Problems of additional professional education in ecology. Environmental education in Russia: the current trend is the formation of a “fashion for ecology.” Environmental education for sustainable development

It is important to form an environmental culture through the establishment and implementation of appropriate education, environmental training in higher educational institutions of both the humanitarian and technical profiles with the search and implementation of issues and skills necessary for this specialty. In accordance with Part 2 of Art. 72 of the Federal Law on Environmental Protection, the teaching of educational disciplines on environmental protection, environmental safety and rational use of natural resources is provided in accordance with the profile of educational institutions that provide professional training, retraining and advanced training of specialists.

Practice suggests forms of organizing environmental education that are worthy of dissemination and, perhaps, inclusion in legal recommendations.

At the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (Technical University), the Department of Ecology and Law was created and operates in 1992. Taking into account the need of graduates for environmental knowledge in the educational process, an opportunity was found for students of six faculties to study not only the compulsory subjects "Ecology" and "Life Safety", but also such academic disciplines as "Environmental Expertise", "Environmental Risks", "Environmental Law" ", "Environmental monitoring", "State and protection of the environment in our region". The staff of the department created a textbook “Ecology” for technical universities, edited by Professor S. A. Bogolyubov with a foreword by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. V. Yablokov, approved by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science for teaching.

The decoration and specification of this publication in relation to a technical university is the chapter “Modeling of environmental processes” with the disclosure of problems of planning and forecasting the interaction of society and nature, the use of mathematics, information systems, and electronic computer technology.

The creation in Russia and its regions of professionally trained initiative groups of specialists in various fields and ensuring the continuity of environmental education and teaching of environmental knowledge is possible through the implementation of an initiative-based program of additional professional education “Fundamentals of the formation of an environmental culture of the population”, designed for 162 hours. Without having a strictly formalized legal status, a program with a psychological and pedagogical orientation and balance, being approved by the Russian Academy of Education, has considerable recommendatory, applied significance, and receives recognition, including through the media, in a variety of educational institutions, especially additional education, and is useful for a variety of categories of students.

A study group of 15–20 people may include researchers and teachers of universities, schools, kindergarten teachers, museum and library workers, specialists from environmental services and law enforcement agencies, employees of protected areas, activists of public non-profit associations, representatives of religious denominations, students, government and municipal employees. The use of interactive methods in classrooms over the course of three weeks - trainings, business games, competitions, workshops - presupposes, at the same time, compliance with the standard individual study load for students of 54 hours a week.

The first section is devoted to the socio-psychological foundations of effective interaction. During the communicative training, students undergo a gentle adaptation to the conditions of intensive teamwork in a creative educational environment, demonstrating the need for painstaking and sensitive work with all categories of the population for broad social support of environmental efforts. Already here the first rudiments of not only environmental, but also legal knowledge can be introduced.

The second section, “Formation of the ecological culture of the population as a priority direction of the national environmental policy of Russia,” includes the topics: “Priorities of the national environmental policy”; "Problems and tasks of forming an ecological culture"; "Priority mechanisms for the formation of environmental culture"; "Providing support for activities to develop an environmental culture from Russian and international organizations." The legal part may include the constitutional and legislative foundations of a unified state environmental policy.

The third section of the program, “Historical and philosophical foundations of the formation of ecological culture,” reveals the cultural and historical conditionality of modern public environmental consciousness and the formation of a new ecological culture against the backdrop of the environmental crisis. Consideration of the consequences of legal nihilism, violations of law and order against the backdrop of the economic and financial crisis for public environmental consciousness will add relevance.

In the fourth section, “Psychological foundations of the formation of environmental culture,” the following topics are studied: “Ecological psychology in the system of environmentally oriented sciences,” “Workshop on psychological diagnostics of environmental consciousness,” “Age and social patterns of development of environmental consciousness,” “Psychological mechanisms of the formation of environmental consciousness.” It is appropriate to supplement these topics with a study of the foundations of legal consciousness, adapted to the environmental problems of our time, to the need for active constructive behavior in the field of environmental protection.

Finally, the fifth section “Pedagogical and organizational-methodological foundations for the formation of environmental culture” contains the topics: “Content of the environmental-educational process”, “Principles and methods of the formation of environmental culture”, “Forms of the environmental-educational process”. This section, supplemented by the legal foundations and methods of developing an environmental culture, can become key for teaching the basics of environmental knowledge to a wide variety of audiences.

Unfortunately, the emerging de-ecologicalization of management, as noted by researchers, sometimes reduces valuable scientific and pedagogical preparations to nothing. However, increasingly frequent calls in the upper echelons of power for environmental protection in connection with the deteriorating environmental situation in some places suggest the ability of enthusiasts to effectively use the accumulated methodological materials. In a number of places they are being put into practice and giving the desired results, especially if they are supported by economic and legal incentives.

Like many things in ecology, the universality, continuity and complexity of environmental education is based not only and not so much on legal regulations, but on the work and dedication of volunteers - volunteers from education, science, ecology. This shouldn’t just happen based on enthusiasm. The strength and advantages of law lie in the fact that its norms streamline, regulate, and provide mandatory requirements for a process approved by authorized government bodies, supported by society, and with positive and negative sanctions.

  • Yasvin, V. A. Formation of ecological culture. M.: CEPR, 2004.

Municipal educational institution

Additional education

"Center of children's creativity"

Additional environmental education

Ivanova Elena Anatolevna,

methodologist of MOU DO "CDT"

Additional education for children - composite (variable) part general education , essentially motivated education, which allows the student to acquire a sustainable need for knowledge and creativity, to realize himself to the maximum, to self-determinate professionally and personally. Many researchers understand additional education of children as a purposeful process of upbringing and learning through the implementation of additional educational programs. The term “additional education of children” itself appeared in 1992 in connection with the adoption of the Russian Federation Law “ » as a result of the transformation of out-of-school institutions from leisure to educational ones.

Additional environmental education, as an independent and valuable type of education, contains content that is mastered by schoolchildren beyond the general educational state standard, significantly compensating for the basic school education.

The purpose of additional environmental education is to create pedagogical conditions for the formation of a generation of high environmental culture.

The range of tasks that additional environmental education solves equalizes the individual’s starting capabilities, promotes the choice of an individual “trajectory” for the child’s development, provides him with a “success situation,” and promotes self-realization of the personality of the student and teacher. Each student is given the opportunity to “immerse” in the world of living nature, the opportunity to be an individual. He has the right to choose the type of activity, occupation in accordance with his interests, capabilities, abilities, and topic. An individual approach and dialogue with the teacher allow you to work productively on your project or research work, which contributes to the development of associative and variable thinking, the development of search activity and creative abilities in students.

The process of education and upbringing of any person begins in the family, the child receives initial information about the world around him and about the attitude of adults and the world itself towards it. It continues in kindergarten, then at school, university and, finally, with advanced training of professional knowledge necessary for a specialist. In this process, additional environmental education must be fully present at all levels so that the professional can make environmentally sound and responsible decisions. This process at the family level will move to a new higher level with the restoration of family and national traditions in our society, the renewal of spiritual, moral and environmental education. So, additional education permeates all levels and helps to establish a relationship between all components of environmental education, performing the function of continuity.

The conflict between the human community and the environment is based on an inadequate, incorrect model of behavior as a result of an ignorant and sometimes vicious orientation received during upbringing in the family and at school. What were these guidelines in our country?

The first two decades of the beginning of the century, teaching natural science in elementary school was carried out according to the system of V.F. Zuev and A.Ya. Gerd. The main attention was paid to the relationship between inanimate and living nature, and teaching was based on the principles: accessibility, clarity and systematicity.

Since 1923, new, comprehensive programs have been introduced at the school, compiled under the leadership of N.K. Krupskaya. The content of these programs was based on the principles: nature, work, society. The main attention was paid to work activity, which should be closely linked withnature as the object of this activity , with the mandatory participation of schoolchildren in socially useful work in agriculture.

The formation of children's attitude towards nature in the 30-50s was based on the “transformation” of nature, which was proclaimed by I.V. Michurin: “We cannot wait for mercy from nature; taking them from her is our task.” Not only in school science programs, but also in teaching at agricultural universities, there is a clear focus on “conquering” nature, using its riches as an inexhaustible storehouse. This program actually existed until the 60s, when, much belatedly, a nationwide system of protecting “conquered” nature came to the fore.

We have to admit the unfortunate fact that for half a century in the Soviet Union, schools and universities educated “transformers,” or, more precisely, destroyers of nature. How many decades will it take to break the stereotypes that have been established in the minds of our citizens that nature will tolerate anything? Is it any wonder that our environmental programs are stalling?

To be fair, it should be noted that not everyone was in favor of the “transformation” of nature. Back in 1946, B.E. Raikov introduced the term “ecological direction in teaching.” He believed that the ecological direction in teaching biology is not just a methodological technique, but a direction closely related to the rapidly developing biological science, which has a great influence on all branches of knowledge. Therefore, as he believed, the environmental direction must be given its due place in the educational process.

A noticeable shift in environmental education emerged only after the 70s, but its content was considered nothing more than enlightenment. At the same time, in a number of foreign countries, environmental education was already focused on solving specific problems in environmental protection.

As one would expect, the result of the previous “education” was that not only the population, but also heads of administrations, enterprises, teachers and even scientific teams were not prepared to perceive and comprehend the complex of knowledge that makes up ecology. Hence the widespread sanitary and hygienic interpretation of ecology as the science of human survival in unity with nature in conditions of anthropogenic and technogenic pollution. At the same time, the most terrible thing is not complete ignorance, but partial, i.e. fragmentary, unsystematic knowledge that creates the illusion of erudition, which, especially among zealous administrators, gives rise to harmful activity.

Therefore, in the current difficult environmental situation (widespread industrial, agricultural and transport pollution of the environment, various kinds of man-made accidents), the need for environmental education, enlightenment and development of environmental culture among the population is especially acute.

Currently, the need to green the public consciousness, education, and thinking of the entire population of the country has become obvious.

In this regard, priority belongs to pedagogy, which can change people’s consciousness if the strategy and development of environmental education is carried out throughout a person’s life and is an integral part of the process of general education. The success of environmental education will require new concepts and new methods to teach students and educate the entire population.

Since there was no place in school curricula for a new discipline - “Ecology”, the center of gravity of environmental education was transferred to the system of additional education: stations for young naturalists, ecological and biological centers, pioneer houses, clubs for friends of nature, etc.

The most successful environmental education is carried out in two directions: ecological-biological and tourist-local history, which determine the choice of club, circle, expedition and other forms of work. These institutions organize environmental competitions, correspondence environmental schools, exhibitions of children's and youth creativity in the field of environmental protection, Olympiads, environmental camps, etc.


1. Moiseev N.N. The “Teacher” system and the modern environmental situation. Development of continuous environmental education. Materials of the 1st Moscow scientific and practical conference on continuous environmental education. M. 1995. P. 415.

2. Pokrovskaya O.V. Library and environmental education of youth. Development of continuous environmental education. Materials of the 1st Moscow scientific and practical conference on continuous environmental education. M. 1995. p. 140.

One of the features of the second generation educational standards is their environmental focus. For the first time, such a component as ecological culture is defined as one of the most important results of education; among the personal results of mastering the educational program, the formation of the foundations of environmental thinking is stated. Environmental education involves not only training, but also education. This is reflected in the Program of spiritual and moral development, education and socialization of students at the level of secondary (complete) general education. In the field of environmental education, the program is aimed at developing environmental thinking, culture and behavior of students.

Value guidelines in environmental education are such categories as man and his health, nature, and the environment. Environmental values ​​must be learned by every member of a civilized society, and school plays an important role in this.

Today, ecology as a separate academic subject is practically absent from the curricula of educational organizations. In primary and high school, environmental knowledge is mostly formed through the greening of natural science subjects - biology, chemistry, physics. This became necessary in connection with the achievement of a number of subject results stated in the educational standard:

  • the formation of ideas and knowledge about the main problems of interaction between nature and society, about the natural and socio-economic aspects of environmental problems
  • development of skills to predict, analyze and evaluate the environmental consequences of household and industrial human activities related to the processing of substances
  • developed ability to evaluate information about physical objects and processes from the standpoint of science and environmental safety
  • formation of one’s own position in relation to global environmental problems and ways to solve them,
  • formation of conviction in the need to comply with ethical standards and environmental requirements when conducting biological research

As a regional component, the curricula of schools in the Nizhny Novgorod region include the subjects “Biological Local History” and “Geographical Local History”. GBOU DPO NIRO implements postgraduate environmental education programs as part of advanced training for teaching staff.

Creative-activity and behavioral components of ecological culture, which include the experience of creative, projective, environmentally justified activities, cooperation in relations with nature, are mainly implemented in extracurricular activities and in the system of additional education. Subject teachers, additional education teachers, and class teachers must independently develop educational and methodological complexes for environmental classes, create an environmentally-developmental environment and conditions for the development of environmental education programs and conducting environmental events and competitions of various directions and topics.

In this direction, productive work is being done to create and implement additional general education programs. Subject teachers and additional education teachers of educational organizations in the region have recently developed: the program of the ecological association “Blue Bird” (Rodionova L.A.), the program of ecological and biological orientation “On the forest path” (Sokolova D.V., Sokolova O. S.), "Young ecologist". All of them have received expert opinions and are being implemented in the educational space of the region.

An important role in the environmental education of the younger generation is played by various organizations that provide assistance to educational organizations and continuing education centers in conducting environmental campaigns and events.

These are the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, the Kerzhensky State Natural Biosphere Reserve, the Dront Ecological Center, etc.

Pedagogical skills competitions are one of the forms of environmental education. An example of such a competition is the regional teacher’s work competition “Ecology for the Future”. The purpose of the event is to summarize and disseminate the experience of teachers in the field of environmental education and awareness in the Nizhny Novgorod region. The circle of subject teachers participating in the environmental competition every year is noticeably expanding. These are not only teachers teaching natural science subjects, but also teachers of life safety, physical education, humanities, and primary schools. The competition features joint works by subject teachers from different educational fields. An example of joint creativity of teachers is the environmental project “Prospects for the sustainable development of nature and society” (biology teacher N.N. Sebeldina and literature teacher O.G. Vorotnikova, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 7, Nizhny Novgorod).

One of the modern forms of environmental education, in which all directions of the formation of environmental culture are implemented, is the regional interdisciplinary biological and environmental distance Olympiad for schoolchildren. This experience has a six-year history. Every year the age range of participants expands and their number increases. Over the past two years, the number of participants has reached more than a thousand people. The organizers of the Olympiad were the Department of Natural Science Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Institute for Educational Development and a group of biology teachers as part of the innovation platform “Achieving meta-subject results based on project activities for primary and high schools as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.”

This form of environmental education for schoolchildren organically combines innovative models for organizing the Olympiad movement in the form of distance learning and the traditional model of holding a subject Olympiad. Olympiads of this level have great pedagogical, methodological and content value for both participants and organizers.

To implement preschool, school and out-of-school environmental education, qualified teaching staff with environmental competence are needed. The need to include environmental material in the general lecture cycle of advanced training courses for teaching staff at various levels is due to the relevance of developing all components of environmental culture among teachers, and through them, among students.

Within the framework of qualification courses for natural science teachers, there is a separate environmental block, which presents a general system of minimal environmental knowledge and substantive aspects of ecology implemented in the subjects of the educational field “Natural Sciences”. For these teachers, environmental knowledge is widely represented and is most significant for saturating local history and environmental information not only in the main subject courses, but also in elective courses and special courses as part of specialized education.

Meta-subject modules occupy a special place in this system. An example of such a module is the distance course “Modern trends in the development of school environmental education”, addressed to subject teachers, educators, heads of educational institutions engaged in experimental work in the field of environmental education, and additional education teachers.

All these activities are part of postgraduate environmental education as part of advanced training for employees of educational institutions. Popularization of modern pedagogical methods and technologies in the activities of educational institutions in the environmental direction, expansion and deepening of knowledge, acquisition of skills in ecology, methods of nature protection will contribute to environmental education, expansion and development of professional skills in this area.

Environmental education of schoolchildren should become a continuous and purposeful process and be implemented in various forms according to educational programs that ensure continuity of content both between the levels of general education and between general and additional education. The requirements specified in the Federal State Educational Standard on these issues will ensure the implementation and implementation of these provisions in the educational process.

Training under professional retraining programs in the field of ecology.

Duration of training: 252-502 hours.

Document upon completion: diploma.

Validity period of the diploma: unlimited.

(NTU) is an institution providing services in the field of additional professional education on the basis of a License issued by the Moscow Department of Education. The goal of the program is to retrain students with secondary vocational, higher or incomplete higher education in any profile who want to work in the field ecology.

Who can we be useful to?

National University of Technology invites all interested parties to undergo training in professional retraining programs in the field of ecology full-time, part-time and distance learning. During the training process, students receive up-to-date information on environmental safety in accordance with state standards and the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor.

Will be useful:

  1. Managers of enterprises whose activities have a detrimental effect on the state of the environment.
  2. Employees of organizations that work with hazardous substances and waste.
  3. Persons with secondary vocational or higher education in any field who wish to change their occupation.

The programs will cover in detail the issues of ensuring environmental safety:

  • when installing various types of buildings and structures;
  • when carrying out work at hazardous chemical waste production facilities;
  • when taking chemical analyzes of natural waters and soils;
  • on environmental protection and much more.

IN National Technological University We employ experienced teachers who are fluent in the intricacies of work in the field of environmental safety. During the training process, we will introduce you to the latest changes in the regulatory framework, state requirements for work and ways to solve many problems that arise on the way of managers and employees of industrial enterprises.

How to get a free consultation and sign up for training at NTU

Enroll in professional retraining programs in the field ecology You can by contacting us by phone or submitting an application directly on this website. We will call you back and answer all your questions.

Why choose National University of Technology:

  1. Professional retraining in ecology is carried out without interruption from the main work and does not require regular visits to our Institution.
  2. You create your own professional retraining schedule and independently distribute the workload throughout the entire training period.
  3. We provide you with 467 study programs to choose from.
  4. Our prices are lower than the market average due to the absence of general education subjects in the programs.
  5. We are a certified Institution, our diplomas are recognized by organizations throughout Russia.
  6. A well-functioning mechanism for the professional retraining procedure significantly reduces training time.
  7. We provide you with a personal manager and guarantee impeccable quality of service.

The Interregional Academy of Construction and Industrial Complex (MASPK), which carries out educational activities in the field of additional education on the basis of license No. 035298 dated July 14, 2014, invites you to professional retraining courses in the direction of “Ecology, environmental protection and environmental safety.” MASPC has been conducting educational courses for several years. The academy's students have access to a wide range of different training courses, areas and disciplines in a wide variety of current and in-demand professions. Training is conducted on the basis of complete higher or special secondary education. For the convenience of our students, both part-time and distance learning programs are available to choose from.

Features of the specialty and its relevance

Currently, high industrial volumes, widespread urbanization of cities and the growth of agglomerations, active use of transport powered by petroleum products, irrational use of various chemical fertilizers, deforestation, improper exploitation of agricultural lands, leading to their degradation, and many other factors have an extremely adverse effect on the environmental situation. in general, and in Russia in particular. Environmental problems are widespread. To minimize negative consequences, it is necessary to use comprehensive harm reduction measures for operating enterprises and industries, through the introduction of modern environmentally friendly work methods (closed cycles, recycling, secondary and tertiary use of raw materials, etc.). In addition, sustainable use of natural resources must be widely adopted.

Ecology- a direction of natural science, the main goal of which is to study the interaction of living and inanimate nature and humans. Ecology deals with the study of the influence of man-made impacts on various natural-territorial complexes, plants, animals and landscapes. To minimize the negative anthropogenic impact and increase environmental safety, it is necessary to apply a number of measures:

  • Conducting a comprehensive and comprehensive environmental assessment of the territory.
  • Identification and qualitative and quantitative assessment of environmental risks.
  • Conducting environmental monitoring.
  • Development of environmental legislation that meets modern requirements.
  • Drawing up a set of measures to reduce the anthropogenic load on natural territorial complexes.

Features of training at MASPC

Training at MASPC involves consistent and logical mastery of all necessary educational information. The courses are structured in such a way that you can master the curriculum in the shortest possible time without loss of quality. Students can choose full-time, correspondence or distance learning courses. The duration of training is from 252 academic hours (may vary depending on the level of primary education of the student). After completing the curriculum and successfully passing the exam, a standard diploma is issued. The course involves mastering several academic disciplines from six large blocks:

  • General aspects of ecology and the doctrine of the biosphere.
  • Main directions in ecology.
  • Fundamentals of environmental management and management activities in ecology.
  • Applied aspects of ecology.
  • Environmental Safety.
  • Research and monitoring.

Among the main advantages of studying at our academy are:

  • Affordable and flexible prices for training.
  • Highly qualified teaching staff.
  • The ability to independently organize training in accordance with your personal schedule.
  • Wide selection of courses, directions and specialties.
  • An extensive database of educational, methodological and scientific materials available to students.
  • A quoted diploma in a current and in-demand specialty.

Training in professional retraining courses (requalification) is an affordable, convenient and quick way to master a modern profession at a high level and find employment in a worthy and promising organization. To complete the training, leave an application online or call us by phone, our consultants will answer any questions and help you choose a training program that suits your interests!

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