives disappear. For example, a seven-year-old child will probably no longer remember his past life in detail. But the most surprising thing about children is that memories are associated with the behavior or manner of speaking of their personality in a past life.

Engin, for example, spoke and behaved like an adult, and the woman who could be his wife saw that the child was gesticulating in the same way as her late husband. Does this mean that part of the deceased's personality has passed on to the child? Probably no. Most likely, there are natural reasons for this.

Deception with interests

People who doubt the possibility of returning to a past life point out that in many cases that have occurred in India, where children from poor families claim that they belonged to a higher caste, parents “fed” the memory of the children for the purpose of economic gain. In this society there is no real way to move from caste to caste, so if the father can convince others that his son is the reincarnation of someone from the upper caste, he will have the opportunity to belong to it.

This can happen in families living near the place where the deceased died, because they can theoretically receive detailed information. But there are also cases when the child and his family lived very far from the deceased and did not know him before.

Another fact that has been criticized is that past life memories are more likely to occur in societies that believe in reincarnation. However, there is also evidence of past life memories in Western cultures, for which the idea of ​​reincarnation generally does not exist. But regardless of beliefs, many people can remember past lives when their state of consciousness changes, for example under the influence of hypnosis.

Regression therapy

In recent years, the practice of regression has come into fashion, promising through the work of a hypnotist to help us find out who we were in a past life. But most researchers do not trust this practice, because adults in a state of hypnosis are able to play based on pure fantasies that have roots, for example, in knowledge of history. The fact is that the subconscious has enormous abilities to store information received even without focusing attention. And it is this information that is subsequently used by the brain of a person in a state of hypnosis when he invents another personality.

However, despite the criticism, many claim that they were cured in this way from phobias supposedly inherited from a past life. This is why there is a growing trend of turning to past life therapists.

This technique has many supporters, and they make convincing arguments. A very special case occurred with journalist Ray Bryant, who, under hypnosis, returned to his past life. He saw that he lived at the end of the 19th century in Essex and died as a farmer. The therapist, not satisfied with this simple answer, wanted to explore deeper. He discovered that a large earthquake had occurred in Essex on April 22, 1884. And then, during a hypnosis session, he asked Bryant to return to this event. He did so and was horrified, exclaiming that the house was cracking and plates were falling from the shelves.

Cases like this and the case of Engin Sungur are probably impossible to explain. But do they prove the existence of past lives? Probably yes, although many doubts remain. For example, it is unknown which part of us is embodied in reality and why we are able to remember only one past life (and sometimes this does not happen), although we live many lives.

A test can answer a complex question - who I was in a past life, what I did and what kind of life I led. Below are numerology tests about past lives and reincarnation.

In the article:

Quick test - who I was in a past life

Most tests are about reincarnation refer to rather complex numerological manipulations. If the answer to the question is needed only to satisfy curiosity, a simple test may be sufficient. In order to pass it, you need to know the date, month and year of birth. These numbers must be summed together and then reduced to an unambiguous form.

Suppose we need to find out everything about the past life of a person who was born on August 28, 1996:

After carrying out simple arithmetic operations, all that remains is to find the value of the resulting number.

  1. One of the nine numbers will indicate several options for the direction of activity in a past life.
  2. - were you connected in any way with the world of art? It is not a fact that they were one of the outstanding artists or writers. Chances are you were a wealthy person, able to afford a luxurious library, an art gallery, or an outstanding collection of sculptures. As for work responsibilities, they were related to the exact sciences - construction, mechanics, invention.
  3. - most likely, you acted in the interests of the state in which you lived in a past life. Perhaps you have been involved in charity in any form - you built a temple with your own money, for example. Your life could also be connected with performances on stage - dancing or theater. True, the desire for performing arts could remain a dream or a hobby.
  4. - you could be a teacher or speaker, as well as a military man. In any case, your success depended on your level of intelligence, knowledge in your chosen field, as well as charm and ability to express your opinion. If you can boast of developed intuition, most likely in a past life you were seriously interested in esotericism and magic.
  5. - your activities were related to exact sciences and invention. You could be a mechanic, a physicist who created new instruments and conducted experiments with them. The activity could also be related to money. By the way, luck in money matters could remain with you after the transition to a new incarnation.
  6. - your past life was devoted to serving people. You were a doctor or a clergyman. The activity brought not only benefits to others, but also a good income. It is unlikely that you were a poor person. Perhaps you were a wealthy aristocrat who was well placed to help those around you.
  7. - curiosity is the main trait of your character for a reason. In a past life, you secretly studied alchemy or were a scientist. Perhaps you taught at one of the educational institutions in the city where you lived. A love of luxury could make you a jeweler's apprentice, and a penchant for experimentation and a passion for delicious food could make you a chef.
  8. - career and high income were the main goals of your past incarnation. You have been involved in politics or held a high and prestigious legal position, such as a judge. Selling or renting real estate is another area in which you may have been involved in a past life.
  9. - your profession was related to fashion or art. You could be a tailor or a jeweler, or perhaps you were the daughter of a rich man who led a high life. Your family was famous and rich, they owned an expensive collection of jewelry or other valuable items.

Gender and place of residence in previous life

There are many ways to find out who you were in a past life. This , meditation, automatic writing and many other rather complex techniques. There is also a simpler method - the “Who was I in a past life” test. It is believed that these numerology tables were found in the East. For a long time, their meaning was kept secret, but now with their help you can easily get an answer to the question of how to find out who any person was in a past life.

To take this past life test, you will need the date, year and month of the person's birth.
In addition, a piece of paper and a pen will be useful - you will have to write down a lot. This test consists of several stages of numerological calculations. The first stage is devoted to the gender and place of residence of your past incarnation.

In the first table, compare the first three numbers and the last digit of the year of birth. Suppose you need to find out everything about the past life of a person who was born on September 9, 1997. In our case, at the intersection of the corresponding columns and rows of the table, there was the number Y. This letter itself does not mean anything, but it will be useful in further calculations. Write it down so you remember it.

Below are two tables. Your goal is to find the letter in the first table that corresponds to your birth month. In our case, the letter Y for someone born in September was found in the table of men, which means that this person was a man in a past life.

Write down on a sheet of paper the type symbol, profession number and profession type sign that you received. In our case, these are ll, 2 and B. This data will be useful to you if you want to take the test further to find out about the profession in a past life.

Below are tables with place numbers from which you need to choose the one that matches your type symbol. Find your birth number in it. This includes a planet that should be written down on the sheet - it will talk about its purpose, more on that a little later. In our case it is the Moon. On the left there are two columns - for men and women. Our example was a man, and his place number corresponds to 58. According to the table, which tells about places of life in a past incarnation, he lived in the east of Australia.

How to find out who you were in a past life - profession

In order to find out the profession or line of activity in a past life, you should remember number and letter of profession. They were calculated in the second table, at the stage that told about the gender of the person you were in a past life.

In our example, the result was a profession coded B-2. This means that the example man, born in eastern Australia, was an astrologer, road builder, astronomer or map maker. In addition, he could also be a foreman.

Often what seemed interesting in a past life could transfer into a new incarnation. If you happen to have a certain profession, think about what side of it you are interested in in this life? Perhaps this will give you some thought. For example, the person given as an example is interested in astronomy and in this life, most likely, in the past this was her profession.

Past incarnation - test of purpose

Below are three tables that reveal the secret of the current incarnation and talk about its purpose. These are the lessons that you did not complete the last time you lived in this world. In order to move further on the path to soul development, you must fulfill the main purpose of being in this world. Such karma processing will be useful in any case. It is believed that working on it seriously improves the quality of life.

Each of the three tables corresponds thirds of the month and planets. In our example, this is the Moon and the first table, which is intended for those born from the 1st to the 11th inclusive. It always seemed to this man that he perceived the world differently from the people around him. In his previous incarnation, he was unable to figure out the cause of this feeling. This means that we will have to do this in a new incarnation, and this time it is worth bringing the matter to the end.

To get an answer to the question: “Who was I in a past life?” you need to take a short test. With its help, you will find out what you did in your previous reincarnation and understand what you are working on now.

The easiest way to find out who you were in a past life is a quick numerology calculation based on your date of birth. You need to know the day, month and year in which the person was born.

  • sum all the digits of the date of birth: 1+6+1+0+1+9+9+1 = 28;
  • add up the numbers of the resulting value: 2+8=10;
  • continue adding until you get a prime number: 1+0=1.

After this, look at the value of the resulting number:

  1. Unit. Your activities were related to creativity and art. In a past life, you could have been either an unrecognized artist or a famous writer. But the likelihood that you lived in material abundance is highest. However, creative pursuits were more of a hobby, and you made a living from something related to applied work - construction, for example.
  2. Two. The number of politicians or influential people with a broad soul. In your past life, you sought to make the lives of many people better, happier and safer. The second interpretation is the activity of an actor or dancer. The scene attracted you, but it could only be a hobby.
  3. Troika. Your past life was associated with public speaking or with participation in hostilities. These are either the professions of a writer, speaker, or military positions. It is possible that you were attracted by everything magical, you sought to learn esoteric knowledge.
  4. Four. In a past life, your purpose and meaning in life was to study the exact sciences. High intelligence coupled with excellent intuition guaranteed success in the field of science or invention. It is quite possible that you were one of the great scientists. But they never learned how to make money - this is the task of the current incarnation.
  5. Five. Your activities in your previous incarnation were closely related to the law. You defended the rights and interests of people in court. But they could also be a merchant, quite wealthy.
  6. Six. In your past life, you devoted most of your time to spiritual development and serving people, did charity work and selflessly helped those in need. It is possible that they were a church minister or a doctor. They received good money, most of which was given to donations.
  7. Seven - the number of scientists passionate about science is limitless. You hardly had a family, because you devoted all your time to intellectual development and inventions. At the same time, they loved a luxurious life and strived for it in every possible way.
  8. An Eight indicates that in a past life you were obsessed with your career. They were ready to achieve their goals by any means, even illegal and immoral. Therefore, in the current incarnation you will have to work off many karmic debts.
  9. Nine. Most likely, in a past life you were a woman close to the powers that be. It is possible that they were engaged in art, creativity, or were a fashion designer. They loved beauty in all its forms, strived to improve and decorate everything around them, and could do it for free.

This calculation method is quite approximate. A more accurate answer can be obtained with the help of special esoteric practices carried out by specialists in the relevant field.

How to find out gender and country of residence

This calculation method is more complex. With its help, you can determine your gender and place of residence in your previous earthly incarnation. Prepare a piece of paper, a pen and start calculating.

In this table, find your letter: in the left column the first three digits of the year of birth, in the top line - the last.

Then write down the resulting data and find your birth number in the following table - remember the planet to which it corresponds.

And in the last table, find your value in accordance with those obtained in the previous calculations:

Here you will find your country where you lived in your previous life:

Definition of profession

There is no need to calculate anything else - use the previous calculations. You will need to find your profession letter and number in the table. For example, if you have BIV, then in a past life you were a postman, messenger, navigator, caravan guide, charioteer, or traveling merchant.

It is very interesting to analyze your occupation now and compare it with the profession of the past. You can come to unexpected conclusions and find similarities.

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Articles By topic:
Who was I in a past life?
Tests Past lives leave an imprint on your present life. By analyzing some features, we can guess what your role was in a past life and who you were. One way to find out is through numerology. Using ordinary numbers
The novel "Shantaram", reviews of which are collected in this article, is the most famous work of the Australian prose writer Gregory David Roberts. The book is based on real events that happened to the author. The action of the work takes place on the streets of Indian
Symbolism and the meaning of zero Zero in the manifestation of different aspects
What does zero mean?
In fact, zero (zero) was not even considered a number until almost the 18th century, and the history of the appearance of zero in many number systems of different countries and cultures is very different, and not only in the era of its “birth”, but also in its graphic representation.  TO
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