Silent hunting: When and where to pick edible mushrooms. What mushrooms, where they grow and when: from morel to greenfinch When the time for mushrooms begins

The mushroom season starts in mid-April - early May. On the northern slopes of ravines, in forest thickets, where the sun rarely looks, there is still spongy snow, and on the edges of deciduous and deciduous forests, warmed by the sun, morels appear on clearings and along forest roads. The mass growth of morels is observed from the first to the third decade of May. At the same time, you can collect stitches. These mushrooms love pine forests, settle on clearings and roadsides on sandy soil.

Fresh morels and lines are poisonous. Before eating, they are carefully processed: boil 2-3 times, draining the broth, or dry.

In early June, the mushroom picker will meet the first russula. There are many varieties of russula. These are the most productive mushrooms and they can be harvested until late autumn. Russula are easy prey, in other places of the forest there are a lot of them, and it seems that extraordinary flowers of a wide variety of colors and shades have grown in the emerald greenery.

In June, you need to look into the birch forests if you want the basket to be filled with the first boletus, and in thinned, light pine forests, you can collect boletus. At this time, green mushrooms are not uncommon in the forest. Since the second half of June, the growth of mushrooms has noticeably increased: more than 15 species of cap mushrooms can already be found in the forest.

In pine forests overgrown with heather, aspen and often birch forests, very noticeable mushrooms appear - aspen mushrooms. Their red hat is visible from a distance on the green carpet. These mushrooms grow until late autumn, but most of them occur from the first decade of August to the second decade of October. In June, when the first warm rains will pass, chanterelles will appear in abundance, settling in cheerful flocks on grassy and mossy forest glades. At this time, you can look in the light pine forest for the king of mushrooms - boletus, and at the beginning of July, porcini mushrooms appear in birch forests.

In June, pigs are found, in forest glades and forest edges - champignons, and in July in conifers with birch and birch forests, families of milk mushrooms begin to come across. It is necessary to take a closer look at the bumps, because under a layer of last year's needles and leaves, the milk mushroom often hides from the eyes of the mushroom picker.

The most mushroom month is, of course, August, and its best gift is mushrooms. From the first days of the month they sprinkle in young stands of spruce and pine forests. The second half of August and the first decade of September is a golden time for a mushroom picker: just manage to collect abundant harvests of mushrooms valuable for drying, salting and pickling. At this time, there are a lot of boletus, aspen, boletus, camelina, mushrooms. Less valuable mushrooms also grow - waves, ryadovki, podgruzdki. In August, you can find autumn mushrooms, but their time has not come yet. There are many honey agarics in September, when other mushrooms begin to disappear. The sky is frowning more and more often, pouring fine cold rain on the thinned forest. Fallen leaves are everywhere - a flowery outfit of autumn, among which it is already difficult to find a mushroom, but the mushrooms are in plain sight. Surrounding the stump, they climb up in a crowd, as if it was damp and cold on the ground. Before the first snow, you can carry these tasty and clean mushrooms from the forest with full baskets.

The mushroom calendar is capricious. No one year coincides with another in terms of the number of mushroom species and their yield. Only the order of appearance of mushrooms is almost constant.

A real mushroom picker meets the sun in the forest with trophies in a basket. Early in the morning, when there is still no slanting sun rays, the mushroom is more visible. Those who are late can only get overgrown mushrooms and cut off mushroom legs. Walk through the forest slowly, some will run around him and return home with an empty basket, and mushrooms love to play hide and seek. Under a dense branch, in moss, among a heap of leaves, they often hide from the eyes of mushroom pickers, especially after the summer dry wind. In a rainy summer, mushrooms settle in meadows and along the edges. If you find a mushroom, then circle around: often mushrooms grow in companies. It is not necessary to pull the mushroom out of the ground by its roots; it is better to cut it off with a knife, without scattering the forest floor. If you save the mycelium, you will get a good harvest in the future.

The Russian writer S. T. Aksakov wrote that mushrooms have favorite places where they will certainly be born every year in greater or lesser numbers. And he had such places in mind, he did not come from the forest without mushrooms. "I always have a lot of noticed mushrooms, mostly white ones," said Aksakov, "and I take them at the age that I need, or leave them to reach their full development and beauty."

(S. T. Aksakov. Collected works, vol. 4. M., published artistic literature, 1956, pp. 594-595.)

It is best to collect mushrooms in baskets of willow twigs, placing them with their caps down or sideways if mushrooms with long legs. In buckets, due to the lack of fresh air supply, mushrooms can "burn" and deteriorate. You cannot collect mushrooms in backpacks and bags - in this container they wrinkle and crumble.

Fresh mushrooms brought home must be sorted, cleaned and processed immediately, they cannot be stored.

Who, in an exciting mushroom hunt, did not have to wander in an unfamiliar forest, looking for a way home! Of course, it is good to have a compass with you, but it is not always at hand. Therefore, when picking mushrooms, you need to pay more attention to the terrain features: a noticeable tree, glades, road bends, etc. It is useful to look back from time to time in order to remember the way back from the forest.

It's easy to navigate by the moon at night. The full moon is opposed to the sun, which means that at 7 o'clock. it is in the west, at midnight in the south and at 19:00. - in the east. A straight line drawn through the two extreme stars of the Big Dipper, which has the shape of a bucket, will pass to the bright Polar Star, which is always in the north in our hemisphere.

In a lonely tree, the crown is always thicker and more luxuriant on the south side. On cuts of stumps, the thickness of the annual rings is wider towards the south. On the trunks of pines, resin appears on the south side, and moss and lichens grow on stones and trees from the north. Anthills are usually located on the south side of a tree or stump.

The sides of the horizon can be easily identified with a watch. To do this, the hour hand is directed towards the sun.

A line running from the center of the watch through the midpoint of the angle formed by the hour hand and pointing to the number 1 will indicate where north and south are. Before lunchtime, the south will be to the right of the hour hand, and after lunch it will be to the left. Exactly at 13 o'clock. the sun is in the south. The minute hand is disregarded. Keep the watch in a horizontal position.

Nature can help a mushroom picker determine the weather for the coming days. Before bad weather, oxalis and forest grains fall, folds the leaves of meadow clover, sweet clover smells strongly, and the flowers of dandelion, thistle and coltsfoot close. Yellow acacia flowers usually smell strong in the evening. If their aroma is felt on a sunny morning, this is a thunderstorm.

Going into the forest to pick mushrooms, pay attention to your flower garden. Morning glory, mallow, marigolds folded their petals and seemed to have withered - it means that it will rain and you need to put on rubber boots and take a raincoat with you.

The 2018 mushroom picker calendar will help you decide when and what mushrooms to pick, when they are just starting to grow, and when they have massive fruiting. From this (and also from the weather and the place) it depends with what you come home from the "quiet hunt". As practice shows, mushrooms grow almost all year round. But not everyone knows about this, and they lose the opportunity to feast on forest mushrooms, no matter what time of year it is outside the window. I think many will agree that the end of summer and all autumn until the first frost can be called the mushroom season. At this time, people gather mushrooms en masse in years when the weather allows it. But some species cannot be found either in summer or autumn.

What mushrooms grow in spring

Long-term study of the timing of the appearance of conditionally edible and edible mushrooms allows us to see a certain pattern. Morels and stitches appear first in the spring forest. They grow from March (in cooler areas from mid-April) to May.

These are the first spring mushrooms. Morels of a line appear in April - May: morels grow in deciduous plantations, on sufficiently fertile soils, but the lines can be found and collected in pine forests, in open areas accessible to the sun's heat. At the same spring time, small cones-strobiliuses, colibiae, very often with long tapered appendages, can develop on cones, as well as twigs in the soil.

Morels grow in spring (in the fall, some of them grow again, but this is more the exception than the rule, so such isolated cases are not taken into account). So, in the spring it is quite possible to pick up morels, cook something tasty, dry for future use or freeze. In addition to morels, there are other spring representatives (for example, oyster mushrooms), which you can read about on our website and in the mushroom picker's calendar.

After morels and lines, you can harvest three crops, which are still called "layers" by experienced mushroom pickers. These are mushrooms, different in composition, as well as in productivity.

What mushrooms grow in summer

The first layer of mushroom occurs in June, the period when winter rye spikes in your area. Because of this feature of the period, the mushrooms that appear at this time are called "spikelets". These are noble white, boletus, boletus, boletus, mushrooms. The first harvest of these mushrooms is small and short, always welcome. They look for spikelets in sufficiently illuminated places: along paths, in meadows, forest edges and clearings among rare deciduous young growth.

The second layer of mushrooms begins 2-3 weeks after the first. In terms of composition, it is much more diverse than the first, but in terms of yield, it is also weak. Lasts 2-3 weeks. Mushrooms appear more often in open areas, a little less often in mature deciduous forests.

The main and most abundant harvest of mushrooms can rightfully be considered the third layer. In terms of diversity, abundance of individuals, in terms of fruiting mushrooms, it is out of competition. They are collected both in open places and under the forest canopy.

In the table above, you can see the average harvest dates for a number of edible and conditionally edible mushrooms. Keep in mind that in the table, the dates are indicated for the middle band of the Russian Federation. Therefore, if the forests in which you will pick mushrooms are in more northern regions, then the beginning of their harvest will be delayed by 1 to 2 weeks, and the mushroom season will end later for the same period.

If you are in the southern regions, then the mushroom harvest should be expected 1–2 weeks earlier than indicated in the table. It will end from 1 to 2 weeks earlier from the indicated tabular dates.

What mushrooms grow in autumn

Autumn is the most fruitful mushroom picking season. Autumn mushrooms are harvested not only for frying in a skillet for lunch. During this period, you can collect mushrooms for harvesting. It depends not so much on the month of the year as on the weather. If it is suitable, then the yield will be high. Season to season, so watch the weather.

All dates in the table are indicative, depend not only on the place, but also on other factors (for example, the weather) and may vary from year to year. The signal for the end of the mushroom season in late autumn or early winter (depending on the area) is the appearance of the late carpophores. It grows in young pine forests on the soil.

What mushrooms grow in winter

Several types of mushrooms can be picked even in winter. It would seem that you can do in the forest in winter ... But winter, as it turns out, is also not a reason to stay at home. Many mushroom pickers love "quiet hunting" so much that even in winter they go to the forest to find, for example, winter mushrooms there. If you know mushroom places, then you can pick up a basket of mushrooms right from under the snow.

For example, winter honey agaric grows on stumps and in tree hollows, it is able to grow and bear fruit at temperatures approaching zero. It is found even after frost. In a warm strip, you can harvest in February. When frosts begin to recede for a short period, then on thaw days, you can go on exploration in the nearest forest. There are other winter representatives that you can meet on the site.

As you can see, no matter what time of year it is outside the window, mushrooms can be found almost all year round. It is more important to watch the weather, because even in autumn, if it is dry, you can come home from the forest with an empty basket. Happy "quiet hunt"!

Autumn is the time for mushroom picking. Of course, they grow both in summer and spring, and some species even in winter. But the most correct mushroom is autumn. At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn? To answer this question, you must first figure out what kind of weather these gifts of the forest love.

Seasonal characteristics of mushroom growth

Mushrooms are complex organisms. Their main part - mycelium or mycelium - is hidden from the eyes by a layer of forest humus, and only fruit bodies appear on the surface, which attract mushroom pickers. The mycelium grows all year round, so it is not easy to answer the question of at what temperature mushrooms grow in autumn.

Along with moisture, one of the most important conditions for fruiting for most species is a warm earth. Therefore, the first mushrooms appear in the spring. In April-May, when glades, clearings and forest fires freed from snow, heat up, morels and lines appear. It is they who open the mushroom season, and then other mushrooms pick up the baton.

Toward the end of May and early June, after warm rains, the first mushrooms, boletus, and even white, appear. But these are only scouts, the main layer will be later, when the rye is pricked up. By the way, these mushrooms are popularly called - spikelets.

Boletus, or as they are also called, krasoviki, redheads, appear a little later, when the aspen fades. At the same time, multi-colored russula hats peep out of the grass, and, like orange beads, cheerful flocks of chanterelles scatter into the moss.

But the summer layers are short - a week, at best two, and the mushrooms disappear, as they never were. And a real mushroom will grow only in the fall, when the braids of birches begin to gilded and splashes crimson on the aspen foliage.

Mushroom growth calendar

To illuminate this issue in as much detail as possible, we will use visual material. Below is a table that will tell you when and for what "beast" it is better to go to the forest for lovers of "quiet hunting".

Autumn forest mushrooms

In autumn, almost all types of summer mushrooms grow, but new ones also appear, those for which it is too hot in summer. This, for example, autumn honey agaric, green tea, ryadovka and others. Moreover, in autumn, the growth of mushrooms is most intense, since they do not like heat, and in order for the fruiting body of most species to begin to develop, 5-10 ° C is enough. The temperature at which mushrooms grow in autumn affects the speed of their development: the lower the degree, the slower they grow.

However, not only temperature indicators are important, but also humidity. If autumn is dry, then you can not count on a good "catch" of mushrooms. However, they do not like prolonged rains either. An experienced mushroom picker will look at how the next bad weather splashes on the roads in puddles, and sighs in sorrow: "Eh, the mycelium will get wet!" The mycelium, of course, will not get wet, it will remain under a dense forest litter of fallen needles and moss, but there really may not be mushrooms.

But light frosts, which are not uncommon in autumn, are not terrible for mushrooms. Sometimes on a cold October morning in the forest you can find literally completely frozen redheads, boletus, honey agarics. When determining at what temperature mushrooms grow in autumn in the forest, one should focus on the average daily values, since warming up the soil during the day plays an important role.

When the frosts hit

Few of these forest dwellers can survive severe frost, and most mushroom pickers believe the season ends in November. But this is not the case.

One of the most cold-resistant mushrooms is honey agarics. The best temperature for their growth varies in the range of +8 ... +12 o C. Their cheerful families grow in the forest even after severe frosts. At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn? for example, it can be found in sub-zero temperatures, even under snow.

Winter oyster mushroom is also not afraid of frost, which can be harvested not only in November, but also in January.

Growing conditions for porcini mushrooms

No matter how full the basket of the mushroom picker is, his luck is judged primarily by the number of porcini mushrooms.

White, or, as it is also called, boletus, is a cunning and fastidious mushroom. Sometimes half of the forest must be bypassed in order to attack the mushroom site. But if the conditions are right, then on a small patch you can collect more than a dozen strong boletus.

And at what temperature do porcini mushrooms grow in autumn? First, let us note that for white, it is not so much the state of the air that is important as the soil. The optimum soil temperature for it is 15-16 degrees Celsius.

But as for the air, the conditions for growth in summer and autumn are different. In summer, boletus mushrooms do not like excessive dampness and prolonged rains and prefer a temperature of +18 ... +20 o C. Therefore, they hide in the moss and under the thick paws of fir trees, where it is not very hot.

But already in the second half of September the weather rarely spoils with warmth. At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn? Starting from September, the optimal regime for the growth of porcini mushrooms will be 10-15 degrees Celsius. Moreover, night frosts do not bother them at all. The main thing is that the air and soil are warmed up during the day.

When to collect boletus in the fall

Boletus, especially young and strong, are in no way inferior to white - even boil, even dry, even fry. And if they go in a layer, then you can collect them in a relatively small forest more than one bucket.

According to popular belief, the first boletus trees appear when the mountain ash blooms, and then the whole summer they do not leave the forest glades and birch groves. Unless, of course, the summer was not too hot and dry. But the summer boletus has one drawback - the worm loves this delicious mushroom very much. So the mushroom picker has to reluctantly throw out one mushroom after another.

In the fall, boletus mushrooms are clean and strong. And besides, a special kind of them appears - with a thick leg and a dark hat, which practically does not differ in taste from white. Finding him, however, in the fallen leaves is not easy. But if one is caught, then around it you can find a dozen more.

At what temperature do mushrooms grow in autumn (boletus)? they have almost the same as the whites. For a boletus, 10-12 degrees of heat is quite enough, only these mushrooms like more humid weather, and not prolonged rains, but thick autumn fogs. And if the autumn is dry, then boletus should be looked for in humid places, in lowlands and even in a swamp.

A good mushroom picker knows at what temperature mushrooms grow. In the fall, in the forest, he will quickly pick up a basket, or even take out a package - do not leave white and boletus, boletus and boletus mushrooms, milk mushrooms and wavelets under the trees and birches! And if the mushrooms are attacked, then no packets may be enough.

Mushrooms are a special gift of nature! They are delicious and are used by culinary experts in a wide variety of dishes. And what a pleasure it is to pick mushrooms: the forest filled with the aromas of herbs and foliage, the chirping of birds and the delight of mushroom finds! And none of the mushrooms from the store can compare with the fragrant mushrooms from the forest, found personally. How to pick mushrooms and when to pick mushrooms. The answers to these questions will be given by the mushroom calendar or the mushroom calendar.

Mushroom picking- is not such a simple matter as it might seem at first glance. There is an optimal time for picking different types of mushrooms. And of course, you need appropriate weather conditions. The mushroom calendar will help you choose the time to hike for mushroom gifts of nature. Experienced mushroom pickers, of course, can do without it, but the beginning mushroom calendar will come in handy.

Mushroom calendar

A novice mushroom picker should definitely know that the mushroom year begins in April and ends in the second half of October. Please note that each mushroom grows at a specific time, not constantly. Therefore, if you are specifically targeting honey agarics or russula, then first you need to look at the calendar of mushrooms, specify the month when they grow.

  • Mushroom calendar for April

April the most difficult month for mushrooms, fixes the mushroom calendar. At such a time, there are often frosts, so not all mushrooms are able to survive frost, snow and cold. Only the most persistent survive. Mushrooms appear around mid-April. You can find morels in the very thick of the forest, exactly where the snow still lies. They grow in open areas where sunlight is most exposed. But oak and pine forests will surely delight you with stitches and cinder omphalia.

  • Mushroom calendar for May

May also does not particularly please mushroom pickers with the abundance of their gifts, according to the calendar of mushrooms. This is the month when the mushrooms are just getting ready for their summer and lavish season. But, if you try hard, then deep in the forest you can find morel hats and chunky lines. The end of May will delight mushroom pickers more, since during this period there is a high probability of finding boletus and chanterelles. Of course, the bulk of this type of mushroom will appear a little later, but if you are impatient, then you have the opportunity to find such pioneering mushrooms.

  • Mushroom calendar for June

In June, according to the calendar of mushrooms, there is a folk omen: If the strawberries have already turned red in the grass, and the rowan and viburnum have already become covered with flowers, then you can safely go in search of russula. Finding them will not be difficult, since they are located in open places, and do not hide from anyone. In mid-June, you can safely go to collect boletus, boletus and moss. The end of the month will generously delight you with stalwarts, boletus and podgruzdki.

  • Mushroom calendar for July

July, as the mushroom calendar fixes, is one of the not most successful months for a mushroom picker. There is little rain during this period, and the scorching sun simply does not allow mushrooms to grow and develop normally. Therefore, during this period, one should not hope for a special harvest of mushrooms. But, nevertheless, if rainy weather is established, then you can safely go into the forest in search of boletus, boletus and boletus, according to the calendar of mushrooms.

  • Mushroom calendar for August

August is one of the most favorable months for mushroom pickers, the mushroom calendar suggests. The heat subsides, night fogs become more frequent, and dew becomes more abundant. In the forests, you can find a huge amount of oil. Also, you will definitely be lucky for autumn mushrooms and Polish mushrooms. Ryzhiki is a real gift for a mushroom picker who went to the forest in August.

  • Mushroom calendar for September, October

September and October are cold months, in which it is already difficult to find a large number of mushrooms, but it is still worth trying. The mushroom calendar notes that if you show perseverance and perseverance, you can please yourself with russula, goats and green leaves.

More details on the schedule of mushroom growth can be found in the Mushroom Calendar below. Each month is rich in mushrooms. Simply, there is a special time for each mushroom. Therefore, if you have any preferences, then it is best for you to navigate this way the mushroom picker's calendar.

Mushroom calendar for june july august spring and autumn

What mushrooms to collect
When to pick mushrooms
mushrooms in April mushrooms in may mushrooms in june mushrooms in july mushrooms in august mushrooms in september mushrooms in october
Morels + + +
Stitching + + +
May mushroom + +
Oyster mushroom + + + + + +
Meadow mushroom + + + +
Boletus + + + +
Granular butter dish + + +
Summer mushroom + + + + +
The chanterelle is real + + +
White mushroom + + + + +
Boletus + + + + +
Reindeer rocking + + + + +
Thorny raincoat + + + + + +
Common champignon + + + +
Field champignon + +
Valuy + + +
Funnel talker + + +
Mushroom umbrella white + + +
Mushroom umbrella variegated + + + +
Real milk + +
Poddubovik + + +
Ivishen + + +
Podgruzdok white + +
Podgruzdok black + +
The pig is fat + +

Russula yellow,

food, etc.

+ + + + +
Flywheel green + + + + +
Hericium yellow + +
Ring cap + + +
Larch oil can + + +
Pink hair + + +
Black milk + + + +
Gingerbread spruce green + + +
Pine mushroom + + +
Gray talker + +
Late oiler + +
Winter mushroom + +
Podgruzdok black and white + +
Polish mushroom +
Autumn oyster mushroom +
Row gray +
Autumn line + +
Autumn honey agaric + +
Row purple + +
Greenfinch + + +
Gigrofor brown + +

Now you know when to pick mushrooms... Hurry up - the end of June is a great time to pick young mushrooms suitable for delicious meals. While you can still amuse yourself with exquisite mushroom food, and for the remaining two summer months, feel free to pick mushrooms for pickling and pickling! And for a snack, interesting information about mushrooms and tips for mushroom pickers.

Mushroom lifespan

Mushrooms grow rapidly, increasing by about 1-2 cm per day. The average size of the mushroom takes 3-6 days. The life expectancy of honey fungus, chanterelles, boletus is 10 days. White mushroom and orange-cap boletus live up to 14 days, champignon up to 40 days. With the maturation of spores, the number of which is in the tens of millions, the mushrooms age and often rot.

Mushrooms are delicious and nutritious. If you follow some rules, the mushroom season will bring you only joy:

  1. The first sign of a clean area to pick mushrooms is the abundance of fly agarics.
  2. If only russula grow on the edge, it is better to bypass it - most likely, the soil is contaminated.
  3. 90% of mushrooms grow along forest edges, clearings and young plantings, so it makes no sense to climb into the thickets, risking not finding your way home.
  4. Mushrooms grow from 1 day to 3 days. Optimal conditions: 10-20 degrees Celsius, for lamellar and noble ones - from 5 to 15 degrees above zero. Air humidity - 80-90%, rain and abundant dew are desirable.
  5. Only young mushrooms in which the caps are not fully opened or partially open are suitable for food. Overripe mushrooms with a hat open like an umbrella have no nutritional value. It is better to hang such a mushroom on a twig - let the spores spread around the area. But if the cap is curved, like a dome, it means that the mushroom has already released spores and a poison similar to that of a cadaveric is forming in it. He is dangerous, this is the main cause of poisoning.

By November, in the middle lane, the mushroom season is practically over. However, in the last autumn month, some edible fruits can still be found in the forests and plantings. The main thing is to know which of the gifts of the forest during this period can still grow and where to look for it. Such mushrooms are not very afraid of frost and, if there has not yet been a big drop in temperature, they grow actively - you can collect a large number of them.

At what temperature do mushrooms grow

For the overwhelming majority of varieties, the air temperature at high humidity must be no more than + 25˚ C. It is better when the thermometer mark corresponds to + 18 ... + 22˚ C, then the mushrooms begin to develop more actively. In November, when the temperature dropped strongly, it is already extremely difficult to find the most famous and popular forest varieties among amateurs and experienced mushroom pickers:

  • boletus;
  • white;
  • aspen mushrooms.

Autumn needs to be warm and rainy for these species to continue to grow. The most active development of the fruiting body occurs at + 6 ... + 10˚ C, and in November the temperature is already lower. Few varieties can grow with thermometer readings of about 0˚ C. But, there are such mushrooms, and among them there are quite a few edible ones, which have a pleasant taste, aroma and are actively used in cooking. Some of these mushrooms are even classified as delicacies.


Air temperatures above + 28 ... + 30˚ C inhibit the development of fungi. In order for them to start growing again, the myceliums must be saturated with nutrients, the weather must be rainy, and the thermometer mark must drop significantly.

What can be collected in November

When there are no serious frosts in the last days of autumn, and the season was rainy enough, there will be a lot of fungi in the forests and forest plantations. The varieties growing at this time, for the most part, are not difficult to find - they are located in conspicuous places - snags, tree trunks, and the grass no longer hides the mushroom caps. At the beginning and middle of the last month of autumn, you can find the following types:

  1. Late honey fungus is not very susceptible to low temperatures, so it can be found even after falling to -5˚ C. It grows on stumps or at the foot of trees. They are mainly harvested in coniferous forests or alder thickets.
  2. Black mushroom - prefers deciduous forest belts, found under birches, in sunny meadows or next to paths.
  3. Chanterelles - at the end of autumn they still bear fruit well, they can be found in mixed, coniferous massifs or birch forests.
  4. Butterlets - grow mainly in pine-oak, birch-coniferous forests or in spruce forests. They prefer clearings well lit by the sun, often hidden by fallen needles.
  5. Common garlic - the variety has high taste characteristics, but is small in size, so they are often used as a mushroom seasoning for dishes. They can be found even in the last days of November in coniferous forests - on stumps or in fallen needles.
  6. Ryadovka - this variety is collected in mixed and coniferous areas, they are found in meadows, along forest paths, roads and near ravines. They are collected even in the last autumn days.
  7. Polish - prefers coniferous forest belts, grows at the foot of old trees covered with moss. It is possible to collect in the last decade of November.
  8. Champignon - forest species is not often harvested, as it can be bought in the store. But in November it still grows - in a coniferous or mixed young forest.
  9. Oyster mushrooms - as well as mushrooms, they are rarely harvested. Nevertheless, in November, they are in the forests and there are many of them. You need to search on stumps or on aspen, oak, poplar, birch, willow.
  10. Oyster mushroom (Panellus serotina) - the name was given because of the similarity with the mushroom of the same name, and until recently it was called "late oyster mushroom". It grows on fallen trees, deciduous stumps, more often - aspen, elm, birch, linden, poplar, maple. Occasionally found on conifers, but rarely. It is possible to find Panellus not only at the end of November, but also in December.
  11. Flammulina velvety-footed (Flammulina velutipes) - is actively developing, it is possible to find it not only in the forest, but also in the city - on deciduous trees (maples, willows, poplars, nuts). The mushroom is frost and snow resistant. You can collect this species until February.

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