The secret of the number "0" Numerology. Symbolism and the meaning of zero Zero in the manifestation of different aspects

What does zero mean? In fact, zero (zero) was not even considered a number until almost the 18th century, and the history of the appearance of zero in many number systems of different countries and cultures is very different, and not only in the era of its “birth”, but also in its graphic representation. For example, while the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians already used this sign in their calculations, depicting it with a special hieroglyph, the ancient Greeks did not have such a sign in their number system.

What does zero mean in numerology

Zero symbolizes the Absolute, connecting Matter with Spirit. This definition of symbolism arose from the potential ability to separate any number from a whole.

Zero in the manifestation of different aspects

By adding a zero to any of the numbers on the right side, we get a number multiplied by 10 times. It is in combination with other numbers that this sign manifests itself. But, as soon as you multiply or divide any of the numbers by zero, the number disappears, i.e. also becomes zero. In this case, this manifestation of zero is considered a divine aspect, and characterizes the sign 0 as the controlling force of the Absolute.

In natural manifestation zero symbolizes everything unmanifested, the union of the eternal flow of time and the infinity of space.

Zero in the human aspect symbolizes death, the transformation of life force into a different state. This death can be not only physical, but also spiritual, material.

Phrases like “Zero without a stick”, “You are a complete zero”, etc. are associated with a complete fiasco of the human condition.

Graphic representation of zero

  • The ancient Mayans depicted it in the form of a shell.
  • The Greeks did not have a zero in their number system, and the empty space was replaced by the letter "o", meaning "nothing".
  • But the “conscious” designation as the number “0” in its current form was first discovered in Indian works only towards the end of the first millennium AD.

The symbolic image of zero is an egg, when the state of life already exists, but it has not yet manifested.

Zero or null (both forms are acceptable in speech and writing) divides the boundary between positive and negative and is considered a reference point. And where we go depends on ourselves.

I wish everyone to be cool as an egg, in the positive sense of this whole phrase, and to have many zeros after any perfect number. Let it be 100,000,000……. hours of joy, money in your wallet or friends. Who needs what...

Perfect numbers are considered to be all single-digit numbers from 1 to 9..

Symbol of infinity, Eternity. The word "digit" comes from the Arabic "digits", meaning empty or free. At first, this word was the name of the symbol that the Arabs and Hindus used to denote zero. By itself it meant nothing, but when placed on the side, it increased the meaning tenfold. By the middle of the 16th century, the word "digit" had spread to all Arabic signs used to represent numbers. There are ten numbers in the decimal system: from 0 to 9. In the binary system there are only two numbers: 0 and 1.0 represent infinity, endless boundless existence, the root cause of all things, Brahmanda or the egg of the Universe, the solar system in its entirety. Thus, zero defines universality, cosmopolitanism. It is also associated with denial and limitation. So zero means infinite greatness and infinite smallness. It marks the circle of infinity and the central point, the atom.

In the Western esoteric tradition, zero is considered a symbol of eternity. Surprisingly, the zero first appeared in the Western world only a few centuries ago. Zero was invented around 600 BC by Hindu mathematicians; in Europe it was introduced by the Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci in 1202. Its introduction greatly contributed to the development of mathematics and modern technology. In the east, it was revered as shunya, or emptiness, which lies at the heart of Buddhism. When zero is one, it has no value because it is abstract, and all numbers are concrete. When zero is combined with a number, it gives birth to arithmetic progressions and series of doubles, triples and plurals: such as 10, 100, 1000. If you don't know anything about zero, you can't work with numbers above 9 (that is, beyond limits of the material world). If you are aware of it, its mystical nature will take you to eternity and harm your material progress.

Zero is generally considered a symbol of failure. When it appears in the date of birth, it brings bad luck. Even the tenth month of the year (October), being the 10th, brings bad luck, although to a lesser extent. The appearance of a zero in the year of birth also brings bad luck. Combining a zero with another number reduces the influence of that number. People who have a zero in their date of birth must struggle more in their lives than those who do not have a zero. The presence of more than one zero in the date of birth - for example, October (tenth month) 10, 1970 (and especially 2000) - forces you to work very hard in life.

Zero contains all the numbers from 1 to 9, and when zero is combined with these numbers, a special series of numbers develops. For example, when zero is combined with the number 1, a series of numbers is formed from 11 to 19. The introduction of zero for the purpose of the development of mathematics, general science, and modern technology led humanity to the computer age, but zero itself does not exist.

Traditional Western correspondences for this number: infinity, unknown, boundlessness, emptiness, truth, purity, love, alpha and omega, completeness, first cause, unmanifestation, the breath of God, the source of existence, space, awareness.


Tarot - card 0 (Jester, Fool)

Western astrology - planet Uranus

Rune - Fehu (feu)

Shamanism - Snowy Owl

Alchemy - Sky/Air

Aura - White light

Color - Transparent

Stone - Emerald

Basis - Breath/ether

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Range: 0000-001F: C0 Control Characters 0020-007F: Basic Latin 0080-009F: C1 Control Characters 00A0-00FF: Latin-1 Supplementary Characters 0100-017F: Latin Extended-A 0180-024F: Latin Extended-B 0250-02AF : Extended International Phonetic Alphabet Character Set 02B0-02FF: Noncombinable Extended Modifier Characters 0300-036F: Combinable Diacritics 0370-03FF: Greek and Coptic Alphabets 0400-04FF: Cyrillic 0500-052F: Additional Cyrillic Characters 0530-058F : Armenian alphabet 0590 -05FF: Hebrew 0600-06FF: Arabic letter 0700-074f: Syrian alphabet 0750-077f: additional symbols of Arabic writing 0780-07BF: Tana (Maldive letter) 07c0-07FF: NPO 0800-083F: Samaritan letter: Mandaisky alphabet: Mandaisky alphabet 08A0-08FF: Arabic Extended Character Set-A 0900-097F: Devanagari 0980-09FF: Bengali 0A00-0A7F: Gurmukh 0A80-0AFF: Gujarati 0B00-0B7F: Oriya 0B80-0BFF: Tamil 0C00-0C7F: Telugu 0C80 -0CFF: Kannada 0D00-0D7F: Malayalam 0D80-0DFF: Sinhala 0E00-0E7F: Thai script 0E80-0EFF: Lao script 0F00-0FFF: Tibetan script 1000-109F: Myanmar script 10A0-10FF: Georgian script 1100-11FF: Hangeul (Korean script) 1200-137F: Ethiopian syllabary 1380-139F: Additional characters in Ethiopian script 13A0-13FF: Cherokee script 1400-167F: Canadian syllabary 1680-169F: Ogham 16A0-16FF: Runic script 1700-171F: Tagalog buyin) 1720-173F : Hanunoo 1740-175F: Buhid 1760-177F: Tagbanwa 1780-17FF: Khmer script 1800-18AF: Old Mongol script 18B0-18FF: Extended Canadian syllabary characters 1900-194F: Limbu script 1950-197F: tai le culture 1980-19DF : New Tail alphabet 19E0-19FF: Khmer characters 1A00-1A1F: Bugin script (Lontara) 1A20-1AAF: Old Tail alphabet (Tai Tham) 1B00-1B7F: Balinese script 1B80-1BBF: Sundanese script 1BC0-1BFF: Batak script 1C00-1C4F: Lepcha (Rong) Script 1C50-1C7F: Ol Chiki Script 1CD0-1CFF: Vedic Characters 1D00-1D7F: Phonetic Extensions 1D80-1DBF: Additional Phonetic Extensions 1DC0-1DFF: Additional Combinable Diacritics 1E00-1EFF: Additional Extended Latin 1F00-1FFF: Extended Greek Character Set 2000-206F: Punctuation 2070-209F: Superscript and Subscript 20A0-20CF: Currency Symbols 20D0-20FF: Combinable Symbol Accents 2100-214F: Letter-Like Symbols 2150-21 8F: Number Forms 2190-21FF: arrows 2200-222FF: mathematical operators 2300-23FF: a variety of technical symbols 2400-243F: icons of control codes 2440-245F: optical recognition symbols 2460-24FF: nested letters and numbers 2500-257f: symbols for drawing frames 2580- 259F: Fill Symbols 25A0-25FF: Geometric Shapes 2600-26FF: Miscellaneous Symbols 2700-27BF: Dingbats 27C0-27EF: Miscellaneous Math Symbols-A 27F0-27FF: Extra Arrows-A 2800-28FF: Braille 2900-297F: Extra Arrows -B 2980-29FF: Varied Math Symbols-B 2A00-2AFF: Advanced Math Operators 2B00-2BFF: Varied Symbols and Arrows 2C00-2C5F: Glagolitic 1AB0-1AFF: Combined Diacritics (A Extension) 1CC0-1CCF: Extended Sundanese Character Set scripts A9E0-A9FF: Myanmar script (Extension B) AAE0-AAFF: Extended Meitei script AB30-AB8F: Extended Latin-E AB30-AB6F: Warang Kshiti AB90-ABBF: Beria script for Zaghawa language 2C60-2C7F: Extended Latin -C 2c80-2CFF: Coptic alphabet 2D00-2D2F: additional characters of the Georgian alphabet 2D30-2D7F: Tifinag 2D80-2DDF: Expanded set of symbols of Ethiopian letter 2de0-2DFF: Expanded Cyrillic-A 2E00-2E7F: Additional punctuation marks 2E80-2EFF: additional hieroglyphic keys of the KKYA 2F00-2FDF: Hieroglyphic keys of the Kangxi dictionary 2FF0-2FFF: Characters for describing hieroglyphs 3000-303F: Symbols and punctuation of the KKYA 3040-309F: Hiragana 30A0-30FF: Katakana 3100-312F: Zhuyin (bopomofo 3130-) 318F: Chamo, combined with Hangul 3190-319F: Characters used in kambun 31A0-31BF: Expanded bopomofo character set 31C0-31EF: KKY features 31F0-31FF: Phonetic extensions of katakana 3200-32FF: Nested letters and months KKY 3300-33FF: KKY compatibility characters 34 00 -4DBF: Unified hieroglyphs of the KKYA (extension A) 4DC0-4DFF: Hexagrams of the I Ching 4E00-9FFF: Unified hieroglyphs of the KKYA A000-A48F: Syllables and A490-A4CF: Radicals and A4D0-A4FF: Lisu alphabet A500-A63F: Vai syllabary writing A640-A69F: Extended Cyrillic-B A6A0-A6FF: Bamum script A700-A71F: Tone change characters A720-A7FF: Extended Latin-D A800-A82F: Siloti Nagri A830-A83F: Indian numeric characters A840-A87F: Square Pagba- Lamas A880-A8DF: Saurash

  • What is Unicode?

    Unicode(English) Unicode) is a universal character encoding standard that can provide characters for all languages ​​of the world.

    Unlike ASCII, one character is encoded in two bytes, allowing the use 65 536 characters, against 256 .

    As you know, one byte is an integer from zero before 255 . In turn, a byte consists of eight bits, which store numeric values ​​in binary form, where each subsequent 1 of the current bit is twice the value of the previous bit. Thus, two bytes can store a number from zero before 65 535 , which allows you to use 65 536 characters (zero + 65 535 , zero is also a number, it is not anything).

    Unicode characters are divided into sections. First 128 characters repeat the table ASCII.

    A family of encodings is responsible for displaying characters. Unicode (Unicode Transformation Format - UTF). The most famous and widely used encoding is UTF-8.

  • How to use the table?

    Symbols are presented 16 pieces per line. At the top you can see the hexadecimal number from 0 before 16 . On the left are similar numbers in hexadecimal from 0 before FFF.
    By connecting the number on the left with the number on top, you can find out the symbol code. For example: English letter F located on the line 004 , in a column 6 : 004 + 6 = character code 0046 .

    However, you can simply hover over a specific symbol in the table to find out the symbol code. Either click on a symbol to copy it, or its code in one of the formats.

    You can enter search keywords into the search field, for example: arrows, sun, heart. Or you can specify the character code in any format, for example: 1123, 04BC, چ. Or the symbol itself, if you need to know the symbol code.

    Keyword searches are currently under development and may not return results. But many popular symbols can already be found.

0 (Zero)
Symbol of infinity, Eternity. The word "digit" comes from the Arabic "digits", meaning empty or free. At first, this word was the name of the symbol that the Arabs and Hindus used to denote zero. By itself, it meant nothing, but when placed on the side, it increased the value tenfold (the zero was invented around 600 BC by Hindu mathematicians; in Europe it was introduced by the Italian mathematician Leonardo Fibonacci in 1202). By the middle of the 16th century, the word "digit" had spread to all Arabic signs used to represent numbers. There are ten digits in the decimal system: from 0 before 9 . There are only two digits in the binary system: 0 And 1 . ()

1 (Unit, One, Monad)
According to Pythagoras, the number 1 is called a monad and its symbol is a dot. This is a symbol of wisdom. Attributes of the monad: hermaphrodite, God, container of matter, chaos, darkness, Tower, Throne of Jupiter. The unit is a home because it is located in the middle of the universe. This is the First Cause, Creation, God, the masculine principle. She is the basis of all numbers and the basis of life. Planetary and Zodiacal correspondence of the number 1 is the Sun, constellation Leo. ()

2 (Two, duad)
A line is the number two, a dyad. Symbolizes Mother, dark, Yin, water. A symbol of ignorance (as division), but also the mother of wisdom. According to the famous 17th century German mathematician G. Leibniz (1646 - 1716), the idea of ​​binary number was put forward in the I Ching. Modern computers are based on exactly this system: 0=0, 1=1, 2= 10, 3=11, 4=100, 5=101, 6= 110, 7= 111, 8=1000, 9=1001, 10= 1010, 11=1011, 12=1100, 13=1101, 14=1110, 15=1111, 16=10000, etc. Planetary and Zodiacal correspondence of number 2 - Moon, constellation Cancer. ()

3 (Three, triad)
The plane is defined by three points. Pythagorean numbers began with the number 3, triads, triangles, and numbers 4 , square. The Pythagoreans distinguished three worlds as containers: principles, reason and quantities. There are three stages in the Bible: the primitive chaos over which the Spirit hovered, the creation of Adam and the sanctification of the Sabbath. The division of the world is threefold: heaven, earth, underworld. Three tenses: past, present and future. In China, there are three principles: heaven, earth, man. Three is the true path of heaven, earth, man. The planetary and Zodiacal correspondence of the number 3 is Jupiter, the constellations Sagittarius (physical aspect) and Pisces (spiritual aspect). ()

4 (Four)
Four is a tetrad that defines the first geometric body, volume. The tetrad was considered by the Pythagoreans as the original, preceding number, the root of all things, the source. Four is the number of the earth, a stable, finite number. In Asian countries it is considered unlucky (residents of these countries are terrified of encountering a number of four in any form and manifestation - floor number, apartment number, etc.), because This number corresponds in writing to the hieroglyph that means death among them. In astrology, it symbolizes the planet Uranus, associated with the Sun (the number one), and is written as 4 -1. The zodiac correspondence of numbers 1-4 is the constellation Leo. ()

5 (Five)
Human symbol. The Tibetans have five primary elements: “earth”, “water”, “fire”, “wind”, “sky”. According to Pythagoras, the four primary elements - earth, air, fire and water - are permeated by the monad, ether. Symbol of permeability and vitality. The pentagram is also a symbol of health, the victory of the spiritual over the material. The Pythagoreans distinguished five regular geometric bodies: a tetrahedron with four faces, which are equilateral triangles; a cube with six faces - squares, an octahedron with eight faces - equilateral triangles, a dodecahedron with twelve faces - equilateral triangles and an icosahedron, a twenty-sided one, the face of which is a regular pentagon. These polygons can be inscribed with a sphere, the most perfect of all created forms.
In China there are five virtues: philanthropy, fidelity to duty, adherence to rituals, wisdom, trust. In Hinduism, there are four directions and a center in which the gods are located: in the center is Shiva, seated on the throne, Vishnu in the north. Brahma is in the south. Ishvara is in the east, Mahadeva is in the west. In Buddhism there are five esoteric Buddhas - dhyani, or tathagatas. The Five Mystical Buadas are the central image of Mahayana Buddhism. The prayer rule of Muslims and Zoroastrians is performed five times a day. In astrology, this number corresponds to the planet Mercury. The zodiacal correspondence of the number 5 is the constellation Gemini (physical aspect) and Virgo (intellectual aspect). (

NUMBER ZERO ZERO is a symbol of trust and even naivety. Associated with the "Jester" card from the Tarot deck. Zero “speaks” that you can use your chances with an open heart - the cosmic forces will support you. If there are a lot of zeros in your phone number, then this may mean that you bear the burden of great responsibility and need to make your life easier. Meditation will bring positive results.

NUMBER ONE UNIT - a symbol of creativity, intelligence, strength of character. Moreover, the character is self-confident and ambitious. If you also live in house 1, these qualities can increase several times. Many sacred holidays are celebrated on the first day of the month. This number reflects your great potential and understanding that you can influence the world around you.

THE NUMBER TWO TWO is a symbol of the duality of nature and the feminine principle. She is surrounded by the energy of romantic love, but shows the relationship of opposite natures, which must compromise in order to maintain the relationship. Two may often seem passive, but in reality it is the number of harmony and peace. It helps us discover our strengths and weaknesses.

NUMBER THREE THREE is a magical number that for a long time was a symbol of the pagan triple goddess, who simultaneously appears in the form of a girl, mother and old woman. This figure represents the Holy Trinity and is associated with the cycle of birth, life and death. Three is also a symbol of the creative masculine principle. Many magical spells are repeated three times and end with the phrase: “May this be done by the power of three.”

NUMBER FOUR FOUR is the number of stability associated with the Earth. The material world “relies” on the number “4” - the four primary elements of the elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth), the four seasons (winter, spring, summer, autumn), the four cardinal directions (north, south, east, west).

NUMBER FIVE FIVE is the first number, which simultaneously includes the symbols of the masculine (3) and feminine (2) principles. Thus, five is a symbol of marriage (the sum of two and three). In addition, five is the number of transformation, representing a combination of the four basic elements and the quintessence - spirit. This suggests that problems await you ahead, but this is only a reason and incentive to develop your abilities.

NUMBER SIX SIX is a symbol of integrity and calm. The sum of the prime numbers that make up six () and the product of these same numbers (1 x 2 x 3) will be the same and equal to the same six. Six speaks of valuing family, remembering old friends and resolving old conflicts.

NUMBER SEVEN SEVEN is the most magical and sacred number. She personifies wisdom, holiness and secret knowledge. It is not for nothing that the seven days of Divine creation, the seven notes of harmony represent seven as a perfect number. According to popular belief, the seventh son of the seventh son is endowed with incredible magical powers.

NUMBER EIGHT EIGHT is a symbol of material well-being, prosperity and abundance. If you have financial difficulties, then move to house 8 or the number of which adds up to the number “8” - and you are guaranteed a comfortable future. Use the number "8" in all money related spells. Eight is also a symbol of infinity.

NUMBER NINE NINE is a symbol of constancy and cyclicity, since any multiple of nine, when reduced to the unit digit, gives a total of nine (18, 27, 36, etc.), that is, it gives itself again. According to popular beliefs, cats are believed to have nine lives, which is why cats, more often than other animals, are associated with magic.

THE NUMBER THIRTEEN THIRTEEN is often associated with witches because there are thirteen lunar months in the witchcraft calendar. In pagan tradition, if the thirteenth day of the month fell on a Friday, then this day was dedicated to the moon goddess. It is believed that for some people the number “13” is unlucky, but for those who practice lunar magic, this number is extremely favorable.

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