Play CS: GO for real money. CS GO - a game for money: how to make money on entertainment Earn money playing cs go

Today, computer games are one of the most popular pastime, which captivates absolutely all people, of any age and gender, of any profession and employment. However, now the fight against piracy is being conducted more and more actively, so even if you did not want to purchase computer games, now it is becoming more and more important.

Naturally, many people initially choose to buy games to pay tribute to the developers, and to enjoy the full capabilities of the game, which will launch with you with 100% probability, and if necessary, you will receive all the required technical support. However, not everyone is ready to pay the money they earn for the games, and many of the players still do not earn it on their own in order to spend it like that. That is why you should consider purchasing the CS: GO game and improving your skills in it. Because now you will learn how to make money on "KS: GO".

Yes, you heard right, on computer games you can earn, and it comes not necessarily about cash prizes for major tournaments, because to win there you need to be the best in the world. This is the usual small income that you can get just by playing your favorite game. Well, if you were not aware of this, then you should definitely learn more about how to make money on "CS: GO".

Drop in the game

If you want to know how to make money on "CS: GO", then you should immediately understand where exactly your main source of income may come from, especially if you do not plan to invest in this event.

So, you can just play this project for your own pleasure, compete with opponents and so on, but all this is happening just to raise your spirits. Most people still, if they buy "CS: GO", they are aware that there is a drop of things in the game. This means that during the game you may get random things that you can either use in the process, if you want, and if not, they will be in your inventory in the "Steam" (of course, we are talking about the official version of the game, and not about the pirate, which, in fact, is useless, since you will not even be able to fight with living opponents - and this is the whole point of the game). And the longer you play, the more often things start to fall out to you, and the more likely it is that you will come across something expensive and good. So if you want to know how to make money on "CS: GO" without investing large sums of money, then you should always remember about the drop - almost all the methods that will be proposed in this article will revolve around it.


The first thing that will be discussed in this article is not how to earn skins in "CS: GO", as many who are even a little familiar with the project might think. Yes, skins drop is a very important part of the trade policy of gamers who are fond of this shooter, but it's still worth starting with the operations that were introduced not so long ago. What is their essence?

You need to pay a certain amount of money, which will give you access to the operation - a set of tasks that you can complete, and during each of them you are guaranteed to have at least one drop. For comparison: without operations, a drop happens once every few hours of the game, but here, with a high level of your skills and good team selection, you can get several things in an hour. Operations have an expiration date, so you should take care to buy them when they are just starting, and complete the tasks as soon as possible in order to have time to sell more items before a large number of players also have time to take up the operation and put it up for sale. a large number of items. This naturally leads to lower prices. But in order to be well versed in all the little things, you should understand in more detail how to make money by playing CS: GO.


So, if you just want to do your favorite thing and at the same time receive real money, then you should be interested in where to make money on "CS: GO". The simplest, but far from the most profitable option is the usual sale of what you have dropped. This means that you will not deliberately try to achieve a serious result - you will just play your adorable shooter, and from time to time you will drop out items that you will sell to other gamers.

This can be done on the Steam trading platform, as well as on other sites dedicated to this game and, in particular, its financial section. This way you will not earn too much money, but it will be enough to periodically buy new games. But if you are looking for ways to make money on "CS: GO" in large quantities, then you have to think a little and try.


If you are thinking about how to make money on "KS: GO" without investment, then trade is the ideal way out for you. Its essence lies in the fact that those things that fall from you during the game, you do not sell, but exchange for those that are slightly more expensive than yours. This method requires patience and investment of time. Not every player wants to exchange a better thing for a worse one, but as a result, there will be someone who will agree for his own reasons.

Here it is important to know when to stop and not ask for a thing that costs five rubles, another thing for fifty. If you wish, you can build a large trade chain that will help you earn a good amount. If you get a handle on this, you can easily turn fifty kopecks into fifty rubles per day.


This is another very common technique that requires luck on your part and, in some cases, knowledge of the top players and teams. There are special sites where those who like to take risks are going to. Announcements of upcoming matches are published there, and you can put any item on any of the teams that are participating in the duel.

This is how two pools of things from willing people are collected, and as a result, if your team wins, you get your thing back, as well as one or even two (depending on the coefficient) things that were put on the other team. If your team loses, then your item goes to someone who made the right choice. This is a rather risky business, but at the same time it can bring you the largest possible profit in the shortest possible time.


This method is not entirely related to the gameplay, and also requires some investment. You can purchase games when they are on sale and then sell them for three or even four times the price. Specifically, "CS: GO" is a convenient object, since this game is in the top three most popular in the world today.


And finally - advice for creative people: every day hundreds of new gamers and dozens of new clans appear in this game. They all want a beautiful avatar, a bright and catchy coat of arms, and if you can provide them with this, then they will pay you.


Many CSGO players often think about how to make money on their game. BUT most people fucking want everything and a lot, and therefore find themselves in the red, losing their skins on bets or in an exchange contract. I want to tell you and show you how to make money on kaesuke with only a brain , well, and a couple more good skins.
So the first tip: do not hurry

Method number 1: expectant

My first advice is quite obvious: you just need to play and wait for the drop. After that sell on the marketplace and make money. It is best for this tactic to use the idle server (type in the search for community servers). Just put the game at night, and in the morning you have new things will appear in the inventory.
2) AWP Dragon Lore You can also try to catch AWP Dragon Lore: it drops out during mm on the Cobblestone map .BUT it is worth remembering that AWP Dragon Lore drops out very rarely, and you will have to play on Coble for an unlimited time: Maybe you will get AWP after 1 game, maybe after 10, maybe after 100. Try it, luck is on your side!
3) Release of new operations and cases-Perhaps the most profitable option. Play when new cases are released, and you will earn quickly. For example: a new one was released a little less than a week ago Revolver case On the day of the release, I just played mm, how did this case fall to me, I sold it for 500 rubles. Remember, the chance of a case drop is much greater than a drop avp dragon lore .

Method number 2: Exchange contracts (risk.)

Exchange contracts. The disadvantage of this method is that it requires starting capital in the form of skins. Here you act at your own peril and risk. Here are some expensive schemes for crafting.
(ADVICE: it is best to craft on new accounts, on which few hours have been played, the chance of falling out is greater, if the first craft, then the chance of falling out of a more expensive weapon is + 10%)
1)AWP Dragon Lore 1x m4a1-s knight(FN) (the more there are, the greater the chance of getting AWP) and 9x USP-S Serum(MW) (MW P90 Triangle is suitable for USP).
2)AWP Medusa 1x M4A4 Poseidon(FN) (the more em, the more the chance), 9x Deagle Hypnotic(MW)
I consider this way of making money the most expensive and stupid, since I have no money for skins risk TOO BIG

Method number 3: Skill

So, the third way of earning, no matter how sad and hateful it is- account boost.
To use this method, you need
1)High rank and skill(no comments)
2)Guarantees that you will not steal your account or will not bombard it with cheats
More details here:
You must give the customer a guarantee that everything will be in order with his account. Firstly, ask the customer to put parental control on his account, and secondly, stream. Stream, and then your customer will not be tormented by doubts whether you are playing with cheats or not. It follows from this
3)Good computer and internet to stream gameplay
A little advice on how to find a customer:
Go to pubs, play there well, with all your might, so that everyone understands that you are a skill, then offer a boost, say that there will be guarantees and all that. DON'T RISE THE PRICE, START LITTLE Below is the average price for a boost. Reduce the price by 2-3 times, and then, as you gain sufficient authority and popularity, increase the price.

Method number 4 Opencase (risk.)

The method requires start-up capital in the form of cases and keys. I think there is no need to explain here that opening cases is a rather risky undertaking. But here's a little advice for you:
at 4 a.m. Moscow time, the servers update the statistics of dropped weapons from cases. If you open within 5-10 minutes after the statistics are reset, the chances of getting something expensive will increase significantly.

Method number 5: Beggar

The dumbest way of all is to beg. Just go to Classic / Matchmaking and start: "No money, guys, help, drop at least something, I will be very grateful, God bless you."
Advice: if you are playing mm, but you really need skins, tell me that you will not play at full strength until someone drops something. This method is quite simple, but it is somehow wrong or something ? It all depends only on your conscience and impudence

Playing CS: GO for money is quite a profitable option, you can use your skill, which you have been developing for a long time. Making money in this way is not difficult and interesting. After all, you will be doing what you love, in fact.

Earning money on skill in CS GO?

You play for a long time, you have your own winning tactics, loss is not about you, then use your skills and earn money on it. How?

We start playing for money

Do you love CS: GO, spend hours sitting at the computer? So why not earn money along with leveling up the ranks? There are special services where you can place bets, it does not always have to be money, perhaps you have skins that take up space. You need to register through Steam so that your earnings go exactly there.

Matchmaking opens up great prospects for us, but you should know that there are no worse players than you, so you have to fight for the victory.

Bets are accepted both on the number of frags and on achievements, and not only on victory, there is a place to show yourself.

If you don't want MM, then you can use AIM cards and mixes.

1 on 1 for money

Special sites like give you the opportunity to take part in a duel. To begin with, you can practice with your comrades, fight with them to see what you are capable of.

1 vs 1 is a good opportunity to practice before MM. Perhaps large sums do not rotate here, but for a start it will be quite enough, the main thing is to start somewhere.


Maybe you should try to start helping inexperienced players upgrade their accounts? He pays you money, and you turn Silver into Global Elite.

But in this case, the main thing is that you are trusted, because there are a lot of scammers among boosters, so take care of your reputation before getting down to business.

To be trusted you need:

  • show examples of your work;
  • give guarantees that the customer's account will not be damaged;
  • request adequate payment;
  • be honest.

After several successful orders, they themselves will begin to speak and speak well of you. Then you can safely use the reviews that people leave. You can shoot a video to show that you are not using cheats.

The first time, so that you can be trusted, take some of the money when you are given the data, and the rest after demonstrating the results of the work done.


There are two things you can put up for sale: accounts and in-game items.

Let's start with the items, there are many sites where you can put up all your acquisitions for auction, although this is not the most profitable method, but it is quite convenient. On such resources, you need to go through authorization through Steam and put what you have for sale. Compare the cost of goods and offer the most profitable option, but not at a loss for yourself.

Accounts are a risky business, but this does not prevent many from making money on it. There are a large number of open areas where you can implement your plans.

The options are:

  1. Buying a profitable profile, for example, in VK. We pump it on our own. Sale.
  2. We find an inexperienced seller, make a profitable deal for ourselves, and then raise the price tag.
  3. We create accounts ourselves and are engaged in pumping them and putting them up for sale.

- the only project for playing Countre Strike 1.6 (CS 1.6), which allows every player to join professional eSports.

As you know, eSports is a competition between people in computer video games. That is why our site is dedicated to one of the most popular games - Counter strike 1.6 (simply Counter 1.6 or CS 1.6, or Counter Strike, as gamers have long called it).

When playing CS 1.6, all the necessary qualities for playing in a team are formed - support for each other, team tactics, strategy. Many players who came to this sport a few years ago very young have already achieved success in real life, having learned mutual assistance, tactical and strategic planning precisely when playing CS 1.6.

Playing Counter Strike is an extremely high-tech sport, and like any other sport, many things are important here - daily focused training, great equipment and high fighting spirit that sets the team up for victory. As a result of no less difficult than physical, emotional training, a cool Counter Strike player can hit a single pixel, which denotes the enemy's head at a great distance, and almost instantly - after all, reaction and muscle coordination develops. Playing Counter Strike 1.6 develops the ability to calculate your actions ahead of time, analyze, increase intuition and coordination, teach you to concentrate on your task at extremely high psychological pressure from the side.

Finally, in Russia, real money appeared in the game Counter Strike, as in any big sport professional players and teams can earn by playing on our servers.

Cheating protection

Client-server application MyAC. This anti-cheat with the condition that it must be run by a separate program on the player's computer was developed in Russia and the source code is completely closed. The server part is distributed strictly by name in a closed section of dedicated server administrators. Today this solution is better protection however, note that the system can interfere with antivirus software because it runs at the same low process level as viruses. In addition, you will not be able to play on our system yet if your operating system is 64-bit. Only two operating systems are supported: Windows XP and Windows Vista ( the first is preferable). However, this does not mean that you will never be able to play with us. Already today, our team is developing a new innovative cross-platform solution to combat players using prohibited programs. For the use of cheats (prohibited programs), the account is completely blocked and the money will not be returned. Thus, anyone who wants to check the anti-cheat can do it through communication with the administration, but an independent "check" will be punished by blocking the player by his hard drive serial number or unique STEAM identifier.
Taking screenshots from the player.
Round-the-clock broadcasting of all games, as well as automatic recording of games and auto uploading to the site
Administration of high-value games

Detailed information on the website

It is unlikely that you will be able to make big money on CS: GO, but if you have free time and a proper desire to save 1,000 rubles a month for ice cream, it is quite possible.

Opening cases

In this way, you will earn money or skins inside the game. To do this, it is enough to have cases and keys to them. Cases drop out randomly after rounds or are bought on the Steam marketplace.

The cost of the chest varies from 1 to 300 rubles, depending on the freshness of the collection. The newer the chest, the more expensive it is.

The key to the chest costs from 70 to 150 rubles. Keys do not drop in the game, they can only be bought for real money!

After you have a chest, you can either sell it on the marketplace or open it with a key. Theoretically, you can drop a knife or other valuable weapon, but practice shows that the probability of a valuable loot is EXTREMELY SMALL! So it is more profitable and more reliable to sell chests on the marketplace. After all, the price for new chests reaches 300 rubles and more!


If you purchase a new operation, then you are guaranteed to receive weekly gifts in the form of new skins. The cost of skins can be different - from a few rubles (consumer goods) to several hundred rubles (secret and classified).

In this way, you will only earn skins inside the game. By browsing tournaments online, you can win some valuable item: a case, sticker or skin. The drop drops out at the end of the tournament, so be patient. The chance of a drop is small, because such matches gather hundreds of thousands of spectators and only a few are lucky.


In this way, you will earn real money or skins. If you are well versed in eSports, you know the strengths and weaknesses of teams, then you can try your luck and make money on bets. You can do this on the csgolounge website. The main drawback of csgolounge is the inability to place bets with skins.

If you want to put skins on this or that team, then. The amount of the win depends on the odds.

Even if you are not very knowledgeable in e-sports, you can find out the analytical forecast for the victory of a particular team in a group Stupidprojections... But in any case, before making a bet, think carefully, review the previous matches of the teams, make a preliminary analysis.

How to properly create and execute a deal on csgolounge

First, we need to find out the average price for an item. This can be done, for example, through the site

Selling things

If you already have a lot of things in CS: GO, then you can sell them not only on the Steam marketplace, but also on the website for real money. To do this, log into the site through your Steam profile. After synchronization, all items from your inventory will be available for sale. You can also engage in reselling items, buying them for one price, and trying to sell them for a higher one.

1) Go to the csgodouble website and login to the site via Steam;

2) Now, using the Deposit button, select your key;

3) Go to the "Withdraw" tab;

4) Now select from the list a skin that is slightly less expensive than your key, but more expensive on the Steam marketplace;

5) Bring this item to your Steam profile;

6) Go to and sell the item;

7) After receiving a certain amount of money, buy the key again and repeat this method, making money on the difference between the cost of the key and the item being sold.

If you have your own website

In this way you will earn real money. If you have your own website, you can place advertising banners on it with advertisements for roulette or a store and receive money for every player who deposits there. Examples of such sites:

Windrop - shop for drop cases. You get 20% from any account replenishment of the user attracted by you. Withdrawing money is possible to, a ban card and a mobile phone.

Getcs16 - you earn from racing CS 1.6 builds. The price per download of each assembly is 2 rubles. Conclusion to WebMoney.

Miralinks - you earn for every ad article posted on your site. The more traffic to the site, the higher the price for the article you can specify.

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