Which geysers are better and more reliable reviews. Which geyser is better? Reviews from specialists and owners. What to consider when choosing

An autonomous hot water supply system is extremely convenient. In many private houses and city apartments, gas water heaters are used for this. They have long and firmly entered into human life, fit perfectly into the interior of the kitchen, without spoiling it at all. A geyser gives the apartment owner a feeling of independence from the central heating supply, that is, annual preventive work will not affect the availability of hot water in the household. In addition, the column helps to save significantly - water is heated when it is really necessary, in the required quantities, and it is possible to adjust the level of temperature rise.

However, previously installed devices sooner or later exhaust their resources, therefore, both for safety reasons and to improve the comfort of use, they have to be replaced. And many homeowners are planning the initial purchase of such a unit, deciding once and for all to get rid of dependence on the central hot water system. In both situations, the problem of choosing the optimal model will certainly arise. The variety of assortment on sale sometimes even makes this task difficult. Therefore, we hope that the rating of geysers presented below will be of good help to the reader of this article.

Types of geysers and evaluation criteria for the selected model

Geysers are divided according to several important criteria. You need to know this when studying the rating and choosing a device for your home or apartment.

In short, modern models of gas water heaters may differ in the following parameters and features:

  • By type of ignition.
  • According to the type of burners installed in the device.
  • By type of combustion chambers
  • In terms of power and performance of the device.

In addition, gas water heaters are often of the instantaneous type, but there are expensive models that can also operate in storage mode - a boiler.

Types of ignition of geysers

Speaking about this characteristic, it is necessary to immediately note that there will be no significant differences in the operation of the device itself with different types of ignition. The difference largely concerns ease of use.

At the moment, there are speaker models on the market with three different types of ignition - manual, piezo and electronic.

Prices for geysers


  • Manual ignition is already very rarely used - it can only be found in older models. Such columns are lit with a match after the gas supply valve to the wick is opened. When igniting, it is necessary to act extremely carefully, since if the match is not brought in time, a flash may occur if there is a large accumulation of gas.

  • Piezo ignition. This ignition option operates on the principle of a conventional lighter. The mechanical force applied to the piezoelectric element causes an electrical discharge, accompanied by the appearance of a spark, from which the ignition wick gas ignites. To light a column with piezo ignition, you just need to press a special button. After a few seconds, hot water will flow from the open tap.

Water heater with electronic ignition - the battery compartment located below is clearly visible
  • Electronic ignition is the most convenient. However, to operate models with this function, an autonomous power supply is most often required - usually batteries placed in a special compartment.

Different models use different types of batteries to create a spark. The automation of the column reacts to the appearance of a water current in the pipe, the spark plug is triggered, igniting the fire first in the igniter wick, and then from it the flame is transferred to the water heater burner. The installed batteries are enough for uninterrupted operation of the device for a year. There are models that do not require batteries - the necessary electrical potential for the spark plug is generated by a turbine driven by a flow of open water through a column.

Types of burners

Currently, manufacturers install different types of burners in different models of water heaters - with constant power or stepwise variable, as well as modulating ones.

  • Burners with constant or stepwise variable power, require manual adjustment of water temperature. They are very dependent on water pressure, so often when installing them on the upper floors of tall buildings, problems with ignition and stable combustion may occur. Typically, such units have two control handles - one for setting the amount of water flowing through the heat exchanger, the second for adjusting the flame level.
  • Modulating burners installed in modern models. They are controlled by built-in automation, which ensures heating of water to a certain temperature, regardless of its initial temperature and pressure in the water supply system (of course, within the permissible range). Special sensors monitor all input and output parameters and regulate the optimal height of the flames.

It is also convenient that if several hot water supply points are used simultaneously in a house or apartment, then the temperature will be maintained at the same temperature at all of them. For example, if one of the household members is standing under the shower, and another turns on the hot water in the kitchen, the temperature of the water in the shower will not change. Automation will instantly take into account the increased consumption and make adjustments to the operation of the device.

Gas water heaters equipped with similar automation with modulating burners are, of course, more expensive, but this is fully justified by the comfort of their operation.

Open and closed combustion chambers

Everything here should be clear from the title.

  • An open chamber involves taking the air necessary for the combustion process directly from the room. And the combustion products are discharged to the upper part of the body, where there is a pipe for connecting a chimney that works on the principle of creating natural draft. That is, the mandatory difference in height between the heating device and the chimney head must be observed.

The disadvantages are obvious - it is necessary to take into account the additional air flow into the room where the column is installed, and the requirements for organization sharply increase, since it is difficult to completely eliminate the entry of combustion products into the room. In addition, creating a chimney for such a column is quite a large-scale and expensive undertaking, and in the conditions of a city apartment, if a common chimney is not provided for by the house design, it is completely impossible.

But for a private house, this is a completely acceptable solution, since the existing conditions, as a rule, allow you to build a chimney. Such speakers usually do not have a high price, and therefore for such conditions they are a very attractive option.

  • The closed combustion chamber has no contact with the atmosphere in the room where the geyser is installed. A special coaxial chimney supplies the air necessary for combustion into it through one channel, and the second channel serves to discharge combustion products directly to the street. That is, even in a city apartment it is quite possible to install such a column - just make an opening in the wall for the exit of a coaxial chimney. Of course, its placement is also regulated by certain rules, but usually they allow this to be done.

A gas water heater with a closed combustion chamber and a coaxial chimney discharged horizontally through the wall
  • By the way, a few words should be said about the once so popular small columns with an open combustion chamber that do not require connection to a chimney. The sad history of their operation is replete with tragic cases of people being poisoned by gas combustion products. Therefore, in many regions they are generally prohibited at the legislative level, even if all the necessary conditions are created - forced exhaust ventilation, which some owners simply forgot or were too lazy to turn on again.

Good advice: if such a device does come across on sale, and sellers assure you of its convenience and complete safety, it’s not worth the risk. Moreover, the very insignificant power and performance of such models is unlikely to provide the expected increase in comfort, but there will be many more problems.

Power and performance of gas water heaters

These parameters of geysers can be called the main ones, which you should focus on when choosing a device, since the overall ease of use and the full provision of a family’s everyday life with hot water depend on them.

Prices for gas water heaters "Zanussi"

gas water heaters "Zanussi"

All flow gas heaters according to this parameter can be divided into three groups:

  • Low power devices, up to 15 kW. The productivity of such dispensers is usually limited to 8–9 liters of heated water per minute, which is only enough for one water collection point. A water heater with such power will be enough for a one-room apartment with one or two residents, where water consumption is not too high, and the likelihood of simultaneous use of hot water in several currents is extremely low.
  • Heaters with an average power of 16 ÷ 23 kW. These columns are capable of heating 10 ÷ 15 liters per minute, and are already capable of supporting simultaneous consumption in two points, for example, in the kitchen and shower.
  • Columns with a high power of over 23 kW heat 15÷20 liters of water per minute, and this is quite enough for all the household needs of a large family. However, such models are already distinguished by their impressive dimensions and rather high cost, that is, their purchase should be justified. Otherwise, excess power, and during their operation, will lead to a significant irrational increase in the costs of both gas and water.

It is quite possible to calculate the required power and productivity of a gas water heater yourself. In a standard apartment, as a rule, two or three heated water intake points are installed - in the kitchen and two or one in the bathroom. In one minute, when using the shower, about 6 liters of water are consumed, and from the tap in the kitchen - about 4. If you open the taps in the bathroom and kitchen at the same time, the flow rate will be approximately 10 liters per minute. Of course, you should add a small margin to this, that is, aim for approximately 11 ÷ 12 l/min.

(The values ​​of 6 and 4 liters mentioned above are very arbitrary, although they are considered sufficient. But some people like to use high water pressure both in the shower and when washing dishes. No problem - the flow rate is easy to determine experimentally: measure the time and accumulated per minute number of liters at optimal, from the owners’ point of view, water pressure).

The performance is always indicated in the column passport. But let’s not howl about an important nuance - it is shown for a nominal increase in water temperature by a certain number of degrees. For example, 10 l/min at Δt= 25 °C.

Capacity is usually indicated based on a certain rise in water temperature, for example, as in this example, by 25 degrees

But another indicator is overlooked - the inlet water temperature. Agree, it can be + 5 °C in winter, and +18 °C in summer. And at the exit it is always advisable to have a temperature of at least +40 ° C - it is considered comfortable both for washing dishes and for water procedures.

The table below may help:

Temperature of tap water at the inlet to the columnThe amount of water heated to +40 °C, depending on the power of the column (liters per minute)
up to 3 kW 6 kW 8 kW 12 kW 15 kW 18 kW 21 kW 24 kW 27 kW
5 °C1,3 2,75 3,6 5,5 6,75 8,25 9,4 10,75 12
10 °C1,5 3,1 4,2 6,1 7,75 9,25 10,75 12,3 13.75
15 °C1,75 3,6 4,75 7,25 9,0 10,75 12,75 14,3 16.2
18 °C2,1 4,3 5,75 5,5 10,7 12,9 15,0 17,25 19.25

You can use a formula that takes into account the temperature difference at the inlet and outlet, the expected (or experimentally determined) flow rate and the heat capacity coefficient of water. In order not to torment the reader with independent calculations, the author of the publication “enclosed” this formula in an online calculator.

Equipment that uses natural gas to heat water is quite in demand, because it allows you to get hot water at any time. Modern speakers are very reliable, economical and safe, and every manufacturer praises its products, so it can be difficult to understand the advantages and disadvantages of a particular model.

TOP manufacturers in terms of quality and reliability

Taking into account the parameters of geysers, the opinions of experts and user reviews, the rating of manufacturers of the most popular and purchased water heaters looks like this:

  1. In first place are German speakers from Vaillant. They are praised for their unpretentiousness, reliability, high-quality assembly and fairly long service life. In addition, all products of this brand are equipped with burners with power modulation.
  2. Second place goes to equipment from Bosch. This German manufacturer, known for its quality, has a fairly wide range of burners at an affordable price. Modulating burners, high reliability, safe use are the main advantages of Bosch products.
  3. In third place are devices from the Italian manufacturer Ariston. Their demand is due to their affordable price and fairly high quality. Thanks to the use of durable composite material in the manufacture of such speakers, the equipment lasts a long time.
  4. The fourth place rightfully belongs to the domestic manufacturer Neva. Cost-effectiveness, attractive design, large selection, versatility and quite decent quality – these are the main advantages of the products of this Russian manufacturer.
  5. In fifth place are inexpensive Chinese speakers from the Termaxi brand. Their advantage is the presence of a modulation burner in all products. The power of the devices differs depending on the model.


Natural gas heaters are produced by many Russian and foreign companies. Let's look at the most popular models in our country:


Dimensions (in mm) /

power (in kW) /

productivity (in l/min) /

ignition type



Piezo ignition

Highly reliable device.

Attractive and compact model.

Quiet operation.

Does not require batteries.

Water heating is stable.

The device turns on even with low water pressure.

The device has regulation of flame intensity.

Very expensive repairs and lack of spare parts.

Low productivity.

The device is sensitive to water quality.


Features an attractive design.

Easy one-handle operation.

Works quietly.

It is small in size and light in weight.

Availability of gas control and battery charge indicator.

There may be changes in water temperature during heating.

The battery needs to be changed periodically.


The most profitable in terms of quality and cost.

Operated with one handle.

Automatic switching on after opening the tap.

Fast heating of water, independent of its pressure.

High performance.

No heating of the case.

Enough for 2 water points.

There is a good security system.

It is quite noisy.

The batteries need to be changed periodically, but there is no indication that their charge is complete.

The heat exchanger often breaks down, and replacing it is quite expensive.


It is the best of the budget speakers.

Small sizes.

There are no complex functions, so it is very easy to use.

A good choice for a summer residence.

Minimum set of functions.

Low bandwidth.

The water temperature is not stable.

Suitable for 1 point only.

Electrolux GWH 285 ERN NanoPro


High quality steel burner.

The presence of an Intelligent Control system to control the operation of the column.

It works quite quietly.

Small size of the device.

Expensive spare parts.

The filter often gets dirty.

During ignition, a pop is heard.

Piezo ignition

Differs in durability of service.

Has a multi-stage security system.

The heat exchanger is protected from corrosion and lasts a long time thanks to a special protective coating.

Easily modulated burner heating.

Ability to change mode depending on the time of year.

You can easily reach all components of the device from the front panel.

Quite a high price.

Quite noisy when running at full power.

The device is sensitive to water pressure.

Piezo ignition

It has the highest efficiency.

The power of the speaker can be adjusted.

Saves gas by 10%.

Small size and long service life.

Maintains water heating temperature.

Has a good security system.

Very high cost.

Poor performance.

Ladogaz VPG 14F


Battery operated.

Has an 8-level protection system.

The device has a high-quality steel burner with reflector grids.

Short service life.

Expensive spare parts.

  • To select a suitable speaker, both for a city apartment and for a country or country house, you first need to decide on the power of the device. The performance of the column will depend on it - both the speed of heating the water and the ability to supply water to several points. Low-power devices (up to 20 kW) are capable of heating about 10-11 liters of water per minute and providing only one water collection point. The higher the power of the device, the more points it can simultaneously provide with warm water and the larger volume of water will be heated by such a column in one minute.
  • The next parameter that distinguishes geysers is the type of ignition. Consider whether you need a device with piezo ignition, since such equipment is cheaper, but the gas consumption in such a column will be higher than in models with more modern electric ignition. When piezo ignition, you need to press a button, and inside the device the igniter is always lit, consuming gas in vain. It is more convenient to use an electric ignition, but difficulties can arise with it. If it is powered by batteries, then they need to be replaced approximately once a year, and devices in which ignition is activated by a hydraulic turbine require a fairly high water pressure.
  • The cost of the column is also affected by the type of burner. In more expensive devices it is modulating, that is, it is capable of maintaining a certain water temperature regardless of the pressure in the pipes.
  • When choosing a speaker, it is very important to pay enough attention to the safety of its use. The homeowner must be sure that the device will not harm the health of users and the premises in situations such as lack of draft, reverse draft or flame extinction. So find out what sensors that ensure safe operation of the column are in the selected device.

You will learn many useful nuances about choosing a gas water heater by watching the following video.

A gas water heater is a technique used to heat water in private homes and apartments. To do this, it uses natural gas, therefore it is the cheapest (in terms of operation), and therefore the most popular device in this category of household appliances. When purchasing such devices, buyers are often interested in which geyser is better. To answer this question, you need to know the possible choices and their features, and then decide on your priority parameters.

Types of gas water heaters

Some buyers often confuse gas water heaters with heating boilers. These are different things. The first ones are used for heating water for washing dishes or bathing, and the second - for the purpose of heating the home.

The principle of operation of a geyser is simple - the incoming gas burns and releases heat, which is sent to the heat exchanger, heating it. This assembly is usually made of copper or other materials with high thermal conductivity. And a coil made of the same material is twisted around it to heat up from the temperature of the heat exchanger. Cold water enters the coil and, passing through it, gradually heats up, and then goes to the tap, being already hot at the exit. As for the resulting combustion products, they enter the chimney and leave the room.

Modern geysers are divided into types according to the following criteria:

  • by place of production - abroad or in Russia;
  • by type of ignition: manual, automatic or semi-automatic;
  • by power: low, medium and high;
  • by type of control: mechanical or with flame modulation;
  • by type of combustion chamber: open or closed;
  • by performance: heating hot water from 5 to 25 liters per minute;
  • by the number of water intake points: one or two.

Thus, there are many flow-through household speakers, so you should carefully choose a reliable and high-quality device for your home, taking into account a number of selection criteria.

Column selection criteria

Before purchasing a speaker for a private home or for a Khrushchev building, you need to decide how the equipment will be used. To do this, it is worth considering how many points you need to supply water to, what power is needed, the type of ignition and other factors.


Gas water heaters are distinguished low, medium and high power. In the first case, the devices (from 9 to 20 kW) are designed to heat water for only one point. Columns of the second type (from 20 to 24 kW) make it possible to use two points at once, but for one of them the water pressure will be significantly weaker. Whereas equipment with high power (over 25 kW) is capable of supplying hot water with the same intensity to 2 points, or to 3, but with different pressure.

Advice! For a one-room apartment with one or two residents, a low-power device is sufficient. For a family of 3 people, it is better to choose a medium-power device. If there are several roommates in the house (from 4) or more than one bathroom, then you should pay attention to equipment with high power.


According to the type of ignition, geysers are divided into manual, semi-automatic (with piezo ignition) or automatic. The first ones are considered obsolete and are practically not produced today. To light them, you need to light the pilot light with a match, and then turn the knob to supply gas and ignite the burner. In semi-automatic dispensers, to ignite the gas supplied to the igniter, you need to press a button to generate a spark, and then open its supply to the burner.

Advice! During the day, the igniter of a semi-automatic water heater can be left unextinguished, which means that to heat the water you only need to open the gas supply to the burner.

Automatic dispensers use batteries for ignition, and the burner ignites when you turn the handle of the hot water tap. Manual and semi-automatic speakers are cheaper, but they need to be hung in a way that allows easy access to the device. In addition, devices with piezo ignition constantly consume small amounts of gas. Automatic gas water heaters operate completely independently, they do not require access, and there is no need for a constant ignition of the igniter.

When choosing a geyser, you should pay attention to such an important characteristic as setting the water temperature, which depends on the intensity of the flame and allows you to set and maintain the selected temperature regime. There are three types of adjustment:

  • stepped, in which three modes are available: low, medium and high temperature;
  • smooth, in which case the regulator gradually switches the settings from the minimum value to the maximum;
  • automatic, in which the device independently determines the temperature thanks to electronic sensors.

Water pressure

In addition to external regulation, the final temperature is also affected by the water pressure. If it goes up or down, the temperature will change. In cases where the burner power does not change, you will need to set the degree of water heating manually, and this causes certain inconvenience.

Advice! When choosing, it is better to choose a column whose burner has modulating power. It independently adapts to changing pressure and maintains the set water temperature.

Depending on the exhaust system and the method of removing combustion products, water heaters can be turbocharged or with chimney outlet. The former remove smoke and burnt particles out through a hole in the wall, and the latter into a common chimney. Based on this criterion, everyone determines for themselves the preferred output method, based on the planned location of the column.


In addition to the criteria listed above, it is worth paying attention to the presence of security sensors. These include:

  • combustion and ionization sensors - if the flame goes out, they shut off the gas supply;
  • draft sensor - detects its presence, and if there is no draft, or carbon monoxide goes back into the room, then the flow of gas is blocked;
  • hydraulic valve - turns off overheated equipment;
  • flow sensor - when the tap is opened, it turns on the column, and when closed it performs the opposite action;
  • safety valve - is responsible for protecting pipes from ruptures when water pressure increases;
  • pressure reduction sensor - in the absence of water or low pressure, this element blocks the start of the column;
  • gas supply sensor - stops the operation of the water heater if there is no gas.

Important! When choosing a geyser, you need to make sure that all the listed sensors are installed in it, otherwise its use is very dangerous for humans.

Quality Rating

When purchasing a geyser for a home or apartment, it is worth studying reviews from experts, which may also be in the form of videos with reviews of models. You can find such information on specialized forums. According to the reliability and quality rating in 2017 and 2018, the best equipment is considered to be produced by Neva, Electrolux, Mora, Zanussi, Vaillant, Bosch, Ariston, which can be purchased in Leroy or in any specialized stores.

Geyser NEVA 4510-M

So, the best speakers according to several criteria for three price categories (budget, mid-range and premium) will be shown in the table below. The models were reviewed based on the opinions of several experts.

Segment Model Description
The best speaker manufacturers
Budget This sample heats up to 10 liters of water per minute, has automatic ignition, an aluminum heat exchanger and independent flame adjustment depending on the water pressure. The model is considered one of the smallest speakers. It is characterized by simple design, easy repair and maintenance. Among the disadvantages is the short-lived heat exchanger.
Average Electrolux GWH11 Pro Inverter This water heater has the ability to operate at multiple water intake points. Ignition is automatic. There is flame modulation, a self-diagnosis system, and maintenance of outlet temperature. Protection against overheating and switching on without water is installed. Copper heat exchanger. Disadvantages include long turn-on times.
Premium Vaillant MAG OE 11-0/0XZ C+ The sample is included in the TOP 10 best premium models. The column works at several water intake points at once, is equipped with piezo ignition, a draft sensor, power adjustment and a display for settings. The water heats up in a couple of moments; at the outlet, after opening the tap, warm water first flows, and not immediately hot, as happens on inexpensive models. For careful gas consumption, the model is equipped with an economical mode. Disadvantage: loud noise during operation.
The best flow columns for one water intake
Budget Hyundai H-GW2-ARW-UI307 The sample is distinguished by its small dimensions, light weight, automatic ignition, smooth adjustment of power and water heating, the presence of an LED screen and a number of protective sensors. Disadvantages include battery operation, as well as the inability to use the device with bottled gas.
Average Baxi SIG-2 11i This flow-through column with a power of 19 kW is equipped with auto-ignition, flame modulation, a protective filter at the inlet, heating temperature limitation, and protection against gas attenuation. No deficiencies were identified.
Premium Electrolux GWH285ERN NanoPro This sample with a power of 19.2 kW heats up to 11 liters of water every minute. The device is equipped with smooth temperature control and a self-diagnosis system, automatic electric ignition and a number of protective sensors. It works very quietly. Disadvantages - expensive components.
The best speakers for two water intakes
Budget Gorenje GWH 10 NNBW The power of this column is 20 kW, it is very quiet, and is equipped with electric ignition. Copper heat exchanger. There is a coarse water filter and a gas control function. The set temperature is displayed on the display, and the indicator lights up when turned on. One of the disadvantages is the difficult replacement of the input filter.
Average Ariston Gi7S 11L FFL This is a high-performance water heater running on liquefied gas. It is capable of supplying water at the same temperature to two intake points. Copper heat exchanger. Electronic sensors allow you to accurately monitor the operation of the device. The disadvantage is the high noise level.
Premium Mora Vega 10 This sample is one of the best sellers in the premium price segment. The column is capable of providing water simultaneously to up to three water intake points. Its power is 17 kW, and the water heating speed is up to 10 liters per minute. The model is small, easy to repair, has traction and gas sensors, and works with both natural and liquefied gas. However, during operation, plastic parts break and require replacement.
The best speakers for a private home and garden
Budget Bosch W10KB This model with a copper heat exchanger can operate on liquefied gas, but an additional kit is required. It is equipped with separate adjustment of power and water flow, automatic ignition and a gas control system. Minus - it lights up loudly.
Average BaltGaz Comfort 17 This is a new product in the middle price segment. Capacity (17 liters per minute) allows the column to be used for several water intake points. The device automatically maintains the outlet temperature, has protection against overheating, operation without water, and a gas presence sensor. There is a limitation on the water heating temperature. The ignition is automatic, it is possible to operate on liquefied gas. No deficiencies were identified.
Premium Bosch WRD 15-2G This premium dispenser with a power of 26.2 kW and a capacity of 15 liters per minute can operate on liquefied gas. It is equipped with automatic ignition, a display showing the set temperature, a power indicator, and overheat protection. Minus - does not work well with low water pressure.
The best automatic speakers
Budget Ladoga VPG 10E This Russian water heater has automatic ignition, a copper heat exchanger, anti-scale protection and economical gas consumption. The model is capable of operating at low water pressure and is equipped with many protective sensors. The disadvantages include the lack of a display.
Average Ariston Fast Evo11C The sample has automatic ignition and operates at low water pressure. Its power is 19 kW with a heating rate of 11 liters of water per minute. The device is equipped with an electronic display that displays temperature and error codes, as well as overheating, draft and flame sensors. Disadvantage - the display shows the set water temperature, and not the output readings.
Premium Bosch WRD 13-2G This sample is considered one of the most reliable in the premium segment. Available - auto-ignition, multifunctional display, power change to save gas, operation without batteries. Built-in - draft sensor, temperature limiter for outgoing water, valve for changing the volume of liquid at the inlet. The device allows you to change the temperature with an accuracy of a degree. Water heating is smooth. The column does not work well at low water pressure - this is its main drawback.
The best semi-automatic speakers
Budget Baxi SIG-2 11p This dispenser has a capacity of 10.9 liters and the ability to operate on two types of gas. It is equipped with piezo ignition, a display with a display of the set temperature, flame modulation, and a gas control system. Copper heat exchanger. The downside is that the device can only heat water up to 60°C.
Average Bosch WR10-2P This powerful water heater can supply water at the same temperature to two points at the same time. The device is turned on using a piezoelectric element, there is an operation indicator and a gas leak sensor. The heat exchanger is made of copper. The water heater is quite large, but at the same time lightweight, and does not overheat during operation. The disadvantage is the unstable operation of the piezo ignition.
Premium Mora Vega13 One of the best premium models with piezo ignition according to user reviews. It is assembled in Europe, has a copper heat exchanger, and is equipped with anti-scale technology in the tubes. The sample has flow, overheating and draft sensors, fuses for burner operation. Cons - high price.

So, in order to buy a high-quality geyser, you first need to decide on the necessary parameters: how many points the device should work on, what power it should have, what additional functions are needed. The given rating of gas water heaters shows the best models that were popular among buyers in 2017-2018 and received many positive reviews from experts. Among them, everyone can choose a device that suits the price and capabilities.

Electrolux GWH11 Pro Inverter on Yandex Market

Hyundai H-GW2-ARW-UI307 on Yandex Market

Mora Vega 10 on Yandex Market

Bosch W10KB on Yandex Market

Ariston Fast Evo11C on Yandex Market

Bosch WR10-2P on Yandex Market

The geyser, today, is one of the most affordable, efficient and economical water heating devices. The modern market of gas heating equipment offers a wide range of models from various manufacturers, differing in type of ignition, power, performance, efficiency, etc. Which manufacturers’ columns are highly efficient and safe, and how to choose a gas water heater - read below.

To compare several models of gas water heaters that suit your cost, you need to understand their main operating characteristics. So, the most important characteristic that determines the choice of a speaker is its power. The level of comfort that a water heater can provide depends on it. So, if you plan to use a shower, sink, sink, etc. separately from each other, then a gas water heater with a capacity of 17-18 kW will be enough for you. To share two or more water points, it is better to choose equipment designed for a power of 20-26 kW. An important role in choosing a gas water heater is played by the efficiency that the equipment can provide.

The efficiency factor for a modern gas water heater should be in the range of 84-90%.

Speakers with flame modulation can provide the greatest comfort. Such devices maintain the water temperature automatically, regardless of external factors. That is, when using a sink and shower together, the water temperature will remain unchanged.

When choosing a household gas water heating device, you must:

  • Determine the planned volume of water consumed;
  • Measure the gas and coolant pressure in the pipeline (the column must meet the requirements of the system);
  • Measure the ventilation draft (if necessary, clean the ventilation duct);
  • Consider ways to organize a chimney (applies to private houses);
  • Select the size of the device based on the parameters of the space allocated for its installation. In this case, SNIPs and GOSTs should be used.

So, from the side surfaces of the speaker to the interior partitions there should be at least 15 cm, and from the front surface of the casing to the wall - at least 60 cm. It is also worth paying attention to the manufacturer of the speaker. Which manufacturers offer high-quality products?

Gas water heaters: reliability and quality rating, manufacturers

According to reviews from both specialists and users, gas equipment made in Germany is considered to be of the highest quality and reliability. In Germany today, there are quite strict rules for testing products for compliance with international norms and quality standards, which has a positive effect on the performance characteristics of gas equipment. In addition, such companies do not skimp on conducting various test drives of their equipment.

  1. Gas equipment from Vaillant is in first place in the ranking. All columns of the company are equipped with a modulating burner.
  2. The second place was taken by the products of the popular company Bosch. German burners received recognition thanks to high-quality automation, a comprehensive safety system, and comfortable operation (most models can be customized to your own needs and system parameters).
  3. Imported gas water heaters from Ariston rightfully took third place in the ranking. Italian water heaters are distinguished by affordable prices, high performance and high-quality materials, and have a long service life.
  4. Popular and cheap water heaters from Neva are characterized by high performance. Among the disadvantages of speakers from a Russian manufacturer are the need to frequently replace their power elements and the appearance of fistulas in heat exchangers in regions with hard water.
  5. Chinese geysers Termaxi took last place in the ranking. The advantage of the devices is their availability and the availability of models with flame modulation.

Electrolux products are distinguished by a high level of reliability. But, if the speaker parts fail, replacing them can hit your pocket hard: original parts in Russia are not cheap.

Rating of geysers for private homes and cottages

The choice of geysers for a country house and cottage has its own characteristics related to the quality of water and gas supply. So, it is better to choose dispensers that operate with minimal water pressure and on liquefied gas (then access to fuel will not depend on the connection to the main gas pipeline).

The best geysers for a private home and cottage are:

  • Gas water heater W 10 KB from Bosch, which can operate both from the main gas pipeline and on liquefied gas;
  • Geyser WR 13-2B from Bosch, which can operate on liquefied gas in cylinders even at low water pressure of 0.1 bar.

A gas water heating device W 10-2 P from Bosch, which starts even at low water pressure, is also suitable for providing hot water supply and heating in a country house. You can use the most popular devices proposed above for an apartment located on high floors (the pressure on them usually leaves much to be desired).

The best geysers at an affordable price

It is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on gas water heating equipment. The modern market offers high-quality models at affordable prices. So, you can get a high-quality geyser with a budget of 10 thousand rubles.

The highest quality geysers in the budget segment are considered to be:

  • Gas water heater WR 10-2P from Bosch. For 9 thousand rubles, the user will receive a reliable water heating device with piezo ignition and overheating protection.
  • An automatic gas water heater Neva 4510-M with a digital display and a multi-level ignition system will cost only 7 thousand rubles. At 25 degrees, the column can provide a flow of 11 liters of water per minute. In this case, the thermal power will be 21 kW.
  • Flow-through column GWH 265 ERN from Electrolux with electric ignition and digital display. The device costs 6.6 thousand rubles. For this low cost, the user can get up to 10 liters of warm water per minute.
  • The GWH 10 Fonte gas flow water heater from Zanussi is not only affordable, but also economical. The quality of the model is not inferior to popular speakers from Bosch and Ariston.

The most popular, reliable and affordable domestically produced gas water heater is Neva 4511. The water heater is equipped with automatic ignition, sensors for monitoring overheating, draft, and gas supply. The gas heater operates even at minimum pressure in the pipeline. Termaxi speakers (China) are low cost.

Classification and rating of geysers by reliability and quality (video)

A gas water heater is a popular device today that allows you to organize a heating system and hot water supply both in an apartment and a country house. A good geyser is a guarantee of safety, comfort and efficiency. Recommendations for choosing and the above review of the highest quality and most reliable instantaneous water heaters will help you choose a decent option according to your needs.

It is difficult to imagine a modern person’s house or apartment without hot water. However, many houses do not have central hot water supply. This problem can be solved with the help of a water heating agent, which can easily run on gas.

Device and purpose

The geyser is the most famous device on the heating equipment market, which provides any type of living space with hot water. In the modern world there are a large number of water heating devices, but no one has yet been able to replace the gas water heater. This can be explained by several factors:

  • a geyser is characterized by great savings, as it can provide hot water supply to several hot water intake points located in a house or apartment;
  • A geyser allows you to use hot water at any time and in unlimited quantities.

Geysers consist of a huge number of elements:

  • main burner, the best material for which is steel;
  • a system of pipes necessary for water circulation;
  • the heat exchanger can be made of either steel or copper;
  • a housing that not only regulates the amount, but also controls the flow of water;
  • ignition unit, which directly depends on the power supply;

  • a control unit with which you can monitor the parameters responsible for the normal functioning of the column;
  • pipes necessary for the water to be supplied, gas and hot water discharge;
  • membrane gas valve;
  • a safety system that is necessary if there is no water, the pressure changes, the dispenser overheats, or other situations that may lead to accidents;
  • combustion product removal unit.

It should be noted that geysers are water heating devices that heat water instantly. Water enters the column through the incoming pipe. Next, the water flows through a pipe system, which is influenced by the heat emanating from the heating equipment. As water moves through the pipe system, its temperature increases. This entails supplying hot water from the flue pipe to the tap.

Ignition of the main burner in various models of modern columns can be carried out using different elements.

  • Using a piezoelectric element. To light the speaker using this method, you need to press a certain button. The pilot light inside the column is constantly lit, turning it off will turn off the entire column.

  • Using batteries, providing the electric spark necessary to ignite the burner. If the device does not work, gas is not consumed. Batteries are a very convenient tool as they can last up to 1 year.

  • Using a hydraulic turbine, which causes the spark needed to ignite the burner. The hydraulic turbine starts working only when the column is turned on. However, such models are very sensitive to low water pressure.

What to consider when choosing?

When choosing a gas water heater, it is necessary to take into account a number of basic characteristics, heating equipment must have:

  • power;
  • ignition type;
  • burner type;
  • type of combustion products removal;
  • safety.

Power is one of the most important characteristics that must be taken into account when choosing heating equipment. Power determines the overall performance of the equipment. In other words, it sets the amount of water that the geyser can handle in a certain time interval. The geyser is designed for power from 6 to 32 kW. It is worth noting that the power of an electric water heater ranges from 1.5 to 3 kW.

Therefore, depending on the number of kW, power is divided into three types:

  • small (from 6 to 19 kW);
  • medium (from 20 to 28 kW);
  • high (from 29 to 32 kW).

For a private house with several water intake points, the best option is a gas water heater with medium and high power.

The type of ignition is also an important characteristic that can influence the purchasing decision. If previously, matches and lighters were used to light the device, now modern models offer an improved ignition system. There are two types of systems: semi-automatic and automatic.

On the one hand, the semi-automatic type of dispensers entails significant gas consumption. This is due to the fact that the wick cannot be turned off. To turn it on, you need to press the piezo ignition button. On the other hand, the automatic type of dispenser not only reduces gas consumption, but also starts up extremely simply. To start such a system, you need to open the hot water tap.

You should not lose attention to the type of burner, which comes in two types: with constant power and with regulating power. It is inconvenient to use burners with constant power, since you will have to adjust it yourself. This can be explained by the fact that the water pressure is constantly changing and entails a change in temperature. Consequently, temperature-simulating burners successfully cope with this problem. They independently adapt to changing pressure.

The type of exhaust of combustion products is not a fundamental characteristic that has a significant impact on the choice of equipment. However, it is recommended to study this characteristic in order to make the right choice. There are two types: chimney and turbocharged. On the one hand, a chimney column is needed only in one case: if the tubular channel can be routed into an existing chimney. On the other hand, turbocharged devices are not popular, as there is a risk of freezing if the temperature outside is below freezing.

The key issue is safety. Speakers must be equipped with several levels of protection. For example, modern speakers have three levels of protection. Each of them is necessary for different unforeseen situations. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the presence of protective sensors, since high product safety is a guarantee of reliability and quality.

However, there are factors that have a secondary influence on the decision to purchase an electric water heater:

  • size;
  • form.

The size of the geyser does not matter much, but it is necessary to take this factor into account. The size of the column is determined by the scale of the room. If the room allows you to install a large speaker, then choose the appropriate size.

If you want to hide a boiler in an apartment using a kitchen unit, then choose a compact form.

Review of popular models

Mora Vega 10

The first place in the top is occupied by the Mora Vega 10 gas heating equipment, since this model is compact and easy to use, which makes it attractive to a wide range of people. It is of the automatic type, as it turns off and on depending on the water supply. This device is perfect for a city apartment.


  • guarantee of work stability;
  • significant degree of reliability;
  • presence of an effective security system.


  • belongs to the premium segment;
  • in the cold season, you may experience insufficient water heating.

Roda JSD20-T1

Zanussi GWH 10 Fonte

This model from the Italian manufacturer has all the qualities that customers value.


  • low price segment;
  • small size;
  • economical gas consumption.

The downside is that there is no ability to control heating when the temperature changes.

Mora Vega 13

The Mora Vega 13 gas stove is not inferior to the leader in terms of functional characteristics.


  • guarantee of safety of use;
  • efficiency;
  • fast, powerful and stable water heating.

In general, no significant disadvantages were found.

Halsen WM 10

This geyser is from a Russian company, but some of its parts are manufactured by the Chinese side.


  • modern and stylish design;
  • low cost.

No significant disadvantages were found.

Gorenje GWH 10 NNBW

Bosch WR 10-2P

This model is designed for a capacity of more than 10 liters per minute, and also has piezo ignition.


  • economical fuel consumption;
  • safety according to the latest standards;
  • ability to operate on reduced gas.

The downside is that it may leak after several years of use.

Hyundai H-GW2-ARW-UI307

Bosch W 10 KB

The model is characterized by high performance.


  • ability to operate from cylinders;
  • budget price.

Bosch WRD 13-2G

This model is distinguished by the presence of a hydrogenerator for automatic ignition. It belongs to the type of turbocharged heating technology.

Plus - rapid heating and simple controls.

Minus - it can be noisy during operation.

The most reliable companies

Now there are a large number of heating equipment manufacturers on the market.

In Germany, there are three reliable brands of geysers:

  • Vaillant;
  • Buderus;
  • Viessmann.

The Vaillant brand appeared in 1874. It produces high-quality heating equipment. The brand has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

  • there are service centers in 100 countries;
  • all products are made using the latest technologies;
  • combustion chambers are striking in their variability;
  • systems are equipped with the latest technologies.


  • models are not equipped with a device with which you can stabilize the voltage;
  • expensive service.

The Buderus brand began its existence in 1731. It is one of the best manufacturers of heating equipment in Germany.

Main advantages of the brand:

  • design that meets all modern standards;
  • low prices;
  • high quality protection system;
  • multifunctionality of technology.

The main disadvantage is the insufficient system of protection against unforeseen situations.

Viessmann is a brand that has gained fame since 1917. The company offers a variety of heating equipment options.

Main advantages of the brand:

  • the equipment is characterized by high productivity;
  • products are manufactured in compliance with basic environmental standards;
  • high level of protection against a various range of problems;
  • low energy use.

The main disadvantages of the brand:

  • high cost of the device and its maintenance;
  • insufficient information about the device.

In Italy there are two main brands of heating equipment:

  • Ariston;
  • Baxi.

Ariston is a brand with a seventy-year history.

Main advantages of the brand:

  • the possibility of various options for controlling the device;
  • a large number of different functions that simplify working with equipment;
  • low power consumption;
  • focus on environmental friendliness.

The main disadvantages of brand devices:

  • insufficient sound insulation;
  • inability to regulate the operation of the speaker from a distance.

The Baxi brand is known not only in Italy, but also abroad. The company began operating in 1924.

Main advantages:

  • a wide range of models to suit every taste and budget;
  • reliable protection system;
  • ability to respond to weather changes;
  • ease of maintenance and installation of equipment.

The main disadvantage of the product is the possibility of problems with the electronic control of the equipment.

Not only manufacturers from Germany and Italy are known on the heating equipment market, but also from other European countries.

Protherm is a manufacturer from Slovakia that offers budget heating equipment. Founded in 1991.

Main advantages of the brand:

  • wide range of products;
  • the presence of different modes for devices depending on the time of year;
  • Availability of models that do not depend on electricity.

Main disadvantages:

  • spare parts that may be required to repair equipment for one reason or another will require significant financial investments;
  • Various spare parts are installed at the buyer's expense.

De Dietrich is a French manufacturer of household appliances that focuses on modern technologies and customer wishes.

Main product advantages:

  • high level of sound insulation;
  • effective security system;
  • good performance;
  • simplicity and ease of use.

Main disadvantages:

  • the equipment belongs to the premium segment, therefore, not everyone can afford a gas stove of this brand;
  • There have been accidents with equipment from this brand.

Asian brands also attract the attention of buyers, as Korean and Japanese companies are known for their modern technologies that can surprise the whole world.

Navien is a company from South Korea that is known for its research into modern heating technology.

The main advantages of the brand's products:

  • high level of sound insulation;
  • budget price;
  • the ability to regulate operation via a smartphone;
  • a variety of design options and a convenient display that displays all the main elements of the work.

The main disadvantage is the fragility of the additional components of geysers. For example, the control panel will often have to be changed.

Rinnai is a famous Japanese brand that is popular not only in Japan, but also in many European countries.

Main advantages of speakers:

  • equipped with all the necessary standard performance and protection parameters;
  • the models are not only manufactured according to the principle of environmental friendliness, but also consume fuel economically;
  • high level of sound insulation and attractive design.

Disadvantage – there is no protection of equipment from voltage surges.

One cannot fail to say about Russian manufacturers of geysers, who keep up with global brands. The best manufacturers of geysers in Russia include the following brands:

  • Zhukovsky Machine-Building Plant;
  • "Lemax";
  • "Neva".

ZhMZ is the largest manufacturer of gas equipment in Russia.

The main advantages of its products:

  • low price segment;
  • long warranty period;
  • effective protection against overheating.

The main drawback is problems with sound insulation.

Lemax was founded in 1992. Main advantages:

  • remote control;
  • available service support and long warranty period;
  • interesting design;
  • components from the best foreign suppliers.

In general, no product defects were identified.

“Neva” is a brand with a 60-year history. It specializes in the production of high-tech equipment.

The main advantage is high productivity and a reliable security system against various unforeseen situations.

The main disadvantages of the brand:

  • a design that may not be to everyone’s taste;
  • There may be interference in operation due to voltage surges.

A gas water heater is a dangerous device, since its operation requires the use of flammable fuel. Therefore, during the installation process, care must be taken to avoid its leakage in the future.

In order for a geyser to serve for a long time, it is necessary to follow certain rules and recommendations for using gas water heaters:

  • they are recommended to be installed in a place where there is ventilation;
  • Do not install the device near flammable objects;
  • if the chimney is clogged, you need to call a technician as soon as possible who can fix the problem;
  • Great attention should be paid to the operation of the geyser, because its overheating can negatively affect its service life.

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