Types of coffee makers or what types of coffee makers are there? Types and types of coffee makers How to choose the right coffee maker, which one is better reviews

A coffee maker is a kitchen “device” that has long been firmly established not only in cafes and restaurants, but also in the homes of ordinary coffee lovers! It’s easy to explain this popularity: a coffee maker really makes the life of coffee lovers a lot easier! In this article we will try to figure out which coffee maker to choose, so as not to be disappointed in your purchase!

Types of coffee makers

Drip or filter coffee makers. Their distinguishing feature is the absence of hot water pressure. The liquid flows drop by drop under gravity, which is how the coffee maker got its name.

When purchasing a drip coffee maker, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Power. If you like strong coffee, buy a low-power coffee maker: 750-800 W. If you are a fan of light drinks, pay attention to models with high power.
  2. Flask. This element must be strong and durable. The type of material (glass, plastic) in this case is not very important, the main thing is its quality. The size of the flask depends on how often you and your household drink the aromatic drink. The minimum coffee yield is 5 cups, the maximum is 15. In this case, you must strictly follow the instructions and pour into the machine only the amount of water indicated in it. Please also pay attention to flask handle. It should be comfortable, non-slip and made of non-heating material.
  3. Filters. There are several types of filters. The most durable is “golden”. In second place are nylon filters, which are enough for about 60 brews. The last option is disposable filters. They have a number of advantages, for example, they do not require maintenance. Which filter to choose is up to you.
  4. Filter holder for water - allows you to move the filter to the side and not remove it from the coffee maker.
  5. Automatic heating or thermos - components that allow coffee not to cool for a long time.
  6. Auto control mode- the presence of this function allows you to program the coffee maker on and off in advance.
  7. Strength adjustment- another function that makes life much easier for coffee lovers. There are different ways to manage this criterion. Thus, some coffee makers allow you to adjust the brewing time, others offer the user to simply select the strength level, rating it on a 5 or 10 point scale.

The price of drip coffee makers varies from one thousand to six thousand rubles.

Geyser coffee makers consist of a metal vessel and partitions that separate the water from the coffee. To prepare a drink, you need to pour water into the lower compartment. Once boiled, it will rise and pass through the coffee. The best coffee makers are those that only make one revolution of water. Geyser coffee makers are either electric or intended for use on the stove.

When purchasing a geyser coffee maker, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • volume- in this case, you will again have to strictly follow the instructions and use the specified amount of water, so you should sort out your “coffee appetites” in advance
  • pen- we again give preference to models with non-heating handles.
  • lid- the main requirement is also the use of thermal insulation material. In addition, it is most convenient to use a handle that is equipped with hinges. This makes it quick and easy to remove.

The price of geyser coffee makers varies from two to ten thousand rubles.

Espresso coffee makers- allow you to prepare coffee using steam. Boiling water creates steam; as soon as it reaches the required level, the valve opens and the steam is forced through the horn with compacted coffee. Despite the name, in this model you can prepare not only espresso, but also cappuccino.

There are two types of espresso coffee makers. The first create a pressure of about 4 bar. They prepare the drink slowly, but the coffee is strong and invigorating.

The second type has a pressure of about 15 bar. In such models, coffee is prepared much faster and turns out very rich and tasty!

When choosing a coffee maker of this type, you should pay attention to the following:

  • coffee grinding. All espresso coffee makers are designed for coffee of a specific grind;
  • coffee horn- as a rule, it is made of metal or plastic. In the first case, the coffee is heated well and the result is very rich. In the second - less strong and having a specific taste;
  • foam- depending on the type of coffee maker, to prepare it you need to either put the milk into a straw or pour it into a reservoir - which is more convenient is up to you to decide;
  • protection- allows you to protect the coffee maker from overheating and combustion;
  • double nozzle- speeds up the coffee pouring process;
  • pallet- protects against leakage and spillage of liquid.

The price of drip coffee makers varies from seven to more than twenty thousand rubles.

Capsule coffee makers- perhaps the simplest and easiest to use coffee makers. In this case, in order to prepare a drink, you just need to place a capsule with a pressed drink in the coffee maker. The machine then punctures the capsule and brews the coffee with water.

When purchasing a capsule coffee maker, pay attention to the fact that...

  • capsules for coffee makers not always easy to purchase. This does not mean that they are in short supply, it’s just that choosing the option that you like is quite difficult;
  • You will have to forget about ground coffee with such a coffee maker;

The price of capsule coffee makers varies from three to thirty thousand rubles.

Combination coffee makers- the name of this type of coffee maker speaks for itself; it combines an espresso coffee maker and a capsule coffee maker. If you find it difficult to decide on your preferences or your “coffee moods” are changeable, this coffee maker will be a real salvation! In addition, they are more miniature and unpretentious.

The cost of combined coffee makers starts from three thousand rubles and can reach fifty thousand.

"French Press"- a type of coffee maker that also does not require much effort on the part of the coffee lover. To prepare a drink, you just need to pour ground coffee into the device and fill it with hot water. After some time, lower the piston down, passing the coffee through the filter and leaving foam at the bottom of the coffee maker.

The main advantages of such a coffee maker are small volume and weight, mobility, no need to connect to the network, and savings.

The disadvantages include the “manual” type of control, that is, you yourself will have to monitor the temperature of the drink and its strength. And, alas, you won’t be able to prepare coffee “delicacies” with its help.

The price of French press coffee makers varies from five hundred to more than two thousand rubles.

So we got acquainted with all types of coffee makers. Which one to choose is up to you! Remember that each has its own advantages and disadvantages. But be that as it may, any coffee maker must be looked after: washed, changed filters on time, and monitor the integrity of all elements. To conclude the article, there are some more tips on how to choose a coffee maker in the following videos! Well, if you have already become the happy owner of a coffee maker, then you can, which will help you learn how to use a useful kitchen gadget!

News on the topic of the article

A cup of aromatic coffee in the morning is an incomparable pleasure! You can feel how with every sip your mood rises and your body is filled with strength. The usual morning time pressure forces us to resort to the help of a coffee machine. How to make the right choice of device from all the variety of designs? A review of the model ratings will help with this.

What is a carob coffee maker

This kitchen appliance has the ability to preserve and enhance the aroma of the drink during its preparation. The operating principle of an espresso coffee maker is simple:

  • Ground grains are placed in a special horn;
  • hot steam passes through it under pressure;
  • it is saturated with coffee aroma;
  • the steam condenses in a special chamber;
  • the finished drink is poured into cups.

A carob type coffee maker differs from a drip type in the absence of coffee grounds in the finished drink. There are not even suspended particles in the cup. Advantages of this design:

  • thanks to high pressure, more components are extracted from coffee that provide taste and aroma;
  • the cooking process takes a minimum of time - no long boiling of water is required;
  • the taste of the drink does not change;
  • it forms a pleasant foam;
  • coffee consumption is reduced when compared with other machines.

Carob coffee maker Delonghi

  • Delonghi EC 7.
  • Price: 7500 rub.
  • Characteristics: power 810 W; semi-automatic for ground grains; power indicator; control of drink strength; making cappuccino.
  • Pros: ease of operation.
  • Cons: the cappuccino maker is inconveniently located.

The Delonghi carob-type coffee maker, powered by grain and ground coffee, has a wide range of functions:

  • Delonghi ECAM22.360.
  • Price: 34 thousand rubles.
  • Characteristics: power – 1460 W; machine; setting the heating temperature; start time; water tank volume – 1.8 l. There is functionality for making cappuccino; timer; control of drink strength.
  • Pros: display; 13 options for grinding beans.
  • Cons: plastic body.

It is convenient to have a coffee machine in the office. It is optimal to buy a model with automatic cappuccino preparation:

  • Delonghi EC 680 M/R/BK DEDICA.
  • Price: 12500 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1470 W; semi-automatic machine for coffee in tablets – pods, ground; descaling indicator; simultaneous serving for 2 cups.
  • Pros: metal case, automatic shutdown.
  • Cons: Only low cups are used.

Vitek coffee maker

Vitek company offers a wide range of coffee machines. Equipment can be purchased in departments of shopping centers. It’s easy to order goods using catalogs, study photos, descriptions and buy in the online store. Inexpensive model:

  • VITEK VT-1511.
  • Price: 4800 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1060 W; semi-automatic for ground grains; water level indication; removable drip collection tray.
  • Pros: Cooks two servings at the same time.
  • Cons: noise during operation.

The Vitek carob-type coffee maker, which has the ability to make cappuccino, is popular:

  • VITEK VT-1516.
  • Price: 15600 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1060 W; semi-automatic for ground grains; adjusting the amount of water; The material of the two horns is metal.
  • Pros: liquid level indication.
  • Cons: lack of an anti-drip system.

An economical option for a coffee machine that prepares cappuccino automatically:

  • VITEK VT-1513.
  • Price: 5800 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1360 W; semi-automatic for ground grains; water portion indicator 1.25 l; metal coffee maker horn.
  • Pros: removable tray for collecting drops; preparing two cups at a time.
  • Cons: plastic body.

Carob coffee maker Krups

  • Krups EA8010 EspresseriaAutomatic.
  • Price: 19,000 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1460 W; coffee bean machine; capacity – 1.8 liters. There is a temperature setting, self-cleaning from scale.
  • Pros: built-in coffee grinder; metal case.
  • Cons: Difficulty whipping cappuccino foam.

The Krups carob coffee maker is distinguished by its quality and ease of operation. It has an option for making cappuccino:

  • Krups XP 3440.
  • Price: 11800 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1460 W; semi-automatic for ground grains 1.1 l; liquid level indication; metal horn.
  • Pros: small dimensions; manufacturer's warranty.
  • Cons: small volume of water; It is inconvenient to remove the grounds from the cone.

A very convenient model of a coffee machine that has an automatic system flushing function:

  • Krups EA8298.
  • Price: 29,500 rub.
  • Characteristics: power –1460 W; coffee bean machine; 1.8 l vessel; temperature setting.
  • Main advantages: adjustable dispenser position; waste container; there is a display.
  • Cons: high cost of replacement filters.

Philips coffee maker

This company, which acquired the Saeco brand, preserved its traditions of making coffee machines. The models are distinguished by a set of useful functions and quality. Great option:

  • Philips HD 8828.
  • Price: 55,000 rub.
  • Characteristics: power 1860 W; machine for ground and grain coffee; volume – 1.8 l; display; control of drink strength.
  • Pros: energy saving mode.
  • Cons: short cord.

A popular model of a coffee bean machine with self-cleaning descaling is:

  • Philips HD 8649.
  • Price: 18500 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1410 W; automatic machine with a capacity of 1 liter; making cappuccino. There is a temperature setting and portion control.
  • Pros: the presence of a grinding degree setting.
  • Cons: There is no mug height adjustment.

The Philips carob-type coffee maker with cappuccino making function has excellent reviews:

  • Philips HD 8822.
  • Price: 18300 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1860 W; automatic machine for ground and bean coffee with a water volume of 1.8 l; portion adjustment; self-cleaning from scale; Serves 2 cups.
  • Pros: changing the height of the dispenser.
  • Cons: There is no adjustment of grinding fineness.

Carob coffee maker Polaris

The company produces carob coffee machines for home and office. They are easy to operate and reliable. Preference is given to the model:

  • Polaris PCM 1515E.
  • Price: 4800 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 860 W; semi-automatic machine for ground coffee with a capacity of 1.5 liters with a liquid level indicator; Horn material – metal.
  • Pros: affordable price.
  • Cons: no anti-drip system.

Easy-to-use Polaris carob coffee maker with manual cappuccino preparation:

  • Polaris PCM 1517E.
  • Price 5000 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1060 W; semi-automatic machine for ground coffee; 1.3 l tank; power-on indication; two metal horns.
  • Pros: case – stainless steel.
  • Cons: noisy operation; lack of features; no display.

A coffee machine designed for producing drinks in pods – tablets:

  • Polaris PCM 1914 S.
  • Price 5800 rub.
  • Characteristics: power – 1210 W; semi-automatic volume 0.6 l; water level indicator. One metal horn, power indicator.
  • Pros: ease of control.
  • Cons: noisy operation; few functions; no timer; expensive coffee tablets.

How to choose a carob coffee maker

What criteria should you use when choosing if you need a carob coffee machine? It is worth paying attention to the following features:

  • Types of structures. Pump, where heated water is forced under pressure through a horn - the best aroma of coffee is obtained. In the steam room, steam is first formed, which passes through the ground grains. This drink has a higher caffeine content.
  • Number of horns, their material.
  • The volume of the water tank is 0.2-1.85 liters.
  • Cappuccino preparation option – automatic or manual.

Choosing a carob coffee maker for your home involves taking into account the following factors:

  • using coffee beans, pods or ground;
  • presence of light indicators indicating the process status;
  • equipping with devices for safe operation;
  • function of heating milk, maintaining the temperature of the drink;
  • work area lighting;
  • the presence of a removable anti-drip system;
  • power – the more, the shorter the cooking time;
  • Possibility of heating cups.

Video: the best carob coffee makers for home

Updated 09.24.2017

There are at least 5 types of coffee makers, each of which brews coffee differently:

  1. Drip;
  2. Geyser;
  3. Espresso coffee makers (carob);
  4. Models of the “Turkish” type;
  5. Capsule.

We will look at each of them in more detail, which will ultimately allow you to determine which is better.


These are the most affordable coffee makers that are sold in any kitchen hardware store. They make so-called “American” coffee. Some people consider this drink to be very strong, although other people disagree and say the opposite.

The principle of making coffee here is simple: water is poured into the upper water tank. Then it is heated to a temperature close to 95 degrees and fed into a special filter with ground coffee. This water, slowly passing through the layer of coffee, absorbs the aroma and taste and then flows drop by drop into the coffee pot. This is how the drink itself turns out.

If you decide to choose a drip coffee maker, remember that you need to change the filter that contains the ground coffee from time to time. If it is a paper filter, then it can be said to be disposable. However, such filters are inexpensive, but the fact that they need to be replaced frequently can be considered a disadvantage. The filter itself looks like this:

This is the most common type of coffee maker, and it comes in a fairly wide price range.


Geyser coffee makers are also called percolation coffee makers. Coffee brewed in such coffee makers is stronger. Therefore, if coffee from a regular drip coffee maker is strong for you, then from a geyser - even more so.

The increased strength of the drink is ensured by the principle of brewing coffee. Here the water is in the lower reservoir. It heats up, turns into steam and then passes through a filter with ground coffee. Steam, naturally, is much more saturated with aroma and taste than just hot water, so the drink turns out to be richer and stronger. The finished coffee is in the upper reservoir - the coffee pot.

There are different types of geyser coffee makers: those that run on electricity and are plugged into an outlet. And those that are placed on a gas or electric stove. Actually, it looks like this:

It’s clear that when choosing a geyser coffee maker, it is better to give preference to an electric one.

Espresso coffee makers (carob)

The operating principle of carob coffee makers is similar to the operating principle of geyser models. Here, water is poured into the upper reservoir, where it turns into steam and is supplied under pressure to a filter with ground coffee (both hot water and steam can be supplied under pressure). Along the way, the water absorbs the aroma of coffee and enters a cup or two at once.

The result is excellent, strong coffee. A special feature of carob coffee makers is that it takes less coffee to prepare a portion of the drink. And one more thing: you can only add coffee of a certain grind. And one more thing: washing such coffee makers is quite inconvenient.

Carob coffee makers are also sold in a wide price range. The cheapest ones have a minimum of functions; they simply brew delicious coffee. Expensive ones offer the opportunity to prepare cappuccino, macchiato and many other drinks. A carob coffee maker, where the process is automated, is already a real expensive coffee machine, although the principle of preparation does not change at all.

In Turkish

In fact, these coffee makers are simple coffee makers, but they run on electricity. They consist of two parts: a turk and a stand. There is a heating element under the stand. It heats up and automatically turns off when necessary (taking into account the given portion).

Everything is simple here: put in ground coffee, add water and wait for it to cook. These models are popular among tourists who cannot do without coffee. Such models are usually inexpensive.


The last type is capsule coffee makers. Special capsules are used here - these are hermetically sealed plastic jars.

Inside there is a certain type of coffee, and its taste is already “set”. These capsules are inserted into a special receptacle of the coffee maker, and when cooked, the capsule is pierced and hot water passes through the layer of coffee under pressure, absorbing aromatic substances. After its resource has been exhausted, the spent capsule is discarded.

There are definitely pros and cons to capsules. The advantages are primarily the ease of use of a capsule coffee maker: insert a capsule, make coffee, throw it away, insert a new one. Also in the corresponding stores there is a large assortment of different tastes.

The disadvantage is limited creativity. In capsules, the taste is already set, and you will not affect it in any way during the preparation process. Although, when choosing, you will already know exactly what roast the coffee is, what grind it is and what the approximate taste of the drink will be.

The second drawback is the lack of versatility of the capsules. It often happens that the store does not sell capsules specifically for your coffee maker. And capsules designed for some models are often not suitable for others.

And the third drawback is the high cost of one serving. If you compare the cost of a serving of a drink from a capsule coffee maker with the cost of a serving of a regular drip coffee maker, the latter will be significantly cheaper.

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Until recently, coffee was brewed exclusively using Turks or simple coffee makers, and in any case, preparing an invigorating drink turned out to be a complex procedure, a real ritual, the correct execution of which required a certain skill. Today, it is very easy to get good, aromatic and tasty coffee if you use a coffee machine.

However, if the use of such a device seems very simple, then its choice is often very difficult - there are too many models with different characteristics on the modern market. However, if you clearly understand the purpose for which a coffee machine is purchased, it is not difficult to understand the available variety - for this it is enough to know what exactly such devices are and what they can be used for in each specific case.

Choosing the type of coffee machine

Strictly speaking, coffee machines have only one function - to brew delicious and aromatic coffee. However, along the way they can perform many actions, and what exactly a particular device “can do” determines what its use should be.

Carob coffee machines

The simplest coffee machines are carob machines or, as they are sometimes called, traditional coffee machines. They are espresso machines with minimal functionality. In particular, such a coffee machine can control steam pressure, water level in the boiler and its temperature. At the same time, she will not be able to grind coffee on her own, so it is necessary to load ready-made, ground powder, molded into tablet form, into the carob coffee machine.

Thus, in order to make coffee in a carob coffee machine, you must first grind the coffee, then compress the coffee tablet, load it into the holder, and turn on the pour. In some machines, you also need to control the coffee preparation time manually - when a sufficient amount of coffee is ready, the barista must turn off the machine himself. Such coffee machines are classified as semi-automatic.

Also on the market are more convenient solutions - automatic carob-type machines that independently turn off the spill in accordance with the set timer. This function often turns out to be very useful - it allows the barista to save a few extra seconds.

It is important to consider that only an experienced barista can work with a carob coffee machine - in order to get truly delicious coffee with its help, you must have certain experience and dexterity. In addition, you must be able to handle the machine settings, which must be changed depending on the hardness of the water, the type of coffee used, and even the humidity and temperature of the room.

Super automatic coffee machines

Super-automatic coffee machines are more complex devices that can prepare good coffee without any human assistance during the brewing process. Such a coffee machine will be able to grind coffee beans, measure the required amount of coffee powder, form a coffee tablet and prepare espresso. Moreover, super-automatic coffee machines do not require constant cleaning - each time after brewing, the machine will automatically place the used grind into the waste tray.

Thus, in order to to get high-quality coffee, you just need to press the button of the super-automatic machine- the machine will do the rest on its own in just half a minute. However, when making a choice in favor of such a device, it is necessary to take into account that a super-automatic machine must be washed daily, and maintenance requires certain skills. In addition, super-automatic coffee machines, as a rule, are quite expensive, and therefore purchasing them for use at home in most cases is impractical.

Pod coffee machines

Pod coffee machines are devices that use pods to make coffee. Each pod contains 7 g of ground coffee and is a bag made of special paper, which allows you to preserve the aroma and taste of the ground powder for a long time. Using a pod machine is very simple - in order to prepare a drink, just place the pod in a special compartment and turn on the flow.

Such devices turn out to be very convenient; they do not require constant cleaning - after brewing coffee, the used pod is simply thrown away, and the coffee machine itself is ready for further use.

Capsule coffee machines

Capsule coffee machines are in many ways similar to pod coffee machines, however, the coffee they use is packaged not in bags, but in special capsules, which perfectly ensure the preservation of all the valuable properties of the finished powder. Capsule coffee machines are by far the most successful solution - the capsules are completely sealed, which allows you to get the highest quality coffee. At the same time, capsule machines are undemanding to maintain and extremely easy to use.

Number of coffee machine groups.

Speaking about the classification of coffee machines, we also cannot fail to mention the number of groups. This indicator directly determines the productivity of the machine - the more groups, the more coffee the coffee machine can prepare per unit time. Currently, there are 1, 2, 3 and 4 group coffee machines on the market. Moreover, each group can be designed to simultaneously prepare one or two cups of coffee.

Thus, For use at home, a one- or two-group coffee machine is quite sufficient. Small and medium-sized offices often purchase two- or three-group coffee machines, while large offices and catering establishments purchase three- or four-group coffee machines. At the same time, for large offices, restaurants, cafes or bars, it is most advisable to use capsule or pod machines - their design is such that you can easily keep track of the number of cups of coffee prepared.

Finally, it is also worth considering that the coffee machine may have a number of additional functions that allow, for example, preparing not only espresso, but also cappuccino. In this case, the coffee machine is equipped with a frother and a special milk tank. However, when choosing a coffee machine, you should not chase the maximum number of functions - it is better to concentrate on reliability and ease of use in order to find the optimal balance between performance, durability, functionality and price.

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There is no need to introduce a drink like coffee. The population of any country is familiar with it. Many people adore it and cannot imagine the morning without a cup of aromatic drink. They wake up easier, become more alert, and are charged with energy for the whole day, which is why it is very popular. In this article we will tell you how to choose a coffee maker for your home.

If you are captivated by the taste of an overseas drink, then sooner or later you will have to make a decision and choose a coffee maker for your home. This device will help simplify and speed up the process of brewing coffee beans at home. A successful purchase will delight the owner and his guests with freshly brewed coffee for a long time.

Technology does not stand still; now you can buy a wide range of different coffee makers. Before purchasing, you will have to find out which is better - drip or geyser - and what you should pay attention to.

Which coffee maker to choose for your home

The very first thing is to find out what requirements you have for such a device. There are several varieties, completely different from each other:

  • Drip;
  • Geyser;
  • Electric Turk (cezve);
  • Rozhkovaya (espresso coffee maker);
  • Capsule;
  • Combined.

Before you buy any coffee machine, you should understand the features of each type. This will help you make the right choice.

Drip coffee machine

The most common device for making coffee, easy to use and affordable. Drip - this is because after heating, water begins to drip onto the ground grains. The second name is a filter coffee maker - the liquid is forced through a filter mesh.

Principle of operation

Water is poured into a special container and heated to a temperature of 85–95°C. The finished drink ends up in the coffee pot after passing through a filter of ground coffee beans. Everything is simple and clear.


  • Long cooking time. If you have to cook for a group, you won’t be able to drink coffee together. While you prepare the third portion, the first portion will have time to cool.
  • Even a very high-quality type of coffee will not be full of good taste and aroma. The preparation principle does not allow essential oils to saturate the drink. Hot drops of water dissolve a small part of the oils, but this is not enough.

What should you pay attention to?

When purchasing a drip coffee maker for your home, you should choose a powerful device. The principle is simple: the larger the volume of the container, the more powerful the heating element should be.

The speed of preparation and strength of the drink will depend on the power of the device. It is worth considering devices with a power of more than 1,000 W. They are able to quickly prepare coffee and give it enough aroma and taste.

Anti-drip systems are very practical. They allow you to drink coffee as it is prepared and not wait for the end of the cycle. You removed the device - it stopped working, put it back - it started working again.

Most of these machines have a glass coffee pot, and underneath it a heater that can maintain the temperature for up to 30 minutes. It is more practical to buy a device with a thermally insulated metal coffee pot that holds the temperature for a long time.

The volume of the coffee pot is chosen at your own discretion. If you are interested in personal consumption, that is, 2-3 cups at a time, a 500 g container will suffice. A two-liter coffee pot will quickly brew up to 15 cups of drink.

The coffee pot handle, insulated from overheating, ensures safe use.

Important detail:

There are devices with a function for manually controlling the strength of the drink. You can also purchase a device with overflow protection, which turns off when the coffee pot is filled. If the coffee maker is equipped with a filter compartment holder, then changing the ground powder will not be difficult. Any functions make devices more convenient and more expensive.

Most devices work with ground beans, but there are coffee machines that have a built-in coffee grinder and automatic grinding feed into the drip compartment.


This is also a fairly simple device, in which the metal container is divided into two compartments. One of which is for water, the second for ground coffee.

How does it work?

The upper compartment is for water that needs to be brought to a boil. When water boils, increased pressure is created, due to which it passes through a special filter with ground grains. Thus, it is saturated with the aromas of essential oils and ends up in the compartment for the finished drink.

There are models where brewing occurs due to evaporation, that is, steam. The water boils away and forces steam into the upper compartment. Steam passes through ground natural coffee through a special steam tube.

To improve the taste, many users repeat this process one or two more times. This can significantly improve the taste. It takes about five minutes to prepare.


The modern manufacturer offers geyser types from 1 to 18 servings! A device designed for cooking a certain number of portions cannot be filled with a smaller amount of liquid.

What to pay attention to:

There are two types of this type:

  • Electrical;
  • Slab.

An electric machine brews coffee that tastes better and is of higher quality.

Before buying such a device, you should think about its volume in advance. The power of the device directly depends on the volume of the water tank: the greater the amount of water, the greater the electricity consumption. Power can be 450 W and 1 kW.

A coffee maker with a metal flask and a transparent top is in great demand, which allows you to observe the pumping process. It can be glass or plastic. The handle of the housing must be a heat-insulating material.

Depending on the manufacturer and cost of the device, various options may be offered:

  • Delay timer;
  • Automatic shutdown;
  • Temperature support;
  • Thermostat;
  • Strength regulator;
  • Light indicators.

Electric Turks

A simple electrical appliance for quickly preparing several servings of a good drink. An electric Turk is capable of brewing coffee that does not differ in taste from that prepared in the usual way.

Work technology

The Turk can be plastic, metal or ceramic. The differences between them are minor and do not affect the quality in any way.

The container is installed on a special platform, sold as a set. According to the principle of operation, this is an electric kettle: a water container is placed on a platform that heats the device.

With an electric Turk, everything happens exactly the same. The only difference is that ground grains are added along with water.


Electric Turks are not equipped with an automatic switch. It is necessary to monitor the preparation of the coffee drink.

What to pay attention to

The volume of such devices for one or two cups is 250–500 milliliters. Fast cooking is ensured by the fairly high power of the device, 500–1000 W.

Carob-type espresso cappuccino maker

These are very popular coffee makers today. There are two fundamentally different types of this coffee maker:

  • Pump-action;
  • Regular steam.

Principle of operation

A regular coffee maker relies on steam to operate. The water boils, turns into a gaseous state, and the pressure created forces the steam through the coffee filter. The result is coffee that is inferior in taste to the drink prepared in a pump device.

Pump machines work on a different principle. Their pressure is created not by steam from the evaporation of water, but by a specially built-in pump pump. There is no need to bring the water to a boil, which ruins the whole taste. The water temperature is adjusted to ± 90°C.

The second name is carob. This name was obtained due to the filter into which the coffee is poured; it has the shape of a horn. Water at a pressure of about 7 bar passes through this filter.

When choosing a device for your home, do not listen to sales agents who say that the device creates a pressure of up to 15 bar - this is not so. The truth is that such devices can theoretically create high pressure, but this is not necessary. The horn machine copes with its responsibilities using significantly less pressure.


Long preparation before use, heating the water. Constantly maintaining the temperature requires energy consumption.

What to pay attention to

Many models of such coffee makers provide the preparation of milk foam for exclusive drinks. The so-called cappuccino machine can be used manually or automatically. It is much more convenient to get milk froth using an automatic cappuccino maker.

Having chosen espresso, you need to check the material used to make the main part – the filter horn. The only suitable material is metal, more precisely, stainless steel.

For those who like to drink coffee with friends, equipment with two nozzles is sold. Preparing a drink for two is equally quick.

It’s good when the kit includes a tamper - this is a compactor of ground coffee in the filter.

Built-in functions to protect equipment from overheating and the ability to quickly turn off are required.

If there is no water in the tank, the coffee maker should not turn on.

Capsule coffee machine

I like the capsule type of the device for its simplicity and ease of use. The coffee drink is prepared without any difficulties.

How does it work?

The capsule placed in the compartment is pierced with a specially designed needle. The needle is hollow - hot water is supplied through this cavity directly into the capsule. The water is filled with the taste and aroma of encapsulated coffee and poured into a cup. After which the capsule is moved to a specially designated compartment.

This technique can also be used to prepare a drink with milk, you just need to make sure you have capsules with dry or concentrated milk.


The cost of capsule coffee will be more expensive than regular ground or grain coffee.

Only capsules from the manufacturer of this equipment are suitable. The choice of drink is limited by the manufacturer; you will have to drink only the variety that the company offers.

What to pay attention to

When purchasing a capsule coffee machine, you should pay special attention to the power of the device. The duration of preparation of the drink directly depends on this indicator; it is recommended to choose equipment with more than 1 kW of power.

It is very practical to choose coffee makers with a large volume of water - at least one liter. Water usually runs out quickly at the most inopportune moment. It is very good if the container with water is removed. There are models with a water filter, which users also like.

The function of automatic shutdown of the device and self-cleaning mode is desirable.

Combination coffee machines

Two different but important tools are built into the combined ones:

  • Espresso combine. This type of equipment was created to be able to prepare a drink using ground or bean coffee of your choice. To put it simply – a coffee maker and a coffee grinder in one device.
  • Coffee machine. You can make your own espresso or Americano. Complex and expensive coffee machine. It combines two different devices – a drip coffee maker and a carob coffee maker.

Which coffee maker is better? What to buy? (VIDEO)

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