Matveev molecular physics pdf. Molecular physics Matveev A.N. See also other dictionaries

The physics textbook "Molecular Physics" for students of higher educational institutions was written by A.N. Matveev. The manual was published by the Higher School publishing house in 1981. The material of the manual fully complies with the educational standards in physics for students of higher educational institutions in accordance with the year of graduation. The manual is recommended for use by the USSR State Committee for Higher Education.

The material of the manual consists of six sections: static method, electron and photon gases, thermodynamic method, gases with intermolecular interactions and liquids, transfer processes, solids. At the end of each section, tasks of various levels of complexity are given, which help the student to consolidate the material of the manual, master the basic standard algorithms for tasks in physics for a higher school course, and also develop physical logical thinking. Working with the manual is quite simple and convenient, this is achieved by the simplicity of the presentation of the educational material, as well as the presence of a large number of diagrams and illustrations in it, which allow the student to better understand the material, as well as solve problems on the topics of the course.

Students can use the manual at home on their own to prepare for various forms of midterm assessment. The manual can be used in their work by teachers of higher educational institutions to improve efficiency educational process among students. This manual was developed for students of higher educational institutions of a physical profile, but it can also be safely used by students of technical higher educational institutions to broaden their horizons, as well as deepen their knowledge of physics in additional classes or at home on their own.

The manual allows you to significantly expand the horizons of students in physics, deepen their level of knowledge on the subject, and also significantly increase the level of knowledge in physics. Despite the year of issue, this manual remains relevant today, it allows students to master the basic approaches to the classical presentation of topics. training course. When creating the manual, the authors focused on the consistent study of educational material from the simplest to the most complex, one topic is a concise continuation of the other, this allowed students to ensure continuity in learning and the thoroughness of the knowledge gained.

Series: "Textbooks for universities. Special literature"

The book is the second volume of the general physics course (the first volume is "Mechanics and the Theory of Relativity"). The main fundamental concepts and regularities of statistical physics and thermodynamics are stated on the example of molecular systems. A detailed analysis of the classical Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution and its consequences is carried out within the framework of the microcanonical ensemble of systems. The canonical distribution is treated as optional material. The necessary mathematical information and tasks for independent solution with answers are also given. The textbook is intended for students of physical specialties of universities.

Publisher: "Binom. Laboratory of Knowledge" (2010)

Format: 70x100/16, 368 pages

ISBN: 978-5-8114-1007-1

On Ozone

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    Molecular physics is the branch of physics that studies physical properties bodies based on consideration of their molecular structure. The problems of molecular physics are solved by the methods of physical statistics, thermodynamics and physical kinetics, they ... ... Wikipedia

    A branch of physics in which physics are studied. sv va tel in decomp. states of aggregation based on the consideration of their microscopic. (molecular) structure. Tasks of M. f. solved by physical methods. statistics, thermodynamics and physical. kinetics, they are associated with the study of ... ... Physical Encyclopedia

    MOLECULAR physics, a branch of physics that studies the physical properties of bodies in various states of aggregation based on consideration of their molecular structure. The first formed section of molecular physics was the kinetic theory of gases ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

    A branch of physics that studies the physical properties of bodies in various states of aggregation based on consideration of their molecular structure. From molecular physics, solid state physics, physical kinetics, physical ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Exist., number of synonyms: 2 molecules (2) physics (55) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    A branch of physics that studies the physical properties of bodies in various states of aggregation based on consideration of their molecular structure. From molecular physics, solid state physics, physical kinetics, physical ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    A branch of physics that studies the physical properties of bodies in various states of aggregation based on consideration of their microscopic (molecular) structure. Tasks of M. f. are solved by the methods of physical statistics, thermodynamics and ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Molecular physics- molekulinė fizika statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: engl. molecular physics vok. Molekulphysik, f rus. molecular physics, f pranc. physique moléculaire, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas

    A branch of physics in which physics are studied. properties of bodies, features of aggregate states in water (gaseous, liquid and crystalline) and processes of phase transitions depending on the molecular structure of bodies, forces of interaction of molecules (atoms, ions) and ... ... Big encyclopedic polytechnic dictionary

    The branch of physics that studies physical properties of bodies in decomp. states of aggregation based on consideration of their pier. buildings. From M. f. stood out in their own right. sections of physics tv. body, physical kinetics, physical chemistry, etc... Natural science. encyclopedic Dictionary

    PHYSICS. 1. The subject and structure of physics F. the science that studies the simplest and at the same time the most. general properties and the laws of motion of the objects of the material world surrounding us. As a result of this generality, there are no natural phenomena that do not have physical. properties... Physical Encyclopedia

Available in formats: epub | PDF | FB2

Pages: 368

The year of publishing: 2010

Language: Russian

The book is the second volume of the general physics course (the first volume is "Mechanics and the Theory of Relativity"). The main fundamental concepts and regularities of statistical physics and thermodynamics are stated on the example of molecular systems. A detailed analysis of the classical Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution and its consequences is carried out within the framework of the microcanonical ensemble of systems. The canonical distribution is treated as optional material. The necessary mathematical information and tasks for independent solution with answers are also given. The textbook is intended for students of physical specialties of universities.


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Name: Molecular physics. 1981.

The book is the second volume of the general physics course. The first volume "Mechanics and the Theory of Relativity" was published in 1976.
In the book, using the mathematical apparatus available to first-year students of universities, an exposition of all the basic fundamental concepts and regularities of statistical physics is given using the example of molecular systems. The chapter on electron and photon gases analyzes the physical content of various statistics. When considering the properties of gases, liquids and solids, statistical and thermodynamic methods are used, as mutually complementary. In the final chapter, basic information about the thermodynamics of irreversible processes is given.
Designed for the physics departments of universities and universities.

The subject of molecular physics is the study of the molecular form of motion, that is, the motion of large aggregates of molecules. In this case, two sides of the question are equally essential: 1) the study of the features of the molecular form of motion in itself and 2) mastering the methods of studying systems of many particles and the corresponding concepts. The second side of the question goes far beyond its application to the molecular form of motion. However, it is advisable to get acquainted with the basic concepts of statistical physics and thermodynamics precisely on molecular systems, since they are the first to be encountered in everyday practice. This is an important methodological circumstance, because the difficulty of studying many issues is not that they are inherently complex, but that they are not encountered in everyday experience, within which the basic physical concepts and ideas about space and time were developed. For instance, classical mechanics considered simple, and quantum - complex. However, at its core, the problem of inertia is certainly more complicated than the problem of quantization, and understanding why two solid bodies cannot occupy the same place in space is by no means easier than understanding why two fermions cannot have the same set of quantum numbers.

Preface 7
1. Static method.
§ 1. Methods for considering systems of many particles 11
Limits of applicability of the model material point and a perfectly rigid body. Model of the material body. Masses of atoms and molecules. The amount of substance. Aggregate states of matter. The main signs of aggregate states. Ideal gas model. dynamic method. statistical method. Thermodynamic method
§ 2. Mathematical concepts 18
Formulation of the problem. Random events. random variables. Probability. Frequency definition of probability. Probability Density. Adding up the probabilities of mutually exclusive events. Probability normalization. Addition of probabilities in the general case. Conditional Probability. independent events. Probability multiplication formula for many events. The mean value of the discrete random variable. The mean value of a continuously changing quantity. Dispersion. distribution function
§ 3. Macroscopic and microscopic states of the system 33
System definition. macroscopic state. Equilibrium state. microscopic condition. Statistical Ensemble of Systems. Microcanonical Ensemble
§ 4. The postulate of equiprobability and the ergodic hypothesis 35
The difference between microstates. Equivalence postulate. Calculation of ensemble averages. Calculation of time averages. Ergodic hypothesis. Relationship between the postulate of equiprobability and the ergodic hypothesis
§ 5. Probability of a macrostate 43
Probability of a macrostate. Formulas of elementary combinatorics. Calculation of the probability of a macrostate. Stirling formula. formula for macrostate probability. The most probable number of particles. Binomial distribution. Limit forms of the binomial distribution. Poisson distribution
§ 6. Fluctuations 55
The average number of particles in the volume. fluctuations. Relative value
§ 7. Canonical ensemble. Gibbs distribution 60
Speed ​​and energy microstates. Definition of the canonical ensemble. Gibbs distribution, or canonical distribution. Distribution normalization. Calculation of averages. statistical sum. fluctuations
§ 8. Maxwell distribution 65
Two approaches to the study of distribution. Density of states. Maxwell distribution. Temperature. Characteristic velocities of the Maxwell distribution. Gaussian distribution. The frequency of impacts of molecules on the wall. The number of molecules in different parts of the Maxwell distribution. Experimental verification of the Maxwell distribution. Principle of detailed balance
§ 9. Boltzmann distribution 78
Independence of probability densities of particle coordinates and velocities. Boltzmann distribution. A mixture of gases in a vessel. Relationship between Maxwell and Boltzmann distributions. planetary atmosphere. Temperature dependence of the polarization of polar dielectrics. Experimental verification
§ 10. Pressure 87
Basic equation of the kinetic theory of gases. Equation of Clapeyron - Mendeleev. Dalton's Law. Avogadro's law. barometric formula. lifting force. Pressure measurement. Molar and specific values
§ 11. Temperature 95
Thermometric body and thermometric quantity. Temperature scale. Dependence of temperature on thermometric body and thermometric quantity. Thermodynamic temperature scale. Thermometers. International practical temperature scale. zero kelvin
§ 12. Distribution of energy in degrees of freedom SW
Number of degrees of freedom. Bi-dimensional phase space method. Calculation of the average value related to one degree of freedom. Complex particles with many degrees of freedom. Energy equipartition theorem
§ 13. Brownian motion of software
Essence. Random wander. Calculation of the motion of a Brownian particle. Rotational Brownian motion
Tasks 115
2. Thermodynamic method.
§ 14. The first law of thermodynamics 119
Problems of thermodynamics. Job. Heat. Internal energy. First start
§ 15. Differential forms and total differentials 125
differential forms. Full differential
§ 16. Reversible and irreversible processes 129
Processes. Non-equilibrium processes. equilibrium processes. Reversible and irreversible processes
§ 17. Heat capacity
Definition. Internal energy as a function of state. Heat capacity at constant volume. Heat capacity at constant pressure. Relationship between heat capacities. Relationship between the heat capacities of an ideal gas. Heat capacity of an ideal gas. Discrepancy between the theory of heat capacities of an ideal gas and experiment.
§ 18. Processes in ideal gases 140
isobaric process. isochoric process. isothermal process. adiabatic process. Work in an adiabatic process. polytropic process. Polytropic equation
§ 19. Entropy of an ideal gas 148
Definition. The physical meaning of entropy. Calculation of entropy change in ideal gas processes. Specificity of heat as a form of energy
§ 20. Cyclic processes 152
Definition. Cycle work. Coefficient useful action. Carnot cycle. Efficiency of the Carnot cycle. Calculation of efficiency using entropy. Kelvin's formulation of the second law of thermodynamics. Kpausius formulation. Equivalence of the formulation of Kelvin and Clausius. Refrigerator and heater. About other possible cycles
§ 21. Thermodynamic temperature scale 164
Efficiency of reversible machines operating according to the Carnot cycle with identical heaters and refrigerators. Thermodynamic temperature scale. Negative thermodynamic temperature
§ 22. The second law of thermodynamics 171
Second Carnot theorem. Clausius inequality. Entropy. The second law of thermodynamics. Statistical nature of the second law of thermodynamics. Entropy change in irreversible processes.
§ 23. Thermodynamic functions and conditions for thermodynamic stability
Some formulas of mathematics. Definition of thermodynamic function. Thermodynamic identity. Free energy, or Helmholtz function. Gibbs thermodynamic function. Maxwell's relations. Another kind of differentials of internal energy, enthalpy and entropy. Formulas for heat capacities. Experimental data necessary for a complete thermodynamic description of matter. The main criterion for thermodynamic stability. Stability criterion for a system with constant volume and entropy. Stability criterion for a system with constant pressure and entropy. Stability criterion for a system with constant volume and temperature. Stability criterion for a system with constant temperature and pressure. Le Chatelier-Brown principle. Expression of thermodynamic functions in terms of partition function.
Tasks 196
3. Electron and photon gases.
Section 24. Various Models particle behavior
Maxwell-Boltzmann model. Particle indistinguishability. Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac models. Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics formulas as a limiting case of Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics formulas
§ 25. Fermi - Dirac distribution 201
Counting the number of states. Fermi-Dirac distribution. Passage to the limit to the Gibbs distribution. Definition of parameter p. Definition of parameter a
§ 26. Bose - Einstein distribution 204
Counting the number of states. Bose - Einstein distribution
§ 27. Electron gas 205
Free electrons in metals. Determination of the parameter i for the electron gas. Analysis of the Fermi - Dirac distribution. Fermi level. characteristic temperature. Distribution of electron momentum. Velocity distribution of electrons. Energy distribution of electrons. Average energy of electrons. Internal energy and heat capacity
§ 28. Photon gas 212
Black body radiation. Distribution of photons. Frequency distribution of photons. Planck formula. Stefan-Boltzmann law. Wien's displacement law
Tasks 216
4. Gases with intermolecular interaction and liquids.
§ 29. Forces of interaction 219
Bond strengths in molecules. Ionic bond. covalent bond. Intermolecular forces in solids. The structure of liquids. Van der Waals forces. Potential of intermolecular interaction. Molecule systems
§ 30. Transfer from gaseous state to liquid 228
Experimental isotherms. Critical condition. Region of two-phase states. Saturated steam. Density of saturated steam. Lever rule. Critical state properties. Critical opalescence. Behavior of a two-phase system with a change in temperature at constant volume
§ 31. Equation of Clapeyron - Clausius 234
Derivation of the equation. Phase diagram. Scope of applicability. Approximate integral of the Clapeyron - Clausius equation
§ 32. Van der Waals Equation 237
Deviation of properties of gases from ideal. Compressibility. Virial equation of state. Van der Waals equation. virial form. Properties of polynomials of the third degree. Equation isotherms. metastable states. Critical parameters. The law of corresponding states. Comparison of the van der Waals equation with experimental data. Internal energy of van der Waals gas. On the interpretation of the quantities included in the van der Waals equation. Equation of state based on the virial theorem.
§ 33. Joule-Thomson effect 253
The physical essence of the effect. Calculation of the differential effect of Joule - Thomson. integrated effect. Joule-Thomson effect in van der Waals gas. Liquefaction of gases. Properties of matter near 0 K
§ 34. Surface tension 262
Free surface energy. Surface tension. The mechanism of its occurrence. Equilibrium conditions at the boundary of two liquids. Equilibrium conditions at the liquid-solid boundary. Pressure under a curved surface. capillary phenomena. Surfactants
§ 35. Evaporation and boiling of liquids 271
Evaporation. dynamic balance. The vapor-liquid system. Saturated vapor pressure near a curved liquid surface. Boiling. superheated liquid. bubble chambers. supercooled steam. cloud chamber
§ 36. Structure of liquids. Liquid crystals 278
Pair distribution function. Calculation of potential energy. Dependence of liquid properties on the structure of molecules. liquid crystals. Types of liquid crystals. Smectics. Nematics. cholesterics. Properties and application
§ 37. Liquid solutions 285
Definition. Quantitative characteristics. Solubility. Heat of dissolution. ideal solutions. Raul's Law. Henry's Law. Temperature dependence of solubility. Solution State Diagrams
§ 38. Boiling liquid solutions 289
Peculiarities of solution boiling. State diagrams of binary mixtures. Separation of the components of the solution. Increasing the boiling point of a solution
§ 39. Osmotic pressure 291
Origin mechanism. Regularities of osmotic pressure. Manifestation of osmotic pressure
§ 40. Chemical potential and phase equilibrium 293
chemical potential. Equilibrium conditions. Chemical potential for single component phase
§ 41. Rule of phases 296
Problem. phase rule. State diagrams.
Tasks 297
5. Solids.
§ 42. Symmetries of rigid bodies 301
Solids. Definition of symmetry. Axis of symmetry of the nth order. Plane of symmetry. center of symmetry. Mirror-pivot axis and -ro order. Point symmetry groups. Mirror isomers
§ 43. Crystal lattices 304
The need for a periodic structure. Primitive lattice. Ambiguity in the choice of a basis for a primitive lattice. translational symmetry. Spatial groups. Lattice Symmetry Elements. Crystal classes. Symmetries of complex lattices. Crystallographic coordinate systems. Designation of atomic planes. Designation of directions
§ 44. Defects in crystal lattices 312
Definition. point defects. Locations
Section 45. Mechanical properties solids 313
Deformations. The deformation tensor. Elastic stresses. Poisson's ratio. All-round stretching or compression. Relationship between bulk modulus and Young's modulus. Relationship between shear modulus and Young's modulus. Plastic deformation. Fluidity. Molecular Strength Mechanism
§ 46. Heat capacity of solids 321
classical theory. Heat capacity at low temperature. Einstein model. Einstein temperature. Insufficiency of Einstein's theory. Elementary excitations. Normal mods. Phonons. Debye model. dispersion relation. Determination of the number of modes. Density mod. Heat capacity at low temperature. Debye temperature. Heat capacity at an arbitrary temperature. Derivation of the formula for the heat capacity based on the concepts of phonons. Heat capacity of metals
§ 47. Crystallization and melting 334
Definition. Crystallization and sublimation. Phase diagrams. anomalous substances. Surfaces in p, V, T coordinates. Liquid helium. Polymorphism. Phase transitions of the first and second kind
§ 48. Alloys and solid solutions 343
Definition. Alloys. Solid solutions
§ 49. Polymers 345
Introduction. macromolecules. Classification of macromolecules. The formation of macromolecules. Conformation of macromolecules. Crystal structure of polymers. Folding chains. Form of macromolecular crystals. Defects
Tasks 352
6. Transfer processes.
§ 50. Types of transfer processes 355
Relaxation time. Thermal conductivity. Diffusion. Viscosity
§ 51. Kinematic characteristics of molecular motion 356 Cross section. Average free path. Experimental determination of the collision cross section. collision frequency. Collision cross section in hard sphere model. Average run length
§ 52. Transport processes in gases 363
General transport equation. Thermal conductivity. Viscosity. Self-diffusion. Relationship between the coefficients characterizing the transport equation. Mutual diffusion in a gas from different molecules. thermal diffusion. Gibbs paradox
§ 53. Relaxation times 374
Formulation of the problem. Diffusion equation depending on time. Heat equation depending on time. Relaxation time. Relaxation time for concentration. Relaxation time for temperature. Stationary and non-stationary problems of heat conduction and diffusion
§ 54. Physical phenomena in rarefied gases 378
Vacuum. Heat transfer at low pressures. Diffusion at low pressures. Friction at low pressures. Vessels communicating through a porous septum. Exchange of molecules of various sorts through a porous partition. Interaction of molecules with the surface of a solid body
§ 55. Transport phenomena in solids 383
Diffusion. Thermal conductivity. External thermal conductivity
§ 56. Transport phenomena in liquids 386
Diffusion. Thermal conductivity. Viscosity
§ 57. Elements of thermodynamics of irreversible processes 388
Problems of thermodynamics of irreversible processes. Flows and acting forces. Related threads. Onsager reciprocity relations. Entropy production. Choice of flows and acting forces. Entropy production in heat flow. Production of entropy by electric current. Equations for thermoelectric phenomena. Seebeck effect. Related electricity and heat flow. Peltier effect Thomson effect. Thermocouple
Tasks 396
Appendix 1. SI units used in molecular physics 397
Appendix 2. Physical constants 398
Index 399

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Volume 1. Kittel C. Knight W. Ruderman M. Mechanics. 12.6 MB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Download

Volume 2. Purcell E. Electricity and magnetism. 13.9 MB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Download

Volume 3. Crawford F. Waves. 15.6 MB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Download

Volume 4. Vihman E. Quantum physics. 12.8 MB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Download

Volume 5. Reif F. Statistical Physics. 7.0 MB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Download

A. Portis. Physical laboratory. 1972 322 pages djvu. 8.0 Mb.
The book makes an original attempt to create a laboratory practice corresponding to the spirit of modern physical research, based on modern electronic methods of observation and measurement.
When creating the workshop, the authors proceeded from the fact that a significant part theoretical issues can be explained with the help of analogies and that this particular method of presentation is best suited for a laboratory course. Therefore, this physics workshop is very different from other workshops created under the influence of historical traditions and research methods.
Ideologically connected with the five-volume Berkeley Course in Physics, the book is essentially its integral part.
She may be good source laboratory work for other courses both at universities and technical universities.
The book discusses and explains in detail many physical problems, which is of independent interest in the study of general physics, not associated with either the Berkeley course or the practical work.

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10. Paul. Course of general physics in 3 volumes. djvu.

Volume 1. Mechanics, acoustics, the doctrine of heat. 10.7 MB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Download

Volume 2. The doctrine of electricity. 12.1 MB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Download

Volume 3. Optics and Atomic Physics. 10.7 MB. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Download

10. L. Cooper. Physics for everyone. In 2 volumes. 1973 djvu. 9.2 MB.
The book of one of the prominent American physicists, Nobel Prize winner Leon Cooper contains a popular exposition of all physics: from the mechanics of Galileo - Newton to quantum mechanics and the theory of elementary particles. The author does not confine himself to a simple consideration of certain branches of physics, but analyzes the foundations of physical phenomena, finds out the connection between them. L. Cooper brilliantly uses the pen of a popularizer, so that even complex things he presents simply, lively and exciting.
Volume 1 covers the "classical" sections of physics: mechanics, optics, electricity, molecular physics and thermodynamics, considered from the standpoint of modern science.
Volume 2 covers the following issues: the theory of relativity, elements of quantum mechanics, the structure of the atom and the atomic nucleus, elementary particle physics and other problems of physics in recent years.
Vol. 1. 483 pages 11.3 Mb. Vol. 2. 384 pp. 9.2 MB.
The relevant sections of this book should be read before you began to read general physics according to I.V. Saveliev or another textbook.

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11. K.A. Putilov. Physics course. In 3 volumes. 1963 djvu.
This three-volume physics course is intended as a textbook for higher educational institutions with an extended program of physics. The first volume outlines the physical foundations of mechanics, acoustics, molecular physics and thermodynamics, the second - the doctrine of electricity, the third - optics and atomic physics. The main attention is paid to the achievements of experimental physics, the explanation of the basic laws of physics and the characteristics of the technical applications of physics. Historical information is given and some philosophical questions of physics are considered.
Volume 1. 560 pages 15.9 Mb. Volume 2. 583 pages 18.1 pages Volume 3. 639 pages 18.3 Mb. Together with Fabrikant.

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12. Chernoutsan A. I. A short course in physics. 2002 320 pages djvu. 3.2 MB.
The book contains a concise presentation of all the main issues of the physics course included in the training programs for bachelors and specialists in engineering and physics specialties of technical universities. It does not pretend to be the main textbook, but is a useful addition to the well-known physics courses listed in the bibliography. It is convenient to use it to repeat the material covered immediately before the test, colloquium or exam, as well as to quickly restore forgotten material in memory. The book will be useful not only for students, but also for teachers, as well as for those engineers and researchers who need to remember certain sections of a forgotten physics course.

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13. Lozovsky V. N. Physics course. T. 1. 2000. 580 pages 4.8 MB.
The textbook is compiled taking into account the requirements of state educational standards for technical specialties of higher educational institutions. Its content base corresponds to the basic program in the discipline "Physics" for technical universities, approved by the Presidium of the Scientific and Technical Council Russian Federation for higher education. This textbook is recognized as one of the winners of the competition for the creation of new textbooks in general natural sciences for higher educational institutions.
The textbook is intended for students of technical specialties.
I did not find the second volume. If you know where, write. The first volume includes Mechanics, Molecular, Electricity, Optics. So what is missing is only atomic and nuclear physics.

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14. D. Giancoli. Physics. In 2 volumes. 1989 dgvu.
Volume 1. 859 pages 8.7 Mb. Volume 1 deals with kinematics, dynamics, hydrodynamics, oscillations, waves, sound, and thermodynamics.
Volume 2. 673 pages 8.8 Mb. Volume 2 discusses: electricity, magnetism, optics, the special theory of relativity, the theory of elementary particles.
Written in a lively and fascinating form, the book by an American scientist covers a large amount of material on all sections of the classical and modern physics. The presentation uses the foundations of differential and integral calculus. Each chapter is provided with well-chosen tasks and questions indicating the category of difficulty.
For high school students who want to study the course of physics in more depth, for first-year students of natural science and technical universities, for teachers of secondary schools and first-year students of universities, as well as for everyone who wants to expand their knowledge about the world around us.
I recommend this course not only to junior students, but also to their teachers. In this course, in the second volume, questions are considered that are not even mentioned in other widely used textbooks. The course contains pictures with demonstrations that are shown when reading a general physics course. The presentation is as clear as possible.
I can only express my regret that school teachers they read all sorts of rubbish about the exam and do not read such books.

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15. P. A. Tipler and R. A. Llewellyn. Modern physics. In 2 volumes. 2007 dgvu.
Volume 1. 497 pages 8.5 Mb. Volume 1 deals with the theory of relativity, the structure of the atom, the foundations of quantum mechanics, and statistical physics.
Volume 2. 417 pages 7.3 Mb. Volume 2 discusses the structure of molecules and spectra, solid state physics, nuclear physics, nuclear reactions and their applications, and the theory of elementary particles.
The book of well-known American authors contains a consistent presentation of the final sections of general physics, including the latest results obtained at the turn of the 21st century.

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16. N. V. Gulia. Amazing physics. What the textbooks missed. 2005 year. chm. 11.8 MB.
The book of the famous Russian scientist and popularizer of science, Doctor of Technical Sciences. Professor Gulia Nurbey Vladimirovich "Amazing Physics". The book is designed to surprise the reader - that's how unfamiliar, full of secrets and paradoxes this physics is! That's how much unusual and mysterious in it, how many questions received a new, different interpretation than in textbooks. Many of the provisions of physics, which seemed dry, purely abstract, are materially confirmed by examples from wildlife, technology, new inventions and discoveries.
From the conclusion:
Therefore, even luminaries in narrow specialties need general physics, at least as an annotation or table of contents to the huge and incomprehensible “Book of Sciences” by one person, so as not to get confused in simple but unfamiliar things, to understand what is happening nearby, in a neighboring department, in a neighboring laboratory .
In a word, general physics went through the second round of its spiral development, no longer as the progenitor of all natural, and then technical sciences, but rather as a guide to them.
And the author wishes the reader, if possible, not to get lost in this boundless scientific ocean, although he would not advise looking for a single, short and straight road in science either. Because most often only dead ends are short and straight. So, with physics - to a happy creative life!
And I advise you to read it.

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17. Marion J. B. Physics and the physical world. 1975 628 pp. djvu. 24.2 Mb..
The book is an introductory overview of all modern physics, from the well-established classical sections of it to the latest achievements in the field of elementary particle physics and astrophysics. The author set a goal to bring the reader to the fundamental ideas of physics and to reveal some of modern concepts developed in the middle of the 20th century. With this task, he coped brilliantly. The book is written quite strictly, with great pedagogical skill. It shows the beauty, romance and greatness of scientific research. The author does not use higher mathematics, the presentation is accompanied by numerous examples and illustrative drawings. The book will be read with pleasure by the widest range of readers: engineers and scientists, teachers of higher and high school, students and high school students.
I recommend it especially to those who have difficulty with physics. But the book is also useful for teachers of physics.

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18. V.F. Dmitrieva, V.L. Prokofiev. Fundamentals of physics. Uch. allowance. year 2001. 527 pp. djvu. 11.9 MB.
This textbook is considered self-sufficient, because it contains theoretical questions of the course of physics, told from modern positions, examples of problem solving in all sections of the course, tasks for independent solution, and all the important reference material. Emphasis is placed on the presentation of the main ideas and methods of physical science. The role of solid experiments in the formation of progressive physics is shown. Explanations of physical phenomena, fundamental laws and concepts are given with a view to their subsequent use for solving actual problems.
The best book if you have one day left to prepare for the exam.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Download

19. Ledenev A. N. Physics. Textbook for universities. In 5 books. djvu. Book. 1. Mechanics. 2005. 240 pages 2.2 Mb.
Book. 2.Molecular physics and thermodynamics. 2005. 208 pages 1.66 Mb.
Dear A.N., for 30 years of work I have looked at many textbooks. You did an excellent job with the task in the preface. Both books are very clear. I did not find a continuation on the network, and also your patronymic name. If you have an electronic version of other volumes, could you send them for placement. I will be very grateful, and all the students too.
If someone can send books or a download link, please help. You can leave the link as a guest.

Download 1

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NEW. 20. Kingsep A.S., Tsipenyuk Yu.M. editors. Fundamentals of physics. Course of general physics. Textbook. In 2 volumes. year 2001. djvu.
Volume 1. 560 pages. Mechanics, electricity and magnetism, oscillations and waves, wave optics.
Volume 2. 504 pages. Quantum and statistical physics, thermodynamics. In the final section, the evolution of our views from the classical to the quantum system of describing nature is analyzed, the question of the origin of the world and the behavior of matter under extreme conditions is discussed.
This textbook - the winner of the competition of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation - is addressed to students of technical universities with in-depth study of physics, as well as students of physics and mathematics departments of classical universities. The presentation is carried out at the modern level with a fairly high degree of formalization, but the reader is not expected to have mathematical training that goes beyond the technical university - all the necessary additional information is included directly in this course. The course corresponds to the undergraduate program in technical specialties.
The material is presented in sufficient detail and clearly.

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