The visibility and location of the planets in June this year. Starry sky in the evening The brightest star in the east at night

In the evening sky, of the planets with the naked eye, only VENUS(m = - 4.3 )* .

VENUS first among the stars appears in the sky after sunset and becomes brighter with the onset of night! Venus has excellent evening visibility in March. On March 25, it will be in the greatest eastern elongation - at the maximum angular distance from the Sun - 46 degrees and the duration of its visibility at the end of the month will be 5 hours! At the beginning of the month, it sets in at half past eleven at night, at the end - at about one in the morning. Moves around the constellation Aries.

At the end of the month (March 27-29), if the sky is clear, in the evening you can admire the brightest luminaries of the night sky: bright Venus and the crescent of the young Moon will be visible above the western horizon, not so far from each other.

* The magnitude (m), which characterizes the brightness, is indicated in parentheses: the brighter the star or planet, the lower the magnitude.


In the south, not high above the horizon, shines the brightest star in our sky - Sirius(-1.4m) from the constellation Big Dog... The constellation Orion is visible above it on the right, it is outlined by bright stars: Betelgeuse * (+ 0.5m)., Bellatrix(+ 1.6m), Saif(+ 2.1m) and Rigel(+ 0.2m). To the left and above Orion is the constellation Gemini, whose bright stars are named after two twin brothers: Castor(+ 1.6m) and Pollux(+ 1.2m).

A bright star is visible below Gemini Procyon(+ 0.4m) from the constellation Little Dog... Procyon, Betelgeuse and Sirius form the "winter triangle". Close to the zenith, a bright Chapel from the constellation Charioteer.

View of the starry sky above the southern horizon on March 15 at 20:30

* - Betelgeuse(+ 0.5m) - astronomers around the world are now closely observing this star - it very rapidly lost its brightness. It is the second brightest star in the constellation Orion and it ranked 10th in apparent brightness among other stars, now Betelgeuse is in 24th place. The brightness of the star began to decrease in October 2019 and at the beginning of February 2020 reached a minimum value of + 1.66m (stellar magnitude). As observations show, in the last days Betelgeuse has ceased to fade and on February 22, its brightness has increased to + 1.52m (the brighter the star, the lower its magnitude, which characterizes the brightness). Such fluctuations in the brightness of the star are most likely associated with its variability.

Betelgeuse is a massive red supergiant and belongs to variable, pulsating stars with a period of 420-430 days. In the past few years, the increased interest in Betelgeuse was also caused by the fact that this star is a supernova candidate, i.e. should explode. It is difficult to predict when this explosion will occur.

Interestingly, Betelgeuse was the first star for which photographs of the disc were obtained. The first photograph was taken by the Hubble Orbiting Telescope in 1995.

This image shows the star Betelgeuse before and after it is darkened.
Observations made with the SPHERE instrument on the ESO's Very Large Telescope
in January and December 2019, show how much the star has gone out and how its apparent shape has changed

Above the eastern horizon, the "spring" constellations rise into the sky: Bootes with bright Arcturus, Veronica's hair, a lion with its bright star Regulus... And above is visible Big Bucket constellations Big Dipper , his "handle" is lowered to the horizon.

View of the starry sky above the eastern horizon on March 15 at 20:30

In the west are leaning towards the horizon of the constellations Pisces, Whale, Pegasus, Andromeda, Aries with bright Venus and the Triangle .

View of the starry sky above the western horizon on March 15 at 20:30

In the north, low above the horizon, bright stars of the summer sky are visible: Deneb from Swan and the very horizon is bright Veg a from Lyre... Above is the constellation Dragon(with its main star Etamin) and Cephei... Above the north point "hangs" Polar constellation star Ursa Minor.

If you see a bright spot above the horizon at dawn, don't panic. This is not a UFO, perhaps it is just Venus.

Planetariums, observatories, forecasters and even police stations can receive a flurry of calls in the coming days and weeks from a strange bright point that dominates the pre-dawn eastern sky. Sunrise comes later and later, and more and more people can see this bright morning object.

But this is just the beginning stage of a picturesque morning appearance, which will continue in September and October. In addition, Venus will be joined by Jupiter for a magnificent morning celestial tango.

Venus made the transition from the evening sky to the morning sky on August 15, appearing 45 minutes before sunrise. By early September, it appears before dawn at approximately 4:50 am local time. Until the end of the month, the planet will appear each time 2.5 minutes earlier than the previous morning. From September 21 to October 26, its rise will be no later than half past four in the morning, and the planet will shine in pitch darkness for more than two hours before the eastern sky begins to brighten.

Throughout the month, Venus will shine more and more, and early passers-by will most likely be surprised by this luminous, diamond-shining object that unexpectedly exploded the pre-dawn scene. By the end of September, Venus will firmly take the place of the forerunner of dawn.

At the same time, for the second time in 2015, Venus and will participate in close conjunction. True, this time they will be separated by more than a degree, and Venus will be to the right and below Jupiter, but it will shine 10 times brighter than the gas giant. So we get two mysterious bright dots for the price of one!

By the end of October, the rise of Venus will begin four hours before the sun, and by the time the star appears, the angle between them will be almost 40 degrees.

Fast passage

Some amateur astronomers may wonder why Venus becomes a dazzling morning object faster than its evening transit, which seems to last for many days, weeks, and sometimes even months.

The difference between this passage and the evening passage depends on the position of Venus relative to. When Venus transitions from the morning sky to the evening sky (called the upper conjunction), it is located on the opposite side of the Sun relative to the Earth.

Being at a distance of 257 million kilometers from the Earth in this case, Venus moves relative to the stars at the lowest speed. Moreover, it moves in the same apparent direction relative to the stars as the Sun - to the east. Therefore, on those days when the planet approaches and moves away from the point of the upper conjunction, it is in the bright light of the Sun.

On the evening pass, Venus moves far enough from the Sun that it can only be glimpsed for a short time low above the western horizon after sunset. After only a few weeks, it climbs high enough to become visible in the evening sky.

But in the morning walkthrough, things are different. On August 15, Venus was at the point of inferior conjunction, which means its passage between the Earth and the Sun. It was only 40 million kilometers from our planet - more than six times closer than overhead conjunction. Therefore, it seems to be moving much faster against the background of the stars. And, most importantly, to an observer from Earth, it seems that Venus and the Sun are moving in opposite directions. While the Sun "waddles" to the east, Venus "flies" to the west, which allows you to literally burst into the morning sky and become a pre-dawn beacon in just a week or two, unlike many weeks in the evening.

And finally, because it is much closer to the Earth, the morning appearance of the planet occurs at the moment of its brightest.

Venus Crescent

The most remarkable phase of Venus can be seen through a telescope right now. Observers with the help of optics can enjoy the wonderful huge crescent moon. You can see the Venus crescent even with 7x50 binoculars. In the coming weeks, it will slowly thicken and shrink as the planet moves away from Earth. At the beginning of November, Venus will resemble a half. Later that month, until the very end of autumn and early winter, the planet will visually transform into a tiny but dazzlingly sparkling convex disk.

Therefore, if you hear about the appearance of a morning UFO in the coming weeks, know - most likely, this is the appearance of Venus!

In July, the moment of confrontation passes a distant dwarf planet Pluto, Mars conjunction with the Sun will take place, and Mercury will reach evening elongation (not visible in middle and northern latitudes). Venus can be found in the morning above the eastern horizon, as well as in the afternoon on a clear, cloudless sky. Jupiter shines in the evening sky in the constellation Virgo. Uranus and Neptune can be found at night in the constellations of Pisces and Aquarius.

moon will approach the indicated planets: on July 1 in the evening with a lunar phase of 0.54 - with Jupiter, on July 7 at night near the full moon - with Saturn, on July 14 in the morning with a lunar phase of 0.79 - with Neptune, on July 17 in the morning with a lunar phase of 0.48 - with Uranus, on July 20 in the afternoon with a lunar phase of 0.13 - with Venus, on July 23 in the afternoon with a new moon - with Mars, on July 25 in the evening with a lunar phase of 0.05 - with Mercury, on July 28 in the evening with a lunar phase of 0.30 - with Jupiter ... For observations, it is better to choose nights when the Moon near full phases does not pass near the observed planet.

The circumstances of visibility are given for the middle latitudes of Russia (about 56 ° N). For cities to the north and south, celestial bodies will be located at the specified time, respectively, slightly lower or higher (for the difference in latitudes) relative to their places in the Bratsk sky. To clarify the local conditions of visibility of the planets - use planetarium programs.

MERCURY moves in the same direction as the Sun in the constellations Gemini, Cancer and Leo. The elongation of Mercury on July 30 reaches a maximum of 27 degrees east of the Sun, but during this period it will be possible to observe Mercury against the background of the evening dawn only from the southern latitudes of Russia, it is not visible in the middle and northern latitudes. The apparent size of Mercury increases from 5 to 7 arc seconds with decreasing brightness from -1.2m to + 0.4m. The phase of Mercury decreases from 0.9 to 0.45. Successful observations of Mercury during periods of visibility require binoculars, an open horizon, and a clear twilight sky.

VENUS moves in the same direction as the Sun along the constellation Taurus. The angular distance (elongation) from the Sun decreases in a month from 43 to 38 degrees. The planet is visible for about 2 o'clock in the twilight morning time on the eastern horizon. The angular dimensions of the planet's disk decrease from 17 to 14 arc seconds. The planet's phase increases from 0.63 to 0.74 with decreasing brightness from -4.3m to -4.1m. Such a bright brilliance and angular distance from the Sun make it possible to observe Venus during the day with the naked eye (provided there is a transparent clear blue sky). A half-disk is visible through the telescope, gradually turning into an oval with a simultaneous decrease in the size of the planet, because the distance between Venus and Earth is increasing.

Venus in the morning sky July 2017

MARS has a direct movement along the constellation Gemini, is not visible for the whole month, because On July 27, the conjunction with the Sun takes place. The planet has a magnitude of + 1.7m and an angular size of about 3 ".

For observations, a telescope with a lens diameter of 60-90 mm is required. The best time for observing details on the disk of Mars is opposition, which occurs every two years. At other times, Mars appears through the telescope as a tiny, reddish disk with no detail. The closest opposition of Mars will take place on July 27, 2018 (Great opposition!).

JUPITER moves in the same direction as the Sun along the constellation Virgo. The gas giant is visible for about 2 hours at the beginning of the month, reducing visibility in the evening sky to 1 hour by the end of the period in question. The angular diameter of the giant planet in the sky decreases from 37 to 34 arc seconds, and the brightness from -1.9m to -1.7m.

Jupiter's position in the evening twilight sky in July 2017

Through binoculars, four bright satellites of the giant are visible - due to their fast orbital motion, they noticeably change their position relative to each other and Jupiter during one night (configurations of Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto can be found in astronomical calendars or in planetarium programs).

In the telescope, stripes are distinguished (northern and southern equatorial stripes), shadows from satellites periodically pass across the planet's disk, as well as the famous huge oval cyclone BKP (Great Red Spot), which makes a full revolution with the planet's atmosphere in 9.5 hours. The current longitude of the BKP can be found at The BKP appears approximately 2 hours before passing through the meridian and disappears after 2 hours (goes behind the disk).

Moments of the passage of the BKP through the central meridian of Jupiter in JULY 2017 (universal time UT)
To get the time for the Bratsk point, you need to add 8 hours to the universal time

Current longitude of BKP 270 °

1 06:58 16:54
2 02:52 12:47 22:43
3 08:37 18:32
4 04:30 14:26
5 00:23 10:19 20:14
6 06:08 16:04
7 02:01 11:57 21:53
8 07:46 17:42
9 03:40 13:35 23:31
10 09:25 19:20
11 05:18 15:14
12 01:11 11:07 21:03
13 06:56 16:52
14 02:49 12:45 22:41
15 08:35 18:30
16 04:28 14:23
17 00:21 10:17 20:12
18 06:06 16:02
19 01:59 11:55 21:51
20 07:44 17:40
21 03:38 13:33 23:29
22 09:23 19:18
23 05:16 15:12

24 01:09 11:05 21:01
25 06:54 16:50
26 02:48 12:43 22:39
27 08:33 18:29
28 04:26 14:22
29 00:20 10:15 20:11
30 06:05 16:00

31 01:58 11:54 21:49

SATURN moves backward along the constellation Ophiuchus. The planet is observed throughout the dark time of the day (on June 15, Saturn passed the moment of its opposition to the Sun) low above the horizon. The angular diameter of Saturn decreases from 18 to 17 seconds of arc at a magnitude of + 0.3m. The best period in 2017 for observations of the ringed planet continues, which will last until August.

In a small telescope, the ring around the planet and the satellite Titan (+ 8m) are clearly visible. The apparent dimensions of the planet's ring are about 40x18 arc seconds. At present, the rings of the planet are open at 26 ° and the north pole of the gas giant is illuminated by the Sun.

Saturn's position in the evening sky in July 2017

URANUS moves in the same direction with the Sun along the constellation of Pisces near * omicron of Pisces. Duration of morning visibility by the end of the month reaches 5 hours. The planet has a brightness of + 5.7m with an angular diameter of 3 ".

During periods of opposition, Uranus can be observed with the naked eye in a clear transparent sky, in the absence of illumination from the moon (near the new moon) and far from city lights. In a 150-mm telescope with a magnification of 80 times and above, you can see the greenish disk ("pea") of the planet. The satellites of Uranus have a brightness fainter than + 13m.

NEPTUNE moves backward along the constellation Aquarius near * lambda (3,7m), moving towards the moment of its opposition on September 5. The planet can be found not high above the horizon, where it is discernible through optical instruments at about 3-6 in the morning. The brightness of the planet is + 7.8m magnitude and is almost indistinguishable from the surrounding stars.

Finding Neptune during periods of visibility will help binoculars or a telescope using star maps and a clear transparent and moonless sky. To view the planet's disk, you need a 200-mm telescope with a magnification of 100 times or more (with a transparent sky). Neptune's moons have a brightness weaker than + 13m.

The path of Neptune among the stars in 2017 (search map)© Blog of Fedor Sharov

PLUTO moves backward against the background of the constellation Sagittarius and is at a distance of 32.347 AU. from the earth. On July 10, the moment of its opposition to the Sun passes. The brightness of the planet is + 14.8m magnitude and does not differ from the surrounding stars.

In March, in the morning sky, you can observe 3 planets visible to the naked eye: JUPITE R (m = -2.1) * , SATURN(m = +0.7) and MARS(m = +1.0). They rise before dawn and are visible close to each other, being in the same constellation - in the constellation Sagittarius, very low above the horizon. At the end of the month, they are joined by MERCURY.

MARS appears above the horizon more than two hours before sunrise. At the beginning of the month, it rises first among these planets - at six in the morning and is seen as a yellowish star before dawn very low above the horizon in the southeast at an altitude of 7 degrees. At the end of the month, it rises at five in the morning.

JUPITER rises two hours before sunrise. At the beginning of the month, it rises half an hour later than Mars; at the end of the month, Jupiter is the first among these planets to appear above the horizon and rises 20 minutes earlier than Mars. Visible in the southeast very low above the horizon as a very bright star.

20 March at 11:23- conjunction of Mars with Jupiter. Mars will be visible 0.7 degrees south of Jupiter.

SATURN rises last. At the beginning of the month, it rises an hour later than Mars; at the end of the month, they appear above the horizon almost simultaneously. Visible below and to the left of bright Jupiter. February 17 moves from the constellation Sagittarius to the constellation Capricorn.

March 31 at 15:59- the conjunction of Mars with Saturn. Mars will be visible 0.9 degrees south of Saturn.

Have MERCURY(m = +0.7) morning visibility, but it rises at dawn and is not visible against the dawn background. On March 24, it is at the maximum angular distance from the Sun - 28 degrees, but it rises 30-40 minutes before sunrise and is also not visible against the background of a bright sky. Moves along the constellation Aquarius.

* The magnitude “m” is indicated in parentheses. In magnitude, the brightness of a planet or star is expressed (the brighter a star or planet, the lower its magnitude).


Constellations visible above the southern horizon Snakes, Ophiuchus, Libra and at the very horizon of the constellation Scorpion and Sagittarius some of which are below the horizon.

Starry sky above the southern horizon on March 15 at 06:30

Above the eastern horizon, summer constellations rise high into the sky: Lyra with bright Vega , Swan with Deneb , Eagle with Altair ... And the smallest constellations in area: Arrow, Delphi n and Small Horse... Autumn constellations rise at the very horizon: Pegasus and Andromeda .

Starry sky above the eastern horizon on March 15 at 06:30

In the west, the spring constellations go beyond the horizon: Leo with Regulus, Virgo with Spica, Small Lion and high above the horizon shines the brightest star of the northern hemisphere - Arcturus from the constellation Bootes ... In the northwest visible Big Bucket constellations Big Dipper .

Starry sky above the western horizon on March 15 at 06:30

In the north, a bright star shines low above the horizon Chapel from the constellation Charioteer... Above the north point "hangs" Polar star of Ursa Minor ... In the northwest visible Big Bucket constellations Big Dipper .

Selected astronomical events of the month (Moscow time):

July 1st and the whole month- the possibility of the appearance of silvery clouds against the background of the twilight segment,
July 1
2 july- Moon (Ф = 0.54+) near Jupiter,
3 July- asteroid (3) Juno in opposition to the Sun (9,7m),
3 July- Earth in aphelion at a distance of 1.01668 AU from the sun,
4th of July- the covering by the Moon (Ф = 0.84+) of the Libra gamma star (3.9m),
5'th of July- Venus passes at 6.5 degrees. south of the Pleiades,
6 july- Moon (Ф = 0.92+) at apogee at a distance of 405,932 km from the center of the Earth,
7 july- The moons of Jupiter Io, Europa and Callisto in the closest approach to the disk of the planet,
7 july- Moon (Ф = 0.96+) near Saturn,
July 8- Moon (Ф = 1.0) at maximum south declination,
July 9- full moon,
10 july- Mercury passes through the Manger star cluster (M44) at an elongation of 19 degrees east of the Sun,
10 july- Mars passes at 5.6 degrees. south of Pollux,
10 july- the long-period variable star V Dog Hounds near the maximum brightness (6m),
July, 12- Moon (Ф = 0.92-) in the descending node of the orbit,
July 13- covering by the Moon (Ф = 0.8-) Neptune with visibility in Antarctica,
the 14 th of July- the long-period variable star R Bootes near the brightness maximum (6m),
the 14 th of July- Venus passes in 3 degrees. north of Aldebaran,
July 16- The moon is in the phase of the last quarter,
July 17th- The moon (Ф = 0.45-) near Uranus,
July 19- covering by the Moon (Ф = 0.16-) of the star Aldebaran during daytime visibility in the east of Russia and in Southeast Asia,
July 20- Moon (Ф = 0.12-) near Venus,
21 July- The moon (Ф = 0.05-) at the perigee of the orbit at a distance of 361240 km from the center of the Earth,
21 July- Moon (Ф = 0.04-) in the maximum declination to the north,
21 July- long-period variable stars R Cancer, R Virgo and U Hercules near the brightness maximum (6m),
July 23- new moon,
July 23- Moon (Ф = 0.01+) near Mars,
July 23- long-period variable star RV Sagittarius near the brightness maximum (6.5m),
July 25- Moon (Ф = 0.03+) in the ascending node of the orbit,
July 25- Coverage by the Moon (Ф = 0.06+) of the Regulus star with visibility in Indonesia and daytime visibility in Africa,
July 25- covering by the Moon (Ф = 0.06+) of Mercury with visibility in Kamchatka and daytime visibility in Russia and the CIS,
26 July- Mercury passes a degree south of Regulus,
July 27- Mars conjunct the Sun,
July 28th- Moon (Ф = 0.33+) near Jupiter,
July 28th- coverage by the Moon (Ф = 0.3+) of the Virgo gamma star (2.8m) with visibility in the Far East,
July 28th- Mercury reaches phase 0.5 (dichotomy),
July 30- Mercury in the maximum eastern (evening) elongation of 27 degrees,
July 30- The moon is in the phase of the first quarter,
July 30- the maximum effect of the Southern Delta Aquarids meteor shower (ZHR = 25),
31 july- Mercury near the asteroid (4) Vesta (6 degrees south).

The sun with a minimum apparent diameter, it moves along the constellation Gemini until July 20, and then moves into the constellation Cancer and remains in it until the end of the month. The declination of the daylight gradually decreases, as does the length of the day, which varies from 17 hours 29 minutes at the beginning of the month to 16 hours 05 minutes by its end. These data are valid for the latitude of Moscow, where the midday height of the Sun will decrease from 57 to 52 degrees during the month. Evening astronomical twilight merges with the morning until July 22, so for mid-latitudes the deep starry sky will open only by the end of July. For observations of the Sun, July is one of the most favorable periods of the year. Observations of spots and other formations on the surface of a daylight can be carried out through a telescope or binoculars and even with the naked eye (if the spots are large enough). But it must be remembered that a visual study of the Sun through a telescope or other optical instruments must be carried out (!!) with the use of a solar filter (recommendations for observing the Sun are available in the journal "Sky" http: // astronet. Ru / db / msg / 1222232) ...

moon will start moving across the July sky in the constellation Virgo near Jupiter near the phase of the first quarter. The next day, the lunar oval will pass north of Spica (Ф = 0.61+) and rush to the constellation Libra, which it will enter on July 3 at a phase of 0.71+, and the next day it will cover the star gamma Libra at a phase of 0.84+. On July 5, the bright moon will visit the constellation Scorpio. Having passed on the same day to the constellation Ophiuchus, the Moon on July 6 will pass the apogee of its orbit, observing low above the horizon all the short night. In this constellation, the Moon will be near Saturn, passing into the constellation Sagittarius (Ф = 0.97+) on July 7, making a path along it, which will last until July 10. In the constellation Sagittarius, the night star will take on the full moon phases on July 9. On July 10, the full moon will move into the constellation Capricorn and will stay here until July 12, when it enters the constellation Aquarius at a phase of 0.9-. Here the Moon on July 13 will cover Neptune at a phase of 0.8 - with visibility in Antarctica. The night star will cross the border of the constellation Pisces on July 14 at a phase of 0.71-, and on July 15 and 17 it will visit the constellation Cetus. Decreasing the phase, the lunar oval on July 15 and 16 will again visit the constellation Pisces, taking the phase of the last quarter and passing south of Uranus (Ф = 0.45-) on July 17. Having entered the constellation Aries for a short time on July 18, the Moon will move to the Taurus constellation (Ф = 0.29-), where on July 19, the next moon will cover the stars of the Hyades and Aldebaran clusters with daytime visibility in eastern Russia and Southeast Asia. On July 21, the crescent moon will visit the constellation Orion (near Venus) at a phase of about 0.1 and, passing on the same day to the constellation Gemini, will stay here until July 23, being near the maximum declination. On the same day, the Moon will move to the constellation Cancer and take the new moon phase here (being near the perigee of its orbit). In the evening sky, the Moon will appear already in the constellation Leo, where it will move on July 24. Low above the western horizon, the thin month of July 25 will cover Regulus and Mercury. From these coatings in Russia, the cover of Mercury will be visible in the daytime sky (in the evening sky - in Kamchatka). Having traveled along the constellation Leo, the growing sickle on July 27, with a phase of 0.17+, will move to the constellation Virgo. On July 28, the Moon (Ф = 0.33+) will pass north of Jupiter, covering the gamma Virgo star on the same day (Ф = 0.3+) with visibility in the Far East. On July 29, the growing sickle will pass north of Spica, and on July 30, with a phase of 0.49+, it will move to the constellation Libra and take the first quarter phase here. The Moon will finish its journey across the July sky at a phase of 0.63+ near the Libra gamma star, which it will cover in August.

Large planets of the solar system.

Mercury moves in the same direction with the Sun along the constellation Gemini until July 4, along the constellation Cancer until July 16, then moving to the constellation Leo and staying in it until the end of the month. The planet is observed near the western horizon against the background of the evening dawn, but only in the southern latitudes of the country. This evening visibility is unfavorable in the middle, and even more so in the northern latitudes of the country due to the polar day and white nights. The angular distance from the Sun at the beginning of the month is 12 degrees to the east, and by the end of the month it increases to 27 degrees, reaching maximum elongation. The apparent diameter of the fast planet gradually increases from 5 to 7.5 arc seconds with decreasing brightness from -1m to + 0.3m. The phase increases from 0.9 to 0.5, i.e. When viewed through a telescope, Mercury is an oval that gradually turns into a half-disk. In May 2016, Mercury passed across the Sun's disk, and the next passage will take place on November 11, 2019.

Venus moves in the same direction with the Sun along the constellation Taurus, where it will spend the entire described period. The Morning Star gradually decreases the angular distance to the west of the Sun from 44 to 39 degrees. The planet is visible in the morning sky low above the eastern horizon. The high brightness allows one to observe Venus during the day. The oval of the planet is visible through the telescope. The apparent diameter of Venus decreases in a month from 18.5 "to 14.8", and the phase increases from 0.62 to 0.74 at a magnitude of about -4.1m.

Mars moves in the same direction as the Sun along the constellation Gemini. The planet is hiding in the rays of the setting Sun, and on July 27, a conjunction with the Sun takes place. The brightness of the planet is + 1.7m, and the apparent diameter is 3.5 ”. Mars is gradually moving away from Earth, and the next opportunity to see the planet close to opposition will appear in 2018. During periods of confrontation, parts can be visually observed in a tool with a lens diameter of 60 mm, and, in addition, photographically with subsequent processing on a computer.

Jupiter moves in the same direction as the Sun along the constellation Virgo. The gas giant is observed in the evening and night skies to the right of the bright star Spica. The angular diameter of the largest planet in the solar system decreases in a month from 37.4 "to 34.4" with a magnitude of about -2m. The planet's disk is discernible even with binoculars, and with a small telescope, stripes and other details are visible on the surface. Four large satellites are already visible through binoculars, and in a telescope, in good visibility conditions, one can observe the shadows from the satellites on the planet's disk. Information about the configurations of satellites - in this CN.

Saturn moves backward along the constellation Ophiuchus. The ringed planet can be observed at night over the southern horizon. The brightness of the planet is from with an apparent diameter of about 18 ”. With a small telescope, you can see the ring and the moon Titan, as well as some of the other brightest satellites. The apparent dimensions of the planet's ring are on average 40x16 ”with an inclination of 27 degrees to the observer.

Uranus(5.9m, 3.4 ".) Moves in the same direction with the Sun along the constellation Pisces (near the star omicron Psc with a magnitude of 4.2m). The planet is visible in the night and morning sky. Uranus, rotating "on its side", is easily detected with binoculars and a search map in the Astronomical Calendar for 2017, and a telescope from 80 mm in diameter with a magnification of more than 80 times and a transparent sky will help to see the disc of Uranus. With the naked eye, the planet can be seen during the periods of new moons in a dark clear sky, but such an opportunity will present itself at the end of summer. The moons of Uranus have a brightness fainter than 13m.

Neptune(7.9m, 2.4 ”) is moving backward along the constellation Aquarius near the lambda star Aqr (3.7m). The planet is visible in the night and morning sky. To search for the planet, you will need binoculars and star maps in the Astronomical Calendar for 2017, and the disk is distinguishable in a telescope from 100 mm in diameter with a magnification of more than 100 times (with a clear sky). Photographically, Neptune can be captured with the simplest camera with a shutter speed of 10 seconds or more. Neptune's moons have a brightness weaker than 13m.

Of comets visible in July from the territory of our country, the calculated brightness of about 12 tons and brighter will have at least three comets: Johnson (C / 2015 V2), PANSTARRS (C / 2015 ER61) and P / Clark (7IP). Comet Johnson (C / 2015 V2) moves through the constellations Virgo and Hydra. The comet's brightness is about 7 tons. The heavenly wanderer PANSTARRS (С / 2015 ER61) moves along the constellation Aries, having a magnitude of about 9 tons. Comet P / Clark (7IP) is moving towards the constellation Scorpio. Details of other comets of the month (with maps and light predictions) are available at html and observation results at

Among the asteroids the brightest in July will be Vesta (8.1m) (Ceres is not visible). Vesta moves along the constellation Leo. In total, in July, the brightness of Utah will exceed nine asteroids. Path maps of these and other asteroids (comets) are given in the appendix to the KN (file mapkn072017.pdf). For information on the coverage of stars by asteroids see

Of relatively bright long-period variable stars(observed from the territory of Russia and the CIS) the brightness maximum this month (according to the calendar-memo by Fedor Sharov, source - AAVSO) reached: S Ursa Minor 8.4m - July 5, U Microscope 8.8m - July 5, R Aries 8 , 2t - July 5, X. July 14, RR Ophiuchus 8.9t - July 14, S Dolphin 8.8t - July 16, W Pegasus 8.2t - July 17, R Cancer 6.8t - July 21, R Virgo 6.9t - July 21, U Hercules 7.5t - July 21, RV Sagittarius 7.8t - July 23, V Unicorn 7.0t - July 24, U Virgo 8.2t - July 25, S Aquarius 8.3t - July 25, R Cutter 7.9t - 27 July, X Charioteer 8.6t - July 28. More information at

Clear sky and successful observations!

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