The man who defeated everyone! Michael Phelps. History of success. Michael Phelps - amphibian Phelps personal life

Immediately after the Olympics, the coolest swimmer in history bought a mansion in Scottsdale for $ 2.5 million. At the same time, Phelps sold his house in Baltimore, where he lived before, for 960 thousand dollars.

Why did Michael leave Washington for Arizona? The fact is that he was preparing for Rio at a local university, and is also going to coach a student team here. Plus, the climate is always warm, and it's closer to fly to Las Vegas, where Phelps loved to have fun until he became a family man.

Michael's new home isn't all that big when compared to other celebrities - just 600 squares with five bedrooms. And, of course, there is a swimming pool in the courtyard, if you wish, you can prepare for the Tokyo Olympics in it.

In the spotlight

Phelps is the most talked about athlete in the Olympics. Twitter users have dedicated 187 million tweets to him, during the Rio Olympics alone. Phelps was even more talked about than runner Usain Bolt and footballer Neymar. Apparently, then, Bolt and Neymar won four gold medals in Rio de Janeiro, and Phelps won five!

Phelps and Boomer

Phelps started a family with model Nicole Johnson - Miss California 2010. Actually, in 2010, Michael met the beauty, and last year he proposed to her. Johnson agreed and summarized on the social network: "I will become Mrs. Phelps."

On May 5, 2016, Michael became a father, about which he informed the world through Facebook: “Boomer Robert Phelps, welcome to this world! Healthy and happy baby. Best feeling ever! "

Phelps quote

Is it true that you eat 30 thousand calories a day? Tell us about your diet during the Olympics.

I think my son Boomer eats more than me. My little son has a good appetite. I'm used to eating when I want to. And as much as I want. As a child, I ate about 10 thousand calories a day. But I'm already 31 years old. And, if a man at my age is so lean on food, his belly will grow very quickly.

Phelps and father

The full name of our hero is Michael Fred Phelps II. And the first Michael Fred Phelps - his father, who played American football in his youth, then became a patrol policeman, and now retired. Phelps Sr.was married to Deborah, the principal of a high school. Two daughters were born, then son Michael. But his father left the family in 1994, and Debbie raised the children alone.

For swimmer Michael Phelps, this was a trauma. He never forgave his father.

Phelps and disease

Michael has been swimming since the age of seven. He was taken to the pool by his older sister so that the boy could find a way out of his energy: as a child, young Phelps was diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), otherwise a hyperkinetic disorder.

The symptoms are: impulsivity, forgetfulness, a constant feeling of impending disaster.

This is why Phelps wins so often. He's just really afraid of losing. The hyperactive child was well shown by Mike Myers in a scene with Nicole Kidman. That was how Phelps was. They must have put him on a collar too.

Phelps and Anthropometry

We can say for a long time that Michael trains a lot, that he is a real sports fanatic. Someone will talk about doping, although not caught - not a thief. Phelps was only caught out-of-competition smoking marijuana once, for which he received a three-month suspension.

The fact is, Phelps is perfect for swimming. This is Ichthyander. Dolphin man. Michael has a 47 foot size, disproportionately short legs and a long torso compared to the average person. The span of the arms is 203 cm, which is 10 cm more than his height.

“I don’t understand how a guy of such height began to swim as a dolphin,” the Olympic champion Denis Pankratov wonders twice. - In our time, the butterfly was a delicate style, like the breaststroke. It was impossible to come up and hack backhand, taking the medal. Dolphinists used to be no higher than 180 cm, strong in the shoulders, with a large chest. The stereotype is a small stocky person.

Phelps's height is 193 cm. I don't understand how such a sleeper can float with a butterfly. He has a completely different technique. This is a new generation athlete. What Phelps is doing is knocking the ground out from under my feet. I don't even think how he does it. I just get an aesthetic pleasure watching the stopwatch.

The fastest swimmer, the most titled athlete of the Olympic Games, the greatest athlete of all time. And all this is one person - the American Michael Phelps. At the moment, he has 28 Olympic awards (an absolute record) in his piggy bank, of which 23 gold and 37 world records, of which 7 have not yet been broken. If on land, then on water it is definitely Phelps.

Who is he - the fastest swimmer

Michael Phelps was born in 1985 in Baltimore. He started swimming at the age of 7. This was facilitated by his unusual build. Disproportionately short legs and elongated torso, long arms, large foot size - the perfect combination for swimmers. In the photo of Phelps in full growth, you can appreciate the structure of his body.

As a child, at the age of 10, Michael Phelps set a national record for his age group. At the age of 15, he competed in the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Thus, he became the youngest Olympic swimmer in the past 68 years. Phelps did not make it to the top three at that Olympics and took 5th place. It took him 0.33 seconds to reach 3rd place.

But the very next year, at the World Championships, he sets a world record at a distance of 200 meters in butterfly style.

At the age of 15 years and 9 months, Phelps becomes the youngest athlete to set a world swimming record.

The next 4 Olympiads brought Michael Phelps 23 gold, 3 silver and 2 bronze medals. The Olympic Games in Beijing in 2008 were especially successful for him. Phelps won at all distances at which he started, which allowed him to win 8 gold medals at once.

After completing the games in Rio de Janeiro 2016, he announced his retirement.

Interesting Facts About Michael Phelps:

  • has the nicknames "Baltimore Bullet" and "Flying Fish";
  • height 193 cm, weight 88 kg;
  • the daily intake of food contains 10,000 Kcal, the so-called. "Phelps' diet";
  • 9 times named the best swimmer of the year in the USA and 7 times in the world;
  • absolute leader in swimming records;
  • all his world and Olympic records were set before 2008;
  • in 2012 at the London Olympics broke the record for the number of all medals (22) in all sports held for 48 years and owned by our gymnast Larisa Latynina (18 medals);
  • if Phelps had played for himself as a separate country at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, he would have taken 10th place in the official standings, thus beating 177 participating countries;
  • has 47 foot size, arm span 203 cm, which is 10 cm more than his own height.

Phelps's incredible and rare size for an ordinary person is practically the norm for top swimmers. Five-time Olympic champion Jan Thorpe, with a height of 196 cm, could boast a similar parameter of the lower limbs. Our famous Olympian Alexander Popov, who dominated swimming in the mid-90s, was over 2 meters tall and wore size 48 shoes.

Baltimore Bullet and Other Olympic Champions

Reading about Phelps's achievements, people far from sports will not quite understand how cool he is. Well, yes, there are many medals, many records, but he is not the only one who shows outstanding results in sports. There are many great athletes in the world who have also set and are setting records.

If an athlete wins Olympic gold, then in his country he is already a hero. If 2 gold - twice a hero. Well, if 3, then he is incredibly cool and is one of the world's elite.

In the entire recent history of the Olympic Games, we have 333 athletes who have won Olympic gold 3 times each.

  • 4-time Olympic champions there are already only 152 athletes;
  • 5 athletes have 7 gold pieces each;
  • 8 gold for 7 athletes;
  • 9 gold medals were won by only 5 Olympians.

How much does Phelps make

As the most titled athlete who has set many world and Olympic records, the Baltimore Bullet cannot boast of the same outstanding income. We can say they are quite modest for an athlete of this level. Swimming itself is not the most profitable sport. In America, the Swimming Federation pays top 16 athletes a scholarship of $ 3,000. And of course the prize money, from $ 3 to $ 75,000.

And the swimmers' expenses are also not small. Although at first glance, what they need: swimming trunks, a hat, glasses and a pool. In fact, not everything is so simple. Let's only admit the pool where Michael trains, the annual spending is $ 30 thousand. Also world starts throughout the year around the world. This is about 20-30 thousand more. And more on the little things. As a result, about 100 thousand dollars are accumulated annually.

In terms of income, Phelps is not even in the top 100 most paid athletes in the world, led by Floyd Mayweather with $ 300 million in revenue.

During the last Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, the swimmer received only 140 thousand dollars for 5 gold and 1 silver from the US Olympic Committee. In addition, from the swimming federation another 75 thousand for each gold.

For the Olympics in RIO-2016, the athlete earned about half a million dollars in prize money

But this is not Michael's main income. The lion's share of the money comes from advertising contracts. And not only from manufacturers of sports equipment. In some years, Phelps had up to 11 advertising contracts at the same time, such companies as: Visa, Procter & Gamble, Sabway, Mazda, the Hilton hotel chain, Swiss watches Omega and many others.

All this made it possible to earn about 5-7 million dollars annually.

Phelps has made $ 6.3 million over the past year. His fortune is estimated at $ 45 million.

In 2008, some of the sponsors did not renew their contracts due to the scandal, when a photo of Phelps smoking marijuana was published on the network. According to agent Michael - the loss from this amounted to about $ 100 million in lost income in the future.

Legendary American swimmer Michael Phelps became the 23-time Olympic champion, winning the 4 x 100 medley relay on 13 August.

This award became his fifth “gold” at the Rio Olympics, writes CNN.

The only swim in Brazil where Phelps came second was won by his fan, who just 8 years ago just dreamed of being next to his idol.

In 2008, a boy from Singapore on vacation with his parents at a hotel bumped into Michael Phelps, asked to be photographed with him and said that he wanted to be like him. Phelps was then already a world star and an unattainable winner of Olympic swimming records. He advised the guy to train a lot - and everything will work out.

Michael Phelps and Joseph Skooling in 2008.
Photo: Facebook

An enthusiastic schoolboy named Joseph Skooling began to train intensively, in 2016 he set a new world record and took the first Olympic gold in the history of Singapore, ahead of his idol - at that time 22-time Olympic champion Michael Phelps, and leaving him with the silver ...

Michael Phelps and Joseph Skooling in 2016.
Photo: Facebook

They were both shocked by the result.

Joseph Skooling called his victory "madness."

“I just wanted to be close to him and be happy. I will remember this all my life, ”admitted the Singaporean athlete.

“Nobody likes to lose. But I'm proud of Joseph, ”Phelps commented on his second place.

There is another story that proves that everything Phelps touches turns to gold.

In 2006, a 9-year-old girl named Katie Ledecky got the autograph of her idol Michael Phelps, who most likely advised her to train and go hard towards her goal.

Phelps signs Ledecki's autograph.
Photo: Facebook

And already in 2016, Katie Ledecky wins 4 gold medals and sets three world records.

Katie Ledecky won gold.
Photo: Facebook

For young athletes, this is just the beginning, for Phelps, according to him, the Rio Olympics is a farewell chord, which he succeeded as well as possible. Firstly, he broke the ancient record, which was held for more than 2000 years.

The fact is that out of 23 Phelps gold medals, 13 were received in single heats, which allowed the American swimmer to break the record of the ancient athlete Leonidas from Rhodes, who won 12 individual awards.

At 36, Leonidas won his last 3 medals in 152 BC. Phelps surpassed Leonidas by winning his 13th individual gold at age 31.

In addition, Phelps won 5 gold medals in one Games, which is also a record.

The only “minus” of his achievements is that if Phelps had the desire to show off and put on all his gold medals at the same time, it could be dangerous to his health, writes the Wall Street Journal.

At different Olympics, gold medals are weighed differently. The Brazilian awards in Phelps's piggy bank are the heaviest, each medal weighing about 500 grams.

All 23 athlete gold medals weigh about 6.6 kg, that is, if you hang them around your neck, it will feel about the same as the average bowling ball.

And if you add to this 3 more silver and 2 bronze awards of the swimmer, it will be very difficult.

Here is a selection of interesting facts about the American legend, compiled by the publication BuzzFeed.

  1. Phelps started swimming at age 7.
  2. The first swimming style he mastered was backstroke because he was afraid to put his head in the water.
  3. He set his first record at the age of 10 on 100 meters butterfly in his age group.
  4. In 2000, he became the youngest American swimmer to compete in the Olympics in nearly 70 years, at just 15.
  5. Phelps's arm span (203 cm) exceeds the height of a swimmer (193 cm).
  6. He has a 14th foot size (47 by European standards) - 30.2 cm, which also helps him in swimming.
  7. He became the youngest swimmer to break the world record when he was 15 years old.
  8. At the age of 27, he became the athlete with the largest number of Olympic awards.
  9. He still holds the record for 12 different swimming styles and age groups in the United States.
  10. He is in the top 5 richest Olympic athletes.

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Processing . . .

Date of birth: June 30, 1985
Place of birth: Baltimore (USA)
Place of residence:
Height: 1.93 m
Weight: 88 kg
Specialization: 100, 200 m butterfly, 200 and 400 m / p, 100, 200, 400 m sun, 100 and 200 m spin
Athletic Club: North Baltimore AC, formerly Wolverine
Coach (s): Bob Bowman

Sports achivments:

Olympic Games 2000 Sydney 5th place 200m butterfly
Fukuoka World Cup gold 200m butterfly
World Cup 2003 Barcelona gold 200 m butterfly, 200 and 400 m / s and in the combined relay 4x100 m, silver 100 m butterfly and 4x200 m relay
European Championship 2004 (short course) Vienna
2004 World Cup (short course) Indianapolis Gold 200m butterfly
Olympic Games 2004 Athens gold 100 m butterfly, 200 m butterfly, 200 m / n, in relay 4x200 m sun and 4x100 complex, bronze for 200 m sun and in relay 4x100 m sun
World Cup 2005 Montreal gold 200 m sun, 200 m short and relay races 4x100 m sun, 4x200 m sun, combined 4x100 m, silver 100 m butterfly
2006 World Cup (short course) Shanghai
2007 World Cup Melbourne gold 200 m sun, 100 and 200 m butterfly, 200 and 400 m c / p and relay races 4x100 m sun, 4x200 m sun
2008 World Cup (short course) Manchester
Olympic Games 2008 Beijing gold 400 m / s, 200 m butterfly, 200 m sun, 200 m / s, 100 m butterfly, as well as in relay races 4x100 m sun, combined 4x100 m and 4x200 meters sun
European Championship 2008 (short course) Rijeka

Additional Information:

Multiple world champion and record holder, 14-time Olympic champion !!! The best swimmer of all time.

Swimming idol: Pablo Morales
Nickname: Baltimore Bullet
Favorite quote: Actions say more than words
Favorite music: The Fray, rap
Favorite character: Michael Jordan and mom
Favorite book: Taking Down the House

His father, Fred Phelps, was a police officer; his mother, Debbie Phelps, was a teacher. In 1994, his parents divorced, and the children began to live with their mother, with whom Michael still has a very close relationship. Michael started swimming at the age of 7 when his two older sisters, Whitney (born 1978) and Hilary (born 1980), were accepted into the local swimming team. Until the age of 12, he played baseball and American football in parallel. As a child, little Phelps had serious health problems (distracted attention syndrome, a type of autism), due to which the boy suffered greatly. He could not concentrate, constantly bumped into everything around him, overturned the objects around him, causing laughter of his peers and overgrowing with more and more complexes, but swimming helped him to eradicate his ailment (although some disagree with this, since it is believed that this disease is chronic, but medications and therapy can only partially relieve symptoms).

Michael met his coach, Bob Bowman, while training at the Swimming Club in North Baltimore. Bob immediately recognized Michael's potential and became his coach, who trains him now. At the age of 15, Michael Phelps became the youngest participant in the Olympic Games in the history of American swimming. He participated with the American national team in the Sydney Olympics (2000), although he came there only fifth. In the spring of 2001, Phelps set the 200m butterfly world record and became the youngest swimmer in history to set a world record. He was then 15 years and 9 months old. He later broke his record at the 2001 World Swimming Championships with 1:54:58, earning his first international medal.

Phelps became a celebrity after the 2004 Athens Olympics, where he earned 8 medals (of which 6 were gold). So he repeated the record of the Russian gymnast Alexander Dityatin for the total number of medals received in one Olympics, set by Dityatin in 1980. In 2004, Bob Bowman was transferred to Michigan, and Michael went with him. He entered the University of Michigan's Sports Marketing and Management Department while continuing to train with his coach.

Having won 8 gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympics (in addition to 6 gold medals won at the 2004 Athens Olympics), Phelps became the most titled athlete in all sports, in addition, he broke Mark Spitz's record for the number of gold medals won in one Olympics. For this achievement, he received $ 1 million from his sponsor, Speedo. True, the record could not have taken place, at a distance of 100 m the butterfly photo-finish showed that Milorad Chavic first touched the rim, however, Omega (also sponsor of Phelps) explained that in swimming the photo-finish is not used to determine the winner and the main thing is to put a pressure exceeding 3 kg on the sensor. what Phelps did first.

Outside the pool, Phelps leads the same life as everyone else. He loves to play golf and Halo 3 on the computer, watch TV, listen to hip-hop, and eat popcorn. He spends his free time with his friends and the English Bulldog Herman.

At the beginning of 2009, he was convicted of smoking mariahuana, and was disqualified for 3 months.

Phelps's personal life is a mystery. When Michael became an honorary judge of the Miss America 2005 pageant, he was credited with romantic relationships with almost every participant he smiled at, but these stories had no continuation. Now the Internet is flooded with gossip about Michael's non-traditional sexual orientation, but these guesses have not been confirmed either. He is still not married, although he claims that he really wants to find his one and only (apparently with the number of fans who surround him - this is really very difficult to do).

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