What is the checkpoint on the receipt? What is the recipient's checkpoint? What is a bank checkpoint and how to find it out

The payment order form is the same for all payers, regardless of their organizational and legal form and legal status. If all the fields in the payment order are filled in incorrectly, including field 102 “Checkpoint”, the payment will not be considered completed. Unlike organizations, the tax authority does not assign a checkpoint to it during state registration of an individual entrepreneur. Therefore, the individual entrepreneur does not fill in this field in the payment order.

Payment order form for individual entrepreneur

The payment order form has an officially approved form, the procedure for registration and completion of which is strictly regulated by current legislation.

This legislation fully applies to individual entrepreneurs. The latter are required to use the official payment form.

Two main documents regulate the procedure for applying and filling out an individual payment order:

  • The payment form itself is provided by the Bank of Russia in the Regulations on the rules for transferring funds approved on June 19, 2012 No. 383-P (see Appendix 2 to the Regulations).

This document establishes the meanings of all details, including their list and description, as well as requirements for the minimum number of characters (symbols) in each payment order detail (see Appendices No. 1 and 3 to the Regulations);

  • Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 12, 2013 No. 107n “On approval of the rules for indicating information in the fields of payment documents for the transfer of taxes, fees and other payments to the budget system of the Russian Federation” is the second document on the basis of which an individual entrepreneur fills out a payment order for the payment of taxes, fees, state duties and other payments.

Checkpoint for individual entrepreneurs and organizations

The reason code for registration with the tax authority, or, as it is abbreviated, KPP, is assigned in addition to the TIN only to organizations upon registration. The current regulations do not contain any indication of the possibility of assigning a checkpoint to individual entrepreneurs.

The general rules for assigning checkpoints are defined in Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated June 29, 2012 N ММВ-7-6/435@ “On approval of the Procedure and conditions for assigning, applying, and changing the taxpayer identification number.”

The checkpoint consists of a nine-digit numeric code in which:

  • the first four digits are the code of the tax office that registered the taxpayer,
  • the next two cells indicate the reason for registration,
  • the last three characters are the serial number of registration.

When state registration of an organization, in contrast to state registration of an individual entrepreneur, in the registration certificate, in addition to the TIN, the tax authority indicates the checkpoint.

Accordingly, the data received by the organization during state registration must be indicated by it in all documents, including payments.

And since a checkpoint is not assigned to an individual entrepreneur, he cannot indicate anything when generating a payment order in field 102 “Checkpoint”.

At the same time, blank details are not allowed in the payment order. Just as it is not allowed to indicate arbitrarily invented digital codes. Therefore, in this case, the individual entrepreneur should enter “0” in field 102 “Checkpoint”.

In this case, the credit institution should have no complaints about the execution of a payment order by an individual entrepreneur.

There are a lot of non-cash payments going on in Russia these days. They have become common practice. This includes payment from a current or card account online, and transfer of funds directly from a mobile phone. But payment orders occupy a special place in the mechanism for sending money. Throughout Russia, this calculation method is used very actively. But this does not exempt you from complying with strict requirements when filling out a payment form. In particular, such details as the checkpoint in the 2019 payment order.


Based on the prescription of paragraph 1 of Article 863 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the payment order acts as a written order sent to the bank by the owner of the funds. According to the contents of the payment order, the credit institution transfers the money to the recipient’s account.

The payment order did not appear by itself, but was developed by the Central Bank of Russia on the basis of Regulation No. 383-P of June 19, 2012. The approved form of this form requires that all mandatory details be included in it. Including KPP - the code for the reason for registering the enterprise with tax authorities.

Simply put, everything must be filled out in the same way as the Central Bank of Russia explains in its regulations.

This Regulation contains Appendix No. 3, which states that the code in question in the payment form should be displayed in the following lines:

  • field 103 is intended to enter into it the checkpoint of the person who is to receive the funds;
  • field 102 is used to indicate in it the code by which the source of payment - the obligated person - is registered in tax records.

Together with the TIN of legal entities, the checkpoint attribute is used to display information regarding the basis for tax accounting of the company.

The reason code in the payment order must consist of 9 digits. They give the following information:

Filling rules

Appendix No. 1 of Regulation No. 383-P explains that in the case of transfers of money to the budget, each “Checkpoint” field in the payment order must be correctly filled out.

In particular, you must enter the following data:

  • purpose and purpose of payment;
  • information about the payer who is transferring the money, along with his checkpoint;
  • the addressee who will receive the corresponding amounts, with his checkpoint displayed on the payment slip.

These same positions must be filled when money is transferred to private companies. That is, which are not related to the budget system of the Russian Federation.

What can result from an error in the checkpoint in a payment order? It is important to note that fields 102 and 103 of this document are filled out in strict compliance with the registration reason code assigned to the sender and recipient of the money. Other information in these fields that does not reflect reality indicates erroneous data in the payment.

In such a situation, the Ministry of Finance of Russia indicates that an erroneous or missing checkpoint of the recipient in the payment order gives grounds to classify the entire transfer amount as a group of unknown receipts (based on clause 14 of the Procedure approved on December 18, 2013 No. 125n).

Thus, the answer to the question about the obligatory checkpoint in the payment becomes clear. Yes! Otherwise, the money simply won’t arrive. The sender must indicate it if:

  • transfers funds to the budget system (writes his reason code in field 103 of this payment order);
  • the money is addressed to a person not from the public sector (the law still obliges him to enter his checkpoint into the payment form).


Our review showed whether checkpoint is required in a payment order. If the person filling out this document for some reason ignores or misses filling out fields 102 and 103, then the payment will become impossible. The transferred money will seem to freeze. In this case, the fact of failure to fulfill the obligation to make payment (if required) will be recognized.

In the modern age, it is impossible to imagine life without formalizing any financial obligations, contractual relations between organizations and individuals. In order to understand business, calculations, and financial issues, you need to know the basic terms and rules. Even simply filling out receipts involves the need to understand the transfer details, how many digits there are in the checkpoint, BIC, and TIN, so that the payment is made correctly. Understanding what a bank checkpoint is and how many digits are in the checkpoint number will allow you to make transfers correctly and pay for your obligations, without fear that the payment will go to the wrong organization.

The decoding of the abbreviation of this concept will help clarify the situation with the checkpoint. The letter designation checkpoint means an abbreviated version of the definition "Code of reason". This code is a unique combination of nine digits that designates a particular organization under the control of the Federal Tax Service. As a rule, this combination is assigned to the taxpayer simultaneously with the receipt of the TIN and is confirmation that this legal entity is registered with the tax office.

To, for example, find out the details of Sberbank, you need to go to the “About the Bank” tab on the website

Since the bank is the same legal entity as other organizations, The presence of this code is required in the details. Using this code, you can determine the location of the bank branch whose details are indicated in the payment document.

A checkpoint is a bank detail that is most often required when filling out receipts for payment of traffic police fines, duties, or when making non-cash payments for goods or services in favor of a specific organization.

Bank checkpoint: deciphering the meaning of numbers

  1. The first 2 digits correspond to the region of registration of the organization as a taxpayer.
  2. The third and fourth digits indicate the tax number, registered. As a rule, the first four digits must match the starting digits in the organization's TIN.
  3. Two the following numbers indicate the reason for registration legal entity.
  4. Three the last numbers show the number of times this organization was registered. For example, the last digits “001” mean that the legal entity was registered for the first time.

If branch details are indicated

The checkpoint is part of the general details of the organization, confirming that the legal entity is a taxpayer. However, it is not always required to indicate it. The point is that this code helps determine:

  • whether the recipient of the transfer is a legal entity;
  • which region the taxpayer belongs to;
  • whether the funds will be transferred to the main company or its branch.

How the checkpoint is deciphered in the details

For example, most counterparties have 01001 as the last digit. If the numbers are different, for example, 043001, this means that the transfer is addressed to a branch of the company.

You can find out the reason codes for the statement from a special departmental directory (SPPUNO), but it is impossible to find it in the public domain, since it is an internal document of the Federal Tax Service.

The most common codes indicating the reason for setting include the following:

  • 02, 03, 43 – assigned to branches of organizations in the Russian Federation;
  • 04, 05, 44 – assigned to representative offices;
  • 31, 32, 45 - intended for a separate unit.

Helpful information

When making payments, it is useful to know the following:

A certificate on which the checkpoint must be indicated

  1. Credit institutions, as a rule, do not indicate their checkpoint in documents.
  2. This information is not available for individual entrepreneurs.
  3. For taxpayers whose tax deductions are considered regionally significant, an additional checkpoint is assigned at the place of registration of the organization.
  4. If the checkpoint has the initial numbers “99”, this means that the legal entity is one of the largest taxpayers and is registered with the interregional tax office.

Understanding what a checkpoint is in the bank details of an organization will allow you to correctly prepare payment documents and indicates some features of a legal entity: its place of registration, the significance of its tax deductions, the presence of branches and other nuances.

Often, when filling out reports, receipts or other financial documentation, you are faced with the need to find out what the Sberbank checkpoint is. After all, the correctness of the transfers and payments made depends on the correct indication of the organization’s details.

Before you understand in detail what KPP is in the details of Sberbank of Russia and how you can find out such information, it is worth deciphering the abbreviation.

KPP is the Reason Code for Tax Registration with the Federal Tax Service. Essentially, this identifier appears to be a set of 9 digits that are assigned by the tax service to various businesses.

Each of the numbers has its own meaning, which allows you to learn a lot of additional information from the checkpoint. The decryption assumes that:

  • the first 4 digits are the code of the region of the country where the legal entity was registered with the Federal Tax Service;
  • The next 2 digits reflect the reason why the organization was registered. This includes the type of activity of the institution, while foreign and domestic companies are assigned different numbers;
  • the last numbers reflect the specific number of times that the organization was registered. In cases where this happened for the first time, the last digits of the identifier will be 001.

The KPP is obtained by the enterprise simultaneously with the TIN and is confirmation that the legal entity. the person is considered a taxpayer.

The checkpoint number is assigned by the tax service

Most payment documents do not require mandatory indication of the checkpoint, however, if necessary, you can find it out using various methods.

How to find out the checkpoint

In order to determine the reason code for registering with Sberbank, you can use various methods. First of all, it is worth studying the information specified in any agreement with the bank. These could be documents about opening an account, applying for a loan, or any other use of Sberbank services.

In addition, you can find out the necessary bank data using other methods:

  1. Personally contact any branch of a banking organization, where employees will provide the necessary information.
  2. Call the hotline, which will allow you to find out the checkpoint around the clock and without a personal visit to the bank.
  3. View the data on the Federal Tax Service website.

In order to use the latter method, it is enough to know the OGRN or TIN of the institution. Next, you will need to go to the website https://egrul.nalog.ru/, where you indicate one of the above-mentioned numbers. After clicking the “Search” button, the user will receive comprehensive data on the tax accounting of the organization, including the checkpoint.

When figuring out how to find out the checkpoint of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, it is worth noting that it provides the necessary data on the official website. This allows you to significantly simplify the procedure.

However, despite the fact that the bank portal defines its checkpoint as 775001001, you should not completely rely on such information. The fact is that depending on the specific department and the region of its location, the department’s checkpoint may vary, as a result of which errors may occur.

One of the ways to clarify the checkpoint is a visit to a Sberbank branch

Where is a checkpoint needed?

When filling out financial statements and other financial documents, the checkpoint seems to be necessary information that will need to be indicated everywhere. This is especially true for payment orders, tax papers and others. Since this number is considered to be confirmation of the legality of the existence of a financial organization, it is a necessary requirement for most transactions.

When filling out documents, it is extremely important to consider that there are several similar codes. If it needs to be indicated in tax or accounting documents, it is necessary to enter the checkpoint assigned to the banking organization as a whole.

What is BIC in details

Another interesting abbreviation that one encounters in the process of deciphering Sberbank details is BIK. When understanding what KPP and BIC are, it is necessary to distinguish between these two important sets of numbers in payment details.

If the second detail relates to the tax parameters of the organization, then the BIC is an individual bank code with which you can find out where a particular branch of a financial institution is located.

BIC is considered another identifier consisting of 9 digits:

  • the first two reflect which country this or that institution belongs to, and the other two reflect the region of location.

Despite the fact that this value refers to the main bank details, it is required to be used only when making non-cash payments.

  • the following code digits allow you to identify the department in question;
  • The last three characters are an approximate reflection of a financial organization that opens accounts for its clients. At the same time, this value must be the same as the correspondent account.

BIC and checkpoint details can be found on the Sberbank website

How to find out BIC?

The way to find out whether a Sberbank has a BIC or TIN is similar to the methods that allow you to find out its checkpoint. For this purpose, a personal visit to the branch, calling the hotline or visiting the official website is quite suitable. The latter option is especially popular, as it allows you to find out the necessary data without leaving your home.

It involves a simple algorithm of actions:

  1. Go to the official banking portal.
  2. Select the region of location and the department of interest to the user.
  3. Click the “Details” button, which will allow you to find out all the basic information, including the BIC.

Despite the popular belief that each bank branch has its own BIC, in many cases they are the same for branches located nearby.

Why is BIC needed?

A bank individual code is required, as a rule, to make non-cash payments involving the transfer of funds between different financial organizations. To perform such operations, just the account number and bank name are not enough. In view of this, it is advisable to request the BIC number from the correspondent before making a payment. Also, such data may be required when transferring funds to foreign financial institutions, as well as when online shopping. The latter is relevant only if, upon purchase, a full transfer is made to the organization’s current account, and not to a card/electronic wallet.

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Today, to pay for any services to the state budget, many choose remote systems that allow you to quickly carry out actions without visiting a bank branch. To do this, you need to know the rules for filling out a payment document and enter the details correctly, for example, payer status (2 digits). Making a transfer in Sberbank Online is quite simple.

Many clients prefer to pay for services remotely

When filling out the document, the greatest difficulty is caused by the payer status column (2 digits) in Sberbank Online for an individual.

First, let's look at the main columns of this document:

  • Date, amount, sender type.
  • Client information: Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), KPP, account number.
  • Sender's bank: BIC, account.
  • Recipient's bank details (filled in the same way as the sender).
  • Information about the recipient: TIN, KPP, type, purpose of the operation, paid period.
  • Number, date, type of operation.

A payment form has this type if its form is issued for payments directly through the branch. You should first collect all the information and details about the recipient (usually provided by the organization to which the payment is intended) and your information: TIN, etc. The payer code is selected according to a special table. So, 24 denotes an individual who contributes funds to the budget.

If you use the service, some of the details will not be needed, and some can be selected from lists. For example, bank details, recipient bank details, etc. Indicate the payer status (2 digits) in Sberbank Online for kindergarten, school, children's clubs, etc. not necessary. This is due to the fact that the transfer occurs from the client’s card account and automatically identifies the owner.

When paying in the service, the status is determined automatically

Instructions for creating an order

You can create a payment order (payment for kindergarten, for example) using the following instructions:

  1. Go to the Payments and transfers section.
  2. Select Organization Transfer.
  3. Enter the account number and TIN of the recipient.
  4. Select BIC according to the name of the recipient's banking institution (select from the list of banks).
  5. Indicate your account for withdrawing funds (select from existing or your own cards).
  6. Specify transaction details – Payments to the budget.
  7. Enter the name of the organization to which the payment is intended and the purpose. In this case, these are the kindergarten details indicated on the receipt.
  8. Indicate your address and telephone number.
  9. Enter the amount according to the receipt.

The generated form must be checked for relevance and completeness of the entered parameters. If everything is correct, click Confirm. The operation requires the client to enter a one-time password code sent to his phone number. After which the document will be marked Executed.

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