Syphilitic tonsillitis incubation period. How can you get infected with syphilitic tonsillitis? Throat with syphilitic angina

Inflammation of the tonsils and pharynx, in most cases, is called angina. Characteristic features - soreness, hyperemia, rashes. Primary syphilis often accompanies these symptoms. In external manifestations, it is often similar to SARS or tonsillitis and is therefore called the syphilitic form of tonsillitis. Infection with pale treponema at the initial stage is often disguised as inflammation of the pharynx.

Infection with treponema causes the appearance of rounded erosions (hard chancres) at the site of introduction of the pathogen. Ulcers are localized in different places - on the genitals, in the anus, on the lips. If the chancre chooses the place of the first appearance of the tonsils and the pharynx, the condition is often mistaken for a sore throat.

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that occurs when infected with a pale spirochete. It is a systemic infectious disease of a chronic nature. With syphilis, often the first symptoms are similar to inflammation of the pharynx, that is, tonsillitis.

Syphilitic tonsillitis is a manifestation of syphilis similar to tonsillitis. This disease has nothing to do with real angina. In the future, there is a general manifestation of the symptoms of a venereal disease, which captures the entire body.

Stages of the disease

After infection, the incubation period takes a month. During this time, the symptoms almost do not appear, there is a slight reddening of the pharyngeal region and an increase in the tonsils.

The disease develops in three stages:

  1. Primary. Lasts about 7 weeks. Syphilomas form on the pharynx, puffiness appears, a clear increase in the tonsil, usually only one. Inflammation captures the lymph nodes, they increase, although soreness is most often absent.
  2. Secondary - after 2-3 months. The clinical picture of syphilitic angina becomes clear. On the palate and mucous membranes of the pharynx, medium-sized rashes of a round shape appear. The mucous membranes are red, there is swelling.
  3. Tertiary. Treponema has a general effect on the body with damage to the nervous system, internal organs. The color of the sky from red becomes cyanotic, rashes degenerate into ulcers with a hard central part.

In the second and third stages, the signs become more obvious, less and less like a simple sore throat. Soreness grows, it becomes difficult not only to swallow, but also to speak. The temperature rises to 40 °.

Causes of infection

There are two main ways of getting syphilis. A congenital disease appears when infection occurs during fetal development, it is transmitted from the mother - through the blood and the placenta.

The causes of the acquired disease are contacts with a sick person and infected objects:

  • sexual intercourse without protective equipment;
  • through saliva and in contact with things - dishes, hygiene products, various items;
  • during dental and surgical manipulations through instruments that have not undergone proper processing.

The risk of developing syphilitic tonsillitis increases with oral sex with a sick person, especially in the presence of damage to the oral mucosa, wounds, and caries. General weakness of the body, poor immunity increase the likelihood of infection with syphilitic tonsillitis. With good protective functions, it is almost impossible to get infected through saliva, common cigarettes.

Main symptoms and signs

In there is a slight reddening of the throat and an increase in the tonsils, which are not accompanied by pain and, in most cases, go unnoticed.

In adults

The first noticeable signs appear in the primary period of angina:

  • syphilomas form on the pharynx;
  • lymph nodes increase to 2-3 centimeters, although they are painless.

The mucous membranes first turn red, later the sky acquires a bluish color. The rashes are small at first, then turn into ulcers with a greasy coating and a hard center. The patient at this time feels:

  • dryness and burning on the mucous membranes;
  • gradual increase in temperature to 39-40 °;
  • difficulty chewing, swallowing, talking, characteristic of angina;
  • increased separation of saliva;
  • severe sore throat.

Rashes on the pharynx can have a different character - papular, erythematous (in the form of red spots), pustular-ulcerative with a gradual transition of pustules into sores.

These signs of syphilitic tonsillitis can develop within 4-5 years. The body is severely intoxicated. The patient begins to weaken, headaches often appear.

In children

The characteristic signs of syphilitic tonsillitis in children develop at the same time, have a similar change in symptoms, but are more severe.

Which doctor treats syphilitic sore throat

In most cases, with the first signs of syphilitic tonsillitis, they turn to an otolaryngologist. The doctor, according to the characteristic signs and analyzes of the pathogenic flora, can determine the nature of the disease. Further treatment is carried out by a venereologist.

How diseases are diagnosed

In most cases, it is difficult to diagnose throat syphilis by the first signs. The appearance of a chancre on the tonsils, unilateral damage to the pharynx can serve as characteristic signs of the syphilitic nature of the pathology of the throat.


  • bakposev from the pharynx;
  • study of a biopsy of lymph nodes;
  • serological analysis for antibodies to treponema (Wasserman) is informative only a month after infection.

Blood tests are also prescribed (detected by ESR, leukocytosis). Multiple differentiation is carried out with a large group of diseases - different types of tonsillitis, cancerous tumors, ulcers.

For your information: sometimes several repeated studies are required to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Ways to treat the disease

Treatment of syphilitic angina is long and difficult. Drugs are selected individually, sometimes they have to be changed if there is no therapeutic effect. Therapy is carried out in hospitals, sometimes home treatment of angina is possible.


The selection of effective drugs to eliminate the infection is the basis of treatment. The first means are groups of penicillins or macrolides.

If the disease has already passed into the secondary or tertiary stages, therapy is carried out with repeated courses. In this case, other groups of antibiotics are chosen - tetracyclines, cephalosporins.

With a significant degree of infection, 3-4 courses of different groups of antibacterial agents are required.

Also in the treatment of syphilitic tonsillitis are used:

  • NSAIDs;
  • antipyretic;
  • sorbents to combat intoxication;
  • cardiac stimulants.

Anesthetics can be used, vitamins are required to stimulate the immune system.

Physiotherapy treatment

As physiotherapy are used:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • microwave;
  • laser therapy;
  • inductothermy of the lumbar region.

Course treatment - 10-20 procedures. These methods are not indicated for certain diseases - high-grade hypertension, pregnancy, and tumor processes.

Rinsing and irrigation

Removal of infectious pathogens from mucous membranes is an obligatory part of the treatment of syphilitic tonsillitis. To do this, use the lubrication of the surface of the pharynx and irrigation with antiseptic solutions. Among the effective means:

  • Miramistin;
  • boric acid;
  • Chlorhexidine;
  • soda solutions;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • herbal collections.

You can also lubricate the throat with Lugol.


Application does not always give a positive result due to the formation of a fine suspension of drugs. If after inhalation the condition improves, it is possible to use solutions with soda, sea salt, herbs for treatment to eliminate pain, perspiration and relieve swelling.


Massive antibiotics and intoxication require easing the diet, avoiding heavy food, supporting the body with a diet. Table number 5 is shown.

Food should be complete, not overloaded with fats, steamed, stewed. Useful fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of water to remove toxins.


Traditional medicine methods are used only as ancillary. Gargle with herbal infusions, use in inhalers. They alleviate the condition and eliminate the pathogenic flora from the mucous membranes. Use antiseptic and anti-inflammatory fees with chamomile, eucalyptus, sage, tea tree.

Features of the treatment of children

If the child was born from a sick mother, diagnosis and treatment are carried out immediately. In childhood, penicillin antibiotic therapy, which is carried out in three courses, gives a good effect.

The child receives the same treatment when infected from parents at a later age, when syphilitic tonsillitis is acquired. Complement drug therapy sorbents, immunostimulants, vitamins.

Specifics of treatment during pregnancy and lactation

For the timely diagnosis of syphilis during pregnancy, several serological tests are performed. They help to detect infection in time and treat it.

With a period of up to 18 weeks, syphilitic tonsillitis is treated according to the usual method, at other times antibiotics are administered intramuscularly. Schemes and preparations are selected individually.

In sick pregnant women, in almost 25% of cases, children are born dead or a miscarriage occurs, in almost 70% the fetus becomes infected in the womb and has congenital syphilis, including in the form of tonsillitis.

Possible complications and consequences

Syphilitic tonsillitis is one of the diseases that are difficult and long. Gradually, deeper and deeper tissues of the larynx, including cartilage, are affected. Inflammation begins, necrosis of the layers, edema is formed. Complications of syphilis of the throat can be:

  • fusospirochetosis;
  • meningitis;
  • infertility;
  • malignant tumors of the oral cavity;
  • glossitis;
  • deep damage to the liver, brain, bones, kidneys.

Brain damage can lead to death.

Prevention measures and prognosis

Syphilitic angina is difficult to cure. Recovery occurs with early diagnosis at the primary stage. In this case, the treatment lasts up to 3 months and requires subsequent monitoring of the condition and continuation of the medication.

The secondary form is treated for more than 2 years. We can talk about a cure after there have been no relapses for more than 5 years, and the tests are negative.

Among the main preventive measures is the rejection of promiscuity. If there is a patient in the family, it is required to observe strict hygiene measures, use individual dishes, towels, personal care products.

To prevent the household method of transmission, regular examinations of food industry workers, doctors, educators, and other groups of citizens are carried out. Donor blood goes through a multi-stage control.

Syphilitic tonsillitis has a destructive effect on the body, it is difficult to treat. It can be avoided by observing reasonable restrictions on sexual intercourse and the rules of hygiene in the home. One of the ways to protect against infectious diseases is also a good immune system and a healthy lifestyle.

Syphilitic tonsillitis develops in the second stage of venereal disease, has the appearance of negative processes in the mucous membranes of the throat. In most cases, the pathology is severe, affecting mainly the tonsils. The disease causes acute discomfort to the patient and requires long-term treatment.

How infection occurs

The causative agent of syphilis of the throat is a pale spirochete contained in the liquid media of a sick person. The main causes of infection are:

  1. Unprotected oral sex or kissing with a carrier of the disease.
  2. Use of personal items of the infected person containing the remains of his saliva (dishes, toothbrush).
  3. Passage of dental procedures in insufficiently sterile conditions.

Another way of infection is the transmission of infection from mother to newborn child during childbirth or breastfeeding.

The incubation period for throat syphilis ranges from a few weeks to 6 months. Most often, the first signs of infection appear a month after the penetration of the pale spirochete into the human body.

Varieties of syphilitic angina

Syphilitic tonsillitis is divided into 3 types. Depending on the area of ​​localization of pathological changes, it can be:

  • erythematous;
  • pustular-ulcerative;
  • papular.

Erythematous angina provokes an abnormal increase in capillaries on the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. With the development of the pustular-ulcerative form, purulent pustules formed in the oral cavity take the form of painful ulcers. Papular tonsillitis is characterized by the formation of a specific rash (papules) on the palate, tongue, pharynx and tonsils.

Stages of development and symptoms of the disease

Syphilitic tonsillitis can occur in 3 stages:

  1. The first - lasts about 6 weeks, is accompanied by an increase in lymph nodes, the appearance of swelling in the tonsils. At this stage, the pathological process predominantly affects one side of the oropharynx. The palate is distinguished by a red-blue tint, covered with a grayish rash. Throat color remains normal.
  2. The second - takes up to several months from the moment of infection. At this stage, rashes in the oral cavity are clearly visible in the patient, t of the body increases, and general well-being worsens. In parallel, other organs and systems of the body are affected - joints, eyeballs, central nervous system.
  3. The third stage is distinguished by a cyanotic color of the palate, tuberosity of the mucous membranes, dry mouth. At this stage, the infection actively spreads to soft tissues.

In the last two stages, swallowing is extremely difficult and painful, temperatures can reach 39-40 ° C, the patient feels itching and dryness in the throat, a characteristic cough appears. Tonsils, significantly increasing in size, make it difficult for the tongue to move in the mouth. Swallowing food or talking, the patient feels a sharp pain. On the mucosa, a characteristic symptom of syphilitic tonsillitis appears - gummas, gradually acquiring the appearance of ulcers.

In the absence of the necessary therapeutic measures, syphilis of the throat of the second stage can last up to several years. At the 3rd stage of the development of the disease, gummas affect not only the oropharynx, but also vital internal organs, nerves, and skin.

Complications and consequences of the disease

Angina, which occurs with syphilis, can cause various severe complications, including:

  • fusospirochetosis, leading to anaerobic necrosis (progressive necrosis of the tissues of the oropharynx);
  • glossitis (inflammation and erosion of the tissues of the tongue);
  • damage to the central nervous and musculoskeletal systems;
  • dysfunction of the kidneys and liver;
  • tuberculosis of the pharynx;
  • oncological processes in the oral cavity.

As a rule, this happens in case of neglect of medical measures and non-compliance with personal hygiene during the development of syphilis. In such a situation, the patient has an increased risk of scarring on the tongue, palate, gums, causing significant discomfort during speech, eating.

The development of severe complications of syphilitic tonsillitis requires a long stay of the infected person in the hospital, under constant medical supervision.

Diagnostic measures

Diagnosis of syphilitic angina begins with a visual examination by a specialist of the oral cavity and pharynx of the patient, palpation of the lymph nodes. The doctor pays attention to the nature of the rashes and formations, the color of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx.

An obligatory step is to conduct laboratory tests using the patient's biomaterial. The patient is assigned:

  1. Venous blood sampling for the Wasserman reaction (this method becomes the most informative 4 weeks after the formation of a hard chancre).
  2. Taking a smear from the surface of the affected tonsils.
  3. Puncture from inflamed lymph nodes.
  4. Delivery of a general blood test.

Before proceeding with the selection of effective methods of treatment, differential diagnosis is carried out. At the initial stage, it is important to exclude the presence of catarrhal tonsillitis, at the stage of the appearance of a syphilitic rash - pharyngitis, herpetic, strepococcal, candidal tonsillitis, aphthous stomatitis. At a later stage, the disease is differentiated from oncology, tuberculosis of the pharynx.

Methods of treatment

The main method of combating syphilitic sore throat is antibiotic therapy. Treatment is carried out using potent medicines prescribed in the form of injections and tablets:

  • drugs of the penicillin series (Retarpena, Bicillin);
  • cephalosporins (Ceftriaxone);
  • macrolides (Azithromycin, Clarithromycin);
  • fluoroquinolones (Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin).

The use of antibiotics takes from 14 days to several months. A long period of treatment with such drugs causes intestinal dysbacteriosis in most patients, and therefore probiotics are prescribed in parallel - means to restore the intestinal microflora. Most often, doctors recommend taking Bifidumbacterin, Linex, Laktovit.

Local treatment of syphilitic angina includes irrigation of the oropharynx with aerosols containing antibiotics, inhalation with antiseptic solutions and essential oils. For gargling, decoctions and tinctures of medicinal herbs are used - eucalyptus, sage, chamomile, calendula, pine. Of the pharmaceutical preparations, Furacilin, hydrogen peroxide will become effective.

With an increase in body temperature, antipyretic drugs (Ibuprofen, Nimesulide) are used. In order to speed up the onset of recovery and maintain the immune system of the body, patients are prescribed general strengthening complexes with vitamins and minerals.

During the treatment period, abstinence from sexual intercourse, adherence to the principles of dietary nutrition, and the use of a sufficient amount of liquid are mandatory. The patient should use individual hygiene products and utensils.

At the end of the therapeutic course, a control examination is carried out. If necessary, a change in drugs and additional treatment is carried out.

In some situations, the patient may be recommended surgical treatment. Operations for syphilis of the throat are performed in cases of development of perichondritis, stenosis or abscess of the larynx.

Forecast and prevention of infection

With timely therapy, the chances of a positive prognosis and a complete cure for syphilitic tonsillitis increase significantly. In advanced cases, the disease is subject to treatment for several years, and causes irreversible negative changes in the body.

To prevent infection with a dangerous infection, you will need to follow the basic principles of prevention:

  • avoid promiscuity;
  • follow a balanced diet, observe daily personal hygiene;
  • periodically undergo preventive examinations for the presence of syphilis.

In case of doubtful sexual contact, including oral, it is recommended to wash the genitals and rinse the mouth with antiseptic agents (Miramistin).

For the period of treatment, family members of the infected person must limit all contacts with him, exclude the use of personal items of the carrier of the infection and undergo an examination for infection with syphilis.

Syphilitic tonsillitis is an inflammatory process in the throat that accompanies syphilis. It is severe and requires long-term treatment.

The causative agent is a gram-negative bacterium - pale treponema, which causes venereal disease. It is expressed by the formation of syphilides on the mucous membranes, often causing complications.

The main types of disease

Angina with syphilis is characterized by a complex lesion of the throat. Photos of pathological changes can be found in medical reference books and on official Internet resources.

There are three forms of the disease, depending on the localization of painful abnormalities:

  • erythematous - an abnormal increase in capillaries on the mucous membrane;
  • papular - papules (rash) form in the palate, tongue, pharynx and tonsils;
  • pustular-ulcerative - purulent pustules turn into painful ulcers.

Causes of infection

The main carrier of the disease is an infected person, as well as his hygiene items (dishes, towels, bedding, various personal items).

The virus is sexually transmitted, for syphilitic tonsillitis, oral sexual contact is an increased risk of infection.

In the case of congenital syphilis, infection of the fetus occurs from the mother during intrauterine development. With proper treatment during pregnancy, the risk of infection is reduced to 5%.

Main Symptoms

Syphilitic angina manifests itself in the same way as its other varieties, but there are several differences. The most common symptom is severe pain when swallowing.

In some cases, erosions appear on the tonsils, redness of the throat is noted. The mucous membrane of the mouth is covered with a gray rash, the sky becomes blue-red.

An increase in lymph nodes and a high density of the tonsils should also alert. The body temperature rises, dryness, burning, swelling are often felt in the mouth.

4 stages of disease development

  1. Incubation. It takes 3-4 weeks, in some cases it can last longer, especially in people taking antibiotics, in the elderly or in the presence of pathologies.
  2. Primary. Lasts about 1.5 months. A hard chancre of primary syphiloma is formed, regional lymphadenitis develops, lymph nodes increase to the size of a walnut.
  3. Secondary. The stage in the development of the disease, which manifests itself within a few months after infection. Rashes appear on the oral mucosa, which clearly indicates the presence of an infection. Weakness, fatigue and malaise develop, the temperature rises.
  4. Tertiary. During this period, tuberculate rashes are formed, the risk of damage to internal organs and systems increases sharply.

Possible Complications

Syphilitic tonsillitis can cause other pathological conditions that have joined the underlying disease.

In case of incorrect or untimely treatment, scarring of ulcers in the oropharynx occurs, which significantly complicates chewing and swallowing food.

Chronic ulcers in the tongue significantly increase the risk of an oncological process.

In addition, infection of the internal organs, bone and nervous system, deterioration of vision or hearing is possible.

Diagnosis and methods of treatment

Syphilitic tonsillitis is diagnosed on the basis of clinical data and laboratory results. A swab is taken from the tonsils and palate with a cotton swab, which allows you to establish the type of microorganism.

A blood test for the Wasserman reaction provides an opportunity to confirm or refute syphilis. Sometimes a puncture of the lymph nodes is required to make an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment is considered a difficult clinical task and usually takes place on an inpatient basis.

To eliminate the causative agent of syphilis, as well as the consequences and complications of the disease, injectable antibiotics are used: penicillin, augmentin, amoxiclav, azithromycin and clarithromycin.

Often prescribe drugs from the group of fluoroquinolones and other new groups of antibacterial substances, which are highly effective.

The course of taking ABP is determined individually by the attending physician and in most cases is at least 1 month.

The procedure should be carried out 3-5 times a day, after meals.

Rinses suppress the spread of pale treponema, relieve inflammation of the mucous membrane and promote speedy healing, reduce the risk of scarring and reduce pain.

For complex therapy, inhalations and irrigation of the oral cavity, throat, and pharynx are also prescribed.

The use of modern anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen or nimesulide) helps to reduce temperature and pain, reduce the severity of the pathological process in the body.

Syphilitic angina is an inflammation in the throat that accompanies syphilis. The causative agent is pale treponema, which causes venereal disease. Syphilitic angina is treated for a long time, it is difficult.

In fact, this is the so-called angina-like form of primary syphilis of the oropharynx (the most common form of non-sexual infection of acquired syphilis). It is distinguished from angina by unilateral development, the absence of a general clinical picture and pain (at the beginning).

Infection in some cases leads to "angina" - symptoms of syphilis, reminiscent of a sore throat. Subsequent symptoms already affect all organs and systems. But at first, syphilis is manifested by rashes on the tonsils, because of this it is often mistaken for a sore throat.

The reasons

Congenital syphilis is inherited by the child from the mother. Acquired is the result of infection through blood, personal hygiene products, sexual contact. The most dangerous route of infection leading to syphilitic sore throat is the oral route.

Reduced immunity is a significant risk factor for morbidity. According to medical statistics, people with strong immunity are not infected with syphilis after any kind of contact in 25 percent of cases.

In fact, - rashes - syphilitic formations, with ordinary tonsillitis have little in common. At the same time, other symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease appear.


The throat with angina is often covered with sores, erosions with smooth edges, often of a relatively large size. The tonsils turn bright red. The patient feels pain, discomfort when swallowing. The body temperature rises.

From other sore throats, syphilitic is distinguished by the nature of ulcerations. A gray rash extends to the sky. The color of the sky is red-blue. Nearby lymph nodes are enlarged. Suspecting infection with pale treponema, the doctor will conduct the necessary tests.

Accompany syphilitic tonsillitis other symptoms of syphilis. For the first few weeks, patients do not know what they are infected with, confusing symptoms with a cold. lasts about a month, in the fourth week of which the tonsils slightly increase, turn red.

Stages of angina with syphilis

The periods of the disease proceed as follows (local symptoms):

  • primary syphilis (lasts about 7 weeks, it forms, lymph nodes, tonsils increase);
  • secondary syphilis (against the background of damage to many organs, they appear on the tonsils, palate, palatine arches, as with tonsillitis).
  • tertiary syphilis (the sky becomes bluish-red, necrotic ulcers with a gray coating cover the throat, the bones, nerves, and other tissues are affected by the infection).

During the last two periods, the patient's symptoms of angina increase:

  • the temperature rises to 39-40 degrees;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • dryness in the oral cavity is felt;
  • discomfort increases in the throat;
  • sore throat becomes almost unbearable;
  • increased salivation;
  • the tonsils are so enlarged that the movements of the tongue are limited.


Syphilitic fusospirochetosis. This is a secondary infection, manifested by anaerobic necrosis, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, throat, tonsils.

The reason for such consequences is poor hygiene, non-observance of hygienic special procedures of the oral cavity. In addition to infection, scars may appear on the tongue, palate, and gums. This will cause severe discomfort during eating, talking.

If the treatment of syphilis is neglected, the central nervous system, musculoskeletal system, liver, and kidneys are significantly affected. The most severe complication in the throat and oral cavity will be glossitis - inflammation of the tongue. In addition, the erosion of the tongue will begin to become malignant (turn into cancer).


Syphilitic hard chancre, formed on the tonsils, lip, tongue, less often - the sky, will be noticeable to an experienced doctor who will immediately prescribe specific tests. Most often, chancre occurs on the lower lip. She swells up, swells up. The ulceration on it is covered with brown-black skin, and from the inside - a gray coating.

If, with primary syphilis, a chancre arose on the tonsil, three forms are distinguished:

  • Erosive (erosion appears, even, red; tonsils increase). The specificity of lymphadenitis helps to diagnose the disease: at first, the lymph nodes are affected unilaterally - submandibular, cervical, chin.
  • Ulcerative (an ulcer appears with uneven edges of a dark color, the bottom is gray, greasy).
  • Angina-like - actually "syphilitic angina." On the tonsil - an ulcer or erosion.

The doctor will note the cyanosis of the reddened mucosa - this is a hallmark of syphilitic tonsillitis. In addition to the examination, laboratory tests are required:

  • blood test for syphilis (Wasserman reaction) - not earlier than 4 weeks after the onset of hard chancre;
  • punctures from the lymph nodes;

In the general blood test, an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, an increase in the number of leukocytes is determined.

At the first stage, it is necessary to make a differential diagnosis with, at the stage of the rash - with aphthous stomatitis, herpetic sore throat, candidal sore throat and pharyngitis. After - with tuberculosis of the pharynx, a malignant tumor.


As for the local symptoms of syphilitic tonsillitis, rinses are used during therapy (with soda, furacilin). Useful rinsing with decoctions of calendula, chamomile (relieves inflammation), sage.

General methods - vitamin therapy, high-calorie diet, good sleep - help strengthen immunity, which is very important for this disease. Sometimes physiotherapy is prescribed.

Self-medication is contraindicated. This is a serious pathology, the consequences of which are terrible, hardly amenable to therapy, and interfere with normal human life.

The main drug in the treatment of syphilis is strong antibiotics. They are prescribed by a dermatovenereologist. For medical help, you should contact the dermatovenerologic dispensary. Treatment is not interrupted for the first few months, after secondary syphilis - for several years. During this period, all sexual contacts are contraindicated, communication with family members is limited to methods of preventing infection.

Folk remedies are unacceptable in case of illness. They have no effect, lubricate the symptoms. In most cases, treatment is carried out exclusively in a hospital. The first 24 days the patient is administered penicillins. If therapy is ineffective, fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, macrolides are prescribed. Immunostimulants are also used in the treatment.

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