After removal of warts by radio wave method. Treatment after removal of genital warts by radio wave method. Elimination of genital warts with a laser

A very common technique is laser destruction or vaporization of formations. It is also considered very progressive.

The laser has many advantages over surgical removal:

  • destruction of bacteria in the wound
  • vascular coagulation and lack of blood loss
  • the speed of the procedure

However, in comparison with radio wave removal, the laser loses for at least two reasons.

First- the radio wave leaves behind less scars for the reasons indicated above (control of the depth of exposure).

Second- histology during radio wave removal of genital warts will show which cells the formation consists of.

This is important in terms of determining the prognosis for the development of tumor processes in the uterus.

Unlike a laser, excisional biopsy with radio wave removal of genital warts is possible. After all, education is separated from the body, and not completely destroyed. While the laser simply leads to the evaporation of warts. After that, it is not possible to examine it for the presence of atypical cells.

Prognosis for radio wave removal of genital warts

After the procedure, the pathology usually does not appear in the same place. The frequency of relapses in radio wave removal of condylomas is extremely low. However, new formations can appear nearby, because the papilloma virus does not disappear from the body.

HPV not only provokes the appearance of warts, but also increases the risk of cancer:

  • cervix
  • vulva
  • penis
  • pharynx

Removal of formations does not reduce the risk of oncopathology.

Treatment human papillomavirus infection

As already mentioned, papillomaviruses are the culprits for the appearance of genital warts. Removal of formations is only part of the treatment. This procedure does not guarantee the absence of recurrence and does not reduce the risk of developing cancer.

To achieve all the goals of therapy, a combination of treatment with immunomodulators with radio wave removal of genital warts is required.

Unfortunately, no specific therapy for HPV has yet been developed. We do not have in the arsenal of drugs that can suppress this virus. But the human immune system effectively copes with it.

In healthy people, HPV is eliminated from the body fairly quickly. And in violation of immunity, condylomas appear, which sometimes reach large sizes.

Accordingly, by acting on the immune system, you can achieve:

  • reduce the amount of HPV in the body
  • reducing the risk of cancer
  • reduce the likelihood of recurrence of genital warts
HPV treatment in combination with radio wave removal of genital warts

performed in our clinic.

First, the doctor immunologist prescribes tests to evaluate all the key links of immunity. Then targeted treatment is carried out. After the restoration of immunity, after a few months, the concentration of HPV in the body is significantly reduced.

Which doctor performs the radio wave removal of warts?

Most often, warts are removed. In women, warts on the genitals, including the cervix, can be removed by a gynecologist.

In HIV-infected people, radio wave removal of genital warts requires consultation with an infectious disease specialist in order to minimize the risk of infectious complications.

In pregnant women, radio wave removal of genital warts carried out by an obstetrician-gynecologist. He also determines the optimal timing for this intervention. If the condylomas are small, do not interfere with the course of pregnancy and do not pose a threat to normal childbirth, the removal can be postponed by carrying it out after the birth of the child.

To remove formations on the mucous membranes by radio wave method, please contact our clinic. We have high quality equipment and experienced doctors.

Our advantages:

  • high-quality anesthesia - you will not feel anything during the procedure
  • low risk of complications due to careful observance of all the rules of this manipulation
  • availability of all necessary diagnostic procedures (determining the type of HPV, diagnosing the state of immunity, histological examination of a remote formation)

After removal of warts, you can get advice from an immunologist to avoid the recurrence of these formations and prevent the development of cervical cancer.

If you need to remove genital warts using modern methods, contact competent venereologists.

To remove condylomas by the radio wave method, the radio wave surgical apparatus "Surgitron" is most often used.

The device produces radio waves (with a frequency of about four megahertz). These radio waves strongly heat the soft tissues, and an incision is made without contact, and then coagulation of the soft tissues.

The high-frequency energy released during the operation of the device locally heats up the tissues of the body to be removed. There is a heating of soft tissues and cells, in fact, evaporate.

There is no contact of the electrode with living tissues, and there is no heating of the electrode. This device removes papillomas, condylomas, moles. In principle, any neoplasm on the skin, mucous membranes or, for example, in the vagina. Warts must be removed. Since there is always a danger of injuring them during sexual contact, by touching clothes, when using a razor.

Folk remedies (celandine preparations, 5% iodine solution) are absolutely better not to use. Since the effect is controversial and there is no proper antiseptic.

Radio wave removal of genital warts is the most optimal and reasonable solution. The procedure takes five minutes to half an hour.

Benefits of radio wave treatment for genital warts

Radio wave removal of genital warts has its positive aspects:

  • the area and depth of impact are subject to full control;
  • bloodless impact field (coagulation of small vessels);
  • the working electrode does not directly touch the skin or mucous membrane, so there is no mechanical damage to the cells of the integumentary layer;
  • tissues are not charred, there is no formation of a black scab;
  • tissues are easily dissected;
  • neoplasms that protrude strongly above the surface of the skin, having clear boundaries, can also be easily removed;
  • wound contents are very small;
  • small edema and infiltration;
  • practically painless procedure;
  • due to the fibrin film formed after the removal of the neoplasm, a short healing period;
  • primary tension in the healing wound surface, the result is the absence of a rough scar;
  • sterilization of the wound surface with radio waves;
  • taking a quality sample for histology;
  • the surface of the organ is preserved;
  • assistance can be provided on an outpatient basis;
  • any localization of neoplasms is available for removal (for example, on the eyelid);
  • pronounced effectiveness.

Localization of warts in the urogenital area and contraindications to the use of the method

Very high-quality material for research (biopsy) is taken during radio wave removal of warts. Then a histological examination of the biopsy is carried out to detect malignancy of the tumor, that is, it is just condyloma or cancer.

For the male sex, the following localization of condylomas is characteristic:

  • the head of the penis;
  • foreskin;
  • urethra;
  • perineum and anus.

In female representatives, the internal and external urinary organs are affected:

  • vulva;
  • clitoris;
  • Cervix;
  • vestibule of the vagina;
  • crotch;
  • urethra;
  • anus.

Contraindications for radio wave removal of genital warts are:

  • the presence of heart and lung failure, hypertension;
  • the presence of febrile and acute infectious conditions;
  • the presence of chronic hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, glaucoma or cancer;
  • a pacemaker in a patient;
  • inflammation at the site of removal;
  • period;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • all acute diseases.

After the surgery, the patient immediately leaves the medical facility.

How is radio wave removal of genital warts performed?

Condylomatosis, the external manifestation of HPV, affects a large number of people. According to statistics, approximately 80% of the inhabitants of our planet do not even know about HPV infection.

If the immune system is reduced, the stress effect or the effects of beriberi, HPV enters the active phase, proliferation occurs, and neoplasms occur.

The onset of the disease is the best time for radio wave surgery. A person takes a horizontal position, for example, on a couch. It is better to use local anesthesia (superficial lidocaine solution or its injection, or aerosol irrigation, or an anesthetic cream is applied). Since the procedure can be sensitive.

Various electrodes are used, more often loop-shaped. The external and internal genital organs, for example, the cervix, are the places of favorite localization of genital warts.

The high-frequency pulse of radio waves that occurs at the tip of the electrode produces a lot of heat in the tissues of the condyloma. As a result, cellular structures seem to "evaporate". The neoplasm and the electrode do not directly contact. The nutrition of condyloma tissues stops, it dies. There is no blood; the blood vessels that feed the condyloma coagulate. The surface at the site of the removed condyloma is treated with antiseptic solutions, and after three hours the patient leaves.

Removal with laser technology and radio wave removal - which is better?

Removal of neoplasms with a laser is a fairly well-known procedure. It is known for medical institutions and beauty salons. The use of local anesthesia is mandatory, as laser removal is painful. The result of laser removal depends on the qualifications of the medical professional. For each patient, the individual temperature and depth of entry of the laser beam are selected. Therefore, the qualification of a medical institution or a beauty salon is very important.

Removal of neoplasms with a laser is quite effective, affordable and there are no age restrictions. The procedure is quite short - it takes less than ten minutes. The procedure leaves a depression in the skin, which smooths out after a few days.

A big disadvantage of laser treatment is the inability to take tissue for histological analysis. But on the other hand, large, in size, neoplasms are removed.

Radio wave removal is even less uncomfortable, painless, without the use of anesthetics. There is no tissue heating, which means you can not get burned. Healing of postoperative wounds is faster than with laser treatment. But surgery takes more time.

What is also the advantage of radio wave removal?

There is a removal of genital warts from hard-to-reach, for example, the armpit, and problematic, for example, the eyelids (where the laser is dangerous for retinal burns) places.

A more aesthetic postoperative surface after radio wave removal also plays a role. Since, especially for women and public people, this is an important factor.

Nowadays, the use of a carbon dioxide laser, which is an analogue of a conventional laser, is topical. Its use gives less risk, higher speed, accuracy and painlessness of the removal session.

The principles of applying the methods are very similar. But only the doctor decides which method is best to remove warts, based on the specific situation. But if the price of the procedure is not the main thing and there is a little time, then, in my opinion, radio wave removal is better. For its use, there are fewer contraindications and indications are wider.

What are the relapses and prognosis after radio wave removal

The positive effect of the use of radio wave removal of genital warts is about 80-90%, the number of relapses is 2-5%. The wound should not dry out forming a crust. There are practically no scars. And yet, the main advantages of the method:

  • painlessness of the procedure (radio wave removal is already painless, and local anesthetics also work);
  • absence of marks on the skin (aesthetic effect);
  • after a short period of time there is no redness, swelling, hyperemia;
  • there is no bleeding and dead tissue, which means there is no postoperative suppuration;
  • quite a short procedure.

In addition to the destruction of genital warts, the doctor also prescribes treatment with special medicines. Also mandatory strengthening of immunity, which we will talk about later. The results of such complex treatment are stable remission and the absence of recurrence of genital warts.

Wound care after genital warts removal

  • regular treatment with antiseptics (if necessary, antibacterial agents);
  • first, carefully, regularly assess the wound surface (palpation, for homogeneity; control of the color of the skin);
  • in case of crust formation, do not remove it, so as not to slow down healing;
  • do not use cosmetics for the skin;
  • do not visit a bath, sauna, any pools, so as not to become infected with hepatitis B or C, HIV infection;
  • less physical activity and protect the wound surface from accidental injury;
  • drink plenty of fluids;
  • limit water procedures to taking only a warm shower;
  • solarium and direct sunlight are strictly contraindicated;
  • if genital warts were removed, then sex is contraindicated for two weeks;
  • hypothermia is contraindicated;
  • If something worries, immediately to the attending physician.

The first days after radio wave removal, the wound is moistened with water and soap.

It is better to prevent the formation of a crust, then healing proceeds rapidly and scar tissue is less noticeable.

Three times during the day, the wound surface is treated with ointments (argosulfan or baneacin). And stick a patch that does not allow contact with air.

The wound surface heals within a short amount of time.

New skin becomes pink. After two months, the site of the removed condyloma will be the same as the rest of the skin.

Immunomodulators and radio wave removal of genital warts

In parallel with the radioactive removal of genital warts and subsequent care of the wound surface, the use of immunomodulators and antiviral drugs is mandatory. When infected with HPV, only against the background of reduced immunity, papillomas, condylomas and all kinds of warts grow.

Among the drugs that stimulate the immune system, interferon drugs and pyrogenal are widely used. They must be taken according to the scheme prescribed by the attending physician. This will significantly reduce the possibility of recurrence of neoplasms.

Radio wave removal of genital warts in HIV-infected

Treatment of neoplasms on the genitals always takes place with the delivery of additional tests - a survey smear, the presence or absence of hepatitis, syphilis, HIV infection.

According to the frequency of application, the radio wave method of destruction is in the first place in the intimate zone.

HIV-infected patients also often become infected with HPV, especially since their immunity is reduced. Constant monitoring is required not only for HIV infection, but also for the presence or absence of papillomavirus in the body.

The use of radio wave removal of genital warts in pregnant women

Therapy of condylomatosis in women who are expecting a child is a prerequisite to help avoid complications from HPV.

Any neoplasm (perianal area in a pregnant woman) can be dangerous for the pregnant woman and the fetus:

  • it is easy to infect the fetus; the birth canal during childbirth or the fetal membrane (placenta), when intrauterine development occurs, is a very accessible gateway for HPV infection;
  • HPV causes thickening and aging of the placenta, which impairs the trophism and development of the fetus, increases the possibility of contracting other dangerous infections, that is, natural immunity decreases;
  • the microflora of the vagina is disturbed, which also opens the way for other pathogens;
  • during natural childbirth, papillomavirus can enter the respiratory system of a newborn, causing respiratory papillomatosis.

You can get pregnant in the stage of condylomatosis, if the warts are small.

The danger for the onset of pregnancy is only a large condyloma located on the cervix. It will prevent sperm from reaching the egg. For this reason, if it is important for a woman to maintain her fertility, such neoplasms are removed.

If pregnancy is planned, then a visit to the gynecologist is mandatory. He will conduct an examination and express his opinion on the state of the woman's reproductive function.

When a woman is already pregnant, and warts near the anus and they are not on the organs of the birth canal, they are removed after the end of pregnancy.

Genital warts sometimes resolve spontaneously. Therefore, it is important to observe the doctor for changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman. It is necessary to minimize the influence of HPV activating causes. These are hypothermia, overwork, stress, beriberi, systematic violations of the behavioral regimen for pregnant women. When the hormonal changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman stimulate the growth of genital warts, they are destroyed.

The radio wave method is very good for this, as the method is bloodless and aseptic, which is important for pregnant women.

Treatment of HPV in combination with the method of radio wave removal of genital warts

Radio wave removal of neoplasms, or as the procedure is also called - removal with a radio knife, is a very popular procedure in the treatment of HPV. But still, only the attending physician should take into account all the pros and cons. He decides by what method to carry out the destruction of the neoplasm.

We have already spoken about the advantages of the radio wave method for removing neoplasms.

The main reason for the insufficient use of the method of radio wave removal of genital warts is the rather high price of devices for radio wave destruction.

Some features of radio wave removal of neoplasms

Preparation for radio wave destruction includes examination of the patient and the issuance of referrals for tests.

Women must be examined by a gynecologist, with a mandatory colposcopy. If necessary, biopsy material is taken.

Analyzes for: HPV, HIV, serum hepatitis, syphilis, for the presence of all kinds of infections that have not yet been manifested. Also, for proper therapy against the virus, it is necessary to specify HPV.

There are no age restrictions for the application of the method. In men, the destruction of genital warts by radio waves is carried out by a urologist or andrologist.

The main thing is that they master this technique.

If you need radio wave removal of genital warts, please contact the author of this article, a dermatovenereologist in Moscow with many years of experience.

08/17/2006 , Sofochka Total posts: 69

If you had condylomas removed by the radio wave method, tell us about your feelings during and after the removal, as well as the results of the treatment?

  • Reply

05.10.2006 00:00 , tet

Before removing genital warts with an electric knife, I underwent laferobion injections (injections in the neck and chipping from the outside), the procedure is not pleasant. With a good selection of drugs * sparing no money * there were practically no consequences after laferobion. only on the first day chills and temperature 40. Only general weakness. After 10 days - removal with an electrocautery. naturally with lycoin. There are no sensations during the procedure. only the device, in my opinion, is some kind of new development, I don’t remember the name exactly, but it is 100% analogous to the surgitron. I asked. sensations after - as if everything burns there. but not for long. The wounds healed for a week. a month later there was no trace left. at the scheduled examination, the gynecologist did not notice anything. And there were a lot of genital warts. I still don't understand where HPV came from.

  • Reply

03.08.2011 22:47 , Arina

Good afternoon, you wrote about the removal of HPV genital warts with an analogue of Surgitron, tell me, after removal, did you have HPV? Thank you.

  • Reply

04.08.2011 11:05 am

Within six months, the analysis for HPV was positive after treatment. then negative. it's like a "leftover"

  • Reply

23.10.2006 00:00 , Larisa

  • Reply

29.10.2014 19:10 , 123

today I also had condylomas removed, your review is 200% accurate, after the icecoin I felt dizzy, it hurt only from the injection and the mirror, after of course, swelling and you can’t walk, I also took a day off, fell off at home, bought ointments. I believe that everything will be ok! Your review is 8 years old, but it is still relevant today!

  • Reply

26.10.2006 00:00 , Inna

5 days ago they did cauterization with Surgitron. I was diagnosed with PVI and cervical dysplasia, I am 37 years old, I have a child. I did this procedure under general anesthesia, because. the amount of work was great. They did this to me in a hospital, and not in a consultation, one day, at 10.00, they operated, and at 14.00 I was at home. The discharge is transparent, slightly pink. There is no pain and never was. The doctor prescribed antibiotics and a hormonal drug, but I refused hormones. You can't have sex for 4 weeks. But the most important thing is that the histology is good! I really scold myself that I started cervical erosion and allowed the development of dysplasia, but I didn’t know about PVI. 4 years ago I took tests for all infections, and nothing was found in me. The doctor said that they do special tests for viruses, they are more sensitive, and therefore they were not found. In general, I wish you all good health! There will be news, I will write more!

Surgitron (Surgitron, or radioknife) is a radio wave surgery device manufactured by the American company ELLMAN International. It is widely used to remove warts, papillomas, moles, areas of dysplasia (erosion) of the cervix.

The method of treatment with surgitron is called radio wave surgery, radio wave coagulation, or radio wave excision.

Principle of operation

The basis of the work of Surgitron is high frequency radio waves (3.8-4.0 MHz). Such waves cause the evaporation of fluid inside the cells of the skin or mucosa. That is, the cells themselves actually evaporate. At the same time, the surrounding cells, to which the radio wave is not directed, do not evaporate.

Due to the directed action of radio waves, the traumatization of surrounding tissues is minimal, even less than when exposed to a laser. Therefore, the consequences are milder - the frequency of scarring on the skin after exposure to a radio knife is much less than after exposure to a laser.

That is why radio wave treatment is often used on the face, cervix and genitals, especially in nulliparous women. That is, where the skin or mucous membrane is very delicate and thin, and where scarring is undesirable.

Types of waveguides-electrodes used in radio wave removal of formations in dermatology

Round loop waveguide (pictured)

Triangular loop waveguide (pictured)

Ball electrode-waveguide (pictured)

Waveguide scalpel (pictured)

Which is better - electrocoagulation or radioknife?

According to doctors, a radioknife is better.

  1. Speed ​​of operation
  2. Bloodlessness of the operation
  3. Minimal pain after surgery
  4. Significantly less swelling of surrounding tissues
  5. Rapid wound healing after surgery
  6. There is practically no inflammation and suppuration of the wound after a radio knife
  7. Significantly less scarring after surgery, better consequences

Which is better - liquid nitrogen or radio wave treatment?

Reviews of doctors - Surgitron is better! Read the detailed article on cauterization with liquid nitrogen.

  1. When cauterized with nitrogen, a bubble forms, often with blood. When exposed to a radio wave, a bubble does not form.
  2. After nitrogen, severe pain in the affected area for 1-2 days. There is practically no pain after radioknife.
  3. Skin injury from liquid nitrogen 1-2 cm around. There is no skin injury from the radioknife around the impact.
  4. The bubble bursts, then heals within 2 weeks. The wound from the radioknife heals immediately under the crust within 5-7 days.
  5. After nitrogen, a noticeable scar remains. After the radioknife, the scar is either imperceptible, or it does not exist at all.

Which is better - laser or surgitron?

According to experts, Surgitron is better. A detailed article about the removal of papillomas with a laser.

  1. Surrounding tissues are less injured (2-3 times)
  2. No burn of surrounding tissue
  3. Less wound healing time
  4. Less scarring after the incision - better consequences
  5. Better control over the process of removal of formations by the surgeon

Many surgeons know how important it is to control the depth of tissue incision not only visually, but also tactilely (with a scalpel or apparatus). The laser doesn't give that feeling. But the radio knife gives such a feeling. This is also why most surgeons prefer the radioknife in their work.

Indications for radio wave surgery in dermatology

  • Papillomas and warts. Find out what types of papilloma are?
  • Nevi (or moles)
  • Keratomas. See what a keratoma is.
  • Lipomas and atheromas
  • Fibromas
  • molluscum contagiosum
  • Condylomas. Read what is genital warts.

Method of removal by radio wave method of moles, nevi, papillomas and other skin formations

1. Treatment of the skin with an antiseptic

2. Local anesthesia with an anesthetic (lidocaine, novocaine). The anesthetic is injected into the skin with a syringe or by applying a special anesthetic cream.

3. It takes 3-5 minutes for complete anesthesia of the skin.

4. The doctor takes a round loop waveguide, turns on the Surgitron device and removes the formation with a radio wave.
You can remove a papilloma or a mole with a surgitron immediately, under the root - just like in this video.

In this case, the removed formation can be sent for histological examination, especially if there are doubts about degeneration into cancer. But after such a removal, a noticeable scar can also form.

And you can remove a mole or papilloma with a surgitron with smooth fractional movements, removing the formation tissue layer by layer. Just like in this video.

> In this case, the removal is performed under the control of vision, in layers, without going deep into the deeper layers of the skin. Therefore, the scar in such cases is almost invisible or it does not exist at all.

5. The doctor takes a ball waveguide and with smooth movements removes the remnants of the formation on the skin, leveling the wound. In addition, with these actions, it coagulates tissues to stop bleeding.

6. After removal, the doctor treats the wound with an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine or fucorcin (or other antiseptic).

What to do after removing a mole (or papilloma) with a radioknife?

On the first day, treat the wound with a non-alcoholic antiseptic (aqueous chlorhexidine, or fucorcin, or another solution that the doctor will advise you).

In the future, a crust is formed, which may not be processed. After self-removal of the crust, the resulting scar can be lubricated with Contractubex cream.

Indications for the radio wave removal method in gynecology

  • Ectropion.
  • Ectopia of the cervix. What is ectopia - look.
  • Cicatricial deformity of the cervix with postpartum ruptures
  • Leukoplakia of the cervix
  • cervical endometriosis
  • Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervix I - III degree (CIN I - III) (according to the old - cervical dysplasia or erosion). Learn all about cervical dysplasia.
  • Condylomas and anogenital nevi
  • Polyps of the cervical canal
  • Cervical cysts
  • Biopsy of the cervix

Method of radio wave excision of the cervix

1. The doctor removes the formation on the cervix with a loop electrode either in one pass, or more often in several passes. See photo.

2. The doctor treats the wound with a ball electrode, carries out radio wave coagulation of bleeding vessels and aligns the wound on the cervix. See photo.

3. At the end of the operation, the doctor treats the wound with an aqueous solution of chlorhexidine, or a 6% solution of potassium permanganate or another aqueous antiseptic.

4. The time of the whole operation is 7-10 minutes.

If conization of the cervix is ​​performed by the radio wave method on the Surgitron apparatus, the doctor uses a special waveguide electrode for conization (see photo).

The waveguide is inserted into the lumen of the cervix, the device is turned on and the doctor rotates the waveguide inside the cervix. Thus, the cone is removed from the neck (see photo).

What to do after radio wave coagulation in the postoperative period?

1. On the first day, there may be a slight pulling pain in the lower abdomen. You can take a Nurofen tablet to relieve pain.

2. Wound healing proceeds under the fibrin film within 7-10 days.

3. From 4-5 days, partial rejection of the fibrin film begins. From this time on, the woman may have a slight spotting from the vagina. However, they should not be plentiful and should not have an unpleasant odor. If the discharge is heavy, bloody or has an unpleasant odor, you should definitely consult a doctor.

4. Allocations can go up to 14-20 days, gradually decreasing.

6. Attention: the doctor must tell in detail what will happen to the woman after the operation, what discharge may be, in which cases it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and give prescriptions for drugs (suppositories) that should be treated after radio wave surgery. If the doctor does not say anything, be sure to ask him about everything!!! And find out what to do if it gets worse!!!

It is forbidden

  • Have sex within 1 month after radio wave cauterization of erosion or other cervical surgery.
  • Take a hot bath and visit the bath - also 1 month.
  • Go in for sports and fitness - 1 month.

Contraindications for radio wave surgery

  • Herpes and other acute infectious diseases (SARS, influenza, etc.)
  • Pustular skin diseases
  • High body temperature
  • Acute and subacute inflammatory diseases of the vagina, cervix, internal genital organs.
    III - IV degree of purity of the vagina.
  • Uterine bleeding of unspecified cause.
  • General contraindications to any elective surgery (high blood pressure, decompensated diabetes, myocardial infarction, epilepsy, etc.)
  • The presence of a pacemaker.

Attention: all electrical appliances on the patient's body should be turned off or removed. For example, hearing aids.

How can genital warts be removed?

  • Transfer mechanism
  • Risk factors
  • Diagnosis of genital warts
  • Treatment
  • Prevention of warts
  • Vaccination

Sexually transmitted infections include genital warts, or condylomas. To date, there are about 60 types of such warts. Of greatest importance are only two types that are prone to transition into a tumor. Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus.

Transfer mechanism

Genital warts can be transmitted mainly only through sexual contact, during proximity with a sick person or a carrier of the virus. The oral route of transmission and the anal route of transmission of the virus are also possible. Some types of warts can also be transmitted through everyday life, including the human papillomavirus, but only in very rare cases. Basically, the non-sexual transmission of warts is carried out through virus-infected personal hygiene items of a sick person: underwear, a towel, and other things.

Risk factors

There are several risk factors for developing genital warts:

1) early sexual life;

3) frequent change of sexual partners;

4) lack of contraception;

5) sexual infections (chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis);

6) poor immunity;

7) stress, neuroses;

8) infected partners.

The virus multiplies and localizes for a long period in the surface layer of the epithelium. This greatly complicates the diagnosis at an early stage and leads to relapses in the future. Conventionally, human papillomaviruses are divided into non-oncogenic viruses and oncogenic viruses.

Approximately 85% of carriers of the virus also have other additional foci of infection in the body. In 62% of cases, these are patients with dysplasia, in 38% of cases with cervical cancer, and in 50% of cases, patients with warts. The most common age of infection is between 20 and 30 years of age.

For a long time, the disease may go unnoticed by the patient or not manifest itself in any way. Usually the incubation period lasts from 1 month to six months, or more. There is a possibility of infection of the fetus while still in the womb. The virus can manifest itself in this case already in adulthood.

There are genital warts on the cervix, in the vagina, on the labia minora, in the anus. They interfere with a normal lifestyle: they rub when walking, cause bleeding, come off during sex.

Condyloma looks like a multiple or single growth on the skin like cauliflower or raspberries. The wart has a pale pink, flesh-colored, white or reddish hue.

Genital condyloma has a wet, eroded surface, with small villi around the perimeter. They are very painful and have an unpleasant odor. The wart may secrete a foul-smelling liquid. Warts can grow and grow in size.

The patient has itching in the genital area directly at the location of the wart, an increase in nearby lymph nodes is possible. If warts occur during pregnancy, then a regressive course may be observed in the future.

Diagnosis of genital warts

In order to make a correct diagnosis, the doctor must first examine the patient and prescribe the necessary examinations. Doubtful areas of the skin are examined with a colposcope. To do this, they are treated with acetic acid (solution) before starting the procedure. Genital warts or warts after such treatment will become white, and will clearly stand out from healthy skin.

If a patient has a genital wart in the genital area, it is necessary to conduct DNA diagnostics and a mandatory cytological examination. To do this, a smear is taken from the cervix for oncocytology. The DNA test reveals the type of virus. A targeted biopsy is done to rule out cervical dysplasia or cancer.


Many are interested in the question, how can warts be removed? There is a chemical method and a physical method.

The chemical method of removing warts includes Solcoderm and Solkovagin preparations. This method of removing warts is used in cases where there are single or few growths on the skin. A specific drug is selected in accordance with the location of the condyloma on the skin or mucous membranes.

You can also remove warts using the physical method. Its essence lies in the application of radio wave radiation in the area of ​​accumulation of genital warts. The advantages of this type of treatment include the absence of any complications, scars or scars on the skin, as well as the painlessness of the procedure. The course of treatment is prescribed by the attending physician.

In cases where warts grow very quickly, a surgical method of treatment is used. Genital warts can be removed with laser therapy. To do this, a laser beam is directed at them and cauterized. The electrocoagulation method works in the same way. Cryotherapy also gives a good effect in the treatment of genital warts. The essence of this method is to freeze the warts with liquid nitrogen.

Warts can be removed if an antiviral drug is injected directly into the site of infection, aimed at destroying the papillomavirus. In addition to local removal of the genital wart, the patient must undergo a general course of treatment aimed at restoring immunity and removing chronic infectious foci that can cause relapses or slow down the course of the disease.

Women need to restore the natural microflora of the vagina, as well as the intestines. Immunity is corrected with special preparations so that the body fights the infection on its own.

How can warts be removed in children and pregnant women? To do this, use the drug Solcoderm, the radiosurgical method of treatment and the Surgitron apparatus. During the treatment of papillomavirus in women, special care should be taken, especially in the very early stages of pregnancy. Do not use laser treatment, cryodestruction and cytostatic drugs.

In the absence of timely treatment, warts can turn into malignant tumors, or become chronic (5% of cases). The same danger lies if the treatment was ineffective or incorrect.

For each patient, an individual course of treatment is carried out, taking into account the severity of the disease, the localization of genital warts and their size and shape. After removing the wart, it is recommended to treat the skin with antiseptic solutions: for example, Miramistin, Octenisept and others. After that, any antiviral ointment is applied to the wart area.
Healing of the skin occurs after about 3 weeks. You can not peel off the crust from the wart yourself. It is necessary to wait until she removes herself.

In 70% of cases, the patient recovers completely, and only in 25% relapses or transition to a malignant form are possible. There are cases of spontaneous cure of the patient, provided that he has a very good immunity.

Prevention of warts

Prevention of genital warts is carried out in the same way as with sexually transmitted diseases. First of all, you need to observe personal hygiene. You should never use other people's towels, washcloths, underwear, etc. Casual sex should be avoided and protective contraception should always be used. After sexual intercourse, you can treat the genitals with a solution of Betadine.

Good immunity will also help to avoid infection. To do this, you need to eat right, lead a healthy lifestyle, avoid bad habits.


For women, vaccination against the human papillomavirus has been successfully used. But it gives a positive effect only if the patient has never had this disease before or is not infected.

There are two types of warts vaccine: the Cervarix vaccine and the Gardasil vaccine. All vaccines are administered three times with a break of several months. The drugs act immediately against 45 types of human papillomavirus. Thus, antibodies are stored in the body, which protect it from infection for 6 years.

Vaccination against genital warts is best done before the onset of sexual activity. The most optimal age for vaccination is from 9 to 25 years. Women who are already sexually active should first be tested for HPV by taking a swab from the cervix and vagina.

Radio wave destruction of genital warts: effectiveness and contraindications

Condylomas are benign neoplasms of a pale gray or pinkish hue. Growths can be localized on any part of the body, but most often they affect the anogenital region (external and internal genital organs, anus). Neoplasms can be single and merge into groups, forming an area that looks like cauliflower inflorescences. The presence of genital warts suggests their treatment - therapy should be comprehensive and combine mechanical removal, taking antiviral, as well as immunostimulating agents. Removal of warts by radio wave method is an effective non-contact way to get rid of growths with any localization and any size.

Why delete

Condylomatosis is an external manifestation of papillomavirus. Carriers of the virus are about 80% of the population, many of whom do not suspect it. Under certain conditions (decreased immunity, stress, beriberi), the virus is activated, changing the growth of tissues and forming skin growths. In addition, papillomavirus can be transmitted by contact, most often due to uncontrolled sexual behavior.

Many people think that viral condylomatosis can be cured with medicines (antiviral drugs), and the removal of genital warts is just an aesthetic side of the process. Actually it is not.

  1. With condylomatosis, discomfort occurs, burning, itching appears.
  2. Neoplasms are often injured by clothing, become inflamed, cause pain, and can bleed during sexual intercourse. And in case of bleeding, the risk of infection increases.
  3. Large anogenital warts ooze, exuding an unpleasant odor, as a result of which irritation and inflammation appear.
  4. With advanced condylomatosis, the likelihood of the formation of carcinoma, a malignant neoplasm, increases (the virus affects not only the cell membrane, but penetrates into the nucleus itself, the cell mutates and transforms into cancer).

That is why the removal of genital warts is an obligatory stage of treatment. There are several ways to get rid of neoplasms - using a laser, cryodestruction (liquid nitrogen), electrocoagulation (high-frequency current) or a scalpel. But still, one of the first places is occupied by radio wave removal of genital warts. The method is effective, but has some contraindications.


  • malignant neoplasms of any localization;
  • suspicion of malignancy of removed condylomas;
  • diabetes;
  • chronic diseases at the stage of exacerbation;
  • skin diseases of an inflammatory nature, including inflammation of warts;
  • exacerbation of herpes infection.


Before performing radio wave destruction of genital warts, the doctor examines the patient and gives directions for tests. The presence of anogenital warts implies an examination by a gynecologist, colposcopy, if necessary, a biopsy, analysis for HPV, AIDS, hepatitis, RV, as well as latent infections.

In order to competently conduct antiviral therapy, it is important to identify the pathogen virus. After conducting all the necessary research, the patient is prepared for radio wave surgery. By the way, the method has no age restrictions.

Carrying out the procedure

Radio wave destruction is a hardware procedure. To remove genital warts, as well as other benign skin neoplasms, Surgitron or Fotek devices are used (other analogues are possible).

Before starting the procedure, anesthesia is performed, for this local anesthetics are used (a superficial treatment with lidocaine or an injection is done). External condylomas are removed using a loop electrode, high-frequency radio waves pass through it, which evaporate the intracellular fluid. Under the influence of radio waves, the tissues of the neoplasm are destroyed, and it instantly dies.

To remove genital warts from the cervix, a loop electrode is also used, and after cutting off the growth, the doctor uses an electrode with a tip in the form of a ball, which smoothes the edges of the wound. Removal of genital warts by radio waves is a bloodless procedure, since there is a simultaneous coagulation (soldering) of blood vessels.

The duration of exposure depends on the number and size of neoplasms (on average, from 5 to 15 minutes). After removal, the treated area is disinfected with an antiseptic and after 2-3 hours the patient is allowed to go home. The recovery period takes place at home.

Recovery period

Immediately after radio wave removal, redness, swelling, and fever may occur in the treated area of ​​the body, but after a few hours (maximum day), all unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Before the patient goes home, the doctor gives recommendations for care:

  • regular treatment with antiseptic drugs (if necessary, antibacterial agents);
  • contact with water should be minimal (refuse to take a bath, visit a bath, sauna, pool). Just take a warm shower;
  • avoid direct sunlight on the treated area of ​​​​the body, refuse to visit the solarium;
  • refrain from sexual intercourse for 2 weeks (subject to the removal of condylomas of the anogenital area);
  • avoid hypothermia.

A few days after the intervention, a crust forms on the treated area, which cannot be injured and torn off, the scab should fall off on its own. In place of the fallen off crust, thin pink skin is exposed, which after a couple of months acquires its usual shade - there are no traces of scarring of the tissues.

After 2 weeks, the patient should visit a doctor who will conduct an examination and determine further actions aimed at combating HPV (human papillomavirus).

Benefits of Radio Wave Removal

The advantage of the technique is the minimum number of contraindications and the absence of age restrictions. In addition, it should be noted:

  • the appearance of discomfort during the procedure is minimized (anesthesia is performed);
  • lack of traces and scarring of tissues;
  • minimal side effects (redness, swelling, hyperemia, disappear after a few hours);
  • lack of bleeding (at the same time, coagulation of the vessels occurs);
  • instant, complete removal of the growth makes it possible to conduct a histological examination;
  • minimal risk of infection (coagulation of vessels prevents infection);
  • the speed of the procedure.

Despite the fact that the method is really effective, a positive treatment prognosis can only be with a complex impact on the problem.

Treatment prognosis

Condylomatosis has a viral etiology, so it is advisable, along with the mechanical removal of growths, to use antiviral drugs. Which remedy will be effective in your particular case, the doctor will determine.

It is also important to improve the body's defenses (immunity), since the activation of the virus often occurs as a result of a deterioration in the functioning of the immune system, for this the doctor may prescribe immunostimulating drugs and vitamins.

An integrated approach to treatment (mechanical removal, drugs, vitamins) leads to stable remission and the absence of relapses for a long time.

What patients say

Many patients who have experienced exposure to radio waves report pain during the procedure. In the absence of anesthesia (some doctors do not recommend injections of lidocaine, since the injection itself into the cervix is ​​quite painful and can cause dizziness), a short-term pinpoint burn is felt during the procedure. With an extensive lesion, pain intensifies.

Also, many note swelling, redness, tissue hyperemia, discomfort during defecation and urination in the first 3-5 days after the intervention.

Despite all the negative aspects, patients note the effectiveness of the technique - radio wave destruction completely eliminates genital warts and does not leave scars.

When genital warts are detected, complex treatment is carried out, which consists in taking immunomodulatory and antiviral drugs, in physical or mechanical removal of the formation. Removal of genital warts by the radio wave method is the safest and most painless, has a favorable prognosis and a relatively short recovery time.

What is condyloma

Warts or papillomas are benign formations of the skin and mucous membranes, a type of wart. They are small nodules that merge with each other and form a papillary structure on the leg. The main etiological factor in the development of the disease is infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). Condylomas have a typical localization: the skin of the hands and feet, the membranes of the vagina and cervix, the oral mucosa, the genitals, the intergluteal region, etc.

When is removal by radio waves assigned?

Condylomas at first glance seem to be harmless neoplasms that carry only a cosmetic defect. But injuring them on clothing by friction is fraught with itching, pain and bleeding, and there is a high risk of bacterial infection getting into open wounds. But the most formidable danger is malignancy. Cervical cancer, for example, in most cases is the outcome of infection with HPV 16 and 18 serotypes, and the growth of genital warts in this localization should already be considered a precancerous condition. Therefore, in some cases, education must be removed.

as a leading method of treatment can be used at the request of the patient, if there are no contraindications to this, or at the discretion of the doctor. But there are a number of situations when the use of the radio wave method is a necessity:

  1. Growth of warts on the membranes of the vagina and cervix.
  2. Confirmation of the fact of infection with HPV 16 and 18 serotypes by laboratory data.
  3. The presence of neoplasms in areas of constant friction (perianal region, head of the penis, etc.).
  4. Growth of warts in the larynx.
  5. Overgrowth of genital warts (condylomatosis).

The above list describes situations when the removal of papillomas and warts is difficult to perform due to their localization, or complete destruction of the tumor tissue is required, which cannot be done by other methods. Therefore, in the cases described, radio wave surgery is of paramount importance and is used as the main method of treatment.

Benefits of radio wave surgery

Removal of genital warts using radio waves is a common method of treating the pathology in question. This is due to a number of advantages of the method:

  1. No special preparation of the patient is required.
  2. Doesn't take long.
  3. The procedure is painless with adequate anesthesia.
  4. The lack of physical possibility of infection in the wound during the procedure (due to the nature of the contact of the device with the body).
  5. Minimizing the likelihood of bleeding when removing genital warts.
  6. Radio wave treatment is effective in removing neoplasms that are hard to reach with a scalpel.
  7. Does not leave scars, scars and other cosmetic defects.
  8. Absence of postoperative complications (minor adverse reactions are possible).
  9. The procedure is carried out in many clinics.

Possible contraindications

There are a number of diseases and conditions when the removal of genital warts using the radio wave method should be abandoned or the operation should be postponed for a while:

  1. Burdened oncoanamnesis.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Chronic disease of internal organs in the stage of sub- and decompensation.
  4. Infectious and inflammatory lesions of the skin at the location of warts that need to be removed.
  5. Women during pregnancy and lactation.
  6. During menstruation (with).

Some contraindications cannot be called absolute. But the procedure for removing genital warts is likely to be delayed in patients whose lives are at risk due to the presence of a more severe disease.

The course of removal of condylomas by the Surgitron apparatus

The radio wave method of removing genital warts is carried out using special equipment. In domestic clinics, the Surgitron apparatus is mainly used. There are other devices, but they are almost complete analogues, since they have the same principle of operation.

Surgitron has a handle on which electrodes of various sizes and shapes (loop, ball, special, etc.) are attached. This allows you to freely carry out the procedure for removing skin growths in sensitive places (genital area), from the mucous membranes of any localization.

Electromagnetic radiation is passed through the electrode. When exposed to the cells of the body, radio waves evaporate the liquid and contribute to the destruction of the neoplasm tissue. At the same time, there is a sealing of the blood vessels. Since the destruction is caused by radiation, and not by the metal part of the device, the procedure is carried out without pressure on the condyloma.

Previously, the patient is subjected to surface anesthesia with local anesthetics (Novocaine, Lidocaine, etc.). After the medicine works, an electrode is thrown over the condyloma and the formation is cut off, after which the area of ​​influence is treated with an antiseptic.

For external integuments, a loop is used; for mucous membranes, a ball-shaped tip can be additionally used. For example, during the destruction of genital warts by the radio wave method, when the formation is localized on the cervix and in the vagina, first a loop is cut off, and then the edges of the wound are smoothed with a ball electrode.

The time of removal of one condyloma depends on its size. For the destruction of one small neoplasm by radio wave radiation, 30 seconds is enough. The time of the procedure, including the introduction of anesthesia, the direct removal of condyloma and subsequent treatment of the integument does not exceed an hour.

Recovery period

The elimination of genital warts using the radio wave method is completely safe, since the wound healing process after the removal of the build-up is fast, and healthy tissues are practically not injured. After the procedure and short-term observation, the patient is allowed to go home. In order for the recovery to proceed safely, in the next few days it is necessary to adhere to some rules and make sure that there are no adverse reactions.

Intervention Site Care

Complete healing after removal of genital warts using the radio wave method occurs within 10-14 days. At this time, damaged skin, with the permission of a doctor, can be treated with antiseptic solutions. In the first few days after the intervention, the wound should not be wetted and cosmetics should not be applied to it. It is forbidden to scratch the skin, it is necessary to avoid excessive friction on clothes or bedding. After the wound has healed, you can use mild soap.

If the intervention was carried out on the genitals, it is worth giving up intimate contacts in the next month. Special rules should be followed in case of removal of neoplasms of the throat. In order for the wound to heal better, it is worth giving up solid food for a while, foods that can irritate the mucous membrane (alcohol, spices, salty foods, etc.).


Removal of genital warts using the radio wave method is safe. Postoperative adverse reactions are rare and most often associated with non-compliance with the rules for wound care. Possible negative effects include the following:

  • burning, itching;
  • seroma;
  • tissue swelling;
  • bacterial infection.

The resulting consequences of radio wave surgical treatment do not threaten human health. Most often they pass on their own within a few days and do not require additional intervention. The exception is the last point, when the use of antibiotics may be necessary. If you suspect a wound infection, you should consult a doctor.

Is it possible to get rid of forever

Removal of warts by radio wave method is only a measure to combat the consequences of human papillomavirus infection. Despite the fact that the neoplasm will be eliminated, HPV will remain in the body. There is no remedy for this viral infection that can cure a person completely. But do not refuse removal by radio waves, since the presence of a tumor can lead to sad consequences; this is especially true for the growth of genital warts in intimate places.

To improve the prognosis, it is worth adhering to the principles of complex treatment. Of great importance is the natural strengthening of the body's defenses: a healthy diet, an active lifestyle, etc. This approach to treatment increases the duration of remission.

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