Yuri fales biography. Yuri Falesa. Biography. Photo. Certificates and licenses

, Miku Newton, Masha Goya, the Mushmellow group, the Bryats-Band group, the Leader group. Collaborates with Velvet Music.


He graduated from a music school and a music school. Graduated. (1978-1983) He sang and played the guitar in the rock group Krok, and then in the rock group Alcyone, which gathered stadiums of fans throughout the USSR, since his studies at the institute did not allow frequent tours, left the big stage, but continued to sing in restaurants in Kiev, earned 500 rubles a month while studying at the institute.

He worked as a chief engineer at the Magadan airport, and then in 1986 he worked as the head of the special transport department of the Magadan Civil Aviation Directorate. Graduated from the Khabarovsk branch of the Moscow Law Academy. In 1987 he opened the first cooperatives in Magadan. And then in the 90s in Chernivtsi. Graduated by correspondence, University of Marxism-Leninism. In 1992 he moved to live and work in Chernivtsi, together with his friends he opened a production center "Titan" and met an aspiring singer Karolina Ani Lorak.

Yuri Falyosa Production Center

Falyosa Family Factory deals with the management of Ukrainian and Russian artists. It was thanks to this company that brands such as Ani Lorak and Mika Newton appeared. Now "FFF" is actively promoting the following artists on the Ukrainian and European markets: Masha Goya (MaSha GoYa), Mikhail Brunsky, Tony Tonight, Champagne morning, Aleksey Malakhov, the Bryats-band group, the Mushmellow group. Philip Levshin. The company also represents the interests of Russian artists of the Velvet Music company in Ukraine: Chi-Li, Yolka, Anita Tsoi, Vintage, Polina Gagarina, Uma2rmaH, Sergey Kristovsky, Plastika, Klyuchi, Yin-Yang, Vera Brezhneva, Valery Meladze and others. On his own initiative, he parted ways with three projects: Ani Lorak, Mika Newton, Bionik group

Projects by Yuri Falyosa

Personal life

He lived with his first wife Olga for 11 years (1983-1994)

  • Son of Artyom Falyos (1984) (director of the Falyosa Family Factory)
  • Daughter Ivanna (1988) (lives in Chernivtsi, teacher of foreign languages, translator.
  • Son Alexander (2017)

Then there was an eight-year civil marriage, which lasted from 1997 to 2005, with Carolina Kuek (Ani Lorak). From 2006 to 2009, he met with the artist Olga Vishnevskaya. In 2012, the wedding was to take place with Masha Goya. They divorced in 2015.

Yuri Falyosa was engaged in skydiving, go-karting, Greco-Roman wrestling and played the guitar in Kiev restaurants when he was a student. He loves books, loves to record songs and music in the studio. His favorite country is Egypt, and his favorite radio station is Rock FM. He appreciates talent, the desire to develop, move forward, the ability to forgive, does not like greed, arrogance and lack of culture, Ukrainian politicians and deputies, criminals, envious people and those who mock animals.


Tell me, Yuri, could any of your wards become a Personality-era, such as Alla Pugacheva or Sofia Rotaru, on whose songs several generations grew up?

100% Ani Lorak. This was initially laid down for the entire period of our joint work. Undoubtedly, Karolina will have a perspective, the main thing is that she correctly understands political movements and does not go headlong into the family, but her ability to "make eyes" will only help. It is very difficult for women: when love wins them, then you can say goodbye to your career.

Pugacheva is a clever girl, she learned to use all her husbands for her career (6, it seems, Galkin is the sixth), “outlived” all presidents, skillfully “controls” politicians and oligarchs, while remaining number one. She is very active and promotes talented youth.

Sofia Rotaru is an idol, but not an engine. She didn't create anyone. Her choice is family. To condemn and discuss their blasphemy, they must be worshiped. These are personalities with a core, geniuses who are adored by millions of people. Energy emanates from them, and when you are near, you feel how you are enriched.

Caroline is a very smart and beautiful woman. I think if she has this streak of striving forward, a constant search for progress, and she does not go all into the family, then her career will be amazing. If she constantly grows and helps other artists, I am sure that Ani Lorak will become “not only Ukrainian Pugacheva,” for this she has everything.

Even at school I was incredibly amorous, but I had no success. A classmate opened her eyes: “You are cool, Yurka! It's a pity, little one. " And here - fans, burning eyes, flowers, notes ... Then I realized: if you represent something and at the same time know how to be the soul of the company, joke, make compliments, then the girls do not care how tall you are!

Having come to this conclusion, I gave myself a vow: wherever I am - at the institute, at work - the most beautiful girl in the environment will be mine! And so it happened. Sometimes I had a purely sports interest, and I made a bet with my friends that I would conquer this particular beauty.

Although at first I had no time for courtship. Until three, or even six in the evening, I studied at the institute, then went to the group's rehearsals, and at night I made drawings, including for correspondence students. I slept four hours a day.

But then I had so many girls that they became just the background of my stormy life. Noticing that the smart are usually ugly, and the beautiful are stupid, I met with another passion for a couple of months, and then parted without regret. However, in the last years my friends began to marry one after another, some even had children. And I caught myself thinking that I also want stability in a relationship. As a result, I got married in my fifth year.

- Who was your chosen one?

- Once I came to a friend in the hostel. He washed, I drew, then we listened to music. They hung up until the morning. I leave him and see: the floor attendant is sitting - a cute, cheerful girl, a freshman. Well, I started courting. Having depicted a clever look, he asked to write a few words, then, allegedly, by handwriting, he painted her merits. And in conclusion he said: "Marry me!" "Right now?" She joked. "You can think until evening."

I still don’t understand what it was. Maybe it was space that sent me a woman who bore me two children and became my first and only official wife?

In the evening our group had a concert, after which we gave in decently. In general, although I was a rocker, I was not addicted to alcohol and did not even smoke. And then something found. I came with the guys to the hostel and suddenly I remember: “Why, I made an offer today! But where does my chosen one live? " - and I begin to open all the doors on the floor one by one.

I knock on the next one and ask Olya. The door opens and then slams shut, pinching my finger until it bleeds. When I yelled in a bad voice in pain, the door opened again - and I saw the same girl. In fright, she began to bandage my finger, but I proudly declared: "I have come for an answer!" And imagine she said yes!

We signed on the Day of the Border Guard, May 28. And this also has a secret sign of fate: my parents registered their marriage on May 28, and many years later divorced on the same day. But that's not all! Having lived with Olya for eleven years, we also parted. And also on that fateful day.

However, I did not suspect about the future vicissitudes of life at that time, and I walked merrily at my own wedding. In the next hall, the border guards celebrated their holiday, and I made toasts not only to the bride, parents, but also to the military. Mom was terribly proud. Although there, at the wedding, I made the first family scandal.

When I was away for a couple of minutes, my fiancee was stolen. Yes, I knew there was such a wedding custom.

But for some reason he got terribly angry, quarreled with Olya and left the restaurant for a nearby park. The wedding crowd quickly found me, and at home Olya and I made up. But the wedding night was not - I was too angry.

Is it silly, you say? But this is how I am: to the last drop I give myself to my beloved, parents, relatives, friends. If necessary, I can take off my last shirt. But God forbid a man betrays me - I immediately delete him from my life!

A month after the wedding, I received my diploma, and my wife and I left for Magadan, where I was sent as an airport mechanic. Leaving, I wanted to kill two birds with one stone: to reconcile my parents, then send my mother from Magadan to Chernivtsi, where my father settled after the divorce, and I myself and my wife settled in an apartment that my mother would vacate.

- What did your parents do?

- My father is from Chernivtsi, and my mother is from the Urals, but in search of a better life, they traveled all over the Soviet Union. When fate brought them to the city of Kachkanar, Sverdlovsk region, I was born. And I happened to go to school in Magadan.

Mom worked as an accountant, and my father drove groceries along the Kolyma highway in a huge refrigerator. His profession was considered very honorable, because dad's Skoda was a kind of warehouse of deficits on wheels. I remember how he took out of the car first a boar leg, then a deer leg. Red caviar lay at home in three-liter jars. True, this delicacy was considered an ordinary product in those parts. It was also common for a bear to carry a barrel of water along the highway. He did not surprise anyone except us boys.

The local kids weren't spoiled for entertainment. Television in those years was inaccessible, broadcasts began only at eight in the evening. But Magadan schools gave odds to Moscow and St. Petersburg. Among the teachers there were many intellectuals who were exiled under Stalin to the Kolyma. They taught us so that most of the graduates entered the most prestigious universities in the country. And everyone was friends with sports: in the summer - football, volleyball, in the winter - hockey, skiing.

Contrary to popular belief, the people in Kolyma are open and conscientious. Sometimes the prospectors came from the mines on vacation and went to a restaurant to squander the hard-earned money. But if someone fell intoxicated, dropping crumpled rubles, the poor fellow was immediately lifted up and the money was stuffed into his pocket deeper.

- Did you grow up as a fighting boy?

- At first I was quiet, docile, read books with my mother, played chess, studied at a music school. And at the age of ten my behavior changed. The fact is that because of my small stature, the boys always teased me. Somehow the desire to stand up for myself became so great that I started going to the section of Greco-Roman wrestling and in two years became the champion of the region among youths.

After the music school, I entered the music school. But the button accordion, as dad dreamed, no longer wanted to play - like other peers, I was attracted by the guitar. Having organized a musical ensemble, we played at all school evenings, and on weekends we danced in the club. I didn't have a single free minute. After all, besides wrestling and music, I was also engaged in karting, parachuting, playing football and hockey for the district team.

And yet my main passion was aviation. It seems to me that this also has a certain karmic know-how, I was born fifteen minutes after Yuri Gagarin flew into space. I was named after him. I was fond of aircraft modeling, bombarding the house with airplanes, avidly read about astronauts, great pilots, aircraft designers, on weekends I climbed helicopters at the airport. And of course, I dreamed of becoming a pilot.

However, the dream did not come true. When I, following the example of my father, wanted to enter the Suvorov school, I was not accepted because of poor eyesight - I wore glasses from the age of five. Nevertheless, I firmly decided to enter the Aviation Institute in Riga.

But then the selection committee from the Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation arrived in Magadan. Having considered my candidacy - an athlete, musician, activist, excellent student - they began to persuade me. Say, where else to study, if not here: Nesterov, a dead loop - all this was in Kiev. In addition, the sports department is headed by Gulutkin himself, two-time world wrestling champion! The last argument struck me down - and I flew to Kiev.

Before the exams, I had to go through a medical examination. The first stage - physical endurance tests - I passed with a bang. "At least now in astronauts!" - stated the doctors. I was not worried either, because in the eighth grade I memorized the entire table used to test eyesight (by the way, I remember it to this day). And so I cheerfully name the letters, while the optometrist is leafing through my medical book. “Wait, young man, they write here that you have plus three, and you are demonstrating eagle vision. Well ... "- and let's drive a stick in front of my eyes. As a result, the doctor delivered the verdict: "Not suitable!"

I started to panic. The dream that I had been pursuing for many years was dying! "And you go and lay it out as if in the spirit to this doctor!" - Uncle Vasya, a neighbor, advised. I did just that: I bought flowers, found that ophthalmologist and said bluntly: “Aviation is my whole life. Do not ruin! " And she took pity. As a result, I entered. And by the way, for five years of study, I have never needed a sharp vision.

- Was your student life stormy?

- Precisely stormy! Even in my first year I met musicians, and they took me to their group "Krok" as a guitarist. For six months we have conquered all of Kiev, won many competitions. And then we were invited to play at the most luxurious restaurant of that time - "Rus". It turned out that the former musicians were fired for the fact that one of the visitors gave the parnus in dollars. And since the currency was then a jurisdictional matter, the guys were simply removed.

We coped with business so well that soon the KOMA association began to "throw" us into those establishments where things were going very badly. As soon as we played there for a week - and the excitement began such that people were allowed only on tickets. As a result, we worked in all Kiev restaurants and toured the entire Soviet Union. I did not appear at the institute for weeks, for which I was almost expelled. The music consumed me completely. Walking past the conservatory, I looked at the grading board and did not understand how you can grab the "bad" in such an institution.

Besides, music made a lot of money. The rate of fourteen rubles per hour, plus unofficial concerts that we gave in different towns, sometimes reached seven hundred rubles a month. This is despite the fact that the rector of our university received two hundred and seventy. I was the richest student at the institute, and even in Kiev. I bought expensive jeans and changed them almost every week. Fellow students could not wait to give the next pants. From abroad, they brought me a lot of discs and records, around the city I only went by taxi and paid for the apartment, which I rented with the guys.

And how many tips they gave me! Once I even quarreled with the leader of our group. He graduated from the conservatory together with the famous Polish musician Czeslaw Neman and a drummer from Pesnyary, played the violin and keyboards, and then suddenly an ordinary guitarist surpasses in income! Once he burst out: "The way you play, they play in every gateway!" It hurt me so much that I left the group. And no matter how much he called back - they say, I'm sorry, got excited - he did not return.

But most importantly, thanks to music and popularity, I got rid of the complex about small stature.

- How was your life in Magadan?

- Nothing came of my idea of ​​reconciling my parents. Mom didn't go anywhere, and Olya and I had to live in a hostel. It was unrealistic to buy an apartment then, and I couldn't afford it. Despite the musician's high earnings, he passed money like sand between his fingers. He helped everyone he could. And not just money. Thanks to his numerous connections, he arranged for someone at the institute, for someone looking for a job, and for someone - a good doctor and medicine. But then the time came to think about the family, and I firmly decided to make a career.

Two months later, I was appointed chief engineer, and three years later I already held the post of head of the special transport department of the Civil Aviation Directorate and wore stripes of the twelfth category on my shoulder straps, which corresponded to the military rank of colonel. Chukotka and twenty-four airports of the Magadan region were in my subordination, although I myself was only twenty-four at the time.

In those years, music faded into the background. I was busy with work and family around the clock. Although my wife and I quarreled almost every day until the birth of our son.

I will say without false modesty, I was a wonderful father. Dedicated to Artemka every free minute and from infancy taught her to sports. He practiced according to the program I had drawn up: he ran in the stadium while I stood with a stopwatch, stretched out, and did gymnastic exercises. We went skiing, biking. As a result, at the age of five, he could receive youth categories in many sports. Then our daughter Ivanka was born, and after a couple of years we had to leave Magadan.

- Why?

- Oh, it's a long story! At first it was very interesting for me to work in the Office. For three years, I have updated all the airport vehicles and supplied them with equipment that was sorely lacking. It would take a dozen years to wait until the necessary cars arrive according to the order, or the old ones would have to be repaired. And I needed the result here and now. Therefore, I acted in not entirely legal ways. For example, he could call a colleague in Uzbekistan and offer to change the sprinkler machines for heating ones. Then take an Il-86 plane, load it with unnecessary cars, transport them to Tashkent, and from there fly away with others desperately needed by our Office.

Now it is called barter, and in those years I could easily have been put on trial. And yet there were no insoluble problems for me. It seemed that I was able to cope with any task. And to be honest, I loved walking on the edge of a knife.

However, I digress. In the year 87, Komsomol aviation leaders were trained in Moscow

Union. Our Office also sent young activists from the region's airports and appointed me as the head of the delegation.

On the first day, the Minister of Civil Aviation, the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Komsomol and other respectable people came to our lecture. Who else would you like to chat with? They asked. And someone replied: "With Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, he has already met with the youth of Moscow State University." And Yeltsin was in disgrace then, and a couple of days later we were told that he was busy. Then one of us, who had known Yeltsin before, made an appointment in person - and we identified our representatives. I was terribly far from politics, but since I had a dictaphone, I was also included in the group.

Boris Nikolayevich received us in his office and for two and a half hours told absolutely incredible things. We sat with open mouths, and I, with the permission of Yeltsin's assistant, recorded the conversation on tapes. Skipping the details, I will say that the visit to the future president of Russia backfired so much that I had a heart attack and the first gray hair appeared. All my past services to aviation have been forgotten. I got so sick of it that I sent my family to Chernivtsi to see my father, and then I myself flew away from Magadan.

Twelve people from different airports of the Office came to see me off. I have never met such courageous people anywhere else, and those years will never be erased from my memory.

- In Ukraine, your life has made a fateful turn - you met Ani Lorak ...

- In the early 90s, a singer with that name did not exist. And before she was born, a lot of water flowed under the bridge.

In those years, no one in Chernivtsi had heard of the cooperative movement and entrepreneurship. And I was doing this back in Magadan: together with the regional committee of the Komsomol, I organized flights to Alaska, to Tokyo, brought walrus tusks there, and from there I brought computer equipment. The experience gained came in handy - and I opened a car repair shop in Chernivtsi, and then started working with banks. All this was easy - it can be seen that I have a commercial acumen by nature.

After some time, I decided to create a production center. Having rented a huge empty hall of the machine plant, my friends and I gathered interesting musicians, DJs and opened the first nightclub in Ukraine. True, he worked only until one in the morning, because in the 90s there were shootings and stabbing.

Five rock bands have already worked in our production center, and interesting events and concerts were constantly taking place. Once on our territory the semi-final of the regional competition of young talents "Primrose" was held, after which I was invited to the jury of the final. And I didn’t like to sit. I walked around the hall and listened to the contestants from there. And then they announce: "Carolina Kuek is performing!" I looked - a thin little girl in a national costume came out and began to perform first the song "Ukrainian", and then something from the repertoire of Ruslana Lyzhychko. Her voice, timbre and amazing ability to imitate the manners of different singers simply struck me. I come closer and see that the girl is also cute! I was intrigued.

After the concert, I found her sitting in the hall with her mother, brothers and dumbfounded with the question: "Do you want to become a star?" “I want,” she said quietly.

Reflecting now on my act, I think that I was guided not only by the producer's purely professional interest in the talented and promising singer. Music and love are from above. Controlling the feelings caused by them is not in the power of man. Apparently, at that moment a guardian angel flew over me and whispered to me: "Stretch out your hand to this girl."

But this is how I argue now, and then I had not yet grown to such conclusions. I turned thirty-three. I had many connections in the musical world of Ukraine, Moscow, and I knew how stars are made. “Come to the office tomorrow and tell me what you want. Just keep in mind: dreams like “becoming a popular singer” don't interest me, ”I said to Caroline. And then she comes and confidently declares: "I want to become famous all over the world!" “That's right! But if so, keep in mind: your every new victory is only a step towards your cherished goal. You step over and you work further. Agree?" Caroline nodded her head happily, and a plan of action was ripe for me.

But one day I came to her house and froze in horror. No, a three-room apartment that mom

The Carolins were singled out after the death of their eldest son in Afghanistan, it was good. But conditions, furniture, dishes! .. Zhanna Vasilievna worked as a radio announcer, and her children, including thirteen-year-old Karolina, lived in a boarding school. And I myself had two children, and my heart trembled with compassion. I decided to help the talented girl with all my might. So Caroline became my third child.

Physically, she was weak and completely unprepared for the stage. So the first thing I did was to pump it up. He made me run at the stadium with Artem, jump, do stretching, sit on the splits, and carry out the exercise program I had drawn up. And soon she turned into a fit, strong girl. Carolina maintains this excellent shape today and does exercises every day, to which I have taught her since childhood.

Then she was in ninth grade. And one day she told me why she got a deuce in geography. It turns out that when the teacher asked Karolina Kuek to show the mountains, she pointed to Antarctica with a pointer - they say, everything is white there, which means that these are mountains in the snow. It became clear to me: the girl was always singing, rehearsing, defending the honor of the boarding school at various competitions, and she had no time to study. We urgently need to hire tutors! That's exactly what I did. And in physics, literature, geography and history he began to drill her himself.

For vocal lessons, I managed to find the best teacher who has ever been in Chernivtsi.

In a word, Carolina's day was scheduled by the minute. And we must pay tribute, she did not get tired of working, she could sing for four hours in a row, and even go in for studies and sports. This bore fruit: she graduated from the tenth and eleventh grades as an external student.

- You devoted all your time to Caroline. How did your children feel about this?

- Of course, they were jealous. Artem and Ivanka believed that dad belonged only to them. But Karolinka was such a nice, disposing person that the children quickly became friends and began to help each other in everything.

Karolina sang almost daily in our production center, performed at various concert venues, recorded songs that my friend Gena Uskov and I wrote for her, and won all competitions. A little more time passed, and it became clear that Chernivtsi was too tight for us. It's time to conquer Kiev.

I could not move my family to the capital - I had to first get a job with housing. I had to leave with Carolina and Gena.

In Kiev, we quickly managed to negotiate with the Split casino and the Joss nightclub - and Karolina started working there.

Our first significant success was the victory in the "Morning Star" competition in Moscow. It was there that Carolina Kuek became Ani Lorak. Everyone knows this story. At that time, there were already two popular Carolina singers - in Moscow and the USA. And the host of the "Morning Star" Yuri Nikolaev advised us: "The girl is talented. But in order not to be confused with others, find an original stage name. " Then I wrote the word "Carolina" in reverse - and it turned out Ani Lorak. By the way, Carolina performed there with a temperature of forty. But I said: "Do what you want: cry, fall on your knees, die, but you have to give birth to this song and win!" And she did not disappoint me.

1996 was a very successful year. At the "Tavria Games" Ani Lorak received the first "Firebird" in Ukraine, at the competition of young talents in the USA, where representatives from different countries of the world gathered, - the Grand Prix. Tours in America and Europe began.

We were proud of all this, of course. However, there was no euphoria, because we tried to conquer the whole world.

- Is it true that your wife was the first to open your eyes to Karolina?

- Olya called and asked how our business was going. And once she asked: "What do you feel about Carolina as a woman, she is very beautiful?" I was indignant: "Are you jealous of a child ?!" And he involuntarily began to look closely at the ward and began to notice that all the men were looking at Carolina with delight. In the three years that we spent side by side, the skinny girl turned into a girl with gorgeous feminine forms.

Genk accelerated the process of my "enlightenment". Seeing me glancing at Caroline, he began to hit my wife. And then he said: “Olya and I will live together. You don't want her to marry someone else, do you? "

- Did your wife give you up so easily?

- Of course not, the parting was hard: quarrels, scenes. What saved us was that we were at a distance: she was in Chernivtsi, and I was in Moscow, then in London, then in New York. During the last scandal, I said: "If you want to live with Gena, please, but I take the children!" As a result, we came to a compromise: Artem leaves with me to Kiev, and Ivanka stays with my mother.

Artemka then studied at the special school of the Olympic reserve. While Carolina and I were missing at concerts, recordings and rehearsals, he was in training. And then somehow we arrive at midnight - and he is lying on the rug under the door: he forgot the keys to the apartment at home. My heart sank with blood: "Son, why didn't you turn to your neighbors?" After that, I decided: the boy needs supervision - and sent him first to Olya's mother, and then to my own. However, the transitional age is a difficult business, and the grandmothers did not cope. I had to bring my son home. Since then, he has not parted with us.

Today Artem is the director of the Falyosa Famly Factory. Ivanna lives in Chernivtsi, graduated from the university and knows four languages.

- Do you remember how you declared your love to Caroline?

- We were close twenty-four hours a day and day after day we walked towards each other. I was the first to realize that I could not live without her. And Carolina has long perceived me as a mentor. Nevertheless, she was growing up, and I began to notice the return fire in her eyes.

When we got close, I flew into the seventh heaven. I have never experienced such deep feelings. I got everything a man needs to be happy: a favorite job, prosperity and an adored woman - an incredible beauty that others could only dream of. We enjoyed each other. However, the public still pretended that our relationship did not go beyond the "producer-singer".

- Did you have to protect Carolina from fans?

- Constantly! But in our contract there was a clause according to which Ani Lorak did not have the right to marry and give birth until the age of twenty-four. Behind the scenes, it was implied that she would not go alone to discos, clubs and other crowded places. If I was not there, she was always accompanied by a driver or a security guard. In short, the discipline was tough. But Carolina was not eager to go anywhere. For her, her career is still in the first place. Having set a goal for herself, she goes to her, not wasting her on trifles.

- Did you quickly achieve material prosperity?

- We earned a lot, but we also spent a lot. Concert costumes, clothing, jewelry, music videos, recordings of new songs, studios in London and Hollywood. And the higher Ani Lorak's professionalism became, the more I wanted to invest in it.

For seven whole years we wandered around our apartments. They started earning more - rented a better apartment. I would rather pay a good musician twenty thousand dollars and buy expensive equipment than buy my own house or car. But Caroline didn't mind. She perfectly saw that I breathed it and did everything for her good. We had no quarrels or quarrels. They only started when she fell in love.

- How did you know she had another?

- It happened in London. Then we recorded another album and made friends with the Ukrainian footballer and his family: his wife and little son. At that time, I began to give Caroline more freedom - she needed to communicate with people, grow up, become independent. I wanted her to feel confident even when I was not around.

What have I achieved? The fact that freedom intoxicated Caroline and, like wine, hit in the head. She could lock herself in the bathroom and read text messages or talk on the phone. And then her roof really blew off. I could not even imagine that she was able to cancel the concert for the sake of meeting her beloved and fly away to him without saying a word to anyone. At that moment, she didn't care what happened to her career, or to herself.

It was then that I realized that true female love is a violent chemical reaction that cannot be contained by any forces, and I was terribly envious of that guy. It became clear to me that Caroline did not really love me. She just lacked male warmth since childhood. And I replaced her father, brother, and friend. So she was imbued with gratitude, taking this feeling for love.

One "fine" day she told me that she had fallen in love with another and could not live without him. And that's all - the world around me collapsed. Overnight I lost everything that I had been going for so long, because Carolina was for me not just a beloved woman, but also the one with whom my work, career, all my present and all plans for the future were associated. The blow was so powerful that I didn't want to live. “Wait, weren't you secretly ready for this? Was!" I said to myself. Although now I think: maybe it was this readiness for the blows of life that led to everything that happened afterwards? After all, I could say: "You are mine - that's all!"

(1961-04-12 ) (51 years old) Place of Birth Country

the USSR→ Ukraine

Professions Cooperation Falyosa Family Factory
External images
Yuri Falyosa

Yuri Dmitrievich Falyosa- (April 12, Kachkanar, Sverdlovsk region) - Ukrainian producer, produced or produced by: Ani Lorak, Mika Newton, Masha Goya (MaSha GoYa). Collaborates with Velvet Music.


He graduated from a music school and a music school. Graduated. (1978-1983) He sang in a group that gathered stadiums, sang in restaurants, earned 500 rubles a month while studying at the institute.

He worked as a chief engineer at the Magadan airport, and then in 1986 he worked as the head of the special transport department of the Magadan Civil Aviation Directorate. In 1987 he opened the first cooperatives in Chernivtsi. Graduated (Faculty of Law), University of Marxism-Leninism. In 1992 - in Chernivtsi he met the singer Ani Lorak. When I returned to Kiev, I opened a production center with my friends.

Yuri Falyosa Production Center

Falyosa Family Factory deals with the management of Ukrainian and Russian artists. It was thanks to this company that brands such as Ani Lorak and Mika Newton appeared. Now "FFF" actively promotes such artists on the Ukrainian and European markets: Masha Goya (MaSha GoYa), Mikhail Brunsky, Tony Tonight, Champagne morning, Alexey Malakhov. The company also represents the interests of Russian artists of the Velvet Music company in Ukraine: Chi-Li, Yolka, Anita Tsoi, Vintage, Polina Gagarina, Via Gra, Uma2rmaH, Sergey Kristovsky, Plastika, Keys, Yin-Yang, Vera Brezhneva, Valery Meladze Broke up with three projects: Ani Lorak, Mika Newton, the Bionik group, but a year later Mika Newton returned to the producer in 2010, but then she still went to the producer Timofey Nagorny.

Projects by Yuri Falyosa

Personal life

He lived with his first wife Olga for 11 years (1983-1994)

  • Son of Artyom Falyos (1984) (director of the Falyosa Family Factory)
  • Daughter Ivanna (1988) (lives in Chernivtsi, studies at the university).

Then there was a ten-year civil marriage, which lasted from 1996 to 2006, with Carolina Kuek (Ani Lorak). In August 2012, the wedding will take place with Masha Goya.

Yuri Falyosa was engaged in skydiving, go-karting, Greco-Roman wrestling and played the guitar in Kiev restaurants when he was a student. He loves books, loves to record songs and music in the studio. His favorite country is Egypt, and his favorite radio station is Rock FM. He appreciates talent, the desire to develop, move forward, the ability to forgive, does not like greed, arrogance and lack of culture, Ukrainian politicians and deputies, criminals, envious people and those who mock animals.


Tell me, Yuri, could any of your wards become a Personality-era, such as Alla Pugacheva or Sofia Rotaru, on whose songs several generations grew up?

Born on April 12 1961

V 1962 1968


V 1987

V 1992

Born on April 12 1961 in the city of Kachkanar. His father worked as the head of a motor depot, and his mother worked as an accountant at a factory.

V 1962 year - the family moved to Zhdanov, Donetsk region, and he went to first grade there. V 1968 year - the family moved to Magadan, where he finished school.

He graduated from a music school and a music school. Graduated from the Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation.

He worked as a chief engineer at the Magadan airport, and then at 1986 he worked as the head of the special transport department of the Magadan Civil Aviation Administration.

V 1987 year opened the first cooperatives in Chernivtsi. Graduated from Khabarovsk Polytechnic Institute (Faculty of Law), Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages ​​named after M. Torez, University of Marxism-Leninism.

V 1992 year - in Chernivtsi he met the singer. When I returned to Kiev, together with my friends I opened the production center Falyosa Family Factory.

Yuriy Falyosa's production center manages Ukrainian and Russian artists. It is thanks to this company that brands such as and ... Now "FFF" actively promotes such artists on the Ukrainian and European markets: Masha Goya (MaSha GoYa), Mikhail Brunsky, Tony Tonight, Champagne morning, Alexey Malakhov. The company also represents the interests of Russian artists of the Velvet Music company in Ukraine: Chi-Li, ,

The producer does not hide - he knows about all the problems in the work of his former ward. In a frank interview for the site, Yuri told how he relates to the persecution of Ani Lorak, how he survived the betrayal of his beloved and who owns his heart now.

Yuri, now you are producing a new artist, a 16-year-old singer. Tell us how you met and how did your collaboration start?

Yes, this is Masha Kondratenko, she performs under the pseudonym Magic. We met at a music competition where I was on the jury. There were very weak participants. I remember that I was about to leave, but a girl came out on stage and sang Edith Piaf's song “Non Je Ne Regrette Rien”. I think, “Wow! At this competition, and such a nugget. This is the grand prix. " She was then 12 years old. After the competition, Masha's mother came up to me, we got to know each other, I gave some advice. And since then, over the course of several years, we talked on the phone, I recommended something according to the repertoire, songs.

Yuri Thalesa with a new ward

Once Masha's mother, Svetlana, called me and said that they are again participating in the competition and they have several songs. She asked which one is better. I listened and I understand that none of this suits her. He invited them to come to Kiev and record a normal composition with which she could win. And so it happened. After that we recorded a few more tracks in our studio - serious, complex, four octaves. As a result, our repertoire was too adult and we decided to do something youthful and modern. Then I came across the song "Ambulance" by Nikita Kiselev, a young boy, a member of the "X-factor". We recorded, made the arrangement and the song was bombed. I had to call Masha, sign a contract - with her and with her parents. Now she has moved to Kiev, we rented an apartment for her, she entered a variety and circus, on the budget, herself.

An interesting story happened with her pseudonym - Magic. Once we were just recording a song in the studio, I listened and said: “It's just some kind of magic, a miracle! Magic ". And so it remained - and she liked it, and her parents.

- What are your plans for the new ward? Do you have any thoughts to make a second Ani Lorak or Mika Newton?

No, this is a completely new project. This is a completely different music, a different direction.

- Lately, almost nothing has been heard about Mick Newton. Do you keep in touch with your ex?

- If you were still the producer of Ani Lorak, what would you do in this situation?

I would advise her to work and not react so painfully to all this. And also the correct answer to the questions that they want to pin her, come to Ukraine and perform at concerts - to make a tour, there will be a full house everywhere. You need to use the situation for yourself. Our people are not stupid, they understand everything. In fact, she is a good person and wishes no harm to anyone.

Tell us, what do you think about the performances of Ukrainian artists in Russia? Do you think they are doing the right thing, given the situation in the country?

I am engaged in creativity, I do not play politics and I hate the government - both ours and the Russian. It's just that there are people who understand this and can assess what is happening, and creative natures are rarely able to correctly respond to this. You can never condemn a person, slander. Personally, I do not see any guilt of Ani Lorak. She chose the easier path because she is still a woman. She is a creative person, she needs to be creative, not play politics, she needs to earn money, work for a team. And she is absolutely not a political person, she does not know what it is, does not play it. It was necessary to recoup on someone, so we recouped. They took advantage of her defenselessness and modesty. And I had to scream at the top of my lungs and put the offenders in their places.

- Now you follow the work of Ani Lorak, her successes?

Relatively. If I catch my eye - I will look, I will hear it gladly - I will listen. And so, in order to scrupulously pay attention to what he is doing, with whom and how he sings - no. I just don't like this stuff anymore. I have a different music in my head, I am now working on a Ukrainian product. I'm trying to convince everyone that you can make a good Ukrainian chanson, for example. I do not understand the fact that now there are some quotas for Ukrainian music. Quotas for Ukrainian music in Ukraine? Power is simply playing on people's emotions. Including on the “language question” - is this really the main problem in the country? If you understand that songs in Ukrainian are not so popular among the people, everyone sings in Russian, then the situation contributes to this, it means more opportunities, the audience is more - more than 83% of the Russian-speaking population. This is the reason. So give some encouragement, develop Ukrainian music - there are many ways to organize this. And we put a spoke in the wheel in this regard.

- That is, it is difficult to make a Ukrainian product now?

Not easy. There is no money in the state, there is no sponsoring either, and show business is an expensive thing. Recording a song, contacting composers, making a good product - you have to pay for all this, no one will do anything for free. Expensive pleasure, in a word, but where to get the money? We started with the wrong ...

Then in an interview, she said that her betrayal was the reason for the separation. How did you survive the betrayal of your beloved?

Parting in any case does not go easily, there is always a breakdown in the body, in the head. And the older you get, the harder you endure it all. But such things are knocked out by a wedge. The heart cannot be free for long.

- And now your heart is busy?

Yes, it is not free now. I have a sweetheart and we are doing well with her. She is not a public person - now she is studying, she will be a cook. She cooks very tasty and that's all I can say. She has nothing to do with show business, she just loves to listen to music.

- Despite the breakup, you continue to cooperate with Masha. Do personal grudges interfere with your work?

Our relationship is better now than it was before, we have become good friends. Despite everything that happened between us in the past, she turned out to be the most decent of all the artists with whom I have worked before. Yes, we continue to cooperate with her, we have a contract. Now she is back from China and we are recording a new song, we have a new direction.

- Tell us, after parting, did you try to improve relations, start everything from scratch?

On a personal level, it ended immediately. I am a difficult person and I do not forgive betrayal, such an attitude. But I understand her, I understand why it happened. A woman always needs attention, not just your success. And I have always been interested in work more than my personal life. When parting, both are to blame - it means that I overlooked something, misunderstood something. In new relationships, I try not to repeat old mistakes and not step on the same rake. But this is life and everything happens for a reason.

Natalia Barna

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