On the new moon, wishes come true. The best rituals for making a wish on the new moon! Love and Relationships on the New Moon

Every month, humanity has a unique opportunity to watch the birth of a new moon. At the moment of its next appearance, this celestial body stores the powerful energy of the cosmos and the universe, representing an ideal “tool” for making your most cherished dreams come true.

If you make a wish on the new moon, it will definitely come true - millions of people who sincerely believe in the powerful power of the night luminary have tested this for themselves.

A simple ritual with a candle

The more responsibly you approach the execution of the ritual, the greater the chances that the wish made on the new moon will come true - this is the opinion of all experts in the field of magic. The simplest and most accessible way to create the appropriate atmosphere is to retire to a quiet room and light a candle at the very hour when a new month is born in the sky.
Under the mysterious flickering of a candle, you need to carefully analyze your thoughts, distract yourself from extraneous ideas and concentrate as much as possible, and only after that make a wish. It is believed that with the power of thought it is possible to transmit information to the universe, where the young moon realizes all its energy potential.
It is important to imagine that it has already come true and to feel the emotions that will follow the fulfillment of the dream. Next, you need to blow out the candle flame and try to “let go” of the dreams so as not to interfere with the growing month in its “work.”

Moon notebook

Another popular ritual for making wishes for the new moon is to write everything you dream about on a blank sheet of paper. For this method, you will need a beautiful notebook or notebook - this is a prerequisite for a correctly performed ritual. White paper symbolizes purity of thoughts and the desire to fulfill a dream.
At the time when the new moon begins, you should write down all your innermost thoughts. You can not limit yourself to just one thing, but ask the universe to make several wishes come true. The main thing is not to show what you have written to anyone, or even better, to hide the notebook in a secluded place where it will be protected from prying eyes.
It is important that the riddle be formulated as accurately and specifically as possible; the universe does not like double interpretations, and it is easier for the new month to fulfill a clear request. When some time has passed and the moment of the next new moon comes, the rituals can be repeated: analyze the notes, cross out what has come true, and make new wishes.


The fulfillment of desires promises another ritual associated with paper. You should cut out several regular triangles from red colored paper or cardboard, and write your cherished dream on each of them. After this, all the triangles must be folded into a clean envelope (top up), and your photograph must be placed there. The photograph must be associated with pleasant memories, the facial expression on it must be joyful, smiling, happy. If you hide the envelope in some secret corner, in the southern part of the home, everything you wished for will certainly come true. On the first day of the moon, you can pour a full glass of clean water and place it on the window, where it should stand for a whole month, until the next new moon. At the time of the ritual, it is recommended to cast the following spell: “As this glass is full, my house should be full of happiness!”

How to use the new moon to attract money?

Many people dream of increasing their material wealth, and the new moon is ideal for fulfilling money-related desires. There is nothing complicated about how to correctly make a cherished wish on a new moon; you just need to follow the recommendations of experienced magic specialists.
So, to attract money you will need a large paper bill. At the hour of the appearance of the new moon in the sky, you need to go to the window and put a banknote on the windowsill so that it can be charged with the energy of moonlight.
Even when the weather is not clear and the sky is clouded with dark clouds, you should not be upset: the new month works effectively even through “obstacles.” So that the fulfillment of a dream does not take long, the charged bill must be spent the next day. Among the rituals related to the fulfillment of financial desires on the new moon, the method of visualization is popular. You need to take money in your hands, the more the better. It does not matter what kind of banknotes they are - real or hand-drawn, the main thing is to imagine yourself as the owner of a huge fortune, to experience the pleasure brought by wealth. When the new moon comes, it is necessary to turn loudly or mentally to the moon with a clear request - to improve your financial situation.
It is even recommended to think of the exact number necessary to fully satisfy your needs. After the ritual, all that remains is to wait for the new moon to show its favor to the one who made the wish and grant it fulfillment.
On the new moon, you can take a bank receipt and fill it out in your name, entering the amount that is required for certain purposes. The receipt must be placed in a beautiful white, gold or silver envelope and hidden from prying eyes. The more realistic the request is, the faster it will come true. As a rule, execution takes from 3 to 7 days. By the way, instead of money, the universe can send pleasant “compensation” in the form of a find or an unexpected gift.

The new moon is the best assistant in matters of the heart

Can a growing month help in love, and how to correctly make a wish on the new moon so that it definitely comes true and helps you find happiness on the personal front? Those who have been involved in fortune telling and magic for a long time know that the moment of the new moon is ideal for making wishes related to your soulmate.
So, the following ritual will help you find mutual love: you need to look at the new moon and cup your palms over your eyes. Next, you need to imagine that this house is a family hearth, where two loving hearts live very cozy and comfortable. The Universe is capable of feeling all emotions and guessing thoughts, so those who sincerely believe in miracles and the fulfillment of desires can safely count on the speedy fulfillment of their plans.
For a long time, young girls knew how to make a wish on the new moon in order to have success with the opposite sex. At the hour when the moon is born, you need to spin around its axis several times, saying at the same time: “Beautiful is the month, young is the month, twine around me with suitors just as I curl around you!”

Make a wish and feel great!

There are many signs and fortune-telling associated with health associated with the new moon: the growing month symbolizes youth and strength. To make a wish for good health, you need to choose a strong tree with a dense crown and strong branches.
At the hour of the new moon, you need to come to this tree, tie one of the branches with a beautiful ribbon and imagine in your thoughts what you dream about. The “cooperation” of the celestial body and the elements of the Earth can bring excellent results and save the “client” from many diseases and ailments. When performing all rituals, there is one obligatory condition - to sincerely believe and truly want every request to the Universe to be fulfilled!

And by the way, the ritual costs nothing. So just take it and try it! What if it really works? The method of fulfilling wishes made on the new moon is simple and pleasant.

Buy the most beautiful notebook you see in the store - let it meet all your ideas about the ideal notebook. It will be very good if it is in a hard cover, with a key or in a box!

At the same time, buy a nice pen for it, maybe with a colored refill. Do not show these treasures to anyone, hide them in a secluded place until the new moon.

In the meantime, get ready - find a list of all the new moons (see it at the bottom of this article) that occur this year (they happen around the same time every month!), print them out for yourself or copy them down. Hang it in a visible place so you always remember when it's time for you to make wishes!

On the day of the new moon, take out your magic notebook, arm yourself with an equally magical pen and start creating. What to do? Your life, of course!

Do not hesitate to make the wildest and most incredible wishes that come to your mind - the new moon will endure everything!

The wording of wishes should be as follows: “I gratefully accept from the Universe... then you formulate your desire... for my good (for the common good, for the good of my family)!”

The very first time you write a long list of all your wishes, and on the next new moon you simply cross out the wishes that have come true (by writing “Fulfilled! Thank you!” on top of them) and add new ones to the list.

Desires should be formulated clearly and concisely- for example, “I have a laptop of such and such a model, such and such a size, such and such a color.” There is no need to specify deadlines- The Universe itself knows what and when to give to whom.

Don’t let the present tense confuse you when formulating your desires. The Universe then seems to align reality with what you wished for. That’s why you say: “my income is 100,000 rubles a month”, “I speak English well”, “I have a new fur coat (model, color, etc.)”.

It is better to write your wish list exactly at the time when the new moon occurs.(it is indicated below - in the list of new moons for the year!), but if this is not possible, then don’t bother - even wishes written on the day of the new moon still come true!

List of new moons for 2018 (Moscow time)

  • January— the new moon will be on January 17, 2018 at 06.20.
  • February— the new moon will be on the night of February 15, 2018 to February 16, 2018 at 00.05.
  • March— the new moon will be on March 17, 2018 at 16.11.
  • April— the new moon will be on April 16, 2018 at 04.57.
  • May— the new moon will be on May 15, 2018 at 14.47.
  • June— the new moon will be on June 13, 2018 at 22.43.
  • July— the new moon will be on July 13, 2018 at 05.47.
  • August— the new moon will be on August 11, 2018 at 12.57.
  • September— the new moon will be on September 9, 2018 at 21.01.
  • October— the new moon will be on October 9, 2018 at 06.46.
  • November— the new moon will be on November 7, 2018 at 19.01.
  • December— the new moon will be on December 7, 2018 at 10.20.

* Moscow time (MSK) = UTC+3:00

The new moon in October 2017 will occur on October 19, the new moon will be in the sign of Libra. The new moon of October will begin at 22.12 Moscow time. The influence of the New Moon is usually unfavorable for a person. There is a high probability of exacerbation of chronic diseases, overload and risky activities are dangerous. Before the new moon there is a waning moon, after the new moon there is a waxing moon. This new moon month in Libra is favorable for improving your personality and body. At this time, it is good to invest your energy, intelligence and money in beauty, health, and style.

The new moon is always stressful for a person, energy drops, the time of transition from the old cycle to the new. There is a high probability of exacerbation of chronic diseases, overload and risky activities are dangerous. The tendency to laziness increases, wrong actions or illusions can lead to losses in business and creativity. This condition is also typical for the previous and next day from the New Moon.

During the new moon, a woman is at a decline in her energy, so you should not overexert yourself in any area of ​​life, take care of yourself and your strength. On the contrary, a man on the days of the new moon is at the peak of his activity. During the full moon the situation changes.

On the new moon, it is customary to get rid of everything old, start new things, and stock up on health. In addition, it is good to conduct love rituals during this period.

The influence of the new moon on a person lasts for several days. At this time, weakness, emotional instability, and fatigue appear. Therefore, it is preferable to avoid heavy workloads, not make important decisions, and it is best to devote time to rest, meditation and spiritual practices. The day before the new moon, hot temper, conflict and unwillingness to understand others will only intensify. The people around you will be stubborn and aggressive, and no arguments will have any force if the decision has already been made. The likelihood that you will be able to reach an agreement and be understood is very low. On these days, it is better not to schedule important negotiations or arrange a showdown. This short period is fraught with mistakes and unreasonable actions. It is better not to engage in financial matters or make large purchases.

On these lunar days, and especially at the peak of the new moon, a person is freed from everything unnecessary - both at the physiological level and at the subtle energy level. Therefore, it is best at this time to adapt to natural biorhythms and help yourself cleanse yourself of toxins: diet, also unload your emotional state, work with your consciousness and subconscious. Fasting during the new moon prevents certain diseases. The first days of the new moon are very favorable for getting rid of bad habits and making plans for the future.

During the new moon, the human body is at its minimum vital activity. This brings about weak immunity, subtle emotional instability, depression, and susceptibility to fear. Men react especially strongly during the new moon. They experience tension, increased emotionality, aggressiveness, and withdraw into themselves.

New moon ritual that will help you fulfill your wishes and change your life

On a new moon it is very favorable to look at fire. Light a candle and enter a state of calm. Start going over in your memory all the events that happened to you over the last lunar month. Don’t be upset if not very pleasant moments come up in your memories. Try to look at the situation calmly and draw the necessary conclusions for yourself. Then begin to imagine how you would like to live the new lunar month. Even the smallest details of your picture of the future are important - it is these little things that will help your thought form gain a foothold in the subtle world and then be realized.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

Everyone knows that the Moon has a significant influence with its phases on the Earth and everything on it.

Therefore, there are money rituals performed specifically on the new moon, when the new moon gains its strength and spreads its magical energy. Our ancestors already noticed in ancient times that the moon greatly influences our lives, and for centuries they compiled folk signs depending on the phase of the moon.

The New Moon is the best period for new beginnings. Do you want to know which new moon signs and rituals are the most effective?

List of new moons for 2017 (Moscow time)

To attract the energies of wealth into life.

On the New Moon, take a green or yellow candle and the largest bill you currently have, seven yellow coins. If you use a credit card, take that too. Light a candle, hold the money and the card in your hands for a few moments, then place it on the table in this order: a bill, a card on it, a coin on top (if without a card, then just a bill + coins). Say 7 times (you can rewrite and read):

Wealth is in God, God is in me, There is a lot of wealth on earth! Now I accept all the riches, I send gratitude to the Creator and everything in Him! Wealth flows to me like a deep river and remains with me forever! It's done! It's done! It's done! Thank you I know, I dare! I can! I thank the Creator for everything!

Then imagine yourself standing in a golden pyramid, with a luminous being in front of you.

This is the God of wealth, say mentally or quietly out loud:

I am ready (ready) to accept all the gifts, all the benefits, all the riches of my world! I accept and thank you!

Imagine how He writes you a check, or hands you a huge suitcase, a bag of money, how money pours in from all sides... Imagine how many wonderfully joyful things you can do after receiving so much money! Sit for a while so that the picture is in your head.

Then step away and let the candle burn out to the end. Afterwards, collect the bill, put the card in your wallet, but let the coins work some more, put them in the piggy bank and add coins to it every day until the piggy bank is full.

When the piggy bank is full, take everything you have in it and go shopping, don’t be embarrassed that you are going with small change, money is money. And when you give away coins in a store, mentally say:

I’m letting you go free, I’m inviting you and your friends again! Come and bring more of your paper money! I invite everyone! I'm calling everyone! I will gladly accept all the money! And everything is as I say! Thank you Thank you Thank you or briefly: I’m letting you go, I’m inviting you back with your friends.

Scroll of wishes! Filled only during the new moon.

You should write like this: “I gratefully accept (your wish) from the Generous Universe, let this or something more come into my life for the common good,” and leave a space below so that when the wish comes true, write “I thank the Generous Universe for fulfilling my desire.”

When the wish comes true, cross it out with a red pen and write 2 new ones.

The scroll is valid for 3 years. It's coming true!!!

To make a wish come true “Three leaves” (with laurel leaves)

The ritual takes place on the new moon. This is a fairly simple but surprisingly effective ritual.

Prepare three bay leaves (can be dried), a sheet of paper and a pen with red ink.

On the night of the new moon, write your deepest desire on a piece of paper and repeat it loudly three times. Then fold a sheet of paper in three and put three bay leaves inside. Say your wish again three times. Fold the leaf three more times without breaking the bay leaves.

After this, hide the folded piece of paper with bay leaves inside in a small box, and place the box in the assistants sector (northwest sector) of your bedroom. It’s even better to use a small silver box as a box. You can simply put it in a dark place.

Say your wish three times every morning. Do this until it is fulfilled.

As soon as your dream comes true, take out the leaf and burn it without unfolding it, along with the laurel leaves embedded in it. And, of course, thank the Universe and the gods from the bottom of your heart for your help!

On the new moon “Receipt for receiving money”

On the new moon, exactly at the time, in those hours and minutes when the new moon appears, write yourself a receipt (check) to receive money.

1. Fill in the date.

2. Write your full name.

3. You can insert a certain amount, but first you need to know the size of your internal wallet, i.e. you can only get the amount of money you allow yourself to have. Explore your inner feelings, starting with a small amount and gradually raising the bar. The amount at which you feel inconvenient and impossible to receive is your limit. Start raising it gradually. How to do this - write an amount slightly above your limit and hang it in a visible place. Every time you pass by and your gaze falls on this piece of paper, think - I get... rubles/dollars per month/week/day - choose what suits you.

You can put a space instead of the amount.

4. Place the receipt number, date and signature below.

5. Hide the receipt where no one will find it. Ideally, this should be a red envelope.

You will receive what you want within 7 days. Either receive compensation in the form of a good thing, a successful purchase or good news. So quickly only a real desire will be fulfilled, and not a transcendental one.

Attracting money to the house during the waxing moon

The ritual begins on the new moon. In the first 4 days of the new moon, you need to place a 5-thousand-dollar bill on the window under the moonlight and lay out 5-ruble coins on it so that only the inscription and numbers of the denomination of the bill remain for illumination.

Nearby, on a piece of paper, beautifully write the following phrase with a pen with gold ink: “Money, money, grow 1000 times with the moon.” Place a mirror nearby to reflect the moonlight. Let the money lie there until the full moon.

Then, having collected the coins, put them together with the 5-thousand-dollar bill in your wallet with the words: “Just as the moon was thin and became full, so I always have a lot of money in my wallet!” Thank you!". It is recommended to make purchases during the waning moon.

To fulfill wishes on the new moon

1. Buy the most beautiful notebook in the store - let it meet all your ideas about the ideal notebook. It will be very good if it is in a hard cover, with a key or in a box!

2. At the same time, buy a nice pen for it, maybe with a colored refill.

3. Don’t show these treasures to anyone, hide them in a secluded place before the new moon.

4. Print or write down a list of all the new moons this year and hang it in a visible place so you always remember when it’s time for you to make wishes!

5. On the day of the new moon, take out your magic notebook, arm yourself with an equally magical pen and start creating. What to do? Your life, of course!

Feel free to make the wildest and most incredible wishes that come to your mind! The wording of desires should be as follows: “I gratefully accept from the Universe... then you formulate your desire... for my good (for the common good, for the good of my family)!”

Desires should be formulated clearly and concisely - for example, I want a laptop of such and such a model, such and such a size, such and such a color. There is no need to specify deadlines - the Universe itself knows what and when to give to whom.

6. The very first time you write a long list of all your wishes, and on the next new moon you simply cross out the wishes that have come true (by writing “Fulfilled! Thank you!” on top of them) and add new ones to the list.

7. It’s better to write a list of your wishes exactly at the time when the new moon occurs, but if this is not possible, then don’t bother - wishes come true anyway

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Even though the new moon occurs every month, it is considered an important event in astrology. This is the period when the Moon renews its energy, thereby influencing people’s well-being, mood and performance.

The next new moon will take place on October 19 at 22:10 Moscow time and will pass under the sign of Libra. This union between the night luminary and the zodiac constellation will prove favorable for many of us. The energy of the new month will help in self-improvement, intellectual growth and body care. At the same time, as always on a new moon, many of us will feel nervousness, mood swings and lethargy.

On the 29th lunar day, astrologers advise you to be more attentive to your health and not enter into conflicts and disputes. You need to spend the day with a positive attitude and goodwill towards others. It is recommended to strengthen the immune system on this day, preferably with herbal remedies.

During the new moon, you should be especially careful with finances and business contacts. DO NOT sign important papers without thoroughly reviewing all issues. On this day, you can commit a rash act, wasting your money. You need to try not to plan important things on October 19, so that there is no failure.

New Moon October 19, 2017: when and how to make a wish

1. The most important thing– your desire should be formulated in this form, as if it had already come true and its result is happening to you now, i.e. in present time. Don’t write: “I want to earn 10 thousand dollars, buy an apartment, I dream of going to New York.” Write: “I earn 10 thousand dollars a month, I live in my own apartment, I spend my vacation in New York.” This way you don’t just show your desire, but confirm a fait accompli.

2. Write without the particle “not”. You can’t: “I don’t want to be fat.” You can: “I want to be slim.” Our brain ignores the “not” particle and hears exactly what it hears.

3. Make wishes on your behalf, and not from third parties. It is not in your power to decide for another person what he wants. You can dream, draw plans and build goals only on your own behalf.

4. Deadlines must be specified. necessarily, but not until the day or minute. The world itself knows when and what should happen in your life. Therefore, do not be disappointed if your dream does not come true on the day you planned for yourself, just wait a little.

5. Desire must be positive and not harm another living being. Even if you want justice and know that someone should be punished, it’s still not up to you to decide. Tell yourself this: “let everything be resolved in the best possible way.” Believe me, this is more effective than wishing evil on another person or making decisions about his fate for him.

New Moon in October 2017: when will it be, date, what time is best to make wishes?

It is believed that the most favorable time for making a wish is the first 10-15 minutes of the Moon entering a new phase. This really is the perfect time to plan and dream, but don't panic if you haven't had time to do just that. The entire first lunar day is considered very busy and open to all plans. Therefore, just take a pen, a piece of paper (or better yet, get a special lunar notebook for your dreams) and clearly, based on the above rules, write down everything that you want to receive or achieve in the next month.

Tell or remain silent?

It is important not to advertise your desires to loved ones or acquaintances. Let this be your secret, which you will reveal when the event that you planned for yourself actually happens.

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