Concept and types of economic information. Properties and types of economic information properties of information. The qualitative feature allows you to classify it according to the features of knowledge, management functions, etc. Quantitative makes it possible to find out the units of measurement

One of the most important types of information is information economic... Its distinctive feature is its connection with the processes of managing collectives of people. organization. Economic information accompanies the processes of production, distribution. exchange and consumption of material goods and services. A significant part of it is associated with social production and can be called production information.

Economic information is a set of information reflecting socio-economic processes and serving to manage these processes and collectives of people in the production and non-production spheres. We will understand information that characterizes industrial relations in society.

It includes information that circulates in the economic system, about production processes, material resources, production management processes, financial processes, as well as information of an economic nature, which are exchanged among various management systems.

Let us concretize the concept of economic information using the example of an industrial enterprise management system. In accordance with the general theory of control, the control process can be represented as the interaction of two systems - control and control.

The enterprise management system operates on the basis of information about the state of the object, its inputs X (material, labor, financial resources) and outputs Y (finished products, economic and financial results) in accordance with the goal (to ensure the release of the required products) (see Fig. 1.2). Management is carried out by submitting managerial influence 1 (production plan), taking into account feedback - the current state of the controlled system (production) and the external environment (2, 3) - the market, higher management bodies. The purpose of the control system is to form such influences on the controlled system that would induce the latter to accept the state determined by the purpose of control. With regard to an industrial enterprise, with some degree of convention, it can be assumed that the goal of management is the implementation of the production program within the framework of technical and economic constraints; control actions are the work plans of the department, feedback, data on the progress of production: release and movement of the product, the state of the equipment, stocks in the warehouse, etc.

Obviously, both the plans and the content of the feedback are nothing more than information. Therefore, the processes of formation of control actions are precisely the processes of transformation of economic information. The implementation of these processes is the main content of management services, including economic ones. The following requirements are imposed on economic information: accuracy, reliability, efficiency.

Accuracy information ensures its unambiguous perception by all consumers. Credibility determines the permissible level of distortion of both incoming and resultant information, at which the efficiency of the system's functioning is maintained. Promptness reflects the relevance of information for the necessary calculations and decision-making in the changed conditions.

Information properties of economic and management information:

Reliability - the information does not distort the true state of affairs;

Completeness - there is enough information to understand and make a decision.

The value of information - depends on the tasks for which this information is used;

Relevance - information must correspond to constantly changing conditions;

Clarity and comprehensibility - information should be expressed in a language that is understandable for users of the information.

Economic information is characterized by:

Large volumes;

Multiple repetition of the cycles of its receipt and transformation in the specified time periods;

Diversity of sources and consumers;

Significant share of arithmetic and logical operations in its processing

Certain types of economic information:

Exchange and financial information- information on quotations of securities, exchange rates, discount rates, commodity and capital markets, investments, prices. The sources of such information are exchanges and special services of exchange and financial information serving them. The main factor providing the commercial value of such information is its completeness, accuracy and timeliness.

Statistical information- numerical economic, demographic and social information. Provided by statistical bodies (state and non-state) in the form of time series, reports, estimates, forecasts, etc.

Commercial information- address and requisite data on industries, enterprises and their responsible employees (including data on areas of activity, range of products, prices, etc.). Its sources are state and a number of non-state organizations that publish various collections and catalogs.

Information on commercial offers comes from specialized firms - information resellers.

Political, economic, military, etc. news that are of interest to representatives of various social groups, in particular, entrepreneurs.

Regulations, including:

General economic acts - civil, arbitration, tax law,

Acts regulating certain types of activities,

Data Is information processed and presented in a formalized form for further processing.

Data- an elementary description of things, events, actions, transactions. Data is recorded, classified, stored, but not structured to obtain specific information. A DB consists of stored data organized for processing. Data can be numerical, textual, graphic, audio, video.

Information Is data that is organized in such a way that it has meaning and meaning to the recipient (end user). The user interprets the meaning of the data and builds conclusions, draws conclusions. The data is processed by specialized applications (for example, a system for buying and selling shares over the Internet, a university online registration system, an inventory system) at a higher level than a database.

Knowledge Is data and information that is organized and processed in such a way that they can convey understanding, experience, skills, opinions in relation to a specific task.

Informational resources- these are documents and arrays of documents in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, data banks, depositories, museum depositories, etc.).

During the entire preceding XX century. in the history of the development of human civilization, material objects remained the main subject of labor. Activities outside of material production and services, as a rule, belonged to the category of non-productive costs. The economic power of the state was measured by its material resources. Back in the late 1970s, A. Oettinger, the chairman of the program for shaping information resources policy, professor at Harvard University, wrote that the time is coming when information becomes the same main resource as materials and energy, and, therefore, in relation to this the resource should be formulated with the same critical questions: who owns it, who is interested in it, how accessible it is, is it possible to use it commercially? President of the US Academy of Sciences F. Hendler formulated this thought as follows: "Our economy is based not on natural resources, but on the minds and on the application of scientific knowledge." At the present time, there is a struggle for control over the most valuable of all known resources - national information resources.

“We are not going to other countries to take advantage of lower costs. We are penetrating there because there are intellectual reserves, and we must intercept them in order to compete successfully ”.

The term "information resources" began to be widely used in scientific literature after the publication of the well-known monograph by G.R. Gromov “National information resources: problems of industrial exploitation”. Now it does not yet have an unambiguous interpretation, despite the fact that this concept is one of the key ones in the problem of informatization of society. Therefore, it is important to understand the essence of an information resource, as a form of data and knowledge presentation, its role in social processes, as well as patterns of formation, transformation and distribution of various types of information resources in society.

Metadata Is information about the structure and properties of the data.

Information product- a set of data formed by the manufacturer for distribution in real and non-real form.

Information service- receiving and making available information products to the user.

Database- a collection of datasets. However, not every set of data stored in the computer's memory forms a database. This requires the fulfillment of two conditions:

The data should form a single whole, i.e. must be selected on the basis of a stable classification criterion;

A certain number of users should be able to access the relevant information products.

Economic information system(EIS) is a system, the functioning of which in time consists in collecting, storing, processing and disseminating information about the activities of some economic object of the real world. An information system is created for a specific economic object and must, to a certain extent, copy the interconnections of the object's elements.

Automated information system- a set of information, economic and mathematical methods and models, technical, software, technological tools and specialists, designed for information processing and management decisions.

Information- this is information about the surrounding world (object, process, phenomenon, event), which is an object of transformation (including storage, transmission, etc.) and is used to develop behavior, to make a decision, to control or for training.

Features information consist in the fact that it is not matter or energy, although it reflects reality in the form of the distribution of matter and energy in time and space and the processes of their redistribution. However, information is a property of only living organisms capable of recording information. The source of information for living organisms is the sense organs.

The main types of information in its form of presentation, methods of encoding and storing it, which is of the greatest importance for informatics, it is:

· Graphic or pictorial - the first view for which a method of storing information about the world around was implemented in the form of rock paintings, and later in the form of paintings, photographs, diagrams, drawings on paper, canvas, marble and other materials depicting pictures of the real world;

Sound (acoustic) - the world around us is full of sounds and the task of storing and replicating them was solved with the invention of sound recording devices in 1877, its variety is musical information - for this type, a method of encoding using special characters was invented, which makes storage possible it is similar to graphic information;

· Textual - a method of encoding a person's speech with special characters - letters, and different peoples have different languages ​​and use different sets of letters to display speech; this method became especially important after the invention of paper and book printing;

· Numerical - a quantitative measure of objects and their properties in the surrounding world; it acquired especially great importance with the development of trade, economy and monetary exchange; similarly to text information, to display it, the method of coding with special characters - numbers is used, and the coding (number) systems can be different;

· Video information - a way of preserving "living" pictures of the surrounding world, which appeared with the invention of cinema.

Quality information:

· Relevance - compliance with the needs of consumers.

· Completeness - a set of parameters of an object or processes.

· Timeliness.

· Availability - the ability to obtain by a given user.

· Reliability - no hidden errors.

· Security - impossibility of unauthorized use or modification.

· Ergonomics - the convenience of shape and volume from the point of view of the consumer.

Economic information- information about the processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods. Economic information serves as a management tool and at the same time belongs to its elements.

Information structure includes in its totality the following concepts:

· information space

· subject area

Object instance

Object properties

Interaction of objects

· Properties of interaction.

Properties of economic information:

· Reflects the versatile activities of enterprises through a system of natural, value and other indicators;

· Reflected in certain media (primary documents, magnetic, optical media) and presented in the form of final results;

· Is numeric, alphanumeric and alphabetic;

· Characterized by a large mass and volume;

· Requires grouping, arithmetic or logical processing and compression of information when transferring from one management to another;

· Characterized by the duration of storage (archives);

· Is characterized by the repeatability of the cycles of the occurrence of processing in the established time intervals;

· Comparatively simple algorithms are typical for processing economic information;

· The predominance of logical operations (selection, ordering, correction) over arithmetic;

· Tabular form of initial and resulting data;

· A variety of sources of information and its consumers.

Economic information - a set of information reflecting socio-economic processes and serving to manage these processes and collectives of people in the production and non-production spheres. We will understand information that characterizes industrial relations in society.

It includes information that circulates in the economic system, about production processes, material resources, production management processes, financial processes, as well as information of an economic nature, which are exchanged among various management systems.

Properties of ec information:

ü predominance of alphanumeric characters;

ü the need to formalize the results of data processing in a form convenient for human perception;

ü wide distribution of documents as data carriers and the results of their processing;

ü a significant amount of variable and conditionally constant data;

ü discreteness.

ü economic information characterizes the state of an object or process, either at a certain point in time, or for a certain time interval;

ü preservation (inexhaustible) of its use, consumption;

ü the possibility of multiple use of the same data, including simultaneously by different consumers;

ü possibility of long-term storage with playback and updating;

ü the ability to transform, to aggregate according to certain characteristics, to detail (expansion), to compression (enlargement)
Requirements for ec information:

ü reliability;

ü timeliness;

ü documentary - economic information must be legally confirmed by a document with the necessary signatures of the relevant officials;

ü relevance;

ü completeness of data;

ü minimal;

ü optimality;

ü reliability.
In relation to structural divisions: accounting, warehouse, production, management, etc.

According to the functions of management, economic information is divided into planning, accounting, normative reference and reporting and statistical information.

Any information system deals with two types of information:

ü external (in relation to the system);

ü internal (information circulating between the control object and the control apparatus).

External information- this is information about the state of the market, competitors, tax policy, forecasts. Such information is stochastic (probabilistic) in nature and it can be processed using expert systems.

Inside information arises in the system itself and reflects the financial and economic state of the object of management and directive goals in case of deviation of the performance indicators of the object from the established values. This information is deterministic, that is, it is subject to accurate measurement.

Depending on the level of management and maintenance of the information system, the composition of the information and the nature of the systems change. For the highest level of management (directorate), external information is the most important. For the middle level - 1/3 external, 2/3 internal. For the lower level - internal information.

The information base consists of two interconnected parts - external and internal.

Out-of-machine information the base compiles documents that are perceived by a person without any technical means: invoices, etc.

Intra-machine information the database is contained inside the machines and consists of files. It can include as many independent files, each of which reflects either many independent documents, or a separate document, and a database. Database files are created with a focus on a specific data model (relational, network, hierarchical). To process the database, programs written on the basis of the DBMS are used.
All documents can be divided into two large groups: input and resultant.

Input documents, and, consequently, the files based on them can contain operational information, which reflects the results of financial and economic activities and conditionally constant, which includes material, labor, technological norms and standards and reference data.
Result documents and the files are subdivided into those intended for the end user, intermediate files necessary for solving the task at the next stage, transit files intended for other systems, temporary files that are destroyed at the end of the task stage.

Types of economic information.

Economic information can be classified in many ways.

The input information comes to the control body from the outside. Part of it, primary information, comes from the control object and is obtained as a result of direct measurement or counting. Primary information is most closely related to a specific aspect of the activities of controlled economic objects, and includes both slowly changing (conditionally constant) and operational data. Primary information plays the role of feedback coming from the controlled object and showing the results achieved, as well as deviations from the normative functioning of the object.

Directive information comes from higher authorities and, depending on the nature of subordination, may include parameters and conditions for the formation of mandatory (tax) payments, plan targets and their adjustments, allocated limits.

Informing information comes from higher authorities, as well as from firms, enterprises and organizations associated with the object of management. These are suppliers, contractors, transport organizations, financial institutions. If the directive data directly affect the goals of the object's functioning, then the informants determine the conditions for its operation.

According to the frequency of change and the form of use, normative and reference information is distinguished. When creating information systems, the specifics of storing, updating and using normative and reference information determines its separation, together with the means of search and updating, into a separate subsystem.

Accounting information refers to the actual production process and its specific economic conditions. It includes both primary information and part of the derivative. These are data on the actual output of products in terms of value, nomenclature and quality, on resource costs, losses, stocks, equipment use, accrued wages, tax and bonus payments, etc. Accounting information describes the processes that have already taken place, real-life conditions. It is definite and does not depend on subsequent actions or decisions made. In contrast, forecast and planning information can be adjusted when conditions or goals change.

Accounting and planning information is the basis of the entire management process, including regulation, analysis, forecasting and other functions. The most complex types of processing are carried out over it, providing a solution to management problems. The final result of processing can be considered the receipt of the output data. They are called days off because they imply their control (or control) by higher (external) bodies.

The structure of economic information.

Structurally, information is composed of simple and complex elements. Complex elements are created as a result of combining different simple elements, the latter do not lend themselves to further separation. Simple elements are called information units, complex ones are called composite information units or information aggregates.

The indivisible information set are attributes-signs and attributes-bases. The first characterize the qualitative properties of the reflected entities. The second are quantitative-sum values ​​that characterize the given entity.

Examples of attribute attributes can be such simple information aggregates: the name of the product, its stock number, unit of measure, warehouse number, type of operation, corresponding account, etc.

Foundation details are the quantity, amount, cost. Combinations of one base attribute with the corresponding attribute attributes form an economic indicator. The document contains one or more indicators.

The information of one document constitutes an informational message. The totality of homogeneous information messages constitutes an information array (file). An example is a file of goods receipt at the warehouse, consisting of information messages contained in receipt orders. Information on any interconnected set of tasks constitutes an information flow. An example is the payroll information flow. The totality of all information flows for a particular control function constitutes the information subsystem. Examples of information subsystems for the management of an industrial enterprise are the following: accounting, technical preparation of production, personnel management, financial management, etc. system.

Each area of ​​human activity is associated with "its" information. Economic science, the economic activity of society operate on information called economic. As a category, economic information, on the one hand, corresponds to the general concept of "information", on the other hand, it is inextricably linked with the economy and management of the national economy. Therefore, various interpretations and properties apply to economic information: inherent in information in general and at the same time reflecting its characteristic features and differences arising from its nature. Thus, economic information is only one of the types of information, albeit quite important.

In general, the term "economic information" refers to information that reflects and serves the processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods. More strictly: economic information is an objectified embodiment - with the help of signs and signals - of knowledge about the material, labor and cost aspects of processes reproduced in the economy, eliminating uncertainty about the outcomes of these processes.

Economic information serves as a management tool and at the same time belongs to its elements. It must be considered as one of the varieties of management information, which ensures the solution of problems of organizational and economic management of the national economy. Economic information is a collection of information (data) reflecting the state and determining the direction of development of the national economy and its individual links. In information processes carried out in management, information plays the role of a subject of labor (initial, "raw" information) and a product of labor (resulting, "processed" information). Speaking about the concept of "economic information" from a cybernetic point of view, the information management process can be characterized as the transformation of information (initial data) into economic information necessary for making decisions aimed at ensuring a given state of the national economy and its optimal development.

Economic information is inseparable from the information management process carried out in the production and non-production spheres, it is used in all sectors of the national economy and in all government bodies.

Economic information has many varieties (types), which are distinguished on the basis of appropriate classification criteria, for example:

By belonging to the sphere of material production and the non-productive sphere, and inside - by branches and sub-branches of the national economy in accordance with their adopted grouping;

By stages of reproduction and elements of the production process. As a result, information is highlighted that reflects supply, production, distribution and consumption, as well as material, labor and financial resources;

By the temporary stages of management. From these positions stand out: forecast information, planning, accounting, information for the analysis of economic activities, operational management, reporting;

According to the criteria of compliance with the reflected phenomena, economic information is divided into reliable and unreliable;

According to the completeness of the reflection of events, economic information is divided into sufficient (complete), insufficient and redundant. To solve the problems of economic management, a very specific in terms of content minimal information is required, i.e. sufficient. Redundant information contains unnecessary data that is either not used at all for solving problems (constitute "information noise" with its kind for computer networks - "electronic garbage", or "spam" (spam), or perform control and duplicate functions;

According to the stage of origin, there is initial (primary) and derivative (secondary) information. Initial information arises as a result of the action of information sources (ministries, departments, enterprises and other organizations and departments), and according to these sources, the initial information is divided into planning and directive and accounting and reporting. Planning and directive information moves ("descends") down the levels of the management hierarchy, while it is disaggregated, detailed, "expanded". Accounting and reporting information, on the contrary, moves up the levels of the management hierarchy, and as it progresses, this information is enlarged, aggregated, "compressed". Derived information arises as a result of processing the original and other secondary - either only the original, or only secondary. Derived information distinguishes between intermediate and final (result) information;

According to stability over time, economic information is divided into constant (conditionally constant) and variable. It is important to note that the period of stability is specific for certain management tasks. As a rule, it is one year, and to assess the level of information stability, the stability coefficient is used, calculated by the formula

, (7) is the total number of information sets;

The number of information populations that changed their values ​​during the period under review (year).

If> = 0.85, then the information set is considered to be conditionally constant, and in the conditions of automated information processing, it should be organized and stored in the form of independent arrays of reference information (SRI) or database files;

According to the technology for solving economic problems in control systems, input, intermediate and output information are distinguished.

Economic information is characterized by some features arising from its essence. The following properties are of fundamental importance for the creation of systems for processing economic information and the formation of information technologies:

The predominance of alphanumeric characters;

The need to formalize the results of data processing in a form that is convenient for human perception;

Wide distribution of documents as carriers of initial data and the results of their processing;

A significant amount of variable and constant (conditionally constant) data;

Discreteness, explained by the fact that economic information characterizes the state of an object or process either at a certain point in time, or for a certain time interval;

Organization arising from the fact that economic information reflects the result of human intellectual activity;

Heterogeneity - due to the main purpose of information: to distinguish elements and properties of reflected processes;

Dispersed sources and the fundamental impossibility of concentration and centralization of data collection processes;

Persistence (inexhaustibility) during its use (consumption);

Possibility of multiple use of the same data, including simultaneously by different consumers;

The ability to save the processed information with the sender;

Possibility of long-term storage with playback and updating;

Ability to transform, aggregate according to certain characteristics, detail (downscale) and compression (enlargement);

A certain independence of data in relation to its carrier.

In the context of performing management functions for certain objects, economic information must meet certain requirements. The most significant of them are:

Be reliable, truthful;

Be timely, as the late arrival of the necessary information is often useless;

To be documentary: legally confirmed in documents by appropriate signatures (visas) of the relevant officials;

Be relevant and relevant to the business unit and decision-makers.

An important characteristic of economic information is its structure. The structure of information plays the same role as the syntax of any language. Speaking about the structure of information, there are two interrelated aspects:

The composition of the elements that form the structure of information;

The relationship between the elements of this structure.

Considering the structure of information from these positions, simple and composite (complex) units of information are distinguished.

A composite unit of information (SEI) is a unit of information consisting of a set of other units of information associatively related to each other, i.e. related in meaning.

The unit of information included in the SEI is called a constituent unit of information.

A simple, elementary constituent unit of economic information is a props. Attributes have two properties that are important from the point of view of their processing:

A separate props cannot fully characterize an economic process or object;

A separate variable can be part of various economic indicators.

Each attribute is characterized by a name (title), type and value.

Depending on the nature of the properties they display, the requisites are divided into attributes-signs and attributes-bases.

Attributes-signs reflect the qualitative properties of an economic object, process or phenomenon. They can be expressed alphabetically, numerically, or alphanumeric. Attributes-attributes are used for logical processing of composite units, i.e. for searching, sorting, grouping, selecting, etc.

Foundation details characterize the quantitative aspect of the process or object. They are most often expressed in digital form. Logical and arithmetic operations can be performed on them.

Attributes can be further subdivided into symbols and bits, but the semantic content of the attributes is lost. For an exhaustive description of an economic process, object or phenomenon, a certain set of requisites is required that describe the qualitative and quantitative properties of the displayed object.

The set of attributes-attributes and attributes-bases is a message about an object. Each message has a specific shape.

The main structural unit, consisting of a certain set of details, characterizing any specific object, fact, process, etc. from the quantitative and qualitative point of view, is the economic indicator.

There are two definitions of this concept. In accordance with the first, adopted in the practice of accounting, statistics, planning, etc., an indicator is understood as a qualitatively defined variable that can be associated with a set of possible quantitative values, as well as algorithms for their calculation based on various initial data.

The second, adopted in the theory and practice of automated data processing, defines an indicator as a statement containing a quantitative characteristic of any property of the displayed object. Such a statement contains a single quantitative meaning and a certain set of qualitative features necessary for its unambiguous identification.

Both definitions do not contradict each other, just in the first one focuses on how this or that indicator was obtained, and in the second - what attributes of the indicator reflect its specific semantic content.

Thus, the economic indicator, as a composite unit of information, includes one basic variable and a group of attributes-attributes interconnected with it and among themselves within the meaning of the attribute. The indicator has a name (name) that reveals its main economic meaning (which corresponds to the first definition of the concept of “indicator”, since it allows you to compare it with an economic and mathematical model of calculation). Typically, the name of the indicator includes terms denoting the measured object, i.e. what happens to the object (availability, capacity, output, costs, cost, losses, profit, etc. are determined), formal characteristics, i.e. how it is calculated (amount, volume, growth, percentage, difference, average, etc.). In addition, the indicator contains additional features that do not express its main economic meaning, but clarify the specific quantitative value of the indicator. The composition of additional signs is determined in each specific case in different ways, but usually they always include terms denoting the time to which this indicator belongs (moment or period), unit of measurement (kg, t, pcs., Rubles, etc. .), the type of data by control functions (planned, actual, normative, etc.), as well as terms indicating who performs an action on the measured object, where it is located, moves.

Additional features make it possible to concretize the economic and mathematical model for calculating the indicator, characterizing its feature for each specific case.

Analysis of the structure of indicators is of great importance for their identification and classification when organizing storage, search and integrated processing of data, since each structural element of an indicator can be considered as a sign of the classification of a set of indicators. For example, on the basis of a formal characteristic, absolute and relative indicators are distinguished, on the basis of a process, indicators characterizing the state and change of the measured object are distinguished, among the latter, indicators characterizing the processes of production, distribution, circulation, consumption, etc. can be distinguished. According to the object, indicators differ: population and labor resources, natural resources, products, fixed assets, finance, etc.

As the minimum semantic unit of economic information that characterizes any object, economic indicators are divided into primary and secondary (derivatives, calculated).

Primary indicators reflect the results of production and economic activities of the controlled object, determined by measuring, counting, weighing, etc. (for example, the number of finished products, the amount of time worked, the number of defective products, etc.). They serve as initial data for the formation of various kinds of secondary indicators (for example, the cost of finished products, wages, losses from marriage, etc.).

An economic indicator is the main unit of economic information, since it has economic meaning, the exclusion of at least one of its components inevitably entails a loss of meaning. At the same time, in order to organize information processing and implement management functions, indicators can form more complex composite structural units of information: documents, arrays, information flows, information base.

An economic document is a set of economic indicators, which are interconnected in their meaning, organized in a certain way. An economic document is the main and most convenient form of presenting information from a management point of view, since along with the visual presentation of information necessary for solving a problem or resulting from a solution to a problem, it contains attributes that give it a legal status.

The most common form of presentation of economic documents is a tabular form, which in its most general form usually includes general, subject and design parts (see Fig. 2).


A professional economist of the 21st century must have extensive knowledge in the field of informatics, have practical skills in using modern computers, communication and information transmission systems, office equipment, know the basics and prospects for the development of new information technologies, be able to evaluate information resources for making optimal management decisions.

It should be borne in mind that an integral part of the professional activity of a modern management specialist is his interaction with specialists in the field of computer technology. In this regard, important factors in the effectiveness of their interaction are the knowledge of management specialists in the basic terminology of the computer sphere of activity, an understanding of the real possibilities and features of the use of computer technologies, knowledge of the trends of their development and improvement, the ability to clearly formulate their requirements as users to such computer systems.


Each area of ​​human activity is associated with "its" information. Economic science, the economic activity of society operate on information called economic. As a category, economic information, on the one hand, corresponds to the general concept of "information", on the other hand, it is inextricably linked with the economy and management of the national economy. Therefore, various interpretations and properties apply to economic information: inherent in information in general and at the same time reflecting its characteristic features and differences arising from its nature. Thus, economic information is only one of the types of information, albeit quite important.

In general, the term "economic information" refers to information that reflects and serves the processes of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods. More strictly: economic information is an objectified embodiment - with the help of signs and signals - of knowledge about the material, labor and cost aspects of processes reproduced in the economy, eliminating uncertainty about the outcomes of these processes.

Economic information serves as a management tool and at the same time belongs to its elements. It must be considered as one of the varieties of management information, which ensures the solution of problems of organizational and economic management of the national economy. Economic information is a collection of information (data) reflecting the state and determining the direction of development of the national economy and its individual links. In information processes carried out in management, information plays the role of a subject of labor (initial, "raw" information) and a product of labor (resulting, "processed" information). Speaking about the concept of "economic information" from a cybernetic standpoint, the information management process can be characterized as the transformation of information (initial data) into economic information necessary for making decisions aimed at ensuring a given state of the national economy and its optimal development.

Economic information is inseparable from the information management process carried out in the production and non-production spheres, it is used in all sectors of the national economy and in all government bodies.

Economic information has many varieties (types), which are distinguished on the basis of appropriate classification criteria, for example:

  • * by belonging to the sphere of material production and non-production sphere, and inside - by branches and sub-branches of the national economy in accordance with their adopted grouping;
  • * by stages of reproduction and elements of the production process. As a result, information is highlighted that reflects supply, production, distribution and consumption, as well as material, labor and financial resources;
  • * on temporary stages of management. From these positions stand out: forecast information, planning, accounting, information for the analysis of economic activities, operational management, reporting;
  • * according to the criteria of compliance with the reflected phenomena, economic information is divided into reliable and unreliable;
  • * according to the completeness of the reflection of events, economic information is divided into sufficient (complete), insufficient and redundant.

To solve the problems of economic management, a very specific in terms of content minimal information is required, i.e. sufficient. Excessive information contains unnecessary data, which are either not used at all for solving problems (they constitute "information noise" with its variety for computer networks - "electronic garbage" and "spam" (spam), or perform control and duplicate functions;

  • * according to the stage of origin, there is initial (primary) and derivative (secondary) information. Initial information arises as a result of the action of information sources (ministries, departments, enterprises and other organizations and departments), and according to these sources, the initial information is divided into planning and directive and accounting and reporting. Planning and directive information moves (“descends”) down the levels of the management hierarchy, while it is disaggregated, detailed, “expanded”. Accounting and reporting information, on the contrary, moves up to the levels of the management hierarchy, and as it moves, this information is enlarged, aggregated, "compressed". Derived information arises as a result of processing the original and other secondary - either only the original, or only secondary. Derived information distinguishes between intermediate and final (result) information;
  • * by stability over time, economic information is divided into constant (conditionally constant) and variable. It is important to note that the period of stability is specific for certain management tasks.
  • * according to the technology of solving economic problems in control systems, input, intermediate and output information are distinguished. One of the schemes for such a classification is shown in Figure 1.

Rice. 1.

Economic information is characterized by some features arising from its essence. The following properties are of fundamental importance for the creation of systems for processing economic information and the formation of information technologies:

  • * predominance of alphanumeric characters;
  • * the need to formalize the results of data processing in a form convenient for human perception;
  • * wide distribution of documents as carriers of initial data and the results of their processing;
  • * a significant amount of variable and constant (conditionally constant) data;
  • * discreteness, due to the fact that economic information characterizes the state of an object or process either at a certain point in time, or for a certain time interval;
  • * organization, arising from the fact that economic information reflects the result of human intellectual activity;
  • * heterogeneity - due to the main purpose of information: to distinguish between elements and properties of reflected processes;
  • * scattered sources and the fundamental impossibility of concentration and centralization of data collection processes;
  • * preservation (inexhaustible) during its use (consumption);
  • * the ability to reuse the same data, including simultaneously by different consumers;
  • * the ability to save the processed information from the sender;
  • * the possibility of long-term storage with playback and updating;
  • * the ability to transform, aggregate according to certain characteristics, detail (downscale) and compression (enlargement);
  • * certain independence of data in relation to its carrier.

In the context of performing management functions for certain objects, economic information must meet certain requirements. The most significant of them are:

  • * be reliable, truthful;
  • * be timely, since the late arrival of the necessary information is often useless;
  • * be documentary: legally confirmed in documents by appropriate signatures (visas) of the relevant officials;
  • * be relevant, necessary for the unit and decision-makers.

An important characteristic of economic information is its structure. The structure of information plays the same role as the syntax of any language. Speaking about the structure of information, two interrelated aspects are distinguished:

  • * the composition of the elements that form the structure of information;
  • * the relationship between the elements of this structure.

Considering the structure of information from these positions, simple and composite (complex) units of information are distinguished. A composite unit of information (SEI) is a unit of information consisting of a set of other units of information associated with each other, i.e. related in meaning.

The unit of information included in the SEI is called a constituent unit of information. A simple, elementary constituent unit of economic information is a props. Attributes have two properties that are important from the point of view of their processing:

  • * separately taken props cannot fully characterize the economic process or object;
  • * a separate requisite can be part of various economic indicators.

Each attribute is characterized by a name (title), type and value. Depending on the nature of the properties they display, the requisites are divided into attributes-signs and attributes-bases. Attributes-signs reflect the qualitative properties of an economic object, process or phenomenon. They can be expressed alphabetically, numerically, or alphanumeric. Attributes-attributes are used for logical processing of composite units, i.e. for searching, sorting, grouping, selecting, etc.

Foundation details characterize the quantitative aspect of the process or object. They are most often expressed in digital form. Logical and arithmetic operations can be performed on them.

The main structural unit, consisting of a certain set of details, characterizing any specific object, fact, process, etc. from the quantitative and qualitative point of view, is the economic indicator.

There are two definitions of this concept. In accordance with the first, adopted in the practice of accounting, statistics, planning, etc., an indicator is understood as a qualitatively defined variable that can be associated with a set of possible quantitative values, as well as algorithms for their calculation based on various initial data.

The second, adopted in the theory and practice of automated data processing, defines an indicator as a statement containing a quantitative characteristic of any property of the displayed object. Such a statement contains a single quantitative meaning and a certain set of qualitative features necessary for its unambiguous identification.

Both definitions do not contradict each other, it is just that the first focuses on how this or that indicator was obtained, and in the second, which attributes of the indicator reflect its specific semantic content.

In addition, the indicator contains additional features that do not express its main economic meaning, but clarify the specific quantitative value of the indicator. The composition of additional signs is determined in each specific case in different ways, but usually they always include terms denoting the time to which this indicator belongs (moment or period), unit of measurement (kg, t, pcs., Rubles, etc. .), the type of data by control functions (planned, actual, normative, etc.), as well as terms indicating who performs an action on the measured object, where it is located, moves.

Additional features make it possible to concretize the economic and mathematical model for calculating the indicator, characterizing its feature for each specific case.

An economic indicator is the main unit of economic information, since it has economic meaning, the exclusion of at least one of its components inevitably entails a loss of meaning. At the same time, in order to organize information processing and implement management functions, indicators can form more complex composite structural units of information: documents, arrays, information flows, information base.

An economic document is a set of economic indicators, which are interconnected in their meaning, organized in a certain way. An economic document is the main and most convenient form of presenting information from a management point of view, since along with the visual presentation of information necessary for solving a problem or resulting from a solution to a problem, it contains attributes that give it a legal status.

The most common form of presentation of economic documents is a tabular form, which in its most general form usually includes general, subject and design parts.

The general part contains the name of the document and a list of the general composition and meaning of the details for all indicators presented in the document. The presence of a common part of the document avoids duplication of information when characterizing all the indicators that make up a multi-line document.

The presentation of a document in the form of an electronic (facsimile) copy or electronic form should be distinguished from the concept of "electronic document" which has recently become more and more popular and relevant. economic information management interface

Electronic document - information presented in a form perceived by electronic means of processing, storing and transmitting information, which has the necessary attributes for their unambiguous identification and which can be converted into a form suitable for human perception.

One of the most important and inalienable attributes of an electronic document (as opposed to an electronic copy or electronic form) is an electronic digital signature (or simply an electronic signature). The purpose of an electronic digital signature is to certify the authenticity of information displayed on tangible media or transmitted by means of communication, and to establish its belonging to a specific person.

An electronic digital signature is a certain sequence of characters that has an unchangeable relationship with each character of a certain amount of information in an electronic document and is intended to confirm the integrity and invariability of this amount of information, as well as the identity of its content with the expression of the will of the person who has assured it.

In order to simplify the organization of the processing, transmission and storage of information contained in documents, it can be combined in the form of information arrays (files - for machine media). An information array from the point of view of a logical structure is a set of data (documents) of one form (one name) with all their values ​​or a combination of such data sets related to one task. In the second case, the array is called enlarged. The essence of an array is expressed through the logical meaning and natural integrity of its structure. In information processing systems, an array is the main structural unit intended for storing, transmitting and processing information.

Arrays can be combined into larger structural units. The largest is the information base, and the simplest form of integration is the information flow. An information flow is a collection of information arrays, including documents, regarding a specific management activity, which has a dynamic character.

Information base - the entire set of information of a real economic object.

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