The hidden setting in all Android smartphones significantly improves battery life. How to increase battery life on Android phone How to increase battery life

Modern mobile gadgets are becoming smarter and more productive, but their gluttony is growing literally exponentially. Even with moderate use of the phone, when it is in standby mode most of the time, you have to recharge the device in a day or two. Let's take a look at how to maximize your phone's battery life and prevent it from shutting down at the most inopportune minute. You can increase the operating time of the gadget using advanced applications and system settings.

Why is the phone so gluttonous?

The most power-consuming parts of a mobile device are:

  • Supports LTE, Wi-Fi and GSM signals.
  • Processor functioning.
  • Screen backlight.

Consider useful tips how to increase the battery capacity of your phone, from simple to complex.

additional battery

This tip is for owners of mobile devices who have the option of purchasing an extended battery. It is enough just to study the characteristics of the smartphone to understand whether something like this is possible or not.

Important! Together with an additional battery, you will have to buy an additional cover with a greater depth. In this case, the phone will become thicker by one and a half times.

How to extend battery life on Android? Portable charger

This is a battery rechargeable from an outlet. Its capacity fluctuates between 1200 and 20,000 mAh, which is 5-10 times more than the battery capacity on the phone. On a long trip, such a device turns out to be invaluable. Using the charger, you can stay in touch for about 10 days, without compromising functionality mobile device... Read our separate review, where you will find all the useful information about Power Bank.

Important! The only drawback of the additional battery is its relatively large mass, about 2 times more than the smartphone itself. So you have to give up a little mobility.

Optimization of the apparatus

If you can't solve the issue with portable charging and (or) an additional battery, you can try to optimize the gadget. The essence is to manually disable unused functionality and thereby increase the battery life of the phone.

Decrease display brightness

According to statistics, the backlight of the display takes the lion's share of the energy. To decrease the brightness, use the “Display” item and set the brightness to a lower value. If desired, you can set automatic regulation.

"No" to live wallpaper

Live wallpapers place a significant load on the phone's GPU. Replace them with just a pretty image and the problem will be solved. And so that you do not think that your screen has become boring, use our practical ideas for setting wallpaper on Android.

How to reduce the time the screen turns off automatically?

The essence of this event is as follows: after a call or SMS, the screen will turn off not after 5 minutes, but after a few seconds, which will save the charge. To reduce the shutdown time, follow this algorithm:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select Display.
  3. Set the desired time until the screen turns off.

Disabling unused features:

  • If your gadget is equipped with a GPS module, turn it off when not in use. You will see the result immediately.
  • Watch out for the Wi-Fi module. If there is no connection to the Wi-Fi point, the module constantly searches for the network and notifies you of a successful search. Naturally, the charge is used in this case. If in this moment There is no need for a Wi-Fi router, so why not turn it off?

Important! The same can be said for bluetooth in background.

Using additional software

Of course, if the battery on Android is quickly discharging, you can go to such extreme measures as switching to black and white mode, reducing the brightness as much as possible, as well as turning off all sensors to the maximum. But this is, to put it mildly, uninteresting.

It is much more effective to find a solution to the problem when the gadget is functioning normally: applications “fly”, SMS arrives, and calls are made at once. The essence of the "economical" mode is that, if necessary, the device functions normally, and the rest of the time "sleeps". For fun, count how much the phone is in your pocket, bag, or just lying on the table next to you. The answer is one: most of the time!

Using standard features

The energy-saving features built into the Android OS are getting better from version to version. An example is Doze Mode hibernation. It is activated when the mobile phone is not charging, but lies motionless. About half an hour of such immobility, and a smart program sends applications to sleep. At the same time, she gives them the opportunity to contact outside world after 1.2 and 4 hours.

This mode has been enhanced for Andriod 7.0 Nougat:

  • Sleep starts in less than half an hour.
  • The mode is independent of the information coming from the motion indicators. Thus, the transition is possible if the phone is not lying on the table, but is in your bag or pocket.
  • Economy mode always works, it cannot be turned off accidentally.

Important! Thus, the newer the OS on the mobile gadget, the longer the period between two recharges. There is an opportunity to update the "operating system" - do it and do not hesitate. But for existing old systems, you can find applications that reduce the power consumption of the device.

Possible improvements within the existing OS

There are many applications that keep your gadget active between two battery charges. It's pointless to install everything on a smartphone. The effectiveness of this will only decrease. Practice shows that the “sweet couple” of Go Battery Saver and Greenify applications are suitable for most Android mobile devices.

GO Battery Saver

This is a smart control application for basic settings. Using the “Mode” tab, you can configure the algorithms for turning off bluetooth, Wi-Fi and data transfer.

Important! The application can automatically change the processor frequency to maximize savings.

It is possible to configure the change of modes by events:

  • By time.
  • When connected to a power source.
  • If the battery charge remains below the specified value.

In essence, this is a command post from which you can track the power consumption of the gadget using simple settings. Battery Saver does not interfere with the programs, but manages them skillfully.


This is a fundamentally different application, a kind of software “tamer”. If the mobile device is at rest, its screen turns off. The operating system puts the gadget into suspend mode, in which the computing cores are turned off, the voltage is transmitted only to RAM... The AlarmManager wakes up the phone if necessary. At the same time, keep track of which programs are TOP in terms of energy intensity. These are the candidates for freezing.

The Greenify application itself is designed to greenify these programs. Launch Greenify and check the Automated Hibernation Programs in the list. You can feel the result right away. Greenify also knows how to work with the processor, so much so that the time spent by the CPU in the active mode is significantly reduced.

Important! Many users find this program to be the most useful for optimizing energy consumption. Likewise, you can increase the battery life of your laptop.


As you can see, there are many ways to reduce the power consumption of a mobile device. Choose the one that suits you best and enjoy the stable operation of your favorite gadget.

There are many more ways to increase the operating time of a smartphone or tablet than it seems. There are hardware, software and other ways to solve the problem of quickly discharging the device. In this article, we have collected 14 tested ways extend battery life proven, which will allow you to do without an outlet for as long as possible.

Reducing the number of active applications

A large number of background processes and applications that are not closed can drain your battery very quickly. To begin with, it is worth developing the habit of not minimizing, namely, closing all programs before locking the device. After all, with the exit to the main menu, all applications continue their work in the background. In the application settings, you can find information about the applications that are currently running, and see how much smartphone resources are spent on their performance.

If an application uses too much RAM, you should look for an alternative to it, or configure it manually. If you go to the developer settings, you can set a limit for background processes, limited to the simultaneous operation of only a certain number of applications. In this case, the user will be limited in the number of active applications, but this will help develop the habit of shutting them down in the background.

Power saving mode

Power saving mode is present in almost every modern smartphone. If it comes about older devices that do not have a power saving mode, it is quite possible to install third-party applications that act as this mode. In the device settings, you can set the transition to the energy-saving mode at a certain, low battery charge.

In some devices, an extreme power saving system is implemented, which is characterized by disabling almost all secondary functions of the smartphone and reducing the brightness and color of the screen to a minimum. In this mode, 10% of the charge will ensure the operation of the device for several days, which can be very useful when traveling.

Individual program settings

The selection of programs for a smartphone should be taken with particular care. If an app is poorly optimized, it may take up a lot of device memory or use too much RAM. More optimized alternatives should be sought for such applications. For example, on thematic forums, they often discuss which of the applications for a particular purpose is better. You should experiment and look for programs that are most suitable for both the owner and his device.

Update management

If you do not turn off software updates, the smartphone can start them at the most inopportune moment. Indeed, several applications can start their update at once, which represents a fairly significant load on the battery. It is better to disable this function not only to save battery power, but also because some innovations in applications may not be pleasant, and then it will have to be reinstalled. It is recommended to update the application when some of the functions in it are noticeably outdated.

Adjusting the screen brightness

Most of the energy consumption of any device is spent on the screen. There are several ways to optimize the performance of your smartphone by reducing the power consumption of the screen. Firstly - set a dark wallpaper on your desktop, this solution will be especially for devices with AMOLED screens. Secondly, you should reduce the brightness of the display, or turn on auto-adjustment, so the device's sensors will set the brightness of the screen based on the ambient light.

Or you can get in the habit of dimming the screen manually in dark time days. If you enable fast dimming in the settings, for example - after 5 or 10 seconds of inactivity, this will also reduce energy consumption.

Rational use of the Internet

For smartphone users, it is not a secret that it is necessary to control traffic consumption, regardless of what exactly it is used through - be it Wi-Fi or mobile Internet. Both of these options are energy intensive.

Below are several ways to effectively save energy by making better use of your internet connection.

Complete internet disconnection

Of course, this option is not suitable for people who use the power of the Internet all the time. Indeed, in our time with "unlimited packages" and free traffic this happens really rarely. You can do everything over the Internet: check mail, chat with friends, study, and so on. However, if at any time the need for the Internet disappears, then it is better to disable this function completely.

By the way, so that you don't have to go into the settings every time, you can install a special widget on your smartphone. Thanks to it, you can quickly turn on and off the Internet on your smartphone with one movement, which will also save battery power. This radical method is not suitable for everyone, because most of the functions on the smartphone will be disabled. Usually, this method is not recommended, and if you need to connect to the network, the error message will simply not be displayed. This method is suitable for those people who hardly use the Internet on their smartphone. However, do not forget that some applications use the Internet for updates. In this case, they will constantly request to connect to the network using pop-up messages, which will also consume battery power. So, this method can be used only in those cases if the applications that you are using do not need a constant connection to the network.

Disable Wi-Fi

It is better to turn off high-speed Internet whenever you do not need it. If the device is not connected to a Wi-Fi network, but is constantly searching, it still affects the battery charge. It is advisable to place this function in the quick launch bar and enable it only when needed. For even greater convenience, there are widgets through which you can enable and disable Wi-Fi directly from your desktop

Smart use of 3G internet

Disabling the 3G module is great way saving battery power. Power consumption with the 3G-Internet turned on is almost the same as with the Wi-Fi turned on. Therefore, with the 3G module disabled, the battery consumption will be significantly lower.

Saves traffic - saves battery

And again, the main rule comes into play. Indeed, in any case, if the Internet is not used on the smartphone, then the battery charge is consumed much less. In this case, everything will depend on the need for applications that are installed on the smartphone, updates via the Internet. Most often, updates are required by widgets that are related to mail services, news or weather. However, almost any application can be configured, and it will not ask for updates, but no one can guarantee the correct operation of the program in this case. So, the choice in favor of this method must be done very deliberately.

Disabling other communication functions

All phone functions that are rarely used should be placed in a widget on the desktop and turned off as soon as the smartphone has lost 50% of its charge, for example. Thus, it is worth turning off Bluetooth, GPS, auto-rotate screen and similar functions.

Charging your smartphone correctly

It is believed that a full charge and discharge has a beneficial effect on the battery, and this is true, but only if we are talking about old-style batteries. Modern batteries should not be discharged until the device is turned off, and vice versa - 100% charged.

This method will only reduce the battery life, so it is better to charge modern devices whenever possible, and not to a full charge.

Update the software to the latest version.

Always make sure your device has the latest version of iOS.

  • If you are using iOS 5 or later, check if you have the update installed. To do this, open Settings> General> Software update.
  • If an update is available, you can plug your device into a power source and update it wirelessly, or connect to a computer and update using newest version iTunes.

Optimize your settings.

Decrease the screen brightness or turn on automatic brightness adjustment to conserve battery life.

  • To decrease the brightness, open Control Center and slide the brightness level down.
  • Automatic brightness adjustment adapts the screen brightness to the ambient light. To activate it, go to Settings> General> Accessibility> Display adaptation and turn on the "Auto brightness" option there.

When using the Internet, remember that a Wi-Fi connection uses less battery power than a cellular connection. Therefore, we recommend that you never turn off Wi-Fi. To turn on Wi-Fi, go to Settings> Wi-Fi, and then select the appropriate network.

Turn on power saving mode.

Power saving mode was first introduced in iOS 9. It's an easy way to keep your iPhone battery running low when battery levels are low. Your iPhone will notify you when the battery level drops to 20% and then 10%, and prompts you to switch to power saving mode with one touch. You can also enable it under Settings> Battery. Power saving mode reduces display brightness, optimizes device performance, and minimizes system animations. Apps, including Mail, stop downloading content in the background, and AirDrop, iCloud Sync, and Continuity are disabled. You can still use the basic functions: make and receive calls, read and send mail and messages, go online and much more. When your phone is charged again, the power saving mode will turn off automatically.

View information about battery usage.

IOS makes it easy to track battery usage by showing what percentage of battery power each app is using (when the device is not charging). This data is displayed under Settings> Battery.

Below are the messages that may appear under the applications you are using.

Background activity. This means that an app running in the background is consuming battery power while you are using another app.

  • To conserve battery life, you can disable the feature that allows apps to update in the background. Go to Settings> General> Content Refresh and select the appropriate value: Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi & Cellular Data, or Off to completely disable background content refresh.
  • If the Mail application displays the Background Activity message, you can switch to manual data retrieval control or increase the data retrieval interval for automatic mode. Open Settings> Passwords and Accounts> Loading data.

Location and background location determination. This means that the application is using geolocation services.

  • You can optimize battery life by turning off location services in apps. To do this, open Settings> Privacy> Location Services.
  • The Geolocation Services section shows all applications and the permissions that are set for them. If the app has recently used location services, next to the On / Off switch the indicator is displayed.

Home screen and lock screen. This means that the home screen or lock screen was displayed on your device. For example, the screen is woken up when a notification is received or the Home button is pressed.

  • If the screen turns on frequently due to notifications from an application, you can turn off automatic notifications for that application. Open Settings> Notifications. Tap the desired application and turn off "Allow notifications".

No cellular coverage. Weak signal. Such messages appear in two cases. When you are in an area with insufficient cellular coverage and your iOS device is looking for a stronger signal. And also if you used your device in an environment that weakened the signal, which was reflected in the battery charge.

  • You can extend the battery life by turning on Airplane Mode. To do this, open the Control Center and tap the Airplane Mode icon. Please note that you cannot make or receive calls in Airplane Mode.

To charge the device, plug your computer into a power outlet and turn it on.

When you charge your iOS device via USB using your computer, you need to make sure it is plugged in and turned on. If the computer is turned off, or in sleep or standby mode, your device's battery continues to drain. Note that iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS cannot be charged using a FireWire power adapter or FireWire car charger.

Long battery life of a smartphone during a hike or a tourist trip is provided in several ways. Among them are the choice of a device with a powerful battery, the presence of a second battery, the use of external portable chargers and Powerbank. But even if you have a regular smartphone with a regular battery and no external battery or charger, it is quite possible to increase autonomy by optimizing the functions of the communicator itself.

10 Ways to Extend Battery Life

1. Decrease the brightness level, turn on "sleep mode".

This is perhaps the most suitable method of saving battery power and works equally well for any device with a screen. Set your screen brightness to 50% or less and your phone will drain more slowly. You can adjust the brightness of the screen by lowering the notification shade: you can do this by swiping two fingers across the screen (sometimes just one is enough). The status bar and the option to change the brightness will open, you can do the same by going through the directory: "Settings" "Screen" Brightness ". And while you are in the same place, you need to disable "Auto Brightness" (also called "Adaptive Brightness" in the fresh Android version 5.0 Lollipop).

Another important option in the display settings is that you can change the "sleep" time of the screen. That is, the amount of time that the screen will spend in standby mode for your commands, before dimming and turning off after a second. Typically, the default is 30 seconds, but we recommend lowering it (to 15 seconds or less).

2. Reveal the gluttony of some applications.

Suspended applications are programs that are "minimized" but not completely closed, and they can continue to consume a lot of power without your knowledge. Fortunately, Android has a built-in battery monitor. Go to "Settings" "Battery" and you can see which applications are the most power hungry. Now you know exactly which apps are best to avoid if you are going to spend the whole day away from home. I would like to note that not all applications "burn out" the battery. So, for example, the application for recording calls and telephone conversations Arkiver, here about him, was developed taking into account the minimum power consumption.

3. Turn on power saving mode.

Not all Android smartphones have a power saving feature, but if you own phones from Samsung, Sony, Motorol and HTC, then they probably have the option to enable this mode, and you can start it when your battery power is rapidly decreasing. On some Android phones, the power save solution can be set to start automatically when the battery level drops below a certain percentage.

If your smartphone runs on Android 5.0 Lollipop. it has a built-in power saving mode that can save you more than 90 extra minutes. It can be accessed by going to the "Settings" "Battery" "Battery Saving" (in the quick menu - this is the upper right icon).

4. Disable NFC and Bluetooth.

Bluetooth is usually disabled by default, but NFC may work. We got a lot of new Android smartphones working, finding that the only reason for the hidden power leak was background NFC operation. With NFC, Android smartphones communicate with objects from a single touch, like Bluetooth headsets and digital cameras. But just like Bluetooth, enable this option only when it is needed. Some Android smartphones have a dedicated NFC icon on the notification shade.
If your phone does not have it, you can turn NFC on or off by going to Settings Wireless Networks NFC Technologies.

5. Use dark "wallpaper" on the desktop.

There are two main types of displays on smartphones: LCD and AMOLED. LCD displays use a backlighting system that illuminates every pixel on the screen. However, AMOLED displays are created with pixels that emit light on their own. Each pixel, acquiring one or another color, glows, and accordingly consumes energy. And the pixel that remains black does not glow and is not powered by battery power. If your phone has an AMOLED or SuperAMOLED screen (and, for example, most Samsung smartphones are endowed with them), then you can set a dark wallpaper or even black on your desktop to make your device more energy efficient.

6. Turn off positioning (GPS).

Many apps such as Google Maps, Swarm, and Yelp use geolocation to provide accurate location data, but if you rarely or moderately use apps with this feature, it is very wise to leave GPS inactive. Some smartphones have a GPS deactivation icon - also called Lollipop's "location" - in the quick settings menu. Be that as it may, you can turn off the transfer of geodata by going to "Settings" "Location".

7. Disable unnecessary functions.

There are some differences in the functionality of different gadgets on the Android system. And if your device is endowed with such silly features as "eye tracking" or "air control" that, for example, the Galaxy S4 has, then go ahead! It's time to deactivate them.
Surely you will never use them, and they will consume battery power while in the background. Usually, the options for turning them on and off are located in the settings of the applications themselves.

8. Disable vibration and optional audible alerts.

The haptic feedback, or vibration that occurs when you interact with your smartphone's touchscreen display, is wonderful. I love the tactile sensation of touching a device that creates vibrational feedback. But for this pleasure you have to pay with a noticeably increasing battery consumption.
Turn off energy-consuming vibration by going to Settings Sound & Notifications Other sounds. And there you can turn off "Vibration", and, of course, "Sound of keys", "Sound of pressing the screen", "Sound of screen lock", "Vibration feedback" - by disabling all this, you will be able to save the remaining battery charge in case, for example , emergency, when the smartphone of that and look to get naked.

9. Set the minimum number of widgets.

Widgets are a great way to capture everything important information with one quick glance at the home screen, or easy access to control keys for something like a music app. But for the sake of the battery's well-being, disable widgets that don't often get your attention. You can eliminate widgets by long pressing and holding on them, and then dragging them to the "delete area" (sometimes it looks like a trash can symbol).

10. "Cut off" unnecessary animation effects.

Did you know that beautiful animation effects and graceful transitions consume energy in your phone? Good news: you can turn them off and add "life" to the battery if you activate the hidden settings: "For developers". Go to the "Settings" "About phone" section, then scroll down to the "Build number" and click here 7 times.

Go back by clicking the back button and you will see the "For Developers" section that was missing before. After entering it, scroll down to reach "Window: scale", "Transition: scale" and "Animation speed". Disable these three configurations and voila: your smartphone's battery will start to hold its charge a little longer (and perhaps the phone will become faster). By the way, a reboot may be required for these changes to take effect.

Alexey Starobogatov.

Modern smartphones are highly energy consuming devices. Often, even in standby mode, the charge may not be enough until the evening. What does the battery charge go to and how to increase the autonomy of a smartphone?

Where does the battery charge go?

You can check how much an application consumes battery power, as well as see the discharge graph in any Android smartphone and tablet. Let's take a look at the example of the Xiaomi Mi2 smartphone.

To view, go to the device settings, select the menu item " Battery", On the next screen, tap on the item" Battery use».

A list of applications and processes that are consuming battery power will open. For information on a specific application, click on its name. To view the discharge schedule, you need one line with information about the operating time of the smartphone.

How to increase the battery life of your smartphone

What can you do to make your device last longer? First of all, you need to consider what exactly is spending the most battery charge, except for system processes and applications. Sometimes it may be some application that is actively consuming the battery in the background and does not allow the device to go into sleep mode. You need to get rid of such programs and look for similar ones in functionality.

Optimizing screen performance

The screen is turned on most of all, but naturally we cannot get rid of it, we can only reduce its appetites by setting a lower brightness level or turning on automatic brightness control. The brighter the screen, the faster the battery drain. Adjust the brightness level acceptable for you by going to the smartphone settings or sliding the vertical shutter of the notification panel.

Additionally, adjust the time the screen turns off when it is inactive. If there is a long time before extinction, then reduce it to 30-60 seconds.

If you have a smartphone with a screen made by AMOLED technology, then set a dark wallpaper and a theme. The peculiarity of such displays is that they consume little energy for dark colors. Conversely, the highest grade falls on light colors.

Optimization of wireless interfaces

The battery drains quickly when constantly switching between 2G and 3G networks, in conditions of poor 3G coverage. If in your area the connection to 3G is unstable and the device constantly switches from EDGE mode to 3G and vice versa, then it would be better to switch it to 2G mode forcibly. To do this, go to the smartphone settings along the path “ Settings "->" Mobile networks "->" Network type"And select" Only 2G»

To reduce battery consumption, do not keep mobile Internet, Bluetooth and GPS turned on all the time, turn them on as needed.

To reduce the drain on the battery, turn on the balanced processor mode in the smartphone settings. Depending on the model and manufacturer of the device, this mode can be called differently - optimal, economical, etc.

It should be noted that not all smartphones have this option. As a rule, it is present in high-performance devices.

The vast majority of smartphones and tablets have a power saving mode preset by the manufacturer, which can be enabled, disabled and configured by the user. Basically, in this mode, all the settings described above are used, you can just play around with them by setting your own values.

You can try to increase the autonomy of work by producing smartphone batteries.

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