Sagittarius horoscope for October 20 7. Horoscope - Sagittarius. Business horoscope - Sagittarius

Personal astrological forecast for October 20, 2019 for women and men born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Be careful. On this day it is easy to make mistakes, the consequences of which will be serious. Before making an important decision, analyze the situation, trying to pay attention to every little detail, and do not rush to conclusions. The advice of old acquaintances often turns out to be useful.

You can make small purchases, they will be successful. Large expenses are not advisable. At the beginning of the day, the emotional background will be unstable, but over time the mood improves, the evening passes calmly and pleasantly. At this time, unexpected visits are possible that will greatly delight you.

Astrological forecast for today

Try to stay in the shadows, do not attract the attention of the powers that be. It is very unfortunate to find yourself in the path of an influential person and lose everything that you have long and diligently created. At best, the day will be moderately unsuccessful from a professional point of view; at worst, it will be almost catastrophic.

It is not easy to find a common language with loved ones; you are overcome by too many contradictory feelings. You want to simultaneously demonstrate your superiority over others and get them to have a condescending attitude towards your weaknesses. Your loved one allows himself to make very caustic jokes about you.

True horoscope for Sagittarius

Sagittarius today is destined to face a major financial problem. You will understand that you are unlikely to have enough available funds until the end of this month, and in the evening you will start calling your friends asking to borrow the missing amount of money.

Personal horoscope for October 20, 2019

Critical day. Financial losses cannot be ruled out. Your personal life will also require caution and attention from you - sort out your relationships with your inner circle, because you must be prepared for an unexpected turn of fate.

Horoscope life zodiac sign Sagittarius

On October 20, Sagittarius will be told such news, after which he will want to immediately talk to his loved one. Although, is it possible to trust the first person you meet, especially one who is jealous of your personal life? In terms of finances, you don’t have to worry. The authorities will pay Sagittarius money for a well-executed project.

Horoscope house for today October 20, 2019

Everything will come into motion - thoughts, deeds, desires. New ideas will come, new faces and influential acquaintances will appear. All this will be an excellent base for updating. This is a breath of fresh air for you. And your ability to establish relationships is now an invaluable gift for you, which will be appreciated as it deserves. You can expect public success and an improvement in your financial situation.

Be careful. On this day it is easy to make mistakes, the consequences of which will be serious. Before making an important decision, analyze the situation, trying to pay attention to every little detail, and do not rush to conclusions. The advice of old acquaintances often turns out to be useful.
You can make small purchases, they will be successful. Large expenses are not advisable. At the beginning of the day, the emotional background will be unstable, but over time the mood improves, the evening passes calmly and pleasantly. At this time, unexpected visits are possible that will greatly delight you.

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Love horoscope - Sagittarius

Try to curb your confidence a little on the love front and supplement it with a bit of modesty and prudence. This will help you calmly analyze the current situation in your relationship with your partner and give it an objective assessment. However, if in the end you come to the conclusion that there are no difficulties or problems in it, then simply drive away all stupid doubts and fears and fully enjoy communicating with each other.
Stop hiding at work from problems that are clouding your relationship with the person you are interested in. Gather your courage and look them straight in the face. Talk to your passion - and together you can resolve them.

Today he will need a break. You should not invite guests to your house or plan a trip to a particularly crowded place. He probably wouldn’t refuse, but his work has been taking a lot of energy lately, which requires a good recovery. Spend the evening alone, turning off your phones. Just talk about whatever you want and save your visits for the weekend.


Family horoscope - Sagittarius

The atmosphere at home will be very lively. You will be able to start important changes and establish harmony in relationships with loved ones. Children will enjoy increased independence.

Business horoscope - Sagittarius

You will be full of strength and energy, and there will be only one problem: where to put this strength. Well, perhaps it’s time to bring your long-standing projects to life.

Health horoscope - Sagittarius

You'll be in much better shape than you were just recently, but you still don't need to demand too much from yourself. Take care of your nerves and stomach, lead a measured lifestyle, get enough sleep and eat right.

Mobile horoscope - Sagittarius

It seems to you that today you are capable of anything, and every business you undertake will be a success. Indeed, your confidence has always helped you, but you need to be able to look at things realistically. Therefore, before you take on anything, carefully study the territory, and as soon as you are sure that everything is perfect, start acting.

Beauty Horoscope – Sagittarius

Today you will be surrounded by many faithful like-minded people who will support all your proposals and initiatives. Take advantage of this circumstance to start some volunteer or charity project. Enlist the support of your comrades, and together you will be able to make this world a better and brighter place.

Sagittarius, there is turmoil in the heavens today - the stars just can't put together the perfect scenario. So act according to the situation and listen to the prompts of your intuition - perhaps you can cope with problems without the support of fortune. When shopping in the evening, trust the advice of your friends - they know how to save other people's money.

Sagittarius. Weekly horoscope from 12/26/2017 to 01/01/2017

Sagittarius, you will get a second wind so that you can take on the most important tasks. This applies to both New Year’s preparations and work that needs to be done before the holiday. Everything that happens around you will benefit you. No one will challenge your authority; everyone will immediately understand that no one can come up with, propose or do better than you. Perhaps you will face some problems, but they will not ruin your plans, but will become an additional incentive for vigorous action. Every time you encounter an obstacle, you will miraculously gain more strength, and by the New Year you will do everything you planned. You will celebrate the New Year on the move: at a party, on the way from one guest to another, on a trip, on the street.

Sagittarius. Financial horoscope for 12/26/2017 to 01/01/2017

Sagittarius, on Monday and Tuesday you will be energetically occupied with a financial issue that is of great importance to you, maybe you will grab a promising part-time job, or you will be looking for a special, very desirable thing. There will be a delay in this matter on Wednesday and Thursday. You will have to postpone plans due to the fact that the necessary documents do not arrive on time, an error in financial papers will appear, or other matters from the past will remind you of themselves. The new moon on Thursday is the best moment to leave difficulties behind and start a new life. Start it with a wealth ritual and financial fortune telling. On Friday you will be busy with small financial matters, and on the weekend you will disconnect from financial worries and surrender to the festive mood.

Sagittarius. Love horoscope from 03/11/2019 to 03/18/2019

Sagittarius, you may not be able to survive a stormy passion, but Sagittarius will definitely not be left alone. Family Sagittarians will prove themselves to be virtuosos of intimate communication; perhaps their spouses will share with them some cherished secret that is not always trusted to husbands or wives. This is not about betrayal at all, but about a delicate situation in which Sagittarius can give the right advice.

Sagittarius. Love compatibility from 02/22/2016 to 02/28/2016

Sagittarius, do not miss the chance to build an ideal relationship with the element with which in normal times you are not very compatible - the element of Water. Now, with the support of the Stars, you can easily win the Waterman you like, or improve your existing relationship to ideal. The basis of the union will be spiritual closeness, care, sensitivity, family warmth and comfort in the little things. These qualities are the strength of Water people. Despite your fiery temperament, slow down and let your Water partner express himself. Let him set the tone in the relationship and you won't regret it!

In October, Sagittarius has a very full-blooded, eventful period. Your eyes will be opened. To myself. To the world around. Others don’t see, but you see and understand everything.

Cheer up! This month you can and should dream. Focus: is this what you want? Start visualizing everything. Don't want anything? Contact your relatives, loved ones, friends. Maybe their ideas will guide you. And you will choose something ready-made. It's easiest if you October 2017 gives you one more bonus: dream. Decide what you want most and focus your efforts and aspirations on your desires. If you have a problem with ideas, such as too many or no ideas, ask for help. The surrounding people, friends, like-minded people will gush with directions. October 2017 will give you a chance to choose. Perhaps you will focus on health or money. In any case, “collective intelligence” and a kind of “brainstorming” will definitely help you change your life for the better.

Favorable days for Sagittarius in October 2017: October 6, 13, 16, 21, 24, 29.
Difficult days for Sagittarius in October 2017: October 2, 9, 23.

Horoscope for October 2017 Sagittarius woman


In the first ten days of October, the woman of the sign is not satisfied. Relationships, not what you thought. And your significant other reacts negatively to nagging. It's not about scandals. Mercury requires diplomacy. Your darling is always busy. And you draw your own conclusions. Sami.
In the days from October 11 to 20, Sagittarius will come to their senses and be more adequate in relation to what is happening. It will dawn on you: being critical of what is cute and having inflated demands leads to a quarrel.
Isn't it time to ask for forgiveness? No, it's not too late. You can hope for mutual understanding.
Luckily for you, your darling is good-natured. And this means you can (try) to continue to command him. There is no need to get mad about it or not. If they ask you how you are doing, they really want to know. But they don’t get into your soul.
In mid-autumn you won’t see any rest: there’s too much work! And urgent!
Luckily, your sweetheart is ready to take you for a walk. On the weekend. Lucky for you.
Frequent conflicts are possible at work in October. All this prevents you from reaching your goal.
But this will become clear only at the end of the month.
Be more friendly!
And (this month!) you better check your health. We need to go to the gynecologist. To sleep more. It's better to eat. And don't recycle. All this is harmful to you. Well, sort of.

Horoscope for October 2017 for Sagittarius men

And your dear one has no time for cupids these days. He cares about his career and money (Jupiter is responsible for everything, of course!). No, he still needs you. But as a comrade. And not like a woman. Be prepared to support him. And don't demand anything. In return.
He always doesn't have enough time. Whole month. Send him to rest. At least to the bathhouse. Or a sauna. And don't force him to go to the gym.
His finances, by the way, are also a big question. More precisely, their safety. He can easily be scammed (at a minimum, he can be deceived). And he is not ready to listen to you. And by the way, you are right. But he doesn’t need your “I told you so.” Otherwise he will blame you for everything. You will know. Yolki.
Sagittarius will spend all his free time figuring out what, how and when to do in order to improve his own career. And this is exactly what the history of his visits in the browser will show. Well, that's it. So you don't be surprised.

Love horoscope for October 2017 Sagittarius

Have you ever tried to dream? Discuss the future with your loved one. Get ready for walks together. And a discussion of something cool.
The stars are not against your dreams. Mid-autumn is the time to come up with plans and plan desires.
There is nothing wrong with the fact that the ardor has died down. It can also be heated. The main thing is that you still want it. Then the whole Universe will play along with you.
Lonely? Look around you in October. Maybe you weren't looking well?
Days that are suitable for love in October 2017: October 6, 13, 16, 21, 24, 29.

Financial horoscope for Sagittarius for October 2017

October is a cool month. A month of chances. Don't waste them. Do you want something? Work hard. And look around.
It's best if you work in the service industry. In October, representatives of the sign who work in the field of teaching, banking services, law, and consulting also feel great.
It is enough for you to be more active in the sphere of contacts and keep all connections in working order.
Colleagues and like-minded people will help you succeed. Teamwork is good. And you forgot about it.
Favorable days for money in October: October 6, 13, 16, 21, 24, 29.

Health horoscope for the sign Sagittarius for October 2017

With health in mid-autumn, Sagittarius wears a hat. Genitourinary system! Small of the back! Well, you know. No? And by the way, reproductive function may suffer (unless you take care of the opposite).
Now you don’t need to wait a minute before visiting a doctor. You can’t buy health, no matter what the Japanese say.
You shouldn't overeat. And how to lean on booze. It is not the liver that will suffer, but all of the above.

The key to success in all matters is individualism and independence. Think with your own head, don’t be shy about your own ideas, make non-standard decisions in your personal life.

October 2017 tips for Sagittarius

Color: lilac
Talisman: violet
Lucky: 6, 14, 18, 29
Dangerous: 8, 9, 11, 12
Motto: “Where I am expected, I always arrive on time.”

Sagittarius mood in October 2017

The focus is on issues of self-determination, creativity and personal life. For almost the entire month, business energy will be overflowing. Be sure to give her a way out by directing her in a creative direction and to creative work.

Everything is fine with health and well-being. But only if you continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Endless nights and excessive physical stress will not do any good. Be careful with alcohol.

In terms of image, trust your intuition. If you want to radically change it and completely update your wardrobe, do it. And don't consult anyone. Girlfriends and friends are not helping you in this matter and will probably dissuade you.

Sagittarius work in October 2017

In work matters, rely only on yourself. Feel free to put forward constructive proposals and original ideas, especially those with material benefits. Use the right moment to get what you have dreamed about for so long and strongly. This way you will cope with the assigned tasks in the best possible way, and at the same time you will be able to get to know your business partners and colleagues better. Some of them will have to be looked at with different eyes.

In the second half of October, you may be assigned additional responsibilities. In terms of money, the situation is favorable, but without much change. There will be an opportunity for not too burdensome part-time work on a remote basis.

Sagittarius love in October 2017

On the eve of the new moon (19th), the secrets of loved ones may be revealed to you. Your lovers' true intentions will come to the surface. Try to choose the right course of action. Don’t be foolish, but don’t sacrifice your interests either.

Family Sagittarians have a lot of work to do to correct their mistakes in relationships with their significant other. Long-standing grievances will be remembered, you will have to listen to a lot of complaints addressed to you from the distant past. Accept all this with understanding, do not aggravate the situation, or even better, pretend that nothing happened, or reduce everything to humor.

Pleasant surprises await free people in the second half of the month. Fate, as they say, is waiting for you around the corner. Someone you forgot to think about will suddenly reciprocate your old and seemingly hopeless feelings.

According to the Chinese Book of Changes, you have a symbol for October Joy. Luck is already rushing to you. Don't give in to sadness and cultivate a good mood in yourself. Maintain friendly relations with the people around you, and do not neglect the advice of your friends. Watch your speech and don’t speak ill of anyone. Now is a very favorable period for everything related to singing and trading. Don't be nervous about what you can't change or fix. Keep calm: your happiness is on the way.

Map Nine of Wands instructs you to be prepared to stand up for yourself. Perhaps you have been hurt in the past and this has caused you to become defensive. And this is right now, since you will have to fight for your rights and protect your reputation. Don't give up, overcome obstacles with patience and persistence, be vigilant and stand firm in your beliefs.

Behavior style: warlike and defensive - not an inch of his land.

Personal qualities: courage, determination, consistency, ability to defend one’s interests.

Mascot people: military, police, rescuers, firefighters.

Mudra of the month for Sagittarius for October 2017

In a critical financial situation, perform mudra Fulfillment of desires. Raise your palms to the level of the solar plexus, connect the index and thumb on each hand to form a ring. In this case, the right palm looks down and the left palm looks up (for men it’s the other way around). Next, connect the fingertips: the little finger of the right hand with the ring finger of the left, and the ring finger of the right hand with the little fingers of the left. The middle finger of both hands will remain free and relaxed.

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