All books are about: “the secretary and the boss. Selection by tag: "Boss and Secretary" Constantly looking at you

What do women think?

Naturally, only a woman who is not completely overwhelmed with home and family can use her charm on her boss. She must have a desire to flirt and express her sexuality.

Of course, there are no official statistics on the number of relationships between boss and subordinates. But as a result of surveys, more than 70% of women are ready to start relationships at work. Only 12% are categorically against connections with their boss and will not agree to this under any circumstances. They perceive advances from their boss extremely negatively and sometimes prefer to quit so as not to create problems. But there are quite a few really concerned leaders. Sometimes, having received a refusal, they completely lose interest and switch to another object. But you should clearly say no. Men understand omissions and hints very poorly. A woman should watch herself very closely and not provoke or encourage her boss. All communication must be about work.

But as can be seen from the statistics, a large number of women dream of having an affair with their boss, but they may be stopped by the fear that their husband or friend will find out. Also, some women understand that if the relationship breaks down, they may be fired.

Already at the first interview with the boss, a woman decides for herself whether she likes this man and is ready to have a closer relationship with him. Based on this, their long-distance communication is built.

Having a loving relationship with your boss has its serious downsides. A woman will always feel subordinate. Even outside of work, the boss will definitely occupy a leading position. Sometimes this will interfere with relaxation and constant discussion of work issues and moments is possible. It is worth remembering that even a bed cannot protect a woman from dismissal and low wages. Therefore, you should not forget that you can get bored of your boss very quickly and he can even fire you so as not to remember it again.

It is very important in such a relationship to do and say things that the boss likes. Any relationship with management is a risk that must be taken consciously.

The team at work will definitely notice changes in the relationship between boss and subordinate. Envy, anger and dissatisfaction on the part of your colleagues will certainly appear. There will be constant gossip in the team and you should be prepared for a large flow of negativity.

When a woman meets her boss, she inevitably begins to compare him with her other half. Very often this leads to an unwanted nervous breakdown. A wealthy boss is more attractive than his usual and dear friend. He is quite often more successful, versatile and interesting. It is very important to keep your head on your shoulders and be sure to think carefully about every step you take. Sometimes a man is kind and generous in the initial stages, then begins to count every penny. In the future, he may turn out to be very frivolous and possibly change favorites frequently. Most often, a woman, having assessed many factors at the initial stage, categorically refuses a relationship with her boss, realizing that this will not lead to anything good.

It is very difficult for women to combine love relationships and work. She takes any criticism or remark quite difficult.

But in addition to numerous disadvantages, an affair with a boss also has its undeniable advantages. Women are quite emotional, and the monotony of family life can bore her. They stop taking care of themselves, their interests begin to be limited to work, kitchen and family. Women stop rejoicing and enjoying life. New relationships and experiences give a strong boost of energy, vigor and self-confidence. Work becomes a joy, it brings pleasure. A woman carefully thinks through her wardrobe and makeup every day. She definitely begins to pay a lot of attention to herself, taking care of herself and visiting salons. It has been noticed that women become more beautiful and attractive.

Most often, love affairs at work are not advertised. This gives the relationship a special piquancy. Random touches and kisses ignite passion.

Often, the boss of his favorites quickly promotes them, helping them build a career. The boss and the woman will definitely have common topics of conversation. If the subordinate is smart and calculating enough, you can get a lot from such a relationship.

All-Boss Novels can be divided into three main and frequently encountered groups:

  1. A woman dreams and hopes to marry a superior officer. According to statistics, this happens extremely rarely and it is very foolish to hope for it.
  2. Relationships are started to gain promotions and salary increases. But it is worth remembering that many men are chauvinists. They believe that a woman created for love pleasures cannot and should not be smart. Also, obtaining a high position through relationships with your boss will certainly be perceived by colleagues as a huge injustice. You need to be prepared that they will try in every possible way to harm and set you up. But many manage to advance quite successfully in their careers with the patronage of their boss.
  3. From the lack of emotions and attention from her husband in a woman’s life. Sometimes falling in love is possible, which over time can turn into love. It is precisely such relationships that can bring the greatest pleasure and make people happy and energetic. In this case, the woman does not pursue any goals at all and therefore does not expect much from the boss. Even a short, bright romance can leave pleasant memories without affecting your work at all.

Sometimes it happens that a woman wants to be with her boss for various reasons, but he does not notice her. There are several simple ways to get his attention. Before you begin any action, you need to get to know your boss as best as possible. There are many opportunities for this at work. It is important to find out little things regarding taste and political preferences.

It’s worth paying attention to yourself through your performance. In any situation, it is necessary to make comments that must completely coincide with the opinion of the boss. You have to be a little sneaky. Naturally, appearance is of great importance, with a slight hint of sexuality. It is imperative to establish relationships with the team. There is no need to forget that the bulk of all working time is spent with the team. Good relationships will allow you to avoid negativity and open confrontation. The best place to take more active action is at corporate events, which have become very common lately.

Research by sociologists shows that a third of all married couples met at work, and it is there that most infidelities occur.

Is it even worth starting an office romance?

Nevertheless, office romances rarely destroy a family. Working side by side, you have thoroughly studied both your colleague’s strengths and weaknesses—there is no excessive idealization of his image. Now you need to wait for the natural resolution of events: either the romance will gradually develop into friendship, or it will end in marriage. As a rule, the first happens more often. Novels do not last forever, unlike marriage, where romantic relationships gradually turn into love and affection, which is a very solid foundation for a family. On the one hand, the mistress always looks good, with her the man experiences new sensations. On the other hand, in such a couple there is no mutual assistance that can be obtained in a family. Therefore, after six months or a year, such a romance ends. The best thing is not to try to resuscitate him, but to accept the remaining friendship.

It is not surprising that a work colleague is particularly attractive. At home we can be lazy, sloppy and irritable, being in regression (i.e. descending to a childish level of behavior). The environment in the office, the demands placed on us - all this takes us into an “adult” state and forces us to mobilize. Those who work next to us rate our intellectual and emotional qualities much (30-40 percent) higher than our relatives. Every evening a woman sees her husband in an old tracksuit, and his colleague looking fit and wearing a tie. In addition, at work they not only talk about official topics, but also have lunch together, drink tea, and are constantly in physical contact with each other. To start another office romance, any common event like a party or birthday is enough.

Sexual sensations among partner-colleagues turn out to be unusually strong, and their behavior is bright and relaxed. They often try new forms of intimate life that they did not allow themselves in the family. This is explained by long-term sexual fantasies about a work colleague and great trust in him.

It is usually not that important for a male boss to continue a relationship with a subordinate if he has already been close to her. This is more a matter of pride rather than satisfaction of sexual needs. Many modern managers consider their employees, whom they pay, as concubines, and nothing can be done about it. Even in America, where they actively fight against sexual harassment in the workplace, the victims rarely win the cases. The boss you refused will always be able to humiliate you, find an impossible task, and then fire you.

In general, “office romance” has a positive effect on the work success of lovers. Studies have shown that the presence of lovers lifts the mood of all employees, awakens their erotic fantasies, and improves immunity. The atmosphere created by “office romances” protects not only the lovers, but also their environment from illness.

Many women are crazy about powerful men. This can partly explain the love affair with the boss.

Surely the girl realizes that the relationship is fraught with troubles at work in the future, but still gets close to her boss, unable to resist the call of her heart.

On the threshold of such a novel, everything should be carefully thought through and weighed. Analyze all the risks - this way you can decide whether the game is “worth the candle” and whether you need to get involved in it at all?

If the boss is married

An office romance with a boss who has a family will bring more troubles and troubles than positive moments:

  • you will have to hide very carefully from your colleagues and from his wife;
  • constant secrecy will be a source of stress for both of you;
  • Mixing personal and work relationships does not lead to loving intimacy or good teamwork.

Despite all these nuances, relationships at work with your boss are not that uncommon. Women admire successful representatives of the stronger sex; they are attracted to authority and success in life.

Men rarely refuse attention to women who show interest in them. Often bosses themselves are not averse to “hunting” for a pretty colleague, especially if the situation is conducive to this.

At a corporate party or during a business trip, at a training or conference, it may seem to you that the boss is becoming not just a leader for you, but someone closer - a lover or even a chosen one.

If a romance at work seems inevitable, then you need to decide what to do. Think over the conspiracy, decide how to organize meetings and in what style to communicate.

How to safely have an affair with your boss

Close relationships, including an affair with your boss, involve dating, spending time together, relaxing and having fun.

You need to decide where you can go together with minimal risk of being noticed.
There are not many relatively safe places. These include a rented apartment or hotel room.

Public places - cafes, restaurants or cinemas - will be risky. Country guest houses combine cafes and hotels.

These establishments are good because in addition to comfort, they can provide privacy. They are less crowded than establishments in the city center.

If a married man is seen with a subordinate during a romantic dinner, rumors will spread about their affair, and soon everyone will know about the forbidden relationship.

Spending nights together is a natural desire for lovers, and it doesn’t matter that you are a subordinate and a leader.

An affair with a married boss is further complicated by the fact that a family man must spend the night at home. He can only stay with his mistress if he lies to his wife, inventing a story about a business trip.

But when traveling together to a conference or training, you can use your non-working time for romance and love entertainment. The main thing is not to show off to other colleagues who will also be present at corporate events.

Behavior at work

If your place of work has become the scene of love events, you will have to be very careful so that no one finds out about the affair.

You should not call each other affectionate nicknames or gentle words. “Bunny” or “Sunny” will especially “disturb the ears” of your colleagues if recently you were Tatyana Nikolaevna or even just Tanya to your boss.

If you decide to speak affectionately to your boss in front of other employees, it will not only sound ridiculous, but will also undermine his authority in the eyes of his subordinates.

Try not to turn the manager's office into a place for lovemaking. Although unexpected sex on your desk has its own special passion, constant visits will very soon bring your secret love with your boss to light.

Of course, if you, as an employee, have no other reason to confer with him 2 times a day.

Love for the boss: to hide or not?

No matter how much you want the opposite, an affair with a married boss will definitely have to be carefully hidden throughout the relationship, making sure that no one has any dirt on you.

Personal photographs or a recording of an intimate conversation, accidentally left on an answering machine and then carefully preserved by the secretary, can end up with the boss’s wife or senior management, and then a scandal at work and at home cannot be avoided.

When the boss is a free person and is not burdened by family ties, secrecy in the relationship is not necessary, although it is very desirable.

Just don't rush into publicity. First, make sure that there is more than a passing fling between you.

Only after this can you safely brag to your friends and colleagues that none other than your boss has fallen into your love network.

In most cases, employees begin to guess about someone's relationship with their boss even before he officially talks about it.

If you don't plan to keep your personal life a secret, you can answer your colleagues' questions directly, but avoid sharing intimate details in a particularly boastful tone.

Gossip is very insidious. Under their influence, work friends will turn into envious or spiteful people.

When you leave the office, you will feel stares boring into your back and growing discussions about your personal life. Why not keep stories of love under lock and key?

How to break up with minimal consequences

An affair at work often ends not in a wedding and a happy family life, but in a tragic separation.

When a relationship comes to an end, it is important to decide how to behave so as not to worsen the situation.
The ending of an affair is unpleasant, but if you are going to continue working under your ex, you should try to end the affair peacefully.

If you turn into enemies, the office will become a battlefield, and the work chain of command will become a weapon.
Calmly discuss the unpleasant ending to your relationship with your boss.

Emphasize that you are adults and will not make each other’s lives hell because of past love. Let your boss in the future treat you simply as a subordinate, nothing more.

The role of a mistress at the feet of her boss is the lot of women with low self-esteem. As a way to advance your career, this love scenario is very shaky and unreliable.

Male psychology differs from female psychology in that representatives of the stronger sex clearly distinguish between the personal and work spheres of life. Even if the boss paid attention to you, this does not mean that he fell in love.

It is advisable to avoid relationships at work, especially with your boss, for your own good. An office romance with a married boss threatens to end in a scandal and the need to urgently look for a new job, having received not the best recommendations at the current workplace.

Are all these risks worth your time and effort? Of course yes, but only on the condition that your boss is the last man on Earth.

Work is where we spend almost half of our time. For some, the thought that tomorrow is Monday makes them sad, to put it mildly, but for others, the coming work week is a thrill. Building relationships with colleagues is not so easy, but over time, contact usually improves, but the relationship between a subordinate and a boss is a much more complex combination.

It is so customary in our society that the boss must be respected and even more so - feared. But we are all human, and suddenly it happened that you began to suspect that the boss began to view you not only as a colleague, but also as a sexual object. We bet that first you will tell your friend about your guesses, and then one of your colleagues, who with a close look will be able to refute or confirm your guesses.

In the meantime, Ivetta offers to test the new boyfriend on several points.

1. Gives compliments often

Suddenly you became a beauty in his eyes, and at any convenient or not so convenient occasion, he does not forget to remind you of this. For example, “Your new hairstyle suits you very well” or “Red lipstick makes you look sexy.” Such phrases will certainly confuse each of us and pleasantly surprise, but if such compliments are given to you every day, or even several times a day, then don’t go to the fortune teller - the boss is definitely not indifferent.

2. “Runs up” for compliments

It is also possible that the manager will demand a soft compliment about his business or physical qualities, or he will lead you to the point where you “want” to praise him. Men, like us women, love it very much.

3. Wants to help out after hours

You, as a single girl, of course, could use some male power in the supermarket, household chores or at the dacha, and the boss understands this very well, so he decided to make a move in this way. But if he knows that you are not free, but still initiates his participation in being useful outside of work hours, then this is a statement that he clearly has serious plans for you.

4. Offers a ride

Of course, like a gallant gentleman, he wants to melt your heart by providing comfort. And while you're stuck in traffic jams during rush hour, you can get to know each other better.

5. Gives you extra tasks to keep you in the office late

There is a very fine line here between the fact that he overwhelms you with work because he decided to just exploit you, or he really wants to be alone during non-working hours. Perhaps for a ride later.

6. Sends messages whose content is not related to work

"Hi, how are you?" – when you see such a seemingly innocent SMS, you should tense up. There are two options: the first - he wants to offer to work and the second - he starts a conversation as if about nothing. If the second option came true, then he clearly planned to take your relationship to a less official level.

7. Promotes career advancement

Of course, you dream of advancing in your career, maybe for this you even try to work more and develop as a professional. And of course, you deserve this promotion, but think about whether this is a bonus for the fact that the boss’s amorous feelings outweighed his prudence and business acumen.

8. Ignores mistakes

I was late for work, didn’t make a report, or forgot to make an important call. “Now I’m about to get screwed,” you think. But no, the boss didn’t seem to notice. If your mess went unnoticed, then don’t speculate on it, because maybe it’s just an accident.

9. Makes cute surprises

Sends flowers or chocolates as if incognito, but with a hint of his modest personality, or decides to act openly and gives in person. This is a sure sign that you are hooked on him.

10. Treats

According to etiquette, a man should pay in a restaurant, but if the boss decided to take the initiative and at least treat him to coffee from the machine, then you can give yourself a plus.

11. Tries to find out more about you

This point is especially important. If you found out that the director looked into your personal file, which is kept in the personnel department, for no apparent reason, then he is either going to fire you, or promote you (and this is also a sign of sympathy, which we have already talked about), or he wants to influence your marital status. The option when he asks you about the details of your personal life is even more correct.

12. Shares information about yourself

Not everyone is ready to talk about their life to colleagues, much less subordinates. And if you find out, as if by chance, that the boss’s heart is free or that his mother still asks if he forgot to put on his hat while his adult son is in charge of hundreds of specialists, then this is a sure sign of sympathy.

13. Constantly looks at you

Do your boss's eyes often begin to focus on you? Well, you're in trouble. Get ready for the fact that soon all the above points will begin to appear in your life.

14. Tries to limit your communication with male colleagues

In this way, the male wants to protect himself from competitors who, despite the fact that they may be significantly lower in rank, are able to interest you much more than the boss.

15. Invites you on a date

This is the last criterion. What else do you need? Everything is visible here. It is unlikely that he decided to spend time with you in a non-work environment to discuss strategically important issues. The male instinct of the conqueror probably came into play here, thanks to which the boss will use all his charm and melt your heart.

Reciprocating or rejecting advances is your personal choice. But, before you get scared of excessive attention, think about what if this is your betrothed, and you will start seeing each other more often not in the office, but in the living room of your apartment.

Love with your boss - are there any prospects for such a relationship? How to tell if your boss is attracted to you. Disadvantages and advantages of an office romance with your boss.

The content of the article:

Love with your boss is not a universal phenomenon, but it is very common. Two things can push a woman into such a relationship - selfish motives or feelings. But neither one nor the other motivation guarantees the successful completion of an affair, since it has no fewer pitfalls than in a relationship with a married man. Let's look at all the ins and outs of love with your boss.

Signs your boss likes you

In principle, the development of a romance with a boss can go in two directions: either it develops, or it is nipped in the bud (for personal reasons, according to corporate frameworks, etc.). In this case, the initiative can come both from the boss himself and from an interested subordinate. In any case, you need to notice his expressions of interest in time in order to build further tactics of action.

The main signs of a boss's sympathy:

  • Facial expressions, gestures, movements. Our body is our main “traitor” when it comes to feelings. Therefore, the boss’s love for his subordinate will be indicated by the following signs: animation at the sight of the object of desire, a sparkle in the eyes, a smile and even a slight blush. He may begin to frantically straighten his tie or jacket or hairstyle. Poses speak more eloquently of sympathy: a boss interested in a close relationship will sit or stand in front of his chosen one with his legs spread wide apart, hiding his hands in his trouser pockets, sticking out his thumbs. He will shorten the distance - sit down or sit closer, as if by chance touching your shoulder or hugging you during a conversation. Not to mention the fact that unceremonious representatives of the management team can show their intentions in a rude and straightforward manner.
  • Friendly attitude. Your boss’s desire to learn more about your personal life can also raise concerns (or give hope) about falling in love. Conducting such “reconnaissance in force”, he, firstly, collects as much information as possible about his opponent or learns about his absence, and secondly, he “gropes” for your weak points on which he can bet. From this emerge offers to help solve a certain problem, give them a ride home, etc. At the same time, he carefully avoids conversations about his personal or family life.
  • The desire to be alone. Another demonstration of interest in a relationship is the desire to be alone with the object of interest more often. This can manifest itself in different ways - from “innocent” requests to stay after work or after a meeting to joint business trips and quite eloquent moves to a closer office or a rendezvous for two.
  • Compliments and indulgences. The boss's sympathy is also supported by his compliments towards you regarding your appearance and character. That is, far from your business qualities. Jokes, anecdotes, and attempts to “trick” are also very often used by men as a way to attract attention. In addition, a representative of the stronger sex with power can afford incentives (bonuses, salary increases, career growth) and concessions in relation to his sympathy.
  • Calls and messages with or without reason. Communicating with your boss by phone or via email is a completely harmless phenomenon in terms of flirting. If it corresponds to the position and is carried out according to the case. It’s another matter when the boss started calling you “at work” or just like that after hours and on weekends, and even more so writing on social networks. This suggests that thoughts about you are already crossing the boundaries of decent.
  • External transformation. A man in love can not only look younger in appearance, but even change his image. This could be a new hairstyle, a new fashionable suit, or a complete change in clothing style.
Also note that this behavior of the boss is directed only at you or at all other employees too. Perhaps he just has this way of communicating with his subordinates and has nothing “like that” in his mind regarding you.

Important! Women are naturally given a powerful weapon - intuition, which can indicate a man’s interest already at the subconscious level. Even without taking into account the above signs.

Pros and cons of an office romance with your boss

Office romance in itself is not a simple type of relationship. Especially between a manager and a subordinate. Therefore, love for a boss brings both positive and negative aspects for both partners.

Pros of an office romance with your boss:

  1. Protection. A relationship with the boss gives you “immunity” from any troubles that may happen at work - from being late to missing deadlines for reports or important projects. In addition, even in conflicts within the team, your lover will always be on your side. The main thing is not to cross the boundaries.
  2. Patronage. Naturally, it will be much easier for the boss’s protégé to move up the career ladder. But here, too, it is important to keep your mark and try to live up to the new position in order to justify the trust of your loved one and not give reasons for unnecessary gossip.
  3. Material benefit. An affair with management promises not only carnal pleasures, but also quite tangible financial support in the form of gifts, various salary increases and bonuses. In this case, the amount of additional payments will depend on the budget of the enterprise or organization, and gifts - on the budget of the lover himself (from rings and perfume to personal business). That is, in the case of a successful relationship, you can solve not only purely work problems, but also personal problems - get an education, improve your appearance, health, living conditions, and even get married profitably.
  4. Self-affirmation. The fact that the boss chose you out of all the employees gives a great temptation for feelings of power and arrogance to flourish in relation to other colleagues. Such weakness can play a cruel joke in the future: firstly, it will give away your romance, and secondly, if you lose the “throne”, it will be very difficult to return to your former relationship with the team.
As you can see, there are many positive aspects to an affair with your boss, and all of them are quite significant. However, there is another side to the coin of such relationships, which also needs to be taken into account when agreeing to love with a leader.

Cons of a relationship with your boss:

  • Restriction of freedom. As already mentioned, the boss is a man. This means that nothing masculine is alien to him. Including a sense of possessiveness. Therefore, by entering into a relationship with him, you automatically become his property. This means that you need to forget about other “options”, and in the case of marriage, relegate your legal spouse to the background. And remember that games of independence in such a union are very dangerous, since they threaten not just a breakup, but loss of work and a bad reputation.
  • The need to keep relationships secret. Keeping your romance a secret in the format of such a relationship is a necessity for several reasons. Firstly, this may be a condition on the part of the boss himself. He may not need such a relationship (he already has a family or is not interested in a serious relationship) or is prohibited by corporate ethics. Secondly, the boss’s mistresses are not liked in the team, which can significantly complicate working conditions.
  • Play by his rules. An affair with a boss is in many ways similar to an affair with a married man: the lover manages not only his own enterprise, but also your relationship. He dictates their form, scope and degree of secrecy. Therefore, the time, place and duration of meetings will also be appointed by them. And this means complete readiness to sacrifice your time and interests in favor of secret meetings at any time of the day or night. Such “on-call” work is quite exhausting for the nervous system, especially for married mistresses who are forced to constantly invent “legends” for their husbands.
  • Maintaining tone. To keep the heat of passion with your boss at the right temperature, you need to constantly keep yourself in shape. This includes appearance (makeup, hairstyle, style and neatness in clothing, beautiful underwear), and attractive physical forms (weight, fit, well-groomed), and a great mood, and activity in terms of intimacy (inventiveness, readiness at any time, liberation). That is, there will be no time to “relax”. Otherwise they may find a replacement.
  • Negative attitude of colleagues. Another “but” that love at work with your boss can turn into. Moreover, the likelihood that you will be disliked in the team is very high. Especially if the team is female. Banal female jealousy and your “special position” can instantly unite all your employees against you, even those whom you considered friends. At best, you will be faced with ignorance and a cold attitude, at worst - with gossip, denunciations and frame-ups.
  • Unpleasant meetings. If your beloved boss is already busy, be prepared to periodically see his wife (sometimes with children) or fiancee visiting their spouse at work. And it is possible that one day they will express a desire to have a heart-to-heart talk with you in front of the entire team.
  • Instability of position. Relationships with your boss are like playing with fire. There is no assurance of safety. You can make a dizzying career, start your own business or marry him. And you can lose everything. Moreover, it is impossible to foresee this, since the decision remains with the lover. Even if you decided to put an end to it.

Important! When assessing the pros and cons of an affair with your boss, consider the statistics of such relationships: only in 30% of cases does the union last for a long time in the form of marriage or romance. In 70% of cases, the woman has to look for a new job: due to dismissal, failure to work with the team, or at her own request.

How to confess your love to your boss

Declaring your love to your boss is a serious step that should only be taken if you are completely sure it is necessary. This requires several components: your determination, reciprocity on the part of the object of love and readiness for any turn of events. It’s no secret that many managers have affairs at work not for the sake of deep feelings and far-reaching consequences. Especially if they already have a family or a serious relationship. But if you still decide to take a step, you need to do it right.

The main rules for confessing your feelings to your boss:

  1. Take your time. Love does not tolerate haste at all. Moreover, love for your leader. Take a closer look, evaluate your chances and its potential. Weigh all the pros and cons, calculate the risks. Make sure your feelings and the presence of reciprocal sympathy from your boss. Try to find out more about his plans for life, attitude towards novels at work, etc. Keep your feelings and your relationship (if you already have one) secret as much as possible.
  2. Do it in private. The boss is still a man. Therefore, the most ideal way to confess your love to your boss would be a pleasant option for any man - a romantic dinner. Depending on what stage your relationship is at, it could be a restaurant, a cozy cafe, a home environment, or a trip out of town. If your romance is in full swing, you can confess your love in a more original way - right in bed, passing by in the corridor, during a corporate party, or presenting a document for signature. Of course, in this case there is a risk that he will not hear you (will not understand, will not believe, will not take you seriously). But there is also a plus - in case of failure, you can always turn everything into a joke.
  3. Watch his reaction. Of course, your chosen one must be prepared for such a turn of events: at a minimum, know about your sympathy, and at a maximum, be in a relationship with you. Confessing your love to an unsuspecting boss is initially dooming yourself to failure. Although even in cases of “preparedness,” the boss may not always be happy about the declaration of love. Therefore, be sure to observe how he perceives your words in order to know in time what to do next. And even if he is not delighted, remember the saying that it is better to regret what you have done.

Important! Still, a declaration of love is a step that a man must take. Therefore, try to make your boss show his feelings first. To do this, just be there, share his emotions and aspirations, show your feelings with actions and hints.

How to prolong your relationship with your boss

If your feelings or motivation outweigh any possible risks of such a relationship, make every effort to make it as pleasant and safe as possible for you.
  • Classified as "top secret". Keep your feelings for him secret from everyone, first, and then your relationship. Even if the boss you love is free, this is not a guarantee that he is not against disclosing your affair. Not to mention if he is not free. The decision to reveal the cards must necessarily be “endorsed” by the lover (or groom, future husband). Don’t forget about the team - their ignorance will greatly facilitate your relationship with them.
  • No complaints. Maximum caution and tact will have to be shown regarding your benefits from the novel. Even if it has begun, this does not give you the right to demand gifts and career growth from your lover and make claims against him regarding eternal employment. Remember, in this relationship he is the leader and you are the follower. If he wants, he will give it to him, he will decide, he will increase his salary or promote him.
  • Maximum sincerity. Don't hide your feelings (when you're alone or have already come out of secrecy mode) and learn to be grateful to him for everything. And not just for gifts and other “delights” of an affair with your boss. But don’t overplay your hand - if some problem upsets you, don’t pretend that everything is fine with you and don’t shy away from asking questions. If he is sincerely interested in what is saddening you, give your beloved man the opportunity to solve the problem. But here, too, do not cross the line between a real problem and a woman’s whim.
  • The ability to wait. Do not forget that the man you have chosen is a person of a certain status and capabilities. And, most likely, he has experience of such relationships. Therefore, his behavior can be partly predictable: in order to test the sincerity of your feelings, he may, on principle, give you nothing but his love at first. And if you pass the “test” without complaints or reproaches, you can count on a further “fruitful” continuation of the relationship.
  • A real look at relationships. No matter how much you love your boss, don't make long-term plans for him. Moreover, do not try to destroy his family or existing relationships. Firstly, you cannot build your happiness on someone else’s grief - it has been proven by generations. Secondly, a man must make such decisions himself.

Important! If you decide to have an affair with your boss, learn to perceive your relationship as it is. Don’t fill your head with castles in the air and your heart with jealousy.

Watch a video about relationships with your boss:

Love with your boss has its risks and does not always end in marriage. But this does not mean that he cannot be the very soul mate that is given to us by fate. So listen to your heart, your intuition, realistically assess the situation and your chances - and try to become happy!

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