What is urethritis and how is it treated. Alarming symptoms and timely treatment of urethritis in men: medical and invasive. What antibiotics are taken for this disease

Becomes getting into the urethra of pathogens of a bacterial, viral or fungal nature.

Pathogenic bioflora causes inflammation, suppuration, severe ass and burning.

The patient experiences pain not only in the urethra, but also in the scrotum, lower abdomen and even in the lower back. Unpleasant sensations are aggravated when going to the toilet, the patient often experiences an urge to urinate, which does not bring relief.

A characteristic sign of urethritis is discharge from the urethra.

They can be plentiful or very slight, have a light yellow, milky white, brownish or bloody tint.

With a protracted form of the disease, the urethra sticks together, crusts appear on the head of the penis, causing irritation and itching.

If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic, in which unpleasant symptoms become less pronounced, but during exacerbations they make themselves felt with severe attacks. Long-term activity of pathogens damages the walls of the urethra, bacteria and viruses cause inflammatory diseases of other organs of the genitourinary system. The disease is highly contagious and sexually transmitted.

Experts distinguish several varieties of the disease. Before proceeding with treatment, it is important to accurately determine the nature of the ailment.

Urethritis is divided into 2 large groups. They get into one. The cause of the disease can be an injury to the urethra, an allergic reaction, or reduced immunity.

A larger group is infectious urethritis. They occur against the background of sexually transmitted diseases: gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, genital herpes. This group also includes tuberculous urethritis. With attention to one's own health, it is impossible to miss the alarming symptoms, depending on the nature of the disease, they appear on the 3-7th day.

Home treatment: is it possible?

The main tasks in the treatment of urethritis are to eliminate the causative agent of the disease and restore the tissues of the urethra. Only a doctor of the appropriate qualification can cope with a venereal or tuberculosis infection. The issue of hospitalization is discussed on an individual basis, depending on the condition of the patients, the stage of the disease and a number of other reasons.

Urethritis of the infectious group is treated on an outpatient basis, the patient receives a course of antibiotics in tablets or injections. The drugs are able to destroy pathogenic bacteria, eliminate inflammation and prevent recurrence of the disease.

You cannot self-medicate. With the wrong selection of drugs, the acute phase can turn into a chronic one, which requires a longer and more complex treatment.

The doctor selects the necessary funds, he also calculates the course and dosage.

For a successful recovery, a complex of means is needed, including oral preparations and means for external exposure.

Therefore, before treating urethritis at home, a consultation with a specialist is required!

You can use them at home, it is important to be on time for examinations and strictly follow the doctor's instructions. If necessary, the specialist will supplement the therapeutic regimen, replace an ineffective drug or a drug that gives negative side effects.

Choice of medicine: the right therapeutic complex

The choice of drugs depends on the nature of the disease. Acute urethritis of a non-infectious nature and any variants of bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics, selecting them according to the type of pathogen.

Chronic non-infectious urethritis requires a combination of immunostimulants and antibacterial agents, homeopathic preparations give a good effect.

Treatment must be supplemented with balanced vitamin complexes that restore the body's natural defenses.

Antibacterial drugs

The choice of antibiotics depends on the type of infection.

With gonorrheal urethritis, drugs of the tetracycline, cephalospoline, erythromycin group are prescribed.

With complicated acute urethritis, 2 drugs can be used at once, for example, Gentamicin and Azithromycin.

Microplasma or gardenella urethritis requires the use of macrolides (eg Claritomecine) and tetracyclines (Doxycelin). With chlamydial urethritis, Azithromycin helps, which is supplemented with immunostimulants and vitamin complexes.

Viral urethritis is not treated with antibiotics.

It is advisable to use a complex of specialized antiviral drugs: Riboverin, Acyclovir, Famciclovir.

For external treatment of affected areas, antibacterial aqueous solutions are used: Miramistin, Chlorhexilin and their analogues.

The preparations are suitable for washing, lotions, douching.


Strong antibiotics suppress not only pathogenic microflora, but also beneficial bacteria. Complex immunomodulators will help restore the body's defenses. They are taken after a course of antibiotics along with vitamins. The task of immunostimulants is to accelerate tissue regeneration, improve blood flow, stimulate the production of red blood cells, and accelerate lymph outflow.

The choice of drug depends on the doctor.

Among the most popular means are Betaleukin, Ronoleukin, various interferons. The drugs are available in the form of capsules, tablets, solutions for injection.

Homeopathic preparations

In the chronic form of the disease, patients may be prescribed hormonal drugs.

Tablets, dragees and granules based on medicinal plants are well tolerated by the body, have a minimum of contraindications and are combined with other drugs.

Homeopathic medicines can relieve swelling and inflammation, soothe pain and burning, and facilitate the excretion of urine.

Among the popular remedies are Cyston, Canephron, Fitolizin and other drugs.

Vitamin complexes

These drugs can only be taken after taking antibacterial agents, as some macronutrients reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics.

The vitamin course lasts 2-3 months, after six months it must be repeated.

Folk remedies and methods

Proven folk recipes that stimulate urination, prevent inflammation, and increase the body's defenses will help supplement the drug regimen. Patients are recommended decoctions of medicinal herbs: lingonberry, raspberry and currant leaves, bear's ears, nettle, chamomile, yarrow, shepherd's purse, wheatgrass roots, lime blossom.

To prepare a decoction, a handful of dried or fresh raw materials is brewed with a liter of boiling water and infused warmly. Infusions and decoctions are taken before meals, a single dose is 100 ml.

Useful washing of the affected areas with a decoction of chamomile, oak or willow bark, stinging nettle. To enhance the effect, external procedures should be combined with taking the decoction inside.

Right lifestyle

A very important point is the observance of a balanced diet. It is recommended to exclude fast food, smoked meats and pickles, canned food, sausages from the menu. Hot spices and seasonings. Food should be cooked in the oven, double boiler or microwave, refusing to fry in a pan or deep-fry. Food should not irritate the gastrointestinal tract and provoke inflammation.

Foods rich in sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iodine will help speed up recovery: fresh vegetables and fruits.

Seafood, seaweed, dairy products. A complete source of protein will be poultry meat and sea fish.

The menu includes natural diuretic and anti-inflammatory products: fresh berries, watermelons, melons, zucchini, cucumbers, jelly and fruit drinks from cranberries, lingonberries, raspberries, black currants.

It is necessary to abandon foods that retain fluid in the body and drinks with caffeine, which can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

During treatment, alcohol in any form is strictly prohibited; quitting smoking will speed up recovery and help avoid complications.

During home treatment of urethritis in men, the patient should lead a measured life, avoid stress and overexertion, and rest as much as possible. Refusal of sexual intercourse is recommended, since urethritis in any form is very contagious. It is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene, take a shower daily, use antibacterial wipes after each visit to the toilet. You should refrain from visiting the gym, bath or pool.

Treating urethritis at home can bring very good results. In order for the therapy to be effective, it is important to observe the daily regimen, follow the doctor's instructions and in no case interrupt the treatment course.

Urethritis is a chronic or acute inflammation of the urethra (urethra). The disease can occur in an infectious or non-infectious form.

What is the cause of the development of urethritis, what are the signs in adults, and what is prescribed as a diagnosis and treatment, we will consider further.

What is urethritis?

Urethritis is an inflammation of the wall of the urethra. Usually has an infectious nature. It rarely develops without the presence of an infectious agent (radiation, toxic, allergic). Sometimes the cause of the disease becomes an injury during a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure (bladder catheterization in men, administration of drugs, etc.).

In men, urethritis is slightly more common than in women, and always occurs in more severe forms. This is due to the anatomical features of the male and female urinary system.

Common signs of urethritis are pain of varying intensity during urination, mucous or purulent discharge from the urethral canal, and redness of the tissues that surround the urethral outlet. The severity of symptoms depends on the clinical form of the disease - acute, subacute or chronic.


Allocate primary and secondary urethritis.

  1. With primary inflammation of the urethra, the infection penetrates directly into the urethra, most often through sexual contact with a partner who has a sexually transmitted disease.
  2. Secondary urethritis occurs when an infection spreads from an inflammatory focus located in another organ (from the pelvic organs, seminal vesicles, bladder, prostate gland).

In accordance with the localization of the inflammatory process, urethritis is of the following types:

  • anterior - if the inflammation is localized in the area from the external opening to the external urethral sphincter;
  • posterior - with damage to the urethra, located between the sphincter and the hole that opens into the cavity of the bladder;
  • total.

gonorrheal urethritis

The causative agent of the disease are gonococci that enter the body during intercourse. In addition, infection can occur through shared items, such as a towel.

The main symptoms are discharge from the urethra and acute pain when urinating. At first, the discharge of the urethra is rather meager and mucous, but quickly turns into profuse and purulent. It is these signs that distinguish gonococcal urethritis from non-gonococcal urethritis.

candidamicotic urethritis

Yeast-like fungi act as the causative agent. Inflammation of the urethra of fungal etiology is rare, usually a complication after long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs. Sometimes it develops after sexual contact with a woman who suffers from vulvovaginal candidiasis.

The risk of infection increases in the presence of a history of inflammatory diseases or damage to the urethra.

Patients complain about:

  • slight burning sensation
  • mild itching,
  • whitish scanty discharge from the urethra.


The causative agents of Trichomonas urethritis are considered single-celled microorganisms Trichomonas vaginalis, which enter the urethra through sexual contact with an infected partner. Waste products secreted by Trichomonas damage the epithelial tissues in the zone of infection, allowing toxins to freely penetrate into the intercellular space.

Symptoms do not appear immediately, but after about 5-15 days. This species is characterized by a whitish discharge of a foamy consistency from the urethra, as well as mild itching in the genital area.

Chlamydial form

The reason is chlamydia infection. Discharge from the urethra may contain pus or mucus, or may not appear at all. Unnoticed or not treated in time, chlamydial urethritis can lead to complications.

In men, the symptoms of this type may not appear at all., which makes such patients the main source of infection with Trichomonas urethritis.


The causative agents of the disease are bacteria and viruses. Often the cause of inflammation of the urinary tract is E. coli, as well as infections that cause sexually transmitted diseases (,).

Viral causes include cytomegalovirus and virus.

Among the infectious agents that provoke the development of urethritis, the most common are the following:

  • herpes simplex virus;
  • coli;
  • gonococcus (diplococcus of the Neisseriae family);
  • trichomonas;
  • staphylo-, entero-, pneumo-, streptococci;
  • fungi of the genus Candida;
  • chlamydia;
  • mycoplasma;
  • gardnerella.

Quite often, it is not possible to isolate a single pathogen that caused urethritis, a combination of several pathogenic microorganisms is determined.

Non-infectious urethritis is provoked by hypothermia, the influence of allergens, may be the result of injury to the mucous membrane of the urethra or exposure to aggressive chemical compounds.

The main risk factors for developing urethritis include:

  • reproductive age;
  • promiscuous sex life;
  • Recurrent sexually transmitted diseases.

Symptoms of urethritis in adults

Symptoms to look out for:

  • Painful urination is one of the first symptoms of urethritis. Contacting a specialist is desirable at this stage, since it is likely to prevent the further spread of inflammation.
  • If you continue to ignore the discomfort that occurs during urination, purulent discharge becomes the next symptom.
  • In some cases, inflammation of the external opening of the urethra can be observed.

With each subsequent exacerbation of the disease, inflammation affects an increasingly significant part of the mucous membrane of the urethra. Therefore, the symptoms of urethritis with each exacerbation become more and more pronounced. If the disease is not treated with adequate methods, complications may occur.

Acute urethritis

Signs of acute urethritis appear after a few days (the duration of the period depends on the type - from 2-3 days to 5-20 days). Appear:

  • discharge from the urethra
  • concerned about pain during urination.

General signs:

  • itching and other discomfort during urination;
  • pain in the pubic area - periodic, aching;
  • in men - a violation of urination, difficulty in the outflow of urine, up to an acute delay;
  • purulent discharge from the urethra;
  • impurities of blood in the urine - hematuria;
  • the external opening of the urethra is glued together in the morning.

Chronic form of urethritis

In chronic urethritis, which manifests itself as a result of an incorrect approach to treatment or the complete absence of it, neurotic phenomena are possible. Most often, with this form of urethritis, there are: small discharge from the urethra.

They are become more abundant subject to the presence of certain factors provoking an exacerbation of the disease. It can be heavy drinking, arousal, hypothermia.

The course of the disease can be long-term, which means not only months, but also years, which, ultimately, may cause a visit to the doctor (if this was done earlier, before the transition of the disease to this form).

The prolonged course of this form of urethritis can provoke urethral stricture, in which the urethra in the lumen begins to narrow, due to which urination is accompanied by a change in the urine stream (it becomes weak) and pain.


A complication of urethritis can be:

  • process timing;
  • prostatitis, cooperitis, epididymitis, vesiculitis, erectile dysfunction, balanitis, balanoposthitis, etc. in men;
  • periurethral abscess;
  • ascending infection (cystitis, nephritis);
  • paraurethritis;
  • deformation of the urethra (cicatricial change).


Diagnostics includes:

  1. Laboratory diagnosis of bacterial urethritis is carried out using microscopic and microbiological analysis of urine. The presence of red blood cells, mucus and bacteria in the samples proves the fact of a urinary tract infection.
  2. It is recommended to carry out a bakposev of urine and a smear from the urethra, to determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics. This allows treatment to be carried out more rationally and accurately.
  3. In sexually active people, the exclusion of venereal diseases is mandatory. The best method is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The technology allows diagnosing any infections quickly and accurately.

How to treat urethritis?

Identification of any symptoms indicating the development of urethritis is the basis for seeking advice from a urologist. The diagnosis is clarified on the basis of the patient's complaints, the results of an examination of his genitals and a number of laboratory tests (KLA, OAM, taking a smear from the urethra, seeding for sensitivity to antibacterial drugs).

Treatment of urethritis begins with antibiotics. The drug is selected depending on the pathogen and the severity of the inflammation. In an acute process, broad-spectrum antibiotics are immediately prescribed, then they switch to drugs to which the sensitivity of the microflora in a particular case has been identified.

As the main treatment measures, washings using antiseptic preparations, focused directly on the area of ​​​​the urethra, are used, antibiotics can also be used. Efficacy in the treatment of urethritis determines the use of erythromycin and tetracyclines.

An additional effect is achieved through:

  • physiotherapy procedures (warming applications, electrophoresis, etc.),
  • local treatment (for example, sitz baths based on herbal decoction),
  • taking immunostimulants and immunomodulators.

Directions for the treatment of chronic urethritis:

  1. use of antibacterial drugs- the same as in acute urethritis, taking into account the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics (periodic control is carried out - swabs are taken from the urethra for bacteriological examination and determining the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibacterial agents);
  2. instillation (rinsing) urethra with antiseptic solutions, for example, furacillin;
  3. immunocorrectors- drugs that increase the body's defenses;
  4. vitamin and mineral complexes- necessary to maintain the protective forces and restore the mucous membrane of the urethra.

Folk remedies only complement the main treatment. Chamomile tea, parsley roots and greens, carrots and celery, lingonberries and cranberries, beets - products are introduced into the daily diet. Herbal preparations are prepared separately and taken for at least a month (St. John's wort, sage, horsetail).

After a course of treatment for urethritis, an examination is carried out, as a result of which it is established whether the patient is healthy. The criteria for cure are:

  • The absence of extraneous discharge from the urethra within two weeks after the course of treatment.
  • Absence of inflammation of the urethra.
  • The disappearance of itching and burning during urination.


The likelihood of a disease can be minimized if you follow some simple rules:

  • First of all, random connections should be avoided.
  • Good personal hygiene also reduces the chance of infection.
  • Refusal of bad habits: smoking and excessive consumption of strong alcoholic beverages.
  • Regular preventive monitoring by a urologist.
  • Compliance with the diet: do not abuse spicy, pickled, salty foods.
  • Timely treatment of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Avoid hypothermia.

Urethritis, like any other urological disease, requires timely treatment. In case of unpleasant symptoms during urination, be sure to visit a urologist for an accurate diagnosis.

To date, experts in the medical field classify over 30 types of diseases that affect the urinary function of a man. One of these diseases is urethritis, the effect of which inflames the walls of the urethra. As a rule, the disease has an infectious basis and can be transmitted both sexually and be a deviation in the bioflora of the male body. It is important to know how urethritis develops, the treatment of which takes a long time. Each type of disease has its own treatment options.

Treatment of bacterial urethritis

Bacterial urethritis occurs against the background of a serious bacterial infection. The inflammatory process develops quite quickly and within a few weeks the urinary system is affected, pain and cramps appear when going to the toilet. There is severe itching, swelling of the urethral mucosa.

For preventive purposes, the permanent sexual partner of the infected is treated. At the end of the treatment course, the patient is prohibited from fatty foods and any alcohol.

How to treat urethritis with drugs

Drugs for the treatment of urethritis fall into four categories:

  1. Antibacterial drugs. They are the most effective and are most often taken to treat the disease.
  2. Immunomodulators. These drugs are designed to support the body during treatment.
  3. Homeopathic medicines.
  4. Phytotherapeutic agents. These drugs have the main component composition of natural origin.

For each type of urethritis, it is necessary to select individual medicines. Much also depends on the sex of the infected, the incubation period and many small features.

How to treat urethritis will tell the doctor after a thorough examination.

We list the main drugs from each group (given above):

  • Antibacterial drugs include broad-spectrum antibiotics (cephalosporins). Cefaclor, Tetracycline and Acyclovir also do a good job.
  • To support the condition, Ribomunil, Timalin or aloe extract are recommended.
  • Of the homeopathic remedies, Suprastin and Miramistin are the most effective.

The fourth category, namely phytotherapeutic agents, includes multiple groups of various handmade herbs and tinctures. These drugs are necessary for external use on the affected area.

What drugs are prescribed for the viral type

Viral urethritis is often transmitted during sexual contact (especially during oral sex). This variety is classified as a herpes virus, which occurs in the corners of the mouth when there is a cold reaction in the body.

Symptoms are very similar to standard herpes, but similar manifestations occur on the genitals. Such a problem as viral urethritis, the treatment of which takes a long time, requires certain prescriptions from the pharmaceutical industry.

So, what drugs will be most effective in this type of disease:

  • Acyclovir.
  • Gerpevir.
  • Valaciclovir.
  • Famciclovir.

Features of the treatment of allergic urethritis

This type of disease is not infectious. The main symptom is an inflammatory process in the urinary system. How to treat urethritis, which has an atypical form, can only be suggested by a doctor after a thorough diagnosis.

To relieve inflammation from the urinary system (in particular, the urethra), you need to drink a full course of antihistamines.

  • Suprastin.
  • Miramistin.

The above medicines have repeatedly helped with allergic urethritis, and according to the results of a study by pharmacists, they are the most effective method of dealing with the disease.

If the main form of the disease has flowed into a side (mechanical), then direct surgical intervention may be required. This is necessary to prejudice relapse and exclude possible complications.

Treatment of urethritis at home with folk methods

Physiotherapy treatment does not involve the use of drugs. Interaction with the focus of inflammation occurs directly through a magnetic field or laser. Before starting the procedure, the patient is carefully examined for individual incompatibility with this treatment method. The correct selection of the most optimal method of treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's body, is the basic principle of physiotherapy.

It is worth mentioning that the treatment of urethritis at home through physiotherapy is also possible. For example, it is necessary to wash the genitals with a special solution, special tampons (for women) will help relieve inflammation and eliminate pain.

However, physiotherapy is not effective in every case. If the disease is actively progressing, there will be little sense from external elimination of the disease. In such a case, it is necessary to seek help from any inpatient clinic, where doctors will conduct a thorough examination (or a comprehensive diagnosis) and select an individual medication.

Folk methods

Another way to cure urethritis is treatment with folk remedies. This method is based on the wisdom of traditional healers and a good knowledge of human anatomy. Basically, treatment with herbs, tinctures, decoctions for external use is used. In this way, you can eliminate pain and relieve inflammation.

  1. For example, chamomile decoction good for washing the genitals. This decoction not only relieves inflammation, but also eliminates itching, redness of the skin, the first external symptoms. Unfortunately, the effect is calculated only for 10-12 hours and at the end of its action, it is necessary to repeat the procedure.
  2. Linden tea and lingonberry juice recommended as a supportive natural remedy. Drinks are enriched with vitamins, which are so necessary in the treatment of urethritis.

But you need to be very careful when choosing the compositions. Incorrectly assembled component series of tincture or decoction can provoke chemical urethritis.

It is necessary to initially find out if the patient has intolerance to herbs and which ones. Especially this criterion must be observed in allergic urethritis.

special diet

A special diet is needed to treat urethritis at home. From the diet should be removed spicy and fried foods, as well as foods containing a lot of carbohydrates. This is necessary to cleanse the body of accumulated negative substances and maintain the necessary shape.

Another prerequisite for a diet is the use of clean (preferably filtered) water. It is necessary to drink at least 2 liters per day to flush the urinary system. It is highly recommended to consume foods containing lactose. Vegetables and fruits are essential, especially those that contain a lot of iron and vitamin C (for example, apples).

For the duration of the diet, you will have to give up any kind of alcohol. It is advisable to stop smoking during the rehabilitation period.


The preventive series of measures consists largely of treatment with folk remedies and a specialized, balanced diet. Prevention is necessary to prejudice relapse and exclude possible complications.

After the end of treatment, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the urinary system and genital organs as a whole.

  • Twice a day, wash the genitals. It is advisable to use decoctions of chamomile or any other natural ingredients.
  • Wear only loose underwear. This is necessary for the speedy healing of the skin in the affected area.
  • Exclude for a short time sexual life, until the moment of complete recovery. An accidental infection will provoke an immediate relapse.

Also, as a preventive measure, you can undergo ultrasound physiotherapy. This is an excellent tool for the speedy stabilization of the genitourinary system.

Problems with urination are quite serious. The incubation period for such diseases (urethritis) is quite short and the disease makes itself felt quite suddenly. When the first symptoms of urethritis appear, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. If you react quickly, it is possible to eliminate many side effects, including the transition from the standard form of the disease to the chronic one. It is also recommended to purchase antibiotics and antiviral drugs, which will significantly slow down the development of the disease.

Urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra, in women it often occurs with minor symptoms, so there is a prejudice that it is not necessary to treat it with medications. And you don't even need to go to the doctor. Sit in a basin with potassium permanganate, everything will pass.

We will not persuade anyone. Let's present reliable data why the treatment of urethritis in women is considered by physicians as any disease that is harmful to health. It is proved that after a certain period of time urethritis contributes to:

  • the transition of inflammation to the bladder and kidneys (cystitis, pyelonephritis);
  • infection of the appendages and uterus;
  • becomes the cause of female infertility, because it violates the patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

These threatening problems force the attending physician to offer patients different ways to get rid of urethritis.

When should treatment be started?

You need to see a doctor immediately after identifying unpleasant symptoms: pain and pain when urinating, the appearance of blood in the urine, itching in the external genitalia.

The doctor will definitely prescribe the necessary examinations. They are needed to identify the specific cause of the disease, its infectious agent. After receiving the results, optimal anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed.

General recommendations should be followed immediately, after receiving detailed instructions from the doctor.

Tips are:

  • exclusion from the diet of hot spices, pickles and marinades, smoked foods, all types of alcohol;
  • additional consumption of fresh fruits, juices without preservatives and sugar, multivitamins (to support immunity);
  • cessation of wearing synthetic underwear, slimming trousers, belts (cause stagnation in the pelvic organs);
  • increasing the daily volume of water you drink up to 1.5–2 liters;
  • reduction of physical effort, load, a break in fitness classes;
  • enhanced prevention of hypothermia.

Do I need to inform my husband or sexual partner?

For the period of treatment, you will need to give up sexual activity. In women, it is impossible to treat urethritis without the simultaneous sanitation of the sexual partner. Practice shows that the most common pathogens are sexually transmitted microorganisms (gonococci, Trichomonas, chlamydia and others).

It is not possible to conduct an investigation on the topic “who infected whom”, urgent measures are needed. The man suffers even more than the woman. A smart person will understand everything without complaints, because the only thing is which of the partners will be the first to go to the doctor and be examined.

What medicines are used in the treatment?

Analyzes of urine and a smear from the urethra allow not only to identify the causative agent of the disease, but also to find out by bacteriological seeding to which antibiotic it has sensitivity, and to which resistance has already formed. It will take about a week of additional time. It is more rational to start therapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics. They are able to deal with several groups of pathogens at once. The most effective for nonspecific urethritis are:

  • semi-synthetic penicillins;
  • group of macrolides;
  • cephalosporins.

Depending on the severity of clinical manifestations, the doctor selects the dosage, method of administration (tablets, injections). Consideration should be given to the predisposition to allergic reactions to medications, concomitant chronic diseases. A course of antibiotics usually lasts five to ten days.

Women should be warned about such a mistake as stopping treatment on their own, changing the dose or increasing the duration of therapy. This cannot be done, because infectious pathogens adapt to the drug, form their protective forms and become resistant to destruction.

Own illiterate choice of antibiotic before bacteriological examination complicates the subsequent diagnosis and recognition of the infection. In such cases, curing urethritis becomes more difficult. Tell the doctor which drug has already been used to avoid unnecessary repetition.

Specific types of the disease require the appointment of other antimicrobial agents:

  • If urethritis is caused by yeast-like fungi, antifungal drugs are used, all antibiotics are canceled.
  • If a mycoplasma infection is detected in the analysis, agents from the group of macrolides, imidazole derivatives are shown.
  • With chlamydia - it is necessary to combine antibiotics with a low dose of corticosteroids.
  • In the case of trichomonas infection, a specific drug Trichopolum (Metronidazole) is used.
  • Herpetic urethritis - treats the antiviral agent Acyclovir and its analogues.

If the patient takes alcohol during treatment with Trichopolum, then a reaction in the form of a collapse is possible (the drug is sometimes used in the treatment of alcohol dependence)

In practice, there are cases of simultaneous presence of a combined infection of fungi, Trichomonas and bacteria. Therefore, in the treatment it is necessary to change antibiotics, prescribe two drugs at once, alternate courses.

If the woman's condition is satisfactory, the body temperature is normal, then the treatment can be carried out at home. At elevated temperature, the threat of spread to the upper urinary tract or genitals, inpatient therapy is offered. Currently, polyclinics have day hospitals and treatment rooms where a patient can be referred.

A woman will feel the effectiveness of the use of medicines on the third day after the disappearance of pain during urination, burning and itching.

How is a gonorrhea infection treated?

Gonorrheal urethritis is within the competence of venereologists. It is important to consider the lack of immunity formation after a single case of gonorrhea. A woman can become infected again and get sick in a more severe form.

The patient will be referred to the dermatovenerological dispensary. The general requirements for nutrition and regimen do not differ from those given above.

The prevalence of gonorrhea and the independent rash use of antibiotics has led to an increase in cases of primary resistance of gonococci to penicillin drugs. Therefore, the best efficacy is observed with the simultaneous use of fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins.

  • washing the urethra with solutions of Collargol, silver nitrate;
  • cauterization of overgrown granulations with concentrated silver nitrate.

The course of treatment lasts from seven to ten days. The cure must be confirmed not only by the usual laboratory analysis, but also by a provocative test. Apply one of the following:

  • the introduction of Pyrogenal intramuscularly;
  • gonovaccine;
  • heating with inductothermy;
  • intake of alcohol and fatty foods.

After provocation, urethral smear tests are examined for three consecutive days

If gonococci and leukocytes are not detected, then a month later the last control study follows by bacterioscopy and cultures on the media. The absence of pathogenic flora indicates a complete cure.

Types of local treatment

Local treatment significantly helps to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of urethritis, leads to recovery faster. The most acceptable antiseptic is the drug Miramistin in the form of a spray. It is recommended for application to the area of ​​the urethral outlet twice a day. The course will take 10 days. Some women experience a slight burning sensation.

Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties are possessed by folk remedies in the form of decoctions of herbs taken orally, added to baths. Plants with a moderate diuretic effect are recommended for drinking. They “wash” the urinary organs and “carry out” microorganisms. Decoctions are brewed in the form of tea, taken 2-3 times a day. You can create a renal combination using:

  • birch buds;
  • shepherd's bag;
  • knotweed;
  • parsley leaves;
  • juniper berries.

For douching and baths can be used:

  • chamomile and calendula flowers;
  • celandine.

The broth is brewed in a thermos overnight, filtered and added to warm water for a sitz bath. A woman should take it until it cools down. Usually 10 sessions are recommended. Medicinal decoctions are added to the solution for washing, douching, vaginal tampons.

Antibacterial and antifungal agents are made in the form of vaginal suppositories. They are most effective when combined with urethritis colpitis (inflammation of the vaginal mucosa). Apply at night.

The best effect is observed if the woman first takes a bath, then, in the supine position, deeply inserts the candle into the vagina

A mandatory option for therapy with vaginal suppositories is the use of probiotics. This is a "kit" of normal bacteria that inhabit the lower urinary tract and vagina and fight infection. Apply after a course of antibiotic treatment during the restoration of the flora.

In the chronic course of urethritis, women, in addition to anti-inflammatory therapy, are prescribed immunomodulators, agents that enhance immunity. These include:

  • special candles;
  • taking ginseng tinctures;
  • lure;
  • lemongrass;
  • aloe;
  • bioadditive Transferfactor.

Use of physiotherapy methods

Physiotherapy methods help relieve inflammation by:

  • direct negative effect on pathogenic microorganisms;
  • relaxing the smooth muscles of the urethra and relieving painful symptoms;
  • activation of general and local mechanisms of self-defense.

The inclusion of physiotherapy in the treatment regimen for urethritis is considered as the standard of care.

The vaginal nozzle is effectively used to bring the laser beam to the area of ​​inflammation

The following methods are effective:

  • medicinal electrophoresis - increases the concentration of antimicrobial agents and antiseptics directly in the lesion by 1.5–2 times;
  • galvanotherapy against the background of taking pills or injections allows you to create a depot closer to the urethra.

The duration of the procedures is 20 - 30 minutes, up to 10 sessions are assigned per course.

  • Infrared Laser Therapy- the beam is directed to the projection area of ​​the urethra on the anterior abdominal wall. Access through the paravertebral lumbosacral points is also used. Intracavitary laser irradiation using a special nozzle is more suitable for the treatment of men. The procedure lasts about 5 minutes daily, 8-10 sessions are enough for a course.
  • Thermomagnetotherapy- has a local warming effect at a depth of up to 5 mm. This allows you to sanitize the urogenital area and create more favorable conditions for local drug therapy. Special devices gradually raise the local temperature to 45 degrees. It is possible to use rectal heating, a combination with laser therapy, electrophoresis.
  • UHF-therapy - helps to relieve muscle spasm.
  • Intravenous blood irradiation with a laser beam- is considered one of the modern ways to activate all body systems. Known for its analgesic effect, desensitizing (with allergic urethritis), antibacterial, decongestant.
  • Ozone therapy - irrigation is carried out with an ozone-oxygen mixture using a special ozonizer. The strong oxidizing action of ozone is used, which can kill bacteria and viruses.

The irradiation mode is chosen as sparing or training

Physiotherapy may be contraindicated in the presence of concomitant diseases (tumors, hypertension). If the patient has urethritis when referring to sanatorium treatment, then all physiotherapy procedures will have to be abandoned. Balneological baths, mud therapy at the time of exacerbation are categorically contraindicated.

With secondary chronic bacterial urethritis caused by diseases of the kidneys, gynecological organs, the question of the use of natural sources in therapy will be determined by the doctor of a particular sanatorium.

How to confirm the cure?

Despite the absence of complaints from a woman, to determine the final recovery, it is necessary to undergo a control examination.

Urine tests, a smear from the urethra are prescribed. With non-gonococcal urethritis, one control study is sufficient. If no pathogenic flora is found in it, the woman is considered healthy. In the case of determining the remnants of pathogens, the course of treatment continues, the means change. The required dosage of drugs is again selected.

Urethritis treatment for women should not be delayed. The threat of chronicity is accompanied by complications, disrupts the functioning of the reproductive organs, endangers family members.

The urethra is a short canal that runs directly through the penis. It connects the head and the bladder. Urine exits through this channel during urination. Urethritis is a disease caused by inflammation or damage to the urethra due to exposure to any external stimuli.

Doctors classify this disease into the following types:

  • infectious;
  • non-infectious;
  • gonorrheal.

Gonorrheal urethritis causes gonococcus to enter the urethra. In fact, this is a subtype of infectious, but it is distinguished into a separate category, since in this case the venereologist is already involved in the treatment (since gonococcus provokes gonorrhea).

Infectious urethritis occurs when bacteria enter the urethra.

These are mainly staphylococci and streptococci, which also tend to stimulate suppuration.

That is why with urethritis very often pus mixed with blood is also released from the urethra.

And the edges of the outgoing channel on the head can even stick together, which brings a lot of inconvenience and discomfort to a man.

Another disease is classified into acute and chronic, depending on the etiology and course of the disease. In most cases, it is the acute form that is diagnosed, and the chronic form is its complication. Doctors also point to it with urolithiasis, lasting for several years.

Causes of urethritis in men and symptoms of the disease

The main causes of urethritis are:

  • violation of the rules of individual hygiene;
  • systematic unsafe sex;
  • chronic urolithiasis;
  • complication of catarrhal infectious diseases;
  • physical impact on the groin area.

Quite often, the provoking factor of the disease is phimosis., that is, the impossibility of opening the head. At the same time, the front part of the penis is always covered with a layer of foreskin, and due to the complexity of local hygiene, bacteria, dirt, and the remnants of secretions (smegma) accumulate there.

All this in total leads to the fact that pathogenic bacteria or fungi (most often candida) penetrate into the urethral cavity.

The main symptoms of urethritis are:

  1. Painful urination.
  2. Discharge of pus and ichor from the urethra.
  3. The appearance of a dried crust on the head (most often it is an ichor).
  4. Discomfort in the groin area.
  5. Itching around the head.

With all this, a man may have a slight increase in body temperature, chills, pain in the bladder area. In severe cases, urethritis can transform into or lead to narrowing of the urethra.

IMPORTANT! When identifying the primary symptoms of urethritis, treatment should be started immediately, after contacting a doctor for help. There are cases when infectious urethritis led to a complex lesion of the genitourinary system, after which a man may even become infertile.

Can we cure the disease?

Urethritis is not an incurable disease. However, there are certain cases in which the disease flows into a chronic form and alternates with periods of remission. This occurs, for example, against the background of urolithiasis, or when inflammation is provoked by the papillomavirus.

It is completely impossible to recover from it, but the disease will make itself felt only during a period of weakened immunity, when the body loses the ability to resist the viral pathogen.

But infectious forms, as well as gonorrhea, can be treated with the complex effect of broad-spectrum antibiotics in combination with the use of immunomodulatory drugs (enhancing the response of the immune system). That is, the curability of urethritis is directly related to the form of its occurrence.

Independent course of the disease

Urethritis may go away on its own. This happens if the damage to the urethral mucosa is caused by the passage of stones from the bladder and kidneys through it.

In this case, the mucosa is restored on its own in about 1-2 months.

Infectious urethritis can also go away on its own, but only if we are talking about simple bacteria that the body can handle on its own.

However, in the absence of specialized therapy, there is a high risk of transition of urethritis to the chronic stage, in which it will be much more difficult to get rid of the disease.

That is why doctors everywhere recommend that when the first signs of inflammation or damage to the urethra appear, seek qualified help as soon as possible.

If urethritis is not treated in any way, the following complications may develop:

  • narrowing of the urethra;
  • prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland, which can develop into prostate cancer);
  • violation of the hormonal background due to the negative impact on the glands responsible for the synthesis of sex hormones (we are talking about the prostate gland and testes);
  • infertility.

In certain situations, even phalloplasty may be required, that is, a surgical operation in which the normal primary shape of the penis is restored.

Which doctor should I contact for help?

To undergo an initial examination with a suspicion of a disease, you can contact a therapist.

He, in view of his broad diagnostic classification, will establish the type of disease and refer you to a specialist doctor who will prescribe a treatment regimen for urethritis.

And who treats urethritis in men? With blood and urine tests, you get to the urologist. Urethritis is fully consistent with his specialization.

The only exception is gonorrheal urethritis. He is treated by a venereologist, but only after confirmation of the presence of gonococci in the urethra has been received.

In fact, this is already gonorrhea, and not urethritis (it is correct to assume that gonorrhea is one of the subspecies of urethritis, which can give complications to the entire urinary system, including the bladder and kidneys).

In rare cases, if the urethritis does not go away, the patient should also consult a surgeon if there is a suspicion of narrowing of the urethra or blockage of the entire urethra.

Urgent surgery will be required.

Treatment options

How to treat urethritis in men? The basis of the treatment of inflammation of the urethra in men is the use of antibiotics, as well as compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Temporarily, it will be necessary to carry out all these procedures several times a day, as well as wear special underwear linings (if there is a need for this and a large amount of ichor is released).

In the medical treatment of urethritis, immunomodulators are also prescribed, if a viral infection is suspected. Antibiotics are ineffective against them, so therapy implies all kinds of support for immunity in getting rid of the causative agent of the disease.

Along with this, hygiene rules are also prescribed, treatment of the glans penis with special antibacterial solutions (the same dimexide is excellent for this).

At the same time, you need to see a doctor every other day to adjust the treatment algorithm.

What does invasive urethritis treatment mean? It includes minimally invasive procedures and surgery.

Of the minimally invasive methods for treating urethritis in men, only the installation of a catheter can be used to prevent difficulties during urination. Similarly, the gluing of the urethra is treated with a significant release of pus (with an infectious form of urethritis).

However, all this can be done at home. Hospitalization is not required (but it is still better to focus on the recommendations of the attending physician).

But surgery is a last resort. It is prescribed mainly for blockage of the urethra, or when suppuration of the urethra has occurred.

In this situation, its partial amputation is carried out, followed by phalloplasty. Operations can also be carried out with blockage of the urethra with stones and sand.

How to treat urethritis in men by turning to traditional medicine? He advises drinking cranberry juice and an infusion of blackcurrant leaves in the morning.

How long is urethritis in men treated? The duration of treatment for urethritis for each man will be purely individual. First of all, it depends on the type of disease.. That is, if the inflammation of the urethra is provoked by an infection, then it is enough to take a course of antibiotics, and then temporarily refuse sexual intercourse. This will take 3 to 14 days.

How long does it take to treat viral urethritis? As a rule, longer, up to 1 month. But non-infectious urethritis (and even chronic) may turn out to be completely incurable. In extreme cases, an implant is implanted, which prevents the urethra from narrowing. Here, each case of the disease will be considered individually.

IMPORTANT! In any case, the sooner you seek medical help, the sooner you will be able to get rid of the signs of the disease and restore your erectile function.

In summary, urethritis is inflammation or physical damage to the urethra. More often, it is the infectious form of the disease that is diagnosed, when the inflammation is provoked by bacteria. This form is treated with antibiotics.

Prevention of urethritis includes only the observance of the rules of safe sex and the prevention of the development of chronic diseases of the urinary system. If you refuse treatment, the disease urethritis can develop into infertility or prostatitis.

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