Thomas Anders: “It pissed me off when they talked about our sexual orientation. Thomas Anders: biography and personal life Thomas Anders personal life of his wife

Thomas Anders was born on March 1, 1963 in the small German town of Münstermeifeld, where just under 3,500 people now live. The future musician was born in the family of Peter Weidung, who was a financier by education. Mother was in business. She maintained a cafe and a small shop.

At birth, the future singer received the name Berndhart Weidung, and from the age of 7 he began his studies at music schools in his small town. He took an active part in the school's music competitions, quickly mastered playing the piano and guitar.

Musician career

In 1979, Bernd became a participant in the Radio Luxembourg competition, and a year later he made his debut with the single "Judy", taking on the recommendation the musical pseudonym Thomas Anders.

Thomas was invited to the Michael Schanz music show, and in 1983 he met with Dieter Bohlen. A year later, Anders and Schanz formed the group "Modern Talking", where Thomas became the lead singer.

Modern Talking group and its popularity

“You’re My Heart, You’re My Soul” is the band's first single that quickly became popular. 40 million copies of discs with their music were sold per day, and the song itself took the place of popular compositions for about six months. “You’re My Heart, You’re My Soul” is featured on the debut album, The First Album.

Colleagues have found fans. The lead singer of the group Thomas Anders, thanks to his high growth and physique, became a real sex symbol for his fans of that time.

In 1987, a three-year contract came to an end, and the group disbanded. The soloists began to pursue solo careers, but neither one nor the other could repeat the success. In 1998, the group began to exist again. After the reunion, the album "Back For Good" was released. The group received the award as "Best Selling German Group".

For a change, rapper Eric Singleton was invited to the group, but the audience began to resent due to the replenishment. In 2003, the group ended its existence.

Personal life

The soloist married the aristocrat Eleanor Balling in 1984, who strongly influenced her husband's creative process. The relationship lasted a long time - 14 years, until in 1994 the couple broke up. They divorced in 1998.

In 1996, Thomas met Claudia Hess, whom he married in 2000. The girl was simple and easy, which immediately pleased the artist. After the wedding, they had a son, Alexander Mick Weidung. Now Thomas Anders is happy to share with his fans his joint photos with his family and wife, in particular, and considers himself a happy person.

Thomas Anders (swarmed 03/01/1963) - German singer and composer, actor. In addition to his solo career, he is known as a member of the famous duet "Modern Talking".


Born in the small German town of Münstermeifeld under the name Bernd Weidung. His father was in charge of the city government and dreamed of a son's career in the construction industry. Bernd himself loved music from an early age, sang in the children's church choir. For many years he attended a music school, where he learned to play the piano, independently mastered the guitar.

After leaving school, the young man went to Mainz, where he studied musicology and literature. At the same time, he continued to make music, always had good taste, and wore stylish clothes. In 1979 he won the Radio Luxembourg competition, after which he recorded his first song "Judy". It was then that Bernd was advised to take a pseudonym, under which he later became famous.

In 1980, Thomas Anders embarked on a two-week tour of Germany. A year later, he was invited to the popular TV show M. Shants. In 1983, in Hamburg, he met and began to collaborate with Dieter Bohlen, a talented producer and composer. Together they recorded several songs, one of which became quite popular, taking the sixteenth place in the German chart.

Thomas at Modern Talking

In 1984, the musicians decided to create a group called "Modern Talking" and perform songs in English. Their first single in a new capacity was “You’re my heart, you’re my soul”. The song brought Thomas and Dieter immense popularity and stayed at the top of the European charts for six months.

T. Anders and D. Bohlen at the peak of popularity in the 80s

The band existed until 1987, acquired an army of fans and released 6 albums. The group "Modern Talking" was among the most popular musical groups in the world. But with the end of the contract, the duo broke up, as none of the members wanted to continue working together due to multiple disagreements.

In 1998, there was an unexpected revival of the band, which released a disc with old and new songs. The return turned out to be a triumphant one, records were sold in large quantities. The second period of "Modern Talking" lasted five years, during which time six more albums were released. In 2003, Thomas and Dieter finally stop working together. After a farewell concert in June, each of them again returns to solo work.

Solo career

After the first breakup of the group, the musicians took up solo careers. In 1989 Thomas' first album “Different” was released, in the promotion of which he was helped by the famous producer G. Dudgeon, who worked with many famous performers. A year later, Anders opens a music publishing house. In May 1991, the second disc, "Whispers", was released in several countries at once. After that, the singer leaves for the USA, where he works on the next album "Down on Sunset". The next two years in Anders's career are considered a period of "easy" creativity. The songs of this time have an average tempo, are recorded with "live" musical accompaniment, and the lyrics have a life-affirming meaning. At the same time, Thomas writes some songs himself.

In 1993, the singer starred in the film Stockholm Marathon and wrote the title soundtrack for it. He also releases his fourth disc. Having great popularity in Latin America, Anders recorded his next album “Barcos de cristal” in 1994 in Spanish. In collaboration with the American producer P. Wolff, he also released a new disc "Souled". The release of the album is accompanied by a change in the image and musical style of the singer, now he wears a short haircut and dresses in black. Due to the hard work during the recording of the disc, Thomas undermines his health and takes a break for some time to recover. In 1997 he released his jazz album in a limited edition, played a role and sang for the German motion picture "Phantom Pain".

T. Anders in Moscow, 2004

After finally leaving Modern Talking, Anders continued to work as a solo artist. In 2003 he gave his first concerts in the USA. Also a big concert took place in Moscow together with the "Scorpions" collective. In 2004, Anders' most successful album "This time" was released, after which he made a big tour, continued concerts in American cities. In 2006, Thomas released an album in which, in addition to new compositions, there were previously popular songs in a new arrangement. For the recording of "Songs forever" the singer invited the Warsaw Orchestra, as he had long wanted to record a disc with symphonic accompaniment.

The next disc, "Strong", released in 2010, was aimed at Russian listeners. The album received platinum status twice, it was recorded in collaboration with a Russian team, the author of all the songs was S. Revtov. The singer also gave concerts in twenty cities of Russia in support of the album. In 2011, as a duet with U. Farenkrog, he recorded the disc “Two”, this collaboration was widely regarded as a new “Modern Talking”. Thomas also writes and publishes an autobiography.

The new 2012 album turned out to be not very popular. In the following years, the singer limited himself to the release of individual singles, and also recorded songs together with other famous performers. The next album, called "History", was released in 2016. It includes some old hits in a new performance, as well as two completely new compositions. The song "Lunatic" became a hit. Thomas continues his active creative activity, works on the next album, regularly gives concerts.

Thomas Anders with his wife and son

Personal life

Thomas married twice. The first wife was Nora Balling, who worked as backing vocals in Modern Talking. The couple got married in 1984. Throughout their life together, Nora, who had a strong character, sought to dominate her husband in everything, dictated her conditions to him and controlled his behavior on stage. In 1992, Thomas's wife announced her new romance, after which the family broke up.

The singer was rather hard going through the divorce, the translator Claudia Hess, whom he met in 1996 in an ordinary cafe, helped him get out of the depression. On Christmas Eve 1999, they got engaged and the wedding took place in Stromburg in the summer. In 2002, the couple had a son, Alexander.

Born into the family of a finance specialist and owner of a small cafe with a shop on the outskirts of Koblenz. He also has an older brother Achim and a younger sister Tanya-Katrin.


Profession: singer, composer
Date of Birth: March 1, 1963
Height and weight: 172 cm. 74 kg.
Place of Birth: Munstermeifeld, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Best works: When Will I See You Again
Awards: World Music Awards
Social network: Facebook , Twitter

From early childhood, Bernd gravitated towards singing, which he often did, entertaining customers in his mother's store. Over time, he independently mastered playing the guitar and comprehended the science of playing the piano. From the age of seven he sang in the school choir and the church boys' choir, and also took part in local concerts.

As a teenager, he repeatedly took part in various festivals and competitions. In 1979, he won a competition held by Radio Luxembourg, after which he signed his first contract with the CBS recording studio and took on the pseudonym Thomas Anders.

In 1980, at the age of 17, he released his first single, Judy, after which he and other artists took part in a 15-day tour of Germany. In 1981, Thomas made his television debut in the Michael Schanze Show.

After graduating from high school in 1982, he entered the University of Mainz, where he studied Germanic philology, journalism and musicology. In parallel with his studies at the university, Anders sang in clubs and recorded his songs. A year later, he was lucky enough to meet the producer and composer Dieter Bohlen, who wrote several songs for Thomas: Wovon träumst du denn, Heißkalter Engel and others.

In 1984, Dieter composed the song You’re my heart, you’re my soul, which the musicians performed in a duet called Modern Talking. Success came to the guys after the premiere of the video for this composition in the popular TV show "Formula 1." The new hit became the absolute bestseller in Europe.

The next hits You Can Win If You Want, Cheri Cheri Lady and others soon followed. In 1985, their debut album The First Album was released, which was also expected to be wildly popular, as well as the musicians themselves, who became the symbol of the 1980s.

In total, from 1985 to 1987, the group released six albums: The First Album, Let's Talk About Love, Ready for Romance, In the Middle of Nowhere, Romantic Warriors and In the Garden of Venus, and in 1987 the successful duo disbanded and Anders began solo career.

From 1987 to 1988 he traveled all over the world with his Thomas Anders Show. In 1989, his first solo album Different was released, which was soon followed by five more albums: Whispers (1991), Down On Sunset (1992), When Will I See You Again (1993), Spanish-speaking Barcos de cristal (1994) and Souled ( 1995).

In 1998, the reunion of the Modern Talking group took place. Their seventh album, Back For Good, once again hit the top of all European charts. Until the final breakup of the duo, which occurred in 2003, Anders and Bohlen recorded six more studio albums: Back For Good (1998), Alone (1999), Year of the Dragon (2000), America (2001), Victory (2002), Universe (2003) and The Final Album (2003).

Continuing his solo career, Thomas recorded five more studio albums: This time (2004), Songs Forever (2006, acoustic album with the Warsaw Symphony Orchestra and the Babelsberg Film Studio Orchestra), Strong (2010), Two (2011), Christmas for You (2012 ) and TBA (2014).

Personal life

Married twice. The first wife of the performer in 1984 was Eleanor (Nora) Balling, a representative of an aristocratic family. The girl is called the reason for the first breakup of the Modern Talking group in 1987. The couple divorced at the end of 1998.

The second wife of Thomas was the secretary and translator of a large transport company Claudia Hess, whom he met in 1996 even before the official divorce from Nora. With Claudia, the musician got around in 2000, and in 2002 she gave birth to his son

Alexandra Mick Weidunga.

Interesting Facts

Real name - Bernd Weidung

Michael Jackson presented him with his autographed hat from the video Smooth Criminal

In addition to his real name, the singer's passport also has a creative pseudonym.

Wore a pendant with the name of his ex-wife Nora on a thick gold chain

Thomas Anders has written the official anthem for the popular German ice ballet Holiday On Ice, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Thomas' ballad Just Dream became the main theme of two programs - "Fantasy" and "Diamond Dreams"

Known as a composer who has composed a large number of songs not only for himself, but also for the duo Modern Talking, Engelbert Humperdinck, Three Degrees, No Angels and other artists

Composed music and sang songs for the films "Stockholm Marathon" and "Phantom Pain"


1989 - Different

1991 - Whispers

1992 - Down On Sunset

1993 - When Will I See You Again

The most romantic singer of the eighties, who published six albums between 1989 and 1995, which gained significant popularity abroad, Thomas Anders, whose real name is Bernd Weidung, was born on March 1, 1963 in the German city of Münstermeifeld. At the age of seven, he began singing in a church choir, and at the end of 1979 won a prestigious music competition on Radio Luxembourg, after which he was offered to sign a contract with the record company CBS.

In 1980, when Thomas was seventeen, he recorded and released with producer Daniel David his first single "Judy" (German version of Randy Vanwarmer's "Call Me"). In the same year, Anders toured Germany with Tommi's Teen Rock Show and recorded two songs for the show's LP.

In 1981, Thomas made his television debut with another single, and in 1982 signed a contract with HANSA (now BMG) and began collaborating with producers who worked with GG Anderson and Silent Circle.

In 1983 the young producer Dieter Bohlen, later known for his work with Chris Norman, invited Thomas to record the German version of F. R. David's "Pick Up The Phone". Bohlen was impressed by the beauty of Thomas Anders' voice and as a result they released several singles in German, one of which, "Wovon träumst Du denn?", Reached number 16 in the German Top 20.


In the summer of 1984, the record company asked Thomas to sing in English to attract a foreign audience, and a re-version of the Real Life hit "Catch Me I" m Falling was released under the name HEADLINER. partner for Thomas to create a duet. ”At first, no one imagined that this partner would be Dieter Bohlen, he had only to write and produce songs.

In autumn 1984 Dieter Bohlen gave a name to the new project and wrote a song in English "You" re My Heart, You "re My Soul". This is how Modern Talking was born.

The first single immediately took off to the top of the charts throughout Europe and stayed there for six weeks. Bohlen joined the duo as soon as unexpected and completely unexpected success came to the project. This was followed by a series of number one hits - "You Can Win If You Want", "Cheri Cheri Lady", "Brother Louie" (# 4 in the UK charts), and "Atlantis Is Calling". Thus, "Modern Talking" soon became the most popular German duo of all time. It was this group that created the unique and recognizable sound of the 80s, selling 7 double platinum discs, 11 platinum and 4 gold discs worldwide.


In the fall of 1987, Thomas Anders and Dieter Bohlen parted ways.

Thomas moved to California (USA) and, having met with such world famous producers as Jim Steinman (Bonnie Tyler), Bolland and Bolland (Falco), Tony Swain (SPANDAU BALLET), Bjorn Ulweis and Benny Anderson (ABBA), George Martin ( THE BEATLES) and others, began discussing the continuation of his solo career. It was during this time that he wrote the song "I Can Never Let You Go" for Engelbert Humperdink and founded the MAN-X project, which accompanied him on the Thomas Anders Show world tour. In the period from 1987 to 1988, his concerts, held in various parts of the world, attracted up to 85 thousand enthusiastic fans; this was the case in Sun City and Cape Town, Katowice and Budapest, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taipei, Santiago de Chile, Moscow, St. Petersburg and many other cities. Among the many songs at the concerts were the author's "Tell Me", and Barry Manilow's rehash of "One Voice" and "Could It Be Magic". Unfortunately, none of these entries have ever been published.


Then Thomas Anders signed a contract with WARNER and went to England, to Alan Parsons studio, to work there with two famous producers - Gus Dudgeon (Elton John) and Alan Tarney (A-HA). In 1989, radically changing his image and musical style, Anders recorded and released his first solo album, "Different", which was sold in Europe, South Africa, Taiwan and, later, in Russia. With his first single "Love Of My Own" Thomas reached number 24 on the German charts. During 1989-90, in order to promote the new album, Thomas continued the world tour "Thomas Anders Show", collecting sold out houses at major concert venues in East Germany, Turkey, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, South Africa, Chile, the USSR and other countries. The concert of Thomas Anders in the framework of the international festival in Vina del Mar in February 1989, was recorded and released on the videotape "Live In Chile". The concert included a medley of world famous love ballads, "Me Va, Me Va" by Julio Iglesias and "Latin Medley".


In 1991 in London, Anders, together with producers Paul Muggleton and Mike Paxman, known for their work with Nick Kamen, began work on the second dance album "Whispers", which became a worthy addition to the discography singer, and was published in Germany, France, Taiwan, South Africa and other countries. Backing vocals on the album were performed by English singer Judie Tzuke. The first single from this album, "The Sweet Hello, The Sad Goodbye", was donated to Anders by the ROXETTE duo; the second single, "Can" t Give You Anything (But My Love) ", was recorded in both English and Spanish.

In 1992, Anders turned his attention to POLYDOR (now Universal) and recorded "Down On Sunset" in the United States with world-renowned producers Christian de Walden (Amanda Lear) and Ralf Stemmann (Ricky Martin). One of the songs included in the album, Thomas sang a duet with Glenn Medeiros (Glenn Medeiros), known for his cover of "Nothing" s Gonna Change My Love For You ".

In 1993, Anders gained new experience by playing a role in the Swedish film Stockholm Marathon. He also wrote the title track for this film.

For the next album, the manager introduced Thomas to the hit of the seventies, "When Will I See You Again" from THE THREE DEGREES. This song topped the new album, giving it its name. The musicians thought for a long time about how to cover this composition, and decided to invite its original performers. Thus, for the twentieth anniversary of the song, Thomas Anders re-performed the ageless hit "When Will I See You Again" with THE THREE DEGREES.

This short-term project has grown into a long-term and fruitful collaboration. Thomas gave "Three Degrees" a new start by writing several songs for their highly acclaimed album "Out The Past Into The Future".

In 1994, Anders released the Latin American pop album "Barcos de Cristal" in Spanish for the American, Spanish and Latin American markets. In Argentina, the album peaked at the top of the charts; Thomas also wrote the title track for an Argentinean television series and toured Latin America with Marta Sánchez, for whom he wrote the number one hit in Mexico "Tal Vez."

While working in the United States, Thomas met producer Peter Wolf, known for his work with Frank Zappa, and in 1995 they recorded and released the album "Souled", which included a duet with POINTER SISTERS.


In the early 90s, Anders dabbled in club dance music and was one of the first to use DJs to remix his singles. In 1996 in Los Angeles, Thomas Anders met with a group of musicians to discuss his musical future. He believed that it was time for him to change his musical style. As a result, hiding under the pseudonym "Phantomas", Thomas took part in the dance project of the same name and, together with producers Ramon Zenker (FRAGMA), Andreas Schneider (KOSMONOVA) and Olaf Dickman (AQUAGEN), recorded a couple of singles: "Our House" (cover of the hit by MADNESS), and "No Doubt About It".

In the same 1996, Anders successfully tried his hand at being a radio presenter.

Another dance project in which Thomas Anders took part was called CHAIN ​​REACTION. The only single "Every Word You Said" was released in 1997 in collaboration with producer Axel Breitung (DJ BOBO).

Following the success of the Stockholm Marathon, Thomas starred in the German short film Phantomschmerz and sang the song for that film.

Developing as a musician and a creative person, Thomas Anders found an additional stimulus for himself in his work, playing jazz. In early 1997 he released a limited edition "live" album on which he performed well-known jazz standards.

In the same year, Thomas, together with the Philharmonic String Orchestra, gave a grandiose two-hour concert, which featured songs from musicals and films of the last century.

In 1996-97, the documentary "Live In Russia" was released, filmed during Thomas's tour of Russia. The film was released for Christmas 1997 and distributed to members of the official fan club.


In 1998, Modern Talking reunited in Europe and released the album Back For Good, which featured a photo of the duo on the cover; it was the biggest comeback ever in pop history. The album remained at the top of all European charts for over twenty weeks and was released in more than fifty countries, where it reached platinum and double platinum status.

MODERN TALKING has sold over 42 million sound carriers that have received 40 Platinum and over 200 Gold awards. According to the site of Thomas Anders, the most honorable of them are: "Goldene Stimmgabel" ("Golden tuning fork"), "Goldene Europe" ("Golden Europe").

From that time on, Thomas as a solo artist practically ceased to exist. True, from time to time he made attempts at independent creativity, performing at charity concerts and fanclub meetings. For example, on New Year's Eve 1999 in one of the Koblenz churches, Thomas Anders gave a charity concert, at which he sang famous American and European Christmas carols, accompanied by a symphony orchestra and a children's church choir. Since then, participation in Christmas concerts has become a tradition for Thomas.

He also participated in KA's production projects. G. B (No Angels, It-G! Rls, T-Seven, TEARs and others). Many of these projects topped the charts in Germany and Latin America.

In 2000, Thomas played one of the roles in the German film "Mühle Dame Mord" ("Mill, Lady, Murder").

On May 31 and June 1, 2003, Thomas gave two concerts for the first time in the USA (Atlantic City, New Jersey and Chicago), and in September 2003, together with the Scorpions group, he played a grandiose concert in Moscow on Red Square.

After the final breakup of "Modern Talking" in 2004, Anders's 19th solo album "This time" was released, which brought him the highest places in the charts in the history of his solo career. With the first single "Independent Girl" Thomas instantly took 17th place in the German hit parade and 6th in Russia. Recording the album, Thomas brought in an international production team that had previously worked with Britney Spears.

Thomas Anders wrote the official anthem for the Guinness World Record Ice Ballet "Holiday On Ice". Thomas' ballad "Just Dream" became the main theme song for two programs - "Fantasy" and "Diamond Dreams", which were included in the "Dream Tour 2004-2005".

On April 16 and 17, 2005, Thomas Anders gave two more concerts in the USA (in New York and Chicago), and from October 27 to 29, 2006 - three more: in Chicago, Irvington (New Jersey) and New Britain.

In March 2006, Thomas realized his old dream and recorded an acoustic album with orchestral accompaniment, inviting the Warsaw Symphony Orchestra and the Babelsberg Film Studio Orchestra for this purpose. The album "Songs Forever", produced by Peter Rees (N'Sync), has collected the most popular compositions of the eighties, re-arranged in a swing style. And in April the compilation "The DVD Collection" was released, following in the footsteps of "Songs Forever"; this DVD includes twenty videos of Thomas, filmed throughout his creative career.

In 2008, the single "Kisses for Christmas" was released on Christmas Eve.

At the beginning of 2009, the fans learned that a new solo album of the singer "Good Karma" was being prepared for release. With the title track, Thomas appeared on a television show, several songs had already been performed at concerts, but a message appeared on the singer's official website that the album would not be released. Thomas explained this by saying that he was not satisfied with the quality of the material already recorded.

It's no secret that Thomas Anders is very popular in Russia, and in early 2010, the album Strong was released, designed for a Russian audience. All songs were written by composer Sergei Revtov. According to many Russian-speaking fans of the singer, this is one of his best solo albums. You can listen and download the best compositions of the artist in the MP3 section.

Thomas Anders toured a lot with Modern Talking songs and with his own compositions. Solo concerts are always held live, with phonogram he performs exclusively on TV shows and on venues where it is not possible to play live.

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Thomas Anders

Thomas Anders, real name - Bernd Weidung. Born March 1, 1963 in Münstermeifeld, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. German pop singer, actor and composer, former soloist of the disco group "Modern Talking".

Bernd Weidung, who became widely known as Thomas Anders, was born on March 1, 1963 in Münstermeifeld (Rhineland-Palatinate), near Koblenz.

It is known that both his real name and a creative pseudonym are inscribed in his passport.

The father was burgomaster, encouraged his son to study music. Thomas sang in the church choir, took piano lessons for almost ten years and learned to play the guitar himself.

After leaving school, he studied Germanic studies (German language and literature) and musicology in Mainz.

In 1979 he won the Radio Luxembourg competition.

In 1980, his first single, Judy, was released. The record company advises Bernd to take the pseudonym Thomas Anders, with whom he enters the big stage. After the release of the single, Thomas toured Germany for 15 days with other young performers.

In 1981 he made his television debut in the Michael Schanz show. In 1983, while recording a cover-version of F. R. David's song, he met an aspiring producer and composer. This is followed by several more joint works in German, as well as the English-language composition Catch Me I’m Falling - a cover of a song by the Australian band Real Life, released as a Headliner project. The single Wovon träumst du denn reaches number 16 on the German chart.

In October 1984 Thomas and Dieter teamed up to form a duo and released the single You’re My Heart, You’re My Soul, which became number one in Europe. This single lasted six months on the European popularity lists. Over the next three years, Modern Talking recorded 6 albums and 9 singles, 5 of which were number one in the charts.

The duo have sold over 60 million sound carriers that have received 40 Platinum and over 200 Gold awards. In 1987 Modern Talking ceased to exist due to the expiration of the contract and the reluctance of both participants to renew it. Thomas as "The Thomas Anders Show" embarks on a world tour of great success.

The gap occurred at a concert in Munich in 1986. As fans screamed and raged, waiting for their idols to take the stage, a major brawl ensued behind the curtain. Thomas, apart from Dieter, had two girls on backing vocals - his wife Nora Balling and Jutta (her friend). Dieter also had two Munich girls - Sylvia Zuniga and Biggy Nandke, however, instead of being on stage, they turned between the guards. And besides, Nora found rotten chickens in her dressing room. Enraged, she sent her assistant, Guido Karp, to instruct the guards to kick them out. This did not happen and Nora and Jutta left the stage, giving way to Biggie and Sylvia, Thomas followed his wife.

The concert was over, and now everyone knew what was going on. Backstage, Nora threw out her rage on Dieter so loudly that everyone could hear it.

In 1987, the contract expired and Bohlen decided that Modern Talking should be temporarily suspended. The group decided not to tell anyone about this fact, and by mutual agreement of the participants broke up.

Modern Talking - Jet Airliner

After the duo disbanded, Thomas collaborated with the Man-X trio, supporting the artist during the world tour, and produced, with his wife Nora (Nora Isabelle Balling), their singles Waiting So Long and I Believe.

In 1988, Anders, in collaboration with Marc Cassandra and under the direction of producer Jack White, wrote the song I Can Never Let You Go for the famous performer Engelbert Humperdinck, which is included in his album In Liebe.

In 1989, Anders released his first solo album, Different, produced and directed by Gus Dudgeon, best known for his work with David Bowie, Paul McCartney and Elton John.

In 1990, Anders (together with SBK Music Publishing) created his own music publishing house "Thomas Anders Music", which in January 2000, with the participation of two partners Thomas Christian Geller and Guido Karp, was transformed into the music publishing house KA.GB Music GmbH, in cooperation with Sony / ATV Music Publishing (Germany) GmbH.

In 1991 in London, Anders, together with producers Paul Muggleton and Mike Paxman, known for working with Nick Kamen, began work on the second album Whispers, which was released in Germany, France, Taiwan, Korea, South Africa and other countries. Backing vocals on the album were performed by English singer Judie Tzuke. The first single from this album, "The Sweet Hello, The Sad Goodbye", was donated to Anders by the duo Roxette; the second single, "Can't Give You Anything (But My Love)", was recorded in both English and Spanish.

In 1992, Anders switched to the record company Polydor (now Universal) and recorded the album Down On Sunset in the United States with renowned producers Christian de Walden (Amanda Lear) and Ralf Stemmann (Ricky Martin). One of the songs included in the album, Thomas sang a duet with Glenn Medeiros, known for his cover of "Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You". Down on Sunset opens his so-called "sunny" period of creativity (albums written and produced by the same team in the period 1992-1994).

Thomas himself took an active part in writing songs, but under the pseudonym Chris Copperfield, which was listed among the authors in the booklet for the album. The album includes 11 songs, including the song "Laughter In The Rain" - a cover version of the famous song by Neil Sedaki, released in the mid-70s. Another song on the album, "Standing Alone", was recorded by Anders in a duet with the famous American singer Glenn Medeiros, who performed in 1987 the song "Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You", which became popular all over the world. The idea of ​​their collaboration arose after their chance acquaintance in Los Angeles. As a result, a song was recorded, later released as a single for the album, and a video clip was shot.

In 1993, Anders gained new experience by playing a role in the Swedish film Stockholm Marathon. He also wrote the title track for this film.

For the next album, the manager introduced Thomas to the hit of the seventies "When Will I See You Again" from The Three Degrees. This song topped the new album, giving it its name. The musicians decided to invite her original performers. Thus, for the twentieth anniversary of the song, Thomas Anders re-performed the hit "When Will I See You Again" with The Three Degrees. This short-term project developed into further cooperation. Thomas gave the band a fresh start by writing several songs for their highly acclaimed album "Out The Past Into The Future". Another cover version on the album is the ballad "Midnight", originally performed by Nikka Costa in 1989.

The song "Marathon Of Life" was written specifically for one of the episodes of the series "Commissioner Martin Beck", called "Stockholm Marathon", in which Thomas Anders played one of the roles, which was the singer's first experience in cinema. The song "Dance In Heaven" was written by Thomas after a telephone conversation with his elderly American fan Ethel, whom he had personally met several years earlier.

In 1994, Anders released the Spanish-language album Barcos de cristal in the US for the Latin American market. In Argentina, the album peaked at the top of the charts; Thomas also wrote the title song for the Argentinean television series and the song "Tal Vez" for Marta Sánchez, which became a number one hit in Mexico.

While working in the United States, Thomas met producer Peter Wolf, known for his work with Frank Zappa, and in 1995 they recorded and released the album Souled. Souled was recorded between May and November 1994 in Los Angeles at The Embassy Studios. During this period, Anders radically changes his image (for the first time he cuts his hair very short, wears black) and the musical style inherent in the singer's previous albums. The album was produced by Peter Wolf. The work on the album was very intense. Months of work in the studio drained Anders' strength to the point of fainting, in connection with which he had to be hospitalized and interrupted work for some time.

In 1996, Thomas Anders, hiding under the pseudonym "Phantomas", took part in the dance project of the same name and, together with producers Ramon Zenker (Fragma), Andreas Schneider (Kosmonova) and Olaf Dickman (Aquagen), recorded a couple of singles: "Our House" ( cover of the hit group Madness), and "No Doubt About It".

Another dance project in which Thomas Anders took part was called Chain Reaction. The only single "Every Word You Said" was released in 1997 in collaboration with producer Axel Breitung (DJ Bobo). Several songs for this project were written by David Brandes (E-Rotic, Bad Boys Blue), but they were never released.

Following the success of the Stockholm Marathon, Thomas starred in the German film Phantomschmerz and sang the song for that film.

Developing as a musician and a creative person, Thomas Anders found an additional stimulus for himself in his work, playing jazz. In early 1997 he released a "live" album on which he performed well-known jazz standards. Anders has included jazz acts in his recitals before, performing classic American songs such as Summer Wind, Mack The Knife, The Girl From Ipanema, I Get A Kick Out Of You, The Lady Is A Tramp ”and others, but for the first time the singer recorded a whole jazz concert and released it as an album. He accompanied Thomas in the Lilly Thornton jazz band with Meinhard Jenne, Klaus Koch, Roland Döringer, Volker Dorsch and Lilly Thornton. The album includes songs from the repertoire of Frank Sinatra and Barry Manilow. The album did not go on sale widely, but was distributed only to members of the singer's fan club.

In the spring of 1998, there was a sudden revival of the duo Modern Talking. which had disintegrated more than ten years earlier. Thomas Anders and Dieter Bohlen record an album of remixes and old hits of the group (Back For Good) and go to a concert together. However, after 5 years (in 2003), the history of the duo ends again.

During the existence of the revived Modern Talking, Thomas does not leave work on projects with other stars, for whom he writes songs and participates in their production. Among them, one can note the collaboration with No Angels, T-Seven (a project of the former soloist of the popular band Mr. President in the mid-1990s), Marta Sanchez, Isabel Varell, It Girls.

Modern Talking - No. 1 Hit Medley

On June 7, 2003, Dieter Bohlen, at a concert in Rostock (Germany) in front of 24,000 spectators, completely unexpectedly for the duo's management and the management of the record company, announced the disintegration of Modern Talking: “I must tell you that Modern Talking is over. Thomas and I decided we were going our separate ways again in the future. ”

The official version of the breakup, according to Dieter, was that Thomas, without his knowledge, undertook a solo tour of the United States in the summer of 2003.

On May 31 and June 1, 2003, Thomas gave several concerts for the first time in the USA (Atlantic City, New Jersey and Chicago), and in September 2003, together with the Scorpions, he played a grandiose concert in Moscow on Red Square.

In 2004, Anders' 7th solo album "This time" was released, which brought him the highest places in the charts in the history of his solo career. With the first single "Independent Girl", Thomas instantly took 17th place in the German hit parade and 6th in Russia. Recording the album, Thomas brought in an international production team that had previously worked with Britney Spears.

Thomas Anders wrote the official anthem for the Guinness World Record Ice Ballet "Holiday On Ice". Thomas' ballad "Just Dream" became the main theme song for two programs - "Fantasy" and "Diamond Dreams", which were included in the "Dream Tour 2004-2005".

On April 16 and 17, 2005, Thomas Anders gave two more concerts in the United States (in New York and Chicago), and from October 27 to October 29, 2006 - three more: in Chicago, Irvington (New Jersey) and New Britain.

In March 2006, Thomas realized his old dream and recorded an acoustic album with orchestral accompaniment, inviting the Warsaw Symphony Orchestra and the UFA Film Studio Orchestra in Babelsberg for this purpose. The album Songs Forever, produced by Peter Rees (N'Sync), brings together the most popular songs of the eighties, re-arranged in a swing style. April saw the release of The DVD Collection, following in the footsteps of Songs Forever; this DVD includes twenty videos of Thomas, filmed throughout his creative career.

In March 2010, the album "Strong" was released, recorded specifically for the Russian market. The disc became the first experience of Thomas's collaboration with the Russian team of the production center "Good Taste Music". Before the release of the disc, a marketing research was carried out, which showed that the singer's fans expect him to return to melodic pop music. It was in this style that the new album was made. "Strong" debuted at # 2 on the Russian chart (only Sergei Lazarev's album Electric Touch surpassed it) and went gold in the fourth week of sales. The total circulation of the album in Russia exceeded 650 thousand copies, and as a result it became double platinum, becoming the most successful in the singer's solo career.

To promote the album, video clips were shot, remixes were made and singles were released for the main hits of the album - "Why do you cry?" and "Stay with me". All songs for "Strong" were written by Russian composer Sergei Revtov, video clips were shot by Pavel Khudyakov's studio, which works with American pop stars.

To popularize the new album during 2010-2012, Thomas presented his new "Strong Tour" in Russia, having visited more than twenty Russian cities with concerts. After recording material for "Strong" there were several unreleased tracks.

Thomas Anders - Why Do You Cry

In September 2011, the digital release of the album Strong in Europe was released, which contains 5 previously unreleased songs, and Anders' autobiography In 100 Anders was also released in the same month. In November, Nora Balling filed a lawsuit against Thomas for the offensive remarks about her in the book, and won the case. The court called on Thomas to remove these offensive quotes or (in case of refusal) to pay 100 thousand euros - he chose both.

On February 8, 2012, the song "No ordinary love" was released - a duet of Thomas Anders and Ukrainian singer Kamaliya, the premiere took place at the Ukrainian Music Awards (YUNA). The song was written by Uwe Fahrenkrog.

In 2013, Thomas released the single "We Are One", recorded as a duet with Persian singer Omid. The song is half in English, half in Farsi. A video was also shot for the song, visualizing the meaning of the lyrics.

In April 2014, Thomas announced the imminent release of a new single, as well as that his new album would be released in the fall, but in the end everything was limited to the single "Everybody Wants to Rule The World". In the same year, the three-disc compilation "The Love In Me" was released, which contains a previously unreleased song, presumably 1992, "Promised Land".

On August 8, 2015, Thomas performed a solo concert in Yoshkar-Ola at the city day celebration. Thomas' hour-long performance ended with a festive fireworks display. He performed the song “You’re My Heart, You’re My Soul” with a guitar and dedicated it to Yoshkar-Ola.

In October 2015, two songs were released with Boston-based opera singer Deborah Sasson - rehash from the musicals The Beauty and the Beast and True Love. In the same year, Thomas Anders gave two successful concerts in the USA - in Los Angeles and New York.

On May 27, 2016 the new studio album "History" was released, which consists of 13 re-recorded hits of the duo and two new songs - "Lunatic" and "Take the Chance". "Lunatic" was released as a single and was recorded according to the song structure of "Modern Talking" and with backing vocals that fit well with Dieter Bohlen's sound.

On June 10, 2016, a concert was held in Moscow at the Crocus City Hall, which was broadcast live on the Retro-FM radio station.

On April 7, 2017, another studio album "Pures Leben" was released, this time completely from new songs and for the first time in German (before that Thomas Anders had only singles in German, even before participating in Modern Talking). On February 25, the video for the single "Der Beste Tag Meines Lebens" was released, which turned out to be the title. The album reached 14th place on the charts in Germany.

On June 12, 2017, Thomas Anders performed at the City Day celebration in the city of Tambov (Tambov Region, Russia). Thomas Anders performed his hits recorded during the existence of the duo Modern Talking. At the end of Thomas's hour-long performance, a festive fireworks took place.

Thomas Anders's height: 172 centimeters.

Personal life of Thomas Anders:

He was married twice.

The first wife - Eleanor (Nora) Balling (Nora Isabelle Balling), from an aristocratic family, beautician-make-up artist, was engaged in creating the image of her husband. They got married in 1984, got married a year later. It is known that Nora had a great influence on her husband, because of her scandals arose in the Modern Talking group.

In 1987, the couple moved to the California coast. Since 1994, they lived separately, and in 1998 they filed for a divorce.

The second wife is Claudia Hess. We met in 1996, she was his translator. Soon they began a relationship, in 2000 the couple got married. On June 27, 2002, their son Alexander Mik Vaidung was born.

Interestingly, the musician was often attributed to non-traditional sexual orientation. “I was often mistaken for gay. Everywhere I went, everyone talked about it, especially in the 1980s. And I can understand why. If someone has good manners, can say three sentences without mistakes and without hesitation, pays attention to his appearance, in Germany he is immediately known as gay. But now all this has stopped, ”said the singer.

Thomas Anders owns a hat from the Smooth Criminal video with his own signature and caption made especially for Thomas by Michael.

Discography of Thomas Anders:

as part of Modern Talking:

1985 - The First Album
1985 - Let’s Talk About Love
1986 - Ready for Romance
1986 - In the Middle of Nowhere
1987 - Romantic Warriors
1987 - In the Garden of Venus
1998 - Back For Good
1999 - Alone
2000 - Year of the Dragon
2001 - America
2002 - Victory
2003 - Universe


1989 - Different
1991 - Whispers
1992 - Down On Sunset

1994 - Barcos de cristal
1995 - Souled
2004 - This time
2006 - Songs Forever
2010 - Strong
2012 - Christmas for You
2016 - History
2017 - Pures Leben

Singles by Thomas Anders:

1980 - Judy
1980 - Du weinst um ihn
1981 - Es war die Nacht der ersten Liebe
1982 - Ich will nicht dein Leben
1983 - Was macht das schon
1983 - Wovon träumst du denn
1984 - Endstation Sehnsucht
1984 - Heißkalter Engel

1989 - Love Of My Own
1989 - One Thing
1989 - Soldier
1991 - The Sweet Hello, The Sad Goodbye

1991 - Can't Give You Anything (But My Love) - Remix
1991 - True Love
1992 - How Deep Is Your Love
1992 - Standing Alone
1992 - Stay A Little Longer
1993 - When Will I See You Again
1993 - When Will I See You Again - Remixes
1993 - I'll Love You Forever
1993 - I'll Love You Forever - Remixes
1994 - The Love In Me
1994 - The Love In Me - Remixes
1994 - Barcos de Cristal
1994 - Road To Higher Love
1995 - Never Knew Love Like This Before
1995 - Never Knew Love Like This Before - Remixes
1995 - A Little Bit Of Lovin "
1996 - No Doubt About It
1996 - No Doubt About It - The Remixes
1996 - Our House
1997 - Every Word You Said
2003 - Independent Girl
2004 - King Of Love
2004 - Tonight Is The Night
2004 - Just Dream
2006 - A Very Special Feeling
2006 - Songs That Live Forever (Canceled)
2006 - All Around The World (promo-single)
2008 - Ibiza Baba Baya / For You
2008 - Ziele (feat. Sistanova)
2008 - Kisses For Christmas

2010 - Why do you cry?
2010 - Stay With Me
2010 - The Christmas Song
2011 - Gigolo
2011 - No More Tears On The Dancefloor

Videos by Thomas Anders:

1983 - Heißkalter Engel
1984 - Es geht mir gut heut "Nacht
1989 - Love Of My Own
1989 - One Thing
1989 - Soldier
1991 - Can't Give You Anything (But My Love)
1992 - Standing Alone
1994 - Road To Higher Love
2003 - Independent Girl
2004 - King Of Love
2004 - Tonight Is The Night
2006 - All Around The world
2006 - Cry For Help
2009 - The Night Is Still Young (duet with Sandra)
2010 - Why do you cry?
2010 - Stay With Me
2011 - Gigolo (Anders / Fahrenkrog)
2011 - No More Tears On The Dancefloor (Anders / Fahrenkrog)
2012 - No ordinary love (duet with Kamaliya)
2013 - We Are One (duet with Omid)
2017 - Der Beste Tag meines Lebens

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