Hexagram online fortune telling. Book of changes yi ching - coin fortune telling online

Divination Book of Changes (I Ching)

It is no exaggeration to say that fortune telling according to the Book of Changes online with detailed interpretations (fortune telling I Ching) presented before you is one of the best services of our Juno website. Fortune telling The Chinese Book of Changes is truly our pride, a masterpiece, an ingenious, magical tool that has been helping our visitors for many years to understand their problems, make the right choice, objectively assess the situation, find out what is hidden, or is just coming, and take the necessary measures. Nowhere else will you find such clearly selected interpretations - descriptions of 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes, so accurately and subtly, reflecting your situation and its immediate future.

One of the oldest written monuments of world literature - the Chinese Book of Changes, or I Ching, is a storehouse of knowledge and wisdom, set forth in the form of predictions. Fortune telling I Ching will help in finding practical indications of the nature of the current or future circumstances of life. To do this, focus on your question, relax, click the "Ask a question" button and click the "Throw coins" button 6 times, then click "Show interpretation".

Interpretations author Sarah Dening


The ancient Chinese "Book of Changes" ("I Ching") is a storehouse of wisdom, described in the form of predictions-hexagrams. It was created over 3000 years and is one of the oldest written monuments of world literature. The Book of Changes is the oldest divination system. It consists of 64 hexagrams. These hexagrams, taken together, reflect all the main stages of the development of situations. We all know that everything in the world is subject to the principle of change: night replaces day, and day replaces night, after winter comes spring, childhood replaces youth, etc. So in the development of any situation there are stages replacing each other. And when you turn to the I Ching with a question, she answers you with the help of a certain hexagram, which in this case most accurately characterizes the main features of the situation you asked about.

Why does the Book of Yi Ching work? It provides access to your unconscious. The answers to all questions are within us. The unconscious of each of us is connected to a common information field. And it is from there that we get reliable answers to our questions using intuition or mantic techniques, one of which is Yi Ching. The Book of Changes allows us to penetrate into these depths so that we can hear our inner voice, devoid of conscious layers - our fears, desires, prejudices and illusions.

The Yi Ching can be a wise counselor to accompany you in your spiritual and personal development.

How to work with the Book of Changes.

  • 1. First of all, you need to relax and focus on the situation you want to ask the Yi Ching about. It is desirable that at the same time no one distracts you and there is no extraneous noise.
  • 2. Be clear about the question you want to answer. The more precise and specific the question is, the easier it will be for you to understand the answer.

    What is the best way to formulate a question?

    It is advisable not to ask questions like: "What will happen...?" Better to put it differently. For instance:

      "What should I do to achieve this ...?",
      "What happens if I do this ...?",
      "What should I do in a situation ...?,
      "How can I best solve this problem?",
      "Should I do this ...?" etc.
    You may ask which of the options you have named in the same situation would be the best:
      "Should I do Option A?"
      "Should I do B?" etc.
    If you want to better understand a situation that is not yet entirely clear to you, you can ask a question:
      "What's happening...?
      "How should I feel about this situation? etc.
    If the question is about relationships, it can be phrased like this:
      "What kind of relationship do I have with ...?"
      "How should I deal with ...?"
      "What should I do so that the relationship with ... was such and such?"
      "What can I expect from a relationship with ...?" etc. etc.
    You can contact the Yi Ching every morning with a question: "What's your advice for me today?", or ask about the meaning of sleep: "What does my dream today mean?" and much more.

    Do not ask the same question several times in a row. The Yi Ching may answer it for you a couple of times, then it will simply stop giving the correct answers. If the answer to your question does not suit you, it makes no sense to ask over and over again about one and the other in the hope that the Yi Ching will finally give a positive answer. It is better to wait a while, it is possible that now is simply not the right moment for the development of your situation.

  • 3. Now you can start tossing coins. Our program itself will give you the answer.
  • 4. Interpretation of the answer.

    How to interpret the answer.

    So, Yi Ching answered you with the text of some hexagram. Read carefully the text "Basic Hexagram". This is the main answer to your question. Don't take the text too literally. The main thing is to understand the essence. Although often even specific instructions are extremely accurate. Pay attention to which words will catch your eye especially, will be remembered. Perhaps this is the main advice or warning.

    You should also pay close attention to the text "Transitional lines" - they show the stages of development of your situation and are extremely important, warning you against mistakes, or vice versa, encouraging your intentions.

    "Related hexagram" is additional information about the situation. This can be an indication of the probable future of the situation, or the past, or simply your attitude to it, or it is the background against which the main events, indicated in the main hexagram, develop. That is, this is additional information related in some way to your question and is of secondary importance.

  • 5. After you have finished the fortune-telling, thank the Yi Ching for the help provided. She needs to be treated very respectfully and carefully.

We wish you good luck in communicating with this wisest Book! She is truly able to become your reliable friend and help you to act in the best possible way in any situation. She will teach you to avoid many mistakes and help you become a wiser, stronger, more confident and developed personality.

You will need any 3 coins.

64 hexagrams reflect all basic life situations. (Number possible options DNA codes - carriers of the genetic code of every organism on Earth is also 64.)

How to get an answer: mentally formulate a question that is this moment interests you the most. Then alternately flip 3 coins, do this 6 times. If 2 or 3 coins are heads up, draw a solid line. If 2 or 3 coins are tails up, draw intermittent. The first line is the bottom one, draw from bottom to top.

Do not ask the book the same question again, even if you are not satisfied with the answer or it seems too gloomy to you.

Do not refer to the book if the plan can harm others or its implementation is associated with unworthy means.

Match options

1. Symbol of six lines YAN. A good sign. Male hexagram means the month of April and spring hopes. But be careful! You are at the top of the mountain, and you have no opportunity to descend. Be vigilant and prudent. Expect major changes within 6 months. Time favors beginnings. In personal life - uncertainty. If the desire is reasonable and clear, it will be fulfilled. Someone opposes you, but if you are determined and adamant, you will succeed. You will pass the test.

2. The gods awakened Mother Earth. Work hard and after 2 months the effort will be crowned with success. You are a cultured and knowledge-hungry person; you treat even the smallest fruits of your labor with love. You are very attached to your mother. Now is not the time to think about the benefits. The desire will come true, although not immediately. Do not hit the road in the near future. Soon a person will appear in your environment who has a strong interest in you.

3. One of the most unfortunate combinations. Whatever you undertake, everything will fall out of hand, without giving a result. Expect more favorable times. Lead a secluded life for 3 months, try to think about plans for the future. Be patient, listen to the woman's advice. Luckiness, luck in this period is out of the question.

4. You see everything around, as if through some kind of veil, but it will soon subside, and the world will regain clarity for you. However, since your nerves are now very shattered, do not make hasty decisions. If you want success, do not neglect the advice of your superiors, soon everything will change. Cheer up. Spend more time with your children. New perspectives are already emerging, but not even close new love... Concentrate your will on fulfilling your only desire.

5. Wait and gather your strength, very soon they will be needed - when spring comes, the snow will melt and the flowers will bloom again. Too hasty actions will only do harm. Be patient for two months when a person appears who will help you as you expect. If you are now decisively planning your actions, help and support will come even earlier. The financial situation will suddenly improve. You may feel attracted to someone older than you. Try not to show your interest in him too much. Your desire will come true if you act purposefully and discreetly enough.

6. You feel disharmony. A conflict is brewing. Behave with modesty and restraint. If a glove is thrown at you, do not pick it up. Do nothing until circumstances change for the better. Instead, get involved in collaborative work with someone. Let everything go its own way, then peace and quiet will come, and you will be convinced that life's problems are not only depressing, but also teach.

7. This hexagram symbolizes conscious solitude. The state is like waiting for a general deciding when it is best to start an offensive. Be careful, select people with good intentions as your allies. And although luck is with you at the moment, do not forget about the precautions. You will receive unexpected news, or an unexpected visitor will visit you. The present tense is full of romance for you, which, however, did not prevent a breakup with a loved one. Plan all future affairs carefully and judiciously.

8. The worst is over, but some difficult problems still remain. Participate in common affairs, success awaits you in cooperation with others. Be faithful, do not neglect your responsibilities. Those who love each other need mutual respect and understanding in the same way as teacher and student. The fulfillment of desires largely depends on how you use the advice of your bosses and friends. This is not the right time for gambling.

9. Luck, success is not very characteristic of the current situation, but the night is darkest just before dawn. The situation is not clear to you, you do not own it, but it is a transitional state. Events that will change it for the better are already on the way. Until then, be patient and wait. You are used to being considered a person to whom money flows into your hands. Be prudent, do not quarrel over trifles with friends, do not overdo your work so as not to break yourself. In three months, the money will really flow to you.

10. Nowadays, you should be emphatically polite, friendly and reserved. Retreat into yourself and think carefully about your situation. Show respect for your superiors in some way, it will do you good. An unexpected event will occur that will bring great joy. This is not the right time for flirting. Ladies, dealing with not well-known men, should be especially careful. This is the period when claims for life should be reduced to a minimum.

11. Now that happiness favors you and your career is moving forward and upward, right now think about friends. At the same time, don't be frivolous and careless. If you want luck and success to last as long as possible, try to back them up with successes in other areas as well. The desire will come true, but do not seek to artificially accelerate its existence. At the moment, you tend to waste money, restrain yourself, keep within the limits of your financial capabilities.

12. Much is unclear to you, you are worried about problems public life... People unworthy of you are drawn to you. Be prudent, do not take on anything significant. Your environment does not understand you: you quarrel with one of your friends without sufficient reason. Desires will be fulfilled by about 80 percent, but even those will not be fulfilled immediately. Watch your wallet these days. Listen to the advice of your superiors, but make decisions at your own discretion. The situation will soon change.

13. Wherever you go, you will find yourself in a good society, you can boldly enter the struggle, pursuing lofty goals. You will be supported by a person you did not count on. Your business will go well very soon. You are somewhat insecure and restless, this is a consequence of the slight stress in which you are. Nevertheless, your desire will come true, and as completely as you will take seriously the help of your elders.

14. The sun is shining brightly, you feel especially free now. You are quite rich, both materially and spiritually. Concentrate your will on the fulfillment of those of your desires, the fulfillment of which is necessary for success in business. Although this period is favorable for you, try not to be overwhelmed, constantly keep the main goal in sight. Don't waste money!

15. A branch of a tree bent down to the ground under the weight of the snow, but soon it will straighten up again and take its former position. Circumstances at the moment are moderately favorable. If you are moderate and restrained, you will subsequently become the master of the situation. Nowadays, for a number of reasons, including financial ones, you are experiencing some confusion and anxiety, but do not worry, things will change for the better soon. If you do not reject the help of others, the desire will come true. In the future, financial affairs will get better.

16. Your sun is about to rise, luck is on the way, you've been waiting for it long enough. Time favors entertainment, the main thing is not to overdo it. Get ready for the success that's coming soon. Happiness will accompany you in the implementation of new ideas, as well as in the game. As you walk the path of success, do not forget to look under your feet so as not to get bogged down in pettiness and commercialism. Desires will certainly come true, but you need to wait a little longer. Be careful not to spend more than you get.

17. Time is more suitable for consolidating leadership positions than for recruiting supporters. Be true to your principles, even if your goals change. Henceforth, be content with small victories, they will certainly entail larger ones. Go with the flow, not against it, and then everything will be in order. The wish will come true with a high degree of probability, but be prepared for major changes in your life.

18. You will become a participant in the changes in the personal life of others. Analyze, evaluate events! You should be the master of the situation, which will gradually become possible thanks to the present state. You might lose a friend. Soon you will do something that will overwhelm your friends and loved ones, and possibly yourself. Your relationships with others are not in order, the problems arising from this can interfere with the fulfillment of your desires, so the relationship needs to be clarified. Be careful not to spend too much.

19. Whatever you do now, success awaits you. And the more results you achieve, the more successful the circumstances will be. A period of major successes in many areas is approaching. Achieve your goals, but be careful not to envy your friends, so as not to anger and offend them. One of the people close to you will force you to change your attitude towards him.

20. Be prepared for an unpleasant surprise. Try to reasonably and in detail comprehend the state of affairs, to see their real side. You may have to change your place of work and residence. Be especially careful not to let important details slip beyond your influence. Think over all the actions, and then get help from where you least expect. Desires will change, but not as quickly as we would like. Analyze the possibilities of your plans, and if things go well, do not forget to help others.

21. Something torments you, you feel unhappy. Try to take on a new business, and the circumstances will improve. Conscientious work will gradually and steadily lead to very large success. You consider yourself a victim of injustice. If you constantly think about how this could happen, it will not help the case. Obviously, you made a mistake in something. Take courage and learn from what has happened. As for the fulfillment of desire, now some people are contributing to this. Remain reasonable and wait calmly, then very soon everything will change for the better.

22. This hexagram is favorable for matters concerning the theater. It means that you are hiding your true face, and that the people around you also do not behave quite sincerely and honestly. Love affairs are quite problematic at the moment. Certain successes in show business are possible. The wish will come true after some delay. Accept life as it is and learn from it.

23. Major changes await you in the near future. Now do not take on any new business, you cannot get into a stupid position. Perhaps someone is slandering you, spreading gossip. Your desires will come true a little later. Do not be shy if at some point it turns out that you cannot count on the help of your friends. Be careful when dealing with hypocrites of the opposite sex.

24. It seems to you that you are completely confused in the environment, you are very nervous, however, the interference is insignificant, and you will cope with them very soon if you work hard. A certain period of time - 7 days, or 7 weeks, or 7 months - will take on great significance for you. Most likely, you yourself feel that you are on the verge of a major change in your destiny. A little more - and everything will be fine. Gradually coin to coin, accumulate money.

25. The unity of clarity and simplicity prevails, which will benefit you if you carry out worthy designs with worthy means. The time for the highest activity has not yet come. Fate will soon smile at you, but only if you know how to wait patiently. Sometimes you are too preoccupied with love affairs, but do not worry, all your wishes will come true on time.

26. Do not waste your energy, there has been a pause in your destiny. Wait for it to end in full readiness, do not waste energy on trifles, soon she will find something more pleasant and useful application... Desires will come true, but only if you set the bar not too high. Help will come from those who have faced problems like yours. Do not try to speed things up by force, the result may be the opposite.

27. You talk too much and eat too much. Do not gossip about others, as you will harm not only them, but also yourself. The wish will come true, but a little later than you would like. Stop complaining about fate. It would be useful for you to see a doctor. Be prepared for imminent changes in your life.

28. You feel very happy. It is advisable to pull yourself together, because your temperament, if given free rein, can harm both others and yourself. Do not be overly self-confident, your judgments are by no means the most correct at the present time. Don't try to succeed by force. Restrain yourself, reflect on the state of affairs. Time will change everything. Your desire cannot be fulfilled quickly. Beware of offending others with your fervor.

29. One of the four worst combinations. At the present time, losses and defeats are characteristic. The only thing that can be done is to minimize the number of strokes of fate. Be patient and wait for the goddess of happiness to glance at you again. You have a lot of time, do some scientific research. After 2-5 months, the situation will begin to change for the better. Until then, keep calm and do not lose heart. This is a period when introspection and a sober assessment of the situation are much more important than a desperate struggle with fate.

30. Outwardly everything is excellent, but in reality it is not. You are captivated by illusions, if not to say - conscious self-deception. Take a friend's advice. Fate at the moment "favors" you, but this is a deceptive impression, it can be misleading and cause serious damage if you completely rely on Fortune. Your desire will be fulfilled thanks to the intervention of a person older than you. In matters involving writing and mediation, great successes are possible. Listen to what people are saying.

31. The state of mind is now accompanied by luck and success. You are in a good mood. Several unexpected and beneficial events are approaching for you, almost every step you take will bring good luck. Real results will exceed all expectations, which will bring unprecedented peace to your soul. The only negative factor: after all the worries, there is a need to retire for a while and rest.

32. You are torn to pieces, trying to move in two directions at once. If you keep the shutter speed, it will all work out for you. Don't seek change. Your desire will come true if you are patient. It is not out of place now to carry out an internal "inventory" and how to understand the plans and intentions. The moment is right for new beginnings.

33. You will only benefit if you restrain yourself a little. Assertiveness won't do any good at the moment. This hexagram is favorable for interesting rest and entertainment, for making plans for the future. Postpone the implementation of the plans until the end of the current period of uncertainty. Use it for prayers.

34. You are pushing for the foreground too actively, more than is beneficial. You are ready to trample those around you, which, to put it mildly, would not give them pleasure. There is nothing wrong with ambition, but it must be accompanied by tact in dealing with people. Your desire will come true if you behave a little more modestly. Try to find the "golden mean".

35. Luck is on the way. Respect and recognition awaits you, which you rightly expected. In the future, the remuneration will be even higher. Rely on your lucky star and walk boldly forward. At the same time, do not be saddened that the desire will come true later. You will unexpectedly meet a person whom you have not seen for a very long time. Try to spend a little, in the future such frugality will be rewarded to you a hundredfold.

36. You are in luck at the moment, but don't be overconfident, the situation is about to change. Act deliberately and prudently, do not get carried away by love adventures. From the outside, you give the impression of a darling of fate, and it is quite possible that people interpret your actions wrong, but do not worry, in the near future everything will fall into place. Your desires will not come true now. Be frugal.

37. Your place is where the heart pulls. Well-being awaits you there. Hopes will come true with outside help. Perhaps you think to yourself that the grass is greener somewhere, but believe me, if you leave your land now, you will very soon be convinced that you have made a mistake. Enjoy family life, communication with friends, peace in the house.

38. This hexagram means that this period of your life is devoid of harmony. It seems to you that everyone around you is picking on you, in a malicious mood. Even the smallest little things piss you off. Calm down, do not be nervous, the situation will soon improve. Companions are now difficult for you to find. A certain woman gets on your nerves. Watch your words and don't take on anything new. In the field of your interests at the moment there are a number of things that do not correspond to your true desires at all.

39. One of the worst hexagrams. The more effort you put in, the further you find yourself pushed back. It is difficult to say why exactly, but at the moment Fortuna is not interested in your fate. It is best to immerse yourself in your studies or scientific activity, and find comfort in them. It is quite possible that several of your friends will come to your aid, provide support. Keep track of your expenses, during this unkind period there is a real danger of being left without funds.

40. You have gone through a long period of anxiety and trouble. This period has come to an end. Success awaits you in your work again. Take action immediately, otherwise you will miss the opportunity to achieve great results. Some of your old desire will come true, a new one too, but a little later. You will make new friends. If you go on a trip, it will give you great pleasure. You will earn good money if you wish.

41. What you give to others today, tomorrow fate will return you with interest. It seems to you that you are too wasteful, giving too much to others, but this impression will soon pass, and you will be rewarded. Time is conducive to thinking about plans and intellectual activity. Most desires will come true, reap more than you sow.

42. Time is favorable for outstanding personalities, but it is also fruitful for others. The plans will come true, the work done will be paid for. You can help others. Some business entrusted by the authorities will turn into a benefit for you. Someone is getting ready to make you a lucrative offer.

43. You are lucky at present, but it can easily happen that out of your own stubbornness, you will make a mistake and alienate those who used to help you. Go to meet them yourself and be more tolerant in your dealings with them. It is possible that during this period you will fall in love with a person with whom you have little sympathy, and this, of course, will affect your behavior. Don't gamble.

44. It's good if characteristic feature your current behavior will be restraint. Be attentive to changes in contact with people and try to evaluate their actions less critically. The fulfillment of desires and hopes is problematic. Be frugal. Prepare yourself internally for unexpected events that do not promise anything favorable.

45. Everything that you do during this period will be completed successfully. Some invisible force will strengthen your relationships with people, help you make new contacts that will be beneficial for you. Former efforts and efforts will be paid. You are being pursued by a woman who seeks to block your path, to interfere with the implementation of your intentions, to interfere in your life. Despite this, your wishes will come true.

46. ​​What you have been working on for a long time will finally give a favorable result, and it will be paid for. You need to work a little more, persistently and conscientiously, then you can count on high appreciation and recognition. Bold and decisive action are now much more favorable than inactive waiting. Rely on your common sense and intuition, and then the desire will come true. The ideas you are currently thinking about are more likely to be successful financially.

47. One of the four worst hexagrams. This is not a period when it would be worth taking on anything. Stay quiet and wait. Your thoughts are not clear enough. Someone from your environment, occupying a high position, will lend you a helping hand. Take this person's advice. Your self-confidence is now very weak. But do not take events too tragically, because this negative period will pass and the circumstances will improve.

48. It's good if you lend a helping hand to others, even if things aren't going well for you. Subsequently, you will find that this course of action is very beneficial. At the moment, you can hardly expect to be recognized by your superiors for your abilities and achievements. You desperately want circumstances to change, but the time is not favorable for this now. Your modest desires may come true now, but large ones cannot. Oddly enough, your current financial situation is not so bad.

49. Everything around you is now in motion, everything is changing, but in the end the good results will surpass even the most daring expectations. At the moment, you do not feel confident in yourself, but soon it will return to you along with new perspectives, circumstances will change for the better. You will change your recent plans and go where you never intended.

50. This hexagram has a positive meaning for you if you take on the role of a leader. Some people are not happy about your successes, but do not pay attention to them. Beware of taking on - or promising - more than you can deliver. Number 3 has a strong influence on you and on your relationships with people. The business that you set about with two like-minded people will lead to success. The wish will come true, although not quite the way you intended. You are spending too much.

51. You are close to success, but someone is making efforts to prevent you from achieving it. Don't be discouraged about this. What you were trying to get as what you needed, in fact, will turn out to be completely different, so you can safely and with peace of mind concede it to your opponent. Soon, something unexpected and unpleasant will happen in your environment. However, this event will not harm you in any way. The period is favorable for rest. Do not be nervous about the fact that circumstances are developing this way and not otherwise. A little later, fate will smile at you.

52. At present, progress in business is problematic, obviously, you should wait a little and only then start working again. It is better to refuse the planned trip. Make peace with your circumstances and think carefully about your situation before taking on anything. Head up! The victory over the difficulties and intrigues of ill-wishers will be yours, and very soon. There can be no question of fulfilling desires without effort on your part.

53. If you move forward, carefully considering each step, success and luck will not change you in the future. Happiness will continue to be your companion, if, without succumbing to persuasion, you will not be ahead of events. The turtle is no less likely to come to the finish line first than the hare. You are at the beginning of a long journey. The desire will eventually come true. Financial affairs will improve significantly.

54. Always be careful in everything, especially in love affairs. Take what is happening calmly and coolly, otherwise you can get into a very unpleasant situation. The fulfillment of desire is delayed. This is the period when it is better to wait and think. At the same time, your income exceeds your expenses. The coming weeks are very favorable to prepare for the next, more favorable period.

55. This hexagram symbolizes the autumn harvest, the gathering of a rich harvest, and means that your lucky star brightly illuminates all your deeds. They are going well and smoothly, and in the future, they will probably go even more successfully. It is important for you to be well informed and a certain part of the money you earn should be saved. This period is especially favorable for cases related to agriculture, art and show business. However, although you are successful, there is no certainty that wishes will come true.

56. There are all the prerequisites for success in business. A business trip abroad will also be successful, if any. You are very ambitious, be careful not to spoil your relationships with friends and colleagues. The desire will come true if your claims are not too high and you do not expect too much. You are very nervous about some unpleasant event. It is unreasonable, forget and do not remember.

57. Your situation is confusing, and at the moment it is not so easy to understand it. Follow the path that someone around you will show you, and make sure that this is the best way out. In 5 months your destiny will change for the better. Something interferes with the fulfillment of your desires, a woman will help you eliminate the obstacles. During this period, do not allow yourself to be persuaded into such actions that you consider inappropriate and erroneous.

58. Happiness is already on its way to you, it will dispel your current depressed mood. This hexagram is related to everything connected with speech. Do not disregard good advice from a friend, and be careful not to speak ill of others. A very favorable time for singing, for trading. Don't be nervous about things that you can't change anyway. Remain calm, happiness and good fortune is on its way.

59. After a long period of failure, the sun of success rises again. It will bring you everything you have aspired to. You may have a long journey ahead of you. Don't waste a lot of money. Scientific, industrial, love affairs will go brilliantly. In the near future, there will be an unexpected chance to take a leading position. Your desire is already being fulfilled and will be fully fulfilled if you continue to make purposeful efforts for this.

60. Your time has come, get down to business actively, but be prudent, otherwise all your efforts will go to waste. Do not rush to the offer that you have just been made or will be made - it may be less beneficial than it seems. The same applies to new loving and friendly relationships. Reasonable and real desires will come true. The time is not right for travel. Remember the proverb: do not dig a hole for another, you yourself will fall into it.

61. It is especially profitable to work not alone, but in cooperation. Beware of overestimating your mental capacity so as not to become arrogant and unrestrained. This can jeopardize the implementation of plans. Try to be humble and restrained. Only in this case, if your desires are reasonable and honest, they will come true. In the near future, bosses will pay attention to your abilities and capabilities, which will help you move along the path of success.

62. Perhaps you will be disappointed in the one you love. But don't take it too tragically. You missed the best chance that contributed to the fulfillment of your desire. But a new one is coming soon. This period is marked by opportunities for good earnings, but it is not suitable for long trips. At the present time, you attach too much importance to little things, and thus you are wasting, humiliating yourself.

63. If you quarrel with someone, urgently ask a third party to act as a mediator. Resist the urge to repeat the success you once achieved. If you carefully consider this advice and follow it, the reward will be the complete fulfillment of your desires. Do not throw all your strength into a new appointment at the moment, it will not lead to success. A mysterious specific desire will be fulfilled with some delay.

64. Luck that will mark all your deeds is on the doorstep. But it is still too early to act. If you move forward carefully enough, things will turn out better day by day. The wish will come true in the near future. On the verge of a happy period of your life, which is not long to wait.


To guess

Tradition says that the legendary Chinese ruler Fu Xi(2852 - 2737 BC) once saw a huge turtle swam out of the Yellow River onto the shore, on the shell of which were inscribed mysterious signs consisting of solid and broken lines. In their combination, Fu Xi saw a system of symbols of the universe, where everything arose as a result of the interaction of earth and sky. And they, in the opinion of the ruler, were symbolically depicted by dashes. Having understood the system of their location, Fu Xi created the "Book of Changes". She is - famous work ancient Chinese philosophy, which has become a kind of oracle, helping to answer burning questions.
After unraveling the genetic code, scientists drew attention to the amazing similarity of the I Ching fortune-telling system with its 64 hexagrams and 64 code “words” in the DNA molecule containing the genetic information of any living organism. What if the DNA loops are nothing more than the words of a "diary of life" that has been kept since ancient times, and isn't the I Ching intended to make this "diary" speak? After all, 64 hexagrams are not just "code" words, but a description of the state of a person's personality, moreover, 64 keys to these states, containing six stages of their development.

What to do

The book consists of graphic figures - the so-called hexagrams, or gua. There are 64 of them. According to the number of ways in which you can arrange two lines - discontinuous and solid - in a group of six pieces one above the other. The lines symbolize the two main cosmic energies - yin (discontinuous) and yang (solid). Their combination forms hexagrams, each of which gives an answer to some question.

How to guess?

1. Formulate the question in your mind. And it is better not trivial, but very important for you.

2. Click on the "Flip Coins" button

Let "heads" be "yang" and "tails" - "yin". See what ended up falling out. If most of the coins (two or three) lay "heads" up, then the yang prevailed. If "tails" is yin. Since there are six lines in the hexagram, it is necessary to throw coins in six steps.

3. After the hexagram is drawn up, we read the explanation... Fortune telling will be effective if you are fixated on your question. Try to guess no more than once a month.

Comments (1)

19.10.2014 13:32

I fell in love with this fortune-telling! When good luck I receive and feel support, and if the interpretation is not very good, then I think philosophically. After all, everything will be fine anyway!

Divination Book of Changes (I Ching)

It is no exaggeration to say that fortune telling according to the Book of Changes online with detailed interpretations (fortune telling I Ching) presented before you is one of the best services of our Juno website. Fortune telling The Chinese Book of Changes is truly our pride, a masterpiece, an ingenious, magical tool that has been helping our visitors for many years to understand their problems, make the right choice, objectively assess the situation, find out what is hidden, or is just coming, and take the necessary measures. Nowhere else will you find such clearly selected interpretations - descriptions of 64 hexagrams of the Book of Changes, so accurately and subtly, reflecting your situation and its immediate future.

One of the oldest written monuments of world literature - the Chinese Book of Changes, or I Ching, is a storehouse of knowledge and wisdom, set forth in the form of predictions. Fortune telling I Ching will help in finding practical indications of the nature of the current or future circumstances of life. To do this, focus on your question, relax, click the "Ask a question" button and click the "Throw coins" button 6 times, then click "Show interpretation".

Interpretations author Sarah Dening


The ancient Chinese "Book of Changes" ("I Ching") is a storehouse of wisdom, described in the form of predictions-hexagrams. It was created over 3000 years and is one of the oldest written monuments of world literature. The Book of Changes is the oldest divination system. It consists of 64 hexagrams. These hexagrams, taken together, reflect all the main stages of the development of situations. We all know that everything in the world is subject to the principle of change: night replaces day, and day replaces night, after winter comes spring, childhood replaces youth, etc. So in the development of any situation there are stages replacing each other. And when you turn to the I Ching with a question, she answers you with the help of a certain hexagram, which in this case most accurately characterizes the main features of the situation you asked about.

Why does the Book of Yi Ching work? It provides access to your unconscious. The answers to all questions are within us. The unconscious of each of us is connected to a common information field. And it is from there that we get reliable answers to our questions using intuition or mantic techniques, one of which is Yi Ching. The Book of Changes allows us to penetrate into these depths so that we can hear our inner voice, devoid of conscious layers - our fears, desires, prejudices and illusions.

The Yi Ching can be a wise counselor to accompany you in your spiritual and personal development.

How to work with the Book of Changes.

  • 1. First of all, you need to relax and focus on the situation you want to ask the Yi Ching about. It is desirable that at the same time no one distracts you and there is no extraneous noise.
  • 2. Be clear about the question you want to answer. The more precise and specific the question is, the easier it will be for you to understand the answer.

    What is the best way to formulate a question?

    It is advisable not to ask questions like: "What will happen...?" Better to put it differently. For instance:

      "What should I do to achieve this ...?",
      "What happens if I do this ...?",
      "What should I do in a situation ...?,
      "How can I best solve this problem?",
      "Should I do this ...?" etc.
    You may ask which of the options you have named in the same situation would be the best:
      "Should I do Option A?"
      "Should I do B?" etc.
    If you want to better understand a situation that is not yet entirely clear to you, you can ask a question:
      "What's happening...?
      "How should I feel about this situation? etc.
    If the question is about relationships, it can be phrased like this:
      "What kind of relationship do I have with ...?"
      "How should I deal with ...?"
      "What should I do so that the relationship with ... was such and such?"
      "What can I expect from a relationship with ...?" etc. etc.
    You can contact the Yi Ching every morning with a question: "What's your advice for me today?", or ask about the meaning of sleep: "What does my dream today mean?" and much more.

    Do not ask the same question several times in a row. The Yi Ching may answer it for you a couple of times, then it will simply stop giving the correct answers. If the answer to your question does not suit you, it makes no sense to ask over and over again about one and the other in the hope that the Yi Ching will finally give a positive answer. It is better to wait a while, it is possible that now is simply not the right moment for the development of your situation.

  • 3. Now you can start tossing coins. Our program itself will give you the answer.
  • 4. Interpretation of the answer.

    How to interpret the answer.

    So, Yi Ching answered you with the text of some hexagram. Read carefully the text "Basic Hexagram". This is the main answer to your question. Don't take the text too literally. The main thing is to understand the essence. Although often even specific instructions are extremely accurate. Pay attention to which words will catch your eye especially, will be remembered. Perhaps this is the main advice or warning.

    You should also pay close attention to the text "Transitional lines" - they show the stages of development of your situation and are extremely important, warning you against mistakes, or vice versa, encouraging your intentions.

    "Related hexagram" is additional information about the situation. This can be an indication of the probable future of the situation, or the past, or simply your attitude to it, or it is the background against which the main events, indicated in the main hexagram, develop. That is, this is additional information related in some way to your question and is of secondary importance.

  • 5. After you have finished the fortune-telling, thank the Yi Ching for the help provided. She needs to be treated very respectfully and carefully.

We wish you good luck in communicating with this wisest Book! She is truly able to become your reliable friend and help you to act in the best possible way in any situation. She will teach you to avoid many mistakes and help you become a wiser, stronger, more confident and developed personality.

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