Horoscope for the year according to the signs of August. Monthly horoscope. Astrological forecast for the month

The horoscope for August 2017 foretells many bright events. If some time ago you set an ambitious goal for yourself, the last month of summer will give you a real chance to turn your plans into reality. Moreover, this great opportunity may appear quite unexpectedly.

The Sun and Mars in Leo give energy and dynamism. Their influence is beneficial for everyone, but especially for people of fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), who can successfully take advantage of this summer month for activities that require enterprise, courage and an innovative approach.

If we talk about love, the position of Venus in Cancer helps to harmonize relationships and create greater emotional intimacy with a loved one. The influence of Cancer stimulates awareness of those personality traits that are usually hidden deep within. The horoscope advises you to use this period to analyze relationships and self-knowledge.

On August 13, 2017, the period of Mercury retrograde in Virgo begins, the planet will move in the opposite direction for about three weeks. The time is not right for new beginnings, but it is useful to return to what needs improvement. Additionally, Mercury opposes Neptune in Pisces. This is a soft aspect that imperceptibly blurs the boundaries of reality, so you need to be careful not to make a mistake. Representatives of mutable signs should be especially careful: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

This month there are two eclipses - solar and lunar. These celestial phenomena can be harbingers of change, but one should not be afraid of them, since the planetary energies are positive.

The partial lunar eclipse on August 7, 2017 at 15° Aquarius has a creative expression. Lunar eclipses are about taking stock and endings, so it can be the key to change. The time has come to reconsider the past and abandon what has already exhausted itself.

Total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 at 28° Leo, its main theme is love and creativity. Harmonious aspects of the Sun and Moon with Jupiter in Libra and Saturn in Sagittarius speak of his good character and promise support for our plans.

All these are general trends of the month, but situations can develop differently, sometimes even fundamentally differently. Read more about the astrological forecast for love, career, finances and health in the August horoscopes.

Horoscope for August 2017 for zodiac signs

(March 21 - April 20) (September 24 - October 23)
(April 21 - May 20) (October 24 - November 22)
(May 21 - June 21) (November 23 - December 21)
(June 22 - July 22)

Two eclipses in August will affect all areas of people's lives. What changes in personal life will the last month of summer bring, said astrologer at the AstruS Center for Forecasting and Psychology, Yulia Samodelova.

Changes await Aries in their personal life. But they will not be sharp, suddenly arising. As a rule, these are processes that took more than one day to form. These changes can be both negative and positive. Be prepared for anything.

In the personal life of Taurus, if changes occur, most likely they will be unfavorable. Most likely, mutual understanding with your partner will worsen, and someone will even think about breaking up. On the positive side: some Taurus may suddenly meet a person from the past with whom they were or could be in a relationship. It's worth thinking about the possibilities with it today.


Finding a common language with your significant other has probably never been so difficult for Gemini. And is this soul mate really yours? In a word, there will be much more divorces in couples where one of the partners was born under the sign of Gemini than usual. Typically, representatives of your sign know how to negotiate. But here it either won’t work or you won’t want to.

Cancers will be very charming and attractive to the opposite sex throughout August. Single representatives of this sign will have new acquaintances vying for the role of a partner. There is no need to refuse this acquaintance. It may well lead to the desired result. Just get to know each other better first.

Representatives of the Leo sign will have more than smooth partnerships. Almost everyone who has a partner will have a great rapport. Most likely, this will be due to the fact that you will be doing something together, and such periods really bring people together.

Virgos this month will be attracted to intellectual partners who have common interests with them and with whom there is something to talk about. However, be careful with those who immediately offer to start living together. Such a person may not be who he claims to be.

Your partnerships now depend to a greater extent on how interested you are in them. Try not to put pressure on your partner and, especially, not to dictate your will to him. He will, of course, obey, but it will be unpleasant for him.


In partnerships with representatives of the Scorpio sign, everything will be stable. Those who want change will do everything possible to make it happen. But if there is a threat that they will lead to the destruction of existing relationships, first think carefully about whether such a risk is really justified.

If representatives of the Sagittarius sign have problems in personal relationships, then you yourself will be to blame. So try to be more restrained and softer towards your partner. And even if you think that you are right in the dispute, give in. This will avoid unnecessary quarrels.

For single Capricorn men, August is a good time to arrange their personal life. However, all representatives of this sign, regardless of gender and marital status, will be satisfied with their personal life.

Partnerships for many representatives of this sign, and especially for Aquarius women, will develop rapidly. A recent acquaintance can quickly develop into a whirlwind romance, and a small conflict into a quarrel. Be more careful and take control of the situation in your hands.

If you want peace and prosperity in your relationship with your partner, talk to him. Voice your complaints and reasons for dissatisfaction, thank them for their help and understanding. And although Pisces is not the most talkative sign, for the sake of peace in the family you can step over yourself.

In August 2017, the world will be ruled by love, mercy and compassion. This month is unlikely to bring major career or business success, as well as rapid growth in your income. Why? It is not always justified humanity that will prevent you from achieving all of the above. You simply cannot go over the heads of your colleagues or get rich using clever financial adventures. By choosing the most honest, and therefore the most tedious, paths in your work, you cannot count on quick results. These are trifles, because August will help strengthen the sphere of feelings and interpersonal relationships, which, admittedly, are much more expensive than career and money.

Monthly horoscopes August 2017 according to zodiac signs:

Also read current and next.


In August 2017, Aries will realize their cherished goal related to something intangible. If you are single, the most important romance in your life is starting right now, and it will certainly delight you with many happy moments. If you already have a family, you and your regular partner will think about your first (or not your first) child. These questions will completely occupy your leisure time, and therefore at the end of summer you are unlikely to have time to accomplish anything grandiose (the repairs you have planned will also be postponed indefinitely). In the field of finance, only very minor positive changes await you (your salary will be increased insignificantly or you will receive a small bonus).


August 2017 will bring a lot of pleasant emotional excitement to Taurus. Even if your romance has been going on for several years, you are destined to experience a renewed passion for your soulmate. You will spend many hours together, and these hours will add to the treasury of your most joyful memories. In your official affairs, only partial success awaits you, and this will be due to the lack of prerequisites for your further career growth. For now, you should improve your professionalism, look for new methods of work, attend special courses, or otherwise enrich your knowledge. This will help you stand head and shoulders above all your colleagues and gradually become one of the leaders in production.


Gemini should dedicate the peaceful month of August 2017 to taking care of their own health. Approaching its logical end, this summer will completely change its character towards you. There will no longer be noisy parties in your life until dawn, as well as large-scale events replete with unhealthy food and alcohol. They will be replaced by quiet, unhurried leisure, which you will spend in the company of your significant other. If she suggests joining a gym or yoga class together, don’t refuse. These activities will help you much faster restore your body, tired from a hectic holiday, and lose those extra pounds that you have acquired due to your idle lifestyle.


For Cancers, August 2017 will be a period of great sensations. If you are just starting your independent life journey, then you are destined to learn the good news that you have entered your chosen university or achieved another large-scale goal related to your studies. If you are an employee, at the end of the summer your career will advance dramatically. A number of happy accidents will help with this (for example, the dismissal of one of your colleagues, whose position you will immediately take). In personal affairs you will also experience complete triumph. You will begin a long-awaited romance if you are single, or your former chosen one will return to you. In August, family Cancers will live without scandals and quarrels, enjoying complete domestic idyll.

a lion

For Leo, August 2017 will be a triumphant period. You will finally see the fruits of your hard work, and these fruits will cause you great admiration. If you are in the creative field, the product you create will evoke passionate delight among its audience. If you are a businessman, the service or product that you offer to your potential clients will create a small revolution, instantly making you a very wealthy person. If you are an employee, in August you will receive a promotion, and a very large one. It is possible that you will take a management position or head a new branch of your company. You will also be pleased with your personal life, in which there will be a trend towards stability and well-being.


In August 2017, Virgos are advised to take stock of their past victories and mistakes. This analysis will help you choose a new life guideline, moving towards which you will experience true happiness. Please note that it is the very process of achieving your new goal that will delight you. But what your new goal will be depends only on you and your personal desires. In general, maximum success at the end of this summer awaits you in those matters that are not related to business or career. Your personal life will sparkle with bright colors, as a person will appear next to you who is ready to do anything for you. If you are a family man, expect similar feats from your significant other.


For Libra, August 2017 will be a period not too rich in any memorable events. If your vacation falls exactly at the end of summer, then the most vivid impressions for you will be the sea, the sun, the beach and the person in whose company you will enjoy the sea, summer and the beach. Libras, who will not go on vacation in August, will diligently, as before, carry out a range of their obligatory tasks, without showing much enthusiasm for them. You will not yet have any grandiose goal, and you will build your life extremely leisurely. At the same time, there will be a place in it for your friends, parties and your favorite hobby, which you will treat with special interest.


In August 2017, Scorpios will have only easy matters related to home and everyday life. Perhaps you and your significant other will plan potential renovations in detail, leafing through design magazines, or spending hours wandering through specialized virtual portals. Often your couple will visit guests; guests at your house at the end of this summer will also drop in quite often. At the same time, high life will not deprive you of the desire and strength to become a leader in production, reach new business heights, or win other victories. True, you will go to them the longest and most difficult way (that is, through intense, honest work that takes up all your time).


Throughout August 2017, Sagittarians will be easy-going, cheerful and somewhat fussy. You decide that this month you should devote to all those things that you have been constantly putting off. It is possible that your home renovation will start at the end of summer, in parallel with which you will regularly train in the gym and bring your creative ideas to perfection. Fatigue from such a heap of things to do will not turn you into a withdrawn or gloomy person. Everything is exactly the opposite. In your rare leisure hours, you will have great pleasure visiting guests, dancing in nightclubs and flirting with people of the opposite sex. If you have a partner, your couple will experience a rebirth in August.


In August 2017, Capricorns will have to change a lot in their too conservative way of life. Circumstances will insist that you learn to maneuver in their seething stream. This will be a difficult lesson, but you will nevertheless learn it perfectly. You will stop worrying when Fate once again takes an unexpected turn (you will perceive these turns with the calmness of a person who has a philosophical attitude towards what is happening). In August, a lot will change in your professional life, in your personal affairs, and in your family life. Not right away, but you still have to admit that the changes were for the better, and that thanks to them you gained more than you lost.


Aquarius will not like everything about the events of August 2017. Your own scenario of how this month should go for you will turn out to be untenable already in the first decade of August. You will have to forget some of your plans (for example, you will be forced to cancel your long-awaited trip). This will happen due to some compelling reasons. Perhaps one of your elderly relatives will fall ill, and you will be forced to support this person both financially and morally. This will make you forget about your cherished career success, since you will not have the strength to actively conquer the professional Olympus. But you will be pleased with your relationship with your soulmate (against the background of common problems, your couple will become even stronger).


Pisces in August 2017 will have such traits as pressure, hard work and stubbornness. You will completely abandon your touchingly passive role in order to quickly bring the realization of your most cherished desires closer. What desires we are talking about is known only to you (most likely, about career success or the success of your personal business). But not only these goals will occupy all your thoughts. You will take many concrete steps to make your personal life more comfortable and harmonious. Note! When choosing a new soulmate, you will focus not on emotions, but on convenience (that is, your new romance will be of a consumer nature).

In order to popularize their science and for the benefit of humanity, astrologers came up with an interesting move - to publish horoscopes for all zodiac signs for significant periods of time, for example, for August 2017.

People willingly read star predictions, take information about future events to heart, trying to properly build their lives. Of course, even astrologers themselves say that it is almost impossible to resist fate, because what is destined at birth will remain with a person for life.

However, it is worth considering the following:

  • many unpleasant moments can be avoided if you are extremely careful on dangerous days;
  • strong personalities can partially change their destiny;
  • The horoscope determines favorable or unfavorable times for any undertakings.

So the horoscope will tell you what to pay attention to in August 2017.

A typical Aries in August will be strongly influenced by Mars, even the Sun will not be able to do anything about it. As a result, the month will be full of struggle, evidence, and heated debate. Such emotions will prevent you from seeing that loved ones need support. Aries is always a little selfish in relationships, but in August he can go beyond what is permitted. There is no need to reproach him for this; the complex combination of Mars and the Fire Rooster does its job.

The stars warn against excessive emotionality; if Aries controls himself, then the month will be very prosperous in terms of work and personal life.

For Taurus, heaven on earth will come in August, so everything will go well for them in business.

At work, Taurus will not have to make any efforts, because the responsibilities themselves will not be enough, and the thrifty zodiac sign has prepared in advance and resolved many issues. Taurus will generally have an aggravation of positive characteristic traits: patience, erudition, loyalty.

In the family, Taurus must lead; in August, their energy and love of life will be needed by loved ones. Family members are not against such a soft dictate and will agree with all decisions. Taurus will enjoy the role of an obvious leader; this will flatter his pride.

In August, Gemini must find a middle ground in order to get along peacefully with others and not correct their character. To do this, you need to become a little more stable and calmer, although Mercury will resist.

At work, Geminis are waiting for important assignments from their superiors, which must be completed - the bonus depends on this. You may need to consult colleagues or contact special services.

Despite the summer, Geminis should listen more carefully to their lungs; this weak point in the body often fails. Fluorography will protect you from a protracted illness.

August, by its nature, is very suitable for Cancers: it is also leisurely, comprehensive, and calm. This will be a good month when Cancer will not have to make an effort to meet the expectations of others.

There will be a lull at work for Rakov; the bulk of work will be done in the fall. Therefore, Cancers use every opportunity to fool around and be lazy - the stars allow them to do so.

In the family, it is difficult to involve Cancers in household responsibilities; they are affected by their natural indifference to everything that is not part of their circle of interests. August will be a pleasant exception; Cancers will begin to cook and come up with new dishes. True, their passion will not spread beyond the kitchen.

August will be a favorable month for Leos, especially those born at the turn of the second and third decades. The star combination suggests that any plans will come true, even if Leos are not shy about taking on large-scale projects. A schedule of events can be drawn up until the end of the Year of the Fire Rooster.

Everything will be calm at work for Leos; management will stop bothering you with constant requests and tasks. Additional earnings are likely, which will be interesting not only from a financial point of view.

In their personal life, Leos will be harmonious and natural. If necessary, Leo will find a common language with everyone, even difficult people, and will reach their minds.

It will be good if Virgos can afford to travel or at least work trips to other places in August. Virgos need a change of scenery and they will achieve this in any way, including renovating the house. They need this for energy replenishment.

At work, Virgos themselves may ask to go on business trips or unplanned vacations, they are so tired of their usual environment. The authorities will understand the aspirations and support Dev.

Dramatic positive changes are likely at home: Virgos will give things away, getting rid of the old and unnecessary; they will start repairs and rearrangements; change their appearance and wardrobe. All events will only be beneficial.

Libra's fortunes will turn around in August. Any planned tasks will be carried out exactly, salary increases at work, winnings in the lottery are possible.

For a typical Libra, in the second ten days of the month, the bosses themselves will offer a salary increase, although at the same time they will add responsibilities, but not much.

There will be harmony in relationships, loved ones will be satisfied with Libra’s life position and activity. Libra will like the fact that their family will no longer put pressure on them, demanding attention and care. The position of Venus to the Sun in August guarantees harmony in your personal life.

The month is favorable for making plans, laying the foundation for the future, participating in various projects, and taking a small risk. Luck and luck will accompany Libra in any endeavor.

For Scorpios, August will be a calm month, when you won’t have to sting anyone with poison or condemn them with caustic epithets. Scorpio will completely focus only on himself and will look for the cause of internal conflicts. The home environment will be conducive to introspection.

Work in August does not foretell difficulties or bright events, just routine affairs.

In his personal life, Scorpio will also rest a little, and will often strive for solitude and long thoughts. At this time, you can use various healing practices: bodily and mental cleansing, meditation, sports. A very favorable period for a trip to the sanatorium.

One can only envy Sagittarians in August: all the benefits will pour in on them as if from a cornucopia.

At work, Sagittarius will receive a lot of interesting proposals and projects that will be financially attractive. You can confidently count on your team this month; colleagues will help you unselfishly. This time is fruitful and full of different events.

It is important not to miss the moment in the general bustle when your health requires support and professional intervention; most likely, your heart will fail slightly. A healthy lifestyle and the ability not to get nervous over trifles will help avoid problems with the cardiovascular system.

The stars recommend that Capricorns in August be more careful in communicating with strangers and control their behavior and statements in public places. This is especially true for early Capricorns and those whose work involves people.

At work, Capricorn needs to be balanced, careful, and attentive to details—the machinations of ill-wishers are possible.

Only in a family can Capricorn relax and feel protected; there he will always be understood and accepted.

In general, August is a good month for Capricorns, when everything will work out and be fulfilled. If you take into account the stellar recommendation and restrain yourself a little, then there will be no problems at all.

In August, Aquarius will be attacked by another attack of generosity. They will begin to actively share their good mood, give nice gifts, and visit loved ones. This is a fruitful time that will bring back everything that was wasted by the capital.

In August, Aquarius will have a persistent desire to stop going to work, but by the second ten days of the month this will pass. This is due to the lack of visible results of the work, which will come much later.

It is important for Aquarius to control their health, not to let diseases progress, but to stop them at the very beginning. This zodiac sign has this peculiarity - putting everything off until later and eventually forgetting it.

Pisces, although a resident of the water element, is favored by the Fire Rooster. The whole of August will be successful; those businesses that have been started a long time ago will begin to bring financial profit. This will create a certain self-confidence and a margin of safety to resist external circumstances.

At work, Pisces will be calm and friendly, and will not be afraid to take responsibility on their shoulders. For them, in August there will be a kind of progress: being responsible for the project from beginning to end.

The family in August will present an idyllic picture: everyone is satisfied and happy. A trip to the sea is likely, which will give you strength to adequately meet the approaching autumn.

August is one of the most favorable months of 2017, and the first ten days will even turn out to be fateful. This will stimulate people to renew plans and relationships, to make important decisions regarding work and their place in life. Depending on how a person makes his choice this month, the entire second half of the year will go like this.

After the lunar eclipse on August 7, the Earth will enter a more favorable zone, and you can safely begin to implement your plans, as well as strengthen and develop relationships both in business and in your personal life.

In the second and third decades, many people will be able to improve their health and invest more energy in business, career, and the implementation of creative ideas. If in the first decade old projects and undertakings are successfully completed, then in the second and third decades there is an opportunity to receive a well-deserved reward, as well as to resolve some controversial issues that are slowing down the dynamics of further development.

Read also: Horoscope for 2018 for all zodiac signs

August is favorable for new agreements, settlement of old business relationships, for investments, business expansion, implementation of personal plans and will be remembered as one of the most favorable periods of the whole year. Energy growth and renewal will continue until mid-September, so despite the holiday period, business people can significantly improve their well-being. This will be facilitated by Mercury in the sign of Virgo, which will encourage people to quickly finish old things and prepare for new plans.

After August 13, Mercury will begin its retrograde movement, so people will need greater organization, attentiveness and the involvement of competent specialists in their projects. The favorable state of the biosphere can neutralize the unfavorable aspects of the new moon and solar eclipse, which will occur on August 21 and will be negatively enhanced by Mars. This is an important period that will draw a line between old plans and the new choice that was made in the area of ​​the lunar eclipse on August 21, which will mark the beginning of a new round of evolution. This in the third decade will also be facilitated by the Sun, which will enter the sign of Virgo on July 23, and Saturn, which will begin its direct movement on August 25.

The influence of Venus in the sign of Leo (from August 26) will make relationships between representatives of different sexes more positive, vibrant and deep, which will be activated by Mercury, which will also enter the sign of Leo on August 31. Therefore, in the third decade, many people will have the opportunity to successfully arrange their lives, acquire profitable connections and receive rewards for past efforts.

August for Pisces is a difficult and very dynamic period. Thus, in the first decade, conflicts and clashes of interests at work are possible, caused by the reluctance of people of this sign to submit to other people’s influence and discipline. At the same time, criticism from colleagues and partners can give rise to melancholy and despondency. The second and especially the third decades will be more positive, when Pisces will be able to successfully express themselves in creativity, as well as experience inspiration, love, and sublime spiritual states. Pisces may be offered promising financial projects, and the need to find additional sources of income may call them on the road or join new communities. At the same time, in the third decade, the romantic mood can be ruined by the plans of Pisces; they will be so subordinate to their feelings and states that they may not notice the betrayal of a loved one.

August may be difficult for many Aquarius, but interesting, since the strength of relationships with partners and the ability to accept someone else’s point of view will be tested. Thus, in the first decade, an active and proactive position of a partner (both in business and marriage) can both bring tangible results for Aquarius and provoke conflicts and protest on their part. The second decade will be more fruitful, as a common idea, dreams and goals can make the relationship stronger. True, Aquarians need to be more restrained in their spending, otherwise this may give rise to serious disagreements. Unexpected trips and meetings can “breathe” fresh energy into relationships with partners and renew them. And in the third decade, Aquarians need to rest more and take care of their health. At the same time, when traveling and travelling, it is better not to experiment with nutrition.

For Capricorns, August may turn out to be a very dynamic and not very favorable period, since their strong will may encounter opposition when they have to “bend in” and accept other people’s conditions. The first ten days will be especially unfavorable, when Capricorns will attract unpleasant and even dangerous situations. At the same time, someone who seems like a friend may not always turn out to be one in reality, and Capricorns may encounter insincere attitudes and intrigues. In the second decade, they need to listen to the prompts of intuition in order to maintain relationships with partners and avoid disagreements. At this time, it is better for Capricorns to engage in individual activities and not get involved in collective affairs and showdowns. In the third decade, their energy will be restored, and at this time unexpected events are possible that can radically change the situation around Capricorns.

For many Sagittarius, August is a period of travel, unusual meetings, as well as trials, which many of them will go to voluntarily in order to assert themselves and strengthen their spirit. Even those who do not travel, fate will test their ability to defend their opinions and beliefs, especially in the first decade. At this time, Sagittarius may find themselves in situations that entail emotional distress. In addition, there may be problems with relatives and the need to help them. In the second decade, Sagittarius will have more opportunities and strength to implement their plans. They can receive the patronage and favor of friends, which will help them gain more confidence and achieve popularity. In the third decade, Sagittarius will feel more freedom for self-expression, and unexpected love adventures and adventures are possible at this time.

For Scorpios, July 2017 may turn out to be very difficult, since they will have to actively deal with professional issues and affairs, and a low level of vital energy can lead to nervous breakdowns and exacerbation of chronic diseases, especially in the first decade. The second decade will be more harmonious, since they can receive support , patronage, which will allow them to stabilize their position, especially financial. At this time, Scorpios may not be a very convenient interlocutor, since they will too emotionally defend their rightness, regardless of faces. In the third decade, their energy will be restored, their emotional state will be balanced, so during this period they will be able to achieve more success, especially in terms of their career. This is the time for active action and initiative, which will not go unnoticed by management.

August for Libra is a very attractive and positive period when they will be able to achieve success through collective activity. Libra can head a new project, take a leadership position, a higher social position, becoming a spokesman for the interests of a large number of people. True, in the first ten days not everything will work out, and they may often face condemnation and criticism. But the second and third decades are a very positive and active period. Those around them will need their support, so, willingly or unwillingly, Libra will be drawn into other people's affairs. They may prefer real actions to words, so they can become excellent reformers and fighters for justice. However, these same qualities can gather around them not only like-minded people, but also attract ill-wishers, whose actions may be “under the gun” of the all-seeing Libra.

August for Virgos is the most difficult period, since it ends their annual cycle and their energy is renewed. However, very active energies will not allow them to remain aloof from events. So, in the first ten days, Virgos may be offered profitable work, contracts, because of which they may have to overcome themselves and their doubts. This is generally a period of deep spiritual transformation for Virgos, when fate will offer them a choice: active participation or inaction, remain in the shadows or make a leap upward, overcoming their limitations and doubts. In the second decade, they need to listen to themselves more, and not to the advice of others, which will bring confusion and turmoil into the consciousness of Virgos. The third decade will be the most favorable period for them, since along with the growth of life potential, their self-confidence will increase, and unexpected prospects in business will appear.

For Leo, this is the most harmonious period of the year, when renewed creative and sexual energies will help them reveal their talents and individuality. However, in the first ten days, Leos may not notice the clues of fate, which can lead to troubles and dangerous situations. In the second decade, they will have more opportunities for self-affirmation, to achieve success and heights of power. At the same time, Leo’s responsibility will increase, they may lose some freedom, but the approval and admiration of the crowd will inspire them, push them to more decisive actions, even if they secretly would prefer a calmer pace of life. In the third decade, Lviv will experience a very active life, exciting events, as well as unexpected trips and unusual experiences. At this time, the rebellious spirit of Leo can clearly manifest itself, which will help them achieve success, neglecting conventions.

In the first ten days of August, Cancers need to take care of their health, not be too zealous in business, and also watch their diet. This is an unfavorable period for travel, especially by water. The second and third decades will develop more harmoniously for them, and Cancers will be very successful financially, they can receive lucrative contracts, offers, and although they will have to work hard and postpone other plans, “the game is worth the candle.” By the way, in the second decade it is important not to rush things, especially your partners, since this will not bring them success, but will only complicate the relationship. The material successes of Cancers will help them fulfill their dreams, make major purchases, purchase real estate, and furnish their home. The third decade is the most positive in this regard, since the life potential of Cancers will increase, which will allow them to carry out their projects more energetically and communicate a lot.

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