What does the number 18 mean in numerology? The meaning of numbers in relationships and love

The number 18 is the completion of karma, the number of the entry of the body of consciousness and the complete formation of the physical body. A person who sees a number must understand what it says. !8 o'clock or hidden 6 if we look at the dial or 1+8=9.

As you can see, the numbers are different, reflecting the physical and spiritual essence of a given number. A person at the age of 18 is able to realize what is good and what is bad and realize that if he does something bad, then this evil will definitely return to him.

It is 18 that makes it possible to see your path, your actions and touch the completion of judgment over your actions. Exactly 18, there is a point of outflow of energy to perform an action, there is a perception of subtle energy, there is a perception of time.

A person begins to rise above karma and recognize the actions of both his own and others as his own. Karma, when understood correctly, is processed faster. This is the time to lay down a new program for the entire period of life. The number 18 consists of 3x6, revealing the fullness of physical manifestation in the three bodies of conscious existence.

Looking deeper into the essence of this number, we will see that it consists of 2x9. which are two spiritual bodies. It turns out that we develop two spiritual bodies, the third body is the sensitive body of Karma, through which we perceive the experience of existence.

It is in the number 18 that the two bodily basis of manifested Karma and 6x3 = 18 are laid down are the three hidden spirals of compression of the matter of consciousness on the spiritual, physical and sensitive level. During this period, people experience the outflow of fire through 6 points, the head, palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and the genitals.

With all his being, a person confirms his involvement in the cosmos and the Universe. Having a 6 finite structure or honeycomb, a cell of the universe in which the body of consciousness of a new being is grown. Symbol of the entry of the world, the development of cells in the world, through the Internet and cellular communications.

The number 18 symbolizes the surface of the black cube, which is contemplated by those who come to it. Three planes of the cube that are never visible to man and which he knows about if we look from a higher dimension. Only subtle consciousness is capable of perceiving through the visible and invisible as a complete picture.

At eighteen, the active accumulation of Karma ends and the period of preparation of consciousness for the beginning of redemption begins, which will begin after 20 years. The number 18 has deep Karma and through awareness in the spirit a person strives to understand life from the side of events that are laid down for him as a test, his attitude towards life changes, this is what the number 18 indicates to us when we see it.


    Good day! Paul! I came across your blog purely by accident. I was looking for an answer, like others, to the question: what does the number 18 mean. After reading your answers, I came to the conclusion that basically the number 18 is the number of KARMA. Apparently in this world, fixated on material things, people have done a lot of evil. That's why it comes to many. But I think that it comes to those who still have a chance to correct their KARMA. Do good deeds. At least for the sake of their children. Two numbers also come to me. About two years ago, I began to catch myself thinking that I was often repeating, as if to myself, two numbers. Sometimes it’s 18,000 (yes, that’s right – eighteen thousand). Sometimes it is 40,000 (forty thousand). What do they mean? So I decided to look for the designations of these numbers. With my date of birth, it’s also not so simple. My parents unanimously stated that I was born on September 21, 1959. , but in the metric (it was still called that then) the number 23.09 was written down. 1959 Until I turned 11, no one even noticed this mistake. And I think that this is all for a reason. After all, in life everything is interconnected.


    Since you have been given a day to live, it means you have been given a chance to work on your karma. What is karma and why do you need to work on it? Imagine you did something that destroyed you and wreaked havoc in your body, and processes arose inside that do not give you strength to live, but take away your strength and energy is sent for the growth of diseased cells in your body. The fact that the metrics record one actual birth at another time or you have made a distortion to hide your essence. The number 18,000-10,000 = 8,000, this is the truth, or you are occupying space with your body, which is karma in all its manifestations. The number 10,000 is the number of darkness or what hides your being that resides under the skin or inside your body. The number 40,000 is 10,000x4=40,000, complete darkness or a space where there is no light and all images are static, like pictures or stone statues, and therefore this is a manifestation of your karma.


    Hello, tell me about my date of birth: 09.11.90


    Ivan, at the subconscious level, you grasped the thought and essence of your birth date by writing 09.11.90 = 091/190 at 19, or you are developing towards 1, your exclusivity, or you understand what 9 is - your spirituality. You will come to prosperity in your mature years when you you will have everything you planned. It is you who will come into your own by creating your own family, which will become your support. Until then, you will work and earn your bread through labor, although luck will smile on you if you do not strain your brains and live like Ivan the Fool. Read fairy tales and you will be convinced that envious people call him a fool, but he is simply a sage and does everything right and that is why he has strength.

  1. 16.11.2014

    Hello! I often see the time on the clock as 18:03, what does this mean? Date of birth 03/18/1990


    Samantha, do you see 18.03 this time? Or do you see this number combination on other media? Second question, do you see 18/3=6, or: is there just a colon separating hours from minutes? So in your birth, 18 is the day and 03 is the month. So if you see the time, then there are 60 minutes and that means 03 is not time, but a sign. On the contrary, if the months are 03=12/3=4 or in your fiery birth, you must find the firmament realizing your task. To determine the influence of the sign 1803 on you, you need 1+8+0+3=12, you are standing at a crossroads and it all depends where you go, whether you will find happiness or, on the contrary, you will become unhappy and poor. Your birth is 03/18/1990=1+8+ 0+3+1+9+9+0=31, or it’s difficult for you to understand what spiritual development is, but you must adhere to faith, otherwise you’ll just start to get tossed around in life.


    I see it only on watches, and only on electronic ones (18:03 with a colon separating hours from minutes) Thank you!


    Samantha, so the clock tells you that 1 - the first circle, 8 - you have worked out karma, 0 - your consciousness is cleared of what prevented you from developing. The number 3 is the fire or color of your aura that affects your perception of the world while you are under the influence of this transformation. This means that soon you will look at your life differently and see something new. Know that if one day is similar to another, you just fall asleep and live like a zombie. If you have learned a lot of new things, then rejoice, you are developing and your consciousness is growing.

  2. 07.11.2014

    Thank you for the article. my date of birth is 11.01. 1996 (I'm 18 now). Recently, I began to delve deeper into myself and try to change my life, switched to a healthy diet, gave up fish/meat, stopped masturbating, stopped drinking and buying. But there is still some dissatisfaction. I don’t have a good relationship with girls, I’m kind of uptight sometimes. Please give me advice on how to live further, and what to do for further development, and in general, please tell me about my fate.
    Thanks a lot


    Anton, your dissatisfaction is due to the fact that you have blocked the source of energy from you and now it does not find a place inside you. Only when you begin to pump energy into yourself by doing or doing sports or spiritual practices will you begin to feel more, see the world differently and predict the future. Your capabilities will begin to perceive everything more sharply and you will see that everything around you is telling you what to do and what is harming you. Your relationship with girls is bad because these girls were created by other men and you are simply using what they created for yourself. You need to work on yourself and create the image of your girlfriend and attract her to you, and then she will not only be happy with you, but will also give birth to wonderful children for you. And these girls you meet will only bring illness and disappointment because they came to punish people like you. If you need to tell more precisely how attraction and image creation is done, then I recommend a consultation on how to attract love to yourself. This consultation costs 2,300 rubles, but in honor of the upcoming New Year, I will give you a cheaper consultation. Write to me by email [email protected], I will ask you leading questions, you will answer and within 24 hours I will make calculations and give you recommendations. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 2000 rubles. If you agree, write, I'm waiting for your letter.

  3. 04.11.2014

    I was born on March 25, 1984. My boyfriend said that his number was 18 (house, apartment, documents, etc.), and after marriage, this number began to go next to me, even the car number came across (7272, i.e. 7+2+7+ 2= ​​18), in the maternity hospital the child’s crib was numbered 18! what does this mean?
    Thank you very much!!!


    Tatyana, you were born on March 25, 1984=2+5+0+3+1+9+8+4=32, your number is 32 and 5. I recommend that you look at these numbers by following the link;
    .Now your young man has the number 18 and that means you relate to him, 32+18=50, which means he is pushing you to develop your consciousness. How? So 18+5=23 or you have 32 and you and him have 23, 32/23, that is, your relationship is what you think about it, but not what it really is. The child has a crib, the car number of which is also there, and the letters are all pulled up by the ears, although there is a sign and a hint. For a child to decipher, you need to know his birth. Then I want to say that if you, if you are not ideal, then the essence of darkness begins to control you. If your husband is 18, then this is a good sign and it means he has intuition and foresight and should guide you through life and strive for you to develop your spirituality and get to know your soul.

  4. Katerina


    Hello! Today I noticed the number 18 all the way. Previously, I didn’t pay attention to numbers at all, but today it was somehow different. I was born on August 18, 1988.


    Katerina, you were born on August 18, 1988 or the sign of karma has a dominant position for you. Your task is to reduce your karma or humbly work off what the world sends you. The number 18 began to indicate to you that you are not doing this and are adding more and more karma to yourself. When your body gains a critical mass of negative tissue and the body is no longer able to resist the penetration of the energy of destruction into you, a signal begins to be sent to you and you saw it.

  5. Semyon Bespalov



    P.S. I won’t say much. Ask why? You must understand that the secret will never be revealed, it is eternal and will always remain a secret. I’ll just write – Voynich’s manuscript and then think for yourself why I wrote it)


    Semyon, evil is destruction and do you want to destroy your body and your soul? Do you want to become just darkness? Whoever bothers you, find a cave and climb there and live in darkness. You are brave until you know what true darkness is. But the word “not a sparrow” flew out, you can’t catch it, and that’s why you write so recklessly, I just feel sorry for you.

  6. Bespalov Semyon




    Semyon, there is nothing you can transform, since you chose the direction of darkness, and there is only destruction and decomposition into microelements.

  7. Semyon Bespalov


    I am Semyon Bespalov I am the ARCHITECT OF THE MATRIX I WANT TO DESTROY HUMANITY:) I want to know your opinion on my date of birth Just for fun:) 05/18/1993


    Semyon, what kind of matrix are you, absurd?

  8. Vladislav


    On May 18, I had a terrible headache all day long, there was no way to get it down, I woke up and it was buzzing, in the first half of the day I took a pill in the evening, I lay down for a couple of hours from 19-21 hours, I woke up, my head was still buzzing and generally felt uncomfortable 2 tablets I drank it and it still didn’t help. Around 11 p.m. everything more or less calmed down. Although everything is fine with health, normal nutrition and so on. What could this number mean to me? 08/30/1993.


    Vladislav, why poison yourself with pills when your problem is brain dehydration and he signals to you, let me drink. If you do this next time, you may end up with paralysis or a stroke. Therefore, before it’s too late, learn to recognize that your body requires energy that you do not give it and the electrolyte has boiled away from overload. You are only 21 and so worn out, what will happen to you after 30, send you to a disability pension. Start with a healthy lifestyle, exercise while you sleep and don’t sit on the computer in the evenings.

  9. 18.05.2014

    Hello Pavel Grigorievich! My date of birth is September 14, 1981. The number 18 began to haunt me a very long time ago, about ten years already. Initially, I thought it was just a coincidence, but now I can say with complete confidence that this is some kind of sign. I see this number everywhere. During all this time, seeing this figure, I experienced both positive and negative emotions. It feels like someone or something is walking in step with me in life. But I still can’t understand whether this is Good or Evil. I am hope for your help! Thank you! P.S And even the decision to write you this comment was made on the 18th) I’m at a loss)


    Eugene, you were born on September 14, 1981=1+4+0+9+1+9+8+1=33, you are now 2014-1981=33 and you have been seeing the number 18 for 10 years. that is, you have been faced with this number since the age of 23. You thought this was a coincidence, why? Have you recorded events and determined that the numbers alert you to the event? You are right about whether it is good or evil. It remains to figure out what good is? Good is considered if you rise and your energy grows, you do not sin and do good everywhere because you are strong and fair and develop for the good of life and you are life itself, good and love. What is evil? If you are a brake in everything, you create lawlessness and your actions are dirt and dirty tricks that poison the existence of others and destroy the world. So the number 18 is the number of karma that was given to you and that you sowed in the past and are now fighting with it. It is good for you if you realize this. If in the struggle you become embittered and create new karma, then this is evil. Also, the number 18=1+8=9, if you, when working with karma and your consciousness, strive to develop your soul, then this is of course good and all your family and friends will be happy with you; you are like a ray of light for them in the kingdom of Darkness.


    Thanks for the answer! I've done stupid things in my life, up to a point! Having visited one of the holy Monasteries, I definitely gained Faith, and my views on life changed exclusively to the Good) So this is good))) Thank you)))

  10. 14.05.2014

    Hello, I would like to know about my date of birth: January 18, 1994, thanks in advance!


    Julianna, you have a dual, self-sufficient name and therefore, through the date of your birth, you join in the understanding of eternity. So you were born on 01/18/1994=1+8+0+1+1+9+9+4=33, says that you reap the fire that you yourself sow by scattering matches in the forest. But soon you will come to the middle of the road and you will have to answer for your actions because the time of redemption will come. Your life expectancy and the degree of suffering and illness will depend on this.

  11. 30.03.2014

    good afternoon! today I dreamed that I live in an apartment under number 18... what does that mean? But there is no section with a dream book on the site... I will be glad to hear your answer...


    Natasha, you are right, there is no such section yet, but it is planned. For now I can say that the number 18 is the path of karma that is in your apartment and the way out of the current state through the development of the soul. Also, this karma tends to influence you and forms diseases in your body, and therefore they began to warn you in a dream.

  12. 22.03.2014

    Hello!!! Help me, just a little more and I will understand everything myself. Here is my date, 07/18/1980, the number 18 usually carries negative energy, but there are times and vice versa, which rarely happens. The number 47 is my positive and what is this date 05.15.2015 should I be afraid of it? Thanks in advance.


    Dmitry, you defined a point in space time based on the wave principle. Yes, this sign is leaving the body, but it’s not a fact that you are ready for it. Number 47 says that this event should teach you and you will move on. But how it will be depends only on you and how you approach this event. So fear will squeeze you and put on another trapping net, understanding and observation from the outside will give you freedom and strength.


    Good afternoon Thanks for the answer, although it is not entirely complete and vague.


    Dmitry, thank you for rating the answer. But if you are knowledgeable, you should know that you cannot say such things specifically in a comment for everyone to read, it will simply destroy you. Yes, I give more specific answers and recommendations, but this is only individually by email and for a fee, so that stupid questions are not asked.


    If possible, I would like to receive an answer to 347, it is also present very often, thank you!


    Dmitry, tell me, you want to know about the number 347, but write the number 18 in the comments, how can you understand?


    Hello Pavel! Excuse me for such words, I didn’t mean to offend anyone at all, I’m very sorry. There are major changes going on in my life right now. I think that I can influence events, but no matter how hard I try, everything happens completely the other way around. If it is possible to get a paid consultation about all three digital amounts, this is really very important for me, then how to do this? Best regards, Dmitry.


    Dmitry, Write to me by Email [email protected]


    Hello Pavel! I was interested in your proposal and have already sent you a letter. I look forward to your response. Best regards, Dmitry!

  13. 19.03.2014

    Good afternoon. For several months now, when I look at my watch, I see 18:18. At the same time, I feel uneasy every time... I was born on January 19, 1987. I don’t see any connection with the number 18. But it seems to me that this is a warning... But about what... How to understand??? Help!!!


    Natalya, this is a hint of your karma, which can both be compacted and diluted with the help of spiritual actions. So the number 18 says that for karma you need 9X2 = 18, you start to atone for your past sins, otherwise your karma will become denser and diseases of your body will soon spring up like mushrooms.

  14. 19.03.2014

    Hello, I would really like to know about my date of birth, October 18, 1980. Thank you.


    Julia, your health is weak and it pesters you with endless praises of colds and the appearance of abscesses. In addition, you have a sick stomach and need to watch your diet. Know that if your teeth hurt, it will cause you a lot of trouble. All this is unpleasant, but nothing compared to the fact that you are susceptible to attracting all sorts of emergency situations and can be hit, this is an accident, a fire or an assassination attempt.

  15. 18.03.2014

    Hello! I was born on 08/18/1982, I consider the number 18 to be lucky, but there is a certain mysticism in it. It seems to me that events in my life very often repeat themselves, especially this is connected with my personal life.


    Inna, you have a strong name and you can read its meaning in the “Names” section. Since you are different, you are given the ability to see and sense spiritual spaces. The number 18 is the path to infinity of events when trillions of options become available to you. You were born on August 18, 1982 or have 888 and this is a sign of karmic illness or, on the contrary, an unusual force if you have opened access to your soul. Your health is excellent, those ailments that periodically arise are associated with unassimilated psychic energy. You need to beware of accidents and always insure against them. You also need to be careful in icy conditions and not walk under the roofs of houses in the spring, as an icicle may fall.

  16. 06.03.2014

    I constantly meet/see the number 18. Date of birth: 10/15/1995 = 18 years old. The appearance of the number is mainly associated with pleasant moments (meeting a girl (she lives in another city, but as it turned out, this is her favorite number and is also present in her life), getting a license... etc.), but lately I see it everywhere, does not depend on events. And I understand that it carries something in itself, but I can’t understand what exactly it means.


    Jack, it’s great that these pleasant moments of life and they are associated with your spiritual development. By your nature, you must measure and weigh everything and then you will develop a scheme of understanding that he wants you as the number 18. So 18 is a spinning 8 on a stick or a propeller that can lift you off the ground. Therefore, it depends on you what the number 18 will mean, you have already read 4 options for events in this article. So, calculating your vibration number 10/15/1995=1+5+1+0+1+9+9+5=31=3+1 =4 to the number 18 you relate to 31+18=49=4+9=13, or 4+(1+8=9)=13 and precisely, you have an intermediate number 31 which relates to the sum of vibrations which is 13. We get 31 /13 when the fire of passion devours you from the inside and you become different.

  17. 19.01.2014

    Every time I worry about my son (9 years old), when I close my eyes and cry I see the number 18. Please tell me what this means!!!


    Lyudmila, you just didn’t save him in his past life and he died at the age of 18. That’s why they remind you of this so that you can begin to accustom him to life. You need to help and suggest what you can and cannot do, while taking into account what you were like at a given age. When parents conceive a child, the cliché of their subtle singing passes into the aura of their son and he lives under this starry sky. He already knows everything you knew and could do, and you, seeing this and your mistakes, must correct them in him.

  18. 28.12.2013

    Pavel please tell me 18 is it good or bad to see? I'm tired of this number.


    Magomed, when you look at the load that you need to lift up the mountain, it says that you just need to strain your strength so that your navel doesn’t come undone. Or just reconsider what you are carrying there and whether you need it or not up there. Therefore, everything will depend on your position, which you determine in relation to your karma, accumulated during your existence. Fatigue says that you are carrying too much and it’s time for you to reconsider the values ​​of your life.

  19. 16.12.2013

    Polina, turning points in life, 2022 and 2031. Karma interferes with your success and happiness, and only when you sufficiently develop your consciousness and begin to control yourself will you enter the world that you want to see around you.

  20. 16.12.2013

    Hello. Can you tell me about my date of birth and its matrix? I tried myself, but I didn’t get a complete image.


    Polina, you are promised success in the profession of a surgeon. Your stubbornness and the steadfastness of your point of view will always meet resistance in life. In romance novels, endless quarrels and early marriage will darken you. Your consolation is only children who will delight you with their high intelligence. Your financial side will depend on how you learn to curb your temper.


    Thank you very much...children are my hope:)

  21. Anastasia


    My fiance has been haunted by the number 18 since birth (born May 18, 1988). As a rule, these are negative events: on the 18th his father died, on the 18th he bought his first car and its number 972 - a total of 18, the car constantly breaks down and has already been in an accident once... The second car has number 927 - too 18 in total. All changes related to the service also occur on the 18th. Tell me, should we be afraid of this number?


    Anastasia, what do you care about his karma? Let him deal with it himself and then come to you. Now if you know that he is burdened with karma and marry him or start having sex, your ship can also tilt. It’s not a fact that you will save him; it may be completely different when he drags you to the bottom. In order to see how to beat this karma and what amulets to use, I recommend getting a consultation. Write to me by email [email protected], I will ask you leading questions, you will answer and within 24 hours I will make calculations and give you recommendations. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 1800 rubles. If you agree, write, I'm waiting for your letter.

  22. Teen Wolf


    Hello. The numbers 18 and 19 are aligned with one guy who is not indifferent to me. He's been around these numbers for a while now. First I began to notice the number 18, and now 19. What could this mean?


    Little wolf, do not be afraid of his numbers 18 and 19 which, when applied to a cross, form 18+19=37, and 3+7=10, he will take you to a new level of perception of the world and through him you will receive a secret grain. This means you will start thinking about him and all this will have consequences. He was also sent to you as a reflection of your father or he is a messenger of karma and how things will turn out with him depends on how your father dealt with women.

    Teen Wolf


    Thank you!

  23. 02.11.2013

    Hello. Please tell me what the number 18 means in a dream? I dreamed that one person told me “I’ll go to house 18, this is my favorite number” and pointed to house number 5, entrance 8. Strange, what could this mean? thank you in advance.


    Pavel Grigorievich, I really need your advice. How can I contact you? Explain the numbers 49,39,59,29,53,35,18. My date of birth is 04/29/1987. I’m confused. I’m waiting for your answer and communication!


    Oksana, Write to me by Email [email protected], I will ask you leading questions, you will answer and within 24 hours I will make calculations and give you recommendations. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 1800 rubles. If you agree, write, I'm waiting for your letter.

  24. 21.10.2013

    Hello! I’m also very confused. I need your help! Maybe even your consultation. The numbers are 49,39,59,53-35,18, I’m waiting for an answer and I really need advice to find a way out!!!


    Oksana, write to me by email [email protected] Having described the topic of the consultation, I will ask you leading questions, you will answer and within 24 hours I will make calculations and give you recommendations. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 1600 rubles. If you agree, write, I'm waiting for your letter.


    Thank you for your quick response. I wrote to you by email.


    Yes, Oksana, I saw you and you were asked questions that need to be answered.


    Thank you for your answer. I wrote to you by email.


    The consultation will take place via email, I expect you to answer questions and describe your problem. The terms of the consultation have been sent to you by email.

  25. Alexander


    I’m tired of watching. born on May 21, 1993. what is this, tell me! It’s like there are 2 ways! 3 year old Gemini. high-ranking Taurus! help me understand everything that I see


    Alexander, what are you watching? Numbers show you the path or road signs on your way. So where 13 is vanity and your actions out of habit are practically unconscious and therefore they lead to karma. The number 21 is the contraction of your being and the compaction of matter. You are now being more and more gravitationally attracted to the Earth. The number 28 is the doubling of karma and the transfer of part of karma into your spiritual body like an oil slick. Bodily karma goes to the level of internal organs, number 18. Number 8 says pay attention, karma is coming, you need to look for the sign, what event you see and what you feel. You were born on 05/21/1993=2+1+0+5+1+9+9+3=30 that your suffering will last in the fire phase for up to 30 years or in 1993+30=2027 you will begin to repent and search for a way out.

  26. 18.09.2013

    I'm sorry why you didn't answer me


    Bahar, they answered you. Although your condition was borderline, the information relates to sleep and therefore you should have asked the question in the dream book section, and not in number 18.

  27. 17.09.2013

    Hello, for the seventh year now, almost every day I look at my watch and see 18:03, or 08:03, but this combination is less common. Please tell me how I should perceive this? Thank you in advance.


    Lena, inside your body there is a struggle against pathogenic manifestations. It's like a small flame that has engulfed two of your organs. This is connected with your karma. So if you identify this, you can suppress the disease with medication and the visions will stop.


    Hello, Pavel Grigorievich. Thank you for your answer. But it’s a little unclear which two organs? and what about my karma? and please explain about the disease. Thank you.


    Lena, you write in the comments section, not consultations. Hints are given here to encourage the person to further search for information and overcome difficulties. In consultations, the reasons are calculated and clarified and recommendations are given for a person to achieve happiness. Perikadrum and Spleen, so daily walks in the fresh air are recommended.

  28. 04.09.2013

    Hello, I wanted to ask about the duration of several nights when I sleep I turn over on one side or the other, and when I turn over I repeat the number 18 to myself in my head, let me clarify this not in my dreams, every time I turn over I repeat this number to myself. What does this mean? There are no events planned, no one in my family was born on this day, and nothing in my life is connected with this number. Thank you.


    Bahar, you say V-O-Seventeen, which means that when you are on one star of consciousness or parallel space, after turning your body over, you tune in to another star. This is how you form a crystal of consciousness by directing your concentrated energy beam with its peaks into the space of options.

  29. Christina


    and I was born on November 18th. In life, a sensitive person strongly feels people, and very strong quarrels with my parents from which I then get sick both in soul and body and cannot recover for a long time, they behave very cruelly in those moments when I have difficult life situations, they do not show sympathy... but on the contrary aggression. This situation is repeated constantly, loneliness has haunted me all my life and I experience severe mental suffering from this. I may not recover from such blows of fate, and when the hardest time in my life is left completely alone, everyone turns away... but the number 666 also appears in my life sometimes, I thought it was a good sign, but it didn’t bring anything particularly negative... let’s say with changing place of residence or when moving... brought a lot of different adventures, but I couldn’t find spiritual relationships... I myself would like to become a less spiritual person, but so far it hasn’t worked out.. I don’t know how to cope with this situation.. ((


    Christina, you are right, in such a situation you do not live, but exist trying to survive. All this is due to a misunderstanding of the situation of reaction to it and your parents using it against you. Write to me by email [email protected], I will ask you leading questions, you will answer and within 24 hours I will make calculations and give you recommendations, following which you will become different and attract your other half with whom you will become happy. The consultation will be paid, the cost is 1600 rubles. If you agree, write, I'm waiting for your letter.

  30. 29.07.2013

    I am connected by the number 18 with good memories of meeting my future husband a year later, marrying my husband and getting married. how can this number 18 affect my life path?


    The future husband is not a husband, he is a groom. This number says that you are 18=1+8=9, during spiritual life, penetrating into the experiences of another and helping him understand you, you will soon become one. This will allow you to develop in conjunction with each other. If you look 1,000 years ahead, then you, like a waltzing couple, will switch bodies and fulfill a new destiny. So, changing gender from birth to birth and transfusing seed from one person to another and back, you will soon become one whole, which is the act of God’s love for his children who have accepted the path of unity in each other and in God himself.

  31. 29.07.2013

    the number 18 is the happiest number, my husband and I started dating and got married on the 18th in November when we met and the number 18 plays a big role in our lives, what does it mean, can you decipher it?


    You have read the meaning of the number 18 and understand that two people find unity when, as a single person, they themselves decide who today should stand above the other, thus symbolizing 8. This is karma which, when you realize this nature, will become 0 or awareness and then you will become one week we. But we must take into account that everyone will receive both a connection and an additional burden in the form of the karma of a loved one, which is the illness of his family.

  32. 12.04.2013

    Pavel, you are very good at this, I believe you. I will do as you said


    Paul, what do you think about the second coming of Christ? Will it be soon?


    Alexey, the whole point is that each person, with his faith or disbelief, attracts and repels this event. Therefore, such events are unpredictable and our generation can live in peace; nothing will happen. The transition to another dimension and the transition from the Iron Age to the Golden Age will find us.


    Pavel, I think that the second coming will happen very soon. But this will not be exactly what many are waiting for; it will not be Jesus, but an ordinary person. And the first arrival was the same.


    Alexy, what you say, let the Antichrist come, like an ordinary person. The fact is that just as it is impossible to enter the same water twice, so in the guise of a man Jesus Christ came and fulfilled his Mission. Why does he need to wear leather clothes again? No, he will come as a heavenly light that will be 1000 times brighter than the sun and with this light will test people who will go with him and who will stay with the Antichrist. Read the Gospels again carefully and you will understand that the mission of the son of God is to show people the way to heaven after death. Strengthen your faith by reading holy books and words spoken by God himself.

By borrowing activity from the one and adding it to the number “8”, which symbolizes strength, people born on the 18th manage to combine sporting achievements with intellectual work. According to your date of birth, you are a traveler, you are an emotional, but at the same time reasonable person. You are one of those nines who need constant change and a daily life filled with events. You are the owner of a sharp mind, strong feelings and beliefs, therefore, in disputes you most often emerge victorious. You enjoy challenging or accepting an opponent and practicing debate. You like to be independent; in any team you most often become a leader. As a charismatic person, you are able to influence others, give wise advice when necessary, and offer your help without embarrassment. You get really strong impressions from the abilities of your subconscious, intuition helps you navigate the world around you.

Of all the nines, people born on the 18th are the most reliable, they will never quit work before it is completed. And this is despite the fact that they constantly feel the need for change. Those born on the 18th will never leave anyone in trouble. You may be conservative in some of your beliefs about life and work, and you are often good with money and able to save it. It is typical for you to maintain a favorable environment in your work team. Be that as it may, try not to criticize others unnecessarily if you are planning to correct or add something. Be positive and support those who need your guidance and advice, because you, like no one else, are able to do this easily and naturally, if, of course, there is the appropriate mood.

Those born on the 18th are great lovers of music, they are able to sincerely admire theater and literature, and are often well educated and well read, even if they are largely self-taught. As a true theatergoer, you always have suitable jokes in stock for a celebration or meeting with friends. Like most Nines, you may be a talented playwright and writer, creating works of fiction in a realistic manner.

You experience frequent and unexpected changes in both your work and personal life, but to be fair, you must admit that the reason for this is your inner fatigue. You are also excited about the chance to travel, looking for any opportunity to drop everything and go away. If this does not work out, you will travel in your dreams, with the help of books and television. You show a desire to abstract yourself from reality, to hide from the sad reality in a fantasy world.

Your career will be successful in any field according to your abilities, especially in politics. You can also find yourself in the arts, make a career as an actor or lawyer, and also show an interest in medicine. Those born on the 18th may have health problems, so you need to avoid stress and unnecessary pressure at work. If you work at full capacity, your vital energy will quickly deplete. Always try to find time to relax in the fresh air and do light sports.

Where does the "nine" star burn?

Here are some of the qualities that Nines exhibit at work.

You have a desire to change the world for the better and fight weaknesses. These qualities will help you succeed in teaching, government service, or medicine. You will be absolutely happy if your work helps change something in your life for the better. Nines are not the kind of people who work only for a salary. Faith in their work is what drives them.

You want to do something worthwhile and, just as important, find a field of activity where you can use your vivid and multifaceted imagination. You risk becoming one of those who lives in the past or cannot find a place for themselves in life.

Mood is one of the best traits of your nature. You should find a field of activity where your mood swings will be more of a benefit than a detriment. It would be natural for you to apply yourself to creative activities - in literature, theater or painting - where a variety of feelings can be used quite fruitfully. Of course, nines never sit still - keep this in mind when choosing a profession. You will discover your abilities if your work offers you variety. Use your wonderful creativity where practical and rational thinking will help you create something both beautiful and useful. Indeed, nines are in some ways akin to alchemists who create a real jewel out of something absolutely insignificant. People around you are sometimes amazed by your unique ability to find and implement an original idea.

Any area that allows you to realize this talent will appeal to you. Movement is everything. If mere mortals have a job that requires constant travel, they are exhausted, they feel squeezed like lemons and no reward can cheer them up, then Nines are simply happy if their life’s work allows them to be a vagabond. And, even if your job requires daily business trips by train, you will only get an additional opportunity to see another corner of the world. Nines find the true meaning of life in movement.

So, before you is a huge field for realizing your potential. The best option for you if your work involves freedom of action, the opportunity to travel, communication with people, as well as the unity of creative and practical activities. Your talent to inspire and create a favorable environment in a team will be used in activities for the benefit of society, unlike those people whose numbers are “1”, “4” or “7”, since they feel more comfortable in solitude. You must constantly train and develop your mindset to make the best use of your talents. Let's take a look at which occupational areas you should focus on.

Theatre, cinema and television. It will be great if your acting skills find expression in your work. Nines should play, teach acting, or work in another related field where there is an opportunity to apply their talents. It can be said about these people that they were born to be actors, and this quality affects their relationships with others, so you never know what role will be played tomorrow. Thus, working in cinema, theater and, of course, on television (that is, where you need to perform in front of a general public) is an excellent choice for all nines. And even if your job is not directly related to the listed activities, it should still require acting abilities from you. Nines live as if they were always on stage.

Education. Here you can also realize your potential by teaching and educating young people, investing in them your own knowledge and skills. A career in education will allow you to discover the treasures of your heart. In this field, a nine can rise to a leadership position (for example, a senior teacher or dean of a faculty). In this case, you will not only prove yourself to be a good administrator, but will also delight others with your creative successes. Your lectures are a real joy for students.

Jurisprudence. Working as a lawyer is another opportunity to exercise the above-mentioned talents, since law requires part acting and part public speaking. The ability to understand the power of human emotions and the ability to manage them makes you an excellent lawyer. It is easy for you to smooth out conflicts between quarreling parties, even if your profession is not directly related to courtroom sessions. Whatever field you choose to pursue your career goals, you will still encounter some aspects of legal activity in one way or another.

Medicine. This is also the strong point of nines, since they, like those with the number “7,” are perfectionists by nature and are often professionals in their field. Nines are professionals in a fairly wide field. They show their abilities better where mastery of many skills is required. Nines can also become good psychologists, helping people cope with stress. For example, they may devote themselves to working with difficult children. Nines will understand their problems.

If you went into medicine, then surgery is your specialty. Nines are also good doctors because they are able to help people correctly and gently.

Recruitment, work with personnel. One of the most positive traits of your character is the ability to be a support and support for others. This allows you to provide vocational leadership or be a human resources specialist. You constantly have to lead people, encourage them, and it is not difficult for you to find something that they will like. Nines are able to work successfully in a recruitment agency; they are sociable and friendly with those who ask for help, but at the same time they do not forget about business etiquette. In this area you can find your calling and become useful to society.

This list can be continued endlessly. Listed here are only the most popular and acceptable professions that may interest you (or have already interested you).

From the book "Number of Life. Code of Fate" by Titania Hardy. - M.: Ripol classic, 2009

Have you ever wondered what the magic of the number 18 is? Find out what this number influences, what powers and abilities it has, how to redirect its energy in the direction you need, what impact it has on people born on the eighteenth day of any month.

In the article:

The magic of number 18 - fate and destiny

First of all, the number 18 in numerology speaks of fate, fate, destiny, influencing the fate of a person born on this day. Fate has a huge influence on their lives, as if from the first days to deep old age, directing, urging, forcing such people to follow the path appointed from above. They almost never succeed; very often their efforts were either wasted or led to collapse. Such people usually lack the willpower to decide for themselves what they want and achieve it.

All important events in their life are planned by someone from above, approved and accepted as the only true ones - a person only has to follow the given path. Here there are only two options left - either the unfortunate person is as lucky as a drowned man, or exactly the opposite - this is the one who gets everything easily and without suffering.

The magic of the number 18 is made up of two digits - one and eight. The unit is a kind of reinforcing prism, a factor that actively influences the strengthening and execution of the will of the second number. And the number eight speaks of fate, returning to square one, the endless cycle of repeating everything. The Bible says that there is nothing new under the sun - and this is true. The essence of the eight is that everything repeats itself, any events that happened happened in the past and will be repeated in the future, emotions will return again and again. Love comes and goes, like friendship or enmity, peace or war.

In fact, the combination of one and eight leads to a manifold increase in the influence of fate. Where the will of just eight can be overcome, eighteen does not leave a single chance to abandon the indicated path. This is a difficult number, especially if a person has a thirst for freedom and a dislike of restrictions. In mystical practices, its magic is used to strengthen runes-“chains” in order to strengthen the influence of unfreedom and impose one’s will.

The meaning of 18 in numerology - character and preferences

As already mentioned, for those born under this number, everything in life is already predetermined. Often fate does not spoil them, leaving many obstacles and obstacles along the way. Those who successfully overcome obstacles gain greater strength and character. Their patron is the red planet - warlike Mars, and therefore they seem to attract conflicts and quarrels. The individual himself often does not want to go into confrontation, but everything happens as if by itself. Through trials, they often emerge as powerful people and leaders capable of leading others.

Some people humble themselves and submit to fate, while others fight, because the second meaning of 18 in numerology is fight. Such people cultivate excellent fighting qualities and discover inner hidden resources. Thanks to their excellent charisma and some kind of animal magnetism, others are drawn to them, attracted by the brightness of their extraordinary, often outstanding personality.

These are good friends who sacredly observe the principles of mutual assistance. Friends are far from the least on their list of values. Because of their nature, such people can suppress their loved ones without meaning to. But they will always help with action or advice. Another advantage of those born under the sign of eighteen is their resistance to stress, perseverance, flexible and sharp mind, thanks to which such people achieve great career heights.

The disadvantages of such people and the influence of this number on their lives is that they attract all sorts of negative cases and dangerous situations. The person himself emerges from them with pride and dignity, but it can be extremely difficult for those unaccustomed to this. Life has tempered the character of those born under the number 18, but those around them are rarely ready for quarrels that occur because of the aura and difficult character of such a person. The absence of quarrels also speaks of something bad - that the partner has fallen under the complete influence of eighteen and is suppressed by will.

Ethics and strong morality are not for such people. They are not above making money through unethical means. Constantly in a struggle against the whole world, overcoming the resistance of the world, they suffer a lot and experience great nervous tension. Because of this, such people build up strong armor, become rude and bitter. If they manage to find their way in life, then they become true masters of their craft and are able to leave a memory of themselves in human history.

Number 18 in numerology

The main advice that numerology gives to those born under the number 18 is to use energy carefully, to be less rough-and-tumble and conflict-ridden, to smooth out rough edges in relationships and to remember that every person has the right to their own opinion. Fate somehow influences your life, and if your number is eighteen, then this is not a reason to be upset or despair. The main thing is not to start swimming against the current, since this is nothing more than a waste of strength and energy.

Assessing the situation, planning your actions, trying to be impartial in making decisions is the most reasonable line of behavior for such people. Otherwise, it may turn out that the struggle is being waged against one’s own happiness, to one’s detriment. The sooner such a person learns to control the manifestations of his character and respect other people's boundaries, the better it will be for him.

And stability usually comes to such people quite late - around the age of thirty or forty. This is due to the fact that passions and the manner of getting involved in new adventures disappear, and in return come prudence and the ability to appreciate what has been achieved. No one knows how to appreciate peace better than people born under the sign of eighteen, who have experienced a lot in their youth and youth.

By learning the numerology meaning of the number eighteen, you will learn to better understand your friends who are under its influence. You will understand yourself better if your life is also connected with this number. You will understand that the main thing is not to take words spoken in the heat of a quarrel too to heart. And all will be well.

Your favorable numbers - 1, 28,10, 8, 26,17, 9, 27, 18.

Numbers considered unfavorable – 7; 25; 16.

Prosperous days of the week- this is Tuesday and Monday

Stones that bring good luck- ruby

Favorable colors– blue and red

Diseases to which you are vulnerable– neuroses, mental disorders, fevers of all kinds

Metal for well-being: platinum

The sum of the numbers 1+8 equals 9, which makes people of this type real fighters. This is a very remarkable and interesting personality, with a sharp mind. The number 18 has the Sun, Saturn and Mars as its patron planets.

People born under the number 18 often face internal contradictions. But a fighting character helps to overcome all obstacles.

Their personal life can hardly be called happy; they are constantly in a state of conflict with loved ones. Often marriages with such people are short-lived. They achieve financial success with the help of various wars, revolutions and social upheavals. Often, they associate with bad companies and experience some satisfaction in being rude and forceful. If such people are disciplined in time, they will easily be able to occupy high positions and ranks.

Emotional Features

These people have extreme sexuality, but never use it, believing that by expressing these feelings, they expose their strong nature and show weakness. By suppressing these emotions, they can bring themselves to a state of despondency. But the number 8 helps stabilize the situation. Thanks to her, these people seem to be very sensitive and gentle lovers. Their partner must feel the edge when he can be a dominant in bed. People born under the number "18" consider their partners to be property, but at the same time do not tolerate being controlled. The partner of the number “18” should under no circumstances try to limit his freedom.

In order for there to be harmony in the relationship, the partner of the number “18” must have a soft and flexible character and obey in everything, otherwise nothing will work out.

In friendship, these people are very loyal. Despite the fact that such people are very difficult to deal with, they are considered very smart and interesting companions. Also, those born on the 18th have a magical attraction, not only for the opposite sex, but also for all the people around them.

Harmonious relationships

People who are similar to them in their personal characteristics will always find a common language with such people. They respect and value people with leadership qualities. They will always have common interests and topics of conversation. Those born under the number 18 will never understand weak-willed people without ambition. They will never deal with such people.


Such people have a strong dominant character, which often suppresses other people.

These people must learn to listen to the opinions of close friends, otherwise they will simply lose them. You also need to be able to treat your subordinates with respect, and not get annoyed every time if something goes wrong. Learn to control your unbridled character.

By curbing their negative qualities, these people will be able to gain wild popularity and rise to high positions.

The number 18 in numerology, the meaning of which is especially important to know for those who are under the protection of this sign, has its own characteristics and secrets. With the necessary information, everyone will be able to fully reveal their abilities, feel their strengths and their influence on others.

1. The magic of eighteen lies primarily in the strong influence of fate, the destined path that predetermines the fate of a person. To follow the chosen path, people born on this day need to have an unbending will and an iron character, since obstacles will arise in the way of fulfilling their desires from the moment of birth to the last breath.

2. Another meaning of the number 18 in numerology is struggle. It is not for nothing that the patron saint of a person who came into the world on such a date is the warlike god Mars. This planet endows its wards with leadership qualities. Such people make excellent organizers and political figures who are able to captivate others with their ideas. However, if the fury of Mars is not restrained, a person can go very far and become a real tyrant - in the family, in personal or public life.

3. The number 18 means extremes in fate. People born on this date are either real lucky ones who have caught the bird of luck by the tail, or seasoned fighters defending their right to a place in the sun.

The magic of eighteen is woven from the meanings of one and eight. in numerology, it is a core that enhances the properties of neighboring numbers. A is a symbol of the eternal repetition of the life cycle, which has no beginning or end, from birth to death, from earth to earth.

The combination of 1 and 8 enhances the influence of fate on all events in a person’s life. And if the fate of eight, standing alone, is easy to overcome, then when paired with one, both numbers receive the strongest mutual attraction, mutual dependence. Only those with a strong will can break these shackles. Restrictions, the impossibility of freely choosing one’s own path - all this oppresses independent natures, forces them to engage in a difficult struggle in order to become a winner, to achieve their goal.

Influence on personality and destiny

The character traits of a person with a birth number of 18 have their own characteristics. Numerology explains in detail these differences, the reasons for their occurrence and development forecasts.

1. Resilience in the face of life's adversities. The fatal meanings coming from 8 are strengthened by one, which means that the combination of these numbers brings to its owner many obstacles on the path of life. But if fate sends challenges, it simultaneously gives strength to overcome them. And if other people find it difficult to overcome the adversities that befall them, then those whose birth date is associated with 18 meet any troubles with their heads held high.

2. Undeniable leadership qualities (remember the influence of the “red planet”). People who fall under the protection of 18 easily become masters of the situation, do not blend in with the crowd, behave independently, thus attracting supporters and admirers of their ideas.

3. Huge hidden resources inherent from birth. These forces are necessary for everyone whose date of birth contains a combination of 1 and 8. After all, on the path of this person, even if he was born under a lucky star, there will always be fateful turns that are not so easy to overcome. To turn the situation in your favor, you need great potential, and people with the number 18 in their date of birth are endowed with it.

4. Charm, charisma, the ability to influence others on a subconscious level, without the slightest effort or pretense. The insight of these people helps them make the right choice, and intuition is very well developed in both women and men.

5. Talent of friendship and empathy. The karmic value of 18 attracts to its owner those who need his strength and help. For people with the number 18 in their date of birth, the concept of “friendship” is not an empty phrase. These are faithful, devoted friends, ready to share grief and joy, to come to the rescue in difficult times.

The life of a person born on the 18th, according to numerology, will never be simple, but it will not be bland either.. These are bright, integral natures with a strong will and strong character, capable of real actions. They value their friends and respect their enemies. These people keep their word. It is difficult to predict a person’s fate, but eighteen gives strength and will to overcome obstacles and develop a person’s character.

People whose life path is determined by 18 have a variety of talents. They are committed to their goals, independent, and self-confident. With effort in childhood and adolescence, they can achieve stunning success, especially in legal defense, environmental protection, on the stage, in cinema and art.

Such people successfully analyze large amounts of information and can solve several problems at the same time. Therefore, they are brilliantly versed in complex technical sciences. Those with 18 in life karma quickly learn what others find difficult.

Do not forget about belligerence 18. In complex conflicts, the influence of aggressive Mars can cause serious destruction. However, in ordinary life, numerology 18 suggests that the “red planet” endows its wards with determination, courage, and strong-willed potential. And since their range of interests is unusually wide, they will be able to become successful in any chosen field.

Secret meaning

18 in numerology - what does it mean if you often encounter a combination of 1 and 8 in your life? Most likely, this is a sign of changes in life. Both numbers are responsible for positive thinking, the desire for wealth and success, for self-realization and material well-being.

An apartment number with the number 18 is lucky. This means that you got the living space by the will of fate, no matter how pragmatic decisions this may be justified.

As you approach eighteen in your life, think: perhaps you lack healthy ambitions at work or in school? It is necessary to change for the better. Fate gradually leads a person to the necessary decisions, to the opportunity to change what does not suit him, and achieve long-set goals.

Whatever the coming changes, 18 says that there is no need to be afraid of anything new! Make up your mind – now or never. Fate puts the keys in your hands at the right moment, although at first it may seem that there are only failures ahead. This is wrong. The number 18, the meaning of which suggests material wealth, strength and power, will give you good luck. An intense struggle promises not loss, but victory. Go for it, and you will succeed.

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