My favorite recipes. Collection of royal dishes: pear and cheese salad Salad with canned pear

Salad with pear and blue cheese is difficult to classify into any category of salads defined by the composition of the products. Typically, a salad is a dish prepared from a mixture of various products: vegetables, mushrooms, fruits. almost always salted, this explains the origin of the name: salad from Italian. Salato, Salata - i.e. "salty". However, sweet or dessert salads are not salted. Salads are almost always topped with dressings. For regular salads, as a dressing, you usually choose mayonnaise sauce or regular vegetable oil.

It so happened that in the vast majority of cases, it is customary to call anything a salad if it is finely chopped and dressed with mayonnaise. In addition, rarely does anyone eat a salad at lunch separately from the main course. Perhaps the exception to the rule is the Olivier salad, which can serve as an appetizer, main course or even dessert. For me, Olivier salad is generally a delicacy, although I also really like it

Green leaf lettuce, or head lettuce, is the most famous and widely used green vegetable for fresh vegetable salads. Few people know that most green salads are relatives of common weeds. But a dish with lettuce leaves is a light salad, always tasty and containing a lot of vitamins. Eating a light and tasty green salad for breakfast or before lunch is very healthy.

Green salad goes perfectly with almost any food - vegetables, fruits, herbs. One of my favorite dishes is based on green salad - tomatoes and olives. Green leaves can be added to.

In Italy there are very popular salads with green leaves, not only with lettuce, but also with other popular types of lettuce: endive, arugula, frisee, iceberg, watercress, etc. Usually the composition includes several types of green leaves. Often salads are made from very exotic ingredients, various Italian cheeses are added - most often soft, creamy ones. And they are almost always seasoned with the best olive oil.

Light Italian salads are those dishes that should be prepared often, or better yet, constantly. As a rule, these salads are not too high in calories, contain a lot of fresh vegetables and are perfect for regular consumption.

Take this recipe as a basis - a salad with pear, diversify it using different ingredients to suit your taste. The salad is very tasty, and even mayonnaise lovers will like it.

Salad with pear. Step by step recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Green salad 1 bunch
  • Ripe pear 1 piece
  • Blue cheese 100 gr
  • Olive oil 3-4 tbsp. l.
  • Walnuts (shelled) 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, black pepper, balsamic vinegar Spices
  1. You can choose green salad leaves according to your taste. This could be lettuce, Chinese cabbage, frisee, iceberg, etc. Pear salad can be made with almost any lettuce leaves. You can buy washed and packaged prepared leaves - often sold in stores. One thing: you shouldn’t use leaves that taste bitter for salad.
  2. Arugula, mustard, and endive usually always have a slightly bitter taste. For example, I don’t really like this taste in a dish, although I am happy to eat arugula just like that, even with meat.
  3. Wash and sort the leaves thoroughly. It is worth putting the green leaves in cold water in advance, then they will become dense and crispy. Before preparing the salad, dry the leaves thoroughly to remove moisture. It is unlikely that you will be able to make lettuce leaves completely dry without special drying, but it is worth trying.
  4. Tear the lettuce leaves into small pieces with your hands. You should not cut with a knife; when cutting, a lot of juice will be released, and the salad will look like soup. Place the chopped leaves in a salad bowl and add a pinch of salt. Gently mix the lettuce leaves.
  5. The pear in the salad should be ripe, but not soft. Preferably not cloyingly sweet, and not releasing a lot of juice. The so-called “winter” varieties of pears are excellent. As a child, I really loved pears. In my grandmother’s village they often said “dula” rather than pear. For quite a long time, the word pear was rarely used, more often dulya, from the Polish “dula”.
  6. Peel and core the pear. Cut the pulp into thin slices and place in a salad bowl along with the prepared green salad.
  7. Choose blue cheese according to your taste. It is important that the cheese is not too hard. Let the pear salad melt in your mouth. Excellent cheeses are Roquefort, young Gorgonzola cheese, Danablu, Dor Blue. The original Italian salad includes Gorgonzola Dolce or Cremificato, one of the most famous mildly spicy cheeses produced in Lombardy.

    Choose blue cheese according to your taste. It is important that the cheese is not hard

  8. Cut the blue cheese into cubes with a knife and add to the salad with pear

  9. Fry the peeled walnuts a little in a dry hot frying pan, but under no circumstances allow them to burn. Chop the nuts a little; it works great if you crush the millet with your fingers. Sprinkle the pear salad with nuts and add a little freshly ground black pepper. Optional.

Universal salads are always very popular. They can be prepared quite quickly, they are simultaneously refreshing and satiating, delighting with a rich aroma and multifaceted flavor bouquet. At the same time, our salad will also give you a lot of vitamins, nutrients, and help improve your health. You will need to choose the products well and take care of their freshness. Don’t forget about the special nuances associated with determining the most successful ingredients for a given particular dish. After all, it is different from others, so vegetables and other products must be chosen in a special way.

You will now learn how to make a real pear salad. It is very filling, easily digestible, and will not negatively affect your weight. Be sure to pay attention to all the subtleties. You will be able to please your loved ones, friends, and perfectly diversify the menu with this refreshing dish.

Gathering ingredients for pear salad

In this salad they put nuts and fried or boiled chicken, various types of greens, and complement the dish with cheese and eggs. You must add onions and season the salad with mayonnaise and butter. Sometimes the dressing is served separately so that everyone can create their own salad by adjusting the amount. In addition, when mayonnaise is not mixed with other ingredients, the salad looks more festive and modern.

Try to choose your ingredients carefully so that you don’t have any problems later when preparing the dish. They must not only be fresh, but also meet certain requirements. It is advisable to purchase all the ingredients in good stores that have long proven themselves to be the best on the market.

One housewife offers an interesting option. “I enjoy preparing pear salad, because it is very filling, healthy, and my family simply adore it. The dish is prepared quite quickly, you don’t need to struggle with it for a long time while standing at the stove. Only at first I thought for a long time about what kind of chicken meat I should choose. The first time I took only white meat. However, the salad turned out to be somewhat bland; it did not have that notorious “zest” that is talked about so much. My family actively used salt and pepper and added more dressing. I realized that something was missing here. Then I used only the legs. The dish turned out great, but it wasn't the salad I wanted to make. The pear is completely hidden! Because of the fatty, aromatic legs, it was completely “not visible”. Then I realized that you need to take all kinds of meat. I put in half the white meat and the other two quarters are the legs and legs. The taste is perfect, everything is balanced! And for pear salad this is extremely important.”

Making pear salad

First of all, gather all the ingredients. The salad is created quickly, so there is no need to boil anything while working on it. Everything must be prepared in advance.

  1. First, take a large pear and carefully cut it into slices. Try not to squeeze out the juice.
  2. Now cut the chicken. You need to take two parts of white meat, one part of meat from legs and legs. Cut the chicken quite finely, across the grain.
  3. Cut the blue cheese into neat small cubes.
  4. Mash the eggs with a fork to make your salad fluffy.
  5. Grate the onion or cut into thin rings.
  6. Peel the walnuts and cut them into halves.
  7. Tear the arugula, as well as the lettuce leaves and parsley.
  8. Serve the dressing of mayonnaise, olive oil and chopped herbs separately. There is no need to salt the salad.

Your pear salad, hearty, tasty, aromatic, is ready! Bon appetit!

Every chef prefers to use his favorite ingredient in almost all dishes. Some people are fans of carrots or mushrooms, while others cannot imagine eating without pineapple, tomatoes or apples. Alas, your product cannot always be used in all recipes, even with a strong desire. But if the cook’s favorite ingredient is pear, then the problem disappears, since there are many variations of different salads, which, thanks to the addition of pears, acquire a unique taste.

More than one thousand years ago, Homer described in the Odyssey the gardens of King Alcinous, which were famous for the presence of wonderful fruits, including pears. The Greeks and Ancient Romans skillfully cultivated this fruit. Over time, the pear became even more interesting to our ancestors, and they began to develop new varieties of wood. These fruit trees spread widely in Rus'. One old doctor said that the pear tastes good and can give a person a certain power.

Although for some reason there was an opinion that eating pears raw was not permissible. A type of execution was even invented in which the prisoner was forced to eat a large number of wild raw pears. True, the category of prohibited included only wild varieties of pears. This rule did not apply to fruits specially bred for consumption, which also have beneficial qualities for the body.

Pear fruits are characterized by the presence of organic acids and enzymes in their composition, while they contain tannins, sugars and nitrogen compounds in huge quantities. The fruit is enriched with vitamins and carotene. The key benefits of the pear are nutritional fiber and folic acid, which is contained in greater quantities in this fruit than in black currants. This treasured ingredient for some has a rich history and is considered very useful for consumption. With its help, you can prepare the best salads that will add benefits to any table.
Preparing salad dishes with pears involves having various ingredients available in the refrigerator or easily purchased at a nearby market.

  • five spoons of sugar,
  • 7 small pears,
  • a glass of water and a little vinegar,
  • a couple of clove buds,
  • citric acid and
  • cloves - ¼ spoon.

We are engaged in peeling the pears and cutting them into halves. To avoid darkening of the fruits, place them in water in which citric acid has been diluted.

Preparing the dressing ingredients involves boiling water with sugar, vinegar and spices. Boil the pears in the prepared syrup for 5 minutes, and then drain the syrup. A glass dish of good depth is used to place and cool the fruits.

  • 300 g serving of cheese,
  • 4 pears,
  • mayonnaise – 100 g,
  • sour cream – 50 g,
  • one tomato
  • sugar,
  • salt and
  • a pod of sweet pepper.

Peach salad with pears

You will need to purchase the following products:

  • a pair of peach and pear fruits,
  • one lemon.

All fruits are chopped into small slices and mixed. Before doing this, you need to deseed all the fruits so as not to spoil the appearance of the dish. The prepared mass is laid out in a salad bowl and flavored with powdered sugar.

We acquire the necessary products:

  • 250 g portion of pears,
  • pomegranate seeds and
  • hard cheese – 100 g each,
  • yogurt – 3 spoons,
  • powdered sugar and
  • cinnamon - a teaspoon.

We cut pears and cheese into cubes. We supplement the mixture with powdered sugar and yogurt, while thoroughly mixing the products. The mixture prepared and placed in a salad bowl is sprinkled with cinnamon.

Pear salad with arugula

You need to acquire the following products:

  • 100 g serving of parmesan,
  • arugula - 300 g,
  • a bunch of lettuce,
  • a handful of peeled seeds,
  • ground pepper,
  • half a lemon
  • half a glass of olive oil,
  • sugar,
  • two tablespoons of wine vinegar and
  • salt.

First, let's prepare a special sauce. For this purpose, take pepper, sugar, vinegar and mix all the ingredients. Then we tear up the lettuce to place on the bottom of the dish. Cover the mixture with previously diced pears and, using lemon juice, sprinkle the fruits.

This layer alternates with a layer of Parmesan cheese or any other type of this product, a mixture of arugula and peeled seeds, which can be fried to enhance the taste. The prepared sauce is poured over the dish before serving.

Cheese salad “entertainer with pears”

You will need to purchase the following products:

  • part of a large boiled tongue,
  • three pear fruits,
  • 200 g piece of hard cheese,
  • a bunch of lettuce,
  • 3 pieces of loaf,
  • a couple of cloves of garlic and
  • five small tomatoes.

We will prepare the dressing with

  • a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil,
  • horseradish spoon
  • a spoonful of mustard,
  • 200 g mayonnaise,
  • ground pepper and
  • salt.

We fry the garlic in oil and remove it from the pan. A loaf of bread, cut into cubes, is placed in it and browned. Mix ingredients for dressing.

We lay out the salad. First, a mass of chopped lettuce is placed. Next comes a layer of grated pear, topped with dressing. Then the mass is poured with dressing. This layer alternates with tomatoes and crackers, spread evenly over the surface of the dish. The salad is cooled before serving and sprinkled with grated cheese.

Smoked chicken pear salad

You will need to purchase the following products:

  • a couple of bunches of lettuce,
  • onion,
  • a couple of pears and
  • smoked hams,
  • walnuts and
  • raisins – 100 g servings,
  • hard cheese – 200 g,
  • balsamic or olive oil.

We fry the onion and cut the pear into thin slices. In order to prepare the sauce, you need to chop the cheese and parsley. The mixture is supplemented with vinegar and oil. Mix the ingredients and add the mashed parsley.

Mix lettuce leaves with fried onions, herbs and raisins, as well as nuts. The salad is served in portions, that is, it is laid out along the edges of the plate with pieces of chicken, and the sauce is placed in the center.

Recipes for salads with pear fruits are presented in hundreds of variations, but the above examples will help you prepare your own unique dish.

Salads with pear - general principles of preparation

What hostess does not dream of surprising her guests with unusual dishes. After all, you really want to see amazed and delighted looks in exchange for spending many hours in the kitchen. This is the most worthy praise for the hostess of the house. And if they also ask for a recipe... In the hope of finding the most interesting orders, a variety of methods are used - grandma's recipes, dishes from television programs, Internet resources, etc. Often, one’s own culinary talents also help when the housewife decides to experiment and create individual masterpieces. So, if you decide to surprise your guests with delicious salads, prepare amazing salads with pear.

Almost every cook has a product that he includes in his favorite dish. Some people like cucumbers, some like mushrooms, carrots, tomatoes, etc. And some people can’t imagine a holiday table without pear salad. Need I talk about the usefulness of pears? This fruit contains a concentrated supply of vitamins C, P, etc.

Salads with pear - preparing food and dishes

In the process of preparing pear salad, you may need a different set of ingredients, some of them you can find in the refrigerator, and some can be purchased at your local store. Typically, pear salads do not involve the use of exotic ingredients, which only simplifies the cooking process, but this does not in any way affect the taste of the food. In some recipes, the pear must be peeled, but in some you can omit this condition.

Pear goes well not only with a group of fruits, it can also form a wonderful alliance with vegetables and even meat ingredients. In the case of meat, chicken is often used, it can be boiled meat or smoked breast.

Pear salad recipes:

Recipe 1: Pear salad

This recipe puts the emphasis on spices and seasoning. The only ingredients you need are pears, and the rest of the flavor is provided by cloves. Also pay attention to an interesting way to prepare salad dressing; perhaps you will find it useful in the future.

Required ingredients:

  • 5 tbsp. l. - sugar;
  • 7 pcs. - pear;
  • 2 buds of dry cloves;
  • 1 tbsp. - water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. - vinegar;
  • 1 tsp. - lemon acid.

Cooking method:

For salads, try to choose small fruits, they are more tasty and juicy. Cut them into quarters, remove the peel and core. To prevent fruits from losing their color during cooking, it is recommended to put them in water for a couple of minutes, after adding a little citric acid.

Next we proceed to refueling. Put the water on the fire, add vinegar, sugar and spices. Cook until syrup forms. Then add pears to the same vessel and cook for 3 - 5 minutes. Afterwards all that remains is to drain the syrup from the pears and place the fruits themselves in a glass vessel. After cooling, you can put the pears on the table.

Recipe 2: Salad with pear and cheese

A more interesting and rich salad with a rich range of products. This dish will really surprise those gathered at the table, and the hostess herself will gain considerable experience in preparing an amazing salad with pear and other fruits.

Required ingredients:

  • 300 g - cheese;
  • 5 pieces. - pears;
  • 1 PC. - tomato;
  • 1 PC. - pepper;
  • 100 ml - mayonnaise;
  • 50 ml - sour cream.

Cooking method:

In this salad, there is no need to peel the pears; just cut them into medium pieces. The cheese, as always, is grated; it can be any size. Finally, all that remains is to prepare the dressing. Mix mayonnaise with sour cream; you can also replace mayonnaise with natural classic yogurt. Mix the ingredients and season with mayonnaise. Why do we need peppers and tomatoes? We use them for decoration. Cut the tomatoes into circles, and cut the pepper (it should be red) into long strips. Garnish the salad with pear.

Recipe 3: Salad with pear and nuts

If we look at salads with pears, we can conclude that most recipes do not require a lot of money, and the cooking process is not labor-intensive; you can finish the salad in a couple of minutes.

Required ingredients:

  • 4 things. - pear;
  • 150 g - walnuts;
  • 2 pcs. - salted cucumbers;
  • 50 ml - kefir.

Cooking method:

So, this time there is no need to chop the pears. Cut them in half and remove the core. Afterwards we will need walnuts. They don't need to be crushed. To remove the film from them, you can put them in the microwave for a couple of minutes, or you can pour boiling water over them for 15 minutes. Then we fill the core of the pears with nuts, pour in kefir, and decorate the top of the pears with pickled cucumbers, which we first cut into cubes.

Recipe 4: Salad with pear and boiled tongue

If you know a little about the taste of pear salad and know how this ingredient behaves when cooked, then you can tackle more serious pear salad recipes. This recipe is more complex and requires concentration and experience.

Required ingredients:

  • 150 g - boiled tongue;
  • 200 g - cheese;
  • 4 things. - pear;
  • 1 bunch - fresh salad;
  • 5 pieces. - Cherry tomatoes;
  • 2 teeth - garlic;
  • 3 pieces - loaf.

The second group of components for dressing the salad with pear:

  • 2 tbsp. l. - growth oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. - mustard;
  • 200 ml - mayonnaise;
  • pepper.

Cooking method:

The garlic in this recipe needs to be fried. To do this, add a little vegetable oil to the frying pan, and fry the garlic, divided into several pieces, in it. Afterwards we take out the fried garlic from the oil. Take three slices of loaf and fry in the same oil, the bread will absorb the garlic aroma. Let's brown the loaf a little.

After we prepare the dressing, to do this, mix all the ingredients listed above. The salad itself is laid out in layers, each layer needs to be treated with the resulting dressing.

We cut the pears into cubes, the tongue, you can take beef, also cut into cubes. Fresh lettuce leaves can be chopped by hand or finely chopped with a knife.

Let's get started. The first layer is lettuce leaves. Next comes the pear, then the tongue, then the tomatoes. Lay loaf slices on top of the tomatoes, which can be cut into cubes or strips. Don't forget to top everything with dressing. Immediately before serving, the pear salad is sprinkled with a layer of grated hard cheese.

Recipe 5: Pear and Chicken Salad

Let's complete our set of recipes by preparing a salad with pear and meat. Chicken meat goes well with fruit. For a more piquant taste, it is better to take smoked meat.

Required ingredients:

  • 100 g - raisins;
  • 100 g - nuts;
  • 2 bundles - leaf salad;
  • 1 bundle - parsley;
  • 300 g - smoked meat;
  • 2 tbsp. l. - olive oil;
  • 150 g - cheese.

Cooking method:

Let's start the salad with the sauce. Mix the oil, you can add a spoonful of vinegar. Cheese and parsley are finely chopped. The resulting sauce is placed in the middle of the salad, and the dish itself is laid out in portioned plates.

Chop finely smoked meat and pears, mix it all with raisins and walnuts.

First, put a leaf of lettuce on a plate, put the salad itself around the plate, and put the previously prepared sauce in the middle.

Pear salads - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

Despite the fact that there are countless recipes for making pear salad, everyone can find their own recipe that will allow them to prepare a salad of unique taste!

For adherents of Russian culinary traditions, the combination of cheese and pear looks exotic. The pear is sweet, the cheese is salty. How to mix them? Fruit salads with pear look much more logical. And it would seem that sausage, ham, eggs, garlic, and tomatoes go much better with cheese. In fact, pear and cheese are a classic, noble combination. For European cuisine - traditional.

Cheeses in France and Italy are served as dessert. The serving is complemented by sweets: honey, grapes, walnuts, pear. It is believed that it is sweet additives that perfectly highlight the salty taste of noble cheese.

The exquisite combination of cheese and pear has become the basis for salads: both dessert and snack.

Dessert salads with pear and cheese are dominated by fruity, sweet culinary notes. A honey-based dressing would be an excellent addition, with French mustard or lemon usually added for piquancy. It is better to choose soft cheese for such a salad - with white or pink mold.

Dessert salad with pear and brie cheese


Pear – 1 pc.
cheese with white or pink mold – 50 g
pine nuts – 1 teaspoon
sweet green grapes – several berries
honey – 1 teaspoon
French mustard – ½ teaspoon
lemon juice – 1 teaspoon

How to prepare dessert salad with pear and cheese:

    Cut the pear into thin, translucent slices. Place a circle on a plate or form a basket.

    To prevent the pear from darkening and acquire an interesting flavor, pour lemon juice over it. Cut the cheese into thin square slices or cubes. Place on top of the pear.

    Mix honey with French mustard (do not grind so as not to crush the grains). Place the dressing in the center of the salad and spread a few drops over the white surface of the plate.

    Garnish the salad with grapes and sprinkle with pine nuts.

Snack salads are spicier and saltier, although the sweetness of the pear is still very noticeable. For a snack option, it is better to take a type of cheese with a bright, expressive taste and aroma: for example, Roquefort, Gorgonzola or Dor Blue. Snack salads with pear and cheese often add greens and sometimes onions (red, white, leek). If grapes are used, it is better to use red ones, not too sweet. To create a dressing, olive oil, wine vinegar, balsamic vinegar, white wine, lemon, black pepper, and sometimes mustard and honey can be used.

Salad with pear, arugula and blue cheese

This is an example of a light and savory snack.


Pear – 1 pc.
blue cheese – 50 g
arugula - small bunch
walnuts, crushed or grated – 1 teaspoon
lemon - half
olive oil – 1 teaspoon
wine vinegar – 1 teaspoon
French mustard – ½ teaspoon
honey – ½ teaspoon
black pepper - a pinch

How to prepare salad with pear and arugula:

    Cut the pear into cubes, sprinkle with lemon juice. Also cut the cheese into cubes. Place arugula, cheese, pear on a plate and stir, creating a slight chaos.

    Using a whisk, whisk the dressing from olive oil, wine vinegar, mustard, honey, and black pepper.

    Pour the dressing over the salad and sprinkle with crushed or grated walnuts.

Now surprise your guests!

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