Horoscope for October 17 Scorpio. Horoscope - Scorpio. True horoscope for Scorpios

Oh thank you, I'm Cancer, I won't take any risks today.

This day will be favorable for any travel. They will differ in safety. To avoid becoming an object of jealousy or to experience this feeling yourself, avoid noisy and fun parties. Do not give reasons for conflict with your family and loved ones.

At this stage, you may be in a great mood and making plans for the future. Perhaps everyday issues will take up a lot of your time. But these are pleasant chores that will bring a lot of positive emotions. Now try to see only the good in everything, tune in to a positive mood.

On this day, your professional interests may conflict with your personal relationships. A scandal may break out due to professional activities. Therefore, take care in advance to prevent a spark from igniting a flame.

You should be careful about new business proposals. Many of them may contain pitfalls that you are not even aware of. You cannot take part in adventurous activities now. Any risk can cause problems.

A favorable time for starting new things, for negotiations, meetings and making plans for the future. Try to keep him busy as much as possible, since now you are capable of a lot. The day can be promising for everything related to love relationships.

This day can give you many pleasant moments. You can plunge into a storm of passions, or you can go with the flow of love. Although now is a more favorable time for the active manifestation of feelings. The more you give tenderness and warmth, the more you will receive in return.

During this period, you will need help from colleagues or acquaintances, and you will definitely receive it. The most promising cases seem to be those related to negotiations and deal-making. The day is also favorable for everything related to matters of the heart. New promising acquaintances are possible.

At this stage, you may be faced with various kinds of temptations, sometimes quite serious. But if you think about everything, you are unlikely to fall into the web of seduction and deception. Try to keep your distance from others and not take everything said at face value. Don't be afraid to appear too cold and rational.

Now you will be at the peak of your activity. Much of what you have planned will work out, and this will give you even more strength and desire to work. Your most wonderful feelings will play an important role in this rise. If you realize that you are not yet ready to make a decision, then do not force things.

During this day, you may be subject to various internal contradictions. Don’t sort things out with your loved ones, keep yourself in control. A favorable outcome awaits when any business agreements are reached, so you can plan the most important meetings for the near future.

No unpleasant situations should arise. The only thing for which this time is unfavorable is for financial transactions. Now you shouldn’t take out loans, and lending, even small amounts, is also not recommended. But the day is favorable for new acquaintances, hobbies and love.

You should not be too frank even with your loved ones, as everything said can turn against you. Also, you should not take as business partners people for whom you have feelings greater than just sympathy. In this case, you will become completely biased, and the case may suffer as a result.

On this day you risk being in the grip of strong emotions. Your mood may depend until the night on your professional affairs, health, family relationships, sexual needs, and financial situation. At the same time, Aries' favorite techniques - for example, an attempt to cut through a whole knot of problems in one fell swoop - may not give the desired result. Sensitivity, inertia, and passivity will hinder you when trying to start a new business. You may be haunted by the fear of defeat.

Horoscope for October 17, 2017 Taurus

You may not be aware of the strength of your emotions until you engage in dialogue with someone. Communication with a partner, client, relative, or fellow traveler can reveal both the best and worst traits of your character. At this time, you are sensitive to the opinions of others. Such qualities as diplomacy, insight, and the ability to balance your own and other people's interests will not harm you. This remark is of particular importance for May Taurus: their internal and external balance is the least stable on this day.

Horoscope for October 17, 2017 Gemini

Today, Gemini's focus is on such areas of life as routine work, treatment of chronic and occupational diseases. Household and office troubles may be associated with the need to perform menial work that causes physical hostility or psychological rejection. Caring for pets may require special care and responsibility. Unscheduled events, including medical ones, are undesirable. However, there is a chance to thoroughly understand the negative aspects of the situation.

Horoscope for October 17, 2017 Cancer

This day provides great freedom for Cancers (especially July ones). Representatives of the sign who are engaged in creativity or free activity, as well as those on vacation, will be the most satisfied with life. This is a great time to consolidate newly acquired skills. You can loosen your control over your feelings a little, behave more relaxed, and rely on your inner voice. You can once again be convinced of the loyalty of the fan (fan), and also that your children have learned the strict lessons taught to them.

Horoscope for October 17, 2017 Leo

Suppressed experiences can play a cruel joke on you. For Leos going through a difficult period of life, they can cause psychosomatic disorders. Don’t pretend that you don’t feel anything, rather try to find a suitable form to express your emotions. At this time, you should not continue the family conversation (especially if it takes the form of mutual reproaches and criticism). Having made a radically tough decision regarding your family, home, everyday life, marriage, do not rush to put your intentions into practice.

Horoscope for October 17, 2017 Virgo

On this day, your mind is often silent, but your emotions can run wild. In such a situation, many Virgos will not trust their instincts. However, the stars claim that on this day you can completely rely on your intuition. It is better not to communicate with people who irritate you in some way. Look for those who do not judge you superficially and who deeply understand your problems. Perhaps you will find such a person among close relatives or old friends. New acquaintances, spontaneous meetings and trips are futile today.

Horoscope for October 17, 2017 Libra

Despite the fame of rational people, many Libras today tend to be guided by feelings. The situation can be further complicated by the inability to control one’s own needs (monetary, property, psychological, sexual). First of all, this applies to young and inexperienced representatives of the sign. This is not the best moment to make an important decision. It makes sense to postpone professional disputes, financial calculations, and a radical transformation of the usual rhythm of life until another day.

Horoscope for October 17, 2017 Scorpio

Today, the weak point of Scorpios is inertia, as well as a tendency to immerse themselves deeply in the work they have begun. If you get too carried away, yesterday's dialogue runs the risk of unnoticeably turning into a monologue, and the created team may be reduced to one person. If you don’t know when and where to stop, stick to standard norms (etiquette, schedule, traditions, schematic diagram, standard job description). Do not expand your circle of contacts; it is better to systematize them: for example, put them in your diary.

Horoscope for October 17, 2017 Sagittarius

One of those days when activity is contraindicated for Sagittarius. You will lose a little if you refuse new initiatives and do not force things. Your offensive tactics this day may give the opposite result to what was expected, or may not have any effect at all. It is possible that throughout the day you will be accompanied by secret experiences with a negative connotation (fear, jealousy, depressive mood). If you are prone to chronic illnesses, take steps to prevent flare-ups.

Horoscope for October 17, 2017 Capricorn

Thanks to insight and self-control, Capricorns are spared unpleasant surprises on this day. Belonging to this sign is your lucky ticket. It costs you nothing to adapt to an unforeseen turn of events, because you probably foresaw such a scenario in advance. You can easily find a way out of a difficult situation and be able to explain how you did it. This is a great time to conduct various master classes that involve studying theory and sharing experiences.

Horoscope for October 17, 2017 Aquarius

Not every Aquarius will like the general atmosphere of these days. The worst is over, but the discomfort may haunt you all day. Perhaps your relationship with your boss, colleagues or parents will remain tense until the evening. Be patient and don't look at life too gloomily. If you make a mistake, admit your defeat and learn from what happened a proper lesson for the future. If someone doesn't understand you, give that person time to think and understand your ideas.

Horoscope for October 17, 2017 Pisces

Today it is impossible to deprive Pisces of internal stability. Thanks to her, you will feel great in any situation. This is a good time to continue a conversation, correspondence, or a trip, but it is not very good for starting such events. On this day you can devote more time to contacts with foreigners, preparing for travel, and learning a foreign language. You will also benefit from classes dedicated to broadening your horizons, education and self-education, and strengthening your worldview.

Lunar calendar for October 17, 2017

-27 lunar day
Waning Moon in Virgo
On this day, mental comfort is very important: rest, relaxation, meditation will help you overcome the troubles of this day. Envy and anger signal spiritual slagging. The stars will favor those who clearly know what they want and know how to plan their actions correctly.
Haircut - when cutting your hair, remember that by doing so you are driving luck and luck out of your life.
Hair coloring is a favorable day to return your natural hair color, strengthen your social status.
Manicure, pedicure - cutting nails is recommended for everyone who suffers from melancholy and bad mood.
Facial care - eyebrow care.
Body care is a favorable day for removing hair from any part of the body.

Name day October 17

Ammonius (Ammon), Anisim, Barsanuphius, Virinea (Veronica), Vladimir, Guy, Gury, Davikt (Adavkt), Damara, Domnina, Eudemon, Eusebius, Erofey (Hierofei), Jonah, Callisthenia, Napoleon, Nektarios, Paul, Peter, Pior, Prosdoka (Proskudiya), Stepan (Stephan), Faust, Herimon, Elladius.

Folk calendar October 17

Hierotheus of Jericho (Erotheus).
From this day onwards the cold sets in. They say: “No matter how angry you are, the man Erofey, even winter puts a fur coat on Erofey.”
According to legend, from this day onwards, goblin stop wandering through the forest. Parting with the forest, they, as if out of annoyance, break trees like canes, tear up seven spans of earth in the clearings, and drive all the animals into holes. All day long the wind howls through the forests, birds do not dare to fly to the trees, and superstitious men and women do not dare to go into the forest, fearing an enraged devil. “The goblin is not his brother: he will break all the bones no worse than a bear.”

Signs October 17

The color of the squirrel's fur has changed - due to the frosty winter.
A bullfinch sings at the foot of a fence - a sign of bad weather.
Telegraph wires are buzzing louder than usual - a sign of bad weather.

Mid-autumn 2017 promises to be a good time, bringing many pleasant moments. The love planet Venus and passionate Mars are located in Scorpio's house of friendship, so you will notice the influence of friends on the circumstances of your personal life. Perhaps your friends will introduce you to a special person who will fill your life with new meaning.

On October 10, 2017, Jupiter, the planet of good luck and great happiness, enters your sign. Here Jupiter will remain until November next year, bestowing Scorpios with its favor. You will be lucky in many areas of life: love, family, finances, career. There will be interesting romantic stories, a bright love affair may begin. If you haven’t met your soulmate yet, there is a high chance of meeting a worthy person with whom you can start a long-term relationship. Those who already have a lover will experience a blossoming of feelings.

Since October 17, 2017, Mercury, the planet of the mind and communications, has been in your sign. The influence of Mercury will help you assess the prospects of relationships impartially, without unnecessary emotions. If you need to discuss sensitive topics with your loved one, it will be easy for you to find the right words to reach an agreement.

Scorpio career and financial horoscope for October 2017

The month is favorable for collective activities, participation in conferences and other events involving groups of people. Venus and Mars in the house of social connections bring opportunity, popularity and support on a social level. Dreams often come true during such planetary transits.

Professional success comes more through charm and diplomacy, because the Sun and Mercury are hidden in the shadow of the twelfth house of Scorpio, because of this, initiative and activity are reduced.

October 23, 2017 The Sun enters the sign of Scorpio, and a fruitful period begins. A lot of work is expected, although the results will be worth it. Those who make efforts to achieve their goals will be rewarded. You will be able to stand out in the team and demonstrate your professional qualities in the best possible way, which will earn the respect of others and increase your authority.

For finances, the first half of the month is a rather controversial time, as Saturn forms tense aspects in your house of money. Be mindful of expenses and be careful in money matters. In the second half of October, planetary influences are more favorable. You can count on profitable deals, lucrative contracts, successful purchases.


In this autumn month, Scorpios do not have much energy, so they need to use their resources very carefully and also avoid hidden dangers. The position of Uranus in the house of health is complicated by negative aspects, which creates a certain risk. Take care of yourself, because diseases that appear during this period will not be easy to cure.

Even if you are popular, not everyone is friendly to you. Be aware of your surroundings!

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