After removal of papilloma on the vocal cords. Papilloma on the vocal cords. Treatment of papillomatosis in the throat

Papilloma on the vocal cords is a warty formation caused by the active activity of the virus of the same name. It is located in the middle part of the larynx, closer to the entrance to the trachea. That is why, first of all, it should be addressed to an otolaryngologist. Such an outgrowth can be located both on one fold and on the other.

Causes of papillomas on the vocal cords

Papilloma on the vocal cords appears due to the progression of the virus of the same name, which starts the process of its formation as a result of damage to healthy cells. HPV itself is transmitted through direct contact with an infected person - during sexual intercourse, kissing, sharing things with him.

Here is what contributes to the formation of papillomas on the vocal cords:

  • Wounds in the mouth. If the integrity of the mucosa is broken, the virus can easily get inside with the saliva or blood of an infected person, for example, during a kiss. First of all, it will settle on the oral mucosa, including the vocal cords. If nothing is done about it for a long time, then HPV will begin to destroy cells and provoke the formation of papilloma on the vocal cords.
  • Nail biting habit. A lot of bacteria, infections, viruses, including HPV, accumulate under them. If you bite unwashed nails, they can penetrate the body and lead to damage to the walls of the oral cavity, which also contains the vocal cords. If the immune system is not strong enough to prevent this, the process will be difficult to stop.
  • Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. This applies to those who rarely or incorrectly brush their teeth, using, in particular, inexpensive pastes. The risk group for the occurrence of papillomas on the vocal cords also includes people who ignore mouthwashes with antibacterial action. Thanks to them, the activity of pathogenic microorganisms is suppressed and the formation of build-up here is prevented.
  • Treatment at the dentist. Infection with the papillomavirus and the appearance of growths here is possible if the doctor uses insufficiently sterilized instruments. If there are traces of HPV on them, which, for example, can remain with blood or lymphatic fluid, it is quite capable of quickly infiltrating the cells of the oral mucosa. This provokes the appearance of papilloma on the vocal cords.
  • Oral sexual contact. This becomes relevant if a woman practices fellatio without using contraceptives. The likelihood of infection increases if a woman has a violation of the integrity of the mucosa in her mouth, and a man also has papillomas on the penis.
  • Sharing utensils with the patient. Taking food from plates and mugs that have traces of the virus, as well as using pots, forks, spoons and other kitchen items of an infected person, the virus will penetrate into a healthy body with almost 100% probability. But the fact that he will have papilloma on the vocal cords can only be discussed if the dishes are not treated with special detergents.

The papillomavirus also affects those who often visits baths, saunas, pools because it can exist here for a long time. This is facilitated by operations involving tissue cutting, blood transfusion, examination of the oral cavity with an ENT using poorly sterilized instruments. Often, infection occurs during the birth of a child, from an infected mother, when the baby leaves the uterus.

The penetration of the papillomavirus inside does not mean 100% the appearance of education on the vocal cords. To do this, the immune system must be very weak and unable to repel HPV attacks, as well as suppress its activity. This is due to poor ecology in the place of residence, constant stress and chronic lack of sleep, prolonged and uncontrolled antibiotic treatment, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers).

What do papillomas on the vocal cords look like?

In the photo, the papilloma on the vocal cords looks like a small knot located on the border of the transition of the larynx to the trachea. The bump has dimensions from 0.5 to 2 cm, the higher this figure, the greater the discomfort in a person. It is especially acute while swallowing saliva and eating when it hardly passes into the esophagus.

In the case of active growth and reaching large sizes, almost complete blockage of the airway lumen becomes possible, which manifests itself in asphyxia.

  • Voice change. Often it becomes hoarse, hoarse, as if "smoky". From the outside, it may seem that a person just caught a cold, but the situation usually does not change after a course of treatment. The reason for this is the pressure on the muscles that are responsible for the sound of the voice. In rare cases, such problems can turn into aphonia, implying a complete loss of voice.
  • Sore throat. This symptom of papilloma on the vocal cords can occur both without any external influence, and as a result of physical irritation of the throat mucosa and the vocal cords themselves. Often this happens when the surface of the papilloma comes into contact with hot or too cold food, spicy and very salty foods, and fried foods.
  • coughing. It provokes irritation of the mucosa as a result of contact with it papilloma. In this case, perspiration often occurs in the oral cavity, which provokes a cough. At the same time, there are no complaints of sore throat, which complicates the detection of the disease by doctors.
  • low immunity. This is one of the main symptoms of papilloma on the vocal cords, manifested in the form of weakness, dizziness, nausea, tingling in the arms and legs, drowsiness, distraction, increased anxiety and irritability.

Sometimes a papilloma is mistaken for a polyp, which is benign. Therefore, for the diagnosis of papillomas on the vocal cords, it is first of all necessary examination of the vocal cords, including using a special otolaryngological mirror. This is usually sufficient for a detailed visual examination and assessment of the state of education.

To exclude its malignancy, which must be done before removing the growth, it is necessary to carry out sample histology. This will require video endoscopy or laryngoscopy, which may require general anesthesia.

Before treatment for vocal cord papilloma may be helpful CT scan, which clearly shows the localization of the papilloma, its boundaries and structure. As an alternative to this option, MRI can be offered.

It is also mandatory to carry out Digene test(amplification), which allows you to identify the type, degree of oncogenicity and concentration of HPV in the body. This is necessary to prescribe the most effective antiviral drugs.

Ways to remove papillomas on the vocal cords

The most common way to remove papillomas on the vocal cords is surgical excision of the formation. At the same time, it is carried out in a relatively minimally invasive way, using micro-instruments. Everything that happens during the operation is displayed on the screen, which allows the doctor to accurately assess their actions and eliminate papilloma without harm to health.

Microsurgical operations are safe, almost never give side effects and complications, do not require such a long recovery as after the usual removal of papilloma with a scalpel. But the most important thing here is that they do not injure the vocal cords and thus do not disrupt the functioning of the speech apparatus.

The disadvantage of surgical intervention to remove papillomas on the vocal cords is only that after it there remains the likelihood of a recurrence of the formation. This is due to the presence of traces of the virus in the epithelial tissue layer, which can provoke the emergence of new growths. In this case, to exclude such problems, the patient is prescribed effective anti-inflammatory drugs such as Likopid, Tsitovir-3, Kagocel.

Here are a few more ways to remove papillomas on the vocal cords:

  • Endolaryngeal excision. For this, special Moritz-Schmidt forceps are used, with which the lump is carefully pinched off and sent for a biopsy. All this is done within a few minutes, but the operation is necessarily carried out under local application anesthesia. It involves the application of anesthetic lotions, gels and other similar products to the treated surface. After such a removal of papilloma, no scars form on the vocal cords and no scars remain. The disadvantage of this method is that if the operation is carried out inaccurately, there is a risk of a change in the timbre of the voice. The price of endolaryngeal excision is 6900 rubles (3200 UAH).
  • Plasma coagulation. Thanks to this method, papilloma on the vocal cords literally evaporates under the influence of plasma. The latter is formed as a result of the passage of an electric current in argon. Since this is a non-contact method of eliminating growth, the procedure does not cause bleeding and does not leave a burn, healthy tissues around the formation are not damaged as a result of it. Complete removal of papilloma on the vocal cords may require 1-3 sessions, each of which lasts an average of 20-30 minutes. The price of plasma coagulation is 2900 rubles (1300 UAH).
  • Cryodestruction. When choosing this technique, the papilloma will be destroyed with the help of cold. To this end, doctors use liquid nitrogen, which changes the structure of the formation cells and contributes to its removal. This is a minimally invasive technique for removing a build-up that does not require anesthesia, and only in rare cases may need topical anesthesia. For this, one visit to the doctor is usually enough. The procedure lasts about 30 minutes. The price of cryodestruction is 360 rubles (150 hryvnias).
  • Electrodestruction. In this case, the papilloma on the vocal cords is removed using a current of a certain frequency. Special electrodes are brought to the growth and held here for several minutes. With their help, it is possible to cauterize the formation and weaken its root. After that, a histological examination is carried out to exclude the process of malignancy. Complete removal of papilloma may require 1-3 sessions, on average, their duration is 20 minutes. The price of electrocoagulation is 590 rubles (250 hryvnias).
  • laser removal. This is the most optimal way to remove papillomas on the vocal cords after endolaryngeal excision. It allows you to make an incision without blood and remove the growth without injuring the surrounding areas of the mucosa. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid the formation of scars and scars. This is a minimally invasive technique that is used both in a hospital and outpatient setting. The operation is carried out within 20-40 minutes. The price of laser therapy is 2900 rubles (1300 hryvnias).

Papilloma on the vocal cords is a very common occurrence, and since it has the likelihood of degenerating from benign to malignant, its appearance must be responded to immediately. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor for a detailed examination and, upon obtaining approval, remove the growth using available methods.

City Dermatovenerologic Dispensary St. Petersburg

Papillomas that appear in patients in the upper respiratory tract are an external manifestation of human papillomavirus infection. Such neoplasms are hyperplastic growths. In most cases, they develop against the background of rapid cell division (this process provokes the HPV virus). After a person is infected with papillomavirus, it is sharply activated, especially if the patient has a poor immune system.

In some cases, such neoplasms can be reborn and provoke the development of oncological diseases. That is why experts recommend timely vaccination, which will protect them from the replication of HPV types 18 and 16. The desired effect of vaccination will be achieved only if there is no papillomavirus infection pathogen in the patient's body.

ICD code 10

Papillomavirus infection of the upper respiratory tract, in particular the larynx, is included in the international classifier ICD 10 under the number B 97.7. The cause of the disease is a viral infection of type 6 or 10 (at present, about 100 types of papillomavirus have been identified). After infection with these strains of HPV, patients experience an acute and rapid course of the disease. In most cases, there are relapses. In adults, human papillomavirus infection of the upper respiratory tract develops between the ages of 20 and 30, or after 50 years. In children, this disease occurs at a young age, and often provokes the development of bronchopneumonia.

Papillomatosis of the larynx/vocal cords

When papillomavirus infects the larynx ligaments in humans, in addition to the appearance of neoplasms, swelling and narrowing of the vocal cords are observed. Some experts quite often confuse the external manifestation of human papillomavirus infection with diseases such as inflammation of the pharynx or bacterial laryngitis. Papillomavirus neoplasms on the ligaments of the larynx appear at the very initial stages of this disease. They have a base and a head, and in appearance the colony resembles a bunch of grapes. If identical growths are found in the oral cavity, on the tonsils or on the larynx, specialists conduct a special study - microlaryngoscopy. The purpose of such an examination is to study the structure of growths (it can be either fine-grained or finely lobed).

The reasons

Infection of the upper respiratory tract with papillomavirus infection can occur for the following reasons:

  • transferred infectious or viral disease;
  • bad heredity;
  • decreased immunity;
  • tactile contact with a person who is a carrier of HPV;
  • mechanical damage to the larynx;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • prolonged contact with ultraviolet light, etc.


Papillomavirus infection of the upper respiratory tract is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • there is hoarseness in the voice;
  • papillomavirus neoplasms appear on the tonsils;
  • the process of sound transmission is disturbed (aphonia);
  • the gap narrows (voice);
  • stenosis is formed, etc.

In almost all cases of infection with papillomavirus of the upper respiratory tract, damage to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity is observed. Papillomas appear in this area, the diameter of which can reach 1 cm. Such papillomavirus neoplasms have a structure somewhat similar to a head of cauliflower and have a rough surface. The color of papilloma varies from pale pink to reddish. On palpation of the neoplasm, patients do not experience pain.


Papillomatosis of the larynx during laryngoscopy

Diagnosis of papillomavirus infection begins with a personal examination of the patient, who has external manifestations of the disease. A specialist who has discovered a massive proliferation of papillomas in the upper respiratory tract can, by their specific appearance, suggest the type of infection. After that, he directs the patient to a laboratory examination (biological material is taken, which is transferred for histological examination). For many years, to detect human papillomavirus infection, experts have prescribed a PCR analysis (stands for polymerase chain reaction) for this category of patients. During a laboratory study, it is possible to detect either the RNA of the infectious agent or the DNA of the virus. This technique allows specialists to determine the type of disease with maximum accuracy and prescribe constructive treatment to patients.

Papillomatosis of the larynx is diagnosed in a medical institution by one of the following methods:

  • microlaryngostroboscopy;
  • laryngastroboscopy;
  • laryngoscopy;
  • microlaryngoscopy;
  • histology;
  • electroglottography;
  • radiography;
  • computed or magnetic resonance imaging.

Classification of papillomatosis of the larynx (forms)

Papillomavirus infection of the upper respiratory tract is usually accompanied by the growth of neoplasms, the localization of which is the tonsils, trachea, larynx, tongue, etc. Such hyperplastic growths are dark red or white. Their structure can be of two types: soft (non-keratinizing) or hard (epidermoid). During the histological examination of such neoplasms, it is possible to perform a division into the following groups:

  • basal cell;
  • transitional cell;
  • squamous.

Papillomavirus neoplasms of the larynx are classified according to the source of infection and the age of the patient:

  • congenital;
  • acquired;
  • juvenile;
  • recurrent;
  • papillomatosis, which appears in patients of the older age group.

According to the type of damage to the mucous membrane of the larynx, papillomatosis is divided into the following categories:

  • limited;
  • obturating;
  • common.

Depending on the condition of the patient's respiratory tract, papillomatosis is classified according to the following principle:

  • 1 degree - compensatory (noises during inspiration, hoarseness):
  • 2 degree - decompensatory (cyanosis of the mucous membrane and skin, shortness of breath, cold sweat, rapid breathing);
  • Grade 3 - asphyxia (dilated pupils, respiratory arrest, pale skin, slowing of the heart).

Medical treatment

In the treatment of papillomavirus infection of the upper respiratory tract, specialists use various medical techniques. The main task that doctors set themselves is to activate the patient's immune system. Patients are prescribed drugs of the interferon group, in tablet form, for example, Viferon, Reaferon, Cycloferon or Interal. To combat papillomavirus infection, the following drugs are used: Allokin-Alpha, Cidofovir or Acyclovir. To reduce the rate of papillomavirus cell division, experts prescribe chemotherapy drugs. These cytostatics (Vartek or Podophilin) ​​can be used both externally and in the form of injections.

To reduce the level of androgens in the body of patients, thereby slowing down the growth of papillomavirus neoplasms, doctors conduct hormone therapy (Proginrva or Femoston is prescribed). In parallel with drug therapy, traditional medicine recipes can be used, which are agreed with the attending physician. Currently, a conservative method of treating papillomavirus infection of the upper respiratory tract is also practiced. In this case, we are talking about antibiotics, which are prescribed after the detection of the bacterial flora (pathogenic). To eliminate the bacterial flora, antiseptic preparations are used. If an infection is not detected in patients, then antibacterial drugs are not prescribed to them in order to avoid the development of dysbacteriosis (which is a rather dangerous complication).

Surgical treatment

If drug treatment of papillomatosis of the upper respiratory tract does not bring the desired result, doctors perform surgical removal of growths. Currently, there are a large number of ways by which papillomavirus neoplasms can be eliminated and at the same time, without injuring nearby tissues and mucous membranes:

  • laser removal;
  • exposure to radio waves;
  • cauterization (larinofissure);
  • electrocoagulation;
  • cryodestruction;
  • use of a microdebrider;
  • coblation (exposure to cold plasma);
  • ultrasonic disintegration, etc.

Treatment with folk methods

Papillomavirus infection, regardless of where its external manifestation occurs, can be treated with folk methods (only in combination with traditional methods). In most cases, doctors prescribe inhalations, tinctures and decoctions from medicinal herbs such as Kalanchoe, celandine, etc.


Surgical removal of papillomavirus neoplasms localized in the upper respiratory tract is performed if malignancy is suspected. A specialist with a scalpel cuts off the growths and sends them for histological examination. If cancer cells are detected during the study of biological material, the patient is prescribed a special (complicated and lengthy) treatment.

The most effective method of removing papillomas from the larynx today is surgery using a surgical laser. With it, you can cut off growths even in the most inaccessible places. When removing papillomas with a surgical scalpel, a specialist can use both extralaryngeal and intralaryngeal techniques.

Complications and consequences

Papillomavirus infection of the upper respiratory tract can be in the human body for about 10 years and does not manifest itself. In the presence of provoking factors, HPV begins to progress in an aggressive (gradually increasing clinical symptoms) or non-aggressive form. Papillomatosis of the larynx modern medicine classifies as precancerous conditions, since in 20% of cases malignancy of neoplasms is observed. That is why the disease requires timely treatment and constant monitoring.

Prevention of papillomatosis of the upper respiratory tract and prognosis

To protect your body from the penetration of papillomavirus infection, people need to regularly carry out a set of measures:

  • timely treatment of viral and infectious diseases that affect the upper respiratory tract;
  • normalization of nasal breathing;
  • physical education;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • introduction to the daily diet of fruits with a high content of vitamin C;
  • hardening of the body;
  • passing preventive examinations;
  • giving up all bad habits;
  • healthy eating, etc.

If the treatment of papillomavirus infection in a child was carried out in full, and the patient did not violate the prescriptions of the attending physician, then the prognosis for him is very favorable, even with frequent relapses. In patients of the older age group, papillomavirus neoplasms can degenerate into sarcoma or cancer. For this category of patients, the prognosis will depend on the complication of the disease, and not on its primary manifestation. After undergoing radiation therapy or tracheostomy, the prognosis becomes worse. Patients in rare cases manage to restore voice functions.

Throat papillomatosis

When a patient is infected with papillomavirus, this infection can be localized in the throat, where it manifests itself in the form of benign neoplasms. Papillomas are attached to the mucous membrane with their stalk, which can be thin or wide. The body of the growth is covered with a layer of epithelium, under which the base (submucosa) is located. The cause of human papillomavirus neoplasms in the throat of a person can be sexual, tactile or perinatal contact with an HPV carrier. The risk group for developing throat papillomatosis can include children of the younger age group (up to 5 years old) and women and men whose age ranges from 20 to 40 years. The provoking factors for the appearance of HPV are:

  • abuse of bad habits;
  • promiscuity;
  • suppression of immunity;
  • poor hygiene;
  • various diseases of the upper respiratory tract, etc.

Papillomatosis of the tonsils

Papillomavirus neoplasms on the tonsils in most cases bring discomfort to patients while eating or swallowing (in rare cases they cause pain). It is forbidden to tear off or cut off such growths on your own, as you may face serious consequences. If papillomavirus manifestations are found on the tonsils, you should contact a medical institution for a consultation. The specialist will determine the type of neoplasm and select an effective treatment technique. Patients with indications may have their tonsils removed. To prevent the appearance of papillomas, it is recommended to harden, not drink too cold drinks and avoid drafts.

Papillomatosis on the tongue

External manifestations of papillomavirus infection can be observed in different parts of the skin and mucous membranes, which are especially susceptible to injury. In many patients, papillomavirus neoplasms are localized in the oral cavity, namely on the tongue. These growths can be painful and cause discomfort while eating. Sometimes they bleed, and with frequent mechanical action, they greatly increase in size and quantity.

The reasons for the appearance of papillomavirus neoplasms in the tongue include HPV strain 1, 3, 2, 18, 16 types. Infection of this category of patients can occur either during contact with household items, or through tactile contact with people who are carriers of the virus. Children in most cases become infected with this virus due to poor personal hygiene (they put everything in their mouths to taste it). After the penetration of papillomavirus DNA into the human body, the infection is at rest and does not manifest itself in any way until favorable conditions occur: immunity decreases.

Papillomatosis in the throat in children

Papillomavirus infection, the localization of which is the throat, is a very serious disease, which is especially difficult for young patients. In children, HPV causes a disorder of voice-forming and respiratory functions. During the recurrence of the disease in the throat in children infected with papillomavirus, there is an active growth of growths that affect large areas of the larynx (such neoplasms can also be seen on the trachea). If the patient does not receive timely medical care and does not undergo comprehensive treatment, the HPV virus can pose a threat not only to his health, but also to life.

As for the causes of papillomatosis of the larynx, here we can distinguish any infectious disease that proceeded in an acute form. The papilloma virus, which manifests itself in the throat, can most often be found in children of a younger age group (from 1.5 years to 5 years). In most cases, it is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • hoarseness;
  • violation of respiratory functions;
  • narrowing of the glottis;
  • cough;
  • increased fatigue;
  • discomfort during swallowing, etc.

What to do after removal in the throat

After papillomavirus growths have been removed from the upper respiratory tract (by any method), patients must strictly follow all the instructions of the attending physicians:

  • give up hot drinks and dishes for a while;
  • do not lift heavy objects;
  • to carry out sanitary treatment of the oral cavity;
  • strengthen immunity, etc.

After undergoing rehabilitation, the patient will be able to lead a normal life, taking precautions and regularly taking preventive measures. If the disease recurs, he will need to contact his doctor for advice and further therapy.

Papillomatosis of the larynx before and after surgery: video

Papilloma in the throat is a fairly common pathology, which is a neoplasm in the form of a papilla located on the mucous membrane of the larynx or pharynx. Such formations and growths are of a viral nature and benign. They are formed as a result of the proliferation of the epithelium and connective tissue fibers. The causative agent of pathology is papillomavirus, which affects any tissue of the body. Papillomas appear on the walls of the pharynx most often in women 20-40 years old, and on the walls of the larynx - in men.

Papillomas outwardly resemble warts and consist of connective tissue and epithelial layers. The appearance of papillomas depends on the predominance of certain structural elements. In children, the growths contain connective tissue elements to a greater extent and have a pinkish color, while in adults, epithelial elements predominate in their structure, changing the color of the formation to whitish-gray.

The most dangerous and life-threatening place for the localization of growths is the larynx and trachea. Large growths obstruct airflow and interfere with normal breathing.

Papilloma of the pharynx in appearance is similar to cauliflower or rooster combs. This soft, small-tuberous neoplasm rarely degenerates into a malignant tumor. Rapid growth, ulceration and bleeding are signs of papilloma malignancy. Children become infected by the transplacental or perinatal route from a sick mother. Papillomas in the throat in children are dangerous for the development of respiratory disorders.

Large-scale growth of papillomas in the throat is called papillomatosis of the larynx or pharynx. The lesion can cover the entire surface of the laryngopharynx, trachea and even bronchi. Solitary papillomas are large formations that appear on the mucous membrane of the larynx. Papillomatosis is relatively common and requires complex treatment. The highest risk of developing papillomatosis of the larynx is in children 2–4 years old, in adolescents and adults during menopause.

left: normal, right: laryngeal papillomatosis

Children usually develop a diffuse form of laryngeal papillomatosis, in which the formations are located around the glottis. Pathology is much more severe than in adults. This is due to the fact that babies have a looser connective tissue of the larynx, the laryngeal tube is narrower, and immunity is not yet fully formed. Attacks of asphyxia in sick children occur during each acute respiratory disease or SARS. In the absence of timely and competent treatment, babies can die from suffocation.


The causative agent of the disease is papillomavirus. This is a DNA-containing virus that changes the nature of tissue growth and causes the formation of not only papillomas, but also genital warts, cancerous tumors. Papillomavirus circulates between living organisms, colonizes the basal layer of the skin and multiplies in the epidermis. Inside the cells, the microbe exerts its pathogenic effect - it disrupts cell division.

The mechanism of transmission of infection - contact-household. It is realized through sexual, domestic, perinatal routes. Self-infection is possible when the virus is transferred from one part of the body to another. This happens during shaving or hair removal. In addition to the viral theory of the origin of the disease, there are others, less common. Some scientists believe that papillomatosis is a diathesis that develops in individuals with a hereditary predisposition. According to the endocrine theory, androgenic hormones play a significant role in the development of papillomatosis.

Infection with a virus does not always lead to the development of pathology. Under the influence of certain risk factors, the first clinical symptoms appear.

Factors provoking the development of the disease:

  • Decrease in the general resistance of the organism,
  • hormonal changes,
  • Bad habits,
  • Addiction,
  • Taking oral contraceptives
  • Dusty or polluted air
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • burdened heredity,
  • Chronic diseases of the ENT organs,
  • childhood infectious diseases,
  • Visiting saunas, swimming pools,
  • uncontrolled sex,
  • stress,
  • malnutrition,
  • overexertion of the vocal cords,
  • Irradiation
  • Allergy,
  • Damage to the mucous membrane of the larynx by a foreign body,
  • Condition after tracheostomy.


The disease is prone to recurrence and development of stenosis of the larynx. Patients repeatedly undergo surgical interventions that lead to cicatricial deformity, narrowing of the lumen of the larynx and deterioration of voice function.

The disease develops rapidly under the influence of provoking factors.

Well-vascularized forms of papillomas are characterized by rapid growth and recurrence. Papillomas in the throat in adults can become malignant. Neoplasms on the mucous membrane of the laryngopharynx are often injured and inflamed, which aggravates the course of the disease.


Papillomavirus infection in most cases does not manifest itself in any way, since the body's immunity suppresses the activity of viruses. When the immune defense is weakened, the viruses gather in a certain place on the mucous membrane, where the process of cell division is subsequently disrupted, and growths appear.

Small papillomas in the throat are not accompanied by clinical symptoms. Large growths on the mucous membrane are manifested by dysphonia and dysphagia. They interfere not only with eating, drinking and speaking, but also make it difficult to breathe. Patients experience shortness of breath, wheezing, wheezing, coughing during the day, it is difficult to inhale or exhale. On examination, the tonsils are inflamed, edematous, hyperemic. The palatine arches are fused with their surface. An intensively growing tumor is manifested by a strong cough with bloody sputum, containing fragments of papillomas with their strong growth. Discomfort in the mouth increases, the voice changes in patients: it becomes deaf or almost silent, which is due to hyperkeratosis of the vocal cords. The cough becomes excruciating after running and lingering after colds.

manifestations of human papillomavirus infection

A large tumor causes airway obstruction. Patients cannot swallow food or water, they suffer from asthma attacks up to complete asphyxia. Dyspnea gradually increases, spasms of the larynx, stridor appear. The increase in papillomas in size and number occurs rapidly.

With papillomatosis, psychomotor dysfunction occurs, dystrophic processes develop in the internal organs, and the work of the nervous and endocrine systems is disrupted.

Airway stenoses are of 4 degrees:

  • Compensatory stenosis is manifested by hoarseness, noisy inspiration and prolonged exhalation.
  • Decompensation is characterized by symptoms of hypoxia - cyanosis, tachypnea, hyperhidrosis, panic.
  • The third degree of stenosis - asphyxia: pale skin, bradycardia, mydriasis.
  • Fourth degree - apnea and fainting.


Diagnosis of papillomas does not cause difficulties for specialists. A visual examination of the throat reveals growths located in the throat that have a characteristic appearance. Patients may not feel pain.

Additional methods for detecting papillomas in the throat:

  1. laryngoscopy,
  2. laryngotracheoscopy,
  3. Microlaryngoscopy,
  4. Histology,
  5. laryngostroboscopy and microlaryngostroboscopy,
  6. electroglottography,
  7. X-ray,


Treatment of papillomavirus infection is complex. The use of various methods for removing papillomas in the throat leads to relapses, injures healthy tissues and is accompanied by the development of complications. Therefore, all methods of surgical exposure should be carried out against the background of intensive etiotropic and immunostimulating therapy.

Patients are prescribed systemic immunostimulation and antiviral drugs.

  • Immunostimulants - "Viferon", "Likopid", "Cycloferon", "Isoprinosine", "Reaferon", "Interal".
  • Antiviral drugs - Kagocel, Zovirax, Amiksin, Cidofovir, Allokin-Alpha.

Methods for removing papillomas:

  1. Excision of formations with a scalpel can be intra- and extra-laryngeal. Surgeons dissect the skin, subcutaneous fat and trachea, impose a tracheostomy, through which the papilloma is removed. This method has many complications. The intralaryngeal method is carried out using an endoscope. The place of attachment of the formation is treated with an antiseptic or coagulated.
  2. Electrocoagulation- removal of papilloma with a scalpel to which an electric current is connected. This method is highly efficient. The risk of damage to adjacent tissues is zero.

Cryodestruction- cauterization of growths with liquid nitrogen. Frozen cells die and fall off over time, relapses are extremely rare.

  • Laser surgery- the most effective and popular surgical method for removing papillomas in hard-to-reach places. This method does not leave scars on the tissues and prevents the recurrence of the tumor. Papillomas are removed with a laser, bleeding stops, small and large growths are excised. The advantage of this method is the highest precision of the instrument and the absence of scars.
  • X-ray therapy and radiotherapy- non-traumatic methods of removal of neoplasms. X-ray therapy often leads to the development of post-therapeutic damage to the tissues of the larynx. Radiotherapy is its alternative. The incision is smooth and heals quickly. Bleeding and secondary infection are excluded. Using a radio wave knife is very effective. "Surgitron" is a device for removing formations with high-frequency radio waves. The procedure is completely painless and leaves no scars.
  • Removal of papillomas by any of the above methods is performed under local anesthesia. In the postoperative period, patients are prescribed antiviral, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. Steroid hormones prevent swelling of the larynx, antibiotics prevent infection of wounds, methionine helps to avoid recurrence of the disease.

    Self-removal of papillomas in the throat is unacceptable: the tumor can be damaged. This will lead to even greater growth of pathological tissue and increase the risk of papilloma malignancy.

    You can treat papillomavirus infection with the help of folk remedies:

    You can use folk remedies only after consulting a doctor.

    Preventive measures to avoid the appearance of papillomas in the throat:

    1. Gentle voice mode
    2. Treatment of infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, ENT organs, gastrointestinal tract,
    3. Elimination of occupational hazards,
    4. The use of individual means of barrier contraception,
    5. Strengthening immunity - hardening, taking vitamins, normal nutrition,
    6. Rejection of bad habits.

    Among the possible sites of localization of papillomas on the human body, laryngeal papilloma is one of the most dangerous manifestations of this disease.

    What is this disease, what is its danger to humans and how to get rid of or prevent such a manifestation of the papillomavirus, we will consider below.


    Papilloma, formed in the larynx, is a papillary growth on the mucous membrane.

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    • Health to you and your loved ones!

    What does it look like such an education?

    • The newly appeared papilloma has a pink color, similar to the color of the surrounding tissues. But if the neoplasm appeared a long time ago, it acquires a grayish tint, as it is covered with connective tissue.
    • The surface of papillomas is smooth or bumpy, the base is usually quite wide.
    • Most often, formations in the larynx are benign, especially if they consist of squamous epithelial cells (papilloma).
    • But if the papilloma is inverted, then it is more prone to transformation into a tumor.

    What is invertible papilloma?

    • This is a neoplasm of the ciliated epithelium, which tends to grow into the deep layers of tissues, including even cartilage and bone.
    • This is the reason for the high risk of malignancy of such formations.

    The disease is included in the international classification of diseases (ICD-10). You can find it in the section of benign neoplasms of the larynx, ICD-10 code D 14.1.

    Why do they appear

    The only reason for the appearance of papillomas on any part of the body is infection with the human papillomavirus.

    It is very common. Some carriers of the virus have symptoms on or, others do not.

    The formation of growths in the larynx occurs due to the transmission of the virus in two main ways:

    1. sexually. Thus, papillomas appear in the larynx in adults. Infection occurs through unprotected oral or oral-anal contact with a carrier that does not necessarily have clinical manifestations of papillomavirus (that is, neoplasms). Most often, the appearance of growths is caused by the 6th subspecies of papillomavirus;
    2. perinatal route. In this way, children from a carrier mother become infected in the process of being born through the birth canal. Symptoms in the form of growths can appear in them both at an early age (up to a year) and later. Usually they are caused by the 11th subspecies of HPV.

    Photo: infection of a newborn can occur during passage through the birth canal

    Even if a virus enters the body, growths will not necessarily appear soon. This requires the influence of provoking factors and a decrease in the immune status.

    According to medical research, middle-aged men and children most often suffer from HPV manifestations in the larynx.

    Provoking factors

    After the virus enters the body, an incubation period begins, during which it adapts to new conditions.

    This period can take from 2 months to 10 years. In order for the virus to begin to actively multiply and manifest itself as growths, factors favorable for it must be present in the body.

    They appear due to the following reasons:

    • frequent diseases of ENT organs of viral or bacterial origin;
    • chronic ENT diseases;
    • hormonal disorders, disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine system;
    • decreased immunity due to allergic reactions;
    • mechanical damage to the mucous membrane of the larynx;
    • bad habits;
    • weakening of the immune system by stress, overwork;
    • bad ecological situation.

    Photo: smoking is a factor that activates HPV

    The main role in containing the virus is assigned to the immune system.

    With a strong immune system, the virus can exist in a latent form throughout a person's life.

    In adolescents, this system is still not sufficiently formed, so the papilloma of the larynx most often manifests itself in them (naturally, subject to the presence of a virus in the body).

    Places of localization

    Neoplasms can be single or multiple.

    • In the latter case, they can be found not only in the larynx, but also in the soft palate, tonsils and trachea.
    • When localized in the larynx, papillomas can grow on the surface of the vocal cords. Papillomas of the vocal cords of the fibrous type (that is, provoked by the growth of connective tissue) are benign formations. They make it very difficult to speak, affect the quality of the voice. This allows you to diagnose them almost immediately.

    Papillomas in the larynx or trachea are much more dangerous than on the tonsils, arches, palate and other parts of the oral cavity.

    With such localization, the lumen of the respiratory tract narrows, which leads to a violation of the respiratory function and can lead to a whole range of problems: disruption of the cardiovascular, nervous systems, mental retardation in a child.

    A photo


    Very often, the appearance of papillomas in the larynx goes unnoticed.

    Neoplasms are small in size and may not affect body functions.

    But with a large size, location near the vocal cords or on them, they still manifest themselves as specific symptoms:

    • voice change (becomes hoarse, hoarse, coarsened);
    • sometimes the voice becomes very quiet or the person cannot utter a sound at all;
    • during breathing, whistles, wheezing appear, breathing is difficult;
    • from time to time a person can cough, with a cold, the cough becomes long and obsessive;
    • discomfort in the throat, sensation of a foreign body;
    • difficulty swallowing solid food.

    All these symptoms of papilloma of the larynx can have the most severe consequences for children, since the lumen of the larynx is much narrower than in adults.

    In addition, in childhood, the diffuse form of the disease, characterized by a scattering of growths, is more common.

    In this case, in the absence of timely treatment, death from suffocation may occur. Such cases, according to statistics, are about 5%.

    But it is also known that in 20% of cases in children papilloma of the larynx by adolescence.

    Classification of papillomatosis

    The disease is classified according to a number of features.

    Depending on the age of manifestation, there are:

    • juvenile papillomatosis of the larynx (manifested in childhood);
    • respiratory recurrent (in adults).

    By the degree of spread of growths:

    • local papillomatosis (single growths or covering a small area);
    • diffuse (the larynx is covered with growths on both sides);
    • obturating (growths can threaten to block the lumen of the larynx).


    The initial diagnosis can be made based on the clinical picture of the disease.

    Additional methods help to clarify it, differentiate it from other neoplasms, and also determine the degree of spread of the pathology:

    • laryngoscopy - a visual examination of the larynx using a special instrument (laryngoscope);
    • endofibrolaryngoscopy with biopsy - allows you to examine the growths for their oncogenicity;
    • X-ray examination;
    • computed tomography of the larynx;
    • MRI of the soft tissues of the larynx;
    • photodynamic and autofluorescent study - helps to establish the boundaries of the focus of papillomatosis and reveal its hidden areas.

    Differential diagnosis is carried out with such diseases as tuberculosis, diphtheria, stenosing laryngitis, foreign body in the throat.

    Video: "Removal of papillomas in the vocal folds"

    Treatment of papillomas of the larynx

    There are different approaches to the treatment of papillomas in the larynx.

    • The most common is surgical.
    • But in the early stages of the disease, conservative therapy is sometimes effective.

    The main goal of therapy is to restore respiratory function and voice, prevent the progression of the disease, prevent possible narrowing of the lumen of the larynx and prevent relapses.

    Surgical intervention

    Surgery is the most common treatment for papillomas in the larynx. It is carried out in several ways:

    • laser removal;
    • destruction of papillomas.

    But the removal of the papillomas themselves does not affect the development of the disease. Therefore, if it is not supported by other methods of influence, relapses often occur.

    It happens that operations to remove growths in the larynx are performed in one person dozens of times in a lifetime.

    Photo: surgical removal of neoplasms in the oral cavity

    Other Methods

    To reduce the risk of recurrence and influence directly on the papillomavirus, surgical intervention is supported by drug therapy:

    • immunostimulating drugs- to increase the body's natural defenses;
    • antiviral medicines- to prevent the reproduction of viral cells;
    • hormonal drugs- to reduce the level of androgens and slow down the growth of papillomas;
    • glucocorticosteroid drugs– to prevent postoperative edema;
    • antibacterial agents(according to indications) - to reduce the risk of developing a secondary infection.

    Only an integrated approach to treatment can slow down viral activity and prevent relapses, the risk of which, unfortunately, remains quite high.

    Features of treatment in children and pregnant women

    If papillomas are found in pregnant women, if the condition allows, they take a wait-and-see approach.

    If the clinical picture requires an indispensable intervention, then operations are performed to remove papillomas, and drug treatment is postponed until the end of pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding.

    For children, papillomas are removed without fail if they threaten to block the lumen of the larynx.

    • The most commonly used laser method, as it is the safest, prevents relapse and infection.
    • At the end of the early recovery period (about 4 days), the children are prescribed drug therapy.

    Folk ways

    Treatment of papillomas in the throat with folk recipes can be quite dangerous.

    • In this area, you can not use aggressive components that can cause severe burns of the mucosa.
    • In addition, treatment with components of a folk pharmacy brings results only in the early stages of the disease.

    And you should always remember that if the growths make breathing difficult, then the treatment should not be used.

    You need to seek qualified medical help as soon as possible.

    The most common folk recipe for growths in the throat is inhalation with celandine juice.

    To do this, take 15 ml of fresh plant juice, add to 300 ml of boiling water and breathe over steam for 10 minutes.

    This procedure is repeated every other day.

    Photo: making kolanchoe juice for inhalation

    Another effective remedy is kolanchoe juice.

    It is mixed with vegetable oil in equal proportions and the growths are lubricated with this mixture twice a day.

    You should not expect quick results from the use of treatment methods, it is possible to judge their effectiveness only after a month.


    When using an integrated approach to treatment, the prognosis of the disease is favorable.

    If a person adheres to a healthy lifestyle and monitors the state of his immunity, then a stable remission can be achieved.

    Papillomas in the larynx have a high risk of degeneration into malignant tumors, so in no case should they be left unattended.

    Despite the severity of the situation with growths in the larynx, spontaneous recovery sometimes occurs. This is especially true for juvenile respiratory papillomatosis.


    It is best to take all possible measures to prevent infection with papillomavirus:

    • do not have sexual intercourse with partners who are questionable in terms of health;
    • use barrier methods of protection against sexually transmitted diseases;
    • wash hands thoroughly after visiting public places;
    • Observe good hygiene in public swimming pools and saunas.

    If it was possible to get rid of growths in the larynx, then the main concern of a person should be to prevent relapse:

    • cure all chronic diseases of ENT organs;
    • treat acute infections in a timely manner;
    • avoid hypothermia;
    • stop smoking;
    • monitor the quality of the air you breathe, as much as possible, at least at home (wet cleaning, humidifiers and air purifiers);
    • try not to strain your vocal cords.

    Papillomas in the larynx can threaten not only a person's health, but also his life, especially when it comes to young children.

    Therefore, at the first signs of this disease, you should contact a specialist and follow all his recommendations.

    Video: "Papilloma virus - oral cancer"

    Papilloma on the vocal cords is a warty formation caused by the active activity of the virus of the same name. It is located in the middle part of the larynx, closer to the entrance to the trachea. That is why, first of all, it should be addressed to an otolaryngologist. Such an outgrowth can be located both on one fold and on the other.

    Causes of papillomas on the vocal cords

    Papilloma on the vocal cords appears due to the progression of the virus of the same name, which starts the process of its formation as a result of damage to healthy cells. HPV itself is transmitted through direct contact with an infected person - during sexual intercourse, kissing, sharing things with him.

    Here is what contributes to the formation of papillomas on the vocal cords:

    • Wounds in the mouth. If the integrity of the mucosa is broken, the virus can easily get inside with the saliva or blood of an infected person, for example, during a kiss. First of all, it will settle on the oral mucosa, including the vocal cords. If nothing is done about it for a long time, then HPV will begin to destroy cells and provoke the formation of papilloma on the vocal cords.
    • Nail biting habit. A lot of bacteria, infections, viruses, including HPV, accumulate under them. If you bite unwashed nails, they can penetrate the body and lead to damage to the walls of the oral cavity, which also contains the vocal cords. If the immune system is not strong enough to prevent this, the process will be difficult to stop.
    • Non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. This applies to those who rarely or incorrectly brush their teeth, using, in particular, inexpensive pastes. The risk group for the occurrence of papillomas on the vocal cords also includes people who ignore mouthwashes with antibacterial action. Thanks to them, the activity of pathogenic microorganisms is suppressed and the formation of build-up here is prevented.
    • Treatment at the dentist. Infection with the papillomavirus and the appearance of growths here is possible if the doctor uses insufficiently sterilized instruments. If there are traces of HPV on them, which, for example, can remain with blood or lymphatic fluid, it is quite capable of quickly infiltrating the cells of the oral mucosa. This provokes the appearance of papilloma on the vocal cords.
    • Oral sexual contact. This becomes relevant if a woman practices fellatio without using contraceptives. The likelihood of infection increases if a woman has a violation of the integrity of the mucosa in her mouth, and a man also has papillomas on the penis.
    • Sharing utensils with the patient. Taking food from plates and mugs that have traces of the virus, as well as using pots, forks, spoons and other kitchen items of an infected person, the virus will penetrate into a healthy body with almost 100% probability. But the fact that he will have papilloma on the vocal cords can only be discussed if the dishes are not treated with special detergents.

    The papillomavirus also affects those who often visits baths, saunas, pools because it can exist here for a long time. This is facilitated by operations involving tissue cutting, blood transfusion, examination of the oral cavity with an ENT using poorly sterilized instruments. Often, infection occurs during the birth of a child, from an infected mother, when the baby leaves the uterus.

    The penetration of the papillomavirus inside does not mean 100% the appearance of education on the vocal cords. To do this, the immune system must be very weak and unable to repel HPV attacks, as well as suppress its activity. This is due to poor ecology in the place of residence, constant stress and chronic lack of sleep, prolonged and uncontrolled antibiotic treatment, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, stomach and intestinal ulcers).

    • see also

    What do papillomas on the vocal cords look like?

    In the photo, the papilloma on the vocal cords looks like a small knot located on the border of the transition of the larynx to the trachea. The bump has dimensions from 0.5 to 2 cm, the higher this figure, the greater the discomfort in a person. It is especially acute while swallowing saliva and eating when it hardly passes into the esophagus.

    In the case of active growth and reaching large sizes, almost complete blockage of the airway lumen becomes possible, which manifests itself in asphyxia.

    • Voice change. Often it becomes hoarse, hoarse, as if "smoky". From the outside, it may seem that a person just caught a cold, but the situation usually does not change after a course of treatment. The reason for this is the pressure on the muscles that are responsible for the sound of the voice. In rare cases, such problems can turn into aphonia, implying a complete loss of voice.
    • Sore throat. This symptom of papilloma on the vocal cords can occur both without any external influence, and as a result of physical irritation of the throat mucosa and the vocal cords themselves. Often this happens when the surface of the papilloma comes into contact with hot or too cold food, spicy and very salty foods, and fried foods.
    • coughing. It provokes irritation of the mucosa as a result of contact with it papilloma. In this case, perspiration often occurs in the oral cavity, which provokes a cough. At the same time, there are no complaints of sore throat, which complicates the detection of the disease by doctors.
    • low immunity. This is one of the main symptoms of papilloma on the vocal cords, manifested in the form of weakness, dizziness, nausea, tingling in the arms and legs, drowsiness, distraction, increased anxiety and irritability.

    Such growth is similar to cauliflower or raspberries. It has an uneven surface with papillae, as well as uneven edges. The surrounding areas are often inflamed and differ against the general background by redness.

    Sometimes a papilloma is mistaken for a polyp, which is benign. Therefore, for the diagnosis of papillomas on the vocal cords, it is first of all necessary examination of the vocal cords, including using a special otolaryngological mirror. This is usually sufficient for a detailed visual examination and assessment of the state of education.

    To exclude its malignancy, which must be done before removing the growth, it is necessary to carry out sample histology. This will require video endoscopy or laryngoscopy, which may require general anesthesia.

    Before treatment for vocal cord papilloma may be helpful CT scan, which clearly shows the localization of the papilloma, its boundaries and structure. As an alternative to this option, MRI can be offered.

    It is also mandatory to carry out Digene test(amplification), which allows you to identify the type, degree of oncogenicity and concentration of HPV in the body. This is necessary to prescribe the most effective antiviral drugs.

    • see also

    Ways to remove papillomas on the vocal cords

    The most common way to remove papillomas on the vocal cords is education. At the same time, it is carried out in a relatively minimally invasive way, using micro-instruments. Everything that happens during the operation is displayed on the screen, which allows the doctor to accurately assess their actions and eliminate papilloma without harm to health.

    Microsurgical operations are safe, almost never give side effects and complications, do not require such a long recovery as after the usual removal of papilloma with a scalpel. But the most important thing here is that they do not injure the vocal cords and thus do not disrupt the functioning of the speech apparatus.

    The disadvantage of surgical intervention to remove papillomas on the vocal cords is only that after it there remains the likelihood of a recurrence of the formation. This is due to the presence of traces of the virus in the epithelial tissue layer, which can provoke the emergence of new growths. In this case, to exclude such problems, the patient is prescribed effective anti-inflammatory drugs such as Likopid, Tsitovir-3, Kagocel.

    Here are a few more ways to remove papillomas on the vocal cords:

    • Endolaryngeal excision. For this, special Moritz-Schmidt forceps are used, with which the lump is carefully pinched off and sent for a biopsy. All this is done within a few minutes, but the operation is necessarily carried out under local application anesthesia. It involves the application of anesthetic lotions, gels and other similar products to the treated surface. After such a removal of papilloma, no scars form on the vocal cords and no scars remain. The disadvantage of this method is that if the operation is carried out inaccurately, there is a risk of a change in the timbre of the voice. The price of endolaryngeal excision is 6900 rubles (3200 UAH).
    • Plasma coagulation. Thanks to this method, papilloma on the vocal cords literally evaporates under the influence of plasma. The latter is formed as a result of the passage of an electric current in argon. Since this is a non-contact method of eliminating growth, the procedure does not cause bleeding and does not leave a burn, healthy tissues around the formation are not damaged as a result of it. Complete removal of papilloma on the vocal cords may require 1-3 sessions, each of which lasts an average of 20-30 minutes. The price of plasma coagulation is 2900 rubles (1300 UAH).
    • . When choosing this technique, the papilloma will be destroyed with the help of cold. To this end, doctors use liquid nitrogen, which changes the structure of the formation cells and contributes to its removal. This is a minimally invasive technique for removing a build-up that does not require anesthesia, and only in rare cases may need topical anesthesia. For this, one visit to the doctor is usually enough. The procedure lasts about 30 minutes. The price of cryodestruction is 360 rubles (150 hryvnias).
    • Electrodestruction. In this case, the papilloma on the vocal cords is removed using a current of a certain frequency. Special electrodes are brought to the growth and held here for several minutes. With their help, it is possible to cauterize the formation and weaken its root. After that, a histological examination is carried out to exclude the process of malignancy. Complete removal of papilloma may require 1-3 sessions, on average, their duration is 20 minutes. The price of electrocoagulation is 590 rubles (250 hryvnias).
    • . This is the most optimal way to remove papillomas on the vocal cords after endolaryngeal excision. It allows you to make an incision without blood and remove the growth without injuring the surrounding areas of the mucosa. Thanks to this, it is possible to avoid the formation of scars and scars. This is a minimally invasive technique that is used both in a hospital and outpatient setting. The operation is carried out within 20-40 minutes. The price of laser therapy is 2900 rubles (1300 hryvnias).

    Papilloma on the vocal cords is a very common occurrence, and since it has the likelihood of degenerating from benign to malignant, its appearance must be responded to immediately. It is necessary to immediately consult a doctor for a detailed examination and, upon obtaining approval, remove the growth using available methods.

    • Article

    ENT - Otolaryngology - О - 2007

    Papilloma is a warty growth caused by the human papillomavirus. The human papillomavirus can also cause similar growths throughout the body: on the skin, in the genital area, etc. the virus that causes these formations is transmitted from person to person through direct contact. However, contact with papillomavirus does not always lead to the formation of papillomas. Usually papilloma appears only in people with impaired immune systems.

    Papillomas of the vocal cords usually occur in young children, most of whom were infected with this virus at the time of birth, when passing through an infected birth canal (that is, if the mother had genital papillomas). However, papilloma can also occur in adults. In adults, usually the manifestations of papilloma are not as pronounced as in children. This means that their papilloma growth is slower and less likely to occur outside the larynx. Like many warts, papillomas usually tend to recur, even after complete removal.

    Usually papillomas of the vocal cords are manifested by painless hoarseness of the voice, which can turn into the complete disappearance of the voice - aphonia. The severity of this voice change depends on the size of the papilloma. In some cases, with a very large papilloma and its asymptomatic growth, it can even cause blockage of the airway lumen. With the development of papillomas in the supraglottic region, patients note a feeling of discomfort, the presence of a foreign body. The lesion, localized under the vocal folds, causes slight tickling, tickling and coughing, and in the future there may be difficulty in breathing. Clinically, soft and hard papillomas are distinguished.

    The papilloma looks like a warty growth in the form of raspberries or cauliflower. These small irregularities of the surface of the papilloma are similar to papillae (Latin papilla), hence the name of the formation itself - papilloma.

    Papilloma is a superficial formation that grows from the mucous membrane. For an unknown reason, HPV prefers to grow on the lining of the larynx, although it can grow on other surrounding tissues as well. In adults, papilloma can grow on one of the vocal folds, resembling a polyp, or be located on both folds.

    In rare cases, when the patient has a lack of immunity due to the disease, papilloma can spread beyond the larynx to the oral cavity, pharynx and lungs. Very rarely, papilloma can turn into cancer.

    There is no cure for papilloma today. Surgery is the mainstay of treatment for vocal cord papillomas. However, even after surgical removal of the papilloma, the risk of recurrence is very high. In some cases, in adults, especially if the papilloma is limited to one focus in the larynx, after several surgical removals, the papilloma may disappear. This is probably due to the activation of the immune system.

    It should be noted that with the recurrence of the disease, voice disorders occur. With a wide spread of the process of papillomatosis throughout the larynx, there is usually no point in re-surgical removal of each small focus, if they are not accompanied by any manifestations. In this case, it is sometimes difficult for the patient to understand that frequent surgical intervention on the vocal cords can lead to undesirable effects in the form of postoperative scars. Many methods of treating papillomas have been proposed. Currently, endolaryngeal tumor removal is effective.

    Due to the fact that during the removal of the papilloma, a part of the mucous membrane is also removed, healing after surgery of such areas can lead to disruption of the normal vibration of the vocal cords. in rare cases, repeated surgical interventions may not be accompanied by any changes in the voice.

    With frequent recurrence of papillomatosis of the larynx, the use of antiviral drugs that inhibit the growth of the virus is recommended.

    Removed papillomas must necessarily be subjected to morphological examination in order to exclude malignancy (malignancy). The subjective symptoms of malignancy of papillomas in the early stages are not specific, therefore, dispensary monitoring of such patients is necessary.

    Today, more and more ENT doctors diagnose a disease such as papilloma of the ligaments.

    It is a neoplasm caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Infection occurs by direct contact with the carrier, but only if the person's immune system is weakened.

    This neoplasm looks like a wart, can be round or oval, up to 10 mm in diameter, and in color from almost white to dark brown.

    Papilloma of the vocal cords

    Often the disease is diagnosed in children 1-5 years old. If a woman giving birth has genital papillomas, then there is a high probability of infection of the child.

    This disease occurs in adults, as a rule, in men and women 20-40 years old. Such factors can provoke its appearance: promiscuous sex life, smoking, "childhood" diseases - measles and scarlet fever, etc. Papilloma of the vocal cords can be located both on one and on both folds. In cancer of the vocal cords, it passes infrequently.

    Warts are single, and multiple growths can occur. They become the cause of impaired breathing and voice formation - hoarseness appears in the voice or it disappears altogether. The progressive growth of the neoplasm leads to the fact that the airways narrow, and this in turn causes attacks of suffocation, coughing and shortness of breath.

    In children, respiratory failure and prolonged oxygen starvation cause a slowdown in physical and mental development. Many show changes in the internal organs, often there are diseases of the respiratory tract.

    Treatment of papilloma of the vocal cords

    No matter how far medicine has stepped today, it has not yet been possible to overcome HPV, and there are no methods that would guarantee a final victory over the disease. The only thing that doctors around the world agree on is the provision of comprehensive treatment. The best results are obtained when using electrical destruction, cryotherapy, laser and cytostatics to remove warts - drugs that help stop the growth of the neoplasm.

    A positive effect in the treatment of vocal cord papilloma is provided by antiviral and immunomodulatory agents.

    Surgical intervention, as a rule, leads to the fact that the normal vibration of the vocal cords is disturbed. The reason lies in the fact that not only the wart is removed, but also the part of the mucosa on which it grows.

    To suppress the activity of the virus and prevent a relapse, it is necessary to take antiviral drugs and follow the doctor's recommendations completely.

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