Who was the USSR people's commissar of defense. Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov. Curriculum Vitae. The thinker of the new army

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THE PEOPLE'S DEFENSE COMMISSARIAT OF THE USSR - the highest military department in the 1930-1940s.

Ob-ra-zo-van in-st-nov-le-ni-em of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR dated 06/20/1934 by-m-pre-ob-ra-zo-va-nia sa-ria-ta in the military and naval affairs of the USSR. At the head of the NKO and the Red Army, he was a narc-com about-ro-ny, in the capacity of a co-ve -the careful or-ga-na with him was the military council. The decisions of the Military Council-ve-that ut-ver-were-awaited by the nar-com and pro-in-di-lied into his life.

At the non-profit organization of the USSR, they asked for-da-chi, connected with the defending country: the development of the development plans, the builder -st-va, in-arms of the Red Army; or-ga-ni-za-tion and builder-st-in all su-ho-put-naval and air forces, the leadership of their combat and political sub- go-to-coy; operational use of troops; development and co-ver-shen-st-vo-va-va-va-va-va-va-va-va-va-va-va-va-va-va-va-va means of armament and combat technology; or-ga-ni-za-tion against-air-airborne defense, defense construction; pro-ve-de-nie pri-zyv-vows-zh-dan, training of personal co-staff and to-prizyv-nikov.

The composition of the NKO of the USSR included: the Headquarters of the Red Army (from 22.09.1935, the General Staff of the Red Army); management of the Red Army (poly-li-ti-che-sko, ad-min-ni-st-ra-tiv-no-mo-bi-lization, intelligence, naval forces, air forces, av-to-bro-no-tan-ko-voe, military-training-defense, artillery, communications, tele-me-ha-ni ki, engineering, chemical, military-economic, sa-ni-tar-noe, ve-te-ri-nar-noe, construction-no-quarters); the head-nickname of the military-ru-zh of the Red Army; from de-la NPO of the USSR (iso-bre-te-niy, stan-dar-ti-zation, according to the re-mon-ti-ro-va-niyu of the horse company, from -da-tel-st-va); in-spec-to-ra (pe-ho-you, ka-va-le-rii, art-til-le-ri, military-training departments, air force, navy, av -that-bro-not-tan-to-s troops, physical training and sports). Under the NKO of the USSR, there were: Management according to the initial staff of the Red Army, the financial department, the group of control -la, Office of the de-la-mi.

In connection with the ob-ra-zo-va-ni-eh 12/30/1937 N-kind-no-go-mis-sa-ria-ta Vo-en-no-Sea-go Flo-ta The USSR from the staff of the NKO of the USSR was-de-le-no Management of the Navy of the Red Army. The Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on 03/13/1938, under the NKO of the USSR, there was the Chief Military Council of the Red Army, on some -la-ga-las-vet-vene-ness for the completion of the directives for the preparation of the defense of the country and the military tel-st-woo.

In July-le - August 1940, the implementation of the central app-pa-ra-ta, taking into account an increase in the strength and number of the armed forces. The management, for-not-being-shy, contiguous in-pro-sa-mi, were-were-e-di-not-us in the main directorates. The number of the most important organs of the NKO of the USSR increased. The number of military personnel and employees in the General Staff of the Red Army has grown more than 2 times. In the first half of 1941, there were re-ve-de-nas to new staffs with an increase in the personal staff of the Main Directorate political pro-pa-gandy and the Main Directorate of the Air Force. Directorate of air defense of the country was pre-ob-ra-zo-va-but to the Main Directorate of Air Defense. In June 1941, the form-mi-ro-va-tion of the Office of the Airborne Forces began.

Russian heroic calendar

Site about military and labor exploits committed in the interests of Russia
and her allies in our days and in the great past of their native Fatherland.

During the war, the activities of the people's commissariats of the USSR were subordinated to the State Defense Committee of the USSR, which did not have its own apparatus and relied on the administrative resources of the people's commissariats.
By decree of the State Defense Committee on October 15, 1941, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, together with other bodies state power and management, was evacuated to Kuibyshev, however I.V. Stalin, being the chairman of the USSR State Defense Committee and the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command, remained in Moscow. As chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, Stalin supervised the organization of military production, the partisan movement, the restoration of the economy in the regions liberated from the German occupation, and also dealt with other issues within the scope of the government of the USSR.

Stalin became People's Commissar of Defense

Post-war feat of General Khryukin

On July 19, 1953, Timofei Timofeevich Khryukin (born 21.06.1910), Colonel General of Aviation, Commander of the Air Force, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, died.

He began the war as commander of the Air Force of the 12th Army. In August 1941, he was appointed commander of the Air Force of the newly created Karelian Front. His task was to organize air cover for the Kirovskaya railroad... In June 1942, Lieutenant General Khryukin was appointed commander of the Air Force of the Southwestern Front, later reorganized into the 8th Air Army. Under his leadership, the pilots fought near Kharkov, Stalingrad, Rostov-on-Don, at the turn of the Mius Front, in the Crimea. On the initiative of Khryukin, a regiment of aces was created near Stalingrad - the 9th Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment. Khryukin introduced the tactics of attack aviation from medium altitudes, developed in the army. He developed plans for major air force operations (the first was during the counteroffensive at Stalingrad). In July 1944 he led the 1st Air Army of the 3rd Belorussian Front. Participated in the liberation of Belarus and the Baltic states, in operations in East Prussia. In 1944, on the initiative and with the active participation of Khryukin, the restoration of the All-Union pioneer camp "Artek", destroyed by the Nazis, began in the Crimea. Since August 1946 - Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force for Combat Training. Since July 1947 - Commander of the 7th Air Force. From April 1949 - Commander of the Air Defense Forces of the Baku Region. In September 1950, after graduating from the Military Academy of the General Staff, he was appointed Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force for universities.

During the exercise, Khryukin was driving to the headquarters. Suddenly, a group of women was on the road. The driver did not have time to slow down. Then Khryukin grabbed the steering wheel and directed the car into a ditch. Doctors saved his life, but the accident severely undermined his health. He died on July 19, 1953 from the injuries received... Buried in Moscow at the Novodevichy cemetery.

June 13

On this day:

On June 13, 1878, Ivan Afanasyevich AMOSOV (born November 24, 1800), an outstanding Russian shipbuilder, engineer-general, who supervised the construction of the first propeller-driven frigate Archimedes in Russia, died.

In memory of the shipbuilder Amosov

On June 13, 1878, Ivan Afanasyevich AMOSOV (born November 24, 1800), an outstanding Russian shipbuilder, engineer-general, who supervised the construction of the first propeller-driven frigate Archimedes in Russia, died.

Amosov played an important role in strengthening the combat capability of the Baltic Fleet, in improving the seaworthiness, weapons and strength of ships. Many of the ships built by Amosov were examples of the shipbuilding technology of that time.

He died in 1878 and was buried in St. Petersburg at the Bolsheokhtinskoye cemetery.

Kimberlite pipe "Mir"

On June 13, 1955, Soviet geologists Yekaterina Elagina, Vladimir Avdeenko and Yuri Khabardin, during a complex expedition in the taiga 850 kilometers north-west of Yakutsk, discovered the richest diamond-bearing kimberlite pipe, which they, in association with the pipe of the world of the American Indians, gave the name "Peace ".

Kimberlite pipe "Mir"

On June 13, 1955, Soviet geologists Yekaterina Elagina, Vladimir Avdeenko and Yuri Khabardin, during a complex expedition in the taiga 850 kilometers north-west of Yakutsk, discovered the richest diamond-bearing kimberlite pipe, which they, in association with the pipe of the world of the American Indians, gave the name "Peace ".

After long wanderings in the taiga, Vladimir Avdeenko found a diamond on the Irelyakh river, washing out the concentrate. Ekaterina Elagina recalled: "The next day, they moved the camp to the place of Volodina's discovery and began to ransack this section of the river. Soon, with enthusiastic cries, they began to find diamonds, hide them in paper bags, enter the finds in a field diary and hide them at the bottom of a field bag."

In order to avoid publicity, the radiogram, which the Yakut driver took to the neighboring fur farm, which had a connection with outside world, sounded like this: "We lit a pipe of peace zpt tobacco excellent point Avdeenko zpt Elagin zpt Khabardin point." Subsequently, the world's largest diamond quarry and the city of Mirny appeared on this site. A 342.5 carat (68 grams) diamond was found here in December 1980.

On June 13, 1961, in Kaluga, Yuri Gagarin laid the foundation stone for the building of the world's first museum of cosmonautics. The museum was opened to the public in 1967. It was determined by the scientific and methodological center for the coordination of the activities of the museums of the USSR of the space profile, and in 1979 it received the status of a research institution.

The world's first Museum of Cosmonautics

On June 13, 1961, in Kaluga, Yuri Gagarin laid the foundation stone for the building of the world's first museum of cosmonautics. The museum was opened to the public in 1967. It was determined by the scientific and methodological center for the coordination of the activities of the museums of the USSR of the space profile, and in 1979 it received the status of a research institution.

In 1993, the Tsiolkovsky State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics was classified as one of the largest cultural and educational institutions of particular social significance. Since June 21, 1973, on the territory of the Kaluga Museum of Cosmonautics, an original copy of the Vostok rocket and space complex, which was in reserve during the launch of Gagarin's Vostok-1, has been exhibited. The expositions of the museum reveal the history of aeronautics, aviation, rocket and space technology. The scientific heritage of Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, the founder of theoretical cosmonautics, a prominent inventor, author of works on philosophy and sociology, is presented in an exhaustive way. The images of the technology of the future (airplane, airship, rocket, ethereal settlements), substantiated by scientists, are presented. Since 1966, the museum has been holding Scientific Readings in memory of K.E. Tsiolkovsky.

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In 1904 he became a member of the Lugansk Bolshevik Committee. In 1905 he took the place of chairman of the Lugansk Soviet, led the workers' strike, the creation of military squads.

In 1906, Kliment Voroshilov was a delegate to the IV Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP) in Stockholm, where he met Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin.

In the period from 1907 to 1917. conducted underground party work, was repeatedly arrested, served exile in the Arkhangelsk province and the Cherdyn region.

During the February Revolution of 1917, Voroshilov was elected to the Petrograd Soviet of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies. At the III Congress of Soviets, he was elected to the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK), was appointed Commissar of Petrograd and, together with Felix Dzerzhinsky, was involved in organizing the All-Russian emergency commission(VChK).

In years Civil war Voroshilov was engaged in the formation of units of the Red Army, commanded a number of armies, took part in the defense of Tsaritsyn.

Since 1919, Kliment Voroshilov was appointed People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, where he organized punitive operations to eliminate Ukrainian national detachments.

Together with Semyon Budyonny, he was among the main organizers of the 1st Cavalry Army (November 1919) and a member of the Army's Revolutionary Military Council. He remained in this post throughout the last period of the Civil War - until May 1921.

At the head of a group of delegates to the X Congress of the RCP (b) in 1921, Voroshilov participated in the suppression of the Kronstadt uprising. Since 1921 - member of the Central Committee of the RCP (b). In 1921-1924. - Member of the South-Eastern Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP (b), commander of the North Caucasian Military District. Supervised the destruction of the rebels in the Caucasus.

Since 1924 Voroshilov was the commander of the troops of the Moscow Military District and a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR.

In June 1924 - December 1925. - Member of the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b). In the internal party struggle, he always spoke from the position of the party majority, supported Stalin in his struggle for power in the party and the state.

In 1925 he became Deputy People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs, and after the death of People's Commissar Mikhail Frunze was appointed People's Commissar for Military and Naval Affairs and chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council (RVS USSR). In 1926 Voroshilov was elected a member of the Politburo.

In the 1930s. he took part in a campaign of repression against military personnel.

In 1934, Kliment Voroshilov took the post of People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR. In November 1935 he was awarded the title of Marshal of the Soviet Union.

After the war with Finland, which showed weak combat readiness of the Red Army, in 1940 Voroshilov was removed from the post of People's Commissar of Defense, appointed Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars (SNK) and Chairman of the Defense Committee under the SNK of the USSR (remained in this post until May 1941) ... He was assigned to oversee the defense industries.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Voroshilov first commanded the troops of the North-West direction, then - the Leningrad Front; for the inability to lead the troops, he was removed from the post of front commander.

Subsequently, he held positions not directly related to the leadership of the troops (representative of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command on the Volkhov Front, chairman of the Armistice Commission, etc.). In 1943 he took part in the work of the Tehran conference.

1945-1947 served as chairman of the Allied Control Commission in Hungary.

From 1946 to 1953 Voroshilov was deputy chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers. From March 1953 to May 1960 - Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

After Stalin's death, he supported the opponents of Khrushchev, was a member of the so-called "anti-party group" (1956-1957). At the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU in June 1957, when the defeat of the "group" became obvious, Voroshilov repented in his speech, admitted his mistake and condemned the factionalists.

In May 1960, "for health reasons" Kliment Voroshilov was relieved of his post as chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, but remained a member of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet. In July 1960 he was removed from the Central Committee Presidium, and in October 1961 he was no longer elected a member of the CPSU Central Committee.

In 1961 Voroshilov addressed the XXII Congress of the CPSU with a letter in which he once again admitted his mistakes and his participation in organizing repressions. After Leonid Brezhnev came to power, he again became a member of the Central Committee of the CPSU.

Marshal Voroshilov received many awards, he was twice awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (1956, 1968), was among the eleven people who were awarded both highest degrees of distinction of the Soviet Union - Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Socialist Labor (he received the last title in 1960. ).

There is a monument on Voroshilov's grave; several cities and towns bore his name at different times. In 1932, the title "Voroshilovsky shooter" was established, a series of heavy tanks (KV - Klim Voroshilov) was named in his honor. The name of Kliment Voroshilov in 1941-1958 and 1969-1991. was worn by the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

Kliment Voroshilov was married to Golda Davidovna Gorbman, whom he met in exile in the Arkhangelsk region in 1909. In order to marry, his wife converted to Orthodoxy and changed her name (after the wedding - Ekaterina Davidovna Voroshilova).

They did not have children of their own, and Voroshilov and his wife raised their son and daughter Mikhail Frunze, as well as their adopted son Peter, from whom they had two grandchildren.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

The history of such a totalitarian superpower as the Soviet Union contains many both heroic and dark pages. This could not but leave an imprint on the biographies of those who made it. Among such personalities is Kliment Voroshilov. He lived a long life, which was not devoid of heroism, but at the same time there are many human lives on his conscience, since it is his signature that is on many execution lists.

Kliment Voroshilov: biography

One of the darkest pages in Voroshilov's biography was his participation in the suppression of 1921. After these events, he was appointed a member of the South-Eastern Bureau of the Party Central Committee, as well as the commander of the North Caucasian Military District.

From 1924 to 1925 he was the commander of the Moscow Military District and a member of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR.

Few people know that during the same period Voroshilov patronized the Bolshoi Theater and was known as a great lover of ballet.

At the post of People's Commissar of Defense

After the death of M. Frunze, Voroshilov became the chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR and headed the country's naval department, and in 1934-1940 - the People's Commissariat of Defense of the Soviet Union.

In total, he held this post for almost 15 years, which is a kind of record for the Soviet period. Voroshilov Kliment Efremovich (1881-1969) had a reputation as the most devoted supporter of Stalin and provided him with effective support in the fight against Trotsky. In October 1933, he went with a government delegation to Turkey, where, together with Ataturk, he hosted a military parade in Ankara.

In November 1935, by decision of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, he was awarded the newly established title of Marshal of the Soviet Union.

After 5 years, he was removed from the post of People's Commissar, as he did not live up to Stalin's expectations during the Finnish War. However, Voroshilov was not dismissed, but was appointed head of the Defense Committee under the Council of People's Commissars of the Soviet Union.

Participation of Kliment Voroshilov in the Stalinist repressions

Death and burial

Kliment Voroshilov, whose career growth in the last decades of his life stalled due to senile weaknesses, died on December 2, 1969 at the age of 89. The marshal was buried in the capital, near the Kremlin wall, on Red Square. According to contemporaries, this was the first such large-scale funeral ceremony of farewell to statesman USSR in the twenty years that have passed since the funeral of Zhdanov.

Family and Children

Voroshilov's wife Kliment Efremovich - Golda Davidovna Gorbman - was of the Jewish faith, but for the sake of a wedding with her beloved she was baptized and took the name Catherine. Such an act aroused the anger of the girl's Jewish relatives, who even cursed her. In 1917, Ekaterina Davidovna joined the RSDLP and for many years worked as deputy director of the V.I.Lenin Museum.

It so happened that in the friendly Voroshilov family there were no children of their own. However, they took into the upbringing of the children of MV Frunze, who remained orphans: Timur, who died at the front in 1942, and Tatiana. In addition, in 1918, the couple adopted the boy Peter, who later became a famous designer and rose to the rank of lieutenant general. From him, the couple had 2 grandchildren - Vladimir and Klim.


Klim Voroshilov is the holder of almost all the highest awards of the USSR. Including he twice received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

He has 8 Orders of Lenin and 6 Orders of the Red Banner and many other awards, including those from foreign countries. In particular, the military leader is a hero of the Mongolian People's Republic, holder of the Grand Cross of Finland, and also an honorary citizen of the Turkish city of Izmir.


During his lifetime, K.E. Voroshilov became the most famous military leader of the Civil War, in whose honor songs were composed, collective farms, ships, factories, etc. were named.

Several cities were named in his honor:

  • Voroshilovgrad (Lugansk) was renamed twice and returned its historical name only in 1990.
  • Voroshilovsk (Alchevsk). In this city, the marshal began his labor and party activities in his youth.
  • Voroshilov (Ussuriysk, Primorsky Territory).
  • Voroshilovsk (Stavropol, from 1935 to 1943).

In addition, the Khoroshevsky district of the capital and the central district of the city Donetsk.

To this day, there are Voroshilov streets in dozens of cities the former USSR... These include Goryachy Klyuch, Togliatti, Brest, Orenburg, Penza, Ershov, Serpukhov, Korosten, Angarsk, Voronezh, Khabarovsk, Klintsy, Kemerovo, Lipetsk, Rybinsk, St. Petersburg, Simferopol, Chelyabinsk and Izhevsk. There is also Voroshilovsky prospect in Rostov-on-Don.

The most well-aimed shooters, approved at the end of 1932 and named "Voroshilovsky shooter", deserve special mention for the award. According to the recollections of people whose youth fell on the pre-war years, wearing it was prestigious, and young people always strove to be awarded such a badge.

In honor of Klim Efremovich, a series of KV tanks produced at the Putilov plant was also named, and in 1941-1992 the Military Academy of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces was named after him.

The monument to Kliment Voroshilov is installed on his grave. And in Moscow, at number 3 on Romanov Lane, there is a memorial plaque announcing this.

Now you know some facts of the biography of the famous Soviet military leader and party leader Klim Efremovich Voroshilov. An excellent family man and a great patriot of his homeland, he, nevertheless, during the years of Stalin's repressions, sent several thousand people to death, most of whom were not guilty of what they were accused of and said to be shot.

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