11th Guards Rifle Gorodok Division. Notable warriors of the division


  • 1. History
  • 2 Full name
  • 3 Submission
  • 4 Composition
  • 5 Commanders
  • 6 Awards
  • 7 Notable warriors of the division


11th Guards Rifle Division- military unit of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War

1. History

Since January 1942 he has been conducting offensive and defensive battles in the Gzhatsky direction. 08/12/1942 withdrawn to the reserve of the Western Front. August 14, 1942 took up defensive positions on the river. Zhizdra from Gretnya to the mouth of the river. Red. Over the next days, together with the 32nd Tank Brigade, they repelled the attacks of the German 17th and 9th Panzer Divisions (Operation Wirbelwind). On August 18, Seitz's Kampfgroup (63rd Regiment of the 17th TD) broke through the division's defenses - two battalions of the 33rd Guards Rifle Regiment were surrounded and the division headquarters was destroyed. The defense of the 40th and 27th Guards Rifle Regiment was headed by Major Shcherbina. The division commander - General PN Chernyshev - on August 19, showing cowardice, fled to the rear [ ]. The division was saved from further defeat by a counterattack by the 9th tank destroyer and the 326th rifle division. By August 23, parts of the 40th and 33rd Guards Rifle Regiment withdrew across the river. Drisenka - from where they launched a counteroffensive in the following days. By August 26, units of the division, pursuing the retreating enemy, crossed the river. Zhizdra and liberated the village of Vosty. From September 1942 to early February 1943, the division was on the defensive. south of the river Zhizdra at the turn of Gretnya, Vosta, Ulyanovsk District, Kaluga Region.

Subsequently, she took part in the battles in the Battle of Kursk, in the Orel region. In October 1943, it concentrated in the Nevel area. There, the division, together with other units, on 12/24/1943 captured the large railway junction Gorodok. She took part in the Belarusian strategic offensive operation (Operation Bagration), distinguished herself in the battles for Vitebsk, crossed the Neman near the city of Alytus, seizing a bridgehead and advancing 60 kilometers in three days. Then she took part in the Gumbinen and East Prussian operations, the capture of Konigsberg, and the battles in the Pillau area.

2. Full name

11th Guards Rifle Gorodokskaya Order of Lenin, Red Banner, Order of Suvorov Division

3. Submission

  • Western Front, 16th Army, 5th Guards Rifle Corps - on 04/01/1942.
  • Western Front, 16th Army - on 01/01/1943.
  • Western Front, 1st Guards Army, 8th Guards Rifle Corps - on 07/01/1943.
  • Bryansk Front, 11th Guards Army, 16th Guards Rifle Corps - as of 01.10.1943.
  • 1st Baltic Front, 11th Guards Army, 16th Guards Rifle Corps - as of 01/01/1944.
  • 3rd Belorussian Front, 11th Guards Army, 16th Guards Rifle Corps - on 01/01/1945.
  • 3rd Belorussian Front, Zemland Group of Forces, 11th Guards Army, 16th Guards Rifle Corps - as of 01/01/1945.

4. Composition

  • 27th Guards Rifle Regiment
  • 33rd Guards Rifle Regiment
  • 40th Guards Rifle Regiment
  • 30th Guards Artillery Regiment
  • 8th (146th) guards anti-aircraft battery (until 19.03.1943)
  • 22nd Guards Mortar Division (until 11/18/1942)
  • 22nd Guards Machine Gun Battalion (from 11/19/1942 to 03/25/1943)
  • 9th Guards Reconnaissance Company
  • 15th Guards Sapper Battalion
  • 12th Guards Separate Signal Battalion (until 10.21.1942)
  • 12th Guards Separate Signal Company (from 10/21/1942 to 12/05/1944)
  • 381st (2nd) medical and sanitary battalion
  • 14th Guards Separate Chemical Protection Company
  • 504th (17th) motor transport company
  • 500th (5th) field bakery
  • 502nd Divisional Veterinary Infirmary
  • 927th Field Post Station
  • 394th field cash desk of the State Bank

5. Commanders

6. Awards

7. Notable warriors of the division

This abstract is based on an article from the Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed 07/12/11 04:06:40 AM
Related abstracts: 31st Guards Rifle Division, 82nd Guards Rifle Division, 74th Guards Rifle Division, 44th Guards Rifle Division, 129th Guards Rifle Division, 39th Guards Rifle Division, 16th Guards Rifle division, 98th Guards Rifle Division,

Reformed from 18th Infantry Division (II) 5.1.42 g.
The new numbering of the divisions was assigned on 27.2.42.

27, 33 and 40 Guards Rifle Regiment,
30th Guards Artillery Regiment,
13th Guards Separate Anti-Tank Destroyer Division,
8th guards anti-aircraft artillery battery (146 anti-aircraft artillery battery) - (until 19.3.43,
22nd Guards Mortar Division (until 11/18/42),
22nd Guards Machine Gun Battalion (from 19.11.42 to 25.3.43),
9th Guards Reconnaissance Company,
15th Guards Sapper Battalion,
12th Guards Separate Signal Battalion (until 21.10.42),
12th Guards separate communications company (from 21.10.42 to 5.12.44),
56th Guards Separate Signal Battalion (until 5.12.44),
381 (2) health battalion,
14th Guards Separate Chemical Protection Company,
504 (17) motor transport company,
500 (5) field bakery,
502 (4) divisional veterinary infirmary,
927 field post station,
394 field cash desk of the State Bank.

Combat period

Inventory 1. Case 37. Journal of military operations.

Enemy aircraft carried out reconnaissance flights over the division's defense zone. In the area of ​​SCREWS in the daytime, the enemy was clearing the roads from snow. At night, in a ravine in the area of ​​a separate grove of the northeastern CROSS-STREAM, movement of about 40 enemy men was noticed. With rifle and machine-gun fire, the 8th company of the 33rd Guards rifle regiment scattered a group of German soldiers. The soldiers returned to their trenches.

Parts of the division carried out engineering work to expand and strengthen the main and intermediate lines, and rarely did rifle-machine-gun firefight with the enemy. 30 guards ap. fired at a group of German soldiers who were cleaning the road in the SCREWS area. 11 Germans were killed and wounded.

In the KOLOSOVO area, a FV-189 aircraft dropped leaflets.

At the front, there was a rare rifle-machine-gun exchange of fire. Combat and political studies were conducted with personnel in the division's units.

At 00.30 a foot reconnaissance platoon of the 27th Guards rifle regiment. conducted a night search in the DUDINO area. The platoon was detected by the enemy and returned to the starting line without completing the combat mission.

The enemy continues to defend the line in units of 293 infantry divisions: DUDINO, SERAYA, PERESTRYAZH, ZHUKOVO. From the areas DUDINO, Zhilkovo, Panevo, BELY VERKH, PERESTRYAZH, the enemy fired artillery and mortar fire on the division's defensive zone. 118 shells and 103 mines of various calibers were fired by the enemy during the day.

Sheet 58 turnover

At 00.10. reconnaissance group of the 27th Guards rifle division. led a night search with the task of capturing a control prisoner. Didn't complete the task. Parts of the division improved their defensive lines, conducted combat and political training classes, and fought with the enemy.

The sniper was exterminated by 6 Nazis.

[magazine only until the end of 42 years.]

Formed January 5, 1942 by transforming into the 18th Guards Rifle Division (2nd formation), previously called the 18th Moscow Division of the People's Militia (Leningradsky District).

On January 14, having surrendered her section of 354sd and 18sbr on the railway, she left through Moscow and Tula to the Belev area, entering the reserve of the Western Front. By January 26, 16 Rokossovsky's army was transferred from the Volokolamsk direction to the left flank of the Western Front near Sukhinichi. On January 31, the 11th Guards Division was also transferred to the 16A. Participated in the liberation of the town of Sukhinichi. On February 4, she took a defensive battle in the area of ​​Verebyevo, Tsepovaya, Vyselki. Until February 20, she conducted several private offensive operations.

March 5 launched an offensive against Zhizdra. In the offensive, the division was supported by 146 and 149tbr. By the morning of March 8, Slobodka was captured. She was advancing on Kotovichi, Maklaki. By March 30, 42. reached the line Slobodka, Kamenka. Then it was transferred to the 5GvSK and in the Frolovskoye area, Erobkino Svododa was replenished with personnel and equipment.

On the morning of July 6, after strong artillery and air preparation, Rokossovsky's 16A launched an offensive in the direction of Zhizdra. It was planned to break through the enemy defenses between the Nepolod and Zhizdra rivers and capture the city of Zhizdra. By the time the 16A offensive began, the southern sector of the Soviet-German front was experiencing a severe crisis. The defense of Bryansk and the Southwestern Front was crushed. German troops captured the city of Voronezh on the day of the beginning of our offensive. The Soviet command planned to draw off part of the enemy forces and reserves from the southern sector by offensive actions in the central sector of the front. From the enemy, this sector of the front was occupied by 18td and units 208 and 216pd. The main blow in the 16A was delivered by General Korotkov's 5GVSK, which was supported by 283gap, 698lap, 112mp, 5gmgd and tank units - 112 and 94 tbbr, 519 backbone. 5GvSK included 11GVSD, 19SBR, 115SBR and 4SBR. The reserve was 123rd. Also in the immediate rear, 10TK and 1GVMSD were concentrated.

By the beginning of the offensive, the 11GVSD numbered (together with the art units supporting its art and tank units, the 11GVSD in the offensive supported 94tbr and 519 detachment battalions.) 8500 infantry, 5115 rifles, 769 assault rifles, 237rp, 60 st. pool, 2 zen bullet, 176ptr, 16 122mm guns, 48 ​​76mm guns, 15 45mm guns, 20 120mm mortars, 70 82mm mortars, 63 50mm mortars, 12 203mm guns. (regiment 1094apbm) 7 KV, 17 T-34, 13 T-60, 4 T-26, 16 HT-130.

At 6:10 on 6 July, artillery preparation began, and at 8:30 the infantry went on the attack. The tanks were 30 minutes late for the attack, and having gone over to the attack they lost their course (where passes were made and 240pt mines were removed). Our infantry followed the tanks. Having burst into the enemy's trenches, the regiments broke through the enemy's leading edge. 40GVSP captured Katovichi. The advancing 4sbr to the right knocked out the enemy from Zaprudnoye. However, in the afternoon, enemy resistance increased. German air raids began. It was not possible to advance further that day.

It was not possible to resume the offensive in the morning of July 7 due to enemy counterattacks. Pulling up their reserves, the Germans launched a counterattack into Katovichi. However, together with the approaching brigades of 10TK, our troops managed to recapture Kotovichi. In the course of a difficult battle, the German contracting units were thrown back to Dmitrievka. Our units could not advance in a day. Fighting July 8-9 also failed. German units continuously launched counterattacks. There was no progress. Until July 14, the division, together with the brigades of the 10TK, went on the offensive against Bukan, but there was no success. From July 14, our units began to go over to the defensive.

August 12, 1942 year withdrawn to the reserve of the Western Front. August 14, 1942 took up defensive positions on the river. Zhizdra from Gretnya to the mouth of the river. Red. Over the next days, together with the 32nd Tank Brigade, they repelled the attacks of the German 17th and 9th Panzer Divisions (Operation Virbelwind). On August 18, Seitz's Kampfgroup (63rd Regiment of the 17th TD) broke through the division's defenses - two battalions of the 33rd Guards Rifle Regiment were surrounded and the division headquarters was destroyed. The defense of the 40th and 27th Guards Rifle Regiment was headed by Major Shcherbina. The division was saved from further defeat by a counterattack of the 9th tank battalion and the 326th rifle division. By August 23, parts of the 40th and 33rd Guards Rifle Regiment withdrew across the river. Drisenka - from where they launched a counteroffensive in the following days. By August 26, units of the division, pursuing the retreating enemy, crossed the river. Zhizdra and liberated the village of Vosty.

From September 1942 to early February 1943, the division took up defensive positions south of the Zhizdra River at the Gretnya-Vosta line of the Ulyanovsk District of the Kaluga Region.

At the end of March 1943. The Supreme Command Headquarters and the General Staff began to develop their plan for the conduct of hostilities for the summer and autumn. In the middle, the development of a plan for both a defensive operation near Kursk and a counteroffensive, code-named Operation Kutuzov, began. Due to the decision of the Headquarters to switch to strategic defense in the summer of 1943 and the expectation of a German offensive, the start of the operation was postponed. It was proposed to wait for the results of the defensive battle near Kursk and, in case of success, to strike the German Oryol grouping with a blow from the northern face of the Oryol ledge of the front.

The 11th Guards Army (formerly the 16th Army), which included the 11th Guards Rifle Division, was a formidable force. It consisted, for example, of 12 rifle divisions and 2 tank corps, as well as many other units. More than 170 thousand people in total.

5'th of July the German offensive on Kursk began - Operation Citadel. By July 9, it became clear that the northern German grouping 9A Model could not achieve decisive success. The Germans brought in almost all the units of the 9th Army into the battle, but they could not break through the defenses of the Central Front. In seven days of fighting, the enemy had advanced 10-12 km, and it was clear that further attempts at an offensive would not yield results.

July 12, 1943 our troops launched an offensive against the enemy's Oryol grouping. From that moment it became clear that the battle, and rather the whole war, the Germans lost and now their destiny is strategic defense along the entire eastern front ...

The 11th Guards Rifle Division was part of the 8GvSK. The 11th and 83rd Guards Rifle Divisions attacked in the first echelon, and the 26th Guards Rifle Division in the second. The task of breaking through the defense was as follows: 11th Guards Rifle Division with the 2nd Guards Heavy Breakthrough Tank Regiment, the 1536th Self-Propelled Artillery Regiment, a company of the 140th Engineer Barrage Battalion, one company of the 243rd Army Engineer Battalion and the 207th separate company of knapsack flamethrowers by striking along roads Kolosovo, Otvershek to break through the enemy's defenses in the sector (suit.) Gray, Trostnyanka-Otvershek road, destroy the enemy at the strong points of Otvershek and Bely Verkh and, in cooperation with the 43rd Guards Tank Brigade and the 83rd Guards Rifle Division, capture the southern slopes heights 242.8, 239.8; in the future, advancing south and interacting with the border of the river. Fomin with the 5th Panzer Corps, by the end of the day to capture the Obukhovo line, (claim.) Mark. 215.2. The forward detachments of the division, together with the 5th Panzer Corps, by the end of the day, reach the Vesnina, Krapivna line and hold it firmly until the main forces of the division approach.

On July 12, at 0320 hours, a powerful artillery preparation began. Having fairly accurate data on the location of targets for the entire depth of the main strip, artillery, in the first 5-minute fire raid, brought down fire on trenches at the forward edge and strong points in the nearest depth, suppressing and destroying enemy manpower and fire weapons. After mastering the first position of the enemy's defense, the corps commander brought the 43rd Guards Tank Brigade into battle. Bypassing and blocking strong points, the advancing units captured by 9 o'clock: the 11th Guards Rifle Division with the 2nd Guards Heavy Breakthrough Tank Regiment - an unnamed height east of Pochinok. As a result of the first day of the battle, divisions of the 8th Guards Rifle Corps broke through the enemy's main defensive zone, advanced 8-10 km and reached the second defensive zone, while the neighbors on the right and left fought fierce battles for the third and second positions of the main zone.

To the end July 13, 1943 battles, the 8th Guards Rifle Corps, in cooperation with the 5th Panzer Corps, broke through the entire tactical zone of the enemy's defense, advanced to a depth of 16 km, and advanced detachments of divisions, together with the formations of the 5th Panzer Corps, to a depth of 22-30 km and created the conditions for the offensive of army troops on Bolkhov and Khotynets.

Meanwhile, in the Khotynets direction, the 16th Guards Rifle Corps was moving south almost unhindered. By the end of July 14, the depth of its penetration had reached 45 km. To build on this success, I.Kh. Baghramyan sent the 11th Guards Rifle Division from Bolkhov to this direction, and on July 17 brought the 25th Panzer Corps of General F.G. Anikushkin. As a result, by July 19, the penetration depth reached 70 km. Army troops approached Khotynts, and the advance units of the 16th Guards and 11th Infantry Divisions cut railroad Oryol-Kursk. But due to the fact that the army's offensive zone expanded to 120 km, gaps formed between the formations. To remedy the situation, I.Kh. Baghramyan began to hastily transfer troops from the flanks to the Khotynets sector. However, they were introduced into battle at different times, and this did not allow achieving significant results.

IN October 1943 Year 11GvA was transferred to the area of ​​Nevel. There, the division, together with other units, on December 24, 1943, captured the large railway junction Gorodok. She took part in the Belarusian strategic offensive operation (Operation Bagration), distinguished herself in the battles for Vitebsk, crossed the Neman near the city of Alytus, seizing a bridgehead and advancing 60 kilometers in three days. Then she took part in the Gumbinen and East Prussian operations, the capture of Konigsberg, and the battles in the Pillau area.

From the combat log:

01 October 1942 A non-working day was announced to all personnel in honor of the three-year anniversary of the formation (17th Guards Rifle Division). A meeting was held with the commanding staff, where the achievements of the division in defeating the fascist invaders during the period were noted. Patriotic War... In honor of the anniversary of the division, the middle and senior command personnel, by order of the division, were announced to receive the "Guard" badges.

02, 02, 04, 05 October 1942. Parts of the division strenuously carried out putting together subunits and combat training. Preparing soldiers, commanders and political workers for the upcoming battles with the Nazi invaders.

Central Asia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 17th Guards Fund. SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 27.

05 October 2942 Based on the combat order of the Kalinin Front, 17th Guards. SD in full force, having left the operational subordination of the 4th Shock Army, entered the subordination of the 41st Army at 18.30 on 5.10.42, marched to a new place of concentration.

Central Asia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 17th Guards Fund. SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 27.

06 October 1942 At dawn on 6 September 1942, the division's units, having reached the daytime area, concentrated:

45 Guards cpl-forest in the Kotovo area;

48 Guards c-forest east of Kotovo;

52 Guards. cpl-forest in the Makarovo area.

During the day, weapons, transport and materiel were put in order, making preparations for the further route.

Central Asia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 17th Guards Fund. SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 27.

07, 08, 09 October 1942. At night from 7 to 8; from 8 to 9.10. 42 years chpsti divisions were marching along the route: Zap. Dvina, Tronino, Morzino, Shikhtovo. At dawn on 9.10.42, units of the division concentrated in the Balikhino, Novaya, Podvyaz area. 45 Guards sp - in the area of ​​New; 48 Guards cn - in the Zabolotskaya area; 52 Guards. cn - in the Podvyaz area. KP shtadiv village Puzkovo.

Central Asia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 17th Guards Fund. SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 27.

10, 11, 12, 13, 14 October 1942. Parts of the division in the former areas with all personnel are conducting combat training in the context of the order of the NKO-USSR No. 306. Enemy aircraft over the division's location made rare reconnaissance flights.

Central Asia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 17th Guards Fund. SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 27.

October 15, 1942. Parts of the division in the former areas. Combat training is conducted in all parts of the division strictly according to the schedule and daily routine. Enemy aviation carried out a raid on the station. Lomonosovo. An echelon with cargo was destroyed and set on fire. During the bombing of the command post of the division of the village of Kuzkovo, the assistant to the chief of the 1st section of the guard, Major Kuzrikhin, was killed, the liaison officer of the 52nd Guards. joint venture guard senior lieutenant Gudimov, 3 people were wounded.

Central Asia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 17th Guards Fund. SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 27.

October 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 1942. Parts of the division in the former areas continue to conduct combat training with all personnel. Two battalions of the 48th Guards. joint ventures are improving the road in the Shikhtovo-Morzino area. Enemy aviation carries out reconnaissance flights and bombing the front line of defense of army units.

Central Asia Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 17th Guards Fund. SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 27.

October 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 1942. Parts of the division continue to conduct combat training with all personnel, preparing subunits for the upcoming battles. 48 Guards joint venture with two battalions is improving the road. Enemy aviation carries out reconnaissance flights and bombing the front line of defense.

October 26, 27, 28, 1942. Parts of the division in the former areas. Combat training is being conducted with all personnel. 28.10.42, headquarters exercises were carried out, where the division headquarters, the headquarters of the 45, 48, 52 Guards participated. joint venture and headquarters of the 26th Guards. ap, headquarters of arithlleria. Enemy aircraft carried out the bombing of the leading edge on 28.10.42.

CA MO RF, 17th Guards Fund SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 29.

October 29, 30, 31, 1942. Division in the former areas. Parts of the division were engaged in combat training in accordance with the order of the NKO No. 306. 2 Sat 48 Guards. joint venture carried out work on the repair of roads in the Morzino-Shikhtovo area. 200 people 52 guards. joint ventures worked at st. Lomonosovo. During these days, enemy aircraft made frequent single and group sorties to the area where the division's units were located. As a result of a direct hit of a bomb in the dugout, a man was wounded, one was killed; two horses were wounded. Made (31.10.42) reconnaissance of the 3rd defensive line (in accordance with the order of the command 41) in the area of ​​the lake. Shchuchye, work on the equipment will begin on 1.11.42.

CA MO RF, 17th Guards Fund SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 29.

01 November 1942 Parts of the division were engaged in combat training. One battalion of the 48th Guards. joint venture repairing the road on the Shikhtovo-Morzino section. A rifle company with a sapper platoon of 52 Guards. joint venture carried out defensive work at the third line in the area of ​​the lake. Shchuchye.

02, 03, 04 November 1942. Division in the former areas. Parts of the division were engaged in combat training. 3rd battalion, 48th Guards. The joint venture carries out engineering work to repair the road in the area of ​​the village of Shikhtovo. One rifle company with a sapper platoon of 52 Guards. joint venture carries out defensive work at the third line in the area of ​​the lake. Shchuchye.

CA MO RF, 17th Guards Fund SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 30.

05, 06 November 1942. Parts of the division are engaged in combat training. One battalion of the 48th Guards. The joint venture carries out engineering work to repair the road on the Shikhtovo-Morzino section. One rifle company with a sapper platoon of 52 Guards. The joint venture carries out work on equipping company support points in the area of ​​the lake. Shchuchye. The transfer of people was made to 179 rifle divisions - 300 people; 234 rifle regiments - 300 people, 200 people were taken from each rifle regiment.

CA MO RF, 17th Guards Fund SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 30.

07, 08 November 1942. During November 7, enemy aircraft made 48 overflights over the area where the division was located. 8.11.- 12 flights. The bombing is carried out by Art. Lomonosovo and some of the surrounding villages. In units of the division, ceremonial meetings were held; the study of the Order of the NKO of the USSR No. 345 and the report of Comrade Stalin dated 6.11.42 were carried out. The division spends holidays and cultural support with personnel.

CA MO RF, 17th Guards Fund SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 30.

09, 10 November 1942. Enemy aircraft bombed st. Lomonosovo and the location of the 48th Guards. cn. As a result of the bombing, 2 people were killed, 7 were wounded, and 1 were wounded. Parts of the division in the former location. Artillery 26 Guards. ap in the operational subordination of 262 SD. The division is fully provided with food. The weather is clear, visibility is 8 km, temperature is 7 degrees. The roads in the division's lane are suitable for horse-drawn vehicles and vehicles.

CA MO RF, 17th Guards Fund SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 30.

November 11, 1942. During the first half of the day, enemy aviation intensified its operations with reconnaissance flights of single aircraft, with a group of Yu-87 bombers - 13 pieces bombed in the Podvyaz region and the Krestovaya railroad. 17th Guards SD is in the 2nd echelon of the 41st Army, occupies the same position. During the night and the first half of the day on 11/11/42, combat training was conducted in all divisions. One rifle company with a sapper platoon 52 Guards. joint venture continued to work on the equipment of the 3rd defensive line. Artillery: 26 Guards. ap on the OP in the area of ​​Angles in the operational subordination of the commander of 262 SD Regimental artillery at the OP in anti-tank strongpoints in readiness to open fire on the orders of the commander. Special units of the division conduct classes on special training and the issue of combat support. The rear of the division is speeding up work to provide parts of the division with food and ammunition. Communication with units of the division and the army by telephone, the radio works smoothly. The weather is clear, visibility is 10 km, the roads are passable for all vehicles and artillery.

CA MO RF, 17th Guards Fund SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 31.

November 12, 1942. Enemy aviation stepped up its operations around the clock. From 10.00 to 16.00, 36 aircraft overflights were recorded, from 16.00 to 20.00, 6 enemy aircraft overflights were recorded. Bombed in the area of ​​Podvyaz, Pashkovo and railway. in the area of ​​art. Lomonosovo. Parts of the division are located in the former areas. During the day, the division conducted combat training. 45 Guards joint venture conducts combat training classes. The personnel are 100% covered by the classes. During the day, we practiced tactical training - a rifle squad in the offensive; fire training, testing of knowledge of the material part. The combat training was going well. 48 Guards joint venture conducts combat training classes. The personnel are 100% covered by the classes. During the day, we practiced the combat formations of a rifle company in an offensive with the simplest controls. At night, the regiment is finishing the equipment of dugouts at a new location 2 km east of Zabolotnaya. Combat training is going well. 52 Guards. joint venture without 1 rifle company and sapper platoon conducts combat training - worked on tactics - management a platoon in an offensive battle as part of a rifle company; fire training - shooting of the 2nd exercise from the joint venture. The personnel are covered by classes - 100%. A rifle company with a sapper platoon continues to work on the 3rd defensive line. On 11.11.42, built: bunkers - 11, rifle trenches - 10, 82 mm mortar trenches-4, PTO trenches - 4. Classes and work are proceeding normally. Artillery at the OP. The connection works smoothly. The weather is clear, the temperature is 5.5 degrees.

CA MO RF, 17th Guards Fund SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 31.

November 12, 1942 (data at 2.00). During the first half of the day, enemy aircraft made one reconnaissance flight - "Henschel 111" over the area where the division was located. 17th Guards sd conducts combat training classes. A rifle company with a sapper platoon of 52 Guards. joint venture is completing work on equipping the 3rd defensive line in the area of ​​the lake. Shchuchye. 48 Guards On the night of 11.11.42, the joint venture completed the equipment of dugouts at a new location 2 km east of Zabolotskaya. Special units of the division conduct special training classes. Artillery at the OP. The division is equipped with artillery shells: 26th Guards. ap- 1.5 b / c, 76 mm DA- 2.8 b / c, 122 mm DA- 2 b / c. Fully provided with food. The division is provided with lubricants and fuel: 3 gasoline, 75 refueling stations; autol - 2, 63 gas stations; solid oil 4, 2 refueling connection with parts and charm 41 works well. The weather is clear, visibility is 10 km, temperature is 5 degrees.

November 13, 1942. During the day, enemy aircraft made 3 reconnaissance flights over the location of the division's units. 17th Guards SD during the day conducted combat training, divisions were in the same areas until 22.00. 45 Guards joint venture during the day conducted combat training: tactics - "Rifle platoon on the offensive", fire training. The materiel of personal weapons. From 6.00 to 13.11. with two machine-gun companies and one PTO company of the 4th machine-gun battalion, 22 PTDs occupy a defensive area and prepare 3 anti-tank areas in us. 48 Guards cn during 11/12/42 continued to engage in combat training - tactics - "Rifle platoon in the offensive, fire training" - "the material part of personal weapons." 22.00 12.11.42 48 Guards. joint venture with a mortar battalion and one company of a machine-gun battalion entered the new defense area and by 6.00 13.11. focus: Krutiki, hoot. Nikolsky, Yaskino, Bliblino, Sechino, hut. Krasnopol, Petrushino, Serotino, Strukovo - for the occupation of the defensive sector and the preparation of anti-tank areas. 52 Guards. cn during 12.11. continued to engage in combat training - tactics "Company management in an offensive battle with reinforcements", for fire training - "Shooting from the RP on the 2nd exercise." At 22.00 52 guards. joint venture with a training battalion entered the new defense area and concentrated by 6.00. 190, 4, Bukhanovo, Prechenovo, Grove, Horovatka, elevation 204, 3, Shumilovo, elev. 197, 1, Vasilyevo, Tukolovo, Morzino - for the occupation of the defensive sector and the preparation of supporting anti-tank areas. Artillery 26 Guards. ap in the former operational subordination of the commander of 262 SD. Division on 13.11. has ammunition for 76 mm PA-1.5 b / c, 76 mm DA-2, 8 b / c, 122 mm DA-2 b / c. Combustible and lubricants: gasoline - 3, 75 refueling, autol - 2, 63 refueling, solid oil - 1/12 refueling. From 8.00 to 12.11. the division with the units keeps in touch by radio. The weather is clear, visibility is 10 km, temperature is 6, 8 degrees.

CA MO RF, 17th Guards Fund SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 32.

November 14, 1942. Enemy aircraft during the night 13.11. performed over the new location of the division's units 3 reconnaissance aircraft-overflights. During the first half of the day 14.11. enemy aircraft did not appear. Parts of the 17th Guards. SD concentrated in new areas of location. In the morning 14.11. began to equip their defensive lines and anti-tank strongholds. 45 Guards cn 13.11. conducted a reconnaissance of his defensive area and in the morning of 14.11. started to equip it in engineering terms. 48 Guards cn concentrated in a new area. Reconnaissance was carried out and in the morning of 14.11. started equipping their defensive sector and creating anti-tank support points in it. 52 Guards. cn concentrated in a new area. During the march, the regiment has no stragglers and deserters. From the morning of 14.11 and at night of 13.11. continued work on equipping the 3rd defensive line of his defense sector. Built: bunker-15, rifle trenches-14, trenches 82 mm-5, PTO-5. Artillery 26 Guards. ap in the operational subordination of the commander of the 262 SD. The division was fully provided with food and fodder as of 11/15/42. Communication with the units and the army is working smoothly. The weather is clear. Visibility 8 km. Temperature - 8.

CA MO RF, 17th Guards Fund SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 32.

November 15, 1942. Enemy aircraft did not appear over the division's location during the day. 17th Guards The SD in the new defensive sectors built dugouts and improved pre-made bunkers, rifle trenches and trenches for artillery and mortars. Machine gun battalion on the night of 13.11. by 6.00 he was concentrated in the Hut area. Dubrovo. A training battalion with sappers is working in the Prilepovo area to equip the command post of the division and its defensive sectors. Artillery 26 Guards. ap in the operational subordination of 262 SD. Communication of the division with the units by radio, by the army - telephone. The weather is clear. Visibility 8 km. Temperature -8.

November 16, 17, 18, 1942. 17th Guards SD in the former areas of location. Parts of the division carried out engineering work to equip their defense sectors. 52 Guards. The joint venture continued work on equipping the third defensive line. Artillery 26 Guards. ap in the operational subordination of 262 SD. The division is fully provided with food. Communication with the units and the army worked smoothly. The weather is overcast, light snowfall, visibility from 2 to 3 km, temperature - 2. Roads in the division's strip are suitable for horse-drawn and automobile transport.

CA MO RF, 17th Guards Fund SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 34.

November 19, 1942. 17th Guards SD in the former locations continues defensive work to create anti-tank strongholds. 45 Guards sp-equips three anti-tank strongholds. At 19.11. built: bunker for heavy machine guns and light machine guns - 42 pieces, unfinished - 12, OP for 50-82 mm mortars - 51 pieces, trenches for rifle squads - 61 pieces, rifle cells - 295 pieces, OP for PTR - 39 pieces, OP for 45 mm guns - 7 pieces, dugouts for personnel - 65 pieces. 48 Guards sp- retrofits three anti-tank strongholds. At 19.11. built: bunker for SP and RP-10, full profile trenches - 52 pieces, open cells - 130 pieces, OP for 50-82 mm mortars - 43 pieces, OP for PTR - 29 pieces, OP for 45 mm - 6 pieces, dugouts for personnel - 53 pieces. 52 Guards. SP-re-equips strong points and finishes the work of the 3rd defensive line-only on 19.11. built: bunkers for joint venture and RP - 35 pieces, trenches for full profile - 322 pieces, OP for 45 mm guns - 6 pieces, dugouts for personnel - 69 pieces. Artillery 26 Guards. ap is in the operational subordination of the commander of the 234th rifle division and at the same time equips the OP in the division's defense zone.

CA MO RF, 17th Guards Fund SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 34.

November 20, 1942. The division is in the former locations. Parts of the division are finishing the equipment of strong points and continue engineering work at the 3rd combined arms defensive line. Artillery 26 Guards. ap is in the operational subordination of the commander of the 234th rifle division and at the same time equips firing positions in the division's defense zone. The weather is overcast, visibility is 4 km, temperature is -2. The roads in the division's lane are suitable for horse-drawn and road transport. 17th Guards SD has no contact with the enemy. Located in the former areas. Parts of the division are completing the equipment of strong points and have begun combat training classes. The command post of the division from 1.00 on 21.11.42 400 meters northeast Prilepovo. 45 Guards cn occupies three defensive areas: the first is Vertka, Zabolotskaya, Konopchevaya, elevation. 187, 9, Podvyaz - by the second rifle battalion; second- Pashkovo, Korshunovka, New. Twist, Mal. Puzkovo, Puzkovo - the third rifle battalion; third - mark. 202, 9, Balikhino, Krestovaya, elevation 198, 2, Shikhtovo, elevation 209, 4th - first rifle battalion. The command post of the regiment is 1.500 meters south of Nov. Twist. The regiment continued to equip its defensive areas and was engaged in combat training - "Combat formations of a platoon in the offensive and control of simple means." 48 Guards cn occupies three defensive areas: the first - x. Nikolaevskoe, Zubkovo, Velisto, x. Krasnoosp ', Petrunin's second rifle battalion; second - mark. 196, 0, Blyablino, mark. 196, 6, elev. 183, 4, Senino, x. Old. Dvor, Yaskino (Volkovo) - the first rifle battalion. Command post of the Yaskino battalion; third - x. Nikolaevsky, elev. 183, 5, Palom, Gaeva, Strukovo, elevation 199, 8, Krutiki - the third rifle battalion. The command post of the regiment is a forest northeast of x. Nikolsky. The regiment continued to equip its defensive areas and was engaged in combat training - "Combat formation of a platoon in the offensive and control of simple means of communication." 52 Guards. cn occupies three defensive areas: the first Prilepovo, Sred. Grove, Horovatka, elevation 204, 3, elev. 197, 1, Maryino - the first rifle battalion; the second - Shumilovo, Vasilevo, Tukolov - the third rifle battalion; third-Bukhonovo, Korovino, Morzino, mark. 190, 4th - 2nd Rifle Battalion. The regiment continues to equip its districts and is engaged in combat training - "Airborne control in an offensive battle." KP regiment - 300 meters southeast of Korovino.

November 21, 1942. The division has no contact with the enemy, it is located in the same location area. Parts of the division are finishing equipping defensive strongholds. Engaged in combat training "A rifle company on the offensive with reinforcement in winter conditions." Since the day of defensive work, the division has been built on 11/21/1942: bunkers for light machine guns - 74, bunkers for heavy machine guns - 44, angry positions of 50 mm mortars - 77 , OP 82 mm mortars - 81, OP 120 mm mortars - 18, OP 45 mm guns - 23, OP 76 mm guns - 5, OP PTR-89, rifle trenches - 190, rifle cells - 295, CP of the division commander - 1, Command command of regimental commanders - 3, command command of battalion commanders - 9, command command of company commanders - 16, dugouts - 269, communication routes - 2330 linear meters, wire fences - 850 linear meters, sheds for horses - 5, shelters for material , PPM-1.

CA MO RF, 17th Guards Fund SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 35.

November 22, 1942. During the day, enemy aircraft carried out reconnaissance flights over the area where the division was located. Five enemy aircraft overflights were recorded. 17th Guards sd in the former location. Parts of the division are engaged in combat training - "Platoon battle formations in an offensive battle" in accordance with the order of the NKO of the USSR No. 306. Part of the time / 3 hours / was used to equip dugouts for housing, the division built 352 dugouts. Artillery 26 Guards. AP in the operational subordination of 234 SD. The division's communication with the units and the army worked with slight interruptions (gusts by tractors).

CA MO RF, 17th Guards Fund SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 35.

November 23, 1942. The division has no contact with the enemy, continues to defend the former defense zone. Parts of the division are improving their anti-tank strongholds and conducting combat training sessions. 45 Guards joint venture with 22 guards. IPTD, 4th Guards pulbatom / without one pulrote / occupies the former area of ​​defense. During the day, he carried out additional equipment of anti-tank strongpoints and was engaged in combat training - “Rifle squad in an offensive battle”. 48 Guards joint venture with a ski battalion and a combined company of chemical protection defend the former defense area, improved the PTOP and conducted combat training classes - "A rifle platoon in an offensive in winter conditions using simple means communication ". 52 Guards. joint venture with a training battalion and pulrotoy / 4 pulbats / defend the former defense area, retrofitted a PTOP and conducted combat training classes - "A rifle platoon in an offensive battle in winter conditions." In total, in the division's defense zone on 11/23/42, built: bunkers for heavy machine guns - 58 pieces, bunkers for light machine guns - 74, rifle trenches for full profile - 202, rifle cells - 295, dugouts for personnel - 359, OP 82 mm mortars - 81, OP 50 mm mortars - 81, OP 120 mm mortars - 22, OP 45 mm guns - 23, OP 76 mm guns - 8, OP PTR-91, communication paths - 2490 rm, wire barriers in two rows - 850 rm. Command command of division commanders - 1, command command of regimental commanders - 3, command command of battalion commanders - 9 pieces, command point of rifle company commanders - 39 pieces, PPM-1, sheds for horses - 5 pieces, shelters for materiel - 5 pieces. Artillery 26 Guards. ap in the operational subordination of the commander of 234 SD.

CA MO RF, 17th Guards Fund SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 37.

November 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 1942. The division occupies the former defense area. Parts of the division retrofit engineering structures (adapt to winter conditions) and are engaged in combat training, a special bias is made for ski training. The division received skis and white (winter) camouflage coats. First of all, skis and gowns were issued to the reconnaissance units and the ski battalion. On 28/11/42, the 47th tank brigade and the 301st anti-tank fighter regiment left the operational subordination of the division.

November 29, 1942, 22.00. In front of the front in front of the active units (78 TBR, 262 Rifle Division, 234 Rifle Division), the enemy defends 197 Infantry Division, 2 Aviation Infantry Division, 246 Infantry Division, 86 Infantry Division, 20 TD, 13th Jaeger Battalion, Cavalry Division, "66" and the 3rd Airborne Regiment. 17th Guards SD, leaving the former defense area at 24.00 on 11/29/42, made the route: Shikhtovo, Podvyaz, Ustye, Kotova, Brekhalova, Frolov, Losmino. 45 Guards joint venture with 22 Iptd, two companies of the pulbat - the vanguard of the division, made along the route of the division with the task of concentrating in the area of ​​Bor and the forest by 8.00 on November 30 southwest and be ready to strike in the direction of Losmino, Dvorishchee, Polyanovo, Medvedevo. The advance detachment of the 1st rifle battalion on skis by 7.00 occupied the line: Losmino-Mogiltsy and ensured the concentration of the main forces of the division. By 12.30 the regiment was fully concentrated in the indicated area. Regiment headquarters western outskirts Bor. 52 Guards. cn / without one battalion which in the forward detachment / with a ski battalion set out along the route of the division with the task to concentrate in the Zelensonov-Vaskov area by 9.00 30.11.42 and be ready for an attack in the direction of Losmino, Demikhi, Medvedevo, Timoshino. By 12.30 30.11.42, the regiment was fully concentrated in the indicated area. Regiment headquarters - Vaskovo. 48 Guards joint venture and one company of the pulbat at 24.00 on 11/29/42 made along the route of the division with the task to concentrate in the Maksimovka area and the forest to the north by 9:00 on 11/30/42 and be ready for an attack in the direction of Losmino, Demikha, Medvedevo. By 13.30 on 30.11.42, the regiment was concentrated in the indicated area. Regiment headquarters - Maksimovka. 26th Guards AP left the subordination of 234 SD and made a separate column along the route: Ugly, Popovo, Zubakino, Kurganovo, Makarova, Mal. Makarova, Frolova, Shkutki with the task by 8.00 on 30.11.42 will concentrate and stand at the base in the Vaskov, Sholokhovka area, the forest south of Losmyanka 2nd, ready to support the division when striking. By 12.30 the regiment concentrated in the indicated area. Training battalion (at night) at 21.50 on 29.11. made on the route 52 Guards. joint venture with the task of ensuring the movement of the head forces from the rear and rear of the division in the concentration area and therefore by 10.00 30.11.42 will concentrate in the Chichata area. The battalion completed the task.

CA MO RF, 17th Guards Fund SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 38.

November 30, 1942, 24.00. After concentrating divisional units in the indicated areas, the division received a further mission. The enemy on the front line of the defense continues to stubbornly resist at intermediate lines and strongholds Mogiltsy, Dvorishche, Demsovo, Mazury, Spiridovo, Okolitsa, vys. 234, 1, making partial counterattacks. By the decision of the division commander: 52 Guards. joint venture with one pulrote 4 pb, a sapper platoon at 4.00 on 1.12.42 made the route: Volkov, Glintsov, Tsiguny, Klepiki and by 8.00 on 1.12.42 concentrated in the area of ​​Lukino southeastern edge of the forest, south of Nefedovo, Klipiki is ready to attack in the strip: on the right - Spiridovo / Isk./, Chalishchevo, Sergeevka, Berezovka, Glinkovo, Boldino. Shtapolk - Lukino. 45 Guards joint venture with 22 Iptd, one company of the pulbat, a sapper platoon at 5.00 on 1.12.42 made the route: Bor, northern outskirts of Losmino, Glintsov, Vorobyevo, and by 8.00 1.12.42 concentrated in the Demekhi area, /isk./ Seltsovo, Vorobyovo in readiness to advance in the direction of the Baturinsky Highway. Shtapok - northern outskirts of Demekha. 48 Guards joint venture without a platoon of 45 mm cannons at 4.00 on 1.12.42 made along the route Samilovka, Sholokhov, the northern outskirts of Losmino, Glintsovo and the forest to the north in readiness to repel enemy counter-attacks from the side of Dvorishche, hut. Demekhi. Shtapolk-Glintsova. Lyzhbat, a training battalion, one company of the pulbat, a platoon of 45 mm guns (48th Guards rifle regiment), one battery of 76 mm guns - the reserve of the division commander. The reserve performed at 7.00 on 1.12.42 on the route: Sholokhovka, Glintsova, elevation. 205, 6 and by 10.00 concentrated in the area of ​​elevation. 205, 6. Division rear: art. additional - southern edge of the forest 1 km east of Sholokhovka, 130 MSB - Maksimovka, prod. DOP Brikhalovo. The personnel are tired, they have to rest in the forest (huts), the villages are destroyed, but the fighters and commanders do not show the fatigue and difficulties of winter, enduring staunchly, as befits the soldiers of the Red Army and the Russian people in general.

CA MO RF, 17th Guards Fund SD, inventory 1, case 10, sheet 38.

Description of the fighting of the 17th Guards Rifle Division for 7-8.12.1942.

The division, after changing units of the 78th separate rifle brigade, defended the line: Demekhi, Lyapkino, S-tso Spiridovo, s-tso Knyazhe, elev. 448, 1.

The enemy reinforced its garrisons with reserves - units of the 2nd Air Field Division, the 13th Jaeger Battalion, the SS Cavalry Division, the 3rd Airborne Regiment and the Moskva Air Reconnaissance Regiment. Defending the occupied line, he went over to the offensive in the sector of the 52nd Guards Rifle Regiment in the direction: Volynov-Shevnino-Romanovo and by the end of the day captured the village of Knyazhe, the village of Volynovo, Luchevo, Shalkanovo, Aleshkova, Shevnino, Romanovo.

17th Guards Rifle Division - 45th and 48th Guards Rifle Regiments - firmly defending and repelling enemy attacks on the line: Demekhi - Lapkino - Spiridovo, 52nd Guards Rifle Regiment fought a fierce battle with superior forces of tanks and infantry enemy \ 65 tanks and up to 2 infantry regiments \. In two hours of a fierce battle, 11 tanks were knocked out and burned and up to 200 enemy soldiers and officers were destroyed. Having suffered losses of up to 50-60% of 1-3 battalions and completely 2 battalions, the regiment, without 2 battalions, withdrew to the line: Nefedovo, Yuryevo and the forest to the north-east, continuing to fight on this line.

2 \ 52nd Guards Rifle Regiment, without leaving its line of defense, continued to fight with the enemy who had broken through until the last bullet. Due to the lack of a clear organization of observation and measures to ensure the flanks and joints of the 2nd 52nd Guards Rifle Regiment, it was cut off from the regiment and completely destroyed.

The battalion commanders of the Guard, Senior Lieutenant Popov and the Guard Captain Uzunov, distinguished themselves in the battle. As a result of the battle on December 7, the enemy lost over 400 soldiers and officers only in killed, 12 tanks were burned and destroyed. During the same battle, the 52nd Guards Rifle Regiment suffered losses of up to 50-60% of 1-3 battalions and 2 \ 52nd Guards. cn completely died, did not leave the occupied line of defense.

The reason for breaking through the defense in the sector of the 52nd Guards Rifle Regiment and the enemy's exit to the Shevnino-Romanovo line was:

  1. The superiority of the enemy infantry and tanks \ 65-70 tanks \.
  2. The absence of anti-tank obstacles / minefields, etc. / in front of the front edge of the defense sector of the 52nd Guards Rifle Regiment.
  3. A break in communication during artillery preparation and its absence with battalions from the hour of the enemy's offensive throughout the entire battle, which made it difficult to control the units during the battle.
  4. Lack of sufficient reserve forces for a flank counterattack from the Shevnino directions.
  5. Lack of clear organization of observation and measures to ensure flanks and joints.


  1. In case of gusts of wire communication with subunits, it is necessary by all means to restore communication during the battle. In cases of impossibility of restoration, use all means of communication in order to restore the disturbed command of subunits during the battle.
  2. In all cases of infantry combat operations, it is necessary to pay special attention to measures to ensure the flanks and joints and continuously monitor the implementation of these measures.

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