How to tell fortunes for the old New Year. Fortune telling for the old New Year is the most accessible types of fortune telling. Fortune telling for the betrothed

Features of fortune telling on this night
To get more accurate information from predictions, you should adhere to several rules of fortune-telling that your ancestors strictly followed:
- you should start performing a magical sacrament only after sunset, and preferably at midnight;
- You should remove all jewelry, belts and belts, and also let your hair down;
- during any fortune-telling, there should be no pets in the room;
— candles used during rituals must be purchased only in a church or from a clergyman.
Several interesting fortune telling options
2018 can be varied. But it is better to use those that were most often used by great-grandmothers, since they are considered the most reliable ways to lift the curtain of the other world.

1. Fortune telling for marriage

Only unmarried people should participate. To carry out such a ritual, you will need threads of the same length. Each girl holds the thread by one end and lowers the other down. Then all participants simultaneously set fire to their lowered end. And the girl whose thread burns out faster will be the first to become a wife. But the one whose thread goes out immediately will have to wait a long time for her betrothed.
2. Fortune telling for the Old New Year on January 13, 2018 for the future or events in the coming year

You will need four glass glasses half filled with water. You need to put a spoonful of sugar in the first one, salt in the second one, a gold ring in the third one, and nothing in the fourth one. The girl who wants to know the prediction turns her back to the glasses, and the other one first rearranges them, and then begins to point at each glass until the one standing with her back stops her. If the choice fell on a vessel with salt water, then the year will be colored with sadness and sadness. If the water is sweet, then you should expect happiness and joy. Fresh water indicates that the year will not be remarkable, but a glass with a ring indicates an imminent meeting with your destiny.

3.Fortune telling with a chain

Another interesting fortune telling with a chain, which is best done alone just after midnight. The chain can be either gold or silver, the main thing is that it is not made of ordinary metal. You need to hold this decoration in the fist of your right hand and ask fate what to expect in the coming year. Then throw the chain on the table or floor. The decoration will definitely take on some kind of shape, which will become a kind of prediction. If it looks like a circle, then you will have to go through difficulties, which will take a lot of effort to overcome. If the figure resembles a triangle or a rectangle, or the chain simply lies in a straight line, then the year is good for all sorts of undertakings and the girl will have good luck. The oval and the snake are intrigues that colleagues and acquaintances will build around. If the chain takes the form of a bow, then we are talking about love and even marriage. And if the shape resembles a letter, then the betrothed’s name will begin with it. A chain tied in a knot means problems in your personal life.
Whatever fortune-telling is chosen for divination on the night of January 13-14, one must understand that much depends only on the person himself. And if the prediction is not very good, do not be upset, but treat it as entertainment.

How to tell fortunes for the Old New Year 2019, read about the most fun fortune telling methods in our material.

On the night of January 13-14 for the Old New Year, it is customary not only to sing generosity and sow, but also to tell fortunes about fate, about the future, about the betrothed. We will now tell you how to tell fortunes for 2019.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year 2019 on a candle

For this fortune telling you will need: a wax or paraffin candle, a bowl of water and your presence. Light the candle and wait until a sufficient amount of melted paraffin or wax has collected in it. Turn off the lights to create the right atmosphere, then ask yourself what's in store for you this year.

Then take a candle and quickly pour paraffin or wax out of it into a bowl of water. A figurine is formed in the water, which will tell about future events. Take it out of the water and look carefully, think about what it looks like and what it can symbolize.

If you are not afraid of gloomy predictions, then here are the interpretations of the figures:

    Cross- disease; if its outlines are unclear, then you should soon prepare for a series of minor troubles that will affect all aspects of life.

    Blooming flower- wedding in a year.

    Animal— an ill-wisher appeared in the close circle.

    A scattering of small stars- good luck in business.

    Stripes with blurred edges- trip, business trip, relocation, journey.

    Human figure- the imminent appearance of a new friend.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year 2019 using various things

For this fortune telling for the Old New Year, you will need a lot of things - toys, postcards, magazine clippings, money, candies, tickets, everything that brings positivity and pleasant expectations - use your imagination. Decide what exactly each thing will symbolize. For example, candy - sweet life, tickets - travel, also be sure to cut out the desired clothes, gadgets or photos of resorts from magazines.

Place all these items on the table and blindfold your eyes with a scarf. Then take the first thing that comes to hand. You can perform these manipulations several times, the main thing is a positive and pleasant result, because only the desired things are located on the table!

Fortune telling for the Old New Year 2019 on a nut shell

Before you start telling fortunes for the Old New Year, write down the expected events this year on paper strips. For example, travel, good grades, a brilliant presentation, a salary increase, health, winning a lottery or drawing, a long-awaited gift (you can even list it on different pieces of paper), and again, it’s worth turning on your imagination!

Then attach these paper strips to the sides of a bowl or basin of water. Take half a walnut shell and place a piece of a small candle in it. You can limit yourself to an ordinary tea candle. Light a candle and lower the boat into the water! Whatever piece of paper she floats to, whatever wish ignites - that will come true!

Fortune telling for the Old New Year 2019 on a book

A very funny and interesting fortune telling. Make a wish or ask a question, and then open the book at random. Point your finger and read your “prediction.” By the way, it is best to take books that are children's and kind, without negativity. You can tell fortunes in the same way using TV or radio. Again, ask a question, make a wish and turn on the TV or radio, what you hear is what awaits you.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year 2019 using dumplings

For this fortune telling you will have to sculpt. The filling in them will be unusual. Add various little things to the filling. Whoever gets a “surprise” in the dumpling will be waiting for it in the New Year.

What are dumplings stuffed with for fortune telling for the Old New Year?

Sugar or honey- a successful and “monetary” year.
Dill or other greens- health will not fail.
Coin- good luck in financial matters.
Grain or beans- also promise cash receipts.
Bread crust- a well-fed and prosperous year.
White thread- long journey or trip.
Black thread- short trips that do not take much time.
Ring- for a quick wedding.
Bay leaf- popularity and career success.
Button- new thing.
Apple- measured, calm life.
Raisin- various temptations in the new year.
Cabbage(piece of damp leaf) - family happiness.
Carrot(raw circle) - an interesting acquaintance.
Peppercorns- serious changes.
Salt- quarrels.
Flour- You will suffer all year.
Caramel- to great love.
Cranberry- unrequited love.
Cucumber- success.
Nut- several admirers or admirers.
Rice- joy.
Dough- addition to the family.
Garlic- obstacles and difficulties.
Peas- a carefree journey.

But remember that fortune telling for the Old New Year 2019 is just entertainment, you should not take them seriously, but you should always believe in the best!

Some argue that there are days when we can learn about what awaits us in the future. One of them is the evening and night of January 13th. This is one of the Scary Evenings, just like the evening on St. Andrew's and Rozhdestvensky. On January 13, the evening before the old New Year, girls traditionally tell fortunes. We have collected 10 of the most reliable methods of fortune telling, according to experts, which make it possible to find out what the future holds.

1. Fortune telling on grains

This fortune telling allows you to get answers to the most exciting questions. Any cereal is poured into the jar, a question is asked, after which a handful of cereal is taken out with the left hand and the grains are counted. An even number means a positive answer to the question posed, an odd number means a negative answer.

2. Fortune telling for kings

On the night before the Old New Year, before going to bed, put playing cards with images of kings on the pillow. In the morning, pull out one card without looking. Whichever king you get, so will the husband: spades - the betrothed will be old and jealous, clubs - military, the king of hearts - young and rich, and the king of diamonds - desired.

3. Fortune telling by ring

The players take turns rolling the ring on the floor. If it rolls towards the door, this girl will soon get married.

4. How to find out the name of your future husband

Finding out the name of your future husband is easy. All you have to do is go out into the street and ask the first man you meet to tell you his name.

5. Fortune telling on mirrors

This fortune telling is relevant not only for the Old New Year, but also on the night before Christmas and Epiphany. Fortune telling on mirrors is considered very dangerous, so not every girl agrees to tempt fate this way. Take two mirrors (large and preferably equal in size), place them opposite each other, and illuminate them with two candles; It is best to hold the mirror opposite the illuminated wall mirror so that the directional mirror in the wall creates a long corridor illuminated with lights.

The fortune-telling girl must remove cats, dogs, birds and strangers from the room, except for one or two close friends. At the same time, friends are strictly forbidden to look in the mirror, approach the fortuneteller or talk to her. And at the end of this mirror corridor the narrowed one should appear; True, sometimes you have to look for a very long time, and you can see not only your betrothed... but also all sorts of evil spirits.

6. Fortune telling with wax and milk

For this fortune telling, you need to pour milk into a saucer and leave it on the doorstep. Take wax candle stubs and melt them on the stove in a metal bowl. At the same time, you need to say: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.” Say the last word from the spell - and pour the wax into the milk, carefully examine the resulting figures.

7. Fortune telling for a love dream

Another classic simple fortune telling for the Old New Year, which modern young ladies will also enjoy. Before going to bed, eat something salty and never drink it with water. When going to bed, say: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink!” Whoever comes to give you a drink is the one you will marry.

8. Fortune telling by threads for marriage

A simple fortune telling that is still popular today. The girls gathered for divination cut the threads of the same length and at the same time set them on fire together. Whichever girl's thread burns out faster will be the first to be married. The order in which the threads burn in the hands of the girls will show the order in which they get married.

9. Fortune telling by barking dogs

At midnight you need to pluck up courage, take a knife, go outside, go to a snowdrift and start cutting the snow with a knife. At the same time, don’t be shy to say the spell: “Damn, damn, don’t be silent, damn, damn, tell me what kind of husband I’ll get? Do you have to laugh or cry? After saying these words, shut up and listen carefully for dogs barking nearby. If an angry, abrupt bark is heard, it means that the future husband will be strict and gloomy.

If the dogs bark cheerfully and loudly, then the husband will be cheerful and kind. It is very bad if you hear a dog howling during fortune telling. This suggests that the marriage will not last long and very quickly the young wife will become a widow. If the dogs don’t bark at all, this means that you won’t have to wait for marriage this year.

10. Fortune telling the gender of the unborn child

You need to thread the thread through the ring and slowly lower it into a glass of water. Then just as slowly pull it out and bring it to your girlfriend’s palm. If the ring moves in a circular motion, a girl will be born. If it starts swinging like a pendulum, then it’s a boy.

Anyone interested in history will be interested to see what it is like. Very bright work.

We had a lot of fun on New Year's Day, made a wish as the chimes struck, and now we're celebrating the Old New Year. And we won’t just drink champagne, but we’ll have a fortune telling evening. After all, someone can’t wait to find out if the guy will propose marriage or if the man of their dreams will meet this year?

Let's plunge into the mysterious world and learn interesting predictions about the future! We tried to collect for you the most ancient methods of fortune telling.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year with glasses

Take glasses according to the number of fortune tellers. Place one item in each: salt, sugar, coin, onion, ring, bread and fill one with a small amount of water. Make a wish and blindfolded choose:

  • sugar- joy, cheerful life
  • salt- sadness, problems
  • onion- tears, disappointment
  • bread- profit, prosperity, wealth
  • coin- profit, wealth
  • water- life without changes

Fortune telling for the Old New Year on a piece of paper

A sheet of paper or newspaper is suitable for fortune telling. Mentally think about your dream and at this time crumple the paper with your own hands. Place it on a saucer and set it on fire. Hold the burnt paper scraps up to the wall to see the shadow. Its shape means your future.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year for the betrothed

As soon as the clock strikes twelve times, go outside and ask the first man you meet for his name. This is the name of your future groom. If you meet a woman, then this year you will still be a girl.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year by candlelight

Buy two wax candles. Light one. Break off a piece from the second, put it in a spoon and melt the wax by heating it over a burning candle. There should be a glass or saucer with water nearby, into which you should quickly pour the melted wax. The resulting figure will be a prediction of the future.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year on a ring

Fortune telling is carried out near the front door. If there are a lot of girls, take turns, each one throws a ring across the floor towards the door. If it hits the target, get ready for the wedding.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year for the birth of children

In the evening, put the ring in a glass of water and put it out in the cold. Before going to bed, we pick up our glass from the street and look at the result. If the ice coating turns out to be bumpy, then you are having a son. If you see notches, you will have daughters.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year from a book

You can take any book, but it is believed that a book with a red cover is best suited for fortune telling. We ask a question and indicate the page number and on which line of the account, from the top or from the bottom, to read the prophecy.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year

If you want to find out if your boyfriend will propose to you this year, before you go to bed on the night of January 13-14, place the king of diamonds under your pillow. In your dream you will see the answer to your question. I will have a prophetic dream.

May all your beautiful dreams come true!

Well, who doesn’t like to lift the veil of the future? Even those who are skeptical about fortune telling are not averse to having fun with this fun, especially on holidays, in the good company of friends. Of course, the fair half of humanity is more into fortune telling. Almost no bachelorette party is complete without fortune telling for the betrothed, for love, for success, and so on.

And there is a high probability that this is embedded somewhere in genetic memory, because unlike us, our distant ancestors treated fortune telling with special attention and seriousness, although for most of us it is just a tribute to tradition.

Fortune telling was done on most Christmas holidays, including the New Year, which in the old days was celebrated on January 14th. And on this day the Orthodox Church celebrates a great holiday - the Circumcision of the Lord.

According to church canons, fortune telling is a sin. But with the advent of Christianity, pagan and church traditions became closely intertwined, and this is unlikely to be changed, because it has been going on for centuries.

The ancient Slavs believed that fortune telling for the Old New Year 2018 have special accuracy due to the fact that special mystical forces descend to Earth. The girls prepared for this time in a special way. They got serious during the day, giving the impression that they were not of this world. They spoke little that day, trying to prepare themselves for the coming night to get in touch with these powerful forces.

What’s funny is that with the advent of Christianity, girls first went to church, stood at services, even asked the Saints for help, bought wax candles for their fortune telling, although the church did not approve of this. That is why, when they began to guess, they covered the icons. It was believed that if they were covered, they would not see that someone was breaking the rules.

It was believed that this day was especially suitable for fortune telling about the groom, wedding, children - in general, for women’s happiness. And there was a belief that on this day, of all the Christmas “fortune-telling” days, you can get the most accurate answers to these topics, right down to how tall the betrothed will be, what color his eyes and hair are, and even what day the meeting will take place . So you need to not miss the chance to get the exact one on New Year's Eve.

How to prepare for a ritual action

In addition to spending the entire day mentally preparing for the upcoming night fortune-telling, they prepared special equipment in advance. These are bowls, rings, combs, candles, mirrors, etc., depending on what type of fortune telling they were going to use.

The mandatory conditions were:

  • be sure to undo the braids and leave your hair loose;
  • clothing had to be loose, without knots, belts, or decorations;
  • I definitely had to take off all my jewelry: earrings, beads, rings;
  • fortune telling had to take place in complete silence and a dark room, even if there was a company gathering. It was impossible to disturb the solemnity and grandeur of the moment with laughter - this could frighten away the mysterious forces and not only not get what you wanted, but even earn punishment;
  • It was equally important to think about the question correctly, otherwise the answer could be unexpected or completely wrong, and the prophecy would not come true.

The best fortune telling

There were a lot of methods of fortune-telling and you could guess all the existing ones or settle on the one you liked best. Of course, if the majority of the answers to different fortune-telling coincided, then it was believed that it would 100% come true. And if not all, but the majority, coincided, then perhaps there would be obstacles before the fortune was fulfilled. Well, if the answers were always different for all the fortune-telling, then it was believed that something might come true, but not this year.

The most popular fortune telling that evening were:

Ships of fate

They took walnuts, separated the kernel from the shells and used the latter in fortune telling. Each of those present was given equal-sized pieces of candles, which they placed in shells. Afterwards, they filled a container of water and launched the “ships” into it. In whose boat the candle burned out first, she would be the first to get married among all those present.

Wheat sister, give me the answer - will it come true or not?

For this fortune-telling, they took a container with grains of wheat, placed their left hand on it, made a question or wish to themselves, and then pronounced the words written above: “Wheat-sister...”, scooped up a handful and threw it on the table. Afterwards, the grains were counted: if the number turned out to be even, then it would come true, if not even, alas! Those grains that fell from the table were not counted.

How many children - girls and boys

Arriving at the bachelorette party, the girls poured some water into a small container, put a ring in it and put it outside the window in the cold, and after a few hours they took it back and watched how the ice settled. We ran a finger along the surface, counting the bumps and depressions. The tubercles are boys, the depressions are girls.

Wax cast

In this way they guessed for the future. However, according to legend, girls of those times knew the meaning of each figure from their grandmothers and mothers. Nowadays it is also relevant in general, your subconscious will tell you which figure has poured out and what it means. The main thing is to catch the first thought that comes to mind.

So, for this fortune-telling, they took a ladle of water, melted the wax over a candle and poured it into the water, and from the resulting figure they learned what to expect in the future.

Shoe happiness

Everyone knows fortune telling on shoes, which were thrown over the left shoulder from the yard onto the road and looked at the direction of the toe. Where he pointed, wait for the groom from there. And if you fell head over heels for the hut, then you wouldn’t have to dream of marriage this year.

What I heard - so be it

The girls walked around the village, quietly crept up to the windows of the houses and listened to what they were saying. If they said something good, it means that they should expect good things next year, and if they said something bad, they would expect bad things. Laughed - to joy, cursed - to quarrels, talked about wheat, bread, food - to money and wealth.

Fortune telling about the groom using objects

Sand and pebbles were poured into the container and various objects were placed: a hook, bread, a key, a ring. And then they pulled out the object, and then, before passing the container to the next one, they put it back and mixed it. Hook - the husband will always be on the hook of his wife and will love her and listen to her, bread - wait for a wealthy groom, a ring - a handsome one, a key - a poor one.

Three slivers

They took three chips from a log. They put a red mark on one, a blue mark on the other, and left the third as is. Afterwards, each girl pulled one of the three pieces of wood several times with her eyes closed. For the first time, the betrothed's wealth was determined: if drawn with a red mark, he would be rich, with a blue mark, he would be poor, and an uncolored mark would mean he would be of average income. The second time, pulling the sliver, they determined the appearance: with a red mark - handsome, with a blue mark - not handsome, without marks - ordinary.

Fortune telling alone

By 12 at night, all the girls tried to go home to continue guessing alone. Fortune telling using a mirror was considered the most mysterious, mystical and dangerous. But the spirit of adventure and curiosity was stronger than the danger.

Through the Looking Glass

Exactly at midnight, you need to sit in front of the mirror, concentrate, be sure to be alone, in complete silence and carefully peering into the mirror, say three times: “The betrothed appears!” After some time (10-15 minutes), the mirror began to change color and a demon appeared, which took the guise of the groom. After they saw the face of the betrothed, they immediately had to start driving away the evil one with the words: “Cheers, me! Disappear, unclean one!” Otherwise, he could take on his own form and materialize, taking away the beauty, youth, or even the soul of the girl.


In a sleeping house, in complete silence with a lit candle, put the chain on yourself, rotate it three times clockwise, take it off, shake it in your palms and drop it on the floor. If it falls in a circle - expect a “vicious circle” and troubles, with a stripe - a “lucky streak”, if a knot is tied - troubles or illness, and if it falls in a triangle - to success in love and personal life. Well, if it’s a bow or a heart, then it’s definitely for the wedding.


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