Crystal people. Revelations of the Pyramids. Basically, it breaks up into many small particles each time, and this time it will bring cosmic dust to Earth.

To come to Earth with crystal energy or to reveal crystal energy in yourself ... What do you think - which is easier? Many years ago, in search of answers to the question - why is it so difficult for me on Earth, I "accidentally" found myself at Steve Rother's seminar "Activating Crystal Energy". After a great meditation, I managed to talk with Steve in private ... And in a short channeling from the Group I received a message that I am a carrier of crystal energy ... At that moment I knew only about crystal children, about their open soul and heart, but about crystal adults I knew very little ...

Already at home, having reviewed a bunch of sites, I found a lot of information about crystal children, and that day I understood a lot about myself. It became clear why it is not so easy for me on this planet, why I considered myself to be some kind of “not like everyone else” - a kind of “ugly duckling” ... and myself ... At least after that meeting with Steve, I met a lot of crystal adults and once again became convinced of his words, said in the end: “ Most people on the planet are not yet ready to accept crystals. But the time will come, and there will be many of you ... And you bring knowledge to the planet - how to live with your heart ... And they will hear you…»

- Overly sensitive to the entire surrounding world: sound, color, negative emotions of other people, smells, food, chemical products, the feeling of “being dressed”, pressure, pain of others, group consciousness, electromagnetic waves, etc .;

So sensitive that because of this they are very vulnerable;

Should spend time alone, do not feel very comfortable in groups, since very few understand their desire for loneliness;

Must be in harmony with nature and the elements every day. The Spirit of Nature helps them to balance and purify all inharmonious energies that so strongly influence them;

Disconnect, hide, defend when life gets too intense, especially if they are traumatized, or see or feel others traumatized. (approx. refers to mental trauma);

Although they are usually calm, others admire them and feel drawn to them like a magnet. They will have deep and lasting relationships with people who offer them unlimited love. Crystals know what the only true love is;

When the Crystal looks at you, you feel as if it penetrates your soul.

In fact, they need very little from traditional upbringing, since they are noble and reasonable, and can determine for themselves what they need, what is good and what is not for them.

They often go around crowds or shopping malls. There are too many different energies.

They are very fond of children and animals. They have a special form of "communication" with all living beings;

Water has a very good effect on them in terms of cleansing and soothing: bath, shower, waterfalls, springs, playing with water and sand.

They need comfortable clothes made from natural materials with a choice of colors;

They need a lot of clean water and often prefer organic fresh food;

Before they were born, their parents often hear the name of the child, as if someone were saying it to them;

Miracles and magic happen around them: money appears, animals adore them, children smile at them, people heal themselves;

They are very perceptive, so much so that they know about the feelings of others;

They are afraid of close relationships, because feel when invaded or disrespected. They prefer to be alone, and have "their own body space" not controlled by others. Also, they avoid romantic relationships for fear of hurting the other if the relationship ends;

They have innocence, there is no cunning in them, they are pure due to the fact that the Crystals have no "ego";

Perhaps they need help to learn how to connect their energy. They can do this through physical activity, nature, sports, martial arts, yoga or dance;

They can disable electronic devices, radios, televisions, computers;

Restrain the expression of emotions due to fear of their increase and loss of control, therefore, they may appear serene or even insensitive;

May feel responsible for the death of someone, or for someone else's pain or quarrel;

May and most likely have had major depression;

Respond well to bodywork, massage, or energetic activities of someone with balanced energy;

They often have a fast metabolism and are vegetarians on their own;

Smart, see all the possibilities, intuitively understand spiritual laws, and “how everything works”;

They have a pure connection with their higher self, a natural alignment with their higher leader. That is why they know the truth of spiritual Unity;

Healers and peacemakers from birth;

With a lot of abilities;

They can regenerate bones and skin. Also, how many of us are gradually "renewed", connecting to the energy of the Crystal, which is in the DNA;

They may be laconic, but when they speak calmly and wisely, everyone listens to them. However, they do not give advice unless asked to and never intervene.

Pascats and crystal people

Once upon a time, lives now and will live for a very long time, one star system, which in your Inner Time is called Sirius, by the name of its main star, well visible to you. During the huge periods of Inner Time, many changes have occurred with the stars and planets of this binary system, but my story is about one particular era, when one small planet was inhabited by a certain kind of intelligent creatures.

As you currently see, there are two suns in this system, one small and one large, but this was not always the case. There were times when the lesser of the stars was a yellow sun, similar to your sun, and it was around this star-sun that the planet revolved, on which the civilization of these creatures developed. In its cool, fertile green spaces, the species we will call pascats.

Our days and nights, however, were very different from yours. We had periods, you can call them “days,” during which the light was moderately bright due to the position of the second star (this was before its collapse). There were other, very bright days, permeated by the light of our blue sun - on such days we often could not even leave our homes. There were also periods of great darkness, when everything plunged into a long sleep, or, as you would say, "hibernation".

I belong to a tribe or race called Caridel. There were four main tribes on my old planet, each with its own role. Since we all understood the principles of archetypal expression, the coming and going of souls, or entities and their fragments<$FВ космических учениях Коллективных Многомерных Учителей слово essence(eng. essence) means "individual soul", the Higher "I" - in contrast to the personality, or lower "I". Word Creature(eng. Entity) means "a collective soul", consisting of a certain number of souls _ essences_. Concerning fragments of essence, then they are the states of the same entity in parallel linear realities, or, as they are called in this document, time zones... - _Here and further approx. ed ._>, there were no bad relations or feelings of hostility between different tribes on the planet. Caridel were rulers and philosophers, Oroteta were warriors and protectors, Patri were creators and artists, artisans and artisans, and Eata were "common people": they could do anything and had great physical strength.

Our species originated from a special cosmic impulse that gives rise to a certain branch of evolution, a certain genotype. This initial impulse formed the genetic code that made our race what it eventually became. To make it easier for you to imagine us: they are most similar to representatives of the feline family - something in between your domestic cat and a lion, only we have more sophisticated features. Our jaws are shorter and our ears are less rounded than those of your lions. We walk on two legs, with a height comparable to or greater than yours, and our bodies have adapted well to upright posture for a long time. Our males have a mane, while females do not. Over the course of a long time of evolution, our paws have become more agile, and their shape has become more practical. Answering the question that is maturing in your brain, I will say: yes, we have tails.

We differed in the color of the body and eyes. My tribe Caridel was brownish or yellowish in color, and the eyes were bright blue. The Oroteta warriors were orange-eyed and sand-colored, like your lions or ginger cats. The Patri painters were pale gray or white, their eyes were green or turquoise, and the powerful Eata tribe was of a wide variety of colors and shades, many of them striped. Once, at the beginning of our evolution, we were covered with fur, but then we began to wear clothes, more for decoration than for the sake of decency. Our planet was inhabited very unevenly, only some of its regions had a climate warm enough to live in. One of these belts had lush green vegetation, the other was similar to your northern part of Europe. But our bodies evolved and adapted to the temperature conditions of our home planet.

I want to give you an idea of ​​our history so you can get an idea of ​​who you are dealing with. While we are mostly observing, we would still like to extend a helping hand through the time that separates us, as you will undoubtedly need outside help in the coming decades.

Pascats do not communicate with words or sounds. We own telepathy, which enables us to communicate with you now, regardless of temporal and spatial barriers. But we were not always so well versed in such direct communication with the minds of other beings and each other. On our planet, we initially communicated through speech, but after moving to Ishnu, which I will soon tell you about, the new atmosphere damaged our vocal cords and we could no longer communicate using sounds, so we developed our own silent communication system.

In communicating with you people, I am limited by the vocabulary and terminology available in your banks of consciousness and subconsciousness. In the future, when your planet will achieve even greater scientific progress, you will have more precise and capacious terms that can be used by beings like me.

During long periods of Inner Time, we have evolved spiritually and physically, but in a different direction than our neighboring planet. You see, there was another habitable planet in our solar system, which we call Ishna, which was powered by the light of a larger, blue-white star. its inhabitants were known in the cosmic community as the "crystal people". But a very long time passed before we met them, although our scientists knew about their existence, and they knew about ours.

We have lived happily on our small planet, enjoying its gifts and sharing our increasing life experiences with other life forms. But over time, our scientists noticed that with our sun, which gave us its light and life, serious changes were taking place that threatened us with a catastrophe. But fortunately, by this time we had established contact with the crystal people, who began to regularly visit our planet and receive us. When conditions began to gradually deteriorate, and the force field of our star began to expand, our planetary neighbors, in consultation with our Elders, decided to take a serious, but necessary step: they announced that they would evacuate our entire race and other life forms from our planet that could survive in a new habitat - in their world, because everyone understood that the radiation of a yellow star at the moment of its collapse would destroy our little planet and all life on it.

Ishna, however, was a much warmer planet and had a completely different physicochemical structure. Long aware of the impending catastrophe, the Crystal Men built a domed biosphere complex in which the air and temperature were matched to the conditions of our home planet. Fortunately, our population was not very large, as well as the population of Ishna, and given the fact that their planet was larger than ours, we all had more than enough space on it. Gradually, over several generations, their scientists acclimatized our bodies to the Ishnan atmosphere, which naturally led to mutations. Our fur has thinned and our body has undergone changes, the skin, which was very tough - by your standards - has become softer. We have retained our strength and could bend your steel bars like plasticine! Of course, our mixed race Eata was the strongest of us. Over time, we were able to leave the dome and enter the Ishnan world to live alongside our new brothers and sisters, while maintaining the group characteristics and customs of each race.

I have lived many lives and have seen the birth, growth and death of other star systems, as well as my own; saw worlds based on frequencies other than our planet, Ishna and Earth. In terms of your perception of time, I am projecting into our linear past, which is your present. In other words, I came to you from your future. There are many like me. Some people use telepathy, such as we use, there are those who use the latest advances and technologies. Some have physically returned to you from your linear future to be born in earthly bodies in your present. I have heard you refer to them as "old souls," but I prefer the term "cosmically mature entities," which is unrelated to your fundamental beliefs and is less likely to cause confusion.

In terms of the four elements, we Pascats have the nature of the elements of Earth and Fire, which means that we are a creative, but practical and solid race, physically strong and having a molecular body structure, in many ways similar to the structure of some earthly creatures. We developed the bowels of our planet, did things much like what you do, built houses like yours, and settled our conflicts in a logical way. On the other hand, the elements of crystal people are Fire and Air, these people are intelligent, have a developed brain and great creative abilities. Their bodies are made of crystalline substances unknown to your chemistry, they are very light, clean and fragile. Their physical strength is very small by your standards, but they have a powerful mind and tremendous ingenuity.

Pascats reproduce in principle the same way as you do on Earth, but crystal people do it in a slightly different way. Males and females converge, and soon the woman lays a soft egg. He is taken to a very important room in the Ishnan dwelling - the birth and growth chamber. The egg is placed in a special place that you might call an "altar". When their planet enters certain points in its orbit around the sun-star, the two who created this egg come up to it and lay their hands on it together. With each ordination, a new phase in the development of the egg is reached. As the egg grows, the outer shell begins to take on a crystalline form, becoming more and more transparent, until eventually its contents become visible. It would be useless to talk about how long it takes, because their time has nothing to do with what you measure in days, months, and years. In crystalline people, egg growth occurs precisely due to the joint efforts of the parents; without these efforts there would be no children. At the moment of birth, the outer shell begins to crumble, exposing two small children, since they always, like Pascats, have twins - a fact that did not escape the attention of your ancient ancestors, which you can understand from the myths and legends they left behind.

Experts in Greek mythology will tell you that Zeus came to Leda in the guise of a swan, after which she gave birth to four eggs, from which two pairs of twins originated: Pollux and Elena, as well as Castor and Clytemnestra. Where did the Greeks get this story from? From the antediluvian legends that the inhabitants of Atlantis passed on to them. Those, in turn, heard it from their ancestors, who were visited by crystal people and pascats several centuries earlier. This was also the reason that the ancient Egyptians were able to portray us so accurately in the guise of their gods, and some of your African tribes still keep legends about our visit.

The population of crystal people always remains constant. This is accomplished through some mental process rather than clinical methods. Thus, the balance of the distribution of useful objects among their people always remains unchanged and optimal, the parents themselves determine which children they should be born, and achieve this by means of genetic selection. However, this process is subordinated not only to economic and social interests, it also takes into account the evolutionary requirements of incoming a soul, or a fragment of a larger Being, so that it can express its individuality in the most favorable conditions.

Crystalline people have, as you would say, fair skin, although it is more of a golden or yellowish hue. They have slanted eyes of golden or dark gray, with a golden sparkle, color. Their hair is very white, but has a different structure than yours, resembling rather thin strands of glass. I am trying to find more accurate descriptions in your dictionary, but there are none. Therefore, I leave it to your imagination to complete the description. Their males and females are so similar that you would not tell them apart.

So, scientists of crystal people and pascats were able to provide spacewalk and go beyond their solar system. During one of these flights in endless space, using the energy of time and antimatter as driving forces and for crossing time zones, one of our ships had a problem, and the expedition was forced to land on an alien planet in an unfamiliar, uncharted star map solar system.

But, as you probably know, nothing happens by chance, and the Ancients, who created the universe and to whom we turn for advice in spiritual matters, explained to us that the future of our two systems is intertwined in a very complex way and our ship landed quite naturally. on your then young planet. Of course, those who made that first contact did not know about the big plan. But later, other pascats and crystal people flew to Earth and some of them sometimes entered the bodies of earthlings in order to better understand the evolution of your planet.

I personally have not been to Earth. It is not so easy for Pascats to enter your bodies, although this also happens occasionally. We are more inclined to live in the bodies of your domestic cats, and in this case it has a specific purpose: to be close to a loved one or to protect him from those negative forces that surround your planet.

You will not see me or people from my time zone while you are in your current bodies, but is it really necessary? Eventually, your people will learn to move from one time zone to another with an effort of will. Then we will meet the earthlings, as you say, “personally”.

The episodes of time exist invisibly one within the other. This is how microbes live on your body, but you do not see them, do not feel and do not realize. However, if you look at them through your instruments, you will notice that these organisms are present and active. In the entire universe, in different time zones, an innumerable number of creatures live, some of these zones are interconnected, others are not. Many living forms, like you, are unaware of the existence of others, although they themselves have long been observed by those who are able to cross the barrier of time. These zones can overlap and overlap with yours, but you will feel this no more than the X-rays that your medics send through your bodies.

Different impulses shake the cosmos at different times and create different forms of life. Your genotype is just one in millions! But not all are suitable for every planet. The conditions offered for physical development and growth are decisive factors in determining which branches of evolution will remain, survive and dominate. On Earth, the impulse that was the strongest and was able to maintain its evolutionary strength, you began to call Homo Saraiens, although the person was by no means the first!

By their elemental nature, hominids are aquatic, emotional creatures. Your bodies, and the very planet you live on, are predominantly water.

Since the connection between your solar system and ours is very strong, many ancient names and principles that have acquired great importance for you over the centuries have come from our world. The diversity of beliefs on your planet has led to the emergence of different names and names - mythological, religious or pantheistic - but they all refer to similar concepts.

In your modern metaphysics, the term "External Time" is used to denote a state that is not determined by the movement of your planet or the hands of the clock and into which you can penetrate in a dream or during altered states of consciousness. Indeed, there are frequencies in the universe that contain eternity, containing the past, present and future, but in a state of real timelessness, everything exists in the Eternal Now. Although your people have not yet reached the understanding that would allow them to accept and realize this idea, glimpses of this truth are beginning to appear in the minds of some people. You will be addressed not only by me, but also by other beings from Outer Time. You may call some of them more advanced than me, but in my world we do not divide everything into "higher" and _lower. " What you call development is actually due only to belonging to different time zones and their proximity to the Central Point. Those in time zones that are closer to the Center than my zone can see and understand the universe better than I do. I, in turn, looking back at you in time, see everything more clearly than you. But even though I am familiar with the time cycles of the universe, how to use them, and what can be learned from them, I am by no means omniscient.

For some of you, "God" is some higher, perfect Being. For us, what you would call God is Time at one Central Point, or the Eternal Now, from which time zones diverge to infinity. This point has an instant connection with everything that encompasses the time zones, stretching into eternity, having no beginning or end. However, even this description is not entirely accurate as it assumes geometric perspective and location. But the Center Point has no definite place in the universe.

Although certain knowledge was given to your ancestors and passed on from generation to generation, a lot has been lost or distorted, so we still have many topics for discussion in our further dialogues, because I do not want our conversation to be just my monologue, so say a sermon. We pascats are bad preachers, this is not our calling.

When certain events occur in your world, our mission will be completed. Then both crystal people and pascats, including those who now live in the bodies of earthlings, will be able to return to their time zone in order to move on to the next stage of spiritual development.

Therefore, I, Kaini, have taken up your planet. No, I was not among those who once landed on it for the first time, but the Ancients instructed me to follow those who once flew to you from our solar system and are now involved in the growth, development and future evolutionary changes on Earth, my role is similar to that which your ancestors attributed to guardian deities. Your ancient ancestors appointed two gods to guard each sacred place. Pay attention to how they depicted two lion gods, symbolizing Yesterday and Tomorrow - in other words, Time!

We watch vigilantly, but with all our vigilance we do not interfere, unless ... We stand silently on guard, but if we need to defend ourselves, we will strike a preemptive strike with the strength of a lion and the agility of a cheetah.

Well, this is where I conclude the first part of my story, perhaps rather strange, but which has begun to unfold before you the philosophy of time in accordance with the level of development of your planet.

QUESTION: Were there other living forms on your planet with which you could communicate?

ANSWER: It depends on which planet you mean. There were other forms on the old Pascat planet that we considered equal to ourselves. There was an intelligent form of plant life that could move, unlike the representatives of the plant kingdom on Earth. Our plant people could pull roots out of the ground, move around and root again in a different location, provided suitable soil was available. These amiable creatures came to visit us and stayed with us, because in the house of each pascat there was what, for the sake of simplicity, I will call a "garden plot", where any of the visiting plants could spend the night or, if desired, stay for a longer period ... In exchange for our hospitality, they treated us to their fruits, nuts, berries or healing leaves, so that we did not have to take their lives for food. Many of these plant creatures lived in small colonies that we Pascats could always visit when we needed food, which they willingly gave us.

There were also friendly water snakes... The eggs, which they readily gave us, were our main source of protein. Many species lived with us and around us birds, in general, all biological species lived in harmony and communicated well with the help of telepathy, achieving complete mutual understanding.

Ishna has very cute animals that look like lizards, and several other species that belong to unknown species.

QUESTION: You say that some of the crystalline people are currently embodied in the bodies of earthlings, but pascats usually do not take hominid form, although there are a few exceptions. Why?

ANSWER: Crystalline humans are descended from the hominid impulse, which means they are generally human-like. Their main elements are Fire and Air, which metaphysically represent creativity and intelligence. They usually enter the bodies of earthlings - if they want to do this - in a state of special creative or mental upsurge, the expressions of which can be the composition of music, medical or scientific discoveries. The field of higher mathematics can also be very fruitful for them, but, nevertheless, they can be found in the crowd much less often than one might think. The reason for this is because they feel best in a more tenuous, academic community, where they can create new ideas and topics that their more physically strong and active students will implement. They can found perfect metaphysical teachings, they think extremely big within the framework of philosophy, science and religion. But, nevertheless, their faces rarely adorn the pages of your newspapers, because they are modest, rather shy people.

Pascats are something completely different. Although we have much more power than crystal humans, it is genetically programmed to match the body structure of the feline family. Pascat, incarnated in a human body, would find it difficult to maintain coordination, and the human body is not as strong as the bodies they are used to. This would limit our activities and capabilities only to the mental sphere, which could cause many problems, disorders and complexes. It's not that you can't deal with it all mentally, but still, it would be painful enough. If the pascat had incarnated into a woman, she might not have been able to have children due to the inconsistency of the frequency of the feline essence with the structure of the human female hormonal system.

By nature, akin to lions, pascats are usually open, sociable and prone to some theatricality that we would be difficult to express in an environment alien to us. Remember also that we have a very strong sense of tribal unity, we are used to a settled and settled way of life, and on Earth we would have a feeling of self-doubt, because life on your planet is so confusing and uncertain. While many of you believe that your felines are loners, this is not the case. Cats spend a lot of time outside their bodies, and without these periods dreams, when they can associate with other members of their spiritual tribe, they would be very lonely.

But I must tell you that several Pascats are on Earth right now. These are the chroniclers of our race who are there, first of all, to pass on their impressions and experience to us as the Earth passes through all new stages of evolution, or, as you seem to call them, "quantum leaps". We from our time zone, of course, monitor their safety, although, in accordance with the Cosmic Law, we have no right to give them any advantages over their "earthly brothers". In other words, they should take care of themselves in the same way as all other intelligent beings that inhabit your planet.

QUESTION: Are there other intelligent beings, besides you, the inhabitants of the Sirius system, who are striving to help us here on Earth in connection with the difficult times ahead of us that you have told us about? If so, who are they and where are they from?

ANSWER: Indeed, there are others who follow you from other time zones, some out of curiosity, others, like us, want to help, there are those who have less good intentions. We do not keep in touch with all of them, but we are familiar, for example, with the people of Dolphins and Lizards from the Capella system in your "constellation Auriga".

Like ourselves, the Lizzies also visited your planet thousands of years ago, even before us, but at that time their attempts to save the species that then lived on Earth were unsuccessful, which upset them very much. However, the course of evolution was corrected after the extinction of the ancient dinosaurs. Lizards are a very kind and amiable people, but since their evolutionary type is very far from yours, they may seem scary to you. But crystal people are very beautiful by your standards and would not frighten you at all when they met.

I hear you ask, "What about the pascats?" When the time comes and our time zones intersect, those who will live at that time will meet beautiful and cute representatives of the feline family, with a special sense of humor inherent in our family! But this is not a cruel banter about someone's troubles. Anyone who loves cats will also love Pascats. I think you will find us attractive creatures by your standards.

Library creator.

Longitudinal electromagnetic waves arise and propagate in the crystal.

... the fourth dimension is the properties of psychic energy


Crystal people

Many thousands of years ago, on the planets in the Sirius system, there were two races of intelligent beings.

One - from the planet Kron - was humanoid, and called itself the civilization of the Crystal people.

Representatives of the second had a lion appearance, and sometimes also visited the Earth.

The resemblance of the Sphinx to a lion is not a mere coincidence.

The lion-like Sphinxes were erected near the pyramids in memory of the representatives of this civilization that amazes the imagination of earthlings.

The legends about Shambhala say that from Sirius to Earth, through the constellation Orion, which is the channel through which the energy of Sirius reaches the solar system, a giant crystal was delivered - the Chantomani stone, created by crystalline people to attract subtle energies from higher dimensions.

Chantomani is a crystal of life and consciousness that increases vibrations and helps those in its sphere of influence move faster along the spiral of evolution.

Small fragments of Chantomani are buried in the ground in places where centers of culture or civilizations will emerge in the future.

Also, small pieces of the meteorite are given for storage to the most significant people, the Teachers of mankind.

At the end of the nineteenth century, information was received from contactees about another civilization from Alpha Centauri, which considered itself Crystalline.

Its representatives, who flew to Earth, were called the sons of Fire, bearers of knowledge.

They argued that the brain is a substance of liquid crystals, like everything in a person and in the world around him.

“The so-called fourth dimension is the properties of psychic energy” - writes Nicholas Roerich in “Living Ethics. In this fourth dimension of space around the Earth, there is a structure in the form of a crystalline lattice of the Earth - Merkaba.

Its energy nodes are in the form of pyramids.

Einstein predicted the birth of physics of super-permeable crystal structures.

Liquid crystals, without which monitors of modern televisions, computers, and many other devices are inconceivable, were discovered by Russian physicists V. Tsvetkov and V. Frideriks at the beginning of the last century.

Nicholas Roerich in Living Ethics, even before this discovery, wrote:

“The element is a spatial substance, weightless and immeasurable. Semi-amorphous crystals in the form of so-called elemental manifestations. The substance of the unmanifested spirit saturates the space ”.

Later, physicist D. Randles suggested that our planet is formed by liquid crystal structures and that it is itself a giant crystal.

And the Samara physicist Valery Trufanov believes that the entire Universe is a single Crystal, inside which instant information transfer is possible.

Longitudinal electromagnetic waves arise and propagate in this crystal.

The brain of people with paranormal abilities also emits not traditional transverse, but longitudinal waves, resonating with the radiation of the Crystal.

Hence, we can conclude that a person is an active part of the Monocrystal, interacting with it, as a part with the whole, and receiving a response.

The structure of water also consists of liquid crystals sliding relative to each other, scientists say. More than half of man is water.

Therefore, we can say that we, like the civilization of Sirius, are Crystal people. Water accumulates and stores the information it receives. And it doesn't matter to her what language they talk to, she understands any speech.

This was discovered by the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto.

His experiments showed that crystals formed from water differ in great variety, depending on the nature of the information impact on them. The structure of a water crystal is based on a hexagon.

Space and time are not barriers to the transmission of information. The water in the body remembers all our everyday thoughts, feelings and emotions.

At the same time, she herself has a strong impact on a person, depending on the stored information of others. Space through water influences human development.

An example can be given.

It has long been believed that at baptism, water acquires the properties of living water. For a number of years, for several days a year, scientists have recorded intense bursts of neutron flux, exceeding background levels by a factor of 100 - 200, on these very days!

The highs fell on the 17th, 18th or 19th of January. The neutron flux from space comes mainly along the earth's axis and it is maximum in northern latitudes, where its maximum effect on water is.

Towards the south, it gradually weakens, sliding tangentially to the surface of the water, and penetrates less and less into its thickness.

At the equator, its effect practically disappears.

Andreeva Galina Viktorovna


Humanity has taken a turn, and as a result, humans have let go of all attachments to reflections.

Many of you have seen the last of those who created the shell that protected the Earth from the beginning. These are the ones who built the pyramids. Many inexplicable things become clear when you look at things from the point in which you are now.

Many artifacts on Earth still do not have a traditional explanation of where they came from and what they are for on Earth. These memories were deliberately blocked by yourself according to the original plan.

The pyramids formed a protective shell around the Earth, even though they were forgotten in many places. True, not all pyramids created this shell, some were just copies of the original ones, created by mankind, with different levels of efficiency.

Power of the Pyramids

A network of pyramids around the world formed a shell around the planet, which protected the Earth from special meteorites and comets. This protection was removed intentionally.

You've heard of two iconic meteorites that have appeared on the covers of newspapers around the world, but you are not aware of the small meteorites that appear now.

Due to the fact that the protective shell has been removed, you will see many meteorites that will fall to Earth this November. You will see a comet that will bring new life to Earth.

We tell you this because all life on Earth was brought in by comets. Your scientists disagree with us, but we tell you, none of you are from Earth.

You have very carefully placed yourself here.

You are now on the path of evolution. Previously, in order to reach Home, you had to die and leave the physical body, then reincarnate and return to Earth.

Now, for the first time, humanity has passed through the gates without physically returning home, without dying. You are walking the path of ascension, and with every step, you are stepping further than yesterday. All this is the beauty that you hold in front of you. All this is under your control.

Do not be afraid of comets, they bring new forms of life, they irrigate the Earth with new forms of life. You've been losing life forms for years and now the Earth is being populated in a new way, so watch the comet in November and celebrate its arrival.

You have already given her a name, but we will not name it because ours and yours are different. Your scientists know that this comet is coming and that it will bring a cloud of cosmic dust with it.

Basically, it breaks down into many small particles each time, and this time it will bring cosmic dust to Earth.

Now, your scientists are trying to figure out if they can see the falling dust. They expect this November comet to be very dusty.

This comet will not touch the Earth.

It will not touch the Earth, it will fly a great distance from the Earth, and fly around the Sun, and spread the beautiful seeds of life on Earth. You are here at this moment in time, dear ones, at this critical time for all mankind and for the Earth as a whole.

The earth is recharged with energies, its energy lines, magnetic energy lines that form the magnetic grid, are now weakening their strength. Earth's magnetic structures have weakened by 12% over the past 100 years.

It also leads to your awakening from sleep.

It's fine.

Espavo, Group


… There was a release of all energies from the 4th dimensional grid.

“The pyramids formed a protective shell around the Earth: A network of pyramids around the world formed a shell around the planet, which protected the Earth from special meteorites and comets. This protection was removed intentionally. "

Friends, We - the Planet and Humanity have left the crystal grid of the 4th dimension of Merkaba, having made a shift of Consciousness and therefore, the previous defenses have been removed (everything, not only from meteorites).

The Crystalline Grid has moved to the 5th dimension; the multivariance of life forms is provided from there;

Those who have moved their Consciousness to the 4th dimension, rebuild connections in their consciousness with the higher octave and now they receive vital energies from the fifth-dimensional structure.

This means that everyone is now moving from the collective egregors that previously reflected power / light / blessings / security - INTO THE INDIVIDUAL ESSENCE OF YOURSELF.

It is here that your personal power is present, flowing from your Essence!

And security is not a collective energy, but an individual one, it comes from this place.

Do not look for the reflection of God in another person, look for this sacred place in yourself - it, the energy of security, is inside each of us, and no one else will give it to you.

Crystal man, crystal child, crystal energies - these terms we hear quite often today, but we are in no hurry to think about them. If something in your Soul responded and you wanted to know more, then this article is just for you.

Crystal energies, crystal people, crystal children

Now new energies are coming to the Earth in abundance, even our Age of Aquarius was called crystal. These energies are unique and given to humanity by the Higher Forces for transformation, for the transformation of our heart into a vessel of Love. crystal people. This is a Divine Gift that optimizes the situation on our Planet and makes our material life more spiritual.

Man is a crystal. What does it mean? A person has an aura. Why? A person has chakras, although you may have read in some messages that this is our illusion. What are chakras, where do they come from and what does it matter for crystal people?

Crystal children and indigo children - what do they have in common? How to use crystal energy for creation? How to develop your crystallinity?

The answers to these questions will sound familiar to you, and some questions are easier to answer than others because some questions require simple understanding and explanation, and some require skill and skill. After all, to know is to be able!
Man is a crystal. What does it mean?

Let's look at a person as a biophysical object. Like any object, a person has electromagnetic radiation. All of you (from physics lessons at school) can recall a coil with copper wire wound around it - and around the torus-shaped radiation - a donut stretched upwards, which has almost no hole in the middle. So a person looks the same - there is radiation around us in the form of a torus.

And since this radiation looks like a cocoon - it is narrower at the head, and the radiation expands to the middle of our body, then in the light our body and its radiation work like a crystal prism - it refracts light and a rainbow is obtained. After all, the rainbow has the same colors as the chakras.

As in the phrase known to every child - "every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting" - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple and all together from above merge into white. Colors are waves of different lengths we see. Where the wave is longer in the middle of the cocoon, in its widest part, there is red radiation, and where our cocoon narrows, there is violet, the shortest wave. Some people can see these colors, but most cannot yet. This is due to the fact that the radiation frequency is higher than that which we are accustomed to perceive. However, we can learn to see these colors, and many crystal people are capable of this due to their increased sensitivity.

Well, in addition to flowers, in the places where the chakras are indicated, there are intersections of energy belts, this was known even to the most ancient teachings.

And yet, if you look at a rainbow, the colors smoothly blend into one another. The person looks the same. Have you noticed that sometimes wings on icons (our wings are part of the energy field, and not at all bones and feathers) are painted in multicolored, rainbow colors? Precisely because the colors shimmer. Therefore, the chakras are - we are really multi-colored, and they are not in their pure form, since the pure color of each chakra is a simplification for our understanding, we are more like a rainbow. And furthermore, we have predominant, dominant colors that reflect the path of our ministry or simply the current state. If we are tired, then we absorb energy, and then the color is darker, if we emit more, then it is lighter. So in life - black absorbs and white reflects light.

We call the electromagnetic radiation visible to some people and devices an aura - translated from Greek - a breath of wind. This is our radiation, our wind.

Crystal people have a white aura. This is because the light passes evenly through all chakras, and crystal people initially have no delays in the transmission of light, since all centers are equally and almost completely open, and the energy tube is the center of our cocoon-torus of the same diameter, without narrowing. (The narrowing of the tube comes from the fact that people have life lessons or situations where we are pinching our energy.) Therefore, at the exit, all the colors are mixed and a white glow is formed. Since the LIGHT passes exactly through all the centers and is STRENGTHENED by them, then crystal people are able to intensify the light and their body can work at the expense of the light. If you will, the efficiency of a crystalline person is much higher than that of a less crystalline person. In addition, the structure of the chakras is now undergoing changes, and in the future it may be completely different for crystal people than for us. This is due to the process of complete activation of DNA and a change in the human electromagnetic lattice, the ability to transmit and accumulate more light, and the expansion of the light flux. Therefore, in many channeled messages we are asked not to consider the energy exchange system or human chakras as given and unchanging.

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