What determines the size of the vagina, how to find it out and what is the average size. Measuring vaginal depth Changing vaginal size in women

The long-standing problem of the size and other characteristics of the primary reproductive organs has always seemed to concern only men. But in fact, women are also secretly concerned about the ambiguous issue of parameters.

Is vaginal length really important?

Although few people dare to start a conversation about the secret, many girls are worried: is their vaginal length (depth) normal and does this indicator affect whether or not they receive pleasure from sexual intercourse, especially after giving birth to a child naturally? Scientific research in this area is extremely scarce, since female sexuality consists of a huge number of various variables, and it cannot be said with absolute certainty that the connection between vaginal length and the intensity of sexual satisfaction exists at all.

Christopher Tarney, MD, director of women's gynecology and urology at UCLA Medical Center, says it doesn't make sense yet to correlate genital size with sexuality. However, in the last ten years, more and more scientists have been paying special attention to the field of sexology due to the impressive number of unresolved specific problems.

Size Variations

What vaginal length is considered normal? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question, since the female vagina is a very elastic organ. On the one hand, it is small enough to hold a sanitary tampon in place during the menstrual cycle. But at the same time, the vagina can stretch so much that no small newborn baby passes through it. This occurs due to the structural features of the tissue: the walls of the vagina are in many ways similar to the walls of the stomach. They shrink and fold when the body does not need a lot of volume, and stretch when necessary.

How long is the vagina in centimeters? For each woman, this parameter will be different, because the body of any person is initially individual. In addition, even in the same woman, the vagina periodically changes size. It all depends on what exactly needs to be let in or out.


Nevertheless, many are interested in the average length of the vagina (well, there must be an average statistical indicator?). For such information, it is worth turning to the study of Masters and Johnson, conducted back in the 1960s. Two scientists described in detail the physical characteristics of hundreds of women who had never been pregnant and found that in the absence of stimulation, the length of the vagina in girls is a minimum of 6.9 cm, a maximum of 8.2 cm. With stimulation, the organ lengthens to around 10. 8 cm and 12 cm respectively. The last indicator is the actual maximum length of the vagina within the normal range. Regardless of the numerical characteristics, it should be borne in mind that the area presumably responsible for the female orgasm is located in the first (outer) third of the vagina.


According to Dr. Christopher Tarney, the main problem for patients remains the feeling of discomfort during sexual intercourse. It is caused by insufficient length of the female vagina or excessive tension in the walls. In some cases, discomfort occurs due to prolapse - prolapse of the uterus, bladder or other organ into the vagina. This often happens after the birth of a child.

However, Tarney believes prolapse is the only real problem. The length of the vagina, in his opinion, in no way affects sexual satisfaction, including because there are very significant variations in the norm.

Muscle tone

What really matters is the size of the vaginal vestibule, or vaginal opening. Most often, gynecologist patients complain about problems that appear after natural childbirth.

According to Tarney, visitors primarily describe changes in sexual function and notice that the vagina feels as if it has become too wide. As a result of this “expansion,” women experience sexual pleasure of less intensity. In fact, recent childbirth changes the sexual experience in many ways, so the feeling of a “wide vagina” almost never has anything to do with the diameter of the vaginal opening.

Scientific verification

The vestibule of the vagina expands only slightly after childbirth. In 1996, doctors in the United States began making special measurements called the Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification System, which were supposed to clearly indicate medical success in the fight against prolapse after childbirth.

For the first time, the length of the vagina in women was measured fully, before and after. Doctors used the system to study the genitals of several hundred patients and found that after natural childbirth there was a slight dilation of the vaginal opening. Most likely, the responsibility for this phenomenon lies not so much in the direct process of delivery, but in muscle weakness or the consequences of injury in this area.

Way out

Women who can consciously squeeze and unclench their pelvic floor muscles are able to increase or decrease the size of the vaginal opening. According to Dr. Tarney, increasing the tone of your pelvic floor muscles can help combat that "wide vagina" feeling. For these purposes, it is very useful to perform Kegel exercises - among other things, specific gymnastics for the intimate muscles helps to improve the overall quality of sex.

According to a study published in the Australian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology in 2008, women who regularly performed Kegel exercises reported experiencing more intense sexual satisfaction than those who did nothing. The only problem with such gymnastics is that most women do not understand how to do it correctly.

Kegel exercises: work without mistakes

Dr. Tarney states that any of his patients can demonstrate how to contract and release the biceps. But when most girls report that they regularly perform Kegel exercises, the doctor makes sure that one half is doing intimate gymnastics incorrectly, and the other simply cannot maintain normal coordination between the brain and muscles.

To record the location of the muscles involved in the world-famous exercises, you should either place a finger in the vagina and squeeze its walls, or consciously stop the flow during urination. After identifying the muscles, you should practice contracting them for periods of five to ten seconds, alternating contractions with minutes of complete relaxation. If you are concerned about vaginal length and are unable to withstand such a long period of muscle tension, start with shorter periods and gradually increase the load. The exercise should be repeated 10-20 times in a row, three times a day. During gymnastics, you need to monitor your breathing and try not to use the muscles of your legs, abdomen or pelvis in any way.

Some women experience nerve tissue injury during childbirth and are unable to feel their pelvic floor muscles. Others simply do gymnastics incorrectly. Interestingly, in the United States of America there are special specialists - therapists who professionally help patients perform Kegel exercises correctly.

What Really Matters

What is the ideal vaginal length? There is no exact indicator. Moreover, such phenomena as sexual desire, libido, arousal, orgasm, pain and satisfaction are in no way related to the parameters of the genital organs. If you notice that your sexual activity has decreased, it is most likely due to older age, an increase in body mass index, or a lack of deep emotional connection with your partner. Perhaps the situation will be helped by special lubricating gels, longer preludes to sexual intercourse, or spiritual rapprochement between the couple.

The vagina is an easily extensible muscular tube that directly connects the vulva area and the uterine cavity. The size of this muscle formation is individual. One of the parameters of the vagina is its depth. Let's talk about this anatomical formation in more detail.

What are the structural features of the vagina?

The average depth of a woman's vagina is 7-12 cm. When a woman's body is in an upright position, it bends slightly upward. The walls of this organ reach 3-4 mm in thickness. It is customary to distinguish 3 layers in their structure.

The internal one is represented by the mucous membrane, which is lined with stratified squamous epithelium. It is from this that numerous transverse folds are formed, due to which the depth of the vagina changes in women.

The middle layer is represented by smooth muscle fibers that have a transverse orientation. In the upper part of the vagina, these muscles pass into the muscles of the uterus. In the lower part they are thicker in cross-section. Their ends are woven into the muscles of the perineum.

The outer layer, the adventitia, consists of loose connective tissue, which contains muscle and elastic fibers.

The walls of the vagina are usually divided into anterior and posterior, which are connected to one another. The upper end of the walls covers a small part of the cervix. The so-called vaginal vault is formed around this area.

How do vaginal sizes change?

Having figured out what vaginal depth is typical for most women, it is necessary to say that this parameter is not constant and can change under certain conditions.

As mentioned above, the depth of this anatomical formation can usually reach 12 cm. However, it is worth noting that, for example, in an excited state, the vagina can stretch by about another 5 cm and expand by the same amount. This is due to the fact that in an excited state there is a displacement of the vagina in the upper direction.

Changes in vaginal size can occur throughout life. So, often after childbirth or, its depth may decrease due to what is happening in the uterus itself. This is caused, first of all, by a contraction of the muscular system, which stretches during gestation, and especially during the process of delivery.

It is also worth noting that there is a conditional dependence of the size of the vagina on the woman’s height. Thus, doctors note that large sizes of this organ are observed in women with large stature.

In addition to all of the above, it is also necessary to note the fact that the maximum depth of the vagina is determined by such a factor as accommodation. In gynecology, this term is usually understood as the ability of the muscular system to change the size of the vagina itself depending on the situation. So, for example, during sexual intercourse, the muscles of the arch contract in such a way that they clasp the man’s penis. This fact once again confirms that such a parameter as the thickness of the penis has no meaning, and in no way affects a woman's orgasm.

How to measure vaginal depth?

Some women, due to their uncertainty regarding sexuality, ask this question. It must be said right away that a woman will not be able to take measurements of this kind on her own. It should be carried out using medical instruments (mirrors).

In order to determine the depth of a woman’s vagina, the doctor inserts a special tip with a measuring scale. Such manipulation should be carried out in a gynecological chair, the woman should be completely relaxed.

Much less research has been done on vaginal size than on the length of the male reproductive organ. With sexual arousal, the depth of the vagina increases similarly to the penis, but at the same time, due to its elasticity, it can further stretch during sexual intercourse. There is still debate about whether the length and diameter of the vagina are important for pleasure from partners.

In the article:

What determines the length of the vagina?

  1. Race. Women of the European and Latin races have larger hips and wider and longer vaginas than African women. Asian women have the smallest size. The parameters of the intimate area are directly related to the head circumference and weight of newborns, which is slightly larger among Europeans.
  2. Height. The depth of the vagina is proportional to the length of the torso, but there are often exceptions.
  3. Number of births or lack thereof. As a result of labor, irreversible changes in the tissues of the vagina do not occur. The organ still remains elastic and narrows over time. Kegel exercises will help speed up recovery, or.
  4. Abortion. Forced abortion has a negative impact on the condition of the uterus. itself, leading to shortening of the length and weakening of the tone of the intimate muscles.
  5. Congenital anatomical features of the structure of the female genital organs.
  6. Physical activity. When playing sports, the tone of the abdominal and buttock muscles increases, and consequently, the vaginal muscles also become more elastic, subjectively reducing their size.
  7. Intimate life. As a result of sex, the vagina can either expand slightly or become more elastic: it all depends on the characteristics of sexual intercourse and the size of a man’s “dignity.”

How to measure vaginal size yourself? The female reproductive organ is very elastic. Therefore, you can’t count on reliable results at home. You can accurately determine the depth using ultrasound and MRI.

Whatever the size of the vagina, this organ can adapt to the size of the penis. There is even the concept of “vaginal accommodation”, when in a woman who has been in an intimate relationship with one partner for a long time, the vaginal lumen becomes narrower or, on the contrary, expands. This change in the size of the genital organs helps improve the quality of sexual life, reduces or completely eliminates discomfort, including possible pain during friction.

Vaginal size and elasticity

The vagina is an elastic organ, says Christine O’Connor, head of gynecology and doctor of sciences. It is relatively small, so it can hold a sanitary tampon, but it is quite elastic, as it can expand during childbirth. The vaginal walls are similar to those in the stomach, in that they are capable of significantly expanding or significantly contracting when necessary.

Doctors William Masters and Virginia Johnson began seriously determining vaginal size in the 1960s. They assessed 100 nulliparous women, determining vaginal length:

  • in a state of calm - 7-8 cm;
  • in an excited state - 9.5-10.5 cm;
  • 11-12.5 cm when using a speculum during arousal.

Moreover, the depth is not affected by the duration and frequency of previous intimate contacts. According to these statistics, women have a penis that is 25% smaller than the average erect penis size.

Effect on the size of vaginal muscle tone

“Behind a flash of passion, the brain does not always sense what is happening inside it,” says Christopher Tarnay, director of women’s medicine in California. It is here that exciting sexual themes have been explored for 15 years.

How exactly does length relate to the degree of intimate satisfaction? Terney argues that a woman's main problem with sex is discomfort when the vagina is short or abnormally narrow. Usually the changes are felt as the vaginal tissues are subjected to increased pressure. However, length has virtually no direct impact on the strength of female satisfaction.

Dr. Terney often hears from patients about weakened vaginal tone due to childbirth, but no one knows what exactly to do to return the previous condition. Patients notice negative changes in their intimate life and some dissatisfaction, but these are special cases. Childbirth should not affect a woman's sexual satisfaction.

Women experience postpartum differently. This process can take anywhere from two weeks to a year. The diameter of the vagina does not change significantly from the moment of birth, and subsequently takes on the same “reference” dimensions.

In 1996, specialists began measuring pelvic organ prolapse. Doctors took separate measurements among the patients and determined that there was some increase in the opening due to normal childbirth. Enlargement of the organ is more likely due to muscle weakness or injury.

However, ordinary physical exercises, and especially those developed by an American gynecologist, will help increase the tone of the vaginal muscles. Observations have shown that women who often perform these exercises feel noticeably more pleasure. A physical therapist can provide assistance in determining the approach to performing the complex and individual support.

What size is considered normal?

You should only worry about vaginal depth if you experience discomfort due to your partner's penis being too large. Only the volume of lubrication, muscle tone and attraction to a man contribute to mutual satisfaction.

In 2010, an experiment was carried out, the results of which were presented in a periodical journal on urogynecology. The indicators of 500 patients over 40 years old were analyzed, and a correlation was built between vaginal length, diameter and pleasure. It has been determined that orgasm, sexual desire and direct pleasure in sex do not depend on the parameters of the vagina.

You shouldn't focus your thoughts on the "correct" vaginal length. If there are gynecological problems, such as ruptures or severe deformation, only a doctor will help, and in other cases, the degree of satisfaction in sex depends on the elasticity of the muscles and trust in the partner.

The word "harem" came into Arabic from Akkadian. It means “sacred, protected place” - this is the name given to that part of the house where women lived in complete isolation from men. The early years of the existence of harems are shrouded in mystery.

It must be said that local beauties do not always live in the harems of rich sultans, sheikhs and other powerful people. Among their concubines there are also Europeans - and not only striptease dancers and prostitutes, but also fashion models, beauty pageant winners and even actresses. Some of them end up in the harem of their own free will. Someone is being held there by force.

Some concubines enter into contracts for a certain period and return home, having significantly increased their wealth. It is not surprising that ladies of easy virtue are seduced by easy money and strive to get into harems. But it's not that simple. In the Arab world, people involved in the selection of concubines are called mashate - matchmaker. Naturally, their business is illegal, so it is almost impossible for an outsider to contact the mashate. They usually find girls in nightclubs. Everyone who wants to get into the harem has to go through a series of tests, very specific and difficult.

To begin with, potential concubines undergo a full medical examination. Then the girls undergo hair removal. There should be no hair on a woman’s body; even barely noticeable hairs from the arms and back are removed. The hair removal product should be natural so that your body smells like milk and honey. A special mixture of sugar and proteins is applied to the skin, a linen napkin is placed on top, and after a minute it is torn off. The procedure is very painful. And the secret of the test is how the woman reacts to hair removal. It is believed that if the future odalisque screams little and quietly, then in bed she is cold and impassive.

Further more. The girl should take a hot bath with oils and incense. During such a bath, the vagina relaxes and reaches its maximum length. Using a speculum, mashate selects the shortest one. They say that in Arab women this part of the body is naturally miniature and men are accustomed to this size.

The last test is sexuality. The examiners are usually two relatives of the mashate. Before intimacy, they take a decoction of special herbs, which acts like a sedative. Many harem owners actually use such herbs instead of wine. Girls should be able to seduce them no matter what.

Those who end up in a harem receive a reward from a generous owner, who signs a contract with the chosen ones. But it is not always the case that girls end up in a harem, and not in a brothel, where they are deprived of their passports and forced to work as prostitutes.

In addition, mashate constantly monitors the behavior of future concubines, provoking quarrels. A woman in a harem must be able to extinguish conflicts, be non-scandalous, and silent.

The world's largest active harem belongs to the pirate Ben Bela, who robs ships in the South China Sea near Malaysia. About nine hundred captives are kept there. Next comes the Sultan of Brunei, one of the richest men in the world - he has seven hundred concubines in his harem. He never had sexual intercourse with some of them - they only had to dance and sing for him. One of these concubines was Shannon McKetick, winner of the Miss USA 1992 title. She spent three months in the Sultan's harem.

After completing the contract and returning home, Shannon sued the Sultan for using her as a prostitute. Subsequently, however, it turned out that during the time she spent in the harem, neither the Sultan nor his younger brothers or sons touched the American woman. In addition, at the end of the contract, Miss McKetik received one hundred thousand dollars and a diamond necklace as a gift. Saddam Hussein's harem contained about five hundred girls of various ages and nationalities.

In addition to the old, trusted slaves, the concubines were watched over by eunuchs. Translated from Greek, “eunuch” means “guardian of the bed.” They ended up in the harem exclusively in the form of guards, so to speak, to maintain order.

There were two types of eunuchs. Some were castrated in early childhood and had no secondary sexual characteristics at all - a beard did not grow, a high, boyish voice and a complete lack of perception of a woman as a member of the opposite sex. Others were castrated at a later age. Partial eunuchs (that’s what those castrated not in childhood, but in adolescence were called) looked very much like men, had the most low masculine basque, sparse facial hair, broad muscular shoulders, and, oddly enough, sexual desire. Of course, the eunuchs could not satisfy their needs naturally due to the lack of the necessary equipment for this. But as you understand, when it comes to sex or drinking, the flight of human imagination is simply limitless. And the odalisques, who lived for years with an obsessive dream of waiting for the Sultan’s gaze, were not particularly picky. Well, if there are 300-500 concubines in the harem, at least half of them are younger and more beautiful than you, what's the point of waiting for the prince? And in the absence of fish, even a eunuch is a man.

In addition to the fact that the eunuchs monitored order in the harem and at the same time (in secret from the Sultan, of course) consoled themselves and women yearning for male attention in every possible and impossible way, their duties also included the functions of executioners. They strangled those guilty of disobedience to the concubines with a silk cord or drowned them.
Archive 1848.


During sexual intercourse, only close contact of the genital organs of both partners becomes a source of real pleasure. Therefore, many men want to find out whether the length of the penis and vagina are comparable. How many centimeters to the uterus can be found out from anatomy, but the data from official sources is focused on the average woman. Each representative of the fair sex has her own individual characteristics.

How to find out how many centimeters to the uterus?

How many centimeters from the external genitalia to the uterus can be determined from anatomy. Between the external genitalia and the cervix there is a stretchable muscular canal - this is the vagina. On average, it has a length of 7-12 cm, but each woman has her own individual parameters. In some, the length of the vagina is 6-7 cm, in others it is more elongated and reaches 15 cm.

The channel tends to shrink and stretch depending on the situation. For example, its width becomes smaller when it is necessary to hold a sanitary tampon. During childbirth, the genital tract expands to 10-12 cm in diameter. This is necessary so that the baby’s head and body can pass out without obstruction.

Deep in the canal is the uterus, consisting of the cervix (lowest part), body and day. The neck resembles a round disk with a small hole in the middle. It has a narrow canal (called the cervical canal) and is closed by a mucous plug. The length of the cervix is ​​3-4 cm, the body of the uterus itself has a length of 4 to 7 cm and weighs 40-50 grams.

Based on the anatomical structure of a woman, the distance from the vulva to the uterus is on average 13-14 cm.

If a girl really needs to know the length of her vagina, it can be measured at a medical facility. For this purpose, a special tool is used, on which a scale with divisions is applied.

Is it possible to reach the uterus with your fingers?

It is unlikely that you will be able to feel the body of the organ itself, since it is located quite deep. Can you touch the cervix with your fingers? It is possible, and some women regularly determine the condition of their own cervix in order to find out whether ovulation has occurred. To carry out the procedure, use the instructions:

  1. Wash your hands with soap and trim your long nails to avoid scratching the vaginal lining.
  2. Take a comfortable position. Some women prefer to have their cervix examined in a sitting position.
  3. Insert your middle finger deep into your vagina until it hits something hard. This is the cervix. It is impossible to move your finger further than that.

If ovulation occurs, the humidity and consistency of the cervix changes. It becomes soft and pliable, due to the increased work of the glands inside the vagina, a large amount of mucus is formed.

The length of the vagina changes depending on the monthly cycle. So, before the onset of menstruation, it shortens, and with the onset of ovulation it becomes longer.

Can the penis reach the uterus?

An interesting fact is that the vagina can adapt to the width and length of the male penis. If you have sex with a regular partner, over time her genitals will adapt specifically to your manhood. The muscle channel takes on the length and width that is necessary for close contact.

In an excited state, the penis can penetrate very deeply, but it all depends on the size of the genital organs. For example, a long penis rests against the cervix during sexual intercourse quite often. With an elongated vagina and short penis, this cannot be achieved.

Many women don't always enjoy it when a man penetrates too deeply. Some experience discomfort and pain. If at the time of sexual intercourse a woman has not reached an excited state, her vagina remains tight and changes its shape little. The penis rests against the uterus, as a result of which the partner complains of pain in the lower abdomen and inside the body.

Can vaginal length change with age and during sex?

There is a slight change in the parameter towards an increase immediately after childbirth, but after some time the length of the vagina returns to its original values. Often men note a change in their sensations during intercourse with their wife after the birth of a child, but this is due to the fact that the folds inside the vagina are smoothed out.

During sex, the genital tube stretches by about 5 cm; in an excited state, this organ reaches 13-19 cm. However, according to Western research, the average length of the vagina during sex is 15-16 cm. This is exactly the same size as the male genital organ. .

After the decline of reproductive function, the parameter changes little; with age, the vagina extends by 1-2 cm, no more.

However, unless absolutely necessary, it is still not worthwhile to carry out independent measurements, as it can cause an infection. It makes no sense to find out the sizes out of curiosity. In a man and a woman, the genital organs usually have the length necessary for their close contact.

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