Warda vkontakte. "After the divorce, I was forced to remain silent" - Varda about her husband's reaction to explicit scenes and the reason why she hid the relationship. PM: Do you have any catwalk experience

She was dressed on March 3, 1985 in the city of Krivoy Rog, Ukraine in an international, large family, the sixth child. My father was an Armenian engineer, and my mother was a seamstress. Her name, Vardanush (Varda), translated from Armenian means "Voluptuous rose".

At school, Varda was a good-looking activist, took part in all school activities - she sang in the Silver Bell ensemble, played in the Harlequin theater studio.

The girl's first major success was her victory at the Ukrainian Striptease Championship in 2004, where she performed under the pseudonym Black Angel.

After that, Varda decides to move to Kiev and enters the University of Culture and Arts at the faculty of directing. He finds himself a vocal teacher and works hard with him to sing.

A new type of artist's creativity is the combination of vocals, choreography, pole dancing and acting together, and the creation of an enchanting burlesque show. Working hard in this direction, the artist begins touring with a solo program under the name VARDA.

So the singer Sergey Zverev, the king of glamor, learns about her, and offers the role of the main character in his solo video work "Fashion Man". It is on this shooting that their close acquaintance takes place, and Zverev invites VARDA to record a joint duet for the song "People-Angels".

The girl certainly agrees, and already in February 2011, the artists release a video clip on the screens of Russia and Ukraine, then they are filmed for the cover of the XXL men's magazine, their scandalous photo session became a contender for the best photo session of the XXL magazine in Russia and Ukraine.

Now VARDA is preparing to release its first solo album "Without Makeup", the author's program "Striptease for Housewives" and is working on the creation of a new burlesque show, which has no analogues in Ukraine yet.

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This spectacular brunette knows how to win over both men and women. The first is impressed by her inner emancipation and sexuality. The latter melt from her friendliness and friendliness. VARDA is a dancer, world champion in pole dance. In addition, she is a teacher, singer, designer and businesswoman. Surprisingly, no matter what business this sultry beauty takes, she succeeds in everything. What's the secret? We decided to find out in person.

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Russians know Vardanush Martirosyan primarily as a close friend of Anna Sedokova. Not everyone knows that she is also a world champion in pole dance, showing incredible tricks on the pole (if you have not seen her solo in the Evening Urgant program, you have lost a lot). Even fewer people will tell you that the feminine swimwear that Kim Kardashian herself is happy to wear is also the work of the multi-lingual Varda, who created the serious lingerie brand Varda TM.

It is difficult to say which of the fields of activity is more important for a beauty. The brunette enthusiastically takes on everything, to which the soul lies, and always brings the matter to the end. For example, on May 28, the first fashion show of the Varda TM clothing brand will take place in Moscow.

In the morning she jogs at a construction site, supervising the renovation of a closed women's club, in the afternoon she approves a new swimsuit model, and in the evening she performs her burlesque show in the light of spotlights.

What happened before that? How did a simple dancer from the town of Krivoy Rog become a pole dance teacher, a popular designer, a successful artist and a happy woman? What did this fragile but strong-willed beauty go through? We asked these and other questions to Varda during our interview. Some of the answers were frankly startling. However, read it yourself.

Vardanush Martirosyan: As a child, I studied in a circus studio. When I was 16, wishing to help my parents, I decided to earn some money during the summer holidays. I had a circus act with which I came to a nightclub. Passed through the casting, and was recruited for a show with other artists. Their salary was twice as much as mine, as the girls danced on the pole. And although they did not undress, for our town pole dancing was a sensation in itself, and, of course, everyone called it striptease.

“Since I earned little, I could not afford a taxi, so every time I stayed at the club until the morning and went home on the first minibus. During these hours of waiting, she spun on a pole and tried to adapt her acrobatic elements to it. Later I came up with a number and showed it to the management. They offered me a fee twice as much, included my new performance in the program and came up with a pseudonym - "Black Angel".

There were rumors about me: "There is a girl who dances on a pole, does tricks, hangs upside down ..." The popularity grew, and I began to work every day: on weekdays - in my club, and on Friday, Saturday I traveled to other establishments ... There was a time that in one evening I performed at five.

At the age of 17, I was vacationing in Crimea, took part in a dance competition, and unexpectedly won it, after which I received an invitation to work. Since it was the end of the season, I kept my card and came back a year later. This was a turning point, it was then that my meteoric rise took place.

I started making good money. But most importantly, I had the opportunity to compare myself with other artists who came from all over the CIS. Then I realized that I was dancing well. This gave confidence and pushed to participate in the first serious competition - the Championship of Ukraine in striptease.

V.M .: Then, unfortunately, there was still no such thing as pole dance. I knew that I was dancing something different, but since there was no choice, I decided to try my hand at this competition. A topless performance was a prerequisite for participation. Despite the fact that at that time I already had candid photo shoots, it was a kind of barrier for me, but I took it as an acting.

After 5 years, such a sport as pole dance appeared in Russia. I learned about the holding of the first national pole dance Championship and wrote to the organizers that I want to participate. I was allowed, since there were not many dancers in this area.

“Of course, after my victory there was a lot of talk and discontent. Imagine yourself: a girl from Ukraine with an Armenian surname represents Russia at the World Cup (smiles)».

In 2009, Varda Martirosyan became the owner of the Miss Pole-dance Russia title and, as the winner of the national competition, was sent to the world one. The dancer performed excellently, and the title of world champion in pole dance - 2009 was added to her treasury of achievements.

website: Explain, please, what is the fundamental difference between striptease and pole dance?

V.M .: Usually I say this: "There are pole dances, and there are pole dances." It's one thing when you hold on to the pipe and just walk, and it's another thing when you hang upside down at a height of 6 meters and perform acrobatic elements. A girl may even undress, but if at the same time she does a crazy job, then this cannot be called just making money - this is already an art. Pole dance requires daily practice. I know about it firsthand. Now, of course, I can only afford to train a few times a week. But if you want to achieve any results, you have to work hard.

website: How did your parents react to the news that their daughter started pole dance at the age of 16?

V.M .: To be honest, since the age of 15 I lived separately and was left on my own. Therefore, for my parents, my transition from circus performances to pole dancing went unnoticed. They found out only when I became the champion of Ukraine, but I was already 18. I want to note that at the competition not a single bad word was said to the participants. Three finalists of the competition proved that striptease can be an art.

“Today pole dance is developing in several directions. One of them is exclusively sports, like on a horizontal bar: I went out, turned around, passed the standard. It doesn't appeal to me. I am interested in another part - the one that helps a woman to be feminine, plastic, graceful and self-confident. "

When you gain experience, you want to share it, which is why I decided to open a women's club where all girls can learn to control their bodies, dance beautifully, gain self-confidence ...

Everyone who comes to my class dances exclusively in heels. We study our body, its capabilities, acquire a beautiful gait, posture. Very often I come across complexes. Many women are embarrassed to touch themselves in a dance - let alone how they behave with a man. Those who come to my classes learn to dance not in order to demonstrate it in public, but in order to please their beloved husband. I always joke that the pole strengthens relationships.

V.M .: It rather bothers me. When a man sees a woman who dances well, he has only one fantasy. He is not interested in what kind of person I am, the interlocutor, my sense of humor or the level of intelligence. On this basis, I even developed complexes. Therefore, I never meet my fans. Immediately running away, I don't give a chance (smiles).

V.M .: As a child, I did everything I could. The school had a vocal and instrumental ensemble "Silver Bell". Classes in it were free, but there was an important condition: if you want to sing solo, buy an arrangement. My parents were not rich, but I managed to beg 30 hryvnia from them for the only minus song of my favorite song - the romance "I like that you are not sick with me."

“There were many obstacles, but they did not stop me. Over the years, I began to make money dancing and spent it on buying songs. Then there were recordings of tracks, first performances, clips ... And even then I was obsessed with the dream of creating my own burlesque show. "

website: Do you want to develop as a singer now?

V.M .: I try to do everything rationally. For example, now I am closely involved in the development of the brand and the opening of a women's club. Of course, I continue to tour with my show, but there is less and less time left for that.

“I do not consider myself either a singer or a dancer. I believe that it is a crime for a creative person to limit himself. "

I am a happy person, I manage to do things that give pleasure and at the same time serve as a source of income. I am sure that being a wife and a mother is also my calling.

I would not want to hang upside down like Madonna at 57 years old. Of course, a person himself has the right to decide when to end a career, but I believe that you need to grow up beautifully. In my opinion, Pamela Anderson did not orientate herself in time and got stuck in the image of a Malibu lifeguard, while looking, excuse me, like a grandmother. But Dita Von Teese is elegant at any age.

V. M: For what reason can a woman leave everything and move to a foreign city? Of course I fell in love. My boyfriend was from Moscow, but I persuaded him to take part in the Ukrainian television project Passion on the Parquet. We had an agreement that after the end of the show I would move with him to Moscow. And so it happened, I kept my word, but after two months we parted. Despite this, I made the decision to stay here. It wasn't easy.

“Nobody knew me as an artist in Russia. And I had to start from scratch. I already had Instagram, in which I wrote that I was recruiting a pole dance group. And unexpectedly for me, my phone exploded from the number of people interested. Two years have passed since then, and I still have girls who came to the first classes. "

I remember that I was training in a swimsuit that I invented myself - it is very convenient to dance in it - many girls wanted the same for themselves. This is how the idea of ​​creating the VARDATM brand was born. Over time, many people recognized and fell in love with my swimwear, but still did not know who was behind their creation. I was pleased. Later, at the request of customers, we began to create other garments.

I decided to combine two areas of my activity - a dance school and a shop, because they exist for the same female audience. In our closed club for women, girls can come to dance, and then get themselves a beautiful outfit. Photo sessions are also held for our clients. Many women consider themselves ugly, non-sexual, non-photogenic. We prove the opposite to them. I believe that all women are goddesses, they just do not know about it.

website: That is, you can awaken femininity, sexuality in yourself?

V.M .: Of course! In everything, you need to be able to find advantages, and turn disadvantages into advantages. Each of us can be beautiful, the main thing is to find our own flavor and present ourselves correctly. Even clothes can change a woman's attitude towards herself. Therefore, in the outfits I create, women feel sexy.

“Many girls consider themselves to be ugly due to the fault of men. The representatives of the stronger sex have such a tactic - to program us for low self-esteem. This is terrible. If you constantly repeat: “You are fat. Look at yourself, who needs you? ", Then sooner or later a woman will withdraw into herself or go to a person who will say:" You are the best, the most beautiful. "

Probably, I will soon conduct trainings for men: "How to behave so that your beloved does not leave you" (laughs).

website: One gets the impression that everything you undertake is amazingly easy.

V.M .: A director friend of mine once said: "You have so much energy, and it always hits right on target that it cannot fail to produce results."

According to the horoscope, I am a Pisces, but they say about this sign of the zodiac: either they float with the flow, or against it. So I am - I can work in the "hurricane" mode for a month, but then I go to the bottom for a couple of weeks to recover.

V.M .: I want VARDA schools to open in all cities, and teachers in them will teach according to my own method. Besides, I'm working on a book now. No, this will not be my biography, as you might think, where it is written how I was all so cool went a hard way ...

As a rule, my clients had already gone to other schools before me, but stopped studying for various reasons. I talked a lot with the girls and came to the conclusion that many teachers simply do not understand why people come to their classes. Usually a person wants to learn to dance in order to feel more confident, more attractive, to get rid of complexes. And the coaches set other priorities: further, more, stronger. I focus on beauty, all movements should be graceful, erotic, and thoughts should be appropriate.

“I say to my girls:“ Imagine that your hands are the hands of a man who makes you sit down. How do you feel about it? You resist a little, but then you succumb coquettishly. " And that's all. We are already seeing a completely different picture. Movements and emotions become meaningful. "

The problem is that there are no books to teach how to teach. There are textbooks on psychology, pedagogy, but this is all general knowledge. There is no specific "guide" on how to teach a woman to dance on a pole, and most importantly - why should she do it. And that's what I would like to write a book about.

website: In addition to all of the above, you have created a video blog "Made with Erotica". How do you manage everything?

V.M .: I have been asked for a long time to shoot something like that. We decided to give it a try and came up with a program called "Made with Erotica". The main message: everything that a woman does should be graceful, attractive. It doesn't matter if she cooks borsch, ironing linen, vacuuming or dusting.

We shot several videos, and the project went pretty well. Now we have to continue, and I agreed. The video blog will cover a variety of topics. For example, I am a busy woman and I know how to cook cheese cakes in 20 minutes, and borscht in 40. I will share such secrets as well. But I emphasize that everything should be done with a soul, beautifully, gracefully. You can, of course, cook and clean up in a scary robe, but wouldn't it be better to do it in a beautiful outfit, with hair and makeup?

V.M .:"No matter! A woman should always look perfect. When do you really love yourself? When you got up in the morning, did your styling, make-up, put on beautiful clothes ... You can look great without makeup, but for this, a girl should regularly contact a beautician. Any man will appreciate such efforts. "

website: What do you yourself value in men?

V.M .: It is important for me that a man does not forbid me to be who I am. If I am deprived of all my activities, then I, as a person, will not remain. It will already be someone else. It is important for me that my beloved should support me, approve and admire what I do.

Of course, the main thing in the relationship is the man. And for this, he must be an order of magnitude stronger than a woman, but to show this not in senseless restrictions, but in care and love. In general, I think that bans are a sign of weakness, self-doubt.

“I will also never let anyone lower my self-esteem. If before I could listen and come up with some kind of complex, now I say: "I don't know anything, I'm a goddess!" (Laughs).

website: At the same time, your self-confidence does not grow into arrogance.

V.M .: No way. I am a normal person, it is clear that without makeup and styling I do not look as advantageous as with them. But it's worth spending 30 minutes of time, and in front of you is a goddess (smiles)... And so everyone can!

Nobody is perfect, including me. There are a number of things that I would like to learn. For example, now I am studying English, because I still have not found time for this, for which I am very ashamed. I used to study Russian with a teacher, but in the future I want to delve into geography. Another in my place would say: "Why do I need this?" And I need it to feel more confident. I missed something in my youth, and now I want to fill in the gaps. I do not regret anything, because the experience gained over those years helped me to go through life. This is not taught at the institute.

Today, as never before, I feel harmony with myself. I do not have a panic about age, like many girls. Although I confess, at the age of 27-28 there was a complex that I still do not have a family. But then my friend, who has two children, told me: “Develop as long as you have opportunities and abilities, and the rest will happen one way or another. Don't worry about it. "

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Martirosyan Vardanush Sosovna

Popular Singer

Theater and Cinema Actress

Vardanush Martirosyan was born on March 3, 1985 in the city of Krivoy Rog, Ukraine. His father, an Armenian, was an engineer, and his mother, a Mari, was a seamstress. The father gave his newborn daughter an ancient Armenian name in honor of his mother Vardanush. Mother, master of sports in acrobatics, gave 7-year-old Varda to the circus studio "Arena". Later, Varda began to sing in the Silver Bell ensemble and play in the Harlequin Theater Studio.

Varda received two higher educations: stage director and mass celebrations and physical education manager, coach.

Over a ten-year career in pole dancing, Varda managed to become the first and win the most prestigious titles around the world.

In 2012, Varda patented the technique of dancing on a horizontal pole. The girl is helped to perform the extreme number by two men who hold the pylon in their hands and move it around the perimeter of the stage. Warda makes a pas on a pole and, without using his hands, hangs upside down.

Singer Sergei Zverev invites the VARDA singer to record a joint duet for the song "People-Angels" and in February 2011 the artists release a video clip, and then are filmed for the cover of the XXL men's magazine. Their scandalous photo session became a contender for the best photo session of the XXL magazine of Russia and Ukraine.

The next stage of creativity is cooperation with Vitaly Kozlovsky. The duet recorded the first video "Don't leave me" in Russian and Armenian. The video was presented both in Ukraine and in Armenia. In 2012, the couple recorded another joint summer dance track "Dance" and a video clip for it. This time, Varda performed not only as a performer, but also as an author-composer of words and music.

In 2012, VARDA became a member of a major international music project. This collaboration has brought together artists with Armenian roots living in Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, the United States and other countries of the world. VARDA together with Dmitry Kharatyan, Zara, Alexey Chumakov, Eva Rivas recorded a patriotic song called “Armenia” and shot a video clip for it. From Ukraine, VARDA became the only guest artist who had the honor to be involved in a project of great importance for the Armenian nation. Now VARDA is preparing to release its first solo album "Follow Your Dream".

Varda has released an exclusive VARDA ™ clothing collection. Such stars as Anna Sedokova, Lera Kudryavtseva, Olga Buzova, Natalia Rudova appear in films of the VARDA ™ brand and appear on the covers of glossy magazines.

... read more>

Varda (Vardanush Martirosyan).

A woman is touched when she is beautiful, but more often than not, stupidity and indifference, pride and ignorance are hidden under a pretty appearance. Admiration is caused only by those whose inner world corresponds to their irresistible appearance. Nowadays, especially in the field of show business, it is difficult to meet a person who combines divine natural beauty and the same beautiful, pure, unspoiled soul. We would like to present to your attention an exclusive interview with Varda (Warda, Black Angel; real name), one of the most beautiful and stylish artists of modern show business, singer, pole dancer, winner of international pole-dance championships, designer of her own clothing line Varda TM, founder of the BURLESQUE by VARDA dance school, winner of the Icon of Style project and just a wonderful person. Thanks to her perseverance, hard work and talent, Varda achieved tremendous success, starred in joint videos with Sergey Zverev, Vitaly Kozlovsky, she brilliantly proved herself as a singer, one of the best dancers on the planet, a pole-dance trainer and a talented designer of women's clothing. In her collection of Varda TM swimwear, Varda has been able to favorably emphasize women's charms and skillfully hide flaws. Ward swimwear wearers always look feminine and sexy. Despite all her popularity and busy work schedule, Varda remains a kind and sympathetic person, loves home comfort and cooks well. In today's interview for our online publication, Varda will talk about herself and upcoming projects.

Photos-Models. com: Hello Warda! You are recognized as one of the most beautiful artists, brilliantly proved yourself as a dancer, pole-dance trainer, clothing designer and singer. What is the top priority in your career at the moment? What kind of activity do you devote most of your time to?

Warda: - All my spheres of activity, one way or another, are connected with mine - these are shocking costumes, fire show, incendiary dance and vocal numbers, as well as a unique patented dance on a horizontal pole - and all this is seasoned with eroticism! The distinguishing feature of VARDA SHOW from other artists is the combination of several genres in one performance. I do not just sing and dance, I also "breathe" fire on stage and perform complex tricks on a pole that no one in the world can do! VARDA SHOW is designed in the best traditions of the burlesque style! This is what I have dreamed of all my life.

I opened a dance school BURLESQUE by VARDA where I teach pole-dance for girls. Of course, I am proud of these achievements! But there are still many grandiose projects ahead!

PM: You have participated in various fashion and style TV shows. How has this affected your life?

Warda: - Of course, all this time I dreamed of launching my own clothing line. VARDA TM is my business that takes the most time at the moment. Our branded swimwear has already been appreciated by girls all over the world. My celebrity clients include Kim Kardashian, her daughter North and sister Chloe. Also, VARDA TM swimsuits are worn by TV presenter Katya Osadchaya, singer Anna Sedokova, actress Natasha Rudova, designers Yulia Aisina and Elena Bernatskaya. Also, swimwear managed to appear in the film "Women versus Men", the show "The Bachelor" and advertising perfume. I am honored to be so stylish and prefer my swimwear!

PM: How did the idea of ​​creating your own clothing line come about?

Warda: - At first I sewed for myself, then my friends were interested in it. Then it turned into a business like word of mouth. As a woman, I know perfectly well what needs to be hidden and what needs to be emphasized. Perhaps this is the secret of my business success!

PM: Due to your creative activity, you often have to take pictures. What do you like most about working with photographers?

Warda: - As a rule, I have two or three favorite photographers with whom I always work. I completely trust them, and our work, as a rule, goes very quickly and easily with the maximum number of successful shots.

PM: What photographer would you like to work with?

Warda: - I find it difficult to answer. Many young photographers write to me that they want to photograph me. I am considering all options, and I am open to cooperation.

PM: Do you have any catwalk experience?

Warda: - No, I've never been a model. Growth does not allow. Maybe this is good, because in the modeling business I could not show all my talents, including dance and vocal.

PM: You shot a joint video with Sergei Zverev for the song "People-Angels", you also participated and won the fashion show "Icon of Style", the jury of which was Sergei Zverev. As you know, you are on very good terms with him. Are you still friends now?

Warda: - Yes, I really love Sergei! He is an incredibly kind person who wants to help all young and talented artists! It is a great honor for me that sometime among the multitude, he drew attention to me, offered to record a joint duet. But nevertheless, in the television project "Icon of Style", he did not condemn me. For which it is worth to respect him twice as much!

PM: Who is your favorite clothing designer? What style do you prefer?

Warda: - I can wear both sports clothes from LA STORY by Ani Sedokova and more feminine clothes from VARDA TM. Of course, I have branded items in my wardrobe. But I also gladly wear my friends' products, including shoes from Irene Vartik.

PM: You follow a healthy lifestyle. What influenced your decision to stop eating meat and become a vegetarian?

Warda: - It came out only for health reasons. My Armenian father worried for a very long time that I would no longer be able to eat real Armenian kebabs. Nevertheless, I even manage to make Ukrainian borscht and Italian pizza deliciously without meat!

PM: What are your upcoming projects?

Warda: - My main future project is a family. Beloved husband, happy children ... I am already at that age that I no longer need rehearsals. I want a gala with a white dress and a bridal bouquet!

PM: What's your life motto?

Warda: – Better to refuse, gritting your heart, than to agree, gritting your teeth!

Varda's patented horizontal pole dance.

The editors would like to thank Varda for kindly agreeing to give us an interview and wish her further creative success.

VARDA in the show "Evening Urgant":

VARDA in Comedy Woman:

The father gave the newborn baby an ancient Armenian name in honor of his mother Varda, which means "voluptuous rose".

Mom, a master of sports in acrobatics, in her youth dreamed of becoming an aerial gymnast, but her life path was different, but it was her mother who instilled in her daughter a love of sports and creativity.

As a child, Vardanush gave her mother a promise to fulfill her dream. Thus, at the age of 7, Varda became one of the students of the circus studio "Arena".

At school, Varda was a good-looking activist, took part in all school activities - she sang in the Silver Bell ensemble, played in the Harlequin theater studio.

Little Vardanush won her first creative contest "Miss Sail" at the age of 9, in the summer pioneer camp "Sail".

Having taken the second place, already then the ambitious girl cried for a long time, upset that she did not become the first. This was the first and last competition where Varda did not take first place.

Black Angel

Warda considers the year 2000 to be a turning point in her life, when at the age of 15 she began to earn money singing in a karaoke restaurant.

Finishing work late at night, Varda, returning home, peeped in the windows of a nearby establishment, where the first strip club in the city was opened.

Bewitched by the dancing, the girl decides, by all means, to become a participant in this show.

Years of classes in a circus studio were not in vain, and since she did not know how to dance striptease yet, the girl invites the director of the institution to perform a solo acrobatic number "rubber".

Seeing the incredible plasticity and stretching of the gymnast, he happily agrees.

Thus, changing from singing to dancing, Varda takes on the pseudonym "Black Angel" and becomes part of the show.

A leader by nature, it is then that she firmly decides that she wants to become the best pole dancer. In her free time, Varda learns choreography, masters the pole and at some point becomes the main soloist of the club.

She is invited with a solo number to other clubs. Gradually, she begins to perform solo.

In 2004, Varda went on tour to Crimea, where, comparing herself with other dancers from different CIS countries, she felt the strength and confidence that she was the best pole dancer, because before that she had performed only in her hometown.

On one warm evening, walking along the Yalta embankment, "Black Angel" reads an announcement that the STB TV channel is launching a new show "Championship of Ukraine in striptease" and begins the selection of participants in the cities of Ukraine.

Among the list of cities, Kryvyi Rih is the penultimate city, which cannot but please the young dancer. The purposeful artist directs all forces to preparation.

Having successfully passed the qualifying round, "Black Angel" travels to Kiev, setting a goal - by all means to win only the first place.

And so it happens - in the winter of 2004 Varda "Black Angel" becomes the winner of the "Championship of Ukraine in striptease". This is followed by one after another victories in similar competitions.

Varda "Black Angel" becomes the champion of Russia, the CIS and the world in pole dancing. Until today, she has no equal. As Varda herself sneers, claiming that she performs on an iron rope (“rope” is a genre of aerial gymnastics).

She managed to reach incredible heights and prove that striptease is not vulgarity, but art, sports and hard work.

Clearly realizing that she has reached the maximum in this art, Varda decides to move to Kiev and enters the University of Culture and Arts at the faculty of directing. First of all, she finds a vocal teacher in the capital and diligently engages in singing with him.

Working hard in this direction, the artist begins touring with a solo program under the name VARDA.

So the singer Sergey Zverev, the king of glamor, learns about her, and offers the role of the main character in his solo video work "Fashion Man". It is on this shooting that their close acquaintance takes place, and Zverev invites VARDA to record a joint duet for the song "People-Angels".

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